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Feb 22nd, 2014
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  1. ¼erowie tracÄ… miliony sztuk bagażu. Wielu z nich nie zgÅ‚asza siÄ™ po odbiór utraconych przedmiotów. Spryciarz Billy Leroy, pewny siebie Mark Meyer i ekscentryczni małżonkowie: Laurence i Sally Martinowie uczynili z zagubionych walizek źródÅ‚o zysków. Każde z nich odwiedza aukcje, na których licytowane sÄ… nieodebrane towary, przedmioty zajÄ™te przez policjÄ™ lub pozostawione na lotniskach. PolegajÄ…c na doÅ›wiadczeniu i wyczuciu, starajÄ… siÄ™ wejść w posiadanie skarbów ukrytych w torbach. Okazuje siÄ™, że w ten niezbyt skomplikowany sposób potrafiÄ… zarobić tysiÄ…ce dolarów|Każdego roku podróżujÄ…cy po Å›wiecie pasażerowie tracÄ… miliony sztuk bagażu. Wielu z nich nie zgÅ‚asza siÄ™ po odbiór utraconych przedmiotów. Spryciarz Billy Leroy, pewny siebie Mark Meyer i ekscentryczni małżonkowie: Laurence i Sally Martinowie uczynili z zagubionych walizek źródÅ‚o zysków. Każde z nich odwiedza aukcje, na których licytowane sÄ… nieodebrane towary, przedmioty zajÄ™te przez policjÄ™ lub pozostawione na lotniskach. PolegajÄ…c na doÅ›wiadczeniu i wyczuciu, starajÄ… siÄ™ wejść w posiadanie skarbów ukrytych w torbach. Okazuje siÄ™, że w ten niezbyt skomplikowany sposób potrafiÄ… zarobić tysiÄ…ce dolarów|1393237800|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137565565|Stereo|Dokument;Serial<;span> Dokumentalny (lifestyle):|2
  2. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.569 GetEntries Reply 62/100: 146274158|Dziwaczne potrawy Ameryki|965|1393239600|1393243200|Czwarty sezon programu to odkrywanie kolejnych dziwnych potraw, jakie serwuje się w kraju za wielką wodą. Mistrz kucharski, pisarz i badacz kulinarny Andrew Zimmern z pewnością nie pomoże widzom w planowaniu rodzinnej kolacji, ale zaprezentuje ogromną różnorodność tradycyjnych przepisów, które stosuje się w różnych zakątkach Ameryki. Tatar z koziego serca z pianką z selera i flaki zagęszczone skórą kurczaka nie każdemu przypadną do gustu, lecz towarzyszące im historie z pewnością zainteresują niejednego|Czwarty sezon programu to odkrywanie kolejnych dziwnych potraw, jakie serwuje się w kraju za wielką wodą. Mistrz kucharski, pisarz i badacz kulinarny Andrew Zimmern z pewnością nie pomoże widzom w planowaniu rodzinnej kolacji, ale zaprezentuje ogromną różnorodność tradycyjnych przepisów, które stosuje się w różnych zakątkach Ameryki. Tatar z koziego serca z pianką z selera i flaki zagęszczone skórą kurczaka nie każdemu przypadną do gustu, lecz towarzyszące im historie z pewnością zainteresują niejednego|1393239600|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137565565|Stereo|Dokument;Serial<;span> Dokumentalny:|2
  3. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.569 GetEntries Reply 63/100: 146274160|Międzynarodowi poszukiwacze domów|965|1393243200|1393245000|Bohaterami odcinka są Michelle i Soren. Ich świat wywrócił się do góry nogami, gdy upadła wytwórnia płytowa kobiety, a amerykański kontrakt płytowy mężczyzny unieważniono|Bohaterami odcinka są Michelle i Soren. Ich świat wywrócił się do góry nogami, gdy upadła wytwórnia płytowa kobiety, a amerykański kontrakt płytowy mężczyzny unieważniono|1393243200|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137565565|Stereo|Dokument;Serial<;span> Dokumentalny:|2
  4. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.569 GetEntries Reply 64/100: 146274162|Międzynarodowi poszukiwacze domów|965|1393245000|1393246800|Bohaterką odcinka jest Caroline Farrel - samozwańcza urbanistka, która z wielkim wahaniem przyjęła ofertę pracy na drugim końcu świata, w południowokoreańskim Seulu|Bohaterką odcinka jest Caroline Farrel - samozwańcza urbanistka, która z wielkim wahaniem przyjęła ofertę pracy na drugim końcu świata, w południowokoreańskim Seulu|1393245000|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137565565|Stereo|Dokument;Serial<;span> Dokumentalny (lifestyle):|2
  5. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.569 GetEntries Reply 65/100: 146274166|Hotelowe rewolucje|965|1393246800|1393250400|Drugi sezon programu, w którym widzowie obserwują Anthony'ego Mechiorri odwiedzającego hotele zagrożone bankructwem. Ten specjalista branży turystycznej kwateruje się w nich incognito i sprawdza, co odstrasza gości. Następnie pojawia się w tym samym miejscu oficjalnie i spotyka się z jego pracownikami, aby przedyskutować plan ratowania ich miejsca pracy. Zazwyczaj mówi im prawdę o tym, co robią źle. Potrafi naprawić sytuację danego hotelu w ciągu zaledwie parę tygodni. Wcześniej jednak poddaje personel lekkiej terapii szokowej|Drugi sezon programu, w którym widzowie obserwują Anthony'ego Mechiorri odwiedzającego hotele zagrożone bankructwem. Ten specjalista branży turystycznej kwateruje się w nich incognito i sprawdza, co odstrasza gości. Następnie pojawia się w tym samym miejscu oficjalnie i spotyka się z jego pracownikami, aby przedyskutować plan ratowania ich miejsca pracy. Zazwyczaj mówi im prawdę o tym, co robią źle. Potrafi naprawić sytuację danego hotelu w ciągu zaledwie parę tygodni. Wcześniej jednak poddaje personel lekkiej terapii szokowej|1393246800|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137565565|Stereo|Dokument;Serial<;span> Dokumentalny (turystyka;podróże):|2
  6. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.569 GetEntries Reply 66/100: 146274168|Nieziemskie przejażdżki|965|1393250400|1393252200|Twórcy programu poszukują najbardziej przerażających, przeczących wszelkim prawom fizyki, rozrywek wymyślonych przez człowieka. Miłośnicy mocnych doznań zobaczą najszybszą na świecie kolejkę tyrolską, która znajduje się w Nowej Zelandii. Sprawdzą, co czuje człowiek, spadający z wysokości 80 metrów z prędkością 130km/h na jedynej stadionowej huśtawce w Afryce Południowej. Oprócz tego pograją w paintball czołgowy i to nie będzie koniec atrakcji, które przygotowali dokumentaliści|Twórcy programu poszukują najbardziej przerażających, przeczących wszelkim prawom fizyki, rozrywek wymyślonych przez człowieka. Miłośnicy mocnych doznań zobaczą najszybszą na świecie kolejkę tyrolską, która znajduje się w Nowej Zelandii. Sprawdzą, co czuje człowiek, spadający z wysokości 80 metrów z prędkością 130km/h na jedynej stadionowej huśtawce w Afryce Południowej. Oprócz tego pograją w paintball czołgowy i to nie będzie koniec atrakcji, które przygotowali dokumentaliści|1393250400|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137565565|Stereo|Dokument;Serial<;span> Dokumentalny (turystyka;podróże):|2
  7. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.569 GetEntries Reply 67/100: 146274170|Wakacje w męskim gronie|965|1393252200|1393254000|Evan i Gareth porzucają codzienne obowiązki, aby oddać się szalonym rozrywkom i dać upust samczej naturze. Robią dużo hałasu, co krok pakują się w kłopoty, ale czy nie na tym właśnie polegają męskie wakacje. Chcąc poczuć dreszcz emocji i wyrzut adrenaliny, obaj zamierzają pobawić się bronią wielkokalibrową, udawać kosmonautów, wziąć udział w warsztatach wrażliwości i pojeździć z zakazaną prędkością po drogach i bezdrożach. Jak przystało na prawdziwych facetów, non stop nabijają się ze swoich wysiłków. Przecież nic tak nie poprawia nastroju, jak odrobina zdrowej rywalizacji. Oprócz tego wykorzystują każdą okazję, by spotkać się z dawno niewidzianymi znajomymi i zawrzeć nowe męskie przyjaźnie|Evan i Gareth porzucają codzienne obowiązki, aby oddać się szalonym rozrywkom i dać upust samczej naturze. Robią dużo hałasu, co krok pakują się w kłopoty, ale czy nie na tym właśnie polegają męskie wakacje. Chcąc poczuć dreszcz emocji i wyrzut adrenaliny, obaj zamierzają pobawić się bronią wielkokalibrową, udawać kosmonautów, wziąć udział w warsztatach wrażliwości i pojeździć z zakazaną prędkością po drogach i bezdrożach. Jak przystało na prawdziwych facetów, non stop nabijają się ze swoich wysiłków. Przecież nic tak nie poprawia nastroju, jak odrobina zdrowej rywalizacji. Oprócz tego wykorzystują każdą okazję, by spotkać się z dawno niewidzianymi znajomymi i zawrzeć nowe męskie przyjaźnie|1393252200|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137565565|Stereo|Dokument;Serial<;span> Dokumentalny (turystyka;podróże):|2
  8. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.569 GetEntries Reply 68/100: 146274172|Lotnisko w Miami 24 h na dobę|965|1393254000|1393255800|Twórcy serii obserwują, jak działa jeden z największych i najbardziej ruchliwych portów lotniczych na świecie. Miami International Airport działa bez przerwy. Rocznie obsługuje około 38 milionów pasażerów. Dla wielu z nich jest bramą do Stanów Zjednoczonych. Ponieważ lotnisko jest rozmiarów małego miasta, na jego terenie nigdy nie brakuje ciekawych zdarzeń: alarmów antyterrorystycznych, pożarów paliwa, pościgów za przemytnikami itp. O swoich doświadczeniach w pracy na lotnisku, opowiadają zatrudnione na nim osoby|Twórcy serii obserwują, jak działa jeden z największych i najbardziej ruchliwych portów lotniczych na świecie. Miami International Airport działa bez przerwy. Rocznie obsługuje około 38 milionów pasażerów. Dla wielu z nich jest bramą do Stanów Zjednoczonych. Ponieważ lotnisko jest rozmiarów małego miasta, na jego terenie nigdy nie brakuje ciekawych zdarzeń: alarmów antyterrorystycznych, pożarów paliwa, pościgów za przemytnikami itp. O swoich doświadczeniach w pracy na lotnisku, opowiadają zatrudnione na nim osoby|1393254000|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137565565|Stereo|Dokument;Serial<;span> Dokumentalny:|2
  9. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.569 GetEntries Reply 69/100: 146274174|Lotnisko w Miami 24 h na dobę|965|1393255800|1393257600|Twórcy serii obserwują, jak działa jeden z największych i najbardziej ruchliwych portów lotniczych na świecie. Miami International Airport działa bez przerwy. Rocznie obsługuje około 38 milionów pasażerów. Dla wielu z nich jest bramą do Stanów Zjednoczonych. Ponieważ lotnisko jest rozmiarów małego miasta, na jego terenie nigdy nie brakuje ciekawych zdarzeń: alarmów antyterrorystycznych, pożarów paliwa, pościgów za przemytnikami itp. O swoich doświadczeniach w pracy na lotnisku, opowiadają zatrudnione na nim osoby|Twórcy serii obserwują, jak działa jeden z największych i najbardziej ruchliwych portów lotniczych na świecie. Miami International Airport działa bez przerwy. Rocznie obsługuje około 38 milionów pasażerów. Dla wielu z nich jest bramą do Stanów Zjednoczonych. Ponieważ lotnisko jest rozmiarów małego miasta, na jego terenie nigdy nie brakuje ciekawych zdarzeń: alarmów antyterrorystycznych, pożarów paliwa, pościgów za przemytnikami itp. O swoich doświadczeniach w pracy na lotnisku, opowiadają zatrudnione na nim osoby|1393255800|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137565565|Stereo|Dokument;Serial<;span> Dokumentalny:|2
  10. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.569 GetEntries Reply 70/100: 146274176|Walka o bagaż|965|1393257600|1393259400|Każdego roku podróżujący po świecie pasażerowie tracą miliony sztuk bagażu. Wielu z nich nie zgłasza się po odbiór utraconych przedmiotów. Spryciarz Billy Leroy, pewny siebie Mark Meyer i ekscentryczni małżonkowie: Laurence i Sally Martinowie uczynili z zagubionych walizek źródło zysków. Każde z nich odwiedza aukcje, na których licytowane są nieodebrane towary, przedmioty zajęte przez policję lub pozostawione na lotniskach. Polegając na doświadczeniu i wyczuciu, starają się wejść w posiadanie skarbów ukrytych w torbach. Okazuje się, że w ten niezbyt skomplikowany sposób potrafią zarobić tysiące dolarów|Każdego roku podróżujący po świecie pasażerowie tracą miliony sztuk bagażu. Wielu z nich nie zgłasza się po odbiór utraconych przedmiotów. Spryciarz Billy Leroy, pewny siebie Mark Meyer i ekscentryczni małżonkowie: Laurence i Sally Martinowie uczynili z zagubionych walizek źródło zysków. Każde z nich odwiedza aukcje, na których licytowane są nieodebrane towary, przedmioty zajęte przez policję lub pozostawione na lotniskach. Polegając na doświadczeniu i wyczuciu, starają się wejść w posiadanie skarbów ukrytych w torbach. Okazuje się, że w ten niezbyt skomplikowany sposób potrafią zarobić tysiące dolarów|1393257600|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137565565|Stereo|Dokument;Serial<;span> Dokumentalny (lifestyle):|2
  11. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.570 GetEntries Reply 71/100: 146274178|Walka o bagaż|965|1393259400|1393261200|Każdego roku podróżujący po świecie pasażerowie tracą miliony sztuk bagażu. Wielu z nich nie zgłasza się po odbiór utraconych przedmiotów. Spryciarz Billy Leroy, pewny siebie Mark Meyer i ekscentryczni małżonkowie: Laurence i Sally Martinowie uczynili z zagubionych walizek źródło zysków. Każde z nich odwiedza aukcje, na których licytowane są nieodebrane towary, przedmioty zajęte przez policję lub pozostawione na lotniskach. Polegając na doświadczeniu i wyczuciu, starają się wejść w posiadanie skarbów ukrytych w torbach. Okazuje się, że w ten niezbyt skomplikowany sposób potrafią zarobić tysiące dolarów|Każdego roku podróżujący po świecie pasażerowie tracą miliony sztuk bagażu. Wielu z nich nie zgłasza się po odbiór utraconych przedmiotów. Spryciarz Billy Leroy, pewny siebie Mark Meyer i ekscentryczni małżonkowie: Laurence i Sally Martinowie uczynili z zagubionych walizek źródło zysków. Każde z nich odwiedza aukcje, na których licytowane są nieodebrane towary, przedmioty zajęte przez policję lub pozostawione na lotniskach. Polegając na doświadczeniu i wyczuciu, starają się wejść w posiadanie skarbów ukrytych w torbach. Okazuje się, że w ten niezbyt skomplikowany sposób potrafią zarobić tysiące dolarów|1393259400|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137565565|Stereo|Dokument;Serial<;span> Dokumentalny (lifestyle):|2
  12. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.570 GetEntries Reply 72/100: 146274180|Dziwaczne potrawy Ameryki|965|1393261200|1393264800|Czwarty sezon programu to odkrywanie kolejnych dziwnych potraw, jakie serwuje się w kraju za wielką wodą. Mistrz kucharski, pisarz i badacz kulinarny Andrew Zimmern z pewnością nie pomoże widzom w planowaniu rodzinnej kolacji, ale zaprezentuje ogromną różnorodność tradycyjnych przepisów, które stosuje się w różnych zakątkach Ameryki. Tatar z koziego serca z pianką z selera i flaki zagęszczone skórą kurczaka nie każdemu przypadną do gustu, lecz towarzyszące im historie z pewnością zainteresują niejednego|Czwarty sezon programu to odkrywanie kolejnych dziwnych potraw, jakie serwuje się w kraju za wielką wodą. Mistrz kucharski, pisarz i badacz kulinarny Andrew Zimmern z pewnością nie pomoże widzom w planowaniu rodzinnej kolacji, ale zaprezentuje ogromną różnorodność tradycyjnych przepisów, które stosuje się w różnych zakątkach Ameryki. Tatar z koziego serca z pianką z selera i flaki zagęszczone skórą kurczaka nie każdemu przypadną do gustu, lecz towarzyszące im historie z pewnością zainteresują niejednego|1393261200|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137565565|Stereo|Dokument;Serial<;span> Dokumentalny:|2
  13. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.570 GetEntries Reply 73/100: 146274182|Międzynarodowi poszukiwacze domów|965|1393264800|1393266600|Bohaterką odcinka jest Lisa O'Rourke, która porzuciła dynamiczną karierę w świecie mody, aby dać szansę miłości i rozpocząć nowe życie w stolicy Francji|Bohaterką odcinka jest Lisa O'Rourke, która porzuciła dynamiczną karierę w świecie mody, aby dać szansę miłości i rozpocząć nowe życie w stolicy Francji|1393264800|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137565565|Stereo|Dokument;Serial<;span> Dokumentalny:|2
  14. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.570 GetEntries Reply 74/100: 146274184|Międzynarodowi poszukiwacze domów|965|1393266600|1393268400|Po pięciu latach spędzonych w USA Cristina Parenti postanawia zamieszkać bliżej rodzinnego miasta. Jej narzeczony Shawn zgadza się rozstać ze swoją rodziną i przeprowadzić do Rzymu razem z nią|Po pięciu latach spędzonych w USA Cristina Parenti postanawia zamieszkać bliżej rodzinnego miasta. Jej narzeczony Shawn zgadza się rozstać ze swoją rodziną i przeprowadzić do Rzymu razem z nią|1393266600|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137565565|Stereo|Dokument;Serial<;span> Dokumentalny (lifestyle):|2
  15. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.570 GetEntries Reply 75/100: 146274186|Hotelowe rewolucje|965|1393268400|1393272000|To już trzeci sezon programu, w którym Anthony odwiedza hotele zagrożone bankructwem. Kwateruje się w nich incognito, sprawdza, co odstrasza gości a następnie zgłasza się do właścicieli z propozycją zmian|To już trzeci sezon programu, w którym Anthony odwiedza hotele zagrożone bankructwem. Kwateruje się w nich incognito, sprawdza, co odstrasza gości a następnie zgłasza się do właścicieli z propozycją zmian|1393268400|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137565565|Stereo|Dokument;Serial<;span> Dokumentalny:|2
  16. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.570 GetEntries Reply 76/100: 146274190|Kontrola graniczna|965|1393272000|1393275600|Andrew Zimmern dowiaduje się, dzięki jakim potrawom i rozrywkom zaciera się granica pomiędzy Meksykiem a Stanami Zjednoczonymi Ameryki|Andrew Zimmern dowiaduje się, dzięki jakim potrawom i rozrywkom zaciera się granica pomiędzy Meksykiem a Stanami Zjednoczonymi Ameryki|1393272000|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137565565|Stereo|Dokument;Serial<;span> Dokumentalny:|2
  17. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.570 GetEntries Reply 77/100: 146274192|Monumentalne zagadki|965|1393275600|1393279200|Don Wildman podróżuje w poszukiwaniu niezwykłych zabytków, tj. posągów, pomników, rzeźb, nagrobków i parków narodowych, które upamiętniają ważne wydarzenia w historii, spektakularne zwycięstwa, niekiedy wiążą się ze słynną zbrodnią, głośnym skandalem lub katastrofą. W programie widzowie poznają historię Mostu Booklińskiego, który stał się inspiracją jednego z największych i do dziś szeroko omawianych oszustw w USA, park narodowy Joshua Tree, w którym znaleziono ciało legendy rocka|Don Wildman podróżuje w poszukiwaniu niezwykłych zabytków, tj. posągów, pomników, rzeźb, nagrobków i parków narodowych, które upamiętniają ważne wydarzenia w historii, spektakularne zwycięstwa, niekiedy wiążą się ze słynną zbrodnią, głośnym skandalem lub katastrofą. W programie widzowie poznają historię Mostu Booklińskiego, który stał się inspiracją jednego z największych i do dziś szeroko omawianych oszustw w USA, park narodowy Joshua Tree, w którym znaleziono ciało legendy rocka|1393275600|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137565565|Stereo|Dokument;Serial<;span> Dokumentalny (historia;archeologia):|2
  18. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.570 GetEntries Reply 78/100: 146274194|Najwspanialsze trasy motocyklowe na świecie|965|1393279200|1393282800|Szalony motocyklista i prezenter Henry Cole przejechał tysiące kilometrów na swoim stalowym rumaku. Odwiedził na nim wszystkie kontynenty. Mimo to wyprawa, w którą rusza teraz budzi jego obawy. Cole'a wzywa wielki i nieprzewidywalny kraj - Rosja. Podróżnik startuje z St. Petersburga, którego bogactwo i piękno zachwycają przyjezdnych. Tuż po opuszczeniu miasta przekonuje się, że rosyjskie drogi stanowią nie lada wyzwanie. Trzeba doświadczenia, żeby utrzymać się na fatalnej nawierzchni we wciąż padającym deszczu. Pokonując tysiące kilometrów, Henry kieruje się do Moskwy. Niestety stolica Rosji, wita go niewyobrażalnym tłokiem oraz niekończącą się ulewą|Szalony motocyklista i prezenter Henry Cole przejechał tysiące kilometrów na swoim stalowym rumaku. Odwiedził na nim wszystkie kontynenty. Mimo to wyprawa, w którą rusza teraz budzi jego obawy. Cole'a wzywa wielki i nieprzewidywalny kraj - Rosja. Podróżnik startuje z St. Petersburga, którego bogactwo i piękno zachwycają przyjezdnych. Tuż po opuszczeniu miasta przekonuje się, że rosyjskie drogi stanowią nie lada wyzwanie. Trzeba doświadczenia, żeby utrzymać się na fatalnej nawierzchni we wciąż padającym deszczu. Pokonując tysiące kilometrów, Henry kieruje się do Moskwy. Niestety stolica Rosji, wita go niewyobrażalnym tłokiem oraz niekończącą się ulewą|1393279200|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137565565|Stereo|Dokument;Serial<;span> Dokumentalny:|2
  19. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.570 GetEntries Reply 79/100: 146274196|Nieziemskie przejażdżki|965|1393282800|1393284600|Twórcy programu poszukują najbardziej przerażających, przeczących wszelkim prawom fizyki, rozrywek wymyślonych przez człowieka. Miłośnicy mocnych doznań zobaczą najszybszą na świecie kolejkę tyrolską, która znajduje się w Nowej Zelandii. Sprawdzą, co czuje człowiek, spadający z wysokości 80 metrów z prędkością 130km/h na jedynej stadionowej huśtawce w Afryce Południowej. Oprócz tego pograją w paintball czołgowy i to nie będzie koniec atrakcji, które przygotowali dokumentaliści|Twórcy programu poszukują najbardziej przerażających, przeczących wszelkim prawom fizyki, rozrywek wymyślonych przez człowieka. Miłośnicy mocnych doznań zobaczą najszybszą na świecie kolejkę tyrolską, która znajduje się w Nowej Zelandii. Sprawdzą, co czuje człowiek, spadający z wysokości 80 metrów z prędkością 130km/h na jedynej stadionowej huśtawce w Afryce Południowej. Oprócz tego pograją w paintball czołgowy i to nie będzie koniec atrakcji, które przygotowali dokumentaliści|1393282800|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137565565|Stereo|Dokument;Serial<;span> Dokumentalny (turystyka;podróże):|2
  20. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.570 GetEntries Reply 80/100: 146274198|Wakacje w męskim gronie|965|1393284600|1393286400|Evan i Gareth porzucają codzienne obowiązki, aby oddać się szalonym rozrywkom i dać upust samczej naturze. Robią dużo hałasu, co krok pakują się w kłopoty, ale czy nie na tym właśnie polegają męskie wakacje. Chcąc poczuć dreszcz emocji i wyrzut adrenaliny, obaj zamierzają pobawić się bronią wielkokalibrową, udawać kosmonautów, wziąć udział w warsztatach wrażliwości i pojeździć z zakazaną prędkością po drogach i bezdrożach. Jak przystało na prawdziwych facetów, non stop nabijają się ze swoich wysiłków. Przecież nic tak nie poprawia nastroju, jak odrobina zdrowej rywalizacji. Oprócz tego wykorzystują każdą okazję, by spotkać się z dawno niewidzianymi znajomymi i zawrzeć nowe męskie przyjaźnie|Evan i Gareth porzucają codzienne obowiązki, aby oddać się szalonym rozrywkom i dać upust samczej naturze. Robią dużo hałasu, co krok pakują się w kłopoty, ale czy nie na tym właśnie polegają męskie wakacje. Chcąc poczuć dreszcz emocji i wyrzut adrenaliny, obaj zamierzają pobawić się bronią wielkokalibrową, udawać kosmonautów, wziąć udział w warsztatach wrażliwości i pojeździć z zakazaną prędkością po drogach i bezdrożach. Jak przystało na prawdziwych facetów, non stop nabijają się ze swoich wysiłków. Przecież nic tak nie poprawia nastroju, jak odrobina zdrowej rywalizacji. Oprócz tego wykorzystują każdą okazję, by spotkać się z dawno niewidzianymi znajomymi i zawrzeć nowe męskie przyjaźnie|1393284600|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137565565|Stereo|Dokument;Serial<;span> Dokumentalny (turystyka;podróże):|2
  21. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.571 GetEntries Reply 81/100: 146274200|Lotnisko w Miami 24 h na dobę|965|1393286400|1393288200|Twórcy serii obserwują, jak działa jeden z największych i najbardziej ruchliwych portów lotniczych na świecie. Miami International Airport działa bez przerwy. Rocznie obsługuje około 38 milionów pasażerów. Dla wielu z nich jest bramą do Stanów Zjednoczonych. Ponieważ lotnisko jest rozmiarów małego miasta, na jego terenie nigdy nie brakuje ciekawych zdarzeń: alarmów antyterrorystycznych, pożarów paliwa, pościgów za przemytnikami itp. O swoich doświadczeniach w pracy na lotnisku, opowiadają zatrudnione na nim osoby|Twórcy serii obserwują, jak działa jeden z największych i najbardziej ruchliwych portów lotniczych na świecie. Miami International Airport działa bez przerwy. Rocznie obsługuje około 38 milionów pasażerów. Dla wielu z nich jest bramą do Stanów Zjednoczonych. Ponieważ lotnisko jest rozmiarów małego miasta, na jego terenie nigdy nie brakuje ciekawych zdarzeń: alarmów antyterrorystycznych, pożarów paliwa, pościgów za przemytnikami itp. O swoich doświadczeniach w pracy na lotnisku, opowiadają zatrudnione na nim osoby|1393286400|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137565565|Stereo|Dokument;Serial<;span> Dokumentalny:|2
  22. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.571 GetEntries Reply 82/100: 146274202|Lotnisko w Miami 24 h na dobę|965|1393288200|1393290000|Twórcy serii obserwują, jak działa jeden z największych i najbardziej ruchliwych portów lotniczych na świecie. Miami International Airport działa bez przerwy. Rocznie obsługuje około 38 milionów pasażerów. Dla wielu z nich jest bramą do Stanów Zjednoczonych. Ponieważ lotnisko jest rozmiarów małego miasta, na jego terenie nigdy nie brakuje ciekawych zdarzeń: alarmów antyterrorystycznych, pożarów paliwa, pościgów za przemytnikami itp. O swoich doświadczeniach w pracy na lotnisku, opowiadają zatrudnione na nim osoby|Twórcy serii obserwują, jak działa jeden z największych i najbardziej ruchliwych portów lotniczych na świecie. Miami International Airport działa bez przerwy. Rocznie obsługuje około 38 milionów pasażerów. Dla wielu z nich jest bramą do Stanów Zjednoczonych. Ponieważ lotnisko jest rozmiarów małego miasta, na jego terenie nigdy nie brakuje ciekawych zdarzeń: alarmów antyterrorystycznych, pożarów paliwa, pościgów za przemytnikami itp. O swoich doświadczeniach w pracy na lotnisku, opowiadają zatrudnione na nim osoby|1393288200|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137565565|Stereo|Dokument;Serial<;span> Dokumentalny:|2
  23. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.571 GetEntries Reply 83/100: 146274204|Hotelowe rewolucje|965|1393290000|1393293600|To już trzeci sezon programu, w którym Anthony odwiedza hotele zagrożone bankructwem. Kwateruje się w nich incognito, sprawdza, co odstrasza gości a następnie zgłasza się do właścicieli z propozycją zmian|To już trzeci sezon programu, w którym Anthony odwiedza hotele zagrożone bankructwem. Kwateruje się w nich incognito, sprawdza, co odstrasza gości a następnie zgłasza się do właścicieli z propozycją zmian|1393290000|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137565565|Stereo|Dokument;Serial<;span> Dokumentalny:|2
  24. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.571 GetEntries Reply 84/100: 146274206|Kontrola graniczna|965|1393293600|1393300800|Andrew Zimmern dowiaduje się, dzięki jakim potrawom i rozrywkom zaciera się granica pomiędzy Meksykiem a Stanami Zjednoczonymi Ameryki|Andrew Zimmern dowiaduje się, dzięki jakim potrawom i rozrywkom zaciera się granica pomiędzy Meksykiem a Stanami Zjednoczonymi Ameryki|1393293600|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137565565|Stereo|Dokument;Serial<;span> Dokumentalny:|2
  25. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.571 GetEntries Reply 85/100: 146274208|Najwspanialsze trasy motocyklowe na świecie|965|1393300800|1393304400|Szalony motocyklista i prezenter Henry Cole przejechał tysiące kilometrów na swoim stalowym rumaku. Odwiedził na nim wszystkie kontynenty. Mimo to wyprawa, w którą rusza teraz budzi jego obawy. Cole'a wzywa wielki i nieprzewidywalny kraj - Rosja. Podróżnik startuje z St. Petersburga, którego bogactwo i piękno zachwycają przyjezdnych. Tuż po opuszczeniu miasta przekonuje się, że rosyjskie drogi stanowią nie lada wyzwanie. Trzeba doświadczenia, żeby utrzymać się na fatalnej nawierzchni we wciąż padającym deszczu. Pokonując tysiące kilometrów, Henry kieruje się do Moskwy. Niestety stolica Rosji, wita go niewyobrażalnym tłokiem oraz niekończącą się ulewą|Szalony motocyklista i prezenter Henry Cole przejechał tysiące kilometrów na swoim stalowym rumaku. Odwiedził na nim wszystkie kontynenty. Mimo to wyprawa, w którą rusza teraz budzi jego obawy. Cole'a wzywa wielki i nieprzewidywalny kraj - Rosja. Podróżnik startuje z St. Petersburga, którego bogactwo i piękno zachwycają przyjezdnych. Tuż po opuszczeniu miasta przekonuje się, że rosyjskie drogi stanowią nie lada wyzwanie. Trzeba doświadczenia, żeby utrzymać się na fatalnej nawierzchni we wciąż padającym deszczu. Pokonując tysiące kilometrów, Henry kieruje się do Moskwy. Niestety stolica Rosji, wita go niewyobrażalnym tłokiem oraz niekończącą się ulewą|1393300800|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137565565|Stereo|Dokument;Serial<;span> Dokumentalny:|2
  26. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.571 GetEntries Reply 86/100: 146274210|Obieżyświat|965|1393304400|1393308000|Adele Ucar prezentuje Madryt. Stolica Hiszpanii przeżywa prawdziwe odrodzenie: znakomicie rozwija się budownictwo, na każdym kroku powstają nowe budynki, oraz sztuka. Dla europejskich homoseksualistów miasto ma znaczenie szczególne, jest dumą gejów w Starym Świecie. Dla turystów to prawdziwe eldorado - miasto to nigdy nie śpi, dlatego słynie z całonocnych imprez|Adele Ucar prezentuje Madryt. Stolica Hiszpanii przeżywa prawdziwe odrodzenie: znakomicie rozwija się budownictwo, na każdym kroku powstają nowe budynki, oraz sztuka. Dla europejskich homoseksualistów miasto ma znaczenie szczególne, jest dumą gejów w Starym Świecie. Dla turystów to prawdziwe eldorado - miasto to nigdy nie śpi, dlatego słynie z całonocnych imprez|1393304400|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137565565|Stereo|Dokument;Serial<;span> Dokumentalny (turystyka;podróże):|2
  27. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.571 GetEntries Reply 87/100: 146274212|Międzynarodowi poszukiwacze domów|965|1393308000|1393309800|Heather, która w poszukiwaniu europejskiej przygody wyjechała z amerykańskiego stanu Wisconsin do Pragi, przeprowadza się teraz do Niemiec, gdzie zamierza cieszyć się nowym stylem życia, mieszkaniem w pojedynkę oraz podróżami|Heather, która w poszukiwaniu europejskiej przygody wyjechała z amerykańskiego stanu Wisconsin do Pragi, przeprowadza się teraz do Niemiec, gdzie zamierza cieszyć się nowym stylem życia, mieszkaniem w pojedynkę oraz podróżami|1393308000|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137565565|Stereo|Dokument;Serial<;span> Dokumentalny:|2
  28. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.571 GetEntries Reply 88/100: 146274214|Międzynarodowi poszukiwacze domów|965|1393309800|1393311600|Gdy Kevin otrzymał propozycję pracy w Anglii, jego narzeczona Liza była zachwycona. Niestety okazało się, że mężczyzna ma zamieszkać nie w tętniącym życiem Londynie, tylko małym sennym miasteczku Beverly|Gdy Kevin otrzymał propozycję pracy w Anglii, jego narzeczona Liza była zachwycona. Niestety okazało się, że mężczyzna ma zamieszkać nie w tętniącym życiem Londynie, tylko małym sennym miasteczku Beverly|1393309800|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137565565|Stereo|Dokument;Serial<;span> Dokumentalny (lifestyle):|2
  29. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.571 GetEntries Reply 89/100: 146274216|Afrykańska kuchnia Rezy|965|1393311600|1393313400|Reza Mahammad wybiera się z wizytą do Afryki Subsaharyjskiej. Przemierzając Namibię, Zambię, Botswanę, Afrykę Południową i Zanzibar, pozna niezwykłych ludzi oraz wyśmienite dania. Od wybrzeża po góry i od stepu po tętniące życiem miasta, odkrywać będzie kulinarne perełki. To, czego nauczył się w drodze, po powrocie postara się odtworzyć we własnej kuchni. Do potraw z Czarnego Lądu doda pikantną, indyjską nutę|Reza Mahammad wybiera się z wizytą do Afryki Subsaharyjskiej. Przemierzając Namibię, Zambię, Botswanę, Afrykę Południową i Zanzibar, pozna niezwykłych ludzi oraz wyśmienite dania. Od wybrzeża po góry i od stepu po tętniące życiem miasta, odkrywać będzie kulinarne perełki. To, czego nauczył się w drodze, po powrocie postara się odtworzyć we własnej kuchni. Do potraw z Czarnego Lądu doda pikantną, indyjską nutę|1393311600|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137565565|Stereo|Dokument;Serial<;span> Dokumentalny (kulinaria):|2
  30. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.572 GetEntries Reply 90/100: 146274218|Afrykańska kuchnia Rezy|965|1393313400|1393315200|Reza Mahammad wybiera się z wizytą do Afryki Subsaharyjskiej. Przemierzając Namibię, Zambię, Botswanę, Afrykę Południową i Zanzibar, pozna niezwykłych ludzi oraz wyśmienite dania. Od wybrzeża po góry i od stepu po tętniące życiem miasta, odkrywać będzie kulinarne perełki. To, czego nauczył się w drodze, po powrocie postara się odtworzyć we własnej kuchni. Do potraw z Czarnego Lądu doda pikantną, indyjską nutę|Reza Mahammad wybiera się z wizytą do Afryki Subsaharyjskiej. Przemierzając Namibię, Zambię, Botswanę, Afrykę Południową i Zanzibar, pozna niezwykłych ludzi oraz wyśmienite dania. Od wybrzeża po góry i od stepu po tętniące życiem miasta, odkrywać będzie kulinarne perełki. To, czego nauczył się w drodze, po powrocie postara się odtworzyć we własnej kuchni. Do potraw z Czarnego Lądu doda pikantną, indyjską nutę|1393313400|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137565565|Stereo|Dokument;Serial<;span> Dokumentalny (kulinaria):|2
  31. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.572 GetEntries Reply 91/100: 146274220|Najwspanialsze trasy motocyklowe na świecie|965|1393315200|1393318800|Szalony motocyklista i prezenter Henry Cole przejechał tysiące kilometrów na swoim stalowym rumaku. Odwiedził na nim wszystkie kontynenty. Mimo to wyprawa, w którą rusza teraz budzi jego obawy. Cole'a wzywa wielki i nieprzewidywalny kraj - Rosja. Podróżnik startuje z St. Petersburga, którego bogactwo i piękno zachwycają przyjezdnych. Tuż po opuszczeniu miasta przekonuje się, że rosyjskie drogi stanowią nie lada wyzwanie. Trzeba doświadczenia, żeby utrzymać się na fatalnej nawierzchni we wciąż padającym deszczu. Pokonując tysiące kilometrów, Henry kieruje się do Moskwy. Niestety stolica Rosji, wita go niewyobrażalnym tłokiem oraz niekończącą się ulewą|Szalony motocyklista i prezenter Henry Cole przejechał tysiące kilometrów na swoim stalowym rumaku. Odwiedził na nim wszystkie kontynenty. Mimo to wyprawa, w którą rusza teraz budzi jego obawy. Cole'a wzywa wielki i nieprzewidywalny kraj - Rosja. Podróżnik startuje z St. Petersburga, którego bogactwo i piękno zachwycają przyjezdnych. Tuż po opuszczeniu miasta przekonuje się, że rosyjskie drogi stanowią nie lada wyzwanie. Trzeba doświadczenia, żeby utrzymać się na fatalnej nawierzchni we wciąż padającym deszczu. Pokonując tysiące kilometrów, Henry kieruje się do Moskwy. Niestety stolica Rosji, wita go niewyobrażalnym tłokiem oraz niekończącą się ulewą|1393315200|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137565565|Stereo|Dokument;Serial<;span> Dokumentalny:|2
  32. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.572 GetEntries Reply 92/100: 146274222|Lotnisko w Miami 24 h na dobę|965|1393318800|1393320600|Twórcy serii obserwują, jak działa jeden z największych i najbardziej ruchliwych portów lotniczych na świecie. Miami International Airport działa bez przerwy. Rocznie obsługuje około 38 milionów pasażerów. Dla wielu z nich jest bramą do Stanów Zjednoczonych. Ponieważ lotnisko jest rozmiarów małego miasta, na jego terenie nigdy nie brakuje ciekawych zdarzeń: alarmów antyterrorystycznych, pożarów paliwa, pościgów za przemytnikami itp. O swoich doświadczeniach w pracy na lotnisku, opowiadają zatrudnione na nim osoby|Twórcy serii obserwują, jak działa jeden z największych i najbardziej ruchliwych portów lotniczych na świecie. Miami International Airport działa bez przerwy. Rocznie obsługuje około 38 milionów pasażerów. Dla wielu z nich jest bramą do Stanów Zjednoczonych. Ponieważ lotnisko jest rozmiarów małego miasta, na jego terenie nigdy nie brakuje ciekawych zdarzeń: alarmów antyterrorystycznych, pożarów paliwa, pościgów za przemytnikami itp. O swoich doświadczeniach w pracy na lotnisku, opowiadają zatrudnione na nim osoby|1393318800|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137565565|Stereo|Dokument;Serial<;span> Dokumentalny:|2
  33. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.572 GetEntries Reply 93/100: 146274224|Lotnisko w Miami 24 h na dobę|965|1393320600|1393322400|Twórcy serii obserwują, jak działa jeden z największych i najbardziej ruchliwych portów lotniczych na świecie. Miami International Airport działa bez przerwy. Rocznie obsługuje około 38 milionów pasażerów. Dla wielu z nich jest bramą do Stanów Zjednoczonych. Ponieważ lotnisko jest rozmiarów małego miasta, na jego terenie nigdy nie brakuje ciekawych zdarzeń: alarmów antyterrorystycznych, pożarów paliwa, pościgów za przemytnikami itp. O swoich doświadczeniach w pracy na lotnisku, opowiadają zatrudnione na nim osoby|Twórcy serii obserwują, jak działa jeden z największych i najbardziej ruchliwych portów lotniczych na świecie. Miami International Airport działa bez przerwy. Rocznie obsługuje około 38 milionów pasażerów. Dla wielu z nich jest bramą do Stanów Zjednoczonych. Ponieważ lotnisko jest rozmiarów małego miasta, na jego terenie nigdy nie brakuje ciekawych zdarzeń: alarmów antyterrorystycznych, pożarów paliwa, pościgów za przemytnikami itp. O swoich doświadczeniach w pracy na lotnisku, opowiadają zatrudnione na nim osoby|1393320600|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137565565|Stereo|Dokument;Serial<;span> Dokumentalny:|2
  34. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.572 GetEntries Reply 94/100: 146274226|Walka o bagaż|965|1393322400|1393324200|Każdego roku podróżujący po świecie pasażerowie tracą miliony sztuk bagażu. Wielu z nich nie zgłasza się po odbiór utraconych przedmiotów. Spryciarz Billy Leroy, pewny siebie Mark Meyer i ekscentryczni małżonkowie: Laurence i Sally Martinowie uczynili z zagubionych walizek źródło zysków. Każde z nich odwiedza aukcje, na których licytowane są nieodebrane towary, przedmioty zajęte przez policję lub pozostawione na lotniskach. Polegając na doświadczeniu i wyczuciu, starają się wejść w posiadanie skarbów ukrytych w torbach. Okazuje się, że w ten niezbyt skomplikowany sposób potrafią zarobić tysiące dolarów|Każdego roku podróżujący po świecie pasażerowie tracą miliony sztuk bagażu. Wielu z nich nie zgłasza się po odbiór utraconych przedmiotów. Spryciarz Billy Leroy, pewny siebie Mark Meyer i ekscentryczni małżonkowie: Laurence i Sally Martinowie uczynili z zagubionych walizek źródło zysków. Każde z nich odwiedza aukcje, na których licytowane są nieodebrane towary, przedmioty zajęte przez policję lub pozostawione na lotniskach. Polegając na doświadczeniu i wyczuciu, starają się wejść w posiadanie skarbów ukrytych w torbach. Okazuje się, że w ten niezbyt skomplikowany sposób potrafią zarobić tysiące dolarów|1393322400|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137565565|Stereo|Dokument;Serial<;span> Dokumentalny (lifestyle):|2
  35. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.572 GetEntries Reply 95/100: 146274228|Walka o bagaż|965|1393324200|1393326000|Każdego roku podróżujący po świecie pasażerowie tracą miliony sztuk bagażu. Wielu z nich nie zgłasza się po odbiór utraconych przedmiotów. Spryciarz Billy Leroy, pewny siebie Mark Meyer i ekscentryczni małżonkowie: Laurence i Sally Martinowie uczynili z zagubionych walizek źródło zysków. Każde z nich odwiedza aukcje, na których licytowane są nieodebrane towary, przedmioty zajęte przez policję lub pozostawione na lotniskach. Polegając na doświadczeniu i wyczuciu, starają się wejść w posiadanie skarbów ukrytych w torbach. Okazuje się, że w ten niezbyt skomplikowany sposób potrafią zarobić tysiące dolarów|Każdego roku podróżujący po świecie pasażerowie tracą miliony sztuk bagażu. Wielu z nich nie zgłasza się po odbiór utraconych przedmiotów. Spryciarz Billy Leroy, pewny siebie Mark Meyer i ekscentryczni małżonkowie: Laurence i Sally Martinowie uczynili z zagubionych walizek źródło zysków. Każde z nich odwiedza aukcje, na których licytowane są nieodebrane towary, przedmioty zajęte przez policję lub pozostawione na lotniskach. Polegając na doświadczeniu i wyczuciu, starają się wejść w posiadanie skarbów ukrytych w torbach. Okazuje się, że w ten niezbyt skomplikowany sposób potrafią zarobić tysiące dolarów|1393324200|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137565565|Stereo|Dokument;Serial<;span> Dokumentalny (lifestyle):|2
  36. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.572 GetEntries Reply 96/100: 146274230|Dziwaczne potrawy Ameryki|965|1393326000|1393329600|Czwarty sezon programu to odkrywanie kolejnych dziwnych potraw, jakie serwuje się w kraju za wielką wodą. Mistrz kucharski, pisarz i badacz kulinarny Andrew Zimmern z pewnością nie pomoże widzom w planowaniu rodzinnej kolacji, ale zaprezentuje ogromną różnorodność tradycyjnych przepisów, które stosuje się w różnych zakątkach Ameryki. Tatar z koziego serca z pianką z selera i flaki zagęszczone skórą kurczaka nie każdemu przypadną do gustu, lecz towarzyszące im historie z pewnością zainteresują niejednego|Czwarty sezon programu to odkrywanie kolejnych dziwnych potraw, jakie serwuje się w kraju za wielką wodą. Mistrz kucharski, pisarz i badacz kulinarny Andrew Zimmern z pewnością nie pomoże widzom w planowaniu rodzinnej kolacji, ale zaprezentuje ogromną różnorodność tradycyjnych przepisów, które stosuje się w różnych zakątkach Ameryki. Tatar z koziego serca z pianką z selera i flaki zagęszczone skórą kurczaka nie każdemu przypadną do gustu, lecz towarzyszące im historie z pewnością zainteresują niejednego|1393326000|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137565565|Stereo|Dokument;Serial<;span> Dokumentalny:|2
