
mar lags

Oct 23rd, 2014
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  1. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  2. This is a log of the actual conversation hinted at in the previous document. Again, I try to remain neutral through this, and my screen name is BaddaDibbiBanga.
  3. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  5. [6:56:46 PM] marks3684: Hi guys
  6. [6:56:53 PM] marks3684: So is skill here?
  7. [6:57:00 PM] Ampooch: yes
  8. [6:57:04 PM] marks3684: okay
  9. [6:57:09 PM] BaddaDibbiBanga: he's been here for 10 hours
  10. [6:57:16 PM] Ampooch: 12 actually
  11. [6:57:21 PM] BaddaDibbiBanga: 10+2 hours
  12. [6:57:26 PM] marks3684: oh, sorry for the longwait
  13. [6:57:34 PM] marks3684: but yeah
  14. [6:57:53 PM] marks3684: there's some problems I wanted to talk to you about Skill
  15. [6:59:06 PM] marks3684: well the first was when I came to this forum, I remember how much I wanted to start rping with Amps, Energy and everyone else here
  16. [6:59:31 PM] marks3684: and wanting to enjoy doing so with everyone here
  17. [7:00:53 PM] marks3684: however, lately I've been getting really demotivated in rping as well as even working on my setting, to the point where I just completely stopped what I was doing for my stuff
  18. [7:02:21 PM] marks3684: also, besides the demotivation, I also been getting depressed during my stay here, even more so than usual
  19. [7:02:33 PM] marks3684: and ended up hating myself even more
  20. [7:06:33 PM] marks3684: this, although the massive screw ups I've made during some of the rps led to the demotivation and depression, you also ended up being another factor Skill, where I would be too scared to talk here as much as I wanted to, and ending up lurking here while invisible, developing a fear of rping with everyone here that doing so would give them lots of problems and frustration
  21. [7:07:43 PM] marks3684: even worse, lately, I ended up hating my characters, hating them so much to the point that I wanted them removed entirely, and ended up deleting most of the profiles of my characters here
  22. [7:09:42 PM] marks3684: cause I feared that using or creating them would also increase the amount of frustrations and problems the everyone here had with me
  23. [7:10:58 PM] marks3684: So there's my first problem, Skill
  24. [7:12:30 PM] Skilletz: You're a mighty fine piece of work. Wanna finish up or want me to start?
  25. [7:12:59 PM] Skilletz: There's a line apparently so I don't want to really hold anyone up
  26. [7:13:45 PM] marks3684: well you can start skill
  27. [7:14:02 PM] marks3684: I'll save the second problem once this is over
  28. [7:33:38 PM] Ampooch: i'll just wait since i need to organize what i want to say
  29. [7:36:30 PM] Skilletz: Let's start by saying that you're barking up the wrong tree with this point. I'm not going to motivate you or give you back pats when I've openly expressed my issue is not a matter of willingness, skill or even a conflict of tastes. It is a matter of effort and it's pretty selfish to blame other people for not patting you on the back when we've litterally sat down for months asking you to research and develop your ideas instead of copying or adding an idea that doesn't go anywhere. We are under no obligation to give you praise for failing to complete an idea. Nobody has ever had reservations between mocking each other here for failing to develop an idea or having a silly idea, to varying degrees of severity and while demotivation or funny, unless we suddenly stop making mean spirited jokes and become the fairy brigade or some lame shit like that it probably won't change. Either grow thicker skin, sit down and actually earn the respect you're demanding from me and the others by completing the ideas or let it go and accept that without the work to make your ideas further developed you will not be recognized in a positive light.
  30. [7:37:38 PM] Skilletz: so that's my first response
  31. [7:58:15 PM] Skilletz: So yeah...
  32. [8:08:56 PM] BaddaDibbiBanga: is it taking a while to figure out what to say, mark?
  33. [8:09:14 PM] BaddaDibbiBanga: it's been a half hour or so, I don't want to rush anyone but
  34. [8:15:48 PM] Skilletz: It's fine we started this at 7 because we knew it'd take a while
  35. [8:21:14 PM] marks3684: Skillkill: "I'm not going to motivate you or give you back pats."
  37. True, I never wanted any special treatments from any of you. But trying to do something to demotivate others is a different story.
  39. Skillkill: "It is a matter of effort and it's pretty selfish to blame other people for not patting you on the back when we've litterally sat down for months asking you to research and develop your ideas instead of copying or adding an idea that doesn't go anywhere."
