
Sargon on Black Crime

Jul 16th, 2016
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  1. A worthy effort Sargon but you need better ammunition to deal with these progtards. Also hello Devon, you mentioned something about "white nationalists or some shit". Well I assume you are talking about the AltRight, which I am a part of. This textwall should tell you what we are about. Your sense of us as wanting an insular state of living where we as white people are left alone is accurate.
  3. Sadly your guys' talking points are decade old republican talking points, which hindsight has proven are ineffective even if correct. Right down to you guys projecting your agency onto black people and saying that the progressives are the REAL racists. And of course wondering when reason will prevail against a foe which doesnt accept it (the answer being never of course).
  5. Also you lack the necessary expertise like someone like Ben Shapiro has to bully your way through. For example, black people DO use drugs more. The claim that they dont is based on unreliable self report data.
  12. You can find more information of this nature at this website (with its own youtube channel):
  14. Or in this post by one of the author's on his personal blog (there's also a youtube video of this on his personal channel, spawktalk) wherein he explodes the narrative of racism in America:
  16. Ultimately these fail because they buy into the frame of the debate far too much. Because you ignore the elephant in the room: the average IQ of black-americans (85).
  18. Interestingly Mr Sam Harris in his recent interview with David Rubin said that studying race and iq wasnt important and would unleash social ills. Exactly the argument made by regressives and social conservatives when science suggests something they dont like. Before he went on to say the right wing is too anti-science, lamenting that people cant seem to agree that different cultures are not equal, and touching on the issues inherent to mass immigration and identity politics. ALL subjects at least somewhat relevant to this biology denial. Moreover it made his points comical at a certain point because he couldnt see the obvious connections.
  20. However he was in no way prompted to say any of this about the subject of race and iq by Rubin, and yet he spent a good 5 minutes doing it. To me that suggests he knows more about the subject than he would have liked and was genuflecting for that fact.
  22. To go further, watch Gad Saad interviewing Jonathan Haidt. Haidt casually touches on the subject of race and iq by saying that "if you believe evolution shapes the brain in other animals" and that "human populations evolved differently"... then stops there. The implications being obvious and Mr Saad agreed. They know too. This truth cannot be held off forever Sargon.
  24. You can say that welfare has ruined the black community but why hasnt it ruined the Hispanic community (as badly) or Asian community? Why are black people responding to incentives differently?
  26. You see the reason why, as Devon notices, Black people werent doing so badly long ago is BECAUSE white american didnt think black people were the same and would respond to the same incentives. White America instead enforcing anglo culture on them.
  28. As detailed here in this well sourced blogpost:
  30. I realize linking a blog is kinda lame, but I dont think you would have clicked on the article if I posted the version.
  32. And you may call yourself a 19th century liberal Sargon, but what were the racial views of the 19th century? Closer to mine? Most assuredly.
  34. To wrap up, as I said before, this truth cannot be held back forever. We are at the "edge of the volcano" as Charles Murray describes it. We already have evidence of certain genes influencing intelligence not being evenly distributed across populations. How long before we find more? And more? (scroll down to the tables for the tl;dr) <- get fucked Vee. It isnt one study, dunce, it's the broad arc of the evidence
  36. Lastly, the only political group which has bound itself to this area of study is the AltRight. And as race realism is more and more accepted the detractors will look more and more insane, as creationists do. There's no stopping this.
  38. And your stupid as fuck "muh individualism" nonsense is a meaningless strawman. Diversity does not respect individualism
  40. A smorgasbord of studies showing that diversity is destructive to social trust in society. Which kinda matters when you want to allow individuals to be properly self actualized.
  42. In diversity, we're all tribes whether we admit it or not
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