  37. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.572 GetEntries Reply 97/100: 146274232|Międzynarodowi poszukiwacze domów|965|1393329600|1393331400|Heather, która w poszukiwaniu europejskiej przygody wyjechała z amerykańskiego stanu Wisconsin do Pragi, przeprowadza się teraz do Niemiec, gdzie zamierza cieszyć się nowym stylem życia, mieszkaniem w pojedynkę oraz podróżami|Heather, która w poszukiwaniu europejskiej przygody wyjechała z amerykańskiego stanu Wisconsin do Pragi, przeprowadza się teraz do Niemiec, gdzie zamierza cieszyć się nowym stylem życia, mieszkaniem w pojedynkę oraz podróżami|1393329600|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137565565|Stereo|Dokument;Serial<;span> Dokumentalny:|2
  38. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.572 GetEntries Reply 98/100: 146274234|Międzynarodowi poszukiwacze domów|965|1393331400|1393333200|Gdy Kevin otrzymał propozycję pracy w Anglii, jego narzeczona Liza była zachwycona. Niestety okazało się, że mężczyzna ma zamieszkać nie w tętniącym życiem Londynie, tylko małym sennym miasteczku Beverly|Gdy Kevin otrzymał propozycję pracy w Anglii, jego narzeczona Liza była zachwycona. Niestety okazało się, że mężczyzna ma zamieszkać nie w tętniącym życiem Londynie, tylko małym sennym miasteczku Beverly|1393331400|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137565565|Stereo|Dokument;Serial<;span> Dokumentalny (lifestyle):|2
  39. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.573 GetEntries Reply 99/100: 146274236|Hotelowe rewolucje|965|1393333200|1393336800|Drugi sezon programu, w którym widzowie obserwują Anthony'ego Mechiorri odwiedzającego hotele zagrożone bankructwem. Ten specjalista branży turystycznej kwateruje się w nich incognito i sprawdza, co odstrasza gości. Następnie pojawia się w tym samym miejscu oficjalnie i spotyka się z jego pracownikami, aby przedyskutować plan ratowania ich miejsca pracy. Zazwyczaj mówi im prawdę o tym, co robią źle. Potrafi naprawić sytuację danego hotelu w ciągu zaledwie parę tygodni. Wcześniej jednak poddaje personel lekkiej terapii szokowej|Drugi sezon programu, w którym widzowie obserwują Anthony'ego Mechiorri odwiedzającego hotele zagrożone bankructwem. Ten specjalista branży turystycznej kwateruje się w nich incognito i sprawdza, co odstrasza gości. Następnie pojawia się w tym samym miejscu oficjalnie i spotyka się z jego pracownikami, aby przedyskutować plan ratowania ich miejsca pracy. Zazwyczaj mówi im prawdę o tym, co robią źle. Potrafi naprawić sytuację danego hotelu w ciągu zaledwie parę tygodni. Wcześniej jednak poddaje personel lekkiej terapii szokowej|1393333200|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137565565|Stereo|Dokument;Serial<;span> Dokumentalny (turystyka;podróże):|2
  40. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.573 GetEntries Reply 100/100: <EOF>
  41. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.573 Finished request GetEntries in 0.06s
  42. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.657 Received client request: MEDIA-PC|GetEntries|137565566|1393072452|1393335252
  43. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.659 no entries found, channelUniversal HD Pol, startTime: 22/02/2014 12:34:12, endTime: 25/02/2014 13:34:12
  44. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.659 GetEntries Reply 01/01: <EOF>
  45. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.659 Finished request GetEntries in 0.00s
  46. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.661 Received client request: MEDIA-PC|GetEntries|137565567|1393072452|1393335252
  47. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.661 no entries found, channelVIVA Polska, startTime: 22/02/2014 12:34:12, endTime: 25/02/2014 13:34:12
  48. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.661 GetEntries Reply 01/01: <EOF>
  49. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.661 Finished request GetEntries in 0.00s
  50. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.665 Received client request: MEDIA-PC|GetEntries|137565568|1393072452|1393335252
  51. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.691 GetEntries Reply 01/95: 146274440|Po spotkaniu z rekinem|968|1393115100|1393118100|Po spotkaniu z rekinem (Shark Attack Survivors), USA 2006
  52. Jakie jest prawdziwe oblicze najwiêkszych morskich drapie¿ników? W programie analiza ataków rekinów i wspomnienia tych, którzy stanêli twarz± w twarz z tymi gro¼nymi rybami.|Po spotkaniu z rekinem (Shark Attack Survivors), USA 2006
  53. Jakie jest prawdziwe oblicze najwiêkszych morskich drapie¿ników? W programie analiza ataków rekinów i wspomnienia tych, którzy stanêli twarz± w twarz z tymi gro¼nymi rybami.|1393115100|Unknown|0|0|0|128|0|||137565568|Stereo||2
  54. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.691 GetEntries Reply 02/95: 146274444|Poznajcie leniwce|968|1393118100|1393119600|Poznajcie leniwce (Meet the Sloths), re¿. Lucy Cooke, Wielka Brytania 2012, odc. 7
  55. Rok z ¿ycia piêciu leniwców. Widzowie poznaj± mieszkañców rezerwatu Aviarios na Korsyce, gdzie trafiaj± osierocone lub ranne osobniki.|Poznajcie leniwce (Meet the Sloths), re¿. Lucy Cooke, Wielka Brytania 2012, odc. 7
  56. Rok z ¿ycia piêciu leniwców. Widzowie poznaj± mieszkañców rezerwatu Aviarios na Korsyce, gdzie trafiaj± osierocone lub ranne osobniki.|1393118100|Unknown|0|0|0|128|0|||137565568|Stereo||2
  57. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.691 GetEntries Reply 03/95: 146274446|Poznajcie leniwce|968|1393119600|1393121100|Poznajcie leniwce (Meet the Sloths), re¿. Lucy Cooke, Wielka Brytania 2012, odc. 8
  58. Rok z ¿ycia piêciu leniwców. Widzowie poznaj± mieszkañców rezerwatu Aviarios na Korsyce, gdzie trafiaj± osierocone lub ranne osobniki.|Poznajcie leniwce (Meet the Sloths), re¿. Lucy Cooke, Wielka Brytania 2012, odc. 8
  59. Rok z ¿ycia piêciu leniwców. Widzowie poznaj± mieszkañców rezerwatu Aviarios na Korsyce, gdzie trafiaj± osierocone lub ranne osobniki.|1393119600|Unknown|0|0|0|128|0|||137565568|Stereo||2
  60. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.691 GetEntries Reply 04/95: 146274450|Witamy na ¶wiecie|968|1393121100|1393122600|Witamy na ¶wiecie (Nature's Newborns), Wielka Brytania 2013, odc. 1
  61. Steve Leonard je¼dzi po Anglii i prezentuje zwierzaki, które urodzi³y siê w prywatnych domach, ogrodach zoologicznych i na farmach.|Witamy na ¶wiecie (Nature's Newborns), Wielka Brytania 2013, odc. 1
  62. Steve Leonard je¼dzi po Anglii i prezentuje zwierzaki, które urodzi³y siê w prywatnych domach, ogrodach zoologicznych i na farmach.|1393121100|Unknown|0|0|0|144|0|||137565568|Stereo||2
  63. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.691 GetEntries Reply 05/95: 146274452|Witamy na ¶wiecie|968|1393122600|1393124100|Witamy na ¶wiecie (Nature's Newborns), Wielka Brytania 2013, odc. 2
  64. Steve Leonard je¼dzi po Anglii i prezentuje zwierzaki, które urodzi³y siê w prywatnych domach, ogrodach zoologicznych i na farmach.|Witamy na ¶wiecie (Nature's Newborns), Wielka Brytania 2013, odc. 2
  65. Steve Leonard je¼dzi po Anglii i prezentuje zwierzaki, które urodzi³y siê w prywatnych domach, ogrodach zoologicznych i na farmach.|1393122600|Unknown|0|0|0|144|0|||137565568|Stereo||2
  66. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.691 GetEntries Reply 06/95: 146274454|Policja dla...|968|1393124100|1393127100|Policja dla zwierz±t w Houston: Psie ogony (Animal Cops Houston 5), USA
  67. Grupa ¶ledczych z Towarzystwa Humanitarnego wraz z 80-osobowym zespo³em policjantów wkracza na arenê, na której odbywaj± siê walki kogutów. Tymczasem inni oficerowie ratuj± szczeniêta, którym obciêto ogony.|Policja dla zwierz±t w Houston: Psie ogony (Animal Cops Houston 5), USA
  68. Grupa ¶ledczych z Towarzystwa Humanitarnego wraz z 80-osobowym zespo³em policjantów wkracza na arenê, na której odbywaj± siê walki kogutów. Tymczasem inni oficerowie ratuj± szczeniêta, którym obciêto ogony.|1393124100|Unknown|0|0|0|128|0|||137565568|Stereo||2
  69. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.692 GetEntries Reply 07/95: 146274458|Najdziksza Ameryka...|968|1393127100|1393130100|Najdziksza Ameryka £aciñska: Wenezuela (Wildest Latin America)
  70. Odcinek po¶wiêcony Wenezueli. Pañstwo to zachwyca ró¿norodnym ukszta³towaniem terenu oraz bogactwem fauny i flory. Z gór kraju wyp³ywa rzeka Orinoko.Jej ¶rodkowa czê¶æ w porze deszczowej wylewa, tworz±c ogromne bagna.|Najdziksza Ameryka £aciñska: Wenezuela (Wildest Latin America)
  71. Odcinek po¶wiêcony Wenezueli. Pañstwo to zachwyca ró¿norodnym ukszta³towaniem terenu oraz bogactwem fauny i flory. Z gór kraju wyp³ywa rzeka Orinoko.Jej ¶rodkowa czê¶æ w porze deszczowej wylewa, tworz±c ogromne bagna.|1393127100|Unknown|0|0|0|144|0|||137565568|Stereo||2
  72. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.692 GetEntries Reply 08/95: 146274460|Na ratunek przyrodzie|968|1393130100|1393131600|Na ratunek przyrodzie (Wildlife SOS 8), odc. 15
  73. Zobaczymy codzienn± pracê w o¶rodku Wildlife Aid, gdzie ratuje siê, leczy i przywraca do ¿ycia na wolno¶ci poranione zwierzêta.|Na ratunek przyrodzie (Wildlife SOS 8), odc. 15
  74. Zobaczymy codzienn± pracê w o¶rodku Wildlife Aid, gdzie ratuje siê, leczy i przywraca do ¿ycia na wolno¶ci poranione zwierzêta.|1393130100|Unknown|0|0|0|128|0|||137565568|Stereo||2
  75. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.692 GetEntries Reply 09/95: 146274462|Rodzinne zoo Irwinów|968|1393131600|1393133100|Rodzinne zoo Irwinów (Steve Irwin's Wildlife Warriors), Australia 2012, odc. 6
  76. ¯ona australijskiego podró¿nika Steve'a Irwina, Teri i jego dzieci - Bindi i Robert kontynuuj± dziedzictwo tragicznie zmar³ego krewnego. Kolejna seria programu pokazuje kulisy ich pracy na terenie australijskiego zoo|Rodzinne zoo Irwinów (Steve Irwin's Wildlife Warriors), Australia 2012, odc. 6
  77. ¯ona australijskiego podró¿nika Steve'a Irwina, Teri i jego dzieci - Bindi i Robert kontynuuj± dziedzictwo tragicznie zmar³ego krewnego. Kolejna seria programu pokazuje kulisy ich pracy na terenie australijskiego zoo|1393131600|Unknown|0|0|0|144|0|||137565568|Stereo||2
  78. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.692 GetEntries Reply 10/95: 146274464|Kot z piek³a rodem|968|1393133100|1393136100|Kot z piek³a rodem (My Cat from Hell), USA 2011, odc. 2
  79. Behawiorysta felinolog Jackson Galaxy pomaga w³a¶cicielom kotów zapanowaæ nad niesfornymi podopiecznymi. Okazuje siê, ¿e domowego pupila mo¿na wychowaæ, a nawet wytresowaæ, choæ wymaga to czasu i cierpliwo¶ci.|Kot z piek³a rodem (My Cat from Hell), USA 2011, odc. 2
  80. Behawiorysta felinolog Jackson Galaxy pomaga w³a¶cicielom kotów zapanowaæ nad niesfornymi podopiecznymi. Okazuje siê, ¿e domowego pupila mo¿na wychowaæ, a nawet wytresowaæ, choæ wymaga to czasu i cierpliwo¶ci.|1393133100|Unknown|0|0|0|128|0|||137565568|Stereo||2
  81. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.692 GetEntries Reply 11/95: 146274468|O psach, kotach i...|968|1393136100|1393139400|O psach, kotach i innych pupilach: ¦winka miniaturowa, kapibara, koza kar³owata, osio³ miniaturowy, je¿, skunks
  82. W tym odcinku twórcy zaprezentuj± nietypowe domowe zwierzaki i przedstawi± historiê ich hodowli czy wyj±tkowe uzdolnienia. Bohaterami bêdzie m. in. kapibara i je¿.|O psach, kotach i innych pupilach: ¦winka miniaturowa, kapibara, koza kar³owata, osio³ miniaturowy, je¿, skunks
  83. W tym odcinku twórcy zaprezentuj± nietypowe domowe zwierzaki i przedstawi± historiê ich hodowli czy wyj±tkowe uzdolnienia. Bohaterami bêdzie m. in. kapibara i je¿.|1393136100|Unknown|0|0|0|144|0|||137565568|Stereo||2
  84. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.692 GetEntries Reply 12/95: 146274472|£owcy aligatorów|968|1393139400|1393142700|Brak czasu (Gator Boys), USA 2012
  85. Ekipa ma pe³ne rêce roboty. Tymczasem Jimmy, który je¼dzi na liczne pokazy i spêdza czas ze swoj± dziewczyn±, nie mo¿e ca³kowicie po¶wiêciæ siê pracy. Zmusza to Paula do wyczerpuj±cego wysi³ku.|Brak czasu (Gator Boys), USA 2012
  86. Ekipa ma pe³ne rêce roboty. Tymczasem Jimmy, który je¼dzi na liczne pokazy i spêdza czas ze swoj± dziewczyn±, nie mo¿e ca³kowicie po¶wiêciæ siê pracy. Zmusza to Paula do wyczerpuj±cego wysi³ku.|1393139400|Unknown|0|0|0|128|0|||137565568|Stereo||2
  87. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.692 GetEntries Reply 13/95: 146274476|£owca z dziczy|968|1393142700|1393144200|Masakra (Call of the Wildman), USA 2011, odc. 293
  88. Ferdynand Kiepski przez przypadek wchodzi w posiadaniu tajemniczej p³yty DVD z japoñskim horrorem. Po obejrzeniu filmu wychodzi na jaw, ¿e by³ on ob³o¿ony kl±tw±. Ferdek zaczyna byæ prze¶ladowany przez upiora.|Masakra (Call of the Wildman), USA 2011, odc. 293
  89. Ferdynand Kiepski przez przypadek wchodzi w posiadaniu tajemniczej p³yty DVD z japoñskim horrorem. Po obejrzeniu filmu wychodzi na jaw, ¿e by³ on ob³o¿ony kl±tw±. Ferdek zaczyna byæ prze¶ladowany przez upiora.|1393142700|Unknown|0|0|0|128|0|||137565568|Stereo||2
  90. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.692 GetEntries Reply 14/95: 146274478|Na bagnach Florydy|968|1393144200|1393146000|Ostatnia deska ratunku (Swamp Brothers), USA 2011
  91. Wizyta w Glades Herp Farm. Jest to najwiêkszy na Florydzie rezerwat gadów, a zarazem farma jadowitych wê¿y i sklep z egzotycznymi gadami.|Ostatnia deska ratunku (Swamp Brothers), USA 2011
  92. Wizyta w Glades Herp Farm. Jest to najwiêkszy na Florydzie rezerwat gadów, a zarazem farma jadowitych wê¿y i sklep z egzotycznymi gadami.|1393144200|Unknown|0|0|0|128|0|||137565568|Stereo||2
  93. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.692 GetEntries Reply 15/95: 146274480|Weterynarz z antypodów|968|1393146000|1393149300|Weterynarz z antypodów (Bondi Vet 5), Australia, odc. 16
  94. Do Chrisa trafia pies z rasy shar pei. Charakterystyczne dla tej odmiany fa³dy skóry mog± spowodowaæ u czworonogów powa¿n± wadê wzroku. Widzowie przekonaj± siê, czy weterynarzowi uda siê pomóc zwierzêciu.|Weterynarz z antypodów (Bondi Vet 5), Australia, odc. 16
  95. Do Chrisa trafia pies z rasy shar pei. Charakterystyczne dla tej odmiany fa³dy skóry mog± spowodowaæ u czworonogów powa¿n± wadê wzroku. Widzowie przekonaj± siê, czy weterynarzowi uda siê pomóc zwierzêciu.|1393146000|Unknown|0|0|0|128|0|||137565568|Stereo||2
  96. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.692 GetEntries Reply 16/95: 146274482|Najdziksza Ameryka...|968|1393149300|1393152600|Najdziksza Ameryka £aciñska: Pantanal (Wildest Latin America)
  97. Po³o¿ona na terenie Boliwii, Brazylii i Paragwaju kraina Pantanal to najwiêksze tereny podmok³e ¶wiata. Podczas pory suchej tworzy siê tam sawanna. Z kolei podczas pory deszczowej obfite opady zalewaj± niemal ca³y obszar.|Najdziksza Ameryka £aciñska: Pantanal (Wildest Latin America)
  98. Po³o¿ona na terenie Boliwii, Brazylii i Paragwaju kraina Pantanal to najwiêksze tereny podmok³e ¶wiata. Podczas pory suchej tworzy siê tam sawanna. Z kolei podczas pory deszczowej obfite opady zalewaj± niemal ca³y obszar.|1393149300|Unknown|0|0|0|144|0|||137565568|Stereo||2
  99. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.692 GetEntries Reply 17/95: 146274486|Najdziksze wyspy|968|1393152600|1393155900|Sri Lanka (Wildest Islands 1)
  100. Podró¿ na najpiêkniejsze wyspy ¶wiata, na Wyspy Salomona, Zanzibar i archipelag Galapagos. Serial ukazuje bogate ¿ycie wyodrêbnionych ¶wiatów z perspektywy ludzi i zwierz±t. Ich faunê i florê oraz kulturê|Sri Lanka (Wildest Islands 1)
  101. Podró¿ na najpiêkniejsze wyspy ¶wiata, na Wyspy Salomona, Zanzibar i archipelag Galapagos. Serial ukazuje bogate ¿ycie wyodrêbnionych ¶wiatów z perspektywy ludzi i zwierz±t. Ich faunê i florê oraz kulturê|1393152600|Unknown|0|0|0|128|0|||137565568|Stereo||2
  102. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.692 GetEntries Reply 18/95: 146274488|Najdziksze wyspy|968|1393155900|1393159200|Hebrydy (Wildest Islands 1)
  103. Szkockie Hebrydy stanowi± dom dla takich gatunków zwierz±t, jak: maskonury, or³y przednie, derkacze, d³ugoszpary, walenie, delfiny i wydry. Dowiemy siê dlaczego znalaz³y na wyspach idealne warunki bytowania.|Hebrydy (Wildest Islands 1)
  104. Szkockie Hebrydy stanowi± dom dla takich gatunków zwierz±t, jak: maskonury, or³y przednie, derkacze, d³ugoszpary, walenie, delfiny i wydry. Dowiemy siê dlaczego znalaz³y na wyspach idealne warunki bytowania.|1393155900|Unknown|0|0|0|128|0|||137565568|Stereo||2
  105. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.692 GetEntries Reply 19/95: 146274490|Najdziksze wyspy|968|1393159200|1393162500|Japonia (Wildest Islands 2), odc. 2
  106. Japonia jest archipelagiem sk³adaj±cym siê z 6852 wysp, po³o¿onych w ró¿nych strefach klimatycznych. Te skrawki l±du stanowi± dom dla unikatowych gatunków zwierz±t zarówno azjatyckich, jak i arktycznych.|Japonia (Wildest Islands 2), odc. 2
  107. Japonia jest archipelagiem sk³adaj±cym siê z 6852 wysp, po³o¿onych w ró¿nych strefach klimatycznych. Te skrawki l±du stanowi± dom dla unikatowych gatunków zwierz±t zarówno azjatyckich, jak i arktycznych.|1393159200|Unknown|0|0|0|128|0|||137565568|Stereo||2
  108. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.692 GetEntries Reply 20/95: 146274492|Najdziksze wyspy|968|1393162500|1393165800|Brazylia i Amazonka (Wildest Islands 2)
  109. Filmowcy prezentuj± niezwyk³e gatunki zwierz±t zasiedlaj±cych tysi±ce rzecznych wysp rozrzuconych po Rio Negro i potê¿nej Amazonce. Pokazuj±, jak stworzenia te przystosowa³y siê do ¿ycia w trudnych warunkach.|Brazylia i Amazonka (Wildest Islands 2)
  110. Filmowcy prezentuj± niezwyk³e gatunki zwierz±t zasiedlaj±cych tysi±ce rzecznych wysp rozrzuconych po Rio Negro i potê¿nej Amazonce. Pokazuj±, jak stworzenia te przystosowa³y siê do ¿ycia w trudnych warunkach.|1393162500|Unknown|0|0|0|128|0|||137565568|Stereo||2
  111. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.693 GetEntries Reply 21/95: 146274494|Najdziksze wyspy|968|1393165800|1393169100|Vancouver (Wildest Islands 2)
  112. Vancouver to wyspa o do¶æ du¿ej powierzchni. Jest ona podzielona na dwie czê¶ci pasmem wysokich gór. Ten skrawek l±du charakteryzuj±: urozmaicona rze¼ba terenu, wspania³e krajobrazy oraz bogata fauna i flora.|Vancouver (Wildest Islands 2)
  113. Vancouver to wyspa o do¶æ du¿ej powierzchni. Jest ona podzielona na dwie czê¶ci pasmem wysokich gór. Ten skrawek l±du charakteryzuj±: urozmaicona rze¼ba terenu, wspania³e krajobrazy oraz bogata fauna i flora.|1393165800|Unknown|0|0|0|128|0|||137565568|Stereo||2
  114. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.693 GetEntries Reply 22/95: 146274496|Najdziksze wyspy|968|1393169100|1393172400|Filipiny (Wildest Islands 2)
  115. Filipiny zaskakuj± Jamiego ró¿norodno¶ci± kultur i zwyczajów. Prowadz±cy poznaje tak¿e tajniki ekspresyjnego tañca jota.|Filipiny (Wildest Islands 2)
  116. Filipiny zaskakuj± Jamiego ró¿norodno¶ci± kultur i zwyczajów. Prowadz±cy poznaje tak¿e tajniki ekspresyjnego tañca jota.|1393169100|Unknown|0|0|0|128|0|||137565568|Stereo||2
  117. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.693 GetEntries Reply 23/95: 146274498|£owca z dziczy|968|1393172400|1393173900|Zabójca w jaskini (Call of the Wildman), USA 2011
  118. Na fermie królików poluje tajemniczy, nocny drapie¿nik. Tymczasem na terenie nale¿±cym do kina pod go³ym niebem, grasuje niezidentyfikowane zwierze. Turtleman usi³uje wytropiæ, a nastêpnie schwytaæ nieproszonych go¶ci.|Zabójca w jaskini (Call of the Wildman), USA 2011
  119. Na fermie królików poluje tajemniczy, nocny drapie¿nik. Tymczasem na terenie nale¿±cym do kina pod go³ym niebem, grasuje niezidentyfikowane zwierze. Turtleman usi³uje wytropiæ, a nastêpnie schwytaæ nieproszonych go¶ci.|1393172400|Unknown|0|0|0|128|0|||137565568|Stereo||2
  120. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.693 GetEntries Reply 24/95: 146274500|£owca z dziczy|968|1393173900|1393175700|Plajta lunaparku (Call of the Wildman), USA 2011
  121. Objazdowe weso³e miasteczko opanowuj± szkodniki. Turtleman i jego ekipa musz± jak najszybciej pomóc w³a¶cicielom lunaparku.|Plajta lunaparku (Call of the Wildman), USA 2011
  122. Objazdowe weso³e miasteczko opanowuj± szkodniki. Turtleman i jego ekipa musz± jak najszybciej pomóc w³a¶cicielom lunaparku.|1393173900|Unknown|0|0|0|128|0|||137565568|Stereo||2
  123. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.693 GetEntries Reply 25/95: 146274502|Rodzinne zoo Irwinów|968|1393175700|1393177200|Rodzinne zoo Irwinów (Steve Irwin's Wildlife Warriors), Australia 2012, odc. 3
  124. ¯ona australijskiego podró¿nika Steve'a Irwina, Teri i jego dzieci - Bindi i Robert kontynuuj± dziedzictwo tragicznie zmar³ego krewnego. Kolejna seria programu pokazuje kulisy ich pracy na terenie australijskiego zoo|Rodzinne zoo Irwinów (Steve Irwin's Wildlife Warriors), Australia 2012, odc. 3
  125. ¯ona australijskiego podró¿nika Steve'a Irwina, Teri i jego dzieci - Bindi i Robert kontynuuj± dziedzictwo tragicznie zmar³ego krewnego. Kolejna seria programu pokazuje kulisy ich pracy na terenie australijskiego zoo|1393175700|Unknown|0|0|0|144|0|||137565568|Stereo||2
  126. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.693 GetEntries Reply 26/95: 146274504|Rodzinne zoo Irwinów|968|1393177200|1393179000|Rodzinne zoo Irwinów (Steve Irwin's Wildlife Warriors), Australia 2012, odc. 4
  127. ¯ona australijskiego podró¿nika Steve'a Irwina, Teri i jego dzieci - Bindi i Robert kontynuuj± dziedzictwo tragicznie zmar³ego krewnego. Kolejna seria programu pokazuje kulisy ich pracy na terenie australijskiego zoo|Rodzinne zoo Irwinów (Steve Irwin's Wildlife Warriors), Australia 2012, odc. 4
  128. ¯ona australijskiego podró¿nika Steve'a Irwina, Teri i jego dzieci - Bindi i Robert kontynuuj± dziedzictwo tragicznie zmar³ego krewnego. Kolejna seria programu pokazuje kulisy ich pracy na terenie australijskiego zoo|1393177200|Unknown|0|0|0|144|0|||137565568|Stereo||2
  129. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.693 GetEntries Reply 27/95: 146274508|W kryjówce krokodyla|968|1393179000|1393182300|W kryjówce krokodyla (Into the Dragon's Lair), Wielka Brytania 2010, 52'
  130. Operator filmowy Didier Noirot i fotograf Roger Horrocks wyje¿d¿aj± w podró¿ do Botswany. Tam w podwodnych jaskiniach papirusowych spotykaj± niezwykle niebezpieczne gady - krokodyle nilowe.|W kryjówce krokodyla (Into the Dragon's Lair), Wielka Brytania 2010, 52'
  131. Operator filmowy Didier Noirot i fotograf Roger Horrocks wyje¿d¿aj± w podró¿ do Botswany. Tam w podwodnych jaskiniach papirusowych spotykaj± niezwykle niebezpieczne gady - krokodyle nilowe.|1393179000|Unknown|0|0|0|144|0|||137565568|Stereo||2
  132. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.693 GetEntries Reply 28/95: 146274512|Miasto rekinów|968|1393182300|1393185600|Miasto rekinów (Shark City)
  133. Magiczna wyprawa do fascynuj±cego ¶wiata rekinów, zamieszkuj±cych wody wokó³ archipelagu Bahama.|Miasto rekinów (Shark City)
  134. Magiczna wyprawa do fascynuj±cego ¶wiata rekinów, zamieszkuj±cych wody wokó³ archipelagu Bahama.|1393182300|Unknown|0|0|0|128|0|||137565568|Stereo||2
  135. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.693 GetEntries Reply 29/95: 146274516|Najdziksza Afryka|968|1393185600|1393188900|Sahara (Wildest Africa 3)
  136. Autorzy obserwuj±, w jaki sposób ludzie i ró¿ne gatunki zwierz±t przystosowa³y siê do ¿ycia w ekstremalnych warunkach panuj±cych na najwiêkszej pustyni ¶wiat - Saharze. Panuj± tu wyj±tkowo du¿e amplitudy temperatur.|Sahara (Wildest Africa 3)
  137. Autorzy obserwuj±, w jaki sposób ludzie i ró¿ne gatunki zwierz±t przystosowa³y siê do ¿ycia w ekstremalnych warunkach panuj±cych na najwiêkszej pustyni ¶wiat - Saharze. Panuj± tu wyj±tkowo du¿e amplitudy temperatur.|1393185600|Unknown|0|0|0|144|0|||137565568|Stereo||2
  138. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.693 GetEntries Reply 30/95: 146274520|S³onica Echo z Amboseli|968|1393188900|1393190400|S³onica Echo z Amboseli (Echo and the Elephants of Amboseli), Wielka Brytania 2009, odc. 7
  139. Po pierwszych od d³u¿szego czasu deszczach sawanna wraca do ¿ycia. S³onie wiedz±, ¿e teraz nie zabraknie im po¿ywienia. Niestety, nie wszystkim uda³o siê przetrwaæ okres suszy. Katiti dostrzega z samolotu martwego s³onia.|S³onica Echo z Amboseli (Echo and the Elephants of Amboseli), Wielka Brytania 2009, odc. 7
  140. Po pierwszych od d³u¿szego czasu deszczach sawanna wraca do ¿ycia. S³onie wiedz±, ¿e teraz nie zabraknie im po¿ywienia. Niestety, nie wszystkim uda³o siê przetrwaæ okres suszy. Katiti dostrzega z samolotu martwego s³onia.|1393188900|Unknown|0|0|0|144|0|||137565568|Stereo||2
  141. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.693 GetEntries Reply 31/95: 146274522|S³onica Echo z Amboseli|968|1393190400|1393192200|S³onica Echo z Amboseli (Echo and the Elephants of Amboseli), Wielka Brytania 2009, odc. 8
  142. Pracownicy fundacji spiesz± z pomoc± s³oniowi o imieniu Isaiah, którego jaki¶ cz³owiek rani³ dzid±. Staraj± siê równie¿ rozwi±zaæ pal±cy problem upraw, regularnie niszczonych przez stada s³oni.|S³onica Echo z Amboseli (Echo and the Elephants of Amboseli), Wielka Brytania 2009, odc. 8
  143. Pracownicy fundacji spiesz± z pomoc± s³oniowi o imieniu Isaiah, którego jaki¶ cz³owiek rani³ dzid±. Staraj± siê równie¿ rozwi±zaæ pal±cy problem upraw, regularnie niszczonych przez stada s³oni.|1393190400|Unknown|0|0|0|144|0|||137565568|Stereo||2
  144. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.693 GetEntries Reply 32/95: 146274526|Dziko¶æ bez cenzury|968|1393192200|1393195500|Sztuczki aligatora (Untamed & Uncut), USA 2008
  145. Serial o niesamowitych zachowaniach zwierz±t, uchwyconych obiektywami kamer. Szokuj±ce i wspania³e spotkania ludzi ze zwierzêtami.|Sztuczki aligatora (Untamed & Uncut), USA 2008
  146. Serial o niesamowitych zachowaniach zwierz±t, uchwyconych obiektywami kamer. Szokuj±ce i wspania³e spotkania ludzi ze zwierzêtami.|1393192200|Unknown|0|0|0|128|0|||137565568|Stereo||2
  147. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.693 GetEntries Reply 33/95: 146274528|W kryjówce krokodyla|968|1393195500|1393198500|W kryjówce krokodyla (Into the Dragon's Lair), Wielka Brytania 2010, 52'
  148. Operator filmowy Didier Noirot i fotograf Roger Horrocks wyje¿d¿aj± w podró¿ do Botswany. Tam w podwodnych jaskiniach papirusowych spotykaj± niezwykle niebezpieczne gady - krokodyle nilowe.|W kryjówce krokodyla (Into the Dragon's Lair), Wielka Brytania 2010, 52'
  149. Operator filmowy Didier Noirot i fotograf Roger Horrocks wyje¿d¿aj± w podró¿ do Botswany. Tam w podwodnych jaskiniach papirusowych spotykaj± niezwykle niebezpieczne gady - krokodyle nilowe.|1393195500|Unknown|0|0|0|144|0|||137565568|Stereo||2
  150. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.693 GetEntries Reply 34/95: 146274530|Policja dla...|968|1393198500|1393201500|Policja dla zwierz±t w Phoenix: Spêtany sznurem (Animal Cops Phoenix 5), USA
  151. ¦ledcza Marisa McHugh i kierowniczka ds. operacyjnych Stacie DaBolt pomagaj± psu, który zosta³ zwi±zany sznurem i wrzucony do wywrotki.|Policja dla zwierz±t w Phoenix: Spêtany sznurem (Animal Cops Phoenix 5), USA
  152. ¦ledcza Marisa McHugh i kierowniczka ds. operacyjnych Stacie DaBolt pomagaj± psu, który zosta³ zwi±zany sznurem i wrzucony do wywrotki.|1393198500|Unknown|0|0|0|128|0|||137565568|Stereo||2
  153. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.693 GetEntries Reply 35/95: 146274532|Miasto rekinów|968|1393201500|1393204500|Miasto rekinów (Shark City)
  154. Magiczna wyprawa do fascynuj±cego ¶wiata rekinów, zamieszkuj±cych wody wokó³ archipelagu Bahama.|Miasto rekinów (Shark City)
  155. Magiczna wyprawa do fascynuj±cego ¶wiata rekinów, zamieszkuj±cych wody wokó³ archipelagu Bahama.|1393201500|Unknown|0|0|0|128|0|||137565568|Stereo||2
  156. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.694 GetEntries Reply 36/95: 146274534|Najdziksza Afryka|968|1393204500|1393207500|Sahara (Wildest Africa 3)
  157. Autorzy obserwuj±, w jaki sposób ludzie i ró¿ne gatunki zwierz±t przystosowa³y siê do ¿ycia w ekstremalnych warunkach panuj±cych na najwiêkszej pustyni ¶wiat - Saharze. Panuj± tu wyj±tkowo du¿e amplitudy temperatur.|Sahara (Wildest Africa 3)
  158. Autorzy obserwuj±, w jaki sposób ludzie i ró¿ne gatunki zwierz±t przystosowa³y siê do ¿ycia w ekstremalnych warunkach panuj±cych na najwiêkszej pustyni ¶wiat - Saharze. Panuj± tu wyj±tkowo du¿e amplitudy temperatur.|1393204500|Unknown|0|0|0|144|0|||137565568|Stereo||2
  159. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.694 GetEntries Reply 37/95: 146274536|S³onica Echo z Amboseli|968|1393207500|1393209000|S³onica Echo z Amboseli (Echo and the Elephants of Amboseli), Wielka Brytania 2009, odc. 7
  160. Po pierwszych od d³u¿szego czasu deszczach sawanna wraca do ¿ycia. S³onie wiedz±, ¿e teraz nie zabraknie im po¿ywienia. Niestety, nie wszystkim uda³o siê przetrwaæ okres suszy. Katiti dostrzega z samolotu martwego s³onia.|S³onica Echo z Amboseli (Echo and the Elephants of Amboseli), Wielka Brytania 2009, odc. 7
  161. Po pierwszych od d³u¿szego czasu deszczach sawanna wraca do ¿ycia. S³onie wiedz±, ¿e teraz nie zabraknie im po¿ywienia. Niestety, nie wszystkim uda³o siê przetrwaæ okres suszy. Katiti dostrzega z samolotu martwego s³onia.|1393207500|Unknown|0|0|0|144|0|||137565568|Stereo||2
  162. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.694 GetEntries Reply 38/95: 146274538|S³onica Echo z Amboseli|968|1393209000|1393210500|S³onica Echo z Amboseli (Echo and the Elephants of Amboseli), Wielka Brytania 2009, odc. 8
  163. Pracownicy fundacji spiesz± z pomoc± s³oniowi o imieniu Isaiah, którego jaki¶ cz³owiek rani³ dzid±. Staraj± siê równie¿ rozwi±zaæ pal±cy problem upraw, regularnie niszczonych przez stada s³oni.|S³onica Echo z Amboseli (Echo and the Elephants of Amboseli), Wielka Brytania 2009, odc. 8
  164. Pracownicy fundacji spiesz± z pomoc± s³oniowi o imieniu Isaiah, którego jaki¶ cz³owiek rani³ dzid±. Staraj± siê równie¿ rozwi±zaæ pal±cy problem upraw, regularnie niszczonych przez stada s³oni.|1393209000|Unknown|0|0|0|144|0|||137565568|Stereo||2
  165. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.694 GetEntries Reply 39/95: 146274540|Policja dla...|968|1393210500|1393213500|Policja dla zwierz±t w Phoenix: Spêtany sznurem (Animal Cops Phoenix 5), USA
  166. ¦ledcza Marisa McHugh i kierowniczka ds. operacyjnych Stacie DaBolt pomagaj± psu, który zosta³ zwi±zany sznurem i wrzucony do wywrotki.|Policja dla zwierz±t w Phoenix: Spêtany sznurem (Animal Cops Phoenix 5), USA
  167. ¦ledcza Marisa McHugh i kierowniczka ds. operacyjnych Stacie DaBolt pomagaj± psu, który zosta³ zwi±zany sznurem i wrzucony do wywrotki.|1393210500|Unknown|0|0|0|128|0|||137565568|Stereo||2
  168. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.694 GetEntries Reply 40/95: 146274542|Najdziksza Ameryka...|968|1393213500|1393216500|Najdziksza Ameryka £aciñska: Pantanal (Wildest Latin America)
  169. Po³o¿ona na terenie Boliwii, Brazylii i Paragwaju kraina Pantanal to najwiêksze tereny podmok³e ¶wiata. Podczas pory suchej tworzy siê tam sawanna. Z kolei podczas pory deszczowej obfite opady zalewaj± niemal ca³y obszar.|Najdziksza Ameryka £aciñska: Pantanal (Wildest Latin America)
  170. Po³o¿ona na terenie Boliwii, Brazylii i Paragwaju kraina Pantanal to najwiêksze tereny podmok³e ¶wiata. Podczas pory suchej tworzy siê tam sawanna. Z kolei podczas pory deszczowej obfite opady zalewaj± niemal ca³y obszar.|1393213500|Unknown|0|0|0|144|0|||137565568|Stereo||2
  171. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.694 GetEntries Reply 41/95: 146274544|Na ratunek przyrodzie|968|1393216500|1393218000|Na ratunek przyrodzie (Wildlife SOS 8), odc. 16
  172. Zobaczymy codzienn± pracê w o¶rodku Wildlife Aid, gdzie ratuje siê, leczy i przywraca do ¿ycia na wolno¶ci poranione zwierzêta.|Na ratunek przyrodzie (Wildlife SOS 8), odc. 16
  173. Zobaczymy codzienn± pracê w o¶rodku Wildlife Aid, gdzie ratuje siê, leczy i przywraca do ¿ycia na wolno¶ci poranione zwierzêta.|1393216500|Unknown|0|0|0|128|0|||137565568|Stereo||2
  174. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.694 GetEntries Reply 42/95: 146274548|Wyspa orangutanów|968|1393218000|1393219500|Najazd s±siadów (Orangutan Island), USA 2007- 2008
  175. M³ode orangutany musz± siê broniæ, kiedy atakuj± je starsze samce z s±siedniej wyspy. Brutalnie pobity Cha Cha znika w lesie.|Najazd s±siadów (Orangutan Island), USA 2007- 2008
  176. M³ode orangutany musz± siê broniæ, kiedy atakuj± je starsze samce z s±siedniej wyspy. Brutalnie pobity Cha Cha znika w lesie.|1393218000|Unknown|0|0|0|144|0|||137565568|Stereo||2
  177. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.694 GetEntries Reply 43/95: 146274552|S³odkie dzieciñstwo|968|1393219500|1393222500|Puchate i przytulne kociêta (Too Cute! 2), USA 2012
  178. Nie¶mia³e kociê rasy toyger zaprzyja¼nia siê z o wiele wiêkszym od siebie domownikiem. Tymczasem s³odkie kociêta brytyjskie zdobywaj± serca personelu przychodni weterynaryjnej|Puchate i przytulne kociêta (Too Cute! 2), USA 2012
  179. Nie¶mia³e kociê rasy toyger zaprzyja¼nia siê z o wiele wiêkszym od siebie domownikiem. Tymczasem s³odkie kociêta brytyjskie zdobywaj± serca personelu przychodni weterynaryjnej|1393219500|Unknown|0|0|0|128|0|||137565568|Stereo||2
  180. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.694 GetEntries Reply 44/95: 146274554|Wszystko o psach|968|1393222500|1393225800|Rasowe mieszañce (Dogs 101 2), USA 2009-2010
  181. Odcinek po¶wiêcony szlachetnym kundlom, uzyskiwanym dziêki krzy¿owaniu rodowodowych osobników dwóch okre¶lonych ras. Widzowie poznaj± puggle, goldendoodle, cavachony, chorkie oraz s³ynne ostatnio labradoodle.|Rasowe mieszañce (Dogs 101 2), USA 2009-2010
  182. Odcinek po¶wiêcony szlachetnym kundlom, uzyskiwanym dziêki krzy¿owaniu rodowodowych osobników dwóch okre¶lonych ras. Widzowie poznaj± puggle, goldendoodle, cavachony, chorkie oraz s³ynne ostatnio labradoodle.|1393222500|Unknown|0|0|0|144|0|||137565568|Stereo||2
  183. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.694 GetEntries Reply 45/95: 146274556|S³odkie dzieciñstwo|968|1393225800|1393229100|Puszyste szczeniêta i ma³e kozy (Too Cute! 2), USA 2012
  184. W tym odcinku twórcy serii przybli¿aj± widzom pierwsze tygodnie ¿ycia dwóch s³odkich szczeni±t buldoga francuskiego o radykalnie ró¿nych usposobieniach, a tak¿e uroczej m³odziutkiej kozy.|Puszyste szczeniêta i ma³e kozy (Too Cute! 2), USA 2012
  185. W tym odcinku twórcy serii przybli¿aj± widzom pierwsze tygodnie ¿ycia dwóch s³odkich szczeni±t buldoga francuskiego o radykalnie ró¿nych usposobieniach, a tak¿e uroczej m³odziutkiej kozy.|1393225800|Unknown|0|0|0|128|0|||137565568|Stereo||2
  186. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.694 GetEntries Reply 46/95: 146274558|Królestwo gepardów|968|1393229100|1393230900|Królestwo gepardów (Cheetah Kingdom), odc. 3
  187. W afrykañskim buszu operator filmowy Dave Houghton razem z zespo³em mi³o¶ników gepardów ratuje, leczy i wypuszcza na wolno¶æ te piêkne koty.|Królestwo gepardów (Cheetah Kingdom), odc. 3
  188. W afrykañskim buszu operator filmowy Dave Houghton razem z zespo³em mi³o¶ników gepardów ratuje, leczy i wypuszcza na wolno¶æ te piêkne koty.|1393229100|Unknown|0|0|0|144|0|||137565568|Stereo||2
  189. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.694 GetEntries Reply 47/95: 146274560|Królestwo gepardów|968|1393230900|1393232400|Królestwo gepardów (Cheetah Kingdom), odc. 4
  190. W afrykañskim buszu operator filmowy Dave Houghton razem z zespo³em mi³o¶ników gepardów ratuje, leczy i wypuszcza na wolno¶æ te piêkne koty.|Królestwo gepardów (Cheetah Kingdom), odc. 4
  191. W afrykañskim buszu operator filmowy Dave Houghton razem z zespo³em mi³o¶ników gepardów ratuje, leczy i wypuszcza na wolno¶æ te piêkne koty.|1393230900|Unknown|0|0|0|144|0|||137565568|Stereo||2
  192. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.694 GetEntries Reply 48/95: 146274564|Na posterunku|968|1393232400|1393235700|Na posterunku (Animal Precinct 4), USA, odc. 3
  193. ¦ledczy musz± sprawdziæ, czy pog³oski s± prawdziwe i na Brooklynie faktycznie praktykuje siê rytualne sk³adanie ofiar ze zwierz±t. W dalszej czê¶ci programu funkcjonariusze pomagaj± pudlowi, który ma liczne ko³tuny.|Na posterunku (Animal Precinct 4), USA, odc. 3
  194. ¦ledczy musz± sprawdziæ, czy pog³oski s± prawdziwe i na Brooklynie faktycznie praktykuje siê rytualne sk³adanie ofiar ze zwierz±t. W dalszej czê¶ci programu funkcjonariusze pomagaj± pudlowi, który ma liczne ko³tuny.|1393232400|Unknown|0|0|0|128|0|||137565568|Stereo||2
  195. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.694 GetEntries Reply 49/95: 146274566|Wyspa orangutanów|968|1393235700|1393237200|Najazd s±siadów (Orangutan Island), USA 2007- 2008
  196. M³ode orangutany musz± siê broniæ, kiedy atakuj± je starsze samce z s±siedniej wyspy. Brutalnie pobity Cha Cha znika w lesie.|Najazd s±siadów (Orangutan Island), USA 2007- 2008
  197. M³ode orangutany musz± siê broniæ, kiedy atakuj± je starsze samce z s±siedniej wyspy. Brutalnie pobity Cha Cha znika w lesie.|1393235700|Unknown|0|0|0|144|0|||137565568|Stereo||2
  198. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.694 GetEntries Reply 50/95: 146274568|Na bagnach Florydy|968|1393237200|1393239000|Na bagnach Florydy (Swamp Brothers), USA 2011, odc. 25
  199. Wizyta w Glades Herp Farm. Jest to najwiêkszy na Florydzie rezerwat gadów, a zarazem farma jadowitych wê¿y i sklep z egzotycznymi gadami.|Na bagnach Florydy (Swamp Brothers), USA 2011, odc. 25
  200. Wizyta w Glades Herp Farm. Jest to najwiêkszy na Florydzie rezerwat gadów, a zarazem farma jadowitych wê¿y i sklep z egzotycznymi gadami.|1393237200|Unknown|0|0|0|128|0|||137565568|Stereo||2
  201. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.695 GetEntries Reply 51/95: 146274570|Rodzinne zoo Irwinów|968|1393239000|1393240500|Rodzinne zoo Irwinów (Steve Irwin's Wildlife Warriors), Australia 2012, odc. 17
  202. ¯ona australijskiego podró¿nika Steve'a Irwina, Teri i jego dzieci - Bindi i Robert kontynuuj± dziedzictwo tragicznie zmar³ego krewnego. Kolejna seria programu pokazuje kulisy ich pracy na terenie australijskiego zoo|Rodzinne zoo Irwinów (Steve Irwin's Wildlife Warriors), Australia 2012, odc. 17
  203. ¯ona australijskiego podró¿nika Steve'a Irwina, Teri i jego dzieci - Bindi i Robert kontynuuj± dziedzictwo tragicznie zmar³ego krewnego. Kolejna seria programu pokazuje kulisy ich pracy na terenie australijskiego zoo|1393239000|Unknown|0|0|0|144|0|||137565568|Stereo||2
  204. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.695 GetEntries Reply 52/95: 146274572|Rodzinne zoo Irwinów|968|1393240500|1393242300|Rodzinne zoo Irwinów (Steve Irwin's Wildlife Warriors), Australia 2012, odc. 18
  205. ¯ona australijskiego podró¿nika Steve'a Irwina, Teri i jego dzieci - Bindi i Robert kontynuuj± dziedzictwo tragicznie zmar³ego krewnego. Kolejna seria programu pokazuje kulisy ich pracy na terenie australijskiego zoo|Rodzinne zoo Irwinów (Steve Irwin's Wildlife Warriors), Australia 2012, odc. 18
  206. ¯ona australijskiego podró¿nika Steve'a Irwina, Teri i jego dzieci - Bindi i Robert kontynuuj± dziedzictwo tragicznie zmar³ego krewnego. Kolejna seria programu pokazuje kulisy ich pracy na terenie australijskiego zoo|1393240500|Unknown|0|0|0|144|0|||137565568|Stereo||2
  207. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.695 GetEntries Reply 53/95: 146274576|W³adca dziczy|968|1393242300|1393245600|W³adca dziczy (Wild Things with Dominic Monaghan), Wielka Brytania 2012-2013, 60', odc. 4
  208. Tym razem Dominic wyrusza do Namibii, gdzie zamierza wytropiæ skorpiona z gatunku Parabuthus transvaalicus. Ten niewielki afrykañski drapie¿nik potrafi strzelaæ jadem na odleg³o¶æ nawet jednego metra.|W³adca dziczy (Wild Things with Dominic Monaghan), Wielka Brytania 2012-2013, 60', odc. 4
  209. Tym razem Dominic wyrusza do Namibii, gdzie zamierza wytropiæ skorpiona z gatunku Parabuthus transvaalicus. Ten niewielki afrykañski drapie¿nik potrafi strzelaæ jadem na odleg³o¶æ nawet jednego metra.|1393242300|Unknown|0|0|0|128|0|||137565568|Stereo||2
  210. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.695 GetEntries Reply 54/95: 146274578|Królestwo gepardów|968|1393245600|1393247100|Królestwo gepardów (Cheetah Kingdom), odc. 3
  211. W afrykañskim buszu operator filmowy Dave Houghton razem z zespo³em mi³o¶ników gepardów ratuje, leczy i wypuszcza na wolno¶æ te piêkne koty.|Królestwo gepardów (Cheetah Kingdom), odc. 3
  212. W afrykañskim buszu operator filmowy Dave Houghton razem z zespo³em mi³o¶ników gepardów ratuje, leczy i wypuszcza na wolno¶æ te piêkne koty.|1393245600|Unknown|0|0|0|144|0|||137565568|Stereo||2
  213. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.695 GetEntries Reply 55/95: 146274580|Królestwo gepardów|968|1393247100|1393248600|Królestwo gepardów (Cheetah Kingdom), odc. 4
  214. W afrykañskim buszu operator filmowy Dave Houghton razem z zespo³em mi³o¶ników gepardów ratuje, leczy i wypuszcza na wolno¶æ te piêkne koty.|Królestwo gepardów (Cheetah Kingdom), odc. 4
  215. W afrykañskim buszu operator filmowy Dave Houghton razem z zespo³em mi³o¶ników gepardów ratuje, leczy i wypuszcza na wolno¶æ te piêkne koty.|1393247100|Unknown|0|0|0|144|0|||137565568|Stereo||2
  216. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.695 GetEntries Reply 56/95: 146274582|Kot z piek³a rodem|968|1393248600|1393252200|Koci rozrabiaka (My Cat from Hell 3), USA 2012
  217. Jakson odwiedza parê, która planuje ¶lub. Jednak na przeszkodzie ich szczê¶cia stoi kot. Galaxy musi szybko okie³znaæ pupila.|Koci rozrabiaka (My Cat from Hell 3), USA 2012
  218. Jakson odwiedza parê, która planuje ¶lub. Jednak na przeszkodzie ich szczê¶cia stoi kot. Galaxy musi szybko okie³znaæ pupila.|1393248600|Unknown|0|0|0|128|0|||137565568|Stereo||2
  219. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.695 GetEntries Reply 57/95: 146274584|Wszystko o psach|968|1393252200|1393255500|Rzadkie rasy (Dogs 101 2), USA 2009-2010
