
ATOQ: Michiko's Valentine's Special 2017

Feb 11th, 2017
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  1. >>ROUTE 1.
  3. The end of school bell echoes thrice over the intercom system, sending waves of relief flooding through the classrooms. You listen to the brazen reminder from the teacher to do your homework, feeling vaguely guilty that you have done nothing of the sort. There’s the hustle of books being shoved into bags and chairs scraping shrilly across the ground. So far, so standard. Normally, your classmates would vacate the room as fast as their legs could take them, chattering like monkeys along the way.
  5. Things are different today. You notice a good portion of your class remaining behind. The amount of boys and girls are proportionally equal. There are looks of yearning on the faces of the boys and you know at least half of them will go home empty-handed today. The reasoning behind it is obvious.
  7. Still, it has nothing to do with you and you prepare to leave like usual. Meet up with your sister, step into the chilly winter afternoon and maybe pick up some extra groceries on the way home. Listen to your mentor’s demands, work on her assignments and prepare for training. Same as always.
  9. Imagine your surprise when one of the girls in your class walks up to you, a coyish smile on her pretty features.
  11. “Here, Keiichi!” Michiko, the school diva, holds out her hands. Cupped in the middle of them is a small gift-wrapped box. She presses it in your direction. “These are yours.”
  13. “What are mine?” You ask, turning to face her, one eyebrow raised in questioning.
  15. “Chocolates.” Michiko clarifies. “It’s Valentine’s Day, silly!”
  17. Oh yeah, chocolates. You saw Michiko hand out bags of the stuff to other girls, some of which were in your class and were frankly astounded to receive gifts from the school diva. You don’t see what all the fuss about. Michiko isn’t a big deal. Any Any mystique she would hypothetically radiate is quelled when one remembers she’s terrified of cockroaches. What the heck is so scary about bugs, anyway? Crush them with your foot and they die. Shoot toxic insect spirits enough and they dissipate. Your mentor is more frightening than any insect could ever claim to be.
  19. “Valentine’s Day is the day to give chocolate to the people you care about.” Michiko continues with a smile. “I’ve given out chocolates to all my friends. Now it’s your turn.”
  21. “What about Hideki?” You ask, inspecting the box. It’s nicely wrapped. The ribbon is made out of fake silk.
  23. “He’s next after you.” Michiko replies.
  25. Since Hideki and Michiko won’t be in a romantic relationship even if the two were the last two human beings on the planet, this would make these chocolates…uh, what’s the term people use when girls give chocolates to boys that aren’t their partners? Damn it, you’re not well-versed in these types of things. A sane person would reserve this question for themselves and look up the answer later. But since you are Keiichi Hirayama, the most notorious third-year in the entire academy, you spit out a question.
  27. “Are these friendship chocolates?”
  29. “Pardon?” Michiko stammers, taken aback.
  31. “Wait, I know. These are pity chocolates. That’s what they call them, I think.”
  33. “Pity chocolates?” Michiko repeats. “Keiichi, what on earth are you talking about?”
  35. “I’m wondering what kind of chocolates they are. Yeah, I’m pretty sure they’re pity chocolates.” For some reason, Michiko looks rather aghast at your comment. What’s wrong with her? Eh, it’s probably Michiko being Michiko. The mood swings of women are a mystery to you.
  37. Come to think of it, didn’t you see Michiko hand out bags to her friends? Why is she giving you a box? Is this a prank? No, Michiko isn’t the type of girl who does that. Maybe these are really expensive chocolates, or she ran out of bags.
  39. “Well, even if they’re just pity chocolates, I can’t say no to free food.” You take the box and get to work undoing the ribbon. Inside the white cardboard box are half a dozen chocolate-colored balls. You pick one up and inspect it. Afternoon light streaming in from the outside window glints off the sphere’s smooth surface. “Thanks, Michiko. I’ll eat them all for sure.”
  41. Michiko glances away, her expression a little crestfallen. “Pity chocolates…really, Keiichi? I put extra care into making those chocolates myself. You’re the only boy I gave homemade chocolates to…” You hear her mumble. Or rather, you would have, if it weren’t for the sudden announcement on the school intercom, blaring about public indecency.
  43. “What was that?” You ask.
  45. “N-nothing!” Michiko says, taking a step back.
  47. “You definitely said something during the intercom stuff. What was it?”
  49. “Like I said, it was nothing.”
  51. “Yeah, right…” You rub your forehead. “You always do this.”
  53. She puts her hands on her hips and grimaces. “Ugh, fine. I was just grumbling about your complete lack of tact.” She snaps. “Happy now?”
  55. “What, again? Christ, why does every girl I meet end up saying that? Eh, whatever.” You wonder out loud. You take out of the chocolates and pop it in your mouth. Strawberry, cocoa and sugar assault your taste buds. “Damn, this is good.”
  57. “Really? That’s great.” Michiko sighs in relief, her exasperation vanishing like a leaf in the wind. “I’m so glad…”
  59. “Nobody’s ever given me chocolates apart from my sister, you know.” You comment. “This was a nice surprise.”
  61. “So that makes me the first?” Michiko asks, a little quickly.
  63. “Well, yeah.” You answer. “What else would you be?”
  65. “Ah, it’s nothing, it’s nothing. I’m really happy you like them, Keiichi. Thank you so much.”
  67. “No problem.”
  69. Huh…that’s a nice smile she’s got. With that seriously delighted expression, pink cheeks and decorations in her bright blonde hair, you can’t help but think that Michiko looks quite cute.
  71. “S-so, what are you doing after this?” she asks, crossing her legs.
  73. “Going home and doing my homework, because English is a pain.” You reply.
  75. “As usual, you have no idea how to read the mood…” She groans.
  77. “What? It’s urgent.”
  79. “Try and think about what day it is…oh, never mind. I’ll help you with your homework. Let’s study in your room. You better break out the good tea, got it?” She declares, pointing at you.
  81. You give her a smalll smile. For some reason, your heart feels light. “Don’t spend all night chatting to Airi again…”
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