  41. Well, I'm not sure if you noticed, but I've been trying to work on my stuff before I ended up getting really demotivated from doing anything rp related. There was one character in particular who I've been working on for a long time before I ended up getting really demotivated from doing so. That character was Maya who I've, not only done a lot of researching, but put a great amount of work and effort in trying to make this character. However all those nasty remarks you made in the past made me feel like it wasn't worth working on her.
  43. Skillkill: "We are under no obligation to give you praise for failing to complete an idea."
  45. Well, tbh, I never expected anyone here to do so nor am I wanting anyone to do that for me. I only came to this forum for this: to rp with everyone here and also to have fun.
  47. Skillkill: "Nobody has ever had reservations between mocking each other here for failing to develop an idea or having a silly idea, to varying degrees of severity and while demotivating or funny, unless we suddenly stop making mean spirited jokes and become the fairy brigade or some lame shit like that it probably won't change."
  49. Well here's the thing here, when everyone here was making jokes about stuff like characters, setting, rps, ideas whatever, they were pretty funny.
  51. However, from you Skill, while you do make some jokes about my characters and stuff (which I found pretty funny), you also made some remarks towards me that, not only were they not funny at all to the point where they can't even be considered a joke, but were also outright nasty and very mean-spirited.
  53. Skillkill: "Either grow a thicker skin, sit down and actually earn the respect you're demanding from me and the others by completing the ideas or let it go and accept that without the work to make your ideas further developed you will not be recognized in a positive light."
  55. And again, that was what I was trying to do with my stuff: working on the ideas and trying to make them work.
  57. And respect? Sorry, but iirc, I never demanded any respect from anyone here during my stay, nor from anyone outside of this forum. I'm not one of those people who complains about how everyone is being unfair to them or some shit and wants everyone to give them the respect they wanted.
  58. [8:21:44 PM] marks3684: and here's my response skill
  59. [8:33:54 PM] Skilletz: Marks I'm going to politely ask you to move on. Nobody jumped to your defense and nobody will because you're pissing in the wind.
  61. You ARE expecting something, because you're talking about how I'm demotivating you. Unless you think I'm unaware of this and you're bringing up much in the same way that people discuss the wetness of water, you are either demanding me to stop, give you regular pats on the back for progress or asking for an apology of some kind none of which will happen unless you do what you need to. In essence your one rebuttal that you lost motivation in a character and that's more illustrating my point than yours. I'm not defending myself because I've openly declared my issues repeatedly Nobody is defending you because we've TRIED to motivate and help you and you did nothing. We've tried to
  63. Long story short:
  64. Skill is being mean and isn't being supportive of my work. Yes and? I have no interest in being supportive of the work shown. Unless we have somewhere to go with this I think we're moving on.
  65. I've given sharp critique to just about everyone
  66. [8:34:59 PM] Skilletz: nobody gets a pass
  67. [8:35:16 PM] Skilletz: People have gotten plenty pissed at me and I'm plenty okay with that
  68. [8:35:24 PM] Skilletz: if that's all you wanted then that's taken care of
  69. [8:38:35 PM] marks3684: Skill, not being supportive of someone or whatever is one thing. Outright attacking others viciously is a whole different story. Also, I found you doing this not only to me, but I found you doing so to the others here as well.
  70. [8:39:51 PM] EnergyFlux2012: well, what marks said is true, there's a difference between construction criticism and outright attacking something someone is putting energy toward, be it a character or personal hobby/interest
  71. [8:41:57 PM] Skilletz: Thing is, I started with constructive criticism toward his stuff. I generally started doing grunt work for Marks until I got fed up with him. As Marks kept persisting in his laziness, and generally kept showing more gross sides and eventually started copycatting Amps for approval in blatant ways that I started really not giving a shit
  72. [8:46:44 PM] Skilletz: Additionally you're not arguing about the veracity of my statements, just the presentation. All well and good, I tend to be sharp to an excessive extent and outright hostile. If anyone else has problems with that they're justified for the most part, as of late Amps and JC come to mind
  73. [8:48:20 PM] EnergyFlux2012: while it's true marks has done some silly things, he is still fairly new to the whole system of RPing and therefore requires a great deal of patience and support from us to allow him to grow; if he does stray off into a bad path we need to be there to gently correct it, not go off on temper tantrums which are more destructive if anything
  74. [8:48:35 PM] Skilletz: Flux he's in college
  75. [8:48:38 PM] Skilletz: he's not a toddler
  76. [8:49:19 PM] EnergyFlux2012: he still needs a lot of help and patience from us
  77. [8:49:39 PM] Skilletz: we don't need to hold his hands every step of the way, and if he refuses to accept help, act on critiques for months at a time
  78. [8:49:41 PM] Skilletz: not days
  79. [8:49:43 PM] Skilletz: not weeks
  80. [8:49:44 PM] Skilletz: months at a time
  81. And expects us to still do his footwork on top of that
  82. [8:50:44 PM] Skilletz: I will not feel too guilty about saying what's on my mind
  83. [8:50:47 PM] EnergyFlux2012: everyone is different and takes varying degrees of time and assistance
  84. [8:55:03 PM] Skilletz: And everyone has varying degrees of tolerance and empathy for those unwilling to take what's given or help themselves
  85. [8:56:18 PM] BaddaDibbiBanga: I think this is dragging on and not going anywhere particularly productive, could you share your second problem?