  220. Prezentacja mniej znanych rasach psów. Twórcy filmu ukazuj±: wêgierskiego puli, tajskiego ridgebacka, lagotto romagnola, nagiego psa peruwiañskiego, ¶piewaj±cego psa z Nowej Gwinei i karelskiego psa na nied¼wiedzie.|Rzadkie rasy (Dogs 101 2), USA 2009-2010
  221. Prezentacja mniej znanych rasach psów. Twórcy filmu ukazuj±: wêgierskiego puli, tajskiego ridgebacka, lagotto romagnola, nagiego psa peruwiañskiego, ¶piewaj±cego psa z Nowej Gwinei i karelskiego psa na nied¼wiedzie.|1393252200|Unknown|0|0|0|144|0|||137565568|Stereo||2
  222. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.695 GetEntries Reply 58/95: 146274588|Szalony zwierzyniec|968|1393255500|1393257000|Szalony zwierzyniec (The Really Wild Show), odc. 9
  223. Seria przyrodnicza dla m³odych widzów. Prowadz±cy w ró¿nych zak±tkach ¶wiata podgl±daj± ¿ycie zamieszkuj±cych je zwierz±t, nied¼wiedzi w Kanadzie, ¶wiñ brodatych na Borneo i paj±ków na pustyni Namib.|Szalony zwierzyniec (The Really Wild Show), odc. 9
  224. Seria przyrodnicza dla m³odych widzów. Prowadz±cy w ró¿nych zak±tkach ¶wiata podgl±daj± ¿ycie zamieszkuj±cych je zwierz±t, nied¼wiedzi w Kanadzie, ¶wiñ brodatych na Borneo i paj±ków na pustyni Namib.|1393255500|Unknown|0|0|0|144|0|||137565568|Stereo||2
  225. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.695 GetEntries Reply 59/95: 146274590|Szalony zwierzyniec|968|1393257000|1393258800|Szalony zwierzyniec (The Really Wild Show), odc. 10
  226. Seria przyrodnicza dla m³odych widzów. Prowadz±cy w ró¿nych zak±tkach ¶wiata podgl±daj± ¿ycie zamieszkuj±cych je zwierz±t, nied¼wiedzi w Kanadzie, ¶wiñ brodatych na Borneo i paj±ków na pustyni Namib.|Szalony zwierzyniec (The Really Wild Show), odc. 10
  227. Seria przyrodnicza dla m³odych widzów. Prowadz±cy w ró¿nych zak±tkach ¶wiata podgl±daj± ¿ycie zamieszkuj±cych je zwierz±t, nied¼wiedzi w Kanadzie, ¶wiñ brodatych na Borneo i paj±ków na pustyni Namib.|1393257000|Unknown|0|0|0|144|0|||137565568|Stereo||2
  228. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.695 GetEntries Reply 60/95: 146274594|K³opotliwe zwierzaki|968|1393258800|1393262100|Z³y do szpiku ko¶ci (Bad Dog!), USA 2010-2011
  229. Seria prezentuje ¶mieszne zachowania zwierz±t, które doprowadzaj± swoich w³a¶cicieli do granic wytrzyma³o¶ci. Zobaczymy miêdzy innymi psa kleptomana i przeklinaj±c± papugê.|Z³y do szpiku ko¶ci (Bad Dog!), USA 2010-2011
  230. Seria prezentuje ¶mieszne zachowania zwierz±t, które doprowadzaj± swoich w³a¶cicieli do granic wytrzyma³o¶ci. Zobaczymy miêdzy innymi psa kleptomana i przeklinaj±c± papugê.|1393258800|Unknown|0|0|0|128|0|||137565568|Stereo||2
  231. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.695 GetEntries Reply 61/95: 146274596|Projekt akwarium|968|1393262100|1393265400|Nurkowanie (Tanked), USA 2011, odc. 3, wyk. Wayde King, Brett Raymer
  232. Konstrukcja akwarium do kwarantanny dla nowych ryb okazuje siê olbrzymim wyzwaniem. Brett kupuje stare auto, aby zrobiæ z niego zbiornik wodny.|Nurkowanie (Tanked), USA 2011, odc. 3, wyk. Wayde King, Brett Raymer
  233. Konstrukcja akwarium do kwarantanny dla nowych ryb okazuje siê olbrzymim wyzwaniem. Brett kupuje stare auto, aby zrobiæ z niego zbiornik wodny.|1393262100|Unknown|0|0|0|128|0|||137565568|Stereo||2
  234. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.695 GetEntries Reply 62/95: 146274598|Mieszkanie na pniu|968|1393265400|1393268700|¦wi±tynia natchnienia (Treehouse Masters), USA 2013, 40'
  235. Pete musi stworzyæ wyj±tkowe miejsce do pracy dla pisarki. Chce przemieniæ stare drzewo cedrowe w nastrojowe ustronie.|¦wi±tynia natchnienia (Treehouse Masters), USA 2013, 40'
  236. Pete musi stworzyæ wyj±tkowe miejsce do pracy dla pisarki. Chce przemieniæ stare drzewo cedrowe w nastrojowe ustronie.|1393265400|Unknown|0|0|0|128|0|||137565568|Stereo||2
  237. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.695 GetEntries Reply 63/95: 146274600|Królestwo gepardów|968|1393268700|1393270500|Królestwo gepardów (Cheetah Kingdom), odc. 5
  238. W afrykañskim buszu operator filmowy Dave Houghton razem z zespo³em mi³o¶ników gepardów ratuje, leczy i wypuszcza na wolno¶æ te piêkne koty.|Królestwo gepardów (Cheetah Kingdom), odc. 5
  239. W afrykañskim buszu operator filmowy Dave Houghton razem z zespo³em mi³o¶ników gepardów ratuje, leczy i wypuszcza na wolno¶æ te piêkne koty.|1393268700|Unknown|0|0|0|144|0|||137565568|Stereo||2
  240. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.695 GetEntries Reply 64/95: 146274602|Królestwo gepardów|968|1393270500|1393272000|Królestwo gepardów (Cheetah Kingdom), odc. 6
  241. W afrykañskim buszu operator filmowy Dave Houghton razem z zespo³em mi³o¶ników gepardów ratuje, leczy i wypuszcza na wolno¶æ te piêkne koty.|Królestwo gepardów (Cheetah Kingdom), odc. 6
  242. W afrykañskim buszu operator filmowy Dave Houghton razem z zespo³em mi³o¶ników gepardów ratuje, leczy i wypuszcza na wolno¶æ te piêkne koty.|1393270500|Unknown|0|0|0|144|0|||137565568|Stereo||2
  243. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.695 GetEntries Reply 65/95: 146274604|Gwiazdy internetu|968|1393272000|1393273800|Gwiazdy internetu (My Pet's Gone Viral), Kanada 2013, odc. 3
  244. W sieci mo¿na znale¼æ mnóstwo zabawnych filmików, których bohaterami s± urocze domowe zwierzaki. Autorzy serii prezentuj± kompilacjê najlepszych internetowych hitów.|Gwiazdy internetu (My Pet's Gone Viral), Kanada 2013, odc. 3
  245. W sieci mo¿na znale¼æ mnóstwo zabawnych filmików, których bohaterami s± urocze domowe zwierzaki. Autorzy serii prezentuj± kompilacjê najlepszych internetowych hitów.|1393272000|Unknown|0|0|0|128|0|||137565568|Stereo||2
  246. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.696 GetEntries Reply 66/95: 146274606|Gwiazdy internetu|968|1393273800|1393275300|Gwiazdy internetu (My Pet's Gone Viral), Kanada 2013, odc. 4
  247. W sieci mo¿na znale¼æ mnóstwo zabawnych filmików, których bohaterami s± urocze domowe zwierzaki. Autorzy serii prezentuj± kompilacjê najlepszych internetowych hitów.|Gwiazdy internetu (My Pet's Gone Viral), Kanada 2013, odc. 4
  248. W sieci mo¿na znale¼æ mnóstwo zabawnych filmików, których bohaterami s± urocze domowe zwierzaki. Autorzy serii prezentuj± kompilacjê najlepszych internetowych hitów.|1393273800|Unknown|0|0|0|128|0|||137565568|Stereo||2
  249. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.696 GetEntries Reply 67/95: 146274608|S³odkie dzieciñstwo|968|1393275300|1393278600|Puchate i przytulne kociêta (Too Cute! 2), USA 2012
  250. Nie¶mia³e kociê rasy toyger zaprzyja¼nia siê z o wiele wiêkszym od siebie domownikiem. Tymczasem s³odkie kociêta brytyjskie zdobywaj± serca personelu przychodni weterynaryjnej|Puchate i przytulne kociêta (Too Cute! 2), USA 2012
  251. Nie¶mia³e kociê rasy toyger zaprzyja¼nia siê z o wiele wiêkszym od siebie domownikiem. Tymczasem s³odkie kociêta brytyjskie zdobywaj± serca personelu przychodni weterynaryjnej|1393275300|Unknown|0|0|0|128|0|||137565568|Stereo||2
  252. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.696 GetEntries Reply 68/95: 146274610|Policja dla...|968|1393278600|1393281900|Policja dla zwierz±t w Houston (Animal Cops Houston 18), USA, odc. 12
  253. Tym razem Debbie znajduje ca³e stado wychudzonych koni. Z kolei Maverick ratuje psa z powa¿n± ran± na jednej z ³ap. Ekipa SPCA pomaga te¿ zwierzêtom gospodarskim, które zostawiono w pe³nym s³oñcu w czasie fali upa³ów.|Policja dla zwierz±t w Houston (Animal Cops Houston 18), USA, odc. 12
  254. Tym razem Debbie znajduje ca³e stado wychudzonych koni. Z kolei Maverick ratuje psa z powa¿n± ran± na jednej z ³ap. Ekipa SPCA pomaga te¿ zwierzêtom gospodarskim, które zostawiono w pe³nym s³oñcu w czasie fali upa³ów.|1393278600|Unknown|0|0|0|128|0|||137565568|Stereo||2
  255. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.696 GetEntries Reply 69/95: 146274614|Gryz±cy mordercy|968|1393281900|1393284900|Gryz±cy mordercy (I Was Bitten), USA 2008, odc. 4
  256. Poznajemy m³odego mê¿czyznê, który zosta³ zaatakowany przez 3-metrowego aligatora w kana³ach na Florydzie. Codziennie k±pi± siê tam i p³ywaj± setki ludzi. Zobaczymy te¿ dziewczynkê uk±szon± przez grzechotnika.|Gryz±cy mordercy (I Was Bitten), USA 2008, odc. 4
  257. Poznajemy m³odego mê¿czyznê, który zosta³ zaatakowany przez 3-metrowego aligatora w kana³ach na Florydzie. Codziennie k±pi± siê tam i p³ywaj± setki ludzi. Zobaczymy te¿ dziewczynkê uk±szon± przez grzechotnika.|1393281900|Unknown|0|0|0|128|0|||137565568|Stereo||2
  258. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.696 GetEntries Reply 70/95: 146274616|Dziko¶æ bez cenzury|968|1393284900|1393287900|Atak rekina w±satego (Untamed & Uncut), USA 2008
  259. W tym odcinku nurek, który prze¿y³ atak rekina, opowiada widzom o swoim spotkaniu z tym drapie¿nikiem.|Atak rekina w±satego (Untamed & Uncut), USA 2008
  260. W tym odcinku nurek, który prze¿y³ atak rekina, opowiada widzom o swoim spotkaniu z tym drapie¿nikiem.|1393284900|Unknown|0|0|0|128|0|||137565568|Stereo||2
  261. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.696 GetEntries Reply 71/95: 146274618|Królestwo gepardów|968|1393287900|1393289400|Królestwo gepardów (Cheetah Kingdom), odc. 5
  262. W afrykañskim buszu operator filmowy Dave Houghton razem z zespo³em mi³o¶ników gepardów ratuje, leczy i wypuszcza na wolno¶æ te piêkne koty.|Królestwo gepardów (Cheetah Kingdom), odc. 5
  263. W afrykañskim buszu operator filmowy Dave Houghton razem z zespo³em mi³o¶ników gepardów ratuje, leczy i wypuszcza na wolno¶æ te piêkne koty.|1393287900|Unknown|0|0|0|144|0|||137565568|Stereo||2
  264. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.696 GetEntries Reply 72/95: 146274620|Królestwo gepardów|968|1393289400|1393290900|Królestwo gepardów (Cheetah Kingdom), odc. 6
  265. W afrykañskim buszu operator filmowy Dave Houghton razem z zespo³em mi³o¶ników gepardów ratuje, leczy i wypuszcza na wolno¶æ te piêkne koty.|Królestwo gepardów (Cheetah Kingdom), odc. 6
  266. W afrykañskim buszu operator filmowy Dave Houghton razem z zespo³em mi³o¶ników gepardów ratuje, leczy i wypuszcza na wolno¶æ te piêkne koty.|1393289400|Unknown|0|0|0|144|0|||137565568|Stereo||2
  267. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.696 GetEntries Reply 73/95: 146274622|Gwiazdy internetu|968|1393290900|1393292400|Gwiazdy internetu (My Pet's Gone Viral), Kanada 2013, odc. 3
  268. W sieci mo¿na znale¼æ mnóstwo zabawnych filmików, których bohaterami s± urocze domowe zwierzaki. Autorzy serii prezentuj± kompilacjê najlepszych internetowych hitów.|Gwiazdy internetu (My Pet's Gone Viral), Kanada 2013, odc. 3
  269. W sieci mo¿na znale¼æ mnóstwo zabawnych filmików, których bohaterami s± urocze domowe zwierzaki. Autorzy serii prezentuj± kompilacjê najlepszych internetowych hitów.|1393290900|Unknown|0|0|0|128|0|||137565568|Stereo||2
  270. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.696 GetEntries Reply 74/95: 146274624|Gwiazdy internetu|968|1393292400|1393293900|Gwiazdy internetu (My Pet's Gone Viral), Kanada 2013, odc. 4
  271. W sieci mo¿na znale¼æ mnóstwo zabawnych filmików, których bohaterami s± urocze domowe zwierzaki. Autorzy serii prezentuj± kompilacjê najlepszych internetowych hitów.|Gwiazdy internetu (My Pet's Gone Viral), Kanada 2013, odc. 4
  272. W sieci mo¿na znale¼æ mnóstwo zabawnych filmików, których bohaterami s± urocze domowe zwierzaki. Autorzy serii prezentuj± kompilacjê najlepszych internetowych hitów.|1393292400|Unknown|0|0|0|128|0|||137565568|Stereo||2
  273. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.696 GetEntries Reply 75/95: 146274626|S³odkie dzieciñstwo|968|1393293900|1393296900|Puchate i przytulne kociêta (Too Cute! 2), USA 2012
  274. Nie¶mia³e kociê rasy toyger zaprzyja¼nia siê z o wiele wiêkszym od siebie domownikiem. Tymczasem s³odkie kociêta brytyjskie zdobywaj± serca personelu przychodni weterynaryjnej|Puchate i przytulne kociêta (Too Cute! 2), USA 2012
  275. Nie¶mia³e kociê rasy toyger zaprzyja¼nia siê z o wiele wiêkszym od siebie domownikiem. Tymczasem s³odkie kociêta brytyjskie zdobywaj± serca personelu przychodni weterynaryjnej|1393293900|Unknown|0|0|0|128|0|||137565568|Stereo||2
  276. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.696 GetEntries Reply 76/95: 146274628|Policja dla...|968|1393296900|1393299900|Policja dla zwierz±t w Houston (Animal Cops Houston 18), USA, odc. 12
  277. Tym razem Debbie znajduje ca³e stado wychudzonych koni. Z kolei Maverick ratuje psa z powa¿n± ran± na jednej z ³ap. Ekipa SPCA pomaga te¿ zwierzêtom gospodarskim, które zostawiono w pe³nym s³oñcu w czasie fali upa³ów.|Policja dla zwierz±t w Houston (Animal Cops Houston 18), USA, odc. 12
  278. Tym razem Debbie znajduje ca³e stado wychudzonych koni. Z kolei Maverick ratuje psa z powa¿n± ran± na jednej z ³ap. Ekipa SPCA pomaga te¿ zwierzêtom gospodarskim, które zostawiono w pe³nym s³oñcu w czasie fali upa³ów.|1393296900|Unknown|0|0|0|128|0|||137565568|Stereo||2
  279. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.696 GetEntries Reply 77/95: 146274630|Rodzinne zoo Irwinów|968|1393299900|1393301400|Rodzinne zoo Irwinów (Steve Irwin's Wildlife Warriors), Australia 2012, odc. 17
  280. ¯ona australijskiego podró¿nika Steve'a Irwina, Teri i jego dzieci - Bindi i Robert kontynuuj± dziedzictwo tragicznie zmar³ego krewnego. Kolejna seria programu pokazuje kulisy ich pracy na terenie australijskiego zoo|Rodzinne zoo Irwinów (Steve Irwin's Wildlife Warriors), Australia 2012, odc. 17
  281. ¯ona australijskiego podró¿nika Steve'a Irwina, Teri i jego dzieci - Bindi i Robert kontynuuj± dziedzictwo tragicznie zmar³ego krewnego. Kolejna seria programu pokazuje kulisy ich pracy na terenie australijskiego zoo|1393299900|Unknown|0|0|0|144|0|||137565568|Stereo||2
  282. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.697 GetEntries Reply 78/95: 146274632|Rodzinne zoo Irwinów|968|1393301400|1393302900|Rodzinne zoo Irwinów (Steve Irwin's Wildlife Warriors), Australia 2012, odc. 18
  283. ¯ona australijskiego podró¿nika Steve'a Irwina, Teri i jego dzieci - Bindi i Robert kontynuuj± dziedzictwo tragicznie zmar³ego krewnego. Kolejna seria programu pokazuje kulisy ich pracy na terenie australijskiego zoo|Rodzinne zoo Irwinów (Steve Irwin's Wildlife Warriors), Australia 2012, odc. 18
  284. ¯ona australijskiego podró¿nika Steve'a Irwina, Teri i jego dzieci - Bindi i Robert kontynuuj± dziedzictwo tragicznie zmar³ego krewnego. Kolejna seria programu pokazuje kulisy ich pracy na terenie australijskiego zoo|1393301400|Unknown|0|0|0|144|0|||137565568|Stereo||2
  285. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.697 GetEntries Reply 79/95: 146274634|Na bagnach Florydy|968|1393302900|1393304400|Na bagnach Florydy (Swamp Brothers), USA 2011, odc. 25
  286. Wizyta w Glades Herp Farm. Jest to najwiêkszy na Florydzie rezerwat gadów, a zarazem farma jadowitych wê¿y i sklep z egzotycznymi gadami.|Na bagnach Florydy (Swamp Brothers), USA 2011, odc. 25
  287. Wizyta w Glades Herp Farm. Jest to najwiêkszy na Florydzie rezerwat gadów, a zarazem farma jadowitych wê¿y i sklep z egzotycznymi gadami.|1393302900|Unknown|0|0|0|128|0|||137565568|Stereo||2
  288. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.697 GetEntries Reply 80/95: 146274636|Wyspa orangutanów|968|1393304400|1393305900|Problemy okresu dojrzewania (Orangutan Island), USA 2007-2008
  289. Na wyspie pojawia siê kierownik projektu Lone, aby przeprowadziæ badania lekarskie. Tymczasem Bonita zaprzyja¼nia siê z orangutanem z gromady napastników.|Problemy okresu dojrzewania (Orangutan Island), USA 2007-2008
  290. Na wyspie pojawia siê kierownik projektu Lone, aby przeprowadziæ badania lekarskie. Tymczasem Bonita zaprzyja¼nia siê z orangutanem z gromady napastników.|1393304400|Unknown|0|0|0|144|0|||137565568|Stereo||2
  291. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.697 GetEntries Reply 81/95: 146274638|K³opotliwe zwierzaki|968|1393305900|1393308900|Z³y do szpiku ko¶ci (Bad Dog!), USA 2010-2011
  292. Seria dokumentuj±ca zabawne wyczyny zwierzêcych ³obuziaków, jak pies kleptoman czy przeklinaj±ca papuga.|Z³y do szpiku ko¶ci (Bad Dog!), USA 2010-2011
  293. Seria dokumentuj±ca zabawne wyczyny zwierzêcych ³obuziaków, jak pies kleptoman czy przeklinaj±ca papuga.|1393305900|Unknown|0|0|0|128|0|||137565568|Stereo||2
  294. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.697 GetEntries Reply 82/95: 146274640|Wszystko o psach|968|1393308900|1393312200|Rzadkie rasy (Dogs 101 2), USA 2009-2010
  295. Prezentacja mniej znanych rasach psów. Twórcy filmu ukazuj±: wêgierskiego puli, tajskiego ridgebacka, lagotto romagnola, nagiego psa peruwiañskiego, ¶piewaj±cego psa z Nowej Gwinei i karelskiego psa na nied¼wiedzie.|Rzadkie rasy (Dogs 101 2), USA 2009-2010
  296. Prezentacja mniej znanych rasach psów. Twórcy filmu ukazuj±: wêgierskiego puli, tajskiego ridgebacka, lagotto romagnola, nagiego psa peruwiañskiego, ¶piewaj±cego psa z Nowej Gwinei i karelskiego psa na nied¼wiedzie.|1393308900|Unknown|0|0|0|144|0|||137565568|Stereo||2
  297. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.697 GetEntries Reply 83/95: 146274642|Szalony zwierzyniec|968|1393312200|1393313700|Szalony zwierzyniec (The Really Wild Show), odc. 9
  298. Seria przyrodnicza dla m³odych widzów. Prowadz±cy w ró¿nych zak±tkach ¶wiata podgl±daj± ¿ycie zamieszkuj±cych je zwierz±t, nied¼wiedzi w Kanadzie, ¶wiñ brodatych na Borneo i paj±ków na pustyni Namib.|Szalony zwierzyniec (The Really Wild Show), odc. 9
  299. Seria przyrodnicza dla m³odych widzów. Prowadz±cy w ró¿nych zak±tkach ¶wiata podgl±daj± ¿ycie zamieszkuj±cych je zwierz±t, nied¼wiedzi w Kanadzie, ¶wiñ brodatych na Borneo i paj±ków na pustyni Namib.|1393312200|Unknown|0|0|0|144|0|||137565568|Stereo||2
  300. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.697 GetEntries Reply 84/95: 146274644|Szalony zwierzyniec|968|1393313700|1393315500|Szalony zwierzyniec (The Really Wild Show), odc. 10
  301. Seria przyrodnicza dla m³odych widzów. Prowadz±cy w ró¿nych zak±tkach ¶wiata podgl±daj± ¿ycie zamieszkuj±cych je zwierz±t, nied¼wiedzi w Kanadzie, ¶wiñ brodatych na Borneo i paj±ków na pustyni Namib.|Szalony zwierzyniec (The Really Wild Show), odc. 10
  302. Seria przyrodnicza dla m³odych widzów. Prowadz±cy w ró¿nych zak±tkach ¶wiata podgl±daj± ¿ycie zamieszkuj±cych je zwierz±t, nied¼wiedzi w Kanadzie, ¶wiñ brodatych na Borneo i paj±ków na pustyni Namib.|1393313700|Unknown|0|0|0|144|0|||137565568|Stereo||2
  303. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.697 GetEntries Reply 85/95: 146274646|Królestwo gepardów|968|1393315500|1393317300|Królestwo gepardów (Cheetah Kingdom), odc. 5
  304. W afrykañskim buszu operator filmowy Dave Houghton razem z zespo³em mi³o¶ników gepardów ratuje, leczy i wypuszcza na wolno¶æ te piêkne koty.|Królestwo gepardów (Cheetah Kingdom), odc. 5
  305. W afrykañskim buszu operator filmowy Dave Houghton razem z zespo³em mi³o¶ników gepardów ratuje, leczy i wypuszcza na wolno¶æ te piêkne koty.|1393315500|Unknown|0|0|0|144|0|||137565568|Stereo||2
  306. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.697 GetEntries Reply 86/95: 146274648|Królestwo gepardów|968|1393317300|1393318800|Królestwo gepardów (Cheetah Kingdom), odc. 6
  307. W afrykañskim buszu operator filmowy Dave Houghton razem z zespo³em mi³o¶ników gepardów ratuje, leczy i wypuszcza na wolno¶æ te piêkne koty.|Królestwo gepardów (Cheetah Kingdom), odc. 6
  308. W afrykañskim buszu operator filmowy Dave Houghton razem z zespo³em mi³o¶ników gepardów ratuje, leczy i wypuszcza na wolno¶æ te piêkne koty.|1393317300|Unknown|0|0|0|144|0|||137565568|Stereo||2
  309. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.697 GetEntries Reply 87/95: 146274650|Na posterunku|968|1393318800|1393322100|Na posterunku (Animal Precinct 4), USA, odc. 4
  310. Koñ o imieniu Winston wraca do swojego poprzedniego opiekuna, poniewa¿ nowy w³a¶ciciel powa¿nie go zaniedba³. Rumak jest wyra¼nie niedo¿ywiony. Okazuje siê, ¿e traci³ jedn± trzeci± swojej zwyk³ej wagi.|Na posterunku (Animal Precinct 4), USA, odc. 4
  311. Koñ o imieniu Winston wraca do swojego poprzedniego opiekuna, poniewa¿ nowy w³a¶ciciel powa¿nie go zaniedba³. Rumak jest wyra¼nie niedo¿ywiony. Okazuje siê, ¿e traci³ jedn± trzeci± swojej zwyk³ej wagi.|1393318800|Unknown|0|0|0|128|0|||137565568|Stereo||2
  312. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.697 GetEntries Reply 88/95: 146274652|Wyspa orangutanów|968|1393322100|1393323600|Problemy okresu dojrzewania (Orangutan Island), USA 2007-2008
  313. Na wyspie pojawia siê kierownik projektu Lone, aby przeprowadziæ badania lekarskie. Tymczasem Bonita zaprzyja¼nia siê z orangutanem z gromady napastników.|Problemy okresu dojrzewania (Orangutan Island), USA 2007-2008
  314. Na wyspie pojawia siê kierownik projektu Lone, aby przeprowadziæ badania lekarskie. Tymczasem Bonita zaprzyja¼nia siê z orangutanem z gromady napastników.|1393322100|Unknown|0|0|0|144|0|||137565568|Stereo||2
  315. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.697 GetEntries Reply 89/95: 146274654|Na bagnach Florydy|968|1393323600|1393325400|Na bagnach Florydy (Swamp Brothers), USA 2011, odc. 26
  316. Wizyta w Glades Herp Farm. Jest to najwiêkszy na Florydzie rezerwat gadów, a zarazem farma jadowitych wê¿y i sklep z egzotycznymi gadami.|Na bagnach Florydy (Swamp Brothers), USA 2011, odc. 26
  317. Wizyta w Glades Herp Farm. Jest to najwiêkszy na Florydzie rezerwat gadów, a zarazem farma jadowitych wê¿y i sklep z egzotycznymi gadami.|1393323600|Unknown|0|0|0|128|0|||137565568|Stereo||2
  318. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.697 GetEntries Reply 90/95: 146274658|Nowe ¿ycie szympansów|968|1393325400|1393328700|Nowe ¿ycie szympansów (Charles & Jessica), odc. 1
  319. Dwa szympansy s± maltretowane przez w³a¶cicieli prywatnego zoo. Dziêki wysi³kom Eugene'a Cussonsa zwierzêta maj± szansê odzyskaæ zdrowie i chêæ do ¿ycia.|Nowe ¿ycie szympansów (Charles & Jessica), odc. 1
  320. Dwa szympansy s± maltretowane przez w³a¶cicieli prywatnego zoo. Dziêki wysi³kom Eugene'a Cussonsa zwierzêta maj± szansê odzyskaæ zdrowie i chêæ do ¿ycia.|1393325400|Unknown|0|0|0|128|0|||137565568|Stereo||2
  321. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.698 GetEntries Reply 91/95: 146274660|W³adca dziczy|968|1393328700|1393332000|W³adca dziczy (Wild Things with Dominic Monaghan), Wielka Brytania 2012-2013, 60', odc. 5
  322. Tym razem Dominic jedzie do Laosu, aby wytropiæ gatunek najwiêkszego na ¶wiecie paj±ka. Wystêpuje on bardzo rzadko i na ³onie natury zaobserwowa³o go zaledwie kilka osób.|W³adca dziczy (Wild Things with Dominic Monaghan), Wielka Brytania 2012-2013, 60', odc. 5
  323. Tym razem Dominic jedzie do Laosu, aby wytropiæ gatunek najwiêkszego na ¶wiecie paj±ka. Wystêpuje on bardzo rzadko i na ³onie natury zaobserwowa³o go zaledwie kilka osób.|1393328700|Unknown|0|0|0|128|0|||137565568|Stereo||2
  324. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.698 GetEntries Reply 92/95: 146274662|Królestwo gepardów|968|1393332000|1393333500|Królestwo gepardów (Cheetah Kingdom), odc. 5
  325. W afrykañskim buszu operator filmowy Dave Houghton razem z zespo³em mi³o¶ników gepardów ratuje, leczy i wypuszcza na wolno¶æ te piêkne koty.|Królestwo gepardów (Cheetah Kingdom), odc. 5
  326. W afrykañskim buszu operator filmowy Dave Houghton razem z zespo³em mi³o¶ników gepardów ratuje, leczy i wypuszcza na wolno¶æ te piêkne koty.|1393332000|Unknown|0|0|0|144|0|||137565568|Stereo||2
  327. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.698 GetEntries Reply 93/95: 146274664|Królestwo gepardów|968|1393333500|1393335000|Królestwo gepardów (Cheetah Kingdom), odc. 6
  328. W afrykañskim buszu operator filmowy Dave Houghton razem z zespo³em mi³o¶ników gepardów ratuje, leczy i wypuszcza na wolno¶æ te piêkne koty.|Królestwo gepardów (Cheetah Kingdom), odc. 6
  329. W afrykañskim buszu operator filmowy Dave Houghton razem z zespo³em mi³o¶ników gepardów ratuje, leczy i wypuszcza na wolno¶æ te piêkne koty.|1393333500|Unknown|0|0|0|144|0|||137565568|Stereo||2
  330. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.698 GetEntries Reply 94/95: 146274666|Kot z piek³a rodem|968|1393335000|1393338600|Kocia ucieczka (My Cat from Hell 3), USA 2012
  331. Tym razem Galaxy pomaga parze, której agresywny kot uniemo¿liwia zaproszenie do domu go¶ci. Nastêpnie jedzie do kobiety, której pupil nie toleruje obecno¶ci jej ch³opaka.|Kocia ucieczka (My Cat from Hell 3), USA 2012
  332. Tym razem Galaxy pomaga parze, której agresywny kot uniemo¿liwia zaproszenie do domu go¶ci. Nastêpnie jedzie do kobiety, której pupil nie toleruje obecno¶ci jej ch³opaka.|1393335000|Unknown|0|0|0|128|0|||137565568|Stereo||2
  333. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.698 GetEntries Reply 95/95: <EOF>
  334. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.698 Finished request GetEntries in 0.03s
  335. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.772 Received client request: MEDIA-PC|GetEntries|137566764|1393072452|1393335252
  336. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.819 GetEntries Reply 01/99: 126270241|How I Met Your Mother (R)|13|1393072200|1393074000|Hit US sitcom. At the wedding reception Robin tries to tell a story but is constantly interrupted. Barney tries to figure out Ted and Robin's secret. (repeat)|Hit US sitcom about the lives and relationships of five friends in New York. At the wedding reception Robin tries to tell a story but is constantly interrupted. Barney tries to figure out Ted and Robin's secret. (repeat)|1197590400|Unknown|0|0|0|16|4||Something Blue|137566764|Stereo|Shows;Sitcoms|3
  337. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.819 GetEntries Reply 02/99: 133332694|How I Met Your Mother (R)|13|1393074000|1393075500|Hit US sitcom. At the wedding reception Robin tries to tell a story but is constantly interrupted. Barney tries to figure out Ted and Robin's secret. (repeat)|Hit US sitcom about the lives and relationships of five friends in New York. At the wedding reception Robin tries to tell a story but is constantly interrupted. Barney tries to figure out Ted and Robin's secret. (repeat)|1197590400|Unknown|0|0|0|16|4||Something Blue|137566764|Stereo|Shows;Sitcoms|3
  338. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.819 GetEntries Reply 03/99: 133332695|The Simpsons (R)|13|1393075500|1393077600|Lisa becomes jealous when she meets a new student who is even more intelligent than herself. (repeat)|Lisa becomes jealous when she meets a new student who is even more intelligent than herself. Homer acquires a truckload of white sugar, thinking that it will net him a fortune. (repeat)|937180800|Unknown|0|0|0|80|5||Lisa's Rival|137566764|Stereo|Shows;Animation|3
  339. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.819 GetEntries Reply 04/99: 133332696|The Simpsons (R)|13|1393077600|1393079400|When Marge worries that romance has gone out of her life, the family recall romantic encounters from their pasts. With guest voice Michelle Pfeiffer. (repeat)|When Marge worries that romance has gone out of her life, the family recall romantic encounters from their pasts. With guest voices Michelle Pfeiffer and Kelsey Grammer. (repeat)|1067558400|Unknown|0|0|0|80|5||Another Simpson Clip Show|137566764|Stereo|Shows;Animation|3
  340. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.819 GetEntries Reply 05/99: 126270244|Channel 4 Racing|13|1393079400|1393089000|Nick Luck and the team present the 2.05, 2.40, 3.15 and 3.50 races from Kempton, the 2.20 and 2.55 from Newcastle and the 1.45 and 3.30 from Lingfield Park.|Nick Luck presents racing from Kempton Park, Newcastle and Lingfield Park. The featured race of the day is the Kempton Park Chase at 3.50. Kempton: 2.05, 2.40, 3.15 and 3.50. Newcastle: 2.20 and 2.55. Lingfield Park: 1.45 and 3.30. With reporting from Alice Plunkett, and commentary and analysis from Simon Holt, Mick Fitzgerald, Graham Cunningham and Tanya Stevenson.|1393027200|Unknown|0|0|0|64|0|||137566764|Stereo|Sports;Equestrian|16
  341. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.819 GetEntries Reply 06/99: 126270245|Come Dine with Me (R)|13|1393089000|1393090800|Dinner party reality contest. In Birmingham beauty tutor April Richards plans a starter of zebra meat but one of her guests thinks eating vegetables is cruel, let alone zebra. (repeat)|Reality series in which people compete to be the best dinner-party host. In Birmingham hair and beauty tutor April Richards is up against banker Vanessa Erigbogbo, employment advisor Paz Thakrar, accountant Toni Shukla and Phd chemistry student, John Fennel. April plans a starter of zebra meat. But Paz is a strict vegetarian who thinks even eating vegetables is cruel. (repeat)|1297641600|Unknown|0|0|0|32|3|||137566764|Stereo|Documentary;Other|3
  342. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.819 GetEntries Reply 07/99: 126270246|Come Dine with Me (R)|13|1393090800|1393092600|Dinner party reality contest. In Birmingham, scientist John Fennel brings his lab skills to his dinner party, including soda-siphoned fish batter. (repeat)|Reality series in which people compete to be the best dinner-party host. In Birmingham, scientist John Fennel brings his lab skills to his dinner party, including soda-siphoned fish batter. (repeat)|1297728000|Unknown|0|0|0|32|3|||137566764|Stereo|Documentary;Other|3
  343. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.819 GetEntries Reply 08/99: 126270247|Come Dine with Me (R)|13|1393092600|1393094400|Cookery-based reality series. Next to host in Birmingham is banker Vanessa Erigbogbo, whose ambitious menu includes lobster, confit of duck and fried grasshopper canapes. (repeat)|Reality series in which people compete to be the best dinner-party host. Next to host in Birmingham is banker Vanessa Erigbogbo, who describes herself as a 'brilliant cook'. Her ambitious menu includes lobster, confit of duck and fried grasshopper canapes. (repeat)|1297814400|Unknown|0|0|0|32|3|||137566764|Stereo|Documentary;Other|3
  344. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.819 GetEntries Reply 09/99: 126270248|Come Dine with Me (R)|13|1393094400|1393096500|Cookery-based reality series. Next to host in Birmingham is strict vegetarian Paz Thakrar, who first has to milk a cucumber to eliminate any evil cucumber toxins. (repeat)|Reality series in which people compete to be the best dinner-party host. Next to host in Birmingham is strict vegetarian Paz Thakrar, who first has to milk a cucumber to eliminate any evil cucumber toxins. There is still some bad feeling from his avid meat-eating guests, however, concerning his veggie menu. (repeat)|1297900800|Unknown|0|0|0|32|3|||137566764|Stereo|Documentary;Other|3
  345. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.819 GetEntries Reply 10/99: 133332702|Superstar Dogs: Countdown to Crufts|13|1393096500|1393098300|Game show hosted by John Barrowman. The canine contestants taking part this time are a German shepherd, a border collie and a labrador/Staffordshire bull terrier.|Game show hosted by John Barrowman in which pet dogs and their owners compete in a number of challenges. After weeks of competition, the eventual winner will be crowned at Crufts. Taking part this time are Dave and his German shepherd Rex, Kelly and her border collie Harry, and Denise and labrador/Staffordshire bull terrier Batty Nora.|1393027200|Unknown|0|0|0|48|1|||137566764|Stereo|Shows;Game Show|0
  346. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.819 GetEntries Reply 11/99: 126270250|Channel 4 News|13|1393098300|1393099200|Including sport and weather.|Including sport and weather.|1393027200|Unknown|0|0|0|32|1|||137566764|Stereo|News|130
  347. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.819 GetEntries Reply 12/99: 126270251|The Restoration Man (R)|13|1393099200|1393102800|Architect George Clarke hosts the property series. Building surveyor Alan Appleby and his wife Dora have saved a flint mill in Staffordshire. (repeat)|Architect George Clarke hosts the property series. Building surveyor Alan Appleby and his wife Dora have saved a flint mill in Staffordshire but Alan gets a little carried away by his fondness for old buildings. We also learn about the historical link between the mill and Wedgwood ceramics. (repeat)|1389139200|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137566764|Stereo|Music & Arts;Architecture|3
  348. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.819 GetEntries Reply 13/99: 126270252|Walking through History: North Norfolk|13|1393102800|1393106400|Tony Robinson walks through some of Britain's most historic landscapes in search of stories from our past. Here he travels along the wonderful seascapes of the North Norfolk coast.|Tony Robinson goes on another walk through some of Britain's most historic landscapes in search of the richest stories from our past. In this installment Tony travels along the wonderful seascapes of the North Norfolk coast and through one of the least developed spots in the country. From the arrival of Bertie, Prince of Wales at Sandringham House, to the opening of Cromer pier, Tony's four-day walk is a coastal journey through 40 years of Victorian Norfolk.|1393027200|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137566764|Stereo|Documentary;History|2
  349. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.819 GetEntries Reply 14/99: 126270253|Hostages (R)|13|1393106400|1393109700|US drama series. Ellen and Brian realise they need to take down Duncan in order to escape, so Ellen sneaks out to ask a friend of her father for help. (repeat)|US drama series. Ellen and Brian realise they need to take down Duncan in order to escape, so Ellen sneaks out to ask a friend of her father for help. Archer takes steps to stop an accomplice revealing vital information to the assistant district attorney. Morgan is interviewed by social services. (repeat)|1389398400|Unknown|5|0|0|16|0||Hail Mary|137566764|Stereo|Drama;Other|3
  350. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.819 GetEntries Reply 15/99: 131906825|Transporter 3 (R)|13|1393109700|1393116900|Action sequel continuing the story of a man working as a delivery agent for gangsters. Charged with driving to the Ukraine, he finds that his cargo includes a kidnapped woman. (repeat)|Action sequel continuing the story of a man who works as a 'transporter', delivering goods without questions on behalf of gangsters and other shady characters. Pressured into driving to the Ukraine with a parcel, he finds that his latest cargo also includes the kidnapped daughter of a Ukrainian politician. (repeat)|1302307200|Unknown|3|0|0|15|178|||137566764|Stereo|Film;Action|9
  351. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.819 GetEntries Reply 16/99: 131906826|Copland (R)|13|1393116900|1393123500|Richly characterised thriller in which a struggling small-town sheriff battles with corruption. (repeat)|Richly characterised thriller in which a struggling small-town sheriff battles with corruption. When he is granted the opportunity to join an internal affairs investigation, he finds himself facing some difficult personal and professional decisions. Notable for its star-laden cast, gritty photo-realistic style and unconventional use of Sylvester Stallone as an unattractive, morally apathetic protagonist. (repeat)|1077321600|Unknown|2|0|0|16|0|||137566764|Stereo|Film;Crime|9
  352. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.819 GetEntries Reply 17/99: 131906827|Boss (R)|13|1393123500|1393127100|Political drama series set in Chicago. Kane and his camp battle with the media when long-buried information about the disposal of toxic waste is exposed on the internet. (repeat)|Political drama series about a Chicago mayor who has been diagnosed with dementia. Kane and his camp battle with the media when long-buried information about the disposal of toxic waste near the airport comes to the surface via a mysterious blogger. With the primary elections rapidly approaching, the team do everything they can to maintain the upper hand. (repeat)|1327104000|Unknown|5|0|0|16|0||Remembered|137566764|Stereo|Drama;Other|3
  353. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.819 GetEntries Reply 18/99: 133332710|One Minute Past Midnight (R)|13|1393127100|1393127700|Short film set in the year 2059. Two apathetic friends run the night shift in a 24-hour convenience store where they discuss their fear of venturing out in the daytime. (repeat)|Short film set in the year 2059. Two apathetic friends run the night shift in a 24-hour convenience store where they discuss their views on life and their fear of venturing out in the daytime. (repeat)|1108944000|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137566764|Stereo|Drama;Film Shorts|1
  354. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.819 GetEntries Reply 19/99: 133332711|One Born Every Minute (R)|13|1393127700|1393131300|Fly-on-the-wall documentary series filmed in a busy maternity ward in Southampton. Two couples deal with long and difficult labours in very different ways. (repeat)|Fly-on-the-wall documentary series filmed in a busy maternity ward in Southampton. Two couples deal with long and difficult labours in very different ways. Dean shows how humour can lift spirits as his partner Julia attempts to give birth to their first child, while Wayne gives Donna a rousing pep talk as she experiences contractions. (repeat)|1295827200|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137566764|Stereo|Documentary;Reality TV|3
  355. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.819 GetEntries Reply 20/99: 133332712|Kirstie's Handmade Treasures (R)|13|1393131300|1393131600|In this bitesize episode of Kirstie's Handmade Britain, Kirstie Allsopp and cider-maker Andy Thomstone demonstrate how to make a winter version of the drink. (repeat)|In this bitesize episode of Kirstie's Handmade Britain, Kirstie Allsopp and cider-maker Andy Thomstone demonstrate how to make a winter version of one of Britain's favourite drinks. Plus there's a recipe for any leftover lemons: the Italian favourite limoncello. (repeat)|1366070400|Unknown|0|0|0|32|3|||137566764|Stereo|Documentary;Other|3
  356. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.819 GetEntries Reply 21/99: 127676049|Hollyoaks Omnibus|13|1393131600|1393139400|Jason decides whether to tell his mum what he saw. Dodger searches for clues that could lead Sienna to her missing daughter. Sinead rushes baby Katy into hospital.|Jason decides whether to tell his mum what he saw. Darren is nervous about Oscar's operation. Dodger searches for clues that could lead Sienna to her missing daughter. Finn gets himself into a life-threatening situation. Sinead is terrified for her daughter as she rushes baby Katy into hospital.|1393113600|Unknown|0|0|0|16|5|||137566764|Stereo|Shows;Soap|2
  357. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.819 GetEntries Reply 22/99: 131906831|The Hoobs (R)|13|1393139400|1393140900|Preschool fun. Iver's fed up being Iver. 'Everything's always the same, day in, day out'. He wants a complete change. But will that really make him happy? (repeat)|Preschool fun. Iver's fed up being Iver. 'Everything's always the same, day in, day out'. He wants a complete change. But will that really make him happy? (repeat)|1023753600|Unknown|0|0|0|80|2||Change|137566764|Stereo|Children;Entertainment|35
  358. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.819 GetEntries Reply 23/99: 131906832|The Hoobs (R)|13|1393140900|1393142700|Preschool fun. Sherlock Groove tries to solve the mystery of the brown marks on the tablecloth. (repeat)|Preschool fun. Sherlock Groove tries to solve the mystery of the brown marks on the tablecloth. (repeat)|1023840000|Unknown|0|0|0|80|2||Sherlock Groove|137566764|Stereo|Children;Entertainment|35
  359. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.819 GetEntries Reply 24/99: 127676053|Freesports on 4 (R)|13|1393142700|1393144200|Extreme sports coverage. This preview show of the Freeride World Tour takes a look back at the best bits from 2013 and profiles the main contenders for the 2014 title. (repeat)|Extreme sports coverage. The Freeride World Tour is the pinnacle of professional big mountain riding. This preview show takes a look back at the best bits from 2013 and profiles the main contenders for the 2014 title. (repeat)|1392508800|Unknown|0|0|0|64|0|||137566764|Stereo|Sports;Other|17
  360. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.820 GetEntries Reply 25/99: 131906834|Garmin Arenacross|13|1393144200|1393146000|Iwan Thomas presents the indoor motocross and supercross series, featuring the best riders competing in a seven city tour of the UK. The action starts at the Belfast Odyssey Arena.|Iwan Thomas presents the indoor motocross and supercross series, featuring the best riders competing in a seven city tour of the UK. In this episode, Iwan is at the Belfast Odyssey Arena for the first two major races of the Garmin Arenacross Tour, where he meets the riders vying for this year's title.|1393113600|Unknown|0|0|0|64|0|||137566764|Stereo|Sports;Motor Sports|16
  361. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.820 GetEntries Reply 26/99: 133332718|Frasier (R)|13|1393146000|1393147500|American sitcom about a radio psychiatrist. Niles has a cunning solution to the problem of not being allowed to keep pets in his new apartment. (repeat)|American sitcom about a Seattle-based radio psychiatrist. Niles has a cunning solution to the problem of not being allowed to keep pets in his new apartment. (repeat)|1075766400|Unknown|0|0|0|16|4||To Kill a Talking Bird|137566764|Stereo|Shows;Sitcoms|3
  362. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.820 GetEntries Reply 27/99: 127676056|The Taste (R)|13|1393147500|1393151400|Cookery competition hosted by Nigella Lawson, Ludo Lefebvre and Anthony Bourdain. The cooks are challenged to produce sweet and savoury spoonfuls that must contain chocolate. (repeat)|Cookery competition hosted by Nigella Lawson, Ludo Lefebvre and Anthony Bourdain. The cooks are challenged to produce sweet and savoury spoonfuls that must contain chocolate. Acclaimed sweet chef Eric Lanlard is on hand to dispense advice, as they create dishes ranging from chocolate cupcakes to chocolate and Stilton tart. (repeat)|1392076800|Unknown|0|0|0|160|5|||137566764|Stereo|Interests;Cookery|1