  86. [8:56:33 PM] BaddaDibbiBanga: I don't want to see this turn into a pointless argument (assuming it's not already too late)
  87. [8:56:43 PM] marks3684: okay JC, I'll start with the second problem
  88. [8:56:49 PM] Skilletz: It's already there but yea
  89. [8:56:55 PM] Skilletz: We've spent two hours going nowhere
  90. [8:57:10 PM] BaddaDibbiBanga: I might go and grab dinner in a few
  91. [8:57:16 PM] BaddaDibbiBanga: I can only put off eating so long
  92. [8:57:20 PM] Ampooch: before we go on
  93. [8:57:21 PM] Skilletz: Go right ahead
  94. [8:57:33 PM] marks3684: okay Amps
  95. [8:57:41 PM] Ampooch: just wanted to let you guys know the new profile for my villain has been posted just now
  96. [8:57:49 PM] marks3684: okay Amps
  97. [8:57:50 PM] Skilletz: Coolio
  98. [8:59:02 PM] EnergyFlux2012: >_>
  99. [8:59:27 PM] Ampooch: well, it's been almost 2 hours, kinda wanted to get this thing up before the end of tonight
  100. [8:59:31 PM] BaddaDibbiBanga: yeah I'm gonna go get food, I'll be back ASAP
  101. [9:01:01 PM] EnergyFlux2012: [8:54 PM] Skilletz: <<< And everyone has varying degrees of tolerance and empathy for those unwilling to take what's given or help themselves
  102. well, if you don't have good tolerance for new members, then that's not a good thing at all
  103. [9:01:40 PM] Skilletz: That's kind of the thing. It's not like I'm suddenly rejecting him from first impressions. Marks has been here for a fair amount of time already
  104. [9:02:28 PM] Skilletz: And people want to move on Flux so....yeah
  105. [9:02:39 PM] EnergyFlux2012: very well
  106. [9:02:57 PM] Ampooch: that, and if i waited for later, everyone would be off for the night already
  107. [9:03:22 PM] Skilletz: yeah pretty much, especially since we're posting about an hour apart anyway
  108. [9:11:43 PM] Skilletz: Real talk can I get you guys to just post your stuff?
  109. [9:11:48 PM] Skilletz: I don't want to be done at like midnight
  110. [9:12:14 PM] Ampooch: my responses were going to be reactive
  111. [9:12:20 PM] Skilletz: mhm
  112. [9:12:32 PM] Ampooch: so, nothing now until something develops
  113. [9:12:51 PM] Ampooch: and we've only began to build on said development
  114. [9:13:37 PM | Edited 9:13:59 PM] Skilletz: No worries, I just went into this expecting it to move faster, so this is more than a little tiring. I also had no idea of how many people were airing things out
  115. [9:17:17 PM | Edited 9:17:23 PM] Ampooch: it would have worked better last night since everyone was in that passionate mood back at the time
  116. [9:17:28 PM] EnergyFlux2012: perhaps
  117. [9:19:02 PM] marks3684: The second problem here, Skill, comes from one question I asked you a long time ago, which was why Claude was able to do spatial slicing when he had no form of spatial powers. And your response was something that indicated that you had a leveling up system and it being an rpg, which got me suspicious of your stuff Skill and your rping ability, since I never remembered anyone here who uses a leveling up system and that this answer was very lazy.
  119. After looking at a few of your characters Skill, both the profiles (ones you submit for rps in the rp planning thread) and movesets, I found many problems with your stuff, with a few raising a lot of problems.