  363. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.820 GetEntries Reply 28/99: 127676057|Sunday Brunch|13|1393151400|1393162200|Cooking and entertainment show hosted by Tim Lovejoy and Simon Rimmer. Guests include Ashley Walters, Shaun Keaveny, Angus Deayton, Sean Verey and Paloma Faith.|Cooking and entertainment show hosted by Tim Lovejoy and Simon Rimmer. Guests include Ashley Walters, Shaun Keaveny, Angus Deayton, Sean Verey and Paloma Faith.|1393113600|Unknown|0|0|0|160|5|||137566764|Stereo|Interests;Cookery|2
  364. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.820 GetEntries Reply 29/99: 131906838|The Big Bang Theory (R)|13|1393162200|1393164000|Flat-share comedy series about two brainy but socially clueless physicists. Leonard and his friends attempt to force Sheldon to face his fear of driving. (repeat)|Flat-share comedy series about two brainy but socially clueless physicists. Leonard and his friends attempt to force Sheldon to face his fear of driving. (repeat)|1228262400|Unknown|0|0|0|16|4||The Euclid Alternative|137566764|Stereo|Shows;Sitcoms|3
  365. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.820 GetEntries Reply 30/99: 131906839|The Big Bang Theory (R)|13|1393164000|1393165800|Flat-share comedy series about two brainy but socially clueless physicists. Sheldon is mystified when a younger graduate student is attracted to him. (repeat)|Flat-share comedy series about two brainy but socially clueless physicists. Sheldon is mystified when a younger graduate student is attracted to him. (repeat)|1228262400|Unknown|0|0|0|16|4||The Cooper-Nowitzki Theorem|137566764|Stereo|Shows;Sitcoms|3
  366. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.820 GetEntries Reply 31/99: 131906840|How I Met Your Mother (R)|13|1393165800|1393167300|Hit US sitcom. Robin shows up with a handsome new date which prompts Ted to move on. While out on the town with Barney and Marshall, Ted meets fun-loving Amy. (repeat)|Hit US sitcom about the lives and relationships of five friends in New York. Robin shows up with a handsome new date which prompts Ted to move on. While out on the town with Barney and Marshall, Ted meets fun-loving Amy. (repeat)|1242864000|Unknown|0|0|0|16|4||Wait For It...|137566764|Stereo|Shows;Sitcoms|3
  367. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.820 GetEntries Reply 32/99: 131906841|How I Met Your Mother (R)|13|1393167300|1393169100|Hit US sitcom. Barney and Ted assume that Gael's success with women is because he has an accent, so they pretend to be tourists to attract women. (repeat)|Hit US sitcom about the lives and relationships of five friends in New York. Barney and Ted assume that Gael's success with women is because he has an accent, so they pretend to be tourists to attract women. (repeat)|1242950400|Unknown|0|0|0|16|4||We're Not From Here|137566764|Stereo|Shows;Sitcoms|3
  368. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.820 GetEntries Reply 33/99: 133332725|The Simpsons (R)|13|1393169100|1393171200|The Simpsons visit a theme park based on the violent Itchy and Scratchy cartoons. (repeat)|The Simpsons visit a theme park based on the violent Itchy and Scratchy cartoons. After Marge bails Bart and Homer out of the theme park's jail, the family is threatened by several robots brandishing weapons. (repeat)|1064188800|Unknown|0|0|0|80|5||Itchy and Scratchy Land|137566764|Stereo|Shows;Animation|3
  369. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.820 GetEntries Reply 34/99: 133332726|The Simpsons (R)|13|1393171200|1393173000|After being pardoned from prison by Mayor Quimby, Sideshow Bob runs for political office. (repeat)|After being pardoned from prison by Mayor Quimby, Sideshow Bob runs for political office. (repeat)|1064016000|Unknown|0|0|0|80|5||Sideshow Bob Roberts|137566764|Stereo|Shows;Animation|3
  370. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.820 GetEntries Reply 35/99: 133332727|Jamie and Jimmy's Friday Night Feast (R)|13|1393173000|1393176600|Cookery series presented by Jamie Oliver and Jimmy Doherty. Comedian Jennifer Saunders cooks porchetta for Ade Edmonson, while the chefs revive a Bedfordshire pastry. (repeat)|Cookery series presented by Jamie Oliver and Jimmy Doherty from their cafe at the end of Southend pier. Comedian Jennifer Saunders cooks the Italian pork dish of porchetta for Ade Edmonson, while the chefs attempt to revive a savoury and sweet Bedfordshire pastry. (repeat)|1392336000|Unknown|0|0|0|160|5|||137566764|Stereo|Interests;Cookery|1
  371. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.820 GetEntries Reply 36/99: 131906845|Deal or No Deal|13|1393176600|1393180500|Noel Edmonds hosts the game show in which contestants do battle with the Banker in their quest to leave with up to 250,000 pounds.|Noel Edmonds hosts the game show in which contestants do battle with the Banker in their quest to leave with up to 250,000 pounds.|1393113600|Unknown|0|0|0|48|1|||137566764|Stereo|Shows;Game Show|2
  372. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.820 GetEntries Reply 37/99: 131906847|The Devil Wears Prada (R)|13|1393180500|1393188000|Comedy drama about a naive journalist who faces the daunting task of becoming assistant to the cold-hearted and ruthless editor of prestigious New York fashion magazine Runway. (repeat)|Comedy drama about a naive journalist who faces the daunting task of becoming assistant to the cold-hearted and ruthless editor of prestigious New York fashion magazine Runway. (repeat)|1194652800|Unknown|5|0|0|16|4|||137566764|Stereo|Film;Comedy|9
  373. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.820 GetEntries Reply 38/99: 131906848|Channel 4 News|13|1393188000|1393189200|Including sport and weather.|Including sport and weather.|1393113600|Unknown|0|0|0|32|1|||137566764|Stereo|News|130
  374. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.820 GetEntries Reply 39/99: 131906849|The Edwardian Grand Designer: A Time Team Special|13|1393189200|1393192800|Special edition of the history series. Tony Robinson joins forces with Grand Designs' Kevin McCloud and Time Team's Phil Harding to discover more about architect Sir Edwin Lutyens.|Special edition of the history series. Tony Robinson joins forces with Grand Designs' Kevin McCloud and Time Team's Phil Harding to discover more about architect Sir Edwin Lutyens.|1393113600|Unknown|0|0|0|32|3|||137566764|Stereo|Documentary;Other|2
  375. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.820 GetEntries Reply 40/99: 131906850|Bridesmaids (R)|13|1393192800|1393201500|Comedy. A maid of honour struggles to keep her best friend's wedding and her own life on track as their friendship spirals out of control. (repeat)|Comedy. A maid of honour struggles to keep her best friend's wedding and her own life on track as their friendship spirals out of control. Having lost all of her savings in a failed bakery, dumped by her boyfriend and with only two strange flatmates for company, she focuses her energy on organising her childhood friend's big day, but when another woman tries to come between the pair, she must hold it all together. (repeat)|1337472000|Unknown|5|0|0|16|4|||137566764|Stereo|Film;Comedy|9
  376. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.820 GetEntries Reply 41/99: 131906851|Sex and the City (R)|13|1393201500|1393210500|Romantic comedy. Carrie prepares for her dream wedding to Mr Big, but when a careless remark by Miranda causes him to call off the nuptials, the writer's friends rally around her. (repeat)|Romantic comedy. Carrie prepares for her dream wedding to Mr Big, but when a careless remark by Miranda causes him to call off the nuptials, the writer's friends rally around her. (repeat)|1238803200|Unknown|2|0|0|16|4|||137566764|Stereo|Film;Comedy|9
  377. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.820 GetEntries Reply 42/99: 131906852|Boss (R)|13|1393210500|1393214100|Political drama series about a mayor with dementia. Kane's public image hits a new low and he steps out of the spotlight to pay a visit to an old friend. (repeat)|Political drama series about a Chicago mayor who has been diagnosed with dementia. Kane's public image hits a new nadir and he steps out of the spotlight to pay a visit to an old friend. Meredith starts to doubt whether Tom can cope. (repeat)|1327708800|Unknown|5|0|0|16|0||Spit|137566764|Stereo|Drama;Other|3
  378. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.820 GetEntries Reply 43/99: 131906853|One Born Every Minute (R)|13|1393214100|1393217700|Fly-on-the-wall documentary series filmed in a busy maternity ward in Southampton. One expectant father is unable to be contacted after his girlfriend's labour progresses. (repeat)|Fly-on-the-wall documentary series filmed in a busy maternity ward in Southampton. One expectant father is unable to be contacted after his girlfriend's labour progresses, while another has an unexpected role to play after his wife's birth plan takes an unforeseen twist. (repeat)|1296432000|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137566764|Stereo|Documentary;Reality TV|3
  379. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.820 GetEntries Reply 44/99: 129081012|Location, Location, Location (R)|13|1393217700|1393221000|Kirstie Allsopp catches up with two sets of house hunters. In Manchester, Abigail is keen to buy herself a first home, while David has a healthy £235K budget for a city centre pad. (repeat)|Kirstie Allsopp catches up with two sets of house hunters. In Manchester, Abigail Carpe is keen to buy herself a first home, while David Isaac has a £235K budget for a city centre pad. (repeat)|1331769600|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137566764|Stereo|Interests;Consumer|3
  380. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.820 GetEntries Reply 45/99: 129081013|Supernanny US (R)|13|1393221000|1393223400|Supernanny heads to the States. Jo Frost travels to Florida to help the Fernandez family, who are unable to control their defiant 12-year-old daughter and two aggressive sons. (repeat)|Professional nanny Jo Frost takes her no-nonsense approach to parenting to the States. Jo travels to Florida to meet the Fernandez family, who are unable to control their defiant 12-year-old daughter Desiree and their two overly aggressive sons Elias and Eulisis. Marla is completely exhausted from trying to do it all, while Jerald is frustrated and often unwilling to step in and help. (repeat)|1325894400|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137566764|Stereo|Documentary;Reality TV|3
  381. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.820 GetEntries Reply 46/99: 129081014|Deal or No Deal|13|1393223400|1393226700|Noel Edmonds asks the all important question as contestants do battle with the Banker in their quest to leave the Dream Factory with 250,000 pounds.|Noel Edmonds asks the all important question as contestants do battle with the Banker in their quest to leave the Dream Factory with 250,000 pounds.|1393200000|Unknown|0|0|0|48|1|||137566764|Stereo|Shows;Game Show|2
  382. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.820 GetEntries Reply 47/99: 129081015|Countdown|13|1393226700|1393229400|Nick Hewer and Rachel Riley host the show in which contestants race against the clock to pit their wits against vowels, consonants and numbers.|Nick Hewer and Rachel Riley host the show in which contestants race against the clock to pit their wits against vowels, consonants and numbers.|1393200000|Unknown|0|0|0|48|1|||137566764|Stereo|Shows;Game Show|2
  383. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.820 GetEntries Reply 48/99: 140446872|Will & Grace|13|1393229400|1393230900|Kiss and Tell: Will starts his new job, but finds himself in an office with a German shepherd and a Russian-speaking tough guy. With Alec Baldwin and Eric Stoltz. [S] |Kiss and Tell: Will starts his new job, but finds himself in an office with a German shepherd and a Russian-speaking tough guy. With Alec Baldwin and Eric Stoltz. [S] |1393229400|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137566764|Stereo|Shows;Other Shows|2
  384. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.820 GetEntries Reply 49/99: 140446873|Will & Grace|13|1393230900|1393232400|Alive and Schticking: Grace contemplates having an affair with a married man, while Jack begins his new career as a talk show host. Guest starring Alec Baldwin. [S] |Alive and Schticking: Grace contemplates having an affair with a married man, while Jack begins his new career as a talk show host. Guest starring Alec Baldwin. [S] |1393230900|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137566764|Stereo|Shows;Other Shows|2
  385. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.821 GetEntries Reply 50/99: 131906860|Everybody Loves Raymond (R)|13|1393232400|1393234200|Sitcom about family life in a chaotic household. Ray brings home a stray bulldog, and he and Robert have to decide which of them gets to keep the animal. (repeat)|Sitcom about family life in a chaotic household. Ray brings home a stray bulldog, and he and Robert have to decide which of them gets to keep the animal. (repeat)|874108800|Unknown|0|0|0|16|4||The Dog|137566764|Stereo|Shows;Sitcoms|3
  386. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.821 GetEntries Reply 51/99: 131906861|Everybody Loves Raymond (R)|13|1393234200|1393236000|Sitcom about a chaotic household. Ray's neighbours are up in arms about his noisy father and meddling mother. (repeat)|Sitcom about a chaotic household. Ray's neighbours are up in arms about his noisy father and meddling mother. (repeat)|970185600|Unknown|0|0|0|16|4||Neighbours|137566764|Stereo|Shows;Sitcoms|3
  387. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.821 GetEntries Reply 52/99: 131906862|Everybody Loves Raymond (R)|13|1393236000|1393237800|Sitcom about family life in a chaotic household. When a radio psychologist visits the house to interview Debra, he finds the rest of the family more interesting. (repeat)|Sitcom about family life in a chaotic household. When a radio psychologist visits the house to interview Debra for a book, he finds the rest of the family far more interesting. (repeat)|1075420800|Unknown|0|0|0|16|4||Fascinatin' Debra|137566764|Stereo|Shows;Sitcoms|3
  388. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.821 GetEntries Reply 53/99: 133332745|Frasier (R)|13|1393237800|1393239600|American sitcom about a radio psychiatrist. Roz suspects she may be the angel of death when two of her patients in a retirement home die. (repeat)|American sitcom about a Seattle-based radio psychiatrist. Niles and Frasier make Roz finish her community service in a retirement home. But when two of her patients die, Roz suspects she may be the angel of death. (repeat)|1075852800|Unknown|0|0|0|16|4||Roz's Krantz and Gouldenstein Are Dead|137566764|Stereo|Shows;Sitcoms|3
  389. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.821 GetEntries Reply 54/99: 133332746|Frasier (R)|13|1393239600|1393241700|American sitcom about a Seattle-based radio psychiatrist. Frasier is drafted onto the radio station's baseball team at the last minute. (repeat)|American sitcom about a Seattle-based radio psychiatrist. Frasier is drafted onto the radio station's baseball team at the last minute. (repeat)|1076284800|Unknown|0|0|0|16|4||The Unnatural|137566764|Stereo|Shows;Sitcoms|3
  390. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.821 GetEntries Reply 55/99: 133332747|Frasier (R)|13|1393241700|1393243500|American sitcom about a Seattle-based radio psychiatrist. Having had enough of life behind the scenes, Roz decides to make her own radio programme. (repeat)|American sitcom about a Seattle-based radio psychiatrist. Having had enough of life behind the scenes, Roz decides to make her own radio programme entitled Roz Doyle's Love Matters. (repeat)|1076198400|Unknown|0|0|0|16|4||Roz's Turn|137566764|Stereo|Shows;Sitcoms|3
  391. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.821 GetEntries Reply 56/99: 131906866|The Big Bang Theory (R)|13|1393243500|1393245300|Flat-share comedy series about two brainy but socially clueless physicists. When Sheldon bans Penny from the apartment, she decides to retaliate. (repeat)|Flat-share comedy series about two brainy but socially clueless physicists. When Sheldon bans Penny from the apartment, she decides to retaliate. (repeat)|1228867200|Unknown|0|0|0|16|4||The Panty Pinata Polarization|137566764|Stereo|Shows;Sitcoms|3
  392. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.821 GetEntries Reply 57/99: 131906867|The Big Bang Theory (R)|13|1393245300|1393246800|Flat-share comedy series about two brainy but socially clueless physicists. Wolowitz has a major crush on a girl, but she falls for Leonard. (repeat)|Flat-share comedy series about two brainy but socially clueless physicists. Wolowitz has a major crush on a girl, but she falls for Leonard. (repeat)|1228867200|Unknown|0|0|0|16|4||The Lizard-Spock Expansion|137566764|Stereo|Shows;Sitcoms|3
  393. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.821 GetEntries Reply 58/99: 129081026|Channel 4 News Summary|13|1393246800|1393247100|Including news headlines and weather.|Including news headlines and weather.|1393200000|Unknown|0|0|0|32|1|||137566764|Stereo|News|130
  394. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.821 GetEntries Reply 59/99: 131906869|Four in a Bed (R)|13|1393247100|1393248900|Four proud B&B owners do battle to be named the best value for money. Kicking off the competition are Harri and Claire Chiba of the Vale of Berkeley Guesthouse in Gloucestershire. (repeat)|Four proud B&B owners do battle to be named the best value for money. Kicking off the competition are Harri and Claire Chiba of the Vale of Berkeley Guesthouse in Gloucestershire. (repeat)|1381104000|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137566764|Stereo|Shows;Other|3
  395. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.821 GetEntries Reply 60/99: 131906870|Four in a Bed (R)|13|1393248900|1393250700|Reality series in which bed-and-breakfast owners compete. Day two of the competition is at Artist Residence in Penzance, Cornwall. (repeat)|Series in which bed-and-breakfast owners compete to have their establishments crowned the best. Day two of the competition is at Artist Residence in Penzance, Cornwall, where couple Justin and Charlie hope to be crowned top B&B of the week. (repeat)|1381190400|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137566764|Stereo|Documentary;Reality TV|3
  396. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.821 GetEntries Reply 61/99: 131906871|Four in a Bed (R)|13|1393250700|1393252800|Series in which bed-and-breakfast owners compete. Third to host are couple Alec and Craig Coleman of the award-winning Edenfield Guesthouse in Blackpool. (repeat)|Series in which bed-and-breakfast owners compete. Third to host are couple Alec and Craig Coleman of the award-winning Edenfield Guesthouse in Blackpool. (repeat)|1381276800|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137566764|Stereo|Documentary;Reality TV|3
  397. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.821 GetEntries Reply 62/99: 131906872|Four in a Bed (R)|13|1393252800|1393254600|Series in which bed-and-breakfast owners compete to have their establishments crowned the best. Day four of the competition is at The New Inn at Portland in Dorset. (repeat)|Series in which bed-and-breakfast owners compete to have their establishments crowned the best. Day four of the competition is at The New Inn at Portland in Dorset. (repeat)|1381363200|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178||The New Inn|137566764|Stereo|Documentary;Reality TV|3
  398. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.821 GetEntries Reply 63/99: 131906873|Four in a Bed (R)|13|1393254600|1393256400|Series in which bed-and-breakfast owners compete to have their establishments crowned the best. The competition culminates in Portland after a week of ups and downs. (repeat)|Series in which bed-and-breakfast owners compete to have their establishments crowned the best. The competition culminates in Portland after a week of ups and downs around the country. Clare finds out about what the others really think of her standards, and Justin and Charlie reveal themselves to be strong contenders for the prize. (repeat)|1381449600|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137566764|Stereo|Documentary;Reality TV|3
  399. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.821 GetEntries Reply 64/99: 129081032|Countdown|13|1393256400|1393259400|Nick Hewer and Rachel Riley host the game show in which contestants race against the clock to pit their wits against vowels, consonants and numbers.|Nick Hewer and Rachel Riley host the game show in which contestants race against the clock to pit their wits against vowels, consonants and numbers.|1393200000|Unknown|0|0|0|48|1|||137566764|Stereo|Shows;Game Show|2
  400. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.821 GetEntries Reply 65/99: 129081033|Deal or No Deal|13|1393259400|1393263000|Noel Edmonds asks the all important question as contestants do battle with the Banker in their quest to leave the Dream Factory with 250,000 pounds.|Noel Edmonds asks the all important question as contestants do battle with the Banker in their quest to leave the Dream Factory with 250,000 pounds.|1393200000|Unknown|0|0|0|48|1|||137566764|Stereo|Shows;Game Show|2
  401. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.821 GetEntries Reply 66/99: 129081034|Come Dine with Me (R)|13|1393263000|1393264800|Dinner party reality programme. In Clacton-on-Sea, 43-year old trucker and keen foodie, Tony Houston is hoping to wow his guests with his lovingly crafted menu. (repeat)|Dinner party reality programme. In Clacton-on-Sea, 43-year old trucker and keen foodie, Tony Houston is hoping to wow his guests with his lovingly crafted menu. (repeat)|1392595200|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137566764|Stereo|Documentary;Reality TV|3
  402. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.821 GetEntries Reply 67/99: 129081035|Coach Trip (R)|13|1393264800|1393266600|Travel contest. Cupid draws back his bow at a violin lesson in Montpellier, but will the tourists manage to make sweet music? (repeat)|Travel contest in which passengers battle it out to remain on a coach holiday for as long as they can. Cupid draws back his bow at a violin lesson in Montpellier, but will the tourists manage to make sweet music? (repeat)|1392595200|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137566764|Stereo|Documentary;Reality TV|3
  403. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.821 GetEntries Reply 68/99: 129081036|Superstar Dogs: Countdown to Crufts (R)|13|1393266600|1393268400|Game show in which pet dogs and their owners compete in a number of challenges. Labrador retriever Harry, Springer-Cavalier Spaniel Buddy and Labradoodle Milo all compete. (repeat)|Game show hosted by John Barrowman in which pet dogs and their owners compete in a number of challenges. Sarah and her Labrador retriever Harry, Andy and his Springer-Cavalier Spaniel Buddy and Rachel and her Labradoodle Milo all compete. (repeat)|1392595200|Unknown|0|0|0|48|1|||137566764|Stereo|Shows;Game Show|1
  404. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.821 GetEntries Reply 69/99: 131906879|The Simpsons (R)|13|1393268400|1393270200|When Homer's hippie mother Mona dies, he decides to fulfill her final wishes, taking on a challenge that could see the Simpson family land in a whole lot of trouble. (repeat)|When Homer's hippie mother Mona dies, he decides to fulfill her final wishes, taking on a challenge that could see the Simpson family land in a whole lot of trouble. (repeat)|1221350400|Unknown|0|0|0|80|5||Mona Leaves-a|137566764|Stereo|Shows;Animation|3
  405. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.821 GetEntries Reply 70/99: 129081038|Hollyoaks (R)|13|1393270200|1393272000|Teen drama. Will Jason tell his mum what he saw? Darren is nervous about Oscar's operation. (repeat)|Teen drama. Will Jason tell his mum what he saw? Darren is nervous about Oscar's operation. (repeat)|1392336000|Unknown|0|0|0|16|5|||137566764|Stereo|Shows;Soap|3
  406. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.821 GetEntries Reply 71/99: 129081039|Channel 4 News|13|1393272000|1393275600|News including sport and weather.|News including sport and weather.|1393200000|Unknown|0|0|0|32|1|||137566764|Stereo|News|130
  407. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.821 GetEntries Reply 72/99: 140446874|Secrets of Your Credit Rating|13|1393275600|1393277400|Channel 4 Dispatches: How accurate is the information used to compile your credit rating, and what happens if there's a mistake in it? Dispatches goes undercover to find out. [S] |Channel 4 Dispatches: How accurate is the information used to compile your credit rating, and what happens if there's a mistake in it? Dispatches goes undercover to find out. [S] |1393275600|Unknown|0|0|0|128|0|||137566764|Stereo|Documentary;Other Documentaries|2
  408. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.821 GetEntries Reply 73/99: 131906884|Food Unwrapped (R)|13|1393277400|1393279200|Series exploring how our food is really made and the industry secrets behind our favourite produce. The team investigate whether manuka honey has any medicinal properties. (repeat)|Series exploring how our food is really made and the industry secrets behind our favourite produce. The team investigate whether manuka honey has any medicinal properties. (repeat)|1392595200|Unknown|0|0|0|32|3|||137566764|Stereo|Documentary;Other|3
  409. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.821 GetEntries Reply 74/99: 131906885|One Born Every Minute|13|1393279200|1393282800|Documentary series filmed on a labour ward in Bristol. Michael and Michelle are hoping for an easy second labour, and 35-year-old Rich prepares to become more family-friendly.|Documentary series filmed on a labour ward in Bristol. Michael and Michelle are hoping for an easy second labour, and 35-year-old Rich prepares to become more family-friendly.|1393200000|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137566764|Stereo|Documentary;Reality TV|2
  410. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.821 GetEntries Reply 75/99: 129081043|8 Out of 10 Cats (R)|13|1393282800|1393285800|Topical comedy panel show with host Jimmy Carr and team captains Jon Richardson and Sean Lock. They are joined by Paul Hollywood, Dawn O'Porter, Joe Wilkinson and Rob Beckett. (repeat)|Topical comedy panel show with host Jimmy Carr and team captains Jon Richardson and Sean Lock. The regulars are joined by celebrity guests Paul Hollywood, Dawn O'Porter, Joe Wilkinson and Rob Beckett. (repeat)|1392595200|Unknown|0|0|0|16|4|||137566764|Stereo|Comedy;Shows|3
  411. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.821 GetEntries Reply 76/99: 129081044|Troy (R)|13|1393285800|1393289400|Observational documentary series following Troy, an ordinary-looking 24-year old from south London with some impressive magic tricks. Here Troy does speed dating with a difference. (repeat)|Observational documentary series following Troy, an ordinary-looking 24-year old from south London with some impressive magic tricks and a distinctive blend of studio illusions, close-up magic and stunts. In the first episode, Troy does speed dating with a difference. (repeat)|1392076800|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137566764|Stereo|Shows;Other|3
  412. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.821 GetEntries Reply 77/99: 133332770|The 27 Inch Man: A Bodyshock Special (R)|13|1393289400|1393293000|Documentary exploring the extraordinary life of Edward Hernandez, who at the age of 24 is just 27 inches tall. The Colombian was officially declared the shortest man in the world. (repeat)|Documentary exploring the extraordinary life of Edward Hernandez, who at the age of 24 is just 27 inches tall. The Colombian was officially declared the shortest man in the world. (repeat)|1302480000|Unknown|0|0|0|32|3|||137566764|Stereo|Documentary;Other|1
  413. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.822 GetEntries Reply 78/99: 131906889|Random Acts|13|1393293000|1393293300|Series of three-minute films expressing creativity in the fields of spoken word, dance, animation, video art and music.|Series of three-minute films expressing creativity in the fields of spoken word, dance, animation, video art and music.|1393286400|Unknown|0|0|0|96|1|||137566764|Stereo|Music & Arts;Other|2
  414. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.822 GetEntries Reply 79/99: 131906890|Scandal (R)|13|1393293300|1393296300|US drama set in a crisis management firm. The team reluctantly take an assignment when the irresponsible son of millionaire businesswoman is accused of rape. (repeat)|US drama set in a crisis management firm. The team reluctantly take an assignment when the irresponsible son of millionaire businesswoman is accused of rape. However, their attempt to settle a civil case with the victim is roundly rejected. Former White House intern Amanda Tanner tells Olivia that she has proof of her affair with the President and demands a face-to-face meeting with him. (repeat)|1352332800|Unknown|5|0|0|16|0||Hell Hath No Fury|137566764|Stereo|Drama;Other|3
  415. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.822 GetEntries Reply 80/99: 133332773|Hostages (R)|13|1393296300|1393299300|US drama series. Ellen and Brian realise they need to take down Duncan in order to escape, so Ellen sneaks out to ask a friend of her father for help. (repeat)|US drama series. Ellen and Brian realise they need to take down Duncan in order to escape, so Ellen sneaks out to ask a friend of her father for help. Archer takes steps to stop an accomplice revealing vital information to the assistant district attorney. Morgan is interviewed by social services. (repeat)|1389398400|Unknown|5|0|0|16|0||Hail Mary|137566764|Stereo|Drama;Other|3
  416. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.822 GetEntries Reply 81/99: 131906892|Boss (R)|13|1393299300|1393303200|Political drama series about a Chicago mayor who has been diagnosed with dementia. Kane works out who his political enemies are. (repeat)|Political drama series about a Chicago mayor who has been diagnosed with dementia. Kane manages to work out where his political enemies are but can he improve his public persona in time for the election? Miller receives an offer but there's a catch. (repeat)|1328313600|Unknown|5|0|0|16|0||Stasis|137566764|Stereo|Drama;Other|3
  417. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.822 GetEntries Reply 82/99: 133332776|Supernanny US (R)|13|1393303200|1393305900|No-nonsense Supernanny Jo Frost takes her unique approach to parenting to the States, where she meets Chris Potter and his wife Joy. (repeat)|No-nonsense Supernanny Jo Frost takes her unique approach to parenting to the States, where she meets Chris Potter and his wife Joy. The couple agree that their four children are very disrespectful, but Joy says that Chris is too 'old school' and scares the kids when he yells at them. Meanwhile, Chris feels that Joy is undermining him by challenging his parenting style. (repeat)|1333670400|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137566764|Stereo|Documentary;Reality TV|3
  418. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.822 GetEntries Reply 83/99: 133332777|Location, Location, Location (R)|13|1393305900|1393309200|Property series with Kirstie Allsopp and Phil Spencer. Single mum Jo Beck dreams of moving to Derby from Nottingham, and sports fans Liz and John Fairfield want a large garden. (repeat)|Kirstie and Phil attempt to find homes for two sets of house hunters with very different needs in Derby and Nottingham. Single mum Jo Beck has an emotional choice to make, as while her children are settled in Nottingham, she dreams of moving to Derby. Also in Derby, Kirstie meets adrenaline junkies Liz and John Fairfield, who want a home big enough to house all their outdoor sporting equipment, a large garden and no road noise. (repeat)|1343001600|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137566764|Stereo|Interests;Consumer|3
  419. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.822 GetEntries Reply 84/99: 133332778|Kirstie's Vintage Gems (R)|13|1393309200|1393309800|In this bitesize episode, Kirstie Allsopp shows how easy it is to hand make things. This episode features sugar craft, perfume making and a lesson in Victorian style silhouettes. (repeat)|In this bitesize episode, crafting superstar Kirstie Allsopp shows how easy it is to hand make, personalise, and create things for both the home and the important people in our lives. This episode features sugar craft, a masterclass in perfume making and a lesson in Victorian style silhouettes. (repeat)|1359417600|Unknown|0|0|0|112|4|||137566764|Stereo|Interests;Other|3
  420. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.822 GetEntries Reply 85/99: 130489254|Deal or No Deal|13|1393309800|1393312800|Noel Edmonds asks the all important question as contestants do battle with the Banker in their quest to leave the Dream Factory with 250,000 pounds.|Noel Edmonds asks the all important question as contestants do battle with the Banker in their quest to leave the Dream Factory with 250,000 pounds.|1393200000|Unknown|0|0|0|48|1|||137566764|Stereo|Shows;Game Show|2
  421. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.822 GetEntries Reply 86/99: 130489255|Countdown|13|1393312800|1393315500|Nick Hewer and Rachel Riley host the game show in which contestants race against the clock to pit their wits against vowels, consonants and numbers.|Nick Hewer and Rachel Riley host the game show in which contestants race against the clock to pit their wits against vowels, consonants and numbers.|1393200000|Unknown|0|0|0|48|1|||137566764|Stereo|Shows;Game Show|2
  422. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.822 GetEntries Reply 87/99: 143286225|Will & Grace|13|1393315500|1393317000|I Second That Emotion: Grace is labelled homophobic after her comments on Jack's talk show are misconstrued by gay men all over New York. [S] |I Second That Emotion: Grace is labelled homophobic after her comments on Jack's talk show are misconstrued by gay men all over New York. [S] |1393315500|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137566764|Stereo|Shows;Other Shows|2
  423. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.822 GetEntries Reply 88/99: 143286226|Will & Grace|13|1393317000|1393318500|The Old Man and the Sea: When Will decides to face his fear and learn to swim, Jack offers to be his instructor, but the lessons don't go as planned when Will panics. [S] |The Old Man and the Sea: When Will decides to face his fear and learn to swim, Jack offers to be his instructor, but the lessons don't go as planned when Will panics. [S] |1393317000|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137566764|Stereo|Shows;Other Shows|2
  424. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.822 GetEntries Reply 89/99: 143286227|Everybody Loves Raymond|13|1393318500|1393320300|Why Are We Here?: Ray and Debra reminisce about more peaceful times in their first apartment. [S] |Why Are We Here?: Ray and Debra reminisce about more peaceful times in their first apartment. [S] |1393318500|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137566764|Stereo|Shows;Other Shows|2
  425. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.822 GetEntries Reply 90/99: 131906901|Everybody Loves Raymond (R)|13|1393320300|1393322100|Sitcom about family life in a chaotic household. Ray is on his best behaviour when he is asked to appear on a sports talk show. (repeat)|Sitcom about family life in a chaotic household. Ray is on his best behaviour when he is asked to appear on a sports talk show. (repeat)|970617600|Unknown|0|0|0|16|4||Ray's on TV|137566764|Stereo|Shows;Sitcoms|3
  426. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.822 GetEntries Reply 91/99: 131906902|Everybody Loves Raymond (R)|13|1393322100|1393324200|Sitcom about family life in a chaotic household. Ray refuses to attend parenting classes, a move which provokes hostility from Debra. (repeat)|Sitcom about family life in a chaotic household. Ray refuses to attend parenting classes, a move that provokes hostility from Debra. But once he learns of the indirect benefits of attending the classes, he decides to take part. (repeat)|1075852800|Unknown|0|0|0|16|4||Father Knows Least|137566764|Stereo|Shows;Sitcoms|3
  427. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.822 GetEntries Reply 92/99: 133332787|Frasier (R)|13|1393324200|1393326000|Sitcom about Seattle psychiatrist Frasier Crane. Frasier sets off into the realms of fantasy as he recreates a live on-air drama of the 1940s for the show. (repeat)|Sitcom about Seattle psychiatrist Frasier Crane. Frasier sets off into the realms of fantasy as he recreates a live on-air drama of the 1940s for the show. (repeat)|1076025600|Unknown|0|0|0|16|4||Ham Radio|137566764|Stereo|Shows;Sitcoms|3
  428. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.822 GetEntries Reply 93/99: 133332788|Frasier (R)|13|1393326000|1393327800|American sitcom about a radio psychiatrist. Frasier dates three different women in one weekend, and Martin and Sherry ponder breaking up. (repeat)|American sitcom about a Seattle-based radio psychiatrist. Frasier dates three different women in one weekend, and Martin and Sherry ponder breaking up. (repeat)|990144000|Unknown|0|0|0|16|4||Three Dates and a Break-Up - Pt 1|137566764|Stereo|Shows;Sitcoms|3
  429. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.822 GetEntries Reply 94/99: 133332789|Frasier (R)|13|1393327800|1393329600|American sitcom about a Seattle-based radio psychiatrist. Frasier and Niles celebrate Sherry's departure - but she's soon back. (repeat)|American sitcom about a Seattle-based radio psychiatrist. Frasier and Niles celebrate Sherry's departure - but she's soon back. (repeat)|880070400|Unknown|0|0|0|16|4||Three Dates and a Break-Up: 2|137566764|Stereo|Shows;Sitcoms|3
  430. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.822 GetEntries Reply 95/99: 131906906|The Big Bang Theory (R)|13|1393329600|1393331400|Flat-share comedy series. Sheldon appears delighted that Leonard finally has a girlfriend matching his high standards. (repeat)|Flat-share comedy series about two brainy but socially clueless physicists. Sheldon appears delighted that Leonard finally has a girlfriend matching his high standards. (repeat)|1229472000|Unknown|0|0|0|16|4||The White Asparagus Triangulation|137566764|Stereo|Shows;Sitcoms|3
  431. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.822 GetEntries Reply 96/99: 131906907|The Big Bang Theory (R)|13|1393331400|1393333200|US sitcom about two brainy but socially inept physicists. Leonard seeks Penny's advice when his relationship with Stephanie takes off faster than he'd like. (repeat)|US sitcom about two brainy but socially inept physicists. Leonard seeks Penny's advice when his relationship with Stephanie takes off faster than he'd like. (repeat)|1237852800|Unknown|0|0|0|16|4||The Vartabedian Conundrum|137566764|Stereo|Shows;Sitcoms|3
  432. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.822 GetEntries Reply 97/99: 130489266|Channel 4 News Summary|13|1393333200|1393333500|Including news headlines and weather.|Including news headlines and weather.|1393286400|Unknown|0|0|0|32|1|||137566764|Stereo|News|130
  433. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.822 GetEntries Reply 98/99: 131906909|Four in a Bed (R)|13|1393333500|1393335300|Four proud B&B owners do battle to be named the best value for money. This competition starts at The Old Stables, Somerset, with Finnish born Nina Dodd and husband Andy. (repeat)|Four proud B&B owners do battle to be named the best value for money. This competition starts at The Old Stables, Somerset, where Finnish born Nina Dodd and husband Andy welcome guests to their Scandinavian style accommodation. (repeat)|1381708800|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137566764|Stereo|Documentary;Reality TV|3
  434. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.823 GetEntries Reply 99/99: <EOF>
  435. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.823 Finished request GetEntries in 0.05s
  436. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.905 Received client request: MEDIA-PC|GetEntries|137566750|1393072452|1393335252
  437. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.945 GetEntries Reply 01/71: 133328358|Planet of the Apes (R)|14|1393067100|1393075200|Classic sci-fi story about a group of astronauts who crash-land on a planet where humans live like Neanderthals, controlled by a race of super-intelligent apes. (repeat)|Classic sci-fi story about an exploratory mission which goes drastically wrong, sending a group of astronauts 2,000 years into the future. When the men crash-land, they find themselves on a planet where humans live like Neanderthals, controlled and conditioned by a race of super-intelligent apes. The film awed cinema audiences upon its release and won an Oscar for John Chambers's stunning make-up effects. (repeat)|1041379200|Unknown|5|0|0|15|178|||137566750|Stereo|Film;Sci-Fi|9