  121. First problem: Noa
  123. His profile: The Ripping or applying characteristics and concepts to and from a target.
  124. Noa's movesets: His sigma moves.
  126. From looking at the profile, it stated that your character had the ability to steal concepts or characteristics from another character through using his sigma breaker equipment. However, when I look at the sigma breaker movesets: They state that Noa is able to steal artes from another character as well as elemental weaknesses. From looking at these two, it became clear that both contradict each other so much. Also, for his movesets, i never remember anyone else here other than you who have artes in their settings, while the concept stealing ability looks really poorly defined.
  127. [9:19:18 PM] Skilletz: Okay real quick
  128. [9:20:41 PM] Skilletz: Oh noooooo my gameplay mechanics don't deeply extend into the roleplays Markssss
  129. [9:20:44 PM] Skilletz: whatever will I do
  130. [9:21:00 PM] Skilletz: JC isn't actually using a controller for his RPs
  131. [9:21:04 PM] Skilletz: I'm legit
  132. [9:21:32 PM] marks3684: well here's the thing, this would've been true Skill, but there was another character that also had this massive problem, and even worse, you tried to submit his moveset into another rper's rp
  133. [9:22:06 PM] Skilletz: Claude being a good enough swordsman to do that was established ages ago so....Marks
  134. [9:22:34 PM] marks3684: meaning that because of this, now your movesets are no longer as their own thing
  135. [9:22:34 PM] Skilletz: We've litterally had every single person here make profile errors at best, massive revisons, and disagreements at worst
  136. [9:23:05 PM | Edited 9:23:10 PM] marks3684: The second main problem: Clark's profile
  138. [9:23:14 PM] Skilletz: I don't sit ontop of everyone for every single disagreement. MW had a disagreement on his profile and his actions in an RP. As DM I put my foot down
  139. [9:23:26 PM] Skilletz: As DM Amps has put his foot down on my characters before too
  140. [9:23:30 PM] Skilletz: so....okay
  141. [9:23:39 PM] Skilletz: Fair point
  142. [9:23:45 PM] Skilletz: I make mistakes
  143. [9:23:49 PM] Skilletz: yes and
  144. [9:24:17 PM] Skilletz: This isn't the same thing as litterally forgetting what your character is capable of from post to post
  145. [9:26:09 PM] Skilletz: having characters randomly sprout new powers. If we went down through every disagreement and problem on the forums, every archaic note and every problem we'd have that we had to talk out I don't think we'd have enough time to RP let alone do anything
  146. [9:26:18 PM] marks3684: mistakes? are you sure they were really mistakes or not?
  148. Considering, that you posted another character's profile, three in fact, twice this year, not to mention, your character profiles looking really poorly defined, doesn't show it
  149. [9:26:21 PM] Skilletz: I've recently had disagreements with Amps because stuff wasn't listed it
  150. [9:27:49 PM | Edited 9:28:00 PM] marks3684: heck, you even complained that we forgot stuff, which yes, we made mistakes, yet you do this constantly, even before I came here
  151. [9:29:31 PM] Skilletz: Fine I haven't cleaned up my shit as of late. You're holding me to that standard and I'm fine with that. I've not very consistently really updating stuff because it's tedious and I'm still under revisions and school load. So I'd run entry profiles instead because it's faster and easier to submit with and if a DM needed a solid reference they would use that instead of deciphering notes or ambiguities within dated profiles
  152. [9:29:56 PM] Skilletz: We've had problems with those too because of either disagreements or mistakes because no I am not the only one making them
  153. [9:30:31 PM] marks3684: well, even outside of the profiles, you've pretty much done other stuff that raised a lot of red flags
  154. [9:31:10 PM] Skilletz: So to lay out your thesis: My book keeping is garbage, therefore I'm a bad RPer
  155. [9:31:24 PM] Skilletz: because you're giving examples without getting to a point
  156. [9:32:28 PM] marks3684: my point is, from what other's experienced, as well as some of the stuff I've seen in your rps and such, they were showing that you're nothing more than a metagamer
  157. [9:56:47 PM] Skilletz: Meta gaming has happened intentionally or otherwise with more than a few people and generally it's adressed on the spot rather than given a pass. Given I litterally had to spend like an hour dealing with you arguing a character death from litterally standing in arrows, recently I've had to kill an RP because Amps left a line out of an entry profile, general disagreements and ambiguities and arguments on how a power functions I'm not heavily inclined to agree that's a fair assessment. People don't exist in a vacuum
  159. If you're not referring to metagaming as using "using things to gain an advantage out of character", and using it as "having optimized characters" I can highlight very recent RPs where characters are generally lacking fundemental strengths vs other ones and have been chosen specifically for that reason or have otherwise had issues performing in spite of choices. Again, since I've had to recently deal with these issues and again I've talked with the DMs of certain RPs, as of late JC's RP got Clark denied for similar reasons to Amps' character....who got denied for being basically too much anyway.... Get over yourself?