  438. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.945 GetEntries Reply 02/71: 133328359|Coach Trip|14|1393075200|1393077300|Travel contest. Cupid draws back his bow at a violin lesson in Montpellier, but will the tourists manage to make sweet music?|Travel contest in which passengers battle it out to remain on a coach holiday for as long as they can. Cupid draws back his bow at a violin lesson in Montpellier, but will the tourists manage to make sweet music?|1392595200|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137566750|Stereo|Documentary;Reality TV|2
  439. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.945 GetEntries Reply 03/71: 133328360|Coach Trip|14|1393077300|1393079100|Travel contest in which passengers take a competitive coach trip. Brendan dishes out a slimy facial at a snail farm in Perpignan.|Travel contest in which passengers battle it out to remain on a coach holiday for as long as they can. Brendan dishes out a slimy facial at a snail farm in Perpignan, while one tourist becomes a hero at a dramatic banana boating ride. After a surprise departure, things get tense at the vote.|1392681600|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137566750|Stereo|Documentary;Reality TV|2
  440. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.945 GetEntries Reply 04/71: 133328361|Coach Trip|14|1393079100|1393081200|Travel contest. Brendan skips down memory lane at L'Estartit. A volleyball game has an uncomfortable result for one tourist, and the group try paddle-boarding, with mixed results.|Travel contest in which passengers battle it out to remain on a coach holiday for as long as they can. Brendan skips down memory lane at L'Estartit, where his international tour guiding began. A volleyball game has an uncomfortable result for one tourist, and the group try paddle-boarding, with mixed results. And, at the vote, one tourist storms off in a huff.|1392768000|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137566750|Stereo|Documentary;Reality TV|2
  441. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.945 GetEntries Reply 05/71: 133328362|Coach Trip|14|1393081200|1393083300|Travel contest in which passengers battle it out to remain on a coach holiday. The group admire Antoni Gaudi's Sagrada Familia and visit an iconic Olympic venue in Barcelona.|Travel contest in which passengers battle it out to remain on a coach holiday for as long as they can. The group admire Antoni Gaudi's Sagrada Familia and visit an iconic Olympic venue in Barcelona.|1392854400|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137566750|Stereo|Documentary;Reality TV|2
  442. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.945 GetEntries Reply 06/71: 126266029|Coach Trip|14|1393083300|1393085100|Travel contest in which passengers battle it out to remain on a coach holiday for as long as they can. The coach pulls in to Salou where a messy morning is spent gutting fish.|Travel contest in which passengers battle it out to remain on a coach holiday for as long as they can. The coach pulls in to Salou. After a messy morning gutting fish for lunch, the sights continue when Brendan takes the group for a pole dancing class.|1392940800|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137566750|Stereo|Documentary;Reality TV|2
  443. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.945 GetEntries Reply 07/71: 133328364|SuperScrimpers (R)|14|1393085100|1393087200|Money-saving series. A champagne club-a-holic is challenged to a week of going out with just 50 pounds in his wallet. Harry Wallop tests the best value Easter eggs. (repeat)|The series offering money-saving tips. Champagne club-a-holic Jac Woods is challenged to a week of going out with just 50 pounds in his wallet, Harry Wallop discovers which Easter egg is best value and Mrs Moneypenny takes her touring cash clinic to Norwich. (repeat)|1362960000|Unknown|0|0|0|112|4|||137566750|Stereo|Interests;Other|3
  444. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.945 GetEntries Reply 08/71: 126266031|Location, Location, Location (R)|14|1393087200|1393091100|Kirstie Allsopp and Phil Spencer help two sets of first time buyers who have chosen to put down roots in south London; Niki and Rob and Georgie and Louis. (repeat)|Kirstie Allsopp and Phil Spencer help two sets of first time buyers who have chosen to put down roots in south London; Niki and Rob and Georgie and Louis. (repeat)|1378339200|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137566750|Stereo|Interests;Consumer|3
  445. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.945 GetEntries Reply 09/71: 126266032|Location, Location, Location (R)|14|1393091100|1393095000|Kirstie Allsopp and Phil Spencer help two sets of buyers who have chosen to put down roots in Liverpool; James and his wife Mairead and new property hunters Laura and Andy. (repeat)|Kirstie Allsopp and Phil Spencer present the property series. Kirstie and Phil help two sets of buyers who have chosen to put down roots in Liverpool. James and his wife are new to the area, but have quite a specific list of criteria. New property hunters Laura and Andy appear to want different things from their first house. (repeat)|1378944000|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137566750|Stereo|Interests;Consumer|3
  446. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.946 GetEntries Reply 10/71: 133328367|The Somme (R)|14|1393095000|1393102800|Docudrama recounting the bloodiest day in British military history. An eyewitness account of the battle of the Somme is recreated through letters, diaries and journals of the time. (repeat)|Docudrama recounting the bloodiest day in British military history. An eyewitness account of the battle of the Somme is recreated through the letters, diaries and journals of the men who took part. On the 1st of July 1916, British troops launched an attack against the Germans to break the war's stalemate. However, the plan was fatally flawed with 20,000 troops killed and nearly twice that number injured as they charged into German artillery, which should have been destroyed by British barrage. (repeat)|1131926400|Unknown|0|0|0|32|3|||137566750|Stereo|Documentary;Other|1
  447. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.946 GetEntries Reply 11/71: 133328368|War Horse: The Real Story (R)|14|1393102800|1393106400|Documentary telling the story of the million British horses that served in World War I, beginning with the mass call-up of horses from every farm and estate in the country. (repeat)|Documentary telling the story of the million British horses that served in World War I, beginning with the mass call-up of horses from every farm and estate in the country. (repeat)|1330819200|Unknown|0|0|0|32|3|||137566750|Stereo|Documentary;Other|1
  448. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.946 GetEntries Reply 12/71: 133328369|Queen Victoria and the Crippled Kasier (R)|14|1393106400|1393110300|Documentary revealing the secret childhood of Queen Victoria's grandson, the future Kaiser Wilhelm II, who was born with a permanently paralysed arm. (repeat)|Documentary revealing the secret childhood of Queen Victoria's grandson, the future Kaiser Wilhelm II, who was born with a permanently paralysed arm. (repeat)|1384646400|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137566750|Stereo|Documentary;History|1
  449. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.946 GetEntries Reply 13/71: 133328370|The Secret of Lincoln Jail: A Time Team Special (R)|14|1393110300|1393114200|A special edition of the history series. Tony Robinson and the team reveal the secrets of Lincoln Castle's dark history of punishment. (repeat)|A special edition of the history series. Tony Robinson and the team have access to an archaeological dig which will reveal the secrets of Lincoln Castle's dark history of punishment. On a site which still contains an active court, they uncover the Victorian experiment in prison justice that pushed human beings to their very limits. (repeat)|1372550400|Unknown|0|0|0|32|3|||137566750|Stereo|Documentary;Other|3
  450. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.946 GetEntries Reply 14/71: 133328371|The Somme (R)|14|1393114200|1393122000|Docudrama recounting the bloodiest day in British military history. An eyewitness account of the battle of the Somme is recreated through letters, diaries and journals of the time. (repeat)|Docudrama recounting the bloodiest day in British military history. An eyewitness account of the battle of the Somme is recreated through the letters, diaries and journals of the men who took part. On the 1st of July 1916, British troops launched an attack against the Germans to break the war's stalemate. However, the plan was fatally flawed with 20,000 troops killed and nearly twice that number injured as they charged into German artillery, which should have been destroyed by British barrage. (repeat)|1131926400|Unknown|0|0|0|32|3|||137566750|Stereo|Documentary;Other|1
  451. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.946 GetEntries Reply 15/71: 133328372|War Horse: The Real Story (R)|14|1393122000|1393125600|Documentary telling the story of the million British horses that served in World War I, beginning with the mass call-up of horses from every farm and estate in the country. (repeat)|Documentary telling the story of the million British horses that served in World War I, beginning with the mass call-up of horses from every farm and estate in the country. (repeat)|1330819200|Unknown|0|0|0|32|3|||137566750|Stereo|Documentary;Other|1
  452. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.946 GetEntries Reply 16/71: 133328373|Kirstie's Vintage Gems (R)|14|1393125600|1393126500|Kirstie Allsopp looks back to the 1970s for some vintage inspiration. Together with two of the country's most gifted crafters, she creates some crochet jellyfish and a felt rug. (repeat)|Kirstie Allsopp looks back to the 1970s for some vintage inspiration. Together with two of the country's most gifted crafters, she creates some crochet jellyfish and a felt rug. (repeat)|1360108800|Unknown|0|0|0|112|4|||137566750|Stereo|Interests;Other|3
  453. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.946 GetEntries Reply 17/71: 139014004|Teleshopping|14|1393126500|1393135200|Teleshopping. |Teleshopping. |1393126500|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137566750|Stereo||2
  454. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.946 GetEntries Reply 18/71: 139014714|Teleshopping|14|1393135200|1393145700|Teleshopping. |Teleshopping. |1393135200|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137566750|Stereo||2
  455. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.946 GetEntries Reply 19/71: 133328375|Location, Location, Location (R)|14|1393145700|1393149600|Phil Spencer and Kirstie Allsopp host the property series. Two couples are looking for an opportunity to blend a commute into London with countryside living in Kent and Sussex. (repeat)|Phil Spencer and Kirstie Allsopp host the property series. Two couples are looking for an opportunity to blend a commute into London with countryside living in Kent and Sussex. Army wife Charley and her husband Col. Patrick Tomlinson are looking for a permanent place after so many years on manoeuvres. Meanwhile, Simon and Tina Haben have outgrown their trendy city apartment and want a more family-friendly home in the country. (repeat)|1250640000|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137566750|Stereo|Interests;Consumer|3
  456. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.946 GetEntries Reply 20/71: 133328376|Help! My House is Falling Down (R)|14|1393149600|1393153200|Sarah Beeny comes to the aid of people who have found problems with their properties. Sarah helps a couple who are trying to save their 14th century Essex farmhouse. (repeat)|Sarah Beeny comes to the aid of people who have found problems with their properties. Sarah helps a couple who are trying to save their 14th century Essex farmhouse. (repeat)|1310601600|Unknown|0|0|0|32|3|||137566750|Stereo|Documentary;Other|3
  457. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.946 GetEntries Reply 21/71: 133328377|Help! My House is Falling Down (R)|14|1393153200|1393157100|Series in which Sarah Beeny rescues families who have found problems with their properties. Mum-of-four Christine Davis's home in Woolwich is threatening to slide away. (repeat)|Series in which Sarah Beeny rescues families who have found problems with their properties. Mum-of-four Christine Davis's home in Woolwich is riddled with problems and threatening to slide away. The roof is threatening to collapse and worse still the dangerously damaged electrics and a rodent infestation are making the home a disastrous health hazard. (repeat)|1311206400|Unknown|0|0|0|32|3|||137566750|Stereo|Documentary;Other|3
  458. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.946 GetEntries Reply 22/71: 133328378|Selling Houses with Amanda Lamb|14|1393157100|1393161000|Amanda Lamb helps three homeowners battling it out to sell their properties. Which house in Sutton will buyer Leigh decide to spend his money on?|Amanda Lamb helps three homeowners battling it out to sell their properties. Which house in Sutton will buyer Leigh decide to spend his money on?|1392681600|Unknown|0|0|0|112|4|||137566750|Stereo|Interests;Other|0
  459. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.946 GetEntries Reply 23/71: 127671828|Gordon Ramsay's Home Cooking (R)|14|1393161000|1393162800|Home cookery series. Gordon Ramsay showcases dishes that are easy to make but sensational enough to serve on special occasions. Recipes include eggs Benedict with crispy Parma ham. (repeat)|Home cookery series presented by chef Gordon Ramsay. Here he showcases home cooked food that is easy to prepare but sensational enough to serve on special occasions. Recipes include eggs Benedict with crispy Parma ham and grilled lobsters with bloody mary linguine. Gordon's son Jack also helps him cook beef fillet with salsa verde, and chocolate and pistachio semifreddo. (repeat)|1383868800|Unknown|0|0|0|160|5|||137566750|Stereo|Interests;Cookery|3
  460. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.946 GetEntries Reply 24/71: 127671829|Four in a Bed (R)|14|1393162800|1393164900|Reality series. First to host is B&B veteran Paul Workman, the no-nonsense owner of Hamlet House in Stratford-upon-Avon - where moany guests are given short shrift. (repeat)|Reality series. First to host is B&B veteran Paul Workman, the no-nonsense owner of Hamlet House in Stratford-upon-Avon - where moany guests are given short shrift. Paul makes the most of the Shakespeare connection by taking his guests to perform some of the Bard's best bits. Paul serves potato smiles for breakfast but loses his cool when a hair is found in the mushrooms. (repeat)|1360540800|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137566750|Stereo|Documentary;Reality TV|3
  461. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.946 GetEntries Reply 25/71: 127671830|Four in a Bed (R)|14|1393164900|1393166700|Reality series. Hosting are Ben Gray and Katie Keegan of Ashlack in Cumbria and some guests make their yurt feelings perfectly clear on check out! (repeat)|Reality series. Hosting are Ben Gray and Katie Keegan of Ashlack in Cumbria. The guests are wowed by the rooms in the 16th-century manor house. But Veronica and Saida are ushered out to a yurt in the woods. The prospect of the midnight hop to the loos fills them with dread and they make their yurt feelings perfectly clear on check out! (repeat)|1360627200|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137566750|Stereo|Documentary;Reality TV|3
  462. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.946 GetEntries Reply 26/71: 127671831|Four in a Bed (R)|14|1393166700|1393168800|Reality series. The third visit of the competition is to The Richwood, in Torquay, where partners Veronica Pickles and Saida Hammoud run their guest house almost entirely alone. (repeat)|Reality series. The third visit of the competition is to The Richwood, in Torquay, where partners Veronica Pickles and Saida Hammoud run the 13 room guest house almost entirely alone. Their efforts are praised by their rivals, but the dated decor does not unnoticed. The hosts give their guests a crash course in belly dancing and a feast of Lebanese delicacies. (repeat)|1360713600|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137566750|Stereo|Documentary;Reality TV|3
  463. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.946 GetEntries Reply 27/71: 127671832|Four in a Bed (R)|14|1393168800|1393170600|Reality series in which bed-and-breakfast owners compete to have their establishments crowned the best. The latest visit is to the Tai'r Bull Inn in the Brecon Beacons. (repeat)|Reality series in which bed-and-breakfast owners compete to have their establishments crowned the best. The latest visit is to the Tai'r Bull Inn in the Brecon Beacons, run by Helen Fraser. (repeat)|1360800000|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137566750|Stereo|Documentary;Reality TV|3
  464. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.946 GetEntries Reply 28/71: 127671833|Four in a Bed (R)|14|1393170600|1393172400|Reality series. The rival hotel owners come together for the final time to discover what they have been paid and settle some scores. A clash ensues between two of the weeks' hosts. (repeat)|Reality series. The rival hotel owners come together for the final time to discover what they have been paid and settle some scores. A huge clash breaks out between two of the weeks' hosts. (repeat)|1360886400|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137566750|Stereo|Documentary;Reality TV|3
  465. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.946 GetEntries Reply 29/71: 127671834|Come Dine with Me (R)|14|1393172400|1393174500|Amateur cooks entertain one another at home then vote for the best dinner. First to play host in Harrogate is farm girl Jane Steele, whose meal features twists on classic dishes. (repeat)|Amateur cooks entertain one another at home then vote for the best dinner. First to play host in Harrogate is farm girl Jane Steele, whose meal features twists on classic dishes and some fancy wine to wash the food down. (repeat)|1380499200|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137566750|Stereo|Documentary;Reality TV|3
  466. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.946 GetEntries Reply 30/71: 127671835|Come Dine with Me (R)|14|1393174500|1393176300|Dinner party reality series. Horse enthusiast Cassy Bell is confident that her gastro-pub food is just the ticket. (repeat)|Reality series in which people compete to be the best dinner-party host. Horse enthusiast Cassy Bell hopes her jockey-themed evening will put her in the running to win the top prize, as she is confident that her gastro-pub food is just the ticket. (repeat)|1380585600|Unknown|0|0|0|32|3|||137566750|Stereo|Documentary;Other|3
  467. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.946 GetEntries Reply 31/71: 127671836|Come Dine with Me (R)|14|1393176300|1393178100|Reality series in which people compete to be the best dinner-party host. Veteran punk turned cupcake seller Cathy McConaghy goes back to her Irish roots on day three in Harrogate. (repeat)|Reality series in which people compete to be the best dinner-party host. Veteran punk turned cupcake seller Cathy McConaghy has decided to go back to her Irish roots on day three in Harrogate, with a menu including homemade soda bread, cockle soup, oysters, roast lamb and stout-infused sticky toffee pudding. But the oyster starters and cockle soup is not to everyone's liking. (repeat)|1380672000|Unknown|0|0|0|32|3|||137566750|Stereo|Documentary;Other|3
  468. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.946 GetEntries Reply 32/71: 127671837|Come Dine with Me (R)|14|1393178100|1393180200|Cookery-based reality series. Photographer Simon Meyer takes a laid back approach to hosting in Harrogate. (repeat)|Cookery-based reality series. Photographer Simon Meyer takes a laid back approach to hosting in Harrogate. (repeat)|1380758400|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137566750|Stereo|Documentary;Reality TV|3
  469. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.946 GetEntries Reply 33/71: 127671838|Come Dine with Me (R)|14|1393180200|1393182000|Cookery-based reality series. The final night from around Harrogate finds toff Alasdair Moore looking to impress his guests with wines, monkfish and a rather risky parlour game. (repeat)|Cookery-based reality series. The final night from around Harrogate finds local toff Alasdair Moore looking to impress his guests with smart wines and 'proper' dinner party food. But an early slip up sees Alasdair's confidence fall away. His monkfish is well received, but his guests are unimpressed with the portion sizes. A rather risky parlour game doesn't endear him to farm lady Jane Steele. (repeat)|1380844800|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137566750|Stereo|Documentary;Reality TV|3
  470. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.946 GetEntries Reply 34/71: 127671839|Shipping Wars (R)|14|1393182000|1393183800|Following six shipping companies who move the unusual loads which others will not ship. Winding Pennsylvanian roads and a storm cause problems with the shipments. (repeat)|Following six independent shipping companies who have worked out that they can make huge amounts of money by moving unusual loads which others cannot or will not ship. Winding roads in Pennsylvania cause problems for Marc's shipment of two army tanks and the weather causes problems for Roy. (repeat)|1351209600|Unknown|0|0|0|32|3||Cash for Tanks|137566750|Stereo|Documentary;Other|3
  471. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.946 GetEntries Reply 35/71: 127671840|Shipping Wars (R)|14|1393183800|1393185300|Following six shipping companies who move the unusual loads which others will not ship. Marc leaves behind parts of an aircraft and Jennifer ships some bulls. (repeat)|Following six independent shipping companies who have worked out that they can make huge amounts of money by moving unusual loads which others cannot or will not ship. When switching trailers in the middle of a job, Marc leaves behind some parts of a fragile aircraft. Jennifer finds shipping cattle is more difficult than she anticipated. (repeat)|1351814400|Unknown|0|0|0|32|3||Bullship|137566750|Stereo|Documentary;Other|3
  472. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.947 GetEntries Reply 36/71: 127671841|Obsessive Compulsive Cleaners (R)|14|1393185300|1393189200|Series following people who are obsessed with cleaning. The compulsive cleaners are carefully matched with those whose homes are in dire need of a major spring clean. (repeat)|Series following people who are obsessed with cleaning. The compulsive cleaners are carefully matched with those whose homes are in dire need of a major spring clean. (repeat)|1362528000|Unknown|0|0|0|32|3|||137566750|Stereo|Documentary;Other|3
  473. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.947 GetEntries Reply 37/71: 127671842|Kevin McCloud's Man Made Home (R)|14|1393189200|1393192800|Kevin McCloud makes a sun lounge to double the floor space in his beach getaway, with a rotating hammock which allows him to follow the sun throughout the day. (repeat)|Kevin McCloud returns with another building challenge. He makes a sun lounge to double the floor space in his beach getaway on the Somerset Jurassic coast. A rotating hammock allows him to follow the sun throughout the day and a trip back into London's docklands provides a very useful haul of shopping trolleys. (repeat)|1380412800|Unknown|0|0|0|112|4|||137566750|Stereo|Interests;Other|3
  474. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.947 GetEntries Reply 38/71: 133328394|The World's Weirdest Weather (R)|14|1393192800|1393196700|TV weatherman Alex Beresford explores the mysteries behind some of the world's most bizarre weather. The programme focuses on fire, looking at lightning, firestorms and more. (repeat)|TV weatherman Alex Beresford explores the mysteries behind some of the world's most bizarre weather, hearing eyewitness accounts from those who have experienced first-hand these climatic extremes. Alex travels to Lake Maracaibo in Venezuela, the lightning capital of the world, where there are near-constant lightning storms with thousands of strikes every night, and examines a firenado - a combination of wild fire and tornado. (repeat)|1367280000|Unknown|0|0|0|32|3||Fire|137566750|Stereo|Documentary;Other|3
  475. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.947 GetEntries Reply 39/71: 127671845|Shameless USA (R)|14|1393196700|1393200600|US drama based on the award-winning British series. Fiona tries to become her siblings' custodian, but Frank does not want to give up his paternal rights. (repeat)|US drama based on the award-winning British series. Fiona goes to great lengths to become her siblings' custodian, but Frank does not want to give up his paternal rights. (repeat)|1364083200|Unknown|0|0|0|16|0||A Long Way From Home|137566750|Stereo|Drama;Other|3
  476. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.947 GetEntries Reply 40/71: 133328396|Nashville (R)|14|1393200600|1393204500|US drama series. Rayna and Teddy's divorce is finalised. Juliette takes a high-paying private gig at a billionaire couple's anniversary party. (repeat)|US drama series. Rayna and Teddy's divorce is finalised. Juliette takes a high-paying private gig at a billionaire couple's anniversary party. Liam returns to help Rayna complete her album. Peggy's plan to win Teddy back seems to be working. Deacon's troubled family history casts a shadow over his relationship with Maddie. Avery and Juliette have a disagreement. (repeat)|1386460800|Unknown|0|0|0|16|0||I Don't Wanna Talk About It Now|137566750|Stereo|Drama;Other|3
  477. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.947 GetEntries Reply 41/71: 133328397|Kevin McCloud's Man Made Home (R)|14|1393204500|1393208400|Kevin McCloud makes a sun lounge to double the floor space in his beach getaway, with a rotating hammock which allows him to follow the sun throughout the day. (repeat)|Kevin McCloud returns with another building challenge. He makes a sun lounge to double the floor space in his beach getaway on the Somerset Jurassic coast. A rotating hammock allows him to follow the sun throughout the day and a trip back into London's docklands provides a very useful haul of shopping trolleys. (repeat)|1380412800|Unknown|0|0|0|112|4|||137566750|Stereo|Interests;Other|3
  478. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.947 GetEntries Reply 42/71: 133328398|The World's Weirdest Weather (R)|14|1393208400|1393212000|TV weatherman Alex Beresford explores the mysteries behind some of the world's most bizarre weather. The programme focuses on fire, looking at lightning, firestorms and more. (repeat)|TV weatherman Alex Beresford explores the mysteries behind some of the world's most bizarre weather, hearing eyewitness accounts from those who have experienced first-hand these climatic extremes. Alex travels to Lake Maracaibo in Venezuela, the lightning capital of the world, where there are near-constant lightning storms with thousands of strikes every night, and examines a firenado - a combination of wild fire and tornado. (repeat)|1367280000|Unknown|0|0|0|32|3||Fire|137566750|Stereo|Documentary;Other|3
  479. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.947 GetEntries Reply 43/71: 133328399|Kirstie's Vintage Gems (R)|14|1393212000|1393212900|In this bitesize episode, Kirstie Allsopp shows how easy it is to hand make things. This episode features sugar craft, perfume making and a lesson in Victorian style silhouettes. (repeat)|In this bitesize episode, crafting superstar Kirstie Allsopp shows how easy it is to hand make, personalise, and create things for both the home and the important people in our lives. This episode features sugar craft, a masterclass in perfume making and a lesson in Victorian style silhouettes. (repeat)|1359417600|Unknown|0|0|0|112|4|||137566750|Stereo|Interests;Other|3
  480. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.947 GetEntries Reply 44/71: 140446747|Teleshopping|14|1393212900|1393221600|Teleshopping. |Teleshopping. |1393212900|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137566750|Stereo||2
  481. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.947 GetEntries Reply 45/71: 140446748|Teleshopping|14|1393221600|1393232100|Teleshopping. |Teleshopping. |1393221600|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137566750|Stereo||2
  482. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.947 GetEntries Reply 46/71: 133328401|Phil Spencer: Secret Agent (R)|14|1393232100|1393236000|Property expert Phil Spencer helps families move house. Phil helps a Wakefield family looking for a home in Perth, Australia, who only have six months to use their existing visa. (repeat)|Property expert Phil Spencer helps families move house. Phil helps a Wakefield family looking for a home in Perth, Australia. They've only got six months to use their existing visa, so the race is on for a sale on their end-of-terrace family home. Phil also helps Helen and Damien, who've just added a baby to their brood and need to find a new family home. (repeat)|1318291200|Unknown|0|0|0|112|4|||137566750|Stereo|Interests;Other|3
  483. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.947 GetEntries Reply 47/71: 133328402|Kirstie's Vintage Gems (R)|14|1393236000|1393237200|Kirstie Allsopp helps homeowners transform their homes using crafts and vintage style tips. On the Isle of Wight, Kirstie helps single dad Rich Clarke revamp his girls' bedroom. (repeat)|Kirstie Allsopp helps homeowners transform their homes using crafts and vintage style tips. On the Isle of Wight, Kirstie helps single dad Rich Clarke revamp his girls' bedroom. (repeat)|1359331200|Unknown|0|0|0|32|3|||137566750|Stereo|Documentary;Other|3
  484. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.947 GetEntries Reply 48/71: 133328403|Double Your House for Half the Money (R)|14|1393237200|1393241100|Sarah Beeny hosts the property show. In Cheshire, Jackie and Russell want to transform a rundown 1930s semi, and Neil and Anita from Bristol want to build a granny flat. (repeat)|Sarah Beeny hosts the property show. In Cheshire, Jackie and Russell want to transform a rundown 1930s semi, and Neil and Anita from Bristol want to build a granny flat. (repeat)|1378771200|Unknown|0|0|0|112|4|||137566750|Stereo|Interests;Other|3
  485. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.947 GetEntries Reply 49/71: 133328404|The Shepherd of the Hills (R)|14|1393241100|1393248300|Action adventure about a young Missouri moonshiner who is obsessed with the idea of avenging his mother's death, for which he blames his long-lost father. (repeat)|Action adventure about a young moonshiner in the backwoods of Missouri who is obsessed with avenging his mother's death, for which he blames his long-lost father. When a kindly old stranger arrives in the area, the younger man befriends him, unaware of his identity. (repeat)|1131235200|Unknown|3|0|0|16|0|||137566750|Stereo|Film;Drama|9
  486. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.947 GetEntries Reply 50/71: 129076788|Time Team (R)|14|1393248300|1393252200|Archaeological series. Tony Robinson and the team uncover an Anglo Saxon settlement in a field in Leicestershire. (repeat)|Archaeological series. Tony Robinson and the team uncover an Anglo Saxon settlement in a field in Leicestershire. (repeat)|1203811200|Unknown|0|0|0|112|4||Saxons on the Edge|137566750|Stereo|Interests;Other|3
  487. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.947 GetEntries Reply 51/71: 129076789|Time Team (R)|14|1393252200|1393256100|Award-winning archaeological series. Buckinghamshire archaeologists believe they've found the remains of a medieval building under the lawns of a Georgian house. (repeat)|Award-winning archaeological series presented by Tony Robinson. Archaeologists in Chesham in Buckinghamshire believe they've found the remains of a medieval building under the manicured lawns of a Georgian house. (repeat)|1174176000|Unknown|0|0|0|112|4||No Stone Unturned|137566750|Stereo|Interests;Other|3
  488. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.947 GetEntries Reply 52/71: 129076790|A Place in the Sun: Home or Away (R)|14|1393256100|1393260000|Property series. Chris and Sue are torn between downsizing locally in Tunbridge Wells, or starting a completely new life in the south of France. (repeat)|Property series. Chris and Sue are torn between downsizing locally in Tunbridge Wells, or starting a completely new life in the south of France. (repeat)|1362096000|Unknown|0|0|0|112|4|||137566750|Stereo|Interests;Other|3
  489. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.947 GetEntries Reply 53/71: 129076791|Location, Location, Location (R)|14|1393260000|1393263900|Phil Spencer and Kirstie Allsopp host the property advice series. The duo undertake a unique challenge, trying to settle one extended family into two homes in Cambridgeshire. (repeat)|Phil Spencer and Kirstie Allsopp host the property advice series. The duo undertake a unique challenge, trying to settle one extended family into two homes in Cambridgeshire. With three generations currently living under one roof, the family are desperate to find separate properties within touching distance of each other. (repeat)|1277942400|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137566750|Stereo|Interests;Consumer|3
  490. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.947 GetEntries Reply 54/71: 129076792|The Restoration Man (R)|14|1393263900|1393267800|George Clarke travels the UK meeting people who want to restore architectural treasures. Andy Critchlow is converting a water tower in Cheshire into an ultra-modern home. (repeat)|George Clarke travels the UK meeting people who want to restore architectural treasures. Andy Critchlow is converting a water tower in Cheshire into an ultra-modern home. (repeat)|1326326400|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137566750|Stereo|Music & Arts;Architecture|3
  491. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.947 GetEntries Reply 55/71: 129076793|Grand Designs (R)|14|1393267800|1393271700|House building series. In this edition, Kevin McCloud meets a young couple who plan to build their house within the surrounds of an ancient village. (repeat)|Series following householders who are on a mission to completely re-design and redecorate their homes from top to bottom. In this edition, Kevin McCloud meets a young couple in Hereford who plan to build their house within the surrounds of an ancient village. (repeat)|1134777600|Unknown|0|0|0|112|4||Hereford|137566750|Stereo|Interests;Other|3
  492. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.947 GetEntries Reply 56/71: 129076794|Grand Designs Revisited (R)|14|1393271700|1393275600|Series in which people attempt to build their dream homes. Kevin McCloud revisits a couple who have gained planning permission to renovate an Italian castle. (repeat)|Series in which people attempt to build their dream homes. Kevin McCloud is in Tuscany to review the progress of a couple who bought a ruined castle in 1999 only to spend four years battling the Italian authorities for planning permission to convert it into a five-bedroomed home. (repeat)|1178668800|Unknown|0|0|0|112|4||Tuscany, Italy|137566750|Stereo|Interests;Other|3
  493. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.948 GetEntries Reply 57/71: 133328412|Double Jeopardy (R)|14|1393275600|1393283100|Thriller about a woman convicted for her missing husband's murder. She is convinced that he is still alive and that she has been framed, so, out on parole, she tries to find him. (repeat)|Tense thriller about a woman convicted for her husband's murder after he goes missing one night and she wakes covered in blood. After being imprisoned for six years she is let out on parole and, increasingly convinced that her husband is still alive and that she has been framed, the woman sets out to discover what really happened on the night of the 'murder'. (repeat)|983750400|Unknown|3|0|0|16|0|||137566750|Stereo|Film;Crime|9
  494. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.948 GetEntries Reply 58/71: 129076797|Embarrassing Bodies Down Under|14|1393283100|1393286700|Dr Christian Jessen teams up with Antipodean physicians Sam Hay, Ginni Mansberg and Brad McKay. In Dandenong, the doctors assess a penile fracture, protruding ears and a rash.|Dr Christian Jessen teams up with Antipodean physicians Sam Hay, Ginni Mansberg and Brad McKay. In Dandenong, the doctors assess a penile fracture, protruding ears and a rash.|1392768000|Unknown|0|0|0|32|3|||137566750|Stereo|Documentary;Other|2
  495. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.948 GetEntries Reply 59/71: 133328414|Grand Designs (R)|14|1393286700|1393290900|House building series. In this edition, Kevin McCloud meets a young couple who plan to build their house within the surrounds of an ancient village. (repeat)|Series following householders who are on a mission to completely re-design and redecorate their homes from top to bottom. In this edition, Kevin McCloud meets a young couple in Hereford who plan to build their house within the surrounds of an ancient village. (repeat)|1134777600|Unknown|0|0|0|112|4||Hereford|137566750|Stereo|Interests;Other|3
  496. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.948 GetEntries Reply 60/71: 133328415|Grand Designs Revisited (R)|14|1393290900|1393294800|Property series. Kevin McCloud revisits a couple who bought a derelict olive farm in Puglia in order to create an artists paradise. (repeat)|Property series. Kevin McCloud revisits two artists who purchased a derelict olive farm in Puglia, Italy, in order to convert it into an home for themselves and a Roman guesthouse. Despite neither of them having any construction experience whatsoever, and fighting local planning laws, they managed to throw up a temporary building in 24 hours in order to gain the permission needed to continue construction. Kevin finds out whether they have finally finished work on their artists' paradise. (repeat)|1204070400|Unknown|0|0|0|112|4|||137566750|Stereo|Interests;Other|3
  497. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.948 GetEntries Reply 61/71: 133328416|Location, Location, Location (R)|14|1393294800|1393298700|Phil Spencer and Kirstie Allsopp host the property advice series. The duo undertake a unique challenge, trying to settle one extended family into two homes in Cambridgeshire. (repeat)|Phil Spencer and Kirstie Allsopp host the property advice series. The duo undertake a unique challenge, trying to settle one extended family into two homes in Cambridgeshire. With three generations currently living under one roof, the family are desperate to find separate properties within touching distance of each other. (repeat)|1277942400|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137566750|Stereo|Interests;Consumer|3
  498. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.948 GetEntries Reply 62/71: 133328417|SuperScrimpers (R)|14|1393298700|1393300200|The series offering money-saving tips. Make-up mad Frederique Chujor takes on the superspending challenge, while Mrs Moneypenny visits Bristol. (repeat)|The series offering money-saving tips. Mrs Moneypenny is at Bristol's Science and Adventure Centre helping people from the south west with supersaving tips. Harry Wallop tests cheap and best-selling body creams with some cruise loving holiday-makers. And makeup mad Frederique Chujor finds plenty to make her blush in the superspending challenge. (repeat)|1367193600|Unknown|0|0|0|112|4|||137566750|Stereo|Interests;Other|3
  499. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.948 GetEntries Reply 63/71: 141863389|Teleshopping|14|1393300200|1393308000|Teleshopping. |Teleshopping. |1393300200|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137566750|Stereo||2
  500. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.948 GetEntries Reply 64/71: 141863390|Teleshopping|14|1393308000|1393318500|Teleshopping. |Teleshopping. |1393308000|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137566750|Stereo||2
  501. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.948 GetEntries Reply 65/71: 133328419|Phil Spencer: Secret Agent (R)|14|1393318500|1393322400|Phil Spencer tries to get Britain's property market moving again. In Llanharan, Pontyclun, the Williams' home is putting buyers off with shabby kitchen units and a garish bathroom. (repeat)|Property expert Phil Spencer tries to get Britain's property market moving again, one house at a time. In Llanharan, Pontyclun, a house that has been home to five generations of the Williams family is putting buyers off with shabby kitchen units and a garish bathroom. (repeat)|1319414400|Unknown|0|0|0|112|4|||137566750|Stereo|Interests;Other|3
  502. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.948 GetEntries Reply 66/71: 133328420|Kirstie's Vintage Gems (R)|14|1393322400|1393322700|Kirstie Allsopp teams up with master potter Richard Miller to help couple Ellie and Nick create some of their very own plates, which will compliment their new 1930s dining room. (repeat)|Crafting enthusiast Kirstie Allsopp teams up with master potter Richard Miller to help couple Ellie and Nick create some of their very own plates, which will compliment their new 1930s dining room. (repeat)|1360022400|Unknown|0|0|0|32|3|||137566750|Stereo|Documentary;Other|3
  503. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.948 GetEntries Reply 67/71: 133328421|Jamie's 30 Minute Meals (R)|14|1393322700|1393324800|Fast-paced cookery series. Jamie shows how to make asian-style salmon, noodle broth, beansprout salad and lychee dessert in under half an hour. (repeat)|Fast-paced cookery series. Jamie shows how to make asian-style salmon, noodle broth, beansprout salad and lychee dessert in under half an hour. (repeat)|1288828800|Unknown|0|0|0|160|5||Asian Style Salmon|137566750|Stereo|Interests;Cookery|3
  504. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.948 GetEntries Reply 68/71: 133328422|Double Your House for Half the Money (R)|14|1393324800|1393328700|Sarah Beeny helps people to achieve their property dreams without breaking the bank. Sarah helps newlyweds Andrew and Angharad Garner and single mum Vicki Thorne. (repeat)|Sarah Beeny helps people to achieve their property dreams without breaking the bank. Sarah heads to Church Brampton in Northamptonshire to meet newlyweds Andrew and Angharad Garner. The couple bought a country home with a problem: it had a neighbour's access alley running along the side wall of the house. In East Preston, Sussex, single mum Vicki Thorne needs a workable home for her typically energetic four-year-old and for his big sister, six-year-old Iona-May, who has cerebral palsy. (repeat)|1379376000|Unknown|0|0|0|112|4|||137566750|Stereo|Interests;Other|3
  505. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.948 GetEntries Reply 69/71: 133328423|Bugles in the Afternoon (R)|14|1393328700|1393334700|Western adventure in which a cavalryman arrives at a frontier fort to find that his arch-enemy is in command. (repeat)|Western adventure in which a cavalryman is forced to leave the service after striking a fellow officer. Shaken, he attempts to re-enlist in the Wild West. Arriving at a frontier post, he is shocked to discover that his arch-enemy is in command and subsequently finds himself assigned to the most dangerous missions. (repeat)|1170115200|Unknown|2|0|0|16|2|||137566750|Stereo|Film;Western|9
  506. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.948 GetEntries Reply 70/71: 130485008|Time Team (R)|14|1393334700|1393338600|Archaeology series. The team are in the grand surroundings of the Royal Crescent in Bath. This does not deter them from digging them up in search of a Roman cemetery. (repeat)|Archaeology series. The team are in the grand surroundings of the Royal Crescent in Bath. This does not deter them from digging them up in search of a Roman cemetery. (repeat)|1045353600|Unknown|0|0|0|112|4|||137566750|Stereo|Interests;Other|3
  507. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.948 GetEntries Reply 71/71: <EOF>
  508. 2014/02/22 13:34:35.948 Finished request GetEntries in 0.04s
  509. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.005 Received client request: MEDIA-PC|GetEntries|137566792|1393072452|1393335252
  510. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.020 GetEntries Reply 01/36: 139015096|Arabian Adventure|15|1393066800|1393074000|(1979) Fantasy adventure. A prince is sent on a quest in order to win the hand of a princess, but little does he realise that he's being manipulated by an evil sorcerer (Christopher Lee). [S] |(1979) Fantasy adventure. A prince is sent on a quest in order to win the hand of a princess, but little does he realise that he's being manipulated by an evil sorcerer (Christopher Lee). [S] |1393066800|Unknown|0|0|0|16|0|||137566792|Stereo|Film;Other Films|8
  511. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.020 GetEntries Reply 02/36: 139015097|The Golden Compass|15|1393074000|1393081800|(2007) Dark family fantasy based on a Philip Pullman novel. Dakota Blue Richards stars as 12-year-old Lyra, who goes on a dangerous journey to save her friend. Also starring Nicole Kidman. [AD,S] |(2007) Dark family fantasy based on a Philip Pullman novel. Dakota Blue Richards stars as 12-year-old Lyra, who goes on a dangerous journey to save her friend. Also starring Nicole Kidman. [AD,S] |1393074000|Unknown|0|0|0|16|0|||137566792|Stereo|Film;Other Films|8
  512. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.020 GetEntries Reply 03/36: 139015098|Carry On Up the Khyber|15|1393081800|1393088100|(1968) Classic comedy. Sid James stars as Sir Sidney Ruff-Diamond, charged with protecting Her Majesty's interests on the Khyber Pass in 1880s India. With Kenneth Williams and Joan Sims. [AD,S] |(1968) Classic comedy. Sid James stars as Sir Sidney Ruff-Diamond, charged with protecting Her Majesty's interests on the Khyber Pass in 1880s India. With Kenneth Williams and Joan Sims. [AD,S] |1393081800|Unknown|0|0|0|16|0|||137566792|Stereo|Film;Other Films|8
  513. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.020 GetEntries Reply 04/36: 139015099|Coraline|15|1393088100|1393095300|(2009) A deliciously dark animated adventure for kids who don't mind a scare or two. A girl finds another universe, where her parents have time to play with her. But all is not as it seems. [AD,S] |(2009) A deliciously dark animated adventure for kids who don't mind a scare or two. A girl finds another universe, where her parents have time to play with her. But all is not as it seems. [AD,S] |1393088100|Unknown|0|0|0|16|0|||137566792|Stereo|Film;Other Films|8
  514. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.020 GetEntries Reply 05/36: 139015100|The Day the Earth Stood Still|15|1393095300|1393102800|(2008) Downbeat remake of the sci-fi classic. An alien (Keanu Reeves) visits Earth to tell us to stop destroying the planet. But when he's attacked, he decides to eradicate mankind instead. [AD,S] |(2008) Downbeat remake of the sci-fi classic. An alien (Keanu Reeves) visits Earth to tell us to stop destroying the planet. But when he's attacked, he decides to eradicate mankind instead. [AD,S] |1393095300|Unknown|0|0|0|16|0|||137566792|Stereo|Film;Other Films|8
  515. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.020 GetEntries Reply 06/36: 139015101|Babylon A. D.|15|1393102800|1393109100|(2008) Set in the future, Vin Diesel plays a mercenary hired to escort the otherworldly Aurora (Melanie Thierry) to New York but on the journey her powers lead to conflict. Violent scenes. [S] |(2008) Set in the future, Vin Diesel plays a mercenary hired to escort the otherworldly Aurora (Melanie Thierry) to New York but on the journey her powers lead to conflict. Violent scenes. [S] |1393102800|Unknown|0|0|0|16|0|||137566792|Stereo|Film;Other Films|8
  516. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.020 GetEntries Reply 07/36: 139015102|Carriers|15|1393109100|1393115100|(2009) Chris Pine stars in this bleak post-apocalypse horror about four friends trying to get to a secluded beach in order to avoid catching a lethal pandemic virus. Contains violence. [S] |(2009) Chris Pine stars in this bleak post-apocalypse horror about four friends trying to get to a secluded beach in order to avoid catching a lethal pandemic virus. Contains violence. [S] |1393109100|Unknown|0|0|0|16|0|||137566792|Stereo|Film;Other Films|8
  517. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.020 GetEntries Reply 08/36: 139015769|The X Files: I Want to Believe|15|1393115100|1393122300|(2008) Mulder and Scully (David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson) return to the FBI fold to find missing agents with the help of a psychic paedophile priest (Billy Connolly). Some gory scenes. [AD,S] |(2008) Mulder and Scully (David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson) return to the FBI fold to find missing agents with the help of a psychic paedophile priest (Billy Connolly). Some gory scenes. [AD,S] |1393115100|Unknown|0|0|0|16|0|||137566792|Stereo|Film;Other Films|8
  518. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.020 GetEntries Reply 09/36: 139015770|Dark Star|15|1393122300|1393128000|(1974) John Carpenter's sci-fi comedy. Four astronauts seeking out threats to Earth get themselves in to potentially disastrous trouble when one of them decides to feed their pet alien. [S] |(1974) John Carpenter's sci-fi comedy. Four astronauts seeking out threats to Earth get themselves in to potentially disastrous trouble when one of them decides to feed their pet alien. [S] |1393122300|Unknown|0|0|0|16|0|||137566792|Stereo|Film;Other Films|8
  519. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.020 GetEntries Reply 10/36: 139015771|Teleshopping|15|1393128000|1393135200|Teleshopping. |Teleshopping. |1393128000|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137566792|Stereo||2
  520. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.020 GetEntries Reply 11/36: 139015772|Teleshopping|15|1393135200|1393153200|Teleshopping. |Teleshopping. |1393135200|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137566792|Stereo||2
  521. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.020 GetEntries Reply 12/36: 139015773|Treasure Island|15|1393153200|1393160400|(1972) Family adventure. Orson Welles plays Long John Silver, a mutinuous ship's cook, and Kim Burfield stars as Jim Hawkins, the lad who finds the map that sparks the search for treasure. [S] |(1972) Family adventure. Orson Welles plays Long John Silver, a mutinuous ship's cook, and Kim Burfield stars as Jim Hawkins, the lad who finds the map that sparks the search for treasure. [S] |1393153200|Unknown|0|0|0|16|0|||137566792|Stereo|Film;Other Films|8
  522. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.020 GetEntries Reply 13/36: 139015774|Inspector Gadget|15|1393160400|1393166100|(1999) Comedy. Matthew Broderick stars in this fun fantasy as a security guard who, injured in a car crash, has his body and his hat equipped with every crime fighting device available. [S] |(1999) Comedy. Matthew Broderick stars in this fun fantasy as a security guard who, injured in a car crash, has his body and his hat equipped with every crime fighting device available. [S] |1393160400|Unknown|0|0|0|16|0|||137566792|Stereo|Film;Other Films|8
  523. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.020 GetEntries Reply 14/36: 139015775|At the Earth's Core|15|1393166100|1393172400|(1976) Fantasy adventure. Doug McClure and Peter Cushing star as Victorians who accidentally burrow deep into the Earth and find a hidden land that's ruled by slave-driving bird-creatures. [S] |(1976) Fantasy adventure. Doug McClure and Peter Cushing star as Victorians who accidentally burrow deep into the Earth and find a hidden land that's ruled by slave-driving bird-creatures. [S] |1393166100|Unknown|0|0|0|16|0|||137566792|Stereo|Film;Other Films|8
  524. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.020 GetEntries Reply 15/36: 139015776|Freaky Friday|15|1393172400|1393179300|(1976) Comedy. A mum and her teen daughter (Barbara Harris and Jodie Foster) are always bickering. Then, one day, their wish to be in the other's shoes for a day unexpectedly comes true... [S] |(1976) Comedy. A mum and her teen daughter (Barbara Harris and Jodie Foster) are always bickering. Then, one day, their wish to be in the other's shoes for a day unexpectedly comes true... [S] |1393172400|Unknown|0|0|0|16|0|||137566792|Stereo|Film;Other Films|8
  525. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.020 GetEntries Reply 16/36: 139015777|Independence Day|15|1393179300|1393189200|(1996) Sci-fi action-thriller. A US Air Force pilot (Will Smith) and a scientist (Jeff Goldblum) take on deadly aliens who aim to destroy all life on Earth and strip the planet's resources. [S] |(1996) Sci-fi action-thriller. A US Air Force pilot (Will Smith) and a scientist (Jeff Goldblum) take on deadly aliens who aim to destroy all life on Earth and strip the planet's resources. [S] |1393179300|Unknown|0|0|0|16|0|||137566792|Stereo|Film;Other Films|8
  526. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.020 GetEntries Reply 17/36: 139015952|Unknown|15|1393189200|1393197300|(2011) Action mystery. Following a car crash, Liam Neeson's identity is stolen and lethal forces try to stop him discovering what is going on. With January Jones and Diane Kruger. Violence. [AD,S] |(2011) Action mystery. Following a car crash, Liam Neeson's identity is stolen and lethal forces try to stop him discovering what is going on. With January Jones and Diane Kruger. Violence. [AD,S] |1393189200|Unknown|0|0|0|16|0|||137566792|Stereo|Film;Other Films|8
  527. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.020 GetEntries Reply 18/36: 139015953|The Talented Mr Ripley|15|1393197300|1393206900|(1999) Thriller. Matt Damon plays the amoral psychopath Tom Ripley, who's sent to Italy to retrieve an American playboy (Jude Law). With the late Philip Seymour Hoffman. Strong language. [S] |(1999) Thriller. Matt Damon plays the amoral psychopath Tom Ripley, who's sent to Italy to retrieve an American playboy (Jude Law). With the late Philip Seymour Hoffman. Strong language. [S] |1393197300|Unknown|0|0|0|16|0|||137566792|Stereo|Film;Other Films|8
  528. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.020 GetEntries Reply 19/36: 140446092|Hard Eight|15|1393206900|1393214100|(1996) Drama. Trouble brews for Philip Baker Hall and John C Reilly when their life grifting casinos is threatened by a security advisor (Samuel L Jackson). Strong language/violence. [S] |(1996) Drama. Trouble brews for Philip Baker Hall and John C Reilly when their life grifting casinos is threatened by a security advisor (Samuel L Jackson). Strong language/violence. [S] |1393206900|Unknown|0|0|0|16|0|||137566792|Stereo|Film;Other Films|8
  529. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.020 GetEntries Reply 20/36: 140446203|Teleshopping|15|1393214100|1393221600|Teleshopping. |Teleshopping. |1393214100|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137566792|Stereo||2
  530. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.020 GetEntries Reply 21/36: 140446749|Teleshopping|15|1393221600|1393228800|Teleshopping. |Teleshopping. |1393221600|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137566792|Stereo||2
  531. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.020 GetEntries Reply 22/36: 140446750|The BSL Zone: Champion of the...|15|1393228800|1393230600|...World: Short drama. A young deaf athlete fights her way back from injury to compete again, overcoming life's many hurdles along the way. [S] |...World: Short drama. A young deaf athlete fights her way back from injury to compete again, overcoming life's many hurdles along the way. [S] |1393228800|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137566792|Stereo||2
  532. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.020 GetEntries Reply 23/36: 140446751|Teleshopping|15|1393230600|1393239600|Teleshopping. |Teleshopping. |1393230600|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137566792|Stereo||2
  533. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.020 GetEntries Reply 24/36: 140446752|The Admirable Crichton|15|1393239600|1393246500|(1957) Comedy. Kenneth More stars as the perfect butler who assumes command when he, his aristocratic employer (Cecil Parker) and his family and friends are shipwrecked on a desert island. [S] |(1957) Comedy. Kenneth More stars as the perfect butler who assumes command when he, his aristocratic employer (Cecil Parker) and his family and friends are shipwrecked on a desert island. [S] |1393239600|Unknown|0|0|0|16|0|||137566792|Stereo|Film;Other Films|8
  534. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.020 GetEntries Reply 25/36: 140446753|Broken Lance|15|1393246500|1393253400|(1954) Western. Strict disciplinarian Spencer Tracy treats his sons (Robert Wagner, Richard Widmark, Earl Holliman) as little more than employees on his ranch, with fatal consequences. [S] |(1954) Western. Strict disciplinarian Spencer Tracy treats his sons (Robert Wagner, Richard Widmark, Earl Holliman) as little more than employees on his ranch, with fatal consequences. [S] |1393246500|Unknown|0|0|0|16|0|||137566792|Stereo|Film;Other Films|8
  535. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.021 GetEntries Reply 26/36: 140446754|Kidnapped|15|1393253400|1393260900|(1971) Drama. After the Battle of Culloden in 1746, the young and naive David Balfour (Lawrence Douglas) has a succession of dangerous adventures with Jacobite Alan Breck (Michael Caine). [S] |(1971) Drama. After the Battle of Culloden in 1746, the young and naive David Balfour (Lawrence Douglas) has a succession of dangerous adventures with Jacobite Alan Breck (Michael Caine). [S] |1393253400|Unknown|0|0|0|16|0|||137566792|Stereo|Film;Other Films|8
  536. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.021 GetEntries Reply 27/36: 140446755|They Might Be Giants|15|1393260900|1393267200|(1971) Comedy-drama. A New York lawyer (George C Scott) starts to think he's Sherlock Holmes and takes his psychiatrist Dr Watson (Joanne Woodward) on a dark, surreal adventure in the city. [S] |(1971) Comedy-drama. A New York lawyer (George C Scott) starts to think he's Sherlock Holmes and takes his psychiatrist Dr Watson (Joanne Woodward) on a dark, surreal adventure in the city. [S] |1393260900|Unknown|0|0|0|16|0|||137566792|Stereo|Film;Other Films|8
  537. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.021 GetEntries Reply 28/36: 140446756|Ladyhawke|15|1393267200|1393275600|(1985) Fantasy adventure. Rutger Hauer and Michelle Pfeiffer star as an outcast knight and his lover, who are cursed by an evil bishop to respectively be a wolf by night and a hawk by day. [S] |(1985) Fantasy adventure. Rutger Hauer and Michelle Pfeiffer star as an outcast knight and his lover, who are cursed by an evil bishop to respectively be a wolf by night and a hawk by day. [S] |1393267200|Unknown|0|0|0|16|0|||137566792|Stereo|Film;Other Films|8
  538. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.021 GetEntries Reply 29/36: 140446757|Sanctum|15|1393275600|1393283400|(2011) Disaster drama. A storm traps explorers in the world's largest cave system. Can they escape the flooded caverns? With Richard Roxburgh and Ioan Gruffudd. Violence/strong language. [S] |(2011) Disaster drama. A storm traps explorers in the world's largest cave system. Can they escape the flooded caverns? With Richard Roxburgh and Ioan Gruffudd. Violence/strong language. [S] |1393275600|Unknown|0|0|0|16|0|||137566792|Stereo|Film;Other Films|8
  539. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.021 GetEntries Reply 30/36: 140446758|Antichrist|15|1393283400|1393291200|(2009) Horror-drama. A couple grieving for their dead infant go to the woods for solace, but find only further horrors. Adults only: violence, brutal self-harm and explicit sexual scenes. [S] |(2009) Horror-drama. A couple grieving for their dead infant go to the woods for solace, but find only further horrors. Adults only: violence, brutal self-harm and explicit sexual scenes. [S] |1393283400|Unknown|0|0|0|16|0|||137566792|Stereo|Film;Other Films|8
  540. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.021 GetEntries Reply 31/36: 141863350|Internal Affairs|15|1393291200|1393299300|(1990) Mike Figgis's thriller. An honest cop (Andy Garcia) investigating a brutality case comes into conflict with an unscrupulously bad cop (Richard Gere). Violence/sex/strong language. [S] |(1990) Mike Figgis's thriller. An honest cop (Andy Garcia) investigating a brutality case comes into conflict with an unscrupulously bad cop (Richard Gere). Violence/sex/strong language. [S] |1393291200|Unknown|0|0|0|16|0|||137566792|Stereo|Film;Other Films|8
  541. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.021 GetEntries Reply 32/36: 141863351|Teleshopping|15|1393299300|1393308000|Teleshopping. |Teleshopping. |1393299300|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137566792|Stereo||2
  542. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.021 GetEntries Reply 33/36: 141863541|Teleshopping|15|1393308000|1393326000|Teleshopping. |Teleshopping. |1393308000|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137566792|Stereo||2
  543. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.021 GetEntries Reply 34/36: 141863542|The Black Knight|15|1393326000|1393332300|(1954) Adventure. Alan Ladd plays a swordmaker tutored at the court of King Arthur, where his skills are put to the test against conspirators (Peter Cushing and Patrick Troughton). [S] |(1954) Adventure. Alan Ladd plays a swordmaker tutored at the court of King Arthur, where his skills are put to the test against conspirators (Peter Cushing and Patrick Troughton). [S] |1393326000|Unknown|0|0|0|16|0|||137566792|Stereo|Film;Other Films|8
  544. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.021 GetEntries Reply 35/36: 141863543|The Time Machine|15|1393332300|1393339800|(1960) George Pal's Oscar-winning fantasy adventure stars Rod Taylor as Victorian scientist H George Wells, who invents a time machine and travels forward through the centuries. [S] |(1960) George Pal's Oscar-winning fantasy adventure stars Rod Taylor as Victorian scientist H George Wells, who invents a time machine and travels forward through the centuries. [S] |1393332300|Unknown|0|0|0|16|0|||137566792|Stereo|Film;Other Films|8
  545. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.021 GetEntries Reply 36/36: <EOF>
  546. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.021 Finished request GetEntries in 0.02s
  547. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.051 Received client request: MEDIA-PC|GetEntries|137566799|1393072452|1393335252
  548. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.079 GetEntries Reply 01/71: 139019960|Wearable Art by Bob Mackie|16|1393070400|1393074000|Make a statement with this fashionable line of artistic clothing boasting unique and collectable pieces. They feature colourful designs inspired by the original artwork of a famed fashion designer. |Make a statement with this fashionable line of artistic clothing boasting unique and collectable pieces. They feature colourful designs inspired by the original artwork of a famed fashion designer. |1393070400|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137566799|Stereo||2
  549. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.079 GetEntries Reply 02/71: 139019961|Yankee Candles|16|1393074000|1393077600|Since 1969, Yankee Candles have been made in the US from superior materials, including their premium fragrance oils. Fill your home with a wonderfully romantic atmosphere and exquisite scents. |Since 1969, Yankee Candles have been made in the US from superior materials, including their premium fragrance oils. Fill your home with a wonderfully romantic atmosphere and exquisite scents. |1393074000|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137566799|Stereo||2
  550. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.079 GetEntries Reply 03/71: 139019962|QVC Selection|16|1393077600|1393081200|With specially chosen products from across the QVC range, there's something for everyone in the QVC Selection. |With specially chosen products from across the QVC range, there's something for everyone in the QVC Selection. |1393077600|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137566799|Stereo||2
  551. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.079 GetEntries Reply 04/71: 139019963|Diamonique - Get Your Rocks On|16|1393081200|1393084800|Go for show-stopping glitz and glamour with this fabulous array of designs, destined to get you noticed. From cocktail rings to luxurious gala necklaces and fab wrist wear. |Go for show-stopping glitz and glamour with this fabulous array of designs, destined to get you noticed. From cocktail rings to luxurious gala necklaces and fab wrist wear. |1393081200|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137566799|Stereo||2
  552. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.080 GetEntries Reply 05/71: 139019964|Cashmasoft Knitwear|16|1393084800|1393088400|Feel cosy and look stylish with this soft and comfy range of casual knit separates. These pieces are designed to be easy fitting and figure flattering with smart detailing and stylish touches. |Feel cosy and look stylish with this soft and comfy range of casual knit separates. These pieces are designed to be easy fitting and figure flattering with smart detailing and stylish touches. |1393084800|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137566799|Stereo||2
  553. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.080 GetEntries Reply 06/71: 139019965|Electronics on the Go|16|1393088400|1393092000|Whether it's multimedia fun or mobile computing needs, we'll bring you the latest technology and expert advice on how to choose the best gadgets for life on the move. |Whether it's multimedia fun or mobile computing needs, we'll bring you the latest technology and expert advice on how to choose the best gadgets for life on the move. |1393088400|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137566799|Stereo||2
  554. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.080 GetEntries Reply 07/71: 139019966|Yankee Candles|16|1393092000|1393095600|Since 1969, Yankee Candles have been made in the US from superior materials, including their premium fragrance oils. Fill your home with a wonderfully romantic atmosphere and exquisite scents. |Since 1969, Yankee Candles have been made in the US from superior materials, including their premium fragrance oils. Fill your home with a wonderfully romantic atmosphere and exquisite scents. |1393092000|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137566799|Stereo||2
  555. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.080 GetEntries Reply 08/71: 139019967|Nate and Etan Jewellery|16|1393095600|1393099200|Nate and Etan bring us fashion-forward statement jewellery with genuine opaque gemstones, all at affordable prices. The range offers a spectrum of colours to suit all seasons and tastes. |Nate and Etan bring us fashion-forward statement jewellery with genuine opaque gemstones, all at affordable prices. The range offers a spectrum of colours to suit all seasons and tastes. |1393095600|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137566799|Stereo||2
  556. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.080 GetEntries Reply 09/71: 139019968|QVC Selection|16|1393099200|1393102800|With specially chosen products from across the QVC range, there's something for everyone in the QVC Selection. |With specially chosen products from across the QVC range, there's something for everyone in the QVC Selection. |1393099200|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137566799|Stereo||2
  557. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.080 GetEntries Reply 10/71: 139020416|Gale Hayman Beverly Hills|16|1393102800|1393106400|Highly effective skincare designed to help combat the visible signs of ageing. Hollywood style consultant Gale Hayman's range also includes vitamin-enriched cosmetics and sensuous fragrances. |Highly effective skincare designed to help combat the visible signs of ageing. Hollywood style consultant Gale Hayman's range also includes vitamin-enriched cosmetics and sensuous fragrances. |1393102800|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137566799|Stereo||2
  558. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.080 GetEntries Reply 11/71: 139020417|Hi-Tech Toys & Electronics|16|1393106400|1393110000|A cutting-edge collection of electronic and hi-tech toys for grown-ups - from the hottest music gadgets to state-of-the-art cameras and everything in between! |A cutting-edge collection of electronic and hi-tech toys for grown-ups - from the hottest music gadgets to state-of-the-art cameras and everything in between! |1393106400|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137566799|Stereo||2
  559. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.080 GetEntries Reply 12/71: 139020418|Cashmasoft Knitwear|16|1393110000|1393113600|Feel cosy and look stylish with this soft and comfy range of casual knit separates. These pieces are designed to be easy fitting and figure flattering with smart detailing and stylish touches. |Feel cosy and look stylish with this soft and comfy range of casual knit separates. These pieces are designed to be easy fitting and figure flattering with smart detailing and stylish touches. |1393110000|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137566799|Stereo||2
  560. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.080 GetEntries Reply 13/71: 139020419|Richard Jackson's Garden|16|1393113600|1393120800|Join our resident expert Richard Jackson as he shares his top tips for the coming season, with exciting new plant varieties alongside classic blooms and shrubs. |Join our resident expert Richard Jackson as he shares his top tips for the coming season, with exciting new plant varieties alongside classic blooms and shrubs. |1393113600|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137566799|Stereo||2
  561. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.080 GetEntries Reply 14/71: 139020420|AeroPilates Home Studio|16|1393120800|1393124400|Experience a unique and relaxing way to strengthen and tone your every muscle. This method is much-loved by celebrities and is now being brought to you! |Experience a unique and relaxing way to strengthen and tone your every muscle. This method is much-loved by celebrities and is now being brought to you! |1393120800|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137566799|Stereo||2
  562. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.080 GetEntries Reply 15/71: 139020421|Outerwear by Centigrade|16|1393124400|1393128000|A wide range of high-quality, fashion-inspired coats and jackets in soft, luxurious fabrics. This competitively-priced collection is designed to complete your daytime or evening look to perfection. |A wide range of high-quality, fashion-inspired coats and jackets in soft, luxurious fabrics. This competitively-priced collection is designed to complete your daytime or evening look to perfection. |1393124400|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137566799|Stereo||2
  563. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.080 GetEntries Reply 16/71: 139020422|Richard Jackson's Garden|16|1393128000|1393131600|Join our resident expert Richard Jackson as he shares his top tips for the coming season, with exciting new plant varieties alongside classic blooms and shrubs. |Join our resident expert Richard Jackson as he shares his top tips for the coming season, with exciting new plant varieties alongside classic blooms and shrubs. |1393128000|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137566799|Stereo||2
  564. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.080 GetEntries Reply 17/71: 139020423|Hi-Tech Toys & Electronics|16|1393131600|1393135200|A cutting-edge collection of electronic and hi-tech toys for grown-ups - from the hottest music gadgets to state-of-the-art cameras and everything in between! |A cutting-edge collection of electronic and hi-tech toys for grown-ups - from the hottest music gadgets to state-of-the-art cameras and everything in between! |1393131600|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137566799|Stereo||2
  565. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.080 GetEntries Reply 18/71: 139020424|Bethlehem Lights|16|1393135200|1393138800|Bethlehem Lights specialise in prelit imitation floral and seasonal arrangements. Light up your life with these beautiful arrangements. |Bethlehem Lights specialise in prelit imitation floral and seasonal arrangements. Light up your life with these beautiful arrangements. |1393135200|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137566799|Stereo||2
  566. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.080 GetEntries Reply 19/71: 139020425|Richard Jackson's Garden|16|1393138800|1393146000|Join our resident expert Richard Jackson as he shares his top tips for the coming season, with exciting new plant varieties alongside classic blooms and shrubs. |Join our resident expert Richard Jackson as he shares his top tips for the coming season, with exciting new plant varieties alongside classic blooms and shrubs. |1393138800|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137566799|Stereo||2
  567. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.080 GetEntries Reply 20/71: 139021360|Richard Jackson's Garden|16|1393146000|1393156800|Join our resident expert Richard Jackson as he shares his top tips for the coming season, with exciting new plant varieties alongside classic blooms and shrubs. |Join our resident expert Richard Jackson as he shares his top tips for the coming season, with exciting new plant varieties alongside classic blooms and shrubs. |1393146000|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137566799|Stereo||2
  568. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.080 GetEntries Reply 21/71: 139021361|Judith Williams Beauty|16|1393156800|1393160400|American-born opera singer and actress Judith Williams originally studied cosmetic science, and has decided to use her expertise and knowledge to create her own beauty range. |American-born opera singer and actress Judith Williams originally studied cosmetic science, and has decided to use her expertise and knowledge to create her own beauty range. |1393156800|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137566799|Stereo||2
  569. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.080 GetEntries Reply 22/71: 139021362|Accessories by Kipling|16|1393160400|1393164000|Showcasing the fashionable and classic bags created by this international brand, including handbags, rucksacks, travel bags and weekend away bags. |Showcasing the fashionable and classic bags created by this international brand, including handbags, rucksacks, travel bags and weekend away bags. |1393160400|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137566799|Stereo||2
  570. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.080 GetEntries Reply 23/71: 139021363|Or-Paz Silver Jewellery Collection|16|1393164000|1393167600|Or-Paz, meaning 'beautiful light' in Hebrew, represents the handmade silver and gem jewellery of some of the most passionate and creative artisans from Israel. |Or-Paz, meaning 'beautiful light' in Hebrew, represents the handmade silver and gem jewellery of some of the most passionate and creative artisans from Israel. |1393164000|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137566799|Stereo||2
  571. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.081 GetEntries Reply 24/71: 139021364|Plants & Flowers with Richard...|16|1393167600|1393171200|... Jackson. Join our resident expert Richard Jackson as he shares his top tips for the coming season, with exciting new plant varieties alongside classic blooms and shrubs. |... Jackson. Join our resident expert Richard Jackson as he shares his top tips for the coming season, with exciting new plant varieties alongside classic blooms and shrubs. |1393167600|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137566799|Stereo||2
  572. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.081 GetEntries Reply 25/71: 139021365|Yankee Candles|16|1393171200|1393174800|Since 1969, Yankee Candles have been made in the US from superior materials, including their premium fragrance oils. Fill your home with a wonderfully romantic atmosphere and exquisite scents. |Since 1969, Yankee Candles have been made in the US from superior materials, including their premium fragrance oils. Fill your home with a wonderfully romantic atmosphere and exquisite scents. |1393171200|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137566799|Stereo||2
  573. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.081 GetEntries Reply 26/71: 139021366|Judith Williams Beauty|16|1393174800|1393178400|American-born opera singer and actress Judith Williams originally studied cosmetic science, and has decided to use her expertise and knowledge to create her own beauty range. |American-born opera singer and actress Judith Williams originally studied cosmetic science, and has decided to use her expertise and knowledge to create her own beauty range. |1393174800|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137566799|Stereo||2
  574. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.081 GetEntries Reply 27/71: 139021367|Plants & Flowers with Richard...|16|1393178400|1393182000|... Jackson. Join our resident expert Richard Jackson as he shares his top tips for the coming season, with exciting new plant varieties alongside classic blooms and shrubs. |... Jackson. Join our resident expert Richard Jackson as he shares his top tips for the coming season, with exciting new plant varieties alongside classic blooms and shrubs. |1393178400|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137566799|Stereo||2
  575. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.081 GetEntries Reply 28/71: 139021368|Cashmasoft Knitwear|16|1393182000|1393185600|Feel cosy and look stylish with this soft and comfy range of casual knit separates. These pieces are designed to be easy fitting and figure flattering with smart detailing and stylish touches. |Feel cosy and look stylish with this soft and comfy range of casual knit separates. These pieces are designed to be easy fitting and figure flattering with smart detailing and stylish touches. |1393182000|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137566799|Stereo||2
  576. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.081 GetEntries Reply 29/71: 139021369|Or-Paz Silver Jewellery Collection|16|1393185600|1393189200|Or-Paz, meaning 'beautiful light' in Hebrew, represents the handmade silver and gem jewellery of some of the most passionate and creative artisans from Israel. |Or-Paz, meaning 'beautiful light' in Hebrew, represents the handmade silver and gem jewellery of some of the most passionate and creative artisans from Israel. |1393185600|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137566799|Stereo||2
  577. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.081 GetEntries Reply 30/71: 139021709|Plants & Flowers with Richard...|16|1393189200|1393192800|... Jackson. Join our resident expert Richard Jackson as he shares his top tips for the coming season, with exciting new plant varieties alongside classic blooms and shrubs. |... Jackson. Join our resident expert Richard Jackson as he shares his top tips for the coming season, with exciting new plant varieties alongside classic blooms and shrubs. |1393189200|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137566799|Stereo||2
  578. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.081 GetEntries Reply 31/71: 139021710|Judith Williams Beauty|16|1393192800|1393196400|American-born opera singer and actress Judith Williams originally studied cosmetic science, and has decided to use her expertise and knowledge to create her own beauty range. |American-born opera singer and actress Judith Williams originally studied cosmetic science, and has decided to use her expertise and knowledge to create her own beauty range. |1393192800|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137566799|Stereo||2
  579. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.081 GetEntries Reply 32/71: 139021711|Yankee Candles|16|1393196400|1393200000|Since 1969, Yankee Candles have been made in the US from superior materials, including their premium fragrance oils. Fill your home with a wonderfully romantic atmosphere and exquisite scents. |Since 1969, Yankee Candles have been made in the US from superior materials, including their premium fragrance oils. Fill your home with a wonderfully romantic atmosphere and exquisite scents. |1393196400|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137566799|Stereo||2
  580. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.081 GetEntries Reply 33/71: 140447287|Alpha-H Skincare|16|1393200000|1393203600|Give your skin a boost with hi-tech skincare featuring a synergy of blended botanical ingredients coupled with glycolic acid - an alpha hydroxy acid (AHA) which occurs naturally in sugar cane. |Give your skin a boost with hi-tech skincare featuring a synergy of blended botanical ingredients coupled with glycolic acid - an alpha hydroxy acid (AHA) which occurs naturally in sugar cane. |1393200000|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137566799|Stereo||2
  581. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.081 GetEntries Reply 34/71: 140447288|Beauty Showcase with Alison|16|1393203600|1393207200|From skincare to colourful cosmetics, you can find all your beauty essentials right here! Our beauty expert Alison Young will be on hand to guide you. |From skincare to colourful cosmetics, you can find all your beauty essentials right here! Our beauty expert Alison Young will be on hand to guide you. |1393203600|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137566799|Stereo||2
  582. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.081 GetEntries Reply 35/71: 146142276|Hi-Tech Toys & Electronics|16|1393207200|1393210800|A cutting-edge collection of electronic and hi-tech toys for grown-ups - from the hottest music gadgets to state-of-the-art cameras and everything in between! |A cutting-edge collection of electronic and hi-tech toys for grown-ups - from the hottest music gadgets to state-of-the-art cameras and everything in between! |1393207200|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137566799|Stereo||2
  583. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.081 GetEntries Reply 36/71: 146142277|Sweet Dreams featuring Magniflex|16|1393210800|1393214400|From bedspreads and blankets to pillows and duvets, we have everything you could need for a peaceful and comfortable night's sleep! Featuring new items from Magniflex. |From bedspreads and blankets to pillows and duvets, we have everything you could need for a peaceful and comfortable night's sleep! Featuring new items from Magniflex. |1393210800|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137566799|Stereo||2