  161. I'm not running an RP with you. If someone has an issue with my general functions in an RP I want to take it up with them, not a third party. I'm aware my profiles have not been up to date, thanks for the reminder but they're not what I'm submitting. If a GM has issues with something I am doing, submitting or using during an RP then I want to talk to them and see if they approve. If you see an issue in an RP bring it up to them.
  163. I'm sort of running out of civil ways to handle this but essentially for all of your talk of how you're being discouraged by me, I can't think of a more passive aggressive, petty way to handle someone than indirectly call someone out through an intermediary, publically demand the spotlight for hours at a time to deride them and then actively seek every problem OTHER people have with them because your idea fell through, avoid handling it in a timely manner ontop of that despite asking for hours of preparation to hold up everyone and frustrate them and generally push the same indeterminate point until you recieve support on said topic that people can give your argument for you instead of requiring you to focus on an individual point of contension.
  164. [9:56:56 PM] BaddaDibbiBanga: well that was an alright dinner
  165. and that was like 10 ms in between each other apparently
  166. [9:58:00 PM] Skilletz: Yep
  167. [9:59:19 PM] Skilletz: Funny note, Marks started typing before he read my post
  168. [10:03:30 PM] marks3684: an example right here is the RP Derailed Yet Again: where I joined with my Ice mage character Hanako.
  169. From this post, it shows where I messed up badly here and hanako touched Erin's knife, where she got cursed.
  171. Looking in Erin's profile, her knife never shows anything indicating that the knife had any powers.
  174. And right here, it shows one power of the knife, which was basically shutting her down of her magic abilities.
  176. This pretty much shows that you were metagaming here, considering that your cast had a very poorly defined weapon, so poorly to the point, that you end up getting to make something up.
  177. [10:03:55 PM] Skilletz: Marks real quick?
  178. [10:04:28 PM] Skilletz: I talked with people in the chat when that happened
  179. [10:04:43 PM] Skilletz: Nobody was supposed to play with it. Additionally, I was the DM of that RP
  180. [10:05:37 PM] Skilletz: I lied because I didn't expect it, and there was no reason to do so other than dumbshit moves
  181. [10:05:42 PM] Skilletz: like what Hanako did
  182. [10:06:08 PM] EnergyFlux2012: touching a knife is 'dumbshit'?
  183. [10:06:09 PM] Skilletz: Again similarly that's the same RP Amps left a line out of the RP
  184. [10:06:25 PM] Skilletz: Well yes when your action litterally requires you to take a knife out of someone's hand to baby shake them
  185. [10:06:32 PM] marks3684: yet, you did it anyway, like giving it some form of anti-magic powers, right?
  186. [10:07:08 PM] Skilletz: The owner of the knife was the devil's daughter. I'm kind of inclined to fuck with you if you're dumb enough to play with her shit
  187. [10:07:36 PM] EnergyFlux2012: still
  188. [10:07:42 PM] Skilletz: Okay quick test as well
  189. [10:07:49 PM] Skilletz: if I wrote it on the profile
  190. [10:08:13 PM] Skilletz: would Hanako have acted differently. Additionally, having known there was something wrong with the knife why did she play with it TWICE
  191. [10:08:36 PM] Skilletz: C'mon no I wanna hear this
  192. [10:08:47 PM] marks3684: well no, since she doesn't know what that knife actually is
  193. [10:21:30 PM] marks3684: well, I guess I'll back off for now, I'll let the others say something here if that's okay
  194. [10:21:59 PM | Edited 10:22:37 PM] Skilletz: Alright playtime's over NOW I feel like my time's wasted.
  196. 1.I am DM in that RP. I do not have to give you every detail if your character has no way of obtaining it. I am not there to be your friend in that case. I could litterally have fabricated Erin's entire entry profile and have her reveal herself as the queen of fucking england if I so chose and since nobody in the RP actually knew the queen of fucking england or what she looked like and had no way to know so it wouldn't have mattered.
  198. 2.You made your own stupid fucking mistake. It's not like Hanako was suddenly fucked and useless after touching it once. It burnt her once and she played with it. Twice. Small children know not to play with things that burn them unless they suffer serious mental defects. I wanted to give you a pass but you had the very interesting idea of playing with fire. Twice. I don't feel like I have to play by baseball rules or explicitly explain "HAEY FIREZ BAD GAIZE".