  584. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.081 GetEntries Reply 37/71: 140447906|Alpha-H Skincare|16|1393214400|1393218000|Give your skin a boost with hi-tech skincare featuring a synergy of blended botanical ingredients coupled with glycolic acid - an alpha hydroxy acid (AHA) which occurs naturally in sugar cane. |Give your skin a boost with hi-tech skincare featuring a synergy of blended botanical ingredients coupled with glycolic acid - an alpha hydroxy acid (AHA) which occurs naturally in sugar cane. |1393214400|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137566799|Stereo||2
  585. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.081 GetEntries Reply 38/71: 146142278|The Charlie Bears Collection|16|1393218000|1393221600|QVC is proud to present the Charlie Bears Collection, an exceptional range of collectable plush and limited edition bears, exclusively designed by celebrated teddy bear artists from around the world. |QVC is proud to present the Charlie Bears Collection, an exceptional range of collectable plush and limited edition bears, exclusively designed by celebrated teddy bear artists from around the world. |1393218000|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137566799|Stereo||2
  586. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.081 GetEntries Reply 39/71: 146142279|Look Good, Feel Good|16|1393221600|1393225200|Find the best in health and fitness products to give you a spring in your step and a healthier lifestyle. From top tips and great gadgets, we'll help you to revitalise your daily routine. |Find the best in health and fitness products to give you a spring in your step and a healthier lifestyle. From top tips and great gadgets, we'll help you to revitalise your daily routine. |1393221600|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137566799|Stereo||2
  587. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.081 GetEntries Reply 40/71: 140447908|Beauty Showcase with Alison|16|1393225200|1393228800|From skincare to colourful cosmetics, you can find all your beauty essentials right here! Our beauty expert Alison Young will be on hand to guide you. |From skincare to colourful cosmetics, you can find all your beauty essentials right here! Our beauty expert Alison Young will be on hand to guide you. |1393225200|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137566799|Stereo||2
  588. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.081 GetEntries Reply 41/71: 140447909|Alpha-H Skincare|16|1393228800|1393232400|Give your skin a boost with hi-tech skincare featuring a synergy of blended botanical ingredients coupled with glycolic acid - an alpha hydroxy acid (AHA) which occurs naturally in sugar cane. |Give your skin a boost with hi-tech skincare featuring a synergy of blended botanical ingredients coupled with glycolic acid - an alpha hydroxy acid (AHA) which occurs naturally in sugar cane. |1393228800|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137566799|Stereo||2
  589. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.081 GetEntries Reply 42/71: 140447910|The Morning Show|16|1393232400|1393236000|Wake up to QVC! We've chosen products from across all our ranges to ensure there is something for everyone to enjoy. Tune in to see special guests too. |Wake up to QVC! We've chosen products from across all our ranges to ensure there is something for everyone to enjoy. Tune in to see special guests too. |1393232400|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137566799|Stereo||2
  590. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.081 GetEntries Reply 43/71: 140447911|ybf beauty|16|1393236000|1393239600|Get the most out of your beauty routine with ybf Beauty. Choose from a range of caring cosmetics in shades that will enhance and customise your look, giving you a boost of confidence. |Get the most out of your beauty routine with ybf Beauty. Choose from a range of caring cosmetics in shades that will enhance and customise your look, giving you a boost of confidence. |1393236000|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137566799|Stereo||2
  591. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.081 GetEntries Reply 44/71: 140447912|cook's essentials|16|1393239600|1393243200|Designed specifically in response to customers' feedback, the cook's essentials range includes everything from stainless steel cookware with unique, impact-bonded bases to innovative electrical tools. |Designed specifically in response to customers' feedback, the cook's essentials range includes everything from stainless steel cookware with unique, impact-bonded bases to innovative electrical tools. |1393239600|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137566799|Stereo||2
  592. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.081 GetEntries Reply 45/71: 140447913|Everyday Beauty|16|1393243200|1393246800|Get the basics right and you'll be looking good all day! In Everyday Beauty, our expert Alison Young will be suggesting the right products to kickstart your beauty routine. |Get the basics right and you'll be looking good all day! In Everyday Beauty, our expert Alison Young will be suggesting the right products to kickstart your beauty routine. |1393243200|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137566799|Stereo||2
  593. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.081 GetEntries Reply 46/71: 140447914|Accessories by Kipling|16|1393246800|1393250400|Showcasing the fashionable and classic bags created by this international brand, including handbags, rucksacks, travel bags and weekend away bags. |Showcasing the fashionable and classic bags created by this international brand, including handbags, rucksacks, travel bags and weekend away bags. |1393246800|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137566799|Stereo||2
  594. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.081 GetEntries Reply 47/71: 140447915|ybf beauty|16|1393250400|1393254000|Get the most out of your beauty routine with ybf Beauty. Choose from a range of caring cosmetics in shades that will enhance and customise your look, giving you a boost of confidence. |Get the most out of your beauty routine with ybf Beauty. Choose from a range of caring cosmetics in shades that will enhance and customise your look, giving you a boost of confidence. |1393250400|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137566799|Stereo||2
  595. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.081 GetEntries Reply 48/71: 140448703|Fabulous at 40 and Beyond!|16|1393254000|1393257600|We focus on and celebrate the beauty and glamour of the more mature woman. So embrace the ageing process armed with every tip, trick and product needed to stay looking truly fabulous! |We focus on and celebrate the beauty and glamour of the more mature woman. So embrace the ageing process armed with every tip, trick and product needed to stay looking truly fabulous! |1393254000|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137566799|Stereo||2
  596. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.081 GetEntries Reply 49/71: 140448704|In the Kitchen|16|1393257600|1393261200|Tantalise those taste buds with a selection of kitchen products, guaranteed to help you produce the dishes of your dreams. Join our guests for the latest in gourmet delights. |Tantalise those taste buds with a selection of kitchen products, guaranteed to help you produce the dishes of your dreams. Join our guests for the latest in gourmet delights. |1393257600|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137566799|Stereo||2
  597. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.081 GetEntries Reply 50/71: 140448705|Lavender Tanzanite Collection|16|1393261200|1393264800|Prized for its gorgeous violet hues, this special collection showcases luxurious tanzanite set in sterling silver, in a variety of feminine and exotic jewellery designs. |Prized for its gorgeous violet hues, this special collection showcases luxurious tanzanite set in sterling silver, in a variety of feminine and exotic jewellery designs. |1393261200|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137566799|Stereo||2
  598. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.082 GetEntries Reply 51/71: 140448706|Everyday Beauty|16|1393264800|1393268400|Get the basics right and you'll be looking good all day! In Everyday Beauty, our expert Alison Young will be suggesting the right products to kickstart your beauty routine. |Get the basics right and you'll be looking good all day! In Everyday Beauty, our expert Alison Young will be suggesting the right products to kickstart your beauty routine. |1393264800|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137566799|Stereo||2
  599. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.082 GetEntries Reply 52/71: 140448707|ybf beauty|16|1393268400|1393272000|Get the most out of your beauty routine with ybf Beauty. Choose from a range of caring cosmetics in shades that will enhance and customise your look, giving you a boost of confidence. |Get the most out of your beauty routine with ybf Beauty. Choose from a range of caring cosmetics in shades that will enhance and customise your look, giving you a boost of confidence. |1393268400|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137566799|Stereo||2
  600. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.082 GetEntries Reply 53/71: 140448708|In the Kitchen|16|1393272000|1393275600|Tantalise those taste buds with a selection of kitchen products, guaranteed to help you produce the dishes of your dreams. Join our guests for the latest in gourmet delights. |Tantalise those taste buds with a selection of kitchen products, guaranteed to help you produce the dishes of your dreams. Join our guests for the latest in gourmet delights. |1393272000|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137566799|Stereo||2
  601. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.082 GetEntries Reply 54/71: 140448709|Hi-Tech Toys & Electronics|16|1393275600|1393279200|A cutting-edge collection of electronic and hi-tech toys for grown-ups - from the hottest music gadgets to state-of-the-art cameras and everything in between! |A cutting-edge collection of electronic and hi-tech toys for grown-ups - from the hottest music gadgets to state-of-the-art cameras and everything in between! |1393275600|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137566799|Stereo||2
  602. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.082 GetEntries Reply 55/71: 140448710|Alpha-H Skincare|16|1393279200|1393282800|Give your skin a boost with hi-tech skincare featuring a synergy of blended botanical ingredients coupled with glycolic acid - an alpha hydroxy acid (AHA) which occurs naturally in sugar cane. |Give your skin a boost with hi-tech skincare featuring a synergy of blended botanical ingredients coupled with glycolic acid - an alpha hydroxy acid (AHA) which occurs naturally in sugar cane. |1393279200|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137566799|Stereo||2
  603. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.082 GetEntries Reply 56/71: 140448711|Slim 'n Lift|16|1393282800|1393286400|Slim 'n Lift is a high quality and versatile inner and outer shapewear smartly designed with a sense of style and helps to improve a woman's silhouette, appearance and self image for every occasion. |Slim 'n Lift is a high quality and versatile inner and outer shapewear smartly designed with a sense of style and helps to improve a woman's silhouette, appearance and self image for every occasion. |1393282800|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137566799|Stereo||2
  604. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.082 GetEntries Reply 57/71: 141864120|Lulu Guinness Accessories|16|1393286400|1393290000|Lulu Guinness is one of the leading ladies of British fashion. Her collection is very distinctive, feminine and witty - her iconic, collectable handmade bags are instantly recognisable. |Lulu Guinness is one of the leading ladies of British fashion. Her collection is very distinctive, feminine and witty - her iconic, collectable handmade bags are instantly recognisable. |1393286400|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137566799|Stereo||2
  605. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.082 GetEntries Reply 58/71: 141864121|Feel Fabulous|16|1393290000|1393293600|Discover products from our big name beauty, fashion and jewellery brands, including Lulu Guinness, Liz Earle, Butler & Wilson and much more, with selected Easy Pay offers. |Discover products from our big name beauty, fashion and jewellery brands, including Lulu Guinness, Liz Earle, Butler & Wilson and much more, with selected Easy Pay offers. |1393290000|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137566799|Stereo||2
  606. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.082 GetEntries Reply 59/71: 146142852|Richard Jackson's Garden|16|1393293600|1393297200|Join our resident expert Richard Jackson as he shares his top tips for the coming season, with exciting new plant varieties alongside classic blooms and shrubs. |Join our resident expert Richard Jackson as he shares his top tips for the coming season, with exciting new plant varieties alongside classic blooms and shrubs. |1393293600|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137566799|Stereo||2
  607. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.082 GetEntries Reply 60/71: 146142853|Hi-Tech Toys & Electronics|16|1393297200|1393300800|A cutting-edge collection of electronic and hi-tech toys for grown-ups - from the hottest music gadgets to state-of-the-art cameras and everything in between! |A cutting-edge collection of electronic and hi-tech toys for grown-ups - from the hottest music gadgets to state-of-the-art cameras and everything in between! |1393297200|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137566799|Stereo||2
  608. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.082 GetEntries Reply 61/71: 141864123|Lulu Guinness Accessories|16|1393300800|1393304400|Lulu Guinness is one of the leading ladies of British fashion. Her collection is very distinctive, feminine and witty - her iconic, collectable handmade bags are instantly recognisable. |Lulu Guinness is one of the leading ladies of British fashion. Her collection is very distinctive, feminine and witty - her iconic, collectable handmade bags are instantly recognisable. |1393300800|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137566799|Stereo||2
  609. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.082 GetEntries Reply 62/71: 146142854|Yankee Candles|16|1393304400|1393308000|Since 1969, Yankee Candles have been made in the US from superior materials, including their premium fragrance oils. Fill your home with a wonderfully romantic atmosphere and exquisite scents. |Since 1969, Yankee Candles have been made in the US from superior materials, including their premium fragrance oils. Fill your home with a wonderfully romantic atmosphere and exquisite scents. |1393304400|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137566799|Stereo||2
  610. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.082 GetEntries Reply 63/71: 146142855|H2O - Super Clean with Steam|16|1393308000|1393311600|Get your home spick and span with the power of pure steam. No matter what the surface, there will be a cleaning solution in this show. |Get your home spick and span with the power of pure steam. No matter what the surface, there will be a cleaning solution in this show. |1393308000|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137566799|Stereo||2
  611. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.082 GetEntries Reply 64/71: 141864605|Feel Fabulous|16|1393311600|1393315200|Discover products from our big name beauty, fashion and jewellery brands, including Lulu Guinness, Liz Earle, Butler & Wilson and much more, with selected Easy Pay offers. |Discover products from our big name beauty, fashion and jewellery brands, including Lulu Guinness, Liz Earle, Butler & Wilson and much more, with selected Easy Pay offers. |1393311600|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137566799|Stereo||2
  612. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.082 GetEntries Reply 65/71: 141864606|Lulu Guinness Accessories|16|1393315200|1393318800|Lulu Guinness is one of the leading ladies of British fashion. Her collection is very distinctive, feminine and witty - her iconic, collectable handmade bags are instantly recognisable. |Lulu Guinness is one of the leading ladies of British fashion. Her collection is very distinctive, feminine and witty - her iconic, collectable handmade bags are instantly recognisable. |1393315200|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137566799|Stereo||2
  613. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.082 GetEntries Reply 66/71: 141864607|Feel Fabulous Morning Show|16|1393318800|1393322400|Discover products from our big name beauty, fashion and jewellery brands, including Lulu Guinness, Liz Earle, Butler & Wilson and much more, with selected Easy Pay offers. |Discover products from our big name beauty, fashion and jewellery brands, including Lulu Guinness, Liz Earle, Butler & Wilson and much more, with selected Easy Pay offers. |1393318800|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137566799|Stereo||2
  614. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.082 GetEntries Reply 67/71: 141864608|Yong Kim Fashion Designs|16|1393322400|1393326000|Young in spirit and realistic in fit, Yong Kim Fashion Designs offer modern and classic looks at affordable prices. |Young in spirit and realistic in fit, Yong Kim Fashion Designs offer modern and classic looks at affordable prices. |1393322400|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137566799|Stereo||2
  615. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.082 GetEntries Reply 68/71: 141864609|Liz Earle Naturally Active...|16|1393326000|1393329600|...Skincare. Renowned for her knowledge in skin care, Liz Earle has developed a range of products that feature a high concentration of herbs, vitamins and essential oils to soothe your skin. |...Skincare. Renowned for her knowledge in skin care, Liz Earle has developed a range of products that feature a high concentration of herbs, vitamins and essential oils to soothe your skin. |1393326000|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137566799|Stereo||2
  616. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.082 GetEntries Reply 69/71: 141864610|Lulu Guinness Accessories|16|1393329600|1393333200|Lulu Guinness is one of the leading ladies of British fashion. Her collection is very distinctive, feminine and witty - her iconic, collectable handmade bags are instantly recognisable. |Lulu Guinness is one of the leading ladies of British fashion. Her collection is very distinctive, feminine and witty - her iconic, collectable handmade bags are instantly recognisable. |1393329600|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137566799|Stereo||2
  617. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.082 GetEntries Reply 70/71: 141864611|Hair by Philip Kingsley|16|1393333200|1393336800|Internationally renowned Philip Kingsley and his team give expert tips and tricks on how to get the best results for your hair and scalp. |Internationally renowned Philip Kingsley and his team give expert tips and tricks on how to get the best results for your hair and scalp. |1393333200|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137566799|Stereo||2
  618. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.082 GetEntries Reply 71/71: <EOF>
  619. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.082 Finished request GetEntries in 0.03s
  620. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.139 Received client request: MEDIA-PC|GetEntries|137566223|1393072452|1393335252
  621. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.171 GetEntries Reply 01/75: 126313796|Four in a Bed (R)|17|1393072200|1393074000|Reality series in which bed-and-breakfast owners compete to have their establishments crowned the best. It is the final day and the hosts gather to find out who has won. (repeat)|Reality series in which bed-and-breakfast owners compete to have their establishments crowned the best. It is the final day and the hosts gather to find out how much they have been paid and who is taking the title of the best value for money establishment. Tensions rise again between Galia and Ann and Bill, while Diane and Max from Ombersley feel stabbed in the back. (repeat)|1319760000|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137566223|Stereo|Documentary;Reality TV|3
  622. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.171 GetEntries Reply 02/75: 126313797|Homes under the Hammer (R)|17|1393074000|1393077600|Property show that takes a look around three homes before they go to auction. Featured here are a run-down house in Stoke-on-Trent, a Slough tyre shop and a Darwen end-of-terrace. (repeat)|Property show that allows viewers to take a look around three homes before they go to auction. Featured here are a run-down house in Stoke-on-Trent, a tyre shop in Slough and an end-of-terrace property in Darwen. (repeat)|1266451200|Unknown|0|0|0|112|4|||137566223|Stereo|Interests;Other|3
  623. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.171 GetEntries Reply 03/75: 126313798|Fantasy Homes by the Sea (R)|17|1393077600|1393081200|Jenni Falconer helps buyers find their dream coastal home. A London woman is searching for a million pound holiday home in Hampshire or West Sussex. (repeat)|Jenni Falconer presents the property series in which prospective buyers look for their dream coastal home. Accompanied by her friend, a woman from London with a million pound budget is searching for a family holiday home on the Hampshire or West Sussex coastline. (repeat)|1232582400|Unknown|0|0|0|112|4||Chichester and Lymington|137566223|Stereo|Interests;Other|3
  624. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.171 GetEntries Reply 04/75: 126313799|Fantasy Homes by the Sea (R)|17|1393081200|1393084800|Jenni Falconer helps prospective buyers find their dream coastal home. In Sardinia, two busy Irish doctors are hoping for rest and relaxation in a luxury holiday home. (repeat)|Jenni Falconer presents the property series in which prospective buyers look for their dream coastal home. In the celebrity haunt of Sardinia, two busy Irish doctors are hoping for rest and relaxation in a luxury holiday home. (repeat)|1232668800|Unknown|0|0|0|112|4||Sardinia|137566223|Stereo|Interests;Other|3
  625. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.171 GetEntries Reply 05/75: 126313800|Doctor Who (R)|17|1393084800|1393088400|The Doctor and Martha must stop a spaceship from hurtling into the sun. But time and a malevolent alien force are against them. (repeat)|The Doctor and Martha must stop a spaceship from hurtling into the sun. But time and a malevolent alien force are against them. (repeat)|1179014400|Unknown|0|0|0|16|3||42|137566223|Stereo|Drama;Science Fiction|3
  626. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.171 GetEntries Reply 06/75: 126313801|Doctor Who (R)|17|1393088400|1393092000|A schoolteacher called John Smith dreams of adventures in time and space... (repeat)|A schoolteacher called John Smith dreams of adventures in time and space... (repeat)|1180224000|Unknown|0|0|0|16|3||Human Nature|137566223|Stereo|Drama;Science Fiction|3
  627. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.171 GetEntries Reply 07/75: 126313802|Doctor Who (R)|17|1393092000|1393095600|It is 1913, and war comes to England early as the terrifying Family hunt for the Doctor. (repeat)|It is 1913, and war comes to England early as the terrifying Family hunt for the Doctor. (repeat)|1180742400|Unknown|0|0|0|16|3||The Family of Blood|137566223|Stereo|Drama;Science Fiction|3
  628. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.171 GetEntries Reply 08/75: 126313803|The Railway: Keeping Britain on Track (R)|17|1393095600|1393099200|Going behind the scenes of the rail network. Scotland's railways are a huge challenge to keep running, from the busy commuter routes to the highland mountains. (repeat)|Going behind the scenes of the rail network. Scotland's railways are a huge challenge to keep running, from the busy commuter routes to the highland mountains. (repeat)|1363651200|Unknown|0|0|0|32|3||North of the Border|137566223|Stereo|Documentary;Other|3
  629. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.171 GetEntries Reply 09/75: 126313804|Helicopter Heroes (R)|17|1393099200|1393102800|Series following the work of the Yorkshire Air Ambulance. Firefighters are forced to cut apart a supercar, and a family visit to a stately home ends in a flight to hospital. (repeat)|Rav Wilding presents the series following the work of the Yorkshire Air Ambulance. Firefighters are forced to cut apart a supercar so the team can reach its patients, and a family visit to a stately home ends in a flight to hospital. (repeat)|1285200000|Unknown|0|0|0|32|3|||137566223|Stereo|Documentary;Other|3
  630. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.171 GetEntries Reply 10/75: 126313805|Embarrassing Bodies (R)|17|1393102800|1393106400|Curious real-life medical cases. Dr Pixie meets Michelle, who is traumatised by making trips to the toilet. Amir comes into the clinic with lactating nipples. (repeat)|Curious real-life medical cases. Dr Pixie meets Michelle, who is traumatised by making trips to the toilet. Amir comes into the clinic with lactating nipples. (repeat)|1316995200|Unknown|0|0|0|32|3|||137566223|Stereo|Documentary;Other|3
  631. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.171 GetEntries Reply 11/75: 126313806|Louis Theroux: Miami Mega-Jail, Part 1 (R)|17|1393106400|1393110000|Louis visits a notorious section of Miami County Jail, where some of the most volatile inmates are housed in cage-like dwellings, living under the sway of a gladiatorial code. (repeat)|Louis visits a notorious section of Miami County Jail, where some of the most volatile inmates are housed in cage-like dwellings, living under the sway of a gladiatorial code. (repeat)|1306022400|Unknown|0|0|0|32|3|||137566223|Stereo|Documentary;Other|3
  632. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.171 GetEntries Reply 12/75: 126313807|Tourettes: I Swear I Can't Help It (R)|17|1393110000|1393113600|Documentary revisiting John Davidson, who featured in a BBC documentary about Tourette's syndrome in 1988, as well as 15-year-old Greg Storey. How do their experiences compare? (repeat)|Documentary revisiting John Davidson, who featured in a BBC film about Tourette's syndrome in 1988, and 15-year-old Greg Storey, who the cameras met when they revisited John in 2002. Greg is now the same age as John was when he first took part in a documentary. How does Greg's experience of being a teenager with Tourette's compare to John's, and how does John's life continue to change? (repeat)|1243468800|Unknown|0|0|0|32|3|||137566223|Stereo|Documentary;Other|1
  633. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.171 GetEntries Reply 13/75: 127719771|Embarrassing Bodies (R)|17|1393113600|1393117200|Curious real-life medical cases. Dr Pixie meets Michelle, who is traumatised by making trips to the toilet. Amir comes into the clinic with lactating nipples. (repeat)|Curious real-life medical cases. Dr Pixie meets Michelle, who is traumatised by making trips to the toilet. Amir comes into the clinic with lactating nipples. (repeat)|1316995200|Unknown|0|0|0|32|3|||137566223|Stereo|Documentary;Other|3
  634. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.171 GetEntries Reply 14/75: 127719774|John Edward: Cross Country (R)|17|1393117200|1393120800|Globally renowned psychic John Edward takes his show across America, re-connecting families with their deceased loved-ones. (repeat)|Globally renowned psychic John Edward takes his show across America, re-connecting families with their deceased loved-ones. (repeat)|1224633600|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178||Siblings|137566223|Stereo|Documentary;Reality TV|3
  635. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.171 GetEntries Reply 15/75: 139027778|Home Shopping|17|1393120800|1393128000|Shopping from home. |Shopping from home. |1393120800|Unknown|0|0|0|112|4|||137566223|Stereo|Interests;Other Interests|2
  636. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.171 GetEntries Reply 16/75: 139028344|No Information Available|17|1393128000|1393138800|No Information Available |No Information Available |1393128000|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137566223|Stereo||2
  637. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.171 GetEntries Reply 17/75: 139028345|Home Shopping|17|1393138800|1393142400|Shopping from home. |Shopping from home. |1393138800|Unknown|0|0|0|112|4|||137566223|Stereo|Interests;Other Interests|2
  638. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.171 GetEntries Reply 18/75: 134794691|Home Shopping (R)|17|1393142400|1393142700|Shopping from home. (repeat)|Shopping from home. (repeat)|1381536000|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137566223|Stereo|Interests;Shopping|1
  639. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.172 GetEntries Reply 19/75: 127719779|You're Cut Off! (R)|17|1393142700|1393146000|US reality show. One of the girls makes a shock departure. The divas are forced to buy clothes on a meagre budget. (repeat)|Hit US show in which a group of unsuspecting spoiled young women are cut off financially and sent to boot camp. One of the girls makes a shock departure. The divas are forced to buy clothes on a meagre budget. (repeat)|1332115200|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178||Frugal Fashion|137566223|Stereo|Documentary;Reality TV|3
  640. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.172 GetEntries Reply 20/75: 127719780|The OC|17|1393146000|1393149600|The Swells: Landmark teen drama with the ridiculously good-looking cast. Ryan frets over Marissa's university life. Charlotte persuades Julie and Kirsten to throw a fund-raiser. [S] |The Swells: Landmark teen drama with the ridiculously good-looking cast. Ryan frets over Marissa's university life. Charlotte persuades Julie and Kirsten to throw a fund-raiser. [S] |1393146000|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137566223|Stereo||2
  641. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.172 GetEntries Reply 21/75: 127719781|Don't Tell the Bride (R)|17|1393149600|1393153200|Stuart and Vicki are given 12,000 pounds towards their wedding on the strict proviso that Stuart organises every detail of the big day with no help from his bride. (repeat)|Stuart and Vicki are madly in love and desperate to get hitched, but can't find the funds. They are given 12,000 pounds towards their big day, but the catch is that Stuart must organise the wedding alone. They will have no contact and Vicki won't know a single thing about her wedding until the big day three weeks later. Will music lover Stuart remember it is a wedding he is planning, not a concert? Will his ego get in the way, or will wedding planning prove tougher than he thought? (repeat)|1255996800|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178||Stuart and Vicki|137566223|Stereo|Documentary;Reality TV|3
  642. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.172 GetEntries Reply 22/75: 127719782|Don't Tell the Bride (R)|17|1393153200|1393156800|Another bride takes a back seat and lets her groom organise their big day, as Gloucester rugby lad Josh desperately tries to please his demanding fiancee, Stacie. (repeat)|Another bride takes a back seat and lets her groom organise their big day, as Gloucester rugby lad Josh desperately tries to please his demanding fiancee, Stacie. (repeat)|1315872000|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178||Josh and Stacie|137566223|Stereo|Documentary;Reality TV|3
  643. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.172 GetEntries Reply 23/75: 127719783|Don't Tell the Bride (R)|17|1393156800|1393160400|A bride lets her groom organise their big day, as Cameron tries to give Sarah the perfect wedding without stealing Sarah's sister Katie's thunder. (repeat)|A bride lets her groom organise their big day, as Cameron tries to give Sarah the perfect wedding without stealing Sarah's sister Katie's thunder. (repeat)|1316476800|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178||Cameron and Sarah Jane|137566223|Stereo|Documentary;Reality TV|3
  644. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.172 GetEntries Reply 24/75: 127719784|Don't Tell the Bride (R)|17|1393160400|1393164000|David hopes to impress his bride-to-be Lucy by arranging a wedding based on her favourite book, Pride and Prejudice, despite knowing nothing about the classic text. (repeat)|Another brave bride is ready to take a back seat and let her groom organise their big day. Derby nurse David hopes to impress his brainy prospective bride Lucy by arranging a wedding based on her favourite book, Pride and Prejudice, despite knowing nothing about the classic Jane Austen tale. But Lucy dreams of something a little more traditional, so can this groom win her over by taking on her favourite love story? Can David from Derby turn himself into Mr Darcy? (repeat)|1317081600|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178||David and Lucy|137566223|Stereo|Documentary;Reality TV|3
  645. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.172 GetEntries Reply 25/75: 127719785|Don't Tell the Bride (R)|17|1393164000|1393167600|Stuart and Vicki are given 12,000 pounds towards their wedding on the strict proviso that Stuart organises every detail of the big day with no help from his bride. (repeat)|Stuart and Vicki are madly in love and desperate to get hitched, but can't find the funds. They are given 12,000 pounds towards their big day, but the catch is that Stuart must organise the wedding alone. They will have no contact and Vicki won't know a single thing about her wedding until the big day three weeks later. Will music lover Stuart remember it is a wedding he is planning, not a concert? Will his ego get in the way, or will wedding planning prove tougher than he thought? (repeat)|1255996800|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178||Stuart and Vicki|137566223|Stereo|Documentary;Reality TV|3
  646. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.172 GetEntries Reply 26/75: 127719786|Don't Tell the Bride (R)|17|1393167600|1393171200|Another bride takes a back seat and lets her groom organise their big day, as Gloucester rugby lad Josh desperately tries to please his demanding fiancee, Stacie. (repeat)|Another bride takes a back seat and lets her groom organise their big day, as Gloucester rugby lad Josh desperately tries to please his demanding fiancee, Stacie. (repeat)|1315872000|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178||Josh and Stacie|137566223|Stereo|Documentary;Reality TV|3
  647. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.172 GetEntries Reply 27/75: 127719787|Don't Tell the Bride (R)|17|1393171200|1393174800|A bride lets her groom organise their big day, as Cameron tries to give Sarah the perfect wedding without stealing Sarah's sister Katie's thunder. (repeat)|A bride lets her groom organise their big day, as Cameron tries to give Sarah the perfect wedding without stealing Sarah's sister Katie's thunder. (repeat)|1316476800|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178||Cameron and Sarah Jane|137566223|Stereo|Documentary;Reality TV|3
  648. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.172 GetEntries Reply 28/75: 127719788|Don't Tell the Bride (R)|17|1393174800|1393178400|David hopes to impress his bride-to-be Lucy by arranging a wedding based on her favourite book, Pride and Prejudice, despite knowing nothing about the classic text. (repeat)|Another brave bride is ready to take a back seat and let her groom organise their big day. Derby nurse David hopes to impress his brainy prospective bride Lucy by arranging a wedding based on her favourite book, Pride and Prejudice, despite knowing nothing about the classic Jane Austen tale. But Lucy dreams of something a little more traditional, so can this groom win her over by taking on her favourite love story? Can David from Derby turn himself into Mr Darcy? (repeat)|1317081600|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178||David and Lucy|137566223|Stereo|Documentary;Reality TV|3
  649. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.172 GetEntries Reply 29/75: 127719789|MasterChef Australia (R)|17|1393178400|1393183800|Cookery contest. The contestants are tasked to put on their best displays of home cooking, with the chance to avoid a team challenge on the line. (repeat)|Cookery contest. The contestants are tasked to put on their best displays of home cooking, with the chance to avoid a team challenge on the line. They head back to the MasterChef house to prepare their finest 'home style' dishes. (repeat)|1351382400|Unknown|0|0|0|160|5|||137566223|Stereo|Interests;Cookery|3
  650. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.172 GetEntries Reply 30/75: 127719790|Choccywoccydoodah (R)|17|1393183800|1393185600|More fun from the Brighton chocolate shop. Featuring a showgirl cake for a retired drag queen and a huge cake for a rock awards show. (repeat)|More fun from the Brighton chocolate shop. Featuring a showgirl cake for a retired drag queen and a huge cake for a rock awards show. (repeat)|1300320000|Unknown|0|0|0|160|5||It's Showtime!|137566223|Stereo|Interests;Cookery|3
  651. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.172 GetEntries Reply 31/75: 127719791|I Should Have Died|17|1393185600|1393189200|Documentary series following those who have survived improbable disasters. The first episode includes a woman fishing in Panama who is speared in the chest by a marlin.|Documentary series following people who have survived improbable attacks and disasters. The first episode includes a woman fishing off the coast of Panama who has to be rushed to a remote prison hospital after she is speared in the chest by a marlin. Miraculously, her breast implant probably saved her life. In Las Vegas, a young shop worker survives a shooting spree, but is left with buckshot inside him, and in Arizona, a climber wearing no helmet has a lucky escape after a fall.|1392595200|Unknown|0|0|0|32|3|||137566223|Stereo|Documentary;Other|0
  652. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.172 GetEntries Reply 32/75: 127719792|Emergency Bikers (R)|17|1393189200|1393192800|Documentary series. The bikers respond after a man is reportedly seen wielding an axe, a paramedic has his hands full with a sick prisoner, and the crews rush to help a pedestrian. (repeat)|Action-packed documentary series following the work of emergency bike crews. The bikers respond after a man is reportedly seen wielding an axe, a paramedic has his hands full with a sick prisoner, and the crews rush to help a pedestrian who has been hit by a bus. (repeat)|1306368000|Unknown|0|0|0|32|3|||137566223|Stereo|Documentary;Other|3
  653. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.172 GetEntries Reply 33/75: 127719793|Sun, Sex and Suspicious Parents (R)|17|1393192800|1393196400|Parents secretly keep tabs on their teenage kids' holidays. It is sun, sex and excess on the Greek island of Zante for Newcastle student Alex and Brighton ladette Sophie. (repeat)|Parents secretly keep tabs on their teenage kids' holidays. It is sun, sex and excess on the Greek island of Zante for Newcastle student Alex and Brighton ladette Sophie. (repeat)|1330473600|Unknown|0|0|0|32|3||Zante|137566223|Stereo|Documentary;Other|3
  654. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.172 GetEntries Reply 34/75: 127719794|Addicted to Boob Jobs (R)|17|1393196400|1393200000|Fashion journalist Louise Roe goes on a journey to discover why women have boob jobs not just once but, in some cases, again and again. (repeat)|Fashion journalist Louise Roe goes on a journey to discover why women have boob jobs not just once but, in some cases, again and again. She meets four women in their twenties who have gone under the knife to get the perfect pair of boobs. (repeat)|1216598400|Unknown|0|0|0|32|3|||137566223|Stereo|Documentary;Other|1
  655. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.172 GetEntries Reply 35/75: 129124654|Emergency Bikers (R)|17|1393200000|1393203600|Documentary series. The bikers respond after a man is reportedly seen wielding an axe, a paramedic has his hands full with a sick prisoner, and the crews rush to help a pedestrian. (repeat)|Action-packed documentary series following the work of emergency bike crews. The bikers respond after a man is reportedly seen wielding an axe, a paramedic has his hands full with a sick prisoner, and the crews rush to help a pedestrian who has been hit by a bus. (repeat)|1306368000|Unknown|0|0|0|32|3|||137566223|Stereo|Documentary;Other|3
  656. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.172 GetEntries Reply 36/75: 129124656|John Edward: Cross Country (R)|17|1393203600|1393207200|Globally renowned psychic John Edward takes his show across America, re-connecting families with their deceased loved-ones. (repeat)|Globally renowned psychic John Edward takes his show across America, re-connecting families with their deceased loved-ones. A widow talks to her lost husband. (repeat)|1224720000|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178||Students and Teachers|137566223|Stereo|Documentary;Reality TV|3
  657. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.172 GetEntries Reply 37/75: 140449049|Home Shopping|17|1393207200|1393214400|Shopping from home. |Shopping from home. |1393207200|Unknown|0|0|0|112|4|||137566223|Stereo|Interests;Other Interests|2
  658. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.172 GetEntries Reply 38/75: 140449209|No Information Available|17|1393214400|1393225200|No Information Available |No Information Available |1393214400|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137566223|Stereo||2
  659. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.172 GetEntries Reply 39/75: 140449934|Home Shopping|17|1393225200|1393228800|Shopping from home. |Shopping from home. |1393225200|Unknown|0|0|0|112|4|||137566223|Stereo|Interests;Other Interests|2
  660. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.172 GetEntries Reply 40/75: 134794713|Home Shopping (R)|17|1393228800|1393229400|Shopping from home. (repeat)|Shopping from home. (repeat)|1381536000|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137566223|Stereo|Interests;Shopping|1
  661. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.172 GetEntries Reply 41/75: 129124661|Bridezillas (R)|17|1393229400|1393232400|US reality series. Natalie is determined that her boisterous bridesmaids will not upstage her. Teary Cristal cries her way up the aisle as her big day turns into a disaster. (repeat)|Following brides-to-be during their often stressful wedding preparations. Natalie is determined that her boisterous bridesmaids will not upstage her. Teary Cristal cries her way up the aisle as her big day turns into a disaster. (repeat)|1356307200|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137566223|Stereo|Documentary;Reality TV|3
  662. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.172 GetEntries Reply 42/75: 129124662|Celebrity Wife Swap USA (R)|17|1393232400|1393236000|Celebrity version of the reality programme where women swap homes and families. 1990s chart acts Sisqo and Gerardo wave goodbye to their partners this time. (repeat)|Celebrity version of the reality programme where women swap homes and families for two weeks in an attempt to learn how others live. The significant others of two huge chart acts from the 1990s exchange lives, when Sisqo and Gerardo wave goodbye to their partners. (repeat)|1384819200|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178||Gerardo and Sisqo|137566223|Stereo|Documentary;Reality TV|3
  663. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.172 GetEntries Reply 43/75: 129124663|Extreme Makeover: Home Edition (R)|17|1393236000|1393239600|Property makeover series. Martha Walswick has lost her husband, but a friend who she met while in hospital is determined to help her put her house in order. (repeat)|Property makeover series in which a team of designers and workmen has just seven days to completely renovate an entire house, including the exterior and landscaping. Martha Walswick has lost her husband to cancer, but a friend who she met while in hospital is determined to help her put her house in order. (repeat)|1100044800|Unknown|0|0|0|112|4||The Walswick Family|137566223|Stereo|Interests;Other|3
  664. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.172 GetEntries Reply 44/75: 129124664|Four in a Bed (R)|17|1393239600|1393241400|Reality series featuring competing bed-and-breakfast establishments. First to host are a husband-and-wife team from Silverwood Lodge in Cambridgeshire. (repeat)|Reality series in which bed-and-breakfast owners compete to have their establishments crowned the best. First to host are husband-and-wife team Paul Billington and Flora Loizou from Silverwood Lodge in Cambridgeshire, who try to impress their three female guest competitors. (repeat)|1320019200|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137566223|Stereo|Documentary;Reality TV|3
  665. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.173 GetEntries Reply 45/75: 129124665|MasterChef Australia (R)|17|1393241400|1393245000|Cookery show. Tregan competes in her immunity challenge against professional chef Daniel Wilson. The core ingredients are rum and raisin. (repeat)|Cookery show. Tregan competes in her immunity challenge against professional chef Daniel Wilson. The core ingredients are rum and raisin. (repeat)|1351209600|Unknown|0|0|0|160|5|||137566223|Stereo|Interests;Cookery|3
  666. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.173 GetEntries Reply 46/75: 129124666|Fantasy Homes by the Sea (R)|17|1393245000|1393248600|Property series with Catherine Gee where hopeful buyers look for their dream coastal retreat. Catherine helps life coach Tracey to find the perfect apartment on the French Riviera. (repeat)|Property series presented by Catherine Gee where prospective buyers who want to escape to the seaside look for the perfect coastal retreat. Life coach Tracey has reached 30 and plans to make some changes. Catherine helps her to find her dream apartment on the French Riviera for 260,000 pounds. (repeat)|1203638400|Unknown|0|0|0|112|4||Nice|137566223|Stereo|Interests;Other|3
  667. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.176 GetEntries Reply 47/75: 129124667|My Flat-Pack Home (R)|17|1393248600|1393250400|Property series exploring the ups and downs that come with building one's own home. Amanda Lamb meets the Brights, who are building a cosy riverside retreat. (repeat)|Property series exploring the ups and downs that come with building one's own home. Amanda Lamb meets the Brights, who, having sold their home, are building a cosy retreat on the river. (repeat)|1367193600|Unknown|0|0|0|112|4|||137566223|Stereo|Interests;Other|3
  668. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.176 GetEntries Reply 48/75: 129124668|Homes under the Hammer (R)|17|1393250400|1393254000|Property show that takes a look around three homes before they go to auction. Featured here are a flat in Gosport, a house in Margate and a Stoke-on-Trent terrace in poor condition. (repeat)|Property show that allows viewers to take a look around three homes before they go to auction. Featured here are a flat in Gosport, a house in Margate and a Stoke-on-Trent terrace in a poor state of repair. (repeat)|1266537600|Unknown|0|0|0|112|4|||137566223|Stereo|Interests;Other|3
  669. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.176 GetEntries Reply 49/75: 129124669|Children's Hospital: Toronto (R)|17|1393254000|1393255800|Medical documentary series. Mika, from the Philippines, has a hole in her heart, and has come to Toronto for a life-saving operation. (repeat)|Medical documentary series. Mika, from the Philippines, has a hole in her heart, but the life-saving operation she needs is unavailable in her country. Thanks to a special fund, she is able to come to Toronto for the surgery. Kareem can finally go home. (repeat)|1373241600|Unknown|0|0|0|32|3||Mika's Heart...Kareem's New Kidney Continues|137566223|Stereo|Documentary;Other|3
  670. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.176 GetEntries Reply 50/75: 129124670|Children's Hospital: Toronto (R)|17|1393255800|1393257600|Documentary series. Alexa has cerebral palsy and as a result walking is very difficult. Her hopes are pinned on back surgery. (repeat)|Documentary series set in the medical world. Alexa has cerebral palsy and as a result walking is very difficult for her. Her parents hope that surgery to the nerves leading from her spine will change all that. Six-year-old Mika's heart surgery is a success and she returns to the Philippines and her family. (repeat)|1373328000|Unknown|0|0|0|32|3||Alexa's Chance to Walk...Mika's Heart Cont.|137566223|Stereo|Documentary;Other|3
  671. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.176 GetEntries Reply 51/75: 129124671|Medical Emergency (R)|17|1393257600|1393259400|Documentary series following the staff of Melbourne's Alfred Hospital Emergency and Trauma Centre. A man with a badly broken leg is brought in after a motorbike accident. (repeat)|Fly-on-the-wall documentary series following the staff of Melbourne's Alfred Hospital Emergency and Trauma Centre - one of Australia's busiest ER departments. A man with a badly broken leg is brought in to the department after a motorbike accident. (repeat)|1255132800|Unknown|0|0|0|32|3|||137566223|Stereo|Documentary;Other|3
  672. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.176 GetEntries Reply 52/75: 129124672|Medical Emergency (R)|17|1393259400|1393261200|Series following the staff of Melbourne's Alfred Hospital ER. Paramedics are called to an overturned car and a young man is badly injured after falling from a tree. (repeat)|Fly-on-the-wall documentary series following the staff of Melbourne's Alfred Hospital ER. Paramedics are called to an overturned car and a young man is badly injured after falling from a tree. (repeat)|1239062400|Unknown|0|0|0|32|3|||137566223|Stereo|Documentary;Other|3
  673. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.176 GetEntries Reply 53/75: 129124673|Helicopter Heroes (R)|17|1393261200|1393264800|Rav Wilding follows the work of the Yorkshire Air Ambulance. A three year old girl is run over by a lorry and helimed pilot Matt must touch down in the town centre to save her. (repeat)|Rav Wilding follows the work of the Yorkshire Air Ambulance. A three year old girl is run over by a lorry and helimed pilot Matt must touch down in the town centre to save her. (repeat)|1316995200|Unknown|0|0|0|32|3|||137566223|Stereo|Documentary;Other|3
  674. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.176 GetEntries Reply 54/75: 129124674|Homes under the Hammer (R)|17|1393264800|1393268400|Property show that takes a look around three homes before they go to auction. Featured here are a flat in Gosport, a house in Margate and a Stoke-on-Trent terrace in poor condition. (repeat)|Property show that allows viewers to take a look around three homes before they go to auction. Featured here are a flat in Gosport, a house in Margate and a Stoke-on-Trent terrace in a poor state of repair. (repeat)|1266537600|Unknown|0|0|0|112|4|||137566223|Stereo|Interests;Other|3
  675. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.176 GetEntries Reply 55/75: 129124675|MasterChef Australia (R)|17|1393268400|1393272000|Cookery show. For the first round of their elimination challenge, the contestants are presented with a range of ingredients from which they must pick and use eight in their dish. (repeat)|Cookery show. For the first round of their elimination challenge, the contestants are presented with a range of ingredients from which they must pick and use eight in their dish. (repeat)|1351468800|Unknown|0|0|0|160|5|||137566223|Stereo|Interests;Cookery|3
  676. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.176 GetEntries Reply 56/75: 129124676|A Place in the Sun: Home or Away (R)|17|1393272000|1393275600|Property series. Dress designer Sharon can't decide if she should set up business in Derbyshire or try her luck in Marbella. (repeat)|Series in which property experts help people find their dream homes. Jonnie Irwin and Jasmine Harman help dress designer Sharon find the perfect location to set up her own evening-wear business. She can't decide if she should stay in Derbyshire, where it will be easier to establish herself, or move to Spain and make a name for herself amongst Marbella's millionaires. (repeat)|1277424000|Unknown|0|0|0|112|4||Derbyshire v Marbella|137566223|Stereo|Interests;Other|3
  677. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.176 GetEntries Reply 57/75: 129124677|I Should Have Died|17|1393275600|1393279200|Documentary series focusing on people who have survived disasters, attacks and accidents. This time, a horse race goes badly wrong and a skateboarder sustains a head injury.|Documentary series focusing on people who have survived disasters, attacks and accidents. This time, a horse race goes badly wrong and a skateboarder sustains a head injury.|1393200000|Unknown|0|0|0|32|3|||137566223|Stereo|Documentary;Other|0
  678. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.176 GetEntries Reply 58/75: 129124678|Medical Emergency (R)|17|1393279200|1393281000|Documentary series following the staff of Melbourne's Alfred Hospital Emergency and Trauma Centre. A man with a badly broken leg is brought in after a motorbike accident. (repeat)|Fly-on-the-wall documentary series following the staff of Melbourne's Alfred Hospital Emergency and Trauma Centre - one of Australia's busiest ER departments. A man with a badly broken leg is brought in to the department after a motorbike accident. (repeat)|1255132800|Unknown|0|0|0|32|3|||137566223|Stereo|Documentary;Other|3
  679. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.176 GetEntries Reply 59/75: 129124679|Medical Emergency (R)|17|1393281000|1393282800|Series following the staff of Melbourne's Alfred Hospital ER. Paramedics are called to an overturned car and a young man is badly injured after falling from a tree. (repeat)|Fly-on-the-wall documentary series following the staff of Melbourne's Alfred Hospital ER. Paramedics are called to an overturned car and a young man is badly injured after falling from a tree. (repeat)|1239062400|Unknown|0|0|0|32|3|||137566223|Stereo|Documentary;Other|3
  680. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.176 GetEntries Reply 60/75: 129124680|Helicopter Heroes (R)|17|1393282800|1393286400|Rav Wilding follows the work of the Yorkshire Air Ambulance. A three year old girl is run over by a lorry and helimed pilot Matt must touch down in the town centre to save her. (repeat)|Rav Wilding follows the work of the Yorkshire Air Ambulance. A three year old girl is run over by a lorry and helimed pilot Matt must touch down in the town centre to save her. (repeat)|1316995200|Unknown|0|0|0|32|3|||137566223|Stereo|Documentary;Other|3
  681. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.176 GetEntries Reply 61/75: 130532851|I Should Have Died|17|1393286400|1393289400|Documentary series focusing on people who have survived disasters, attacks and accidents. This time, a horse race goes badly wrong and a skateboarder sustains a head injury.|Documentary series focusing on people who have survived disasters, attacks and accidents. This time, a horse race goes badly wrong and a skateboarder sustains a head injury.|1393200000|Unknown|0|0|0|32|3|||137566223|Stereo|Documentary;Other|0
  682. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.176 GetEntries Reply 62/75: 130532852|The Truth About Beauty (R)|17|1393289400|1393290000|Series of short programmes about style and beauty issues. A look at why French women are considered 'chic' and an interview with Nancy Dell'olio. (repeat)|Series of short programmes about style and beauty issues. A look at why French women are considered 'chic' and an interview with Nancy Dell'olio. (repeat)|1257379200|Unknown|0|0|0|112|4|||137566223|Stereo|Interests;Other|3
  683. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.176 GetEntries Reply 63/75: 130532853|John Edward: Cross Country (R)|17|1393290000|1393293600|Globally renowned psychic John Edward takes his show across America, re-connecting families with their deceased loved-ones. (repeat)|Globally renowned psychic John Edward takes his show across America, re-connecting families with their deceased loved-ones. (repeat)|1224806400|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178||Sons and Stars|137566223|Stereo|Documentary;Reality TV|3
  684. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.176 GetEntries Reply 64/75: 141865793|Home Shopping|17|1393293600|1393300800|Shopping from home. |Shopping from home. |1393293600|Unknown|0|0|0|112|4|||137566223|Stereo|Interests;Other Interests|2
  685. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.177 GetEntries Reply 65/75: 141865794|No Information Available|17|1393300800|1393311600|No Information Available |No Information Available |1393300800|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137566223|Stereo||2
  686. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.177 GetEntries Reply 66/75: 141865795|Home Shopping|17|1393311600|1393315200|Shopping from home. |Shopping from home. |1393311600|Unknown|0|0|0|112|4|||137566223|Stereo|Interests;Other Interests|2
  687. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.177 GetEntries Reply 67/75: 134794740|Home Shopping (R)|17|1393315200|1393315800|Shopping from home. (repeat)|Shopping from home. (repeat)|1381536000|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137566223|Stereo|Interests;Shopping|1
  688. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.177 GetEntries Reply 68/75: 130532858|Bridezillas (R)|17|1393315800|1393318800|US reality series. American reality TV star Natalie goes ape over an ill-fitting wedding gown. Danielle ditches her own sister from maid of honour duties. (repeat)|Following brides-to-be during their often stressful wedding preparations. American reality TV star Natalie goes ape over an ill-fitting wedding gown. Danielle ditches her own sister from maid of honour duties. (repeat)|1356307200|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137566223|Stereo|Documentary;Reality TV|3
  689. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.177 GetEntries Reply 69/75: 130532859|Wife Swap Australia (R)|17|1393318800|1393322400|Australian version of the reality show in which wives swap their husbands, children and homes. Stephanie leaves her life of luxury behind and trades places with Nicola. (repeat)|Australian version of the reality show in which wives swap their husbands, children and homes for up to two weeks. Stephanie leaves her life of luxury behind and trades places with Nicola, who lives in more humble surroundings in the suburbs. (repeat)|1352073600|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137566223|Stereo|Documentary;Reality TV|3
  690. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.177 GetEntries Reply 70/75: 130532860|Extreme Makeover: Home Edition (R)|17|1393322400|1393326000|Inspiring human stories and home makeovers with Ty Pennington. The team helps the family of a Marine stationed in Iraq whose house is flood-damaged. (repeat)|Inspiring human stories and home makeovers with Ty Pennington. The team helps the family of a Marine stationed in Iraq whose house is flood-damaged. (repeat)|1314576000|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178||The Dickinson Family|137566223|Stereo|Documentary;Reality TV|3
  691. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.177 GetEntries Reply 71/75: 130532861|Four in a Bed (R)|17|1393326000|1393327800|Reality series in which bed-and-breakfast owners compete to have their establishments crowned the best. The group spend the evening in Sue's Seashells Guesthouse in Great Yarmouth. (repeat)|Reality series in which bed-and-breakfast owners compete to have their establishments crowned the best. The group spend the evening in Sue's dog-friendly, and dog-themed, Seashells Guesthouse in Great Yarmouth. Spirits are high during the afternoon as the guests experience some local beachside fun, but the mood changes at dinner when Nancy brings up the controversial issues of dogs sleeping in the beds and Sue allowing smoking in the bedrooms. (repeat)|1320105600|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137566223|Stereo|Documentary;Reality TV|3
  692. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.177 GetEntries Reply 72/75: 130532862|MasterChef Australia (R)|17|1393327800|1393333200|Cookery contest. The contestants are tasked to put on their best displays of home cooking, with the chance to avoid a team challenge on the line. (repeat)|Cookery contest. The contestants are tasked to put on their best displays of home cooking, with the chance to avoid a team challenge on the line. They head back to the MasterChef house to prepare their finest 'home style' dishes. (repeat)|1351382400|Unknown|0|0|0|160|5|||137566223|Stereo|Interests;Cookery|3
  693. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.177 GetEntries Reply 73/75: 130532863|World's Weirdest Restaurants (R)|17|1393333200|1393335000|A celebration of strange food experiences, including a Thai restaurant with tables surrounding a regulation-sized boxing ring. (repeat)|A celebration of strange food experiences, including a Thai restaurant with tables surrounding a regulation-sized boxing ring. (repeat)|1350259200|Unknown|0|0|0|160|5||Down for the Count|137566223|Stereo|Interests;Cookery|3
  694. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.177 GetEntries Reply 74/75: 130532864|My Flat-Pack Home (R)|17|1393335000|1393336800|Property series following people who build their own homes. The Hoopers are taking inspiration from the Middle Ages for their flat-pack extension in Essex. (repeat)|Property series following people who build their own homes. The Hoopers are taking inspiration from the Middle Ages for their flat-pack extension in Essex. (repeat)|1367280000|Unknown|0|0|0|112|4|||137566223|Stereo|Interests;Other|3
  695. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.177 GetEntries Reply 75/75: <EOF>
  696. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.177 Finished request GetEntries in 0.04s
  697. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.234 Received client request: MEDIA-PC|GetEntries|137565600|1393072452|1393335252
  698. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.262 GetEntries Reply 01/64: 130482306|The Super Saturday Hitlist (R)|18|1393065600|1393076700|There is nothing better than waking up to hit music! Join 4Music for a super morning playlist to get your day off to a great start! (repeat)|There is nothing better than waking up to hit music! Join 4Music for a super morning playlist to get your day off to a great start! (repeat)|1378512000|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137565600|Stereo|Music & Arts;Pop and Rock|1
  699. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.262 GetEntries Reply 02/64: 146147794|Katy Perry's Epic New Vid!|18|1393076700|1393077000|Join us for the one and only Katy Perry! This is her amazing new video, 'Dark Horse'! |Join us for the one and only Katy Perry! This is her amazing new video, 'Dark Horse'! |1393076700|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137565600|Stereo||2
  700. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.262 GetEntries Reply 03/64: 130482307|This Week's Fresh Music Top 20 (R)|18|1393077000|1393081800|The 20 biggest tracks of the week, featuring the latest videos from the hottest new artists. (repeat)|The 20 biggest tracks of the week, featuring the latest videos from the hottest new artists. (repeat)|1299801600|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137565600|Stereo|Music & Arts;Pop and Rock|1
  701. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.262 GetEntries Reply 04/64: 126263456|UKHot40 (R)|18|1393081800|1393092000|Just who owns the UK's official number 1 spot? Find out as Dave Wartnaby counts down the 40 biggest tracks of the week! See faves Chipmunk, Adele and Rihanna! (repeat)|Just who owns the UK's official number 1 spot? Find out as Dave Wartnaby counts down the 40 biggest tracks of the week! See faves Chipmunk, Adele and Rihanna! (repeat)|1299024000|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137565600|Stereo|Music & Arts;Pop and Rock|1
  702. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.262 GetEntries Reply 05/64: 126263457|The Saturday Warm Up! Top 20 (R)|18|1393092000|1393097400|Raise the tempo for your Saturday night with the top 20 tracks guaranteed to get you in the mood! (repeat)|Raise the tempo for your Saturday night with the top 20 tracks guaranteed to get you in the mood! (repeat)|1299283200|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137565600|Stereo|Music & Arts;Pop and Rock|1
  703. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.262 GetEntries Reply 06/64: 130482310|Big Juicy List Show: 99 Hits You Hate To Love (R)|18|1393097400|1393116300|Join Will Best as he delivers a countdown featuring 99 musical guilty pleasures! (repeat)|Join Will Best as he delivers a countdown featuring 99 musical guilty pleasures! (repeat)|1384560000|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137565600|Stereo|Music & Arts;Pop and Rock|1
  704. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.262 GetEntries Reply 07/64: 130482311|This Week's R'n'B and Dance Top 20 (R)|18|1393116300|1393121400|Stay locked as we present the biggest R'n'B and Dance tracks that are storming 4Music this week. (repeat)|Stay locked as we present the biggest R'n'B and Dance tracks that are storming 4Music this week. (repeat)|1343865600|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137565600|Stereo|Music & Arts;Pop and Rock|1
  705. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.262 GetEntries Reply 08/64: 139039372|Massive 4Music Hits!|18|1393121400|1393126200|4Music stands for nothing but great tracks. Stay tuned as we bring you massive hit after massive hit! [S] |4Music stands for nothing but great tracks. Stay tuned as we bring you massive hit after massive hit! [S] |1393121400|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137565600|Stereo||2
  706. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.262 GetEntries Reply 09/64: 130482313|Teleshopping|18|1393126200|1393135200|Teleshopping |Teleshopping |1393126200|Unknown|0|0|0|32|1|||137565600|Stereo|News;Other News|130
  707. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.262 GetEntries Reply 10/64: 127669266|Teleshopping|18|1393135200|1393138800|Teleshopping |Teleshopping |1393135200|Unknown|0|0|0|32|1|||137565600|Stereo|News;Other News|130
  708. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.262 GetEntries Reply 11/64: 130482315|Teleshopping|18|1393138800|1393140600|Teleshopping |Teleshopping |1393138800|Unknown|0|0|0|32|1|||137565600|Stereo|News;Other News|130
  709. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.262 GetEntries Reply 12/64: 130482316|This Week's Fresh Music Top 20 (R)|18|1393140600|1393145100|The 20 biggest tracks of the week, featuring the latest videos from the hottest new artists. (repeat)|The 20 biggest tracks of the week, featuring the latest videos from the hottest new artists. (repeat)|1299801600|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137565600|Stereo|Music & Arts;Pop and Rock|1
  710. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.263 GetEntries Reply 13/64: 146148511|Brits Stars 2014! Katy Perry|18|1393145100|1393147500|A look at the stars of the 34th annual BRIT Awards 2014. This edition features US star Katy Perry.|A look at the stars of the 34th annual BRIT Awards 2014. This edition features US star Katy Perry.|1392768000|Unknown|0|0|0|96|1|||137565600|Stereo|Music & Arts;Other|0
  711. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.263 GetEntries Reply 14/64: 130482317|Brit Hits Of The 21st Century: The Official Sales 50|18|1393147500|1393164000|Join us for the 21st Century's 50 biggest selling hits by the Brits, as compiled by The Official Charts Company!|Join us for the 21st Century's 50 biggest selling hits by the Brits, as compiled by The Official Charts Company!|1393113600|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137565600|Stereo|Music & Arts;Pop and Rock|0
  712. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.263 GetEntries Reply 15/64: 130482318|This Week's Fresh Music Top 20 (R)|18|1393164000|1393168800|The 20 biggest tracks of the week, featuring the latest videos from the hottest new artists. (repeat)|The 20 biggest tracks of the week, featuring the latest videos from the hottest new artists. (repeat)|1299801600|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137565600|Stereo|Music & Arts;Pop and Rock|1
  713. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.263 GetEntries Reply 16/64: 130482319|Old School Pop Reunion: Top 20 (R)|18|1393168800|1393174800|Twenty of the best pop tunes from bygone days. (repeat)|Twenty of the best pop tunes from bygone days. (repeat)|1391990400|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137565600|Stereo|Music & Arts;Pop and Rock|1
  714. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.263 GetEntries Reply 17/64: 130482320|Top 20 Collaborations of the 21stC|18|1393174800|1393182000|We're counting down the 20 greatest musical hook-ups of the 21st century - it's official! The Official Charts Company said so! [S] |We're counting down the 20 greatest musical hook-ups of the 21st century - it's official! The Official Charts Company said so! [S] |1393174800|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137565600|Stereo||2
  715. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.263 GetEntries Reply 18/64: 139040840|All New: The Ren & Stimpy Show|18|1393182000|1393183800|All New to 4Music: Animated US television series about the slapstick adventures of two friends: Ren the energetic and unpredictable chihuahua and Stimpy the easy-going and dim-witted cat. [S] |All New to 4Music: Animated US television series about the slapstick adventures of two friends: Ren the energetic and unpredictable chihuahua and Stimpy the easy-going and dim-witted cat. [S] |1393182000|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137565600|Stereo||2
  716. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.263 GetEntries Reply 19/64: 139040841|All New: The Ren & Stimpy Show|18|1393183800|1393185600|All New to 4Music: Animated US television series about the slapstick adventures of two friends: Ren the energetic and unpredictable chihuahua and Stimpy the easy-going and dim-witted cat. [S] |All New to 4Music: Animated US television series about the slapstick adventures of two friends: Ren the energetic and unpredictable chihuahua and Stimpy the easy-going and dim-witted cat. [S] |1393183800|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137565600|Stereo||2
  717. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.263 GetEntries Reply 20/64: 130482323|Millionaire Matchmaker (R)|18|1393185600|1393189200|Patti Stanger interviews her two latest clients, 39-year-old real estate developer Alex from Las Vegas and 24-year-old professional basketball player Paul from Los Angeles. (repeat)|Patti Stanger interviews her two latest clients, 39-year-old real estate developer Alex from Las Vegas and 24-year-old professional basketball player Paul from Los Angeles. (repeat)|1361318400|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137565600|Stereo|Documentary;Reality TV|3
  718. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.263 GetEntries Reply 21/64: 139040842|All New: The Kardashians|18|1393189200|1393192800|All New to 4Music: Kim is stressed when she finds out that her house renovations won't be completed before her baby arrives. Bruce and Brandon get competitive during table tennis. [S] |All New to 4Music: Kim is stressed when she finds out that her house renovations won't be completed before her baby arrives. Bruce and Brandon get competitive during table tennis. [S] |1393189200|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137565600|Stereo||2
  719. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.263 GetEntries Reply 22/64: 130482325|8 Out of 10 Cats Uncut|18|1393192800|1393195800|An extended edition of the game show with host Jimmy Carr and team captains Sean Lock and Jon Richardson, who are joined by Johnny Vegas, Vernon Kay, Paul Chowdhry and Katherine Ryan. [S] |An extended edition of the game show with host Jimmy Carr and team captains Sean Lock and Jon Richardson, who are joined by Johnny Vegas, Vernon Kay, Paul Chowdhry and Katherine Ryan. [S] |1393192800|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137565600|Stereo|Shows;Other Shows|2
  720. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.263 GetEntries Reply 23/64: 130482326|8 Out of 10 Cats Uncut (R)|18|1393195800|1393198500|Jimmy Carr hosts an extended edition of the comedy show in which celebrity panellists discuss the findings of opinion polls on wacky or trivial topics. (repeat)|Jimmy Carr hosts an extended edition of the comedy show in which celebrity panellists discuss the findings of opinion polls on wacky or trivial topics. (repeat)|1377907200|Unknown|0|0|0|16|4|||137565600|Stereo|Comedy;Shows|3
  721. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.263 GetEntries Reply 24/64: 130482327|Peep Show (R)|18|1393198500|1393200600|Narrative comedy drama seen through the eyes of the main characters as we become privy to their inner thoughts. Jeremy tries to impress Toni with his new job in a music studio. (repeat)|Narrative comedy drama seen through the eyes of the main characters as we become privy to their inner thoughts. Jeremy tries to impress Toni with his new job in a music studio. Meanwhile, Mark gets passed over for promotion in Sophie's favour. (repeat)|1066953600|Unknown|0|0|0|16|4|||137565600|Stereo|Shows;Sitcoms|3
  722. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.263 GetEntries Reply 25/64: 130482328|Peep Show (R)|18|1393200600|1393202700|Narrative comedy drama seen through the eyes of the main characters as we become privy to their inner thoughts. Mark finds the ideal venue for a first date with Sophie - a funeral. (repeat)|Narrative comedy drama seen through the eyes of the main characters as we become privy to their inner thoughts. Mark finds the perfect venue for a first date with Sophie - a funeral. (repeat)|1066348800|Unknown|0|0|0|16|4|||137565600|Stereo|Shows;Sitcoms|3
  723. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.263 GetEntries Reply 26/64: 130482329|Derren Brown: Trick of the Mind (R)|18|1393202700|1393204500|Series in which psychological illusionist Derren Brown demonstrates his unique powers around the world. Derren performs a perplexing effect on a giant Ferris Wheel in Vienna. (repeat)|Series in which psychological illusionist and former magician Derren Brown demonstrates his unique powers around the world. Derren performs a perplexing effect on a giant Ferris Wheel in Vienna, before influencing a cinema audience to forget the entire film they have just watched. (repeat)|1146096000|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137565600|Stereo|Shows;Other|3
  724. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.263 GetEntries Reply 27/64: 130482330|Derren Brown: Trick of the Mind (R)|18|1393204500|1393206300|Psychological illusionist Derren Brown demonstrates his unique skills. Derren tests his card skills in Monaco, and tries to make an amputee feel sensation in his missing limb. (repeat)|Series in which psychological illusionist and former magician Derren Brown demonstrates his unique powers around the world. Derren tests his card skills and performs an impressive memory challenge in Monaco. Back in England, he tries to make an amputee feel sensation in his missing limb. (repeat)|1146700800|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137565600|Stereo|Shows;Other|3
  725. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.263 GetEntries Reply 28/64: 140450734|Massive 4Music Hits!|18|1393206300|1393210800|4Music stands for nothing but great tracks. Stay tuned as we bring you massive hit after massive hit! [S] |4Music stands for nothing but great tracks. Stay tuned as we bring you massive hit after massive hit! [S] |1393206300|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137565600|Stereo||2
  726. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.263 GetEntries Reply 29/64: 130482332|Teleshopping|18|1393210800|1393221600|Teleshopping |Teleshopping |1393210800|Unknown|0|0|0|32|1|||137565600|Stereo|News;Other News|130
  727. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.263 GetEntries Reply 30/64: 129074186|Teleshopping|18|1393221600|1393225200|Teleshopping |Teleshopping |1393221600|Unknown|0|0|0|32|1|||137565600|Stereo|News;Other News|130
  728. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.263 GetEntries Reply 31/64: 130482334|Massive Morning Hits (R)|18|1393225200|1393228800|The greatest hits from the nation's favourite artists. (repeat)|The greatest hits from the nation's favourite artists. (repeat)|1378684800|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137565600|Stereo|Music & Arts;Pop and Rock|1
  729. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.263 GetEntries Reply 32/64: 130482335|#4Music Requests (R)|18|1393228800|1393232400|What is the music you want to listen to? A selection of videos requested by viewers. (repeat)|What is the music you want to listen to? A selection of videos requested by viewers. (repeat)|1391472000|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137565600|Stereo|Music & Arts;Pop and Rock|1
  730. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.263 GetEntries Reply 33/64: 130482336|No Brainer! The Pink Quiz|18|1393232400|1393236300|Can you match 4muisic's knowledge of today's artists and videos? A series of teasers on Pink.|Can you match 4muisic's knowledge of today's artists and videos? A series of teasers on Pink.|1393200000|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137565600|Stereo|Music & Arts;Pop and Rock|0
  731. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.263 GetEntries Reply 34/64: 146147868|2014s Hottest Chart Mix So Far!|18|1393236300|1393243200|A look at some of the biggest chart smashes of the year to date.|A look at some of the biggest chart smashes of the year to date.|1393200000|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137565600|Stereo|Music & Arts;Pop and Rock|0
  732. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.263 GetEntries Reply 35/64: 130482338|Trending! Hit Music: Hot News (R)|18|1393243200|1393247700|Tune in to hear the biggest tunes right now and find out what your favourite music stars and celebs have been up to with our showbiz news round-up. (repeat)|Tune in to hear the biggest tunes right now and find out what your favourite music stars and celebs have been up to with our showbiz news round-up. (repeat)|1381104000|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137565600|Stereo|Music & Arts;Pop and Rock|1
  733. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.263 GetEntries Reply 36/64: 146147912|The Fresh 3! (R)|18|1393247700|1393248300|These are the 3 freshest videos today, stay tuned and don't miss out! (repeat)|These are the 3 freshest videos today, stay tuned and don't miss out! (repeat)|1391817600|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137565600|Stereo|Music & Arts;Pop and Rock|1
  734. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.263 GetEntries Reply 37/64: 130482340|21 Best Guys In The World Right Now (R)|18|1393248300|1393254600|A countdown detailing 21 of the best males on planet pop. (repeat)|A countdown detailing 21 of the best males on planet pop. (repeat)|1391990400|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137565600|Stereo|Music & Arts;Pop and Rock|1
  735. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.263 GetEntries Reply 38/64: 130482341|Brit Invasion!|18|1393254600|1393257600|Miquita Oliver cheers on the Brits who've shown they've got what it takes to make it big in America and around the world.|Miquita Oliver cheers on the Brits who've shown they've got what it takes to make it big in America and around the world. One Direction, The Wanted, Ed Sheeran and Adele - we salute you!|1393200000|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137565600|Stereo|Music & Arts;Pop and Rock|0
  736. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.264 GetEntries Reply 39/64: 130482342|Katy Perry vs Pink (R)|18|1393257600|1393260900|Back-to-back videos from pop princesses Katy Perry and Pink. (repeat)|Back-to-back videos from pop princesses Katy Perry and Pink. (repeat)|1281052800|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137565600|Stereo|Music & Arts;Pop and Rock|1
  737. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.264 GetEntries Reply 40/64: 140451915|All New: The Ren & Stimpy Show|18|1393260900|1393263000|All New to 4Music: Animated US television series about the slapstick adventures of two friends: Ren the energetic and unpredictable chihuahua and Stimpy the easy-going and dim-witted cat. [S] |All New to 4Music: Animated US television series about the slapstick adventures of two friends: Ren the energetic and unpredictable chihuahua and Stimpy the easy-going and dim-witted cat. [S] |1393260900|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137565600|Stereo||2
  738. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.264 GetEntries Reply 41/64: 140451916|All New: The Ren & Stimpy Show|18|1393263000|1393264800|All New to 4Music: Animated US television series about the slapstick adventures of two friends: Ren the energetic and unpredictable chihuahua and Stimpy the easy-going and dim-witted cat. [S] |All New to 4Music: Animated US television series about the slapstick adventures of two friends: Ren the energetic and unpredictable chihuahua and Stimpy the easy-going and dim-witted cat. [S] |1393263000|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137565600|Stereo||2
  739. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.264 GetEntries Reply 42/64: 130482345|#YouNews (R)|18|1393264800|1393266600|The latest updates on the artists being played by 4music at the moment. (repeat)|The latest updates on the artists being played by 4music at the moment. (repeat)|1392595200|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137565600|Stereo|Music & Arts;Pop and Rock|1
  740. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.264 GetEntries Reply 43/64: 130482346|The UK Music Video Chart (R)|18|1393266600|1393272000|Count down the best music videos in the UK right now. (repeat)|Count down the best music videos in the UK right now. (repeat)|1353715200|Unknown|0|0|0|96|1|||137565600|Stereo|Music & Arts;Other|1
  741. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.264 GetEntries Reply 44/64: 130482347|Keeping Up with the Kardashians (R)|18|1393272000|1393275600|Reality series. Bruce tries to get Kris to sign his son to her music-management company, but Kris just wants to get the whole family playing tennis. (repeat)|Reality series. Bruce tries to get Kris to sign his son to her music-management company, while Kourtney rebuffs Scott's romantic gestures and Kris attempts to get the whole family to