  200. 3. The "anti-magic property" was discussed with Amps without you actually. It's because the curse related to the devil: IE: It was on par with a major force of my setting. We agreed that it would be a kin to a random character from my setting competing with a god from his setting. I didn't tell Amps to fuck you, I litterally just told him what his character was incapable of managing because it was out of their ability. And he agreed with me. That is how discussions on this matter get handled. We don't go on a public lynching because we're pissy about an RP months back. We handle things in character or we discuss them out of character when it's relevant with the participants that are relevant
  202. Holy shit that set me off
  203. [10:28:10 PM] Skilletz: Anyone got something at the moment or can I take my turn?
  204. [10:28:49 PM] Ampooch: not yet for me
  205. [10:29:15 PM] Ampooch: i was thinking it would mostly about the first subject, didn't expect a second topic
  206. [10:29:34 PM] Skilletz: If nobody else has anything I'm posting because NOW I'm fucking livid.
  207. [10:31:47 PM] BaddaDibbiBanga: I don't think anyone has anything so
  208. [10:31:52 PM] BaddaDibbiBanga: go ahead
  209. [10:32:24 PM] Skilletz: Gimme a second so I have a point, instead of just name calling
  210. [10:51:09 PM | Edited 10:53:29 PM] Ampooch: well, only thing i can provide from what i am gathering is that marks wanted to fit in with our group, but didn't expect consequences to turn out harsh for not meeting up with skill's standards
  212. i could throw in other things, but those would be repeating arguments where all parties backed down with varying success/failure
  213. [11:07:53 PM | Edited 11:09:48 PM] Skilletz: Marks, I think you're a grade A cuntbag that can't take responsibility for yourself and you need others to prop yourself up and validate yourself to an unhealthy extent. If you weren't we'd be having an entirely different, healthy discussion that would have ended hours ago
  215. This entire discussion has been blaming me for problems you've been having on the forums. Problems other people have expressed, either with me or without me but because I'm the loudest most irritable person I'm being used as a scapegoat. And I was okay with that because for the most of the time you've been factually correct, until the point I realized you were doing so without having a point. You rely on others to be your support because if left to your own devices either are incapable of doing what you need to or too lazy to do so because if you bug someone enough or lead them on enough they'll do it for you.
  217. You lean on people and try to get on their goodside by following their interests and vocalizing your own interest in a topic without being informed on it so people can show you unearned admiration or camaraderie, or mimic their habits instead of being an interesting person on your own. Real talk I kind of liked you when we first met and you weren't actively trying to suck everyone's dick. That is the least geniune most disgusting thing I've seen out of a human being I've seen in a while and every time I see it I want to vomit. I left the group to it's own devices for a while because you kept doing it, and today it's reared it's head again only this time you picked a fight with me for it. All because you refused to clean up your own mess or stand up on your own feet when demanded. The recent RPs with Amps where *I* wasn't involved and you were still having useless fucking characters weren't my fault. Those aren't brought up because it's not about being right it's about finding someone to blame. You were still being mocked and called out for shit then but because it wasn't me, it wasn't an issue.
  219. I honestly don't get what you were trying to do today other than to get me to fucking pat you on the back or piss me off. If it was the latter you've succeeded, brilliant mission accomplished. If it was the former then this was not the way to do it. You've wasted nearly 4 hours of everyone's fucking lives to get a grudge out on me, trying to get people to turn on me for Skill being mean or bad at book keeping. The last time I had the stamina to do this I was in early highschool but I've got classes I can't just sleep through these days. I don't have 4 hours to piss away every day to "Skill's mean", managing my own depression, managing my other friends and working on my own school and setting. There's not enough hours in the day
  221. Again if it were just a matter of contension with veracity people would be chiming in and calling my bullshit but basically everyone's agreed that the events are largely factual. You've provided documentation to that effect as well. The facts all boil down to "Marks says Skill is mean", and no shit I'm mean. Welcome to one of the first things people should gather about the guy who snaps every other day when he's not sulking or busy enjoying himself. Why is that being brought up now? Why is that relevant NOW? It's relevant because "Skill is being mean to Marks" and that's more sympathetic than "Guys I haven't put in the leg work to understand what I want and it's been difficult keeping up with you.". That's the more honest statement and the one people can seek to help you with but that's not what's being discussed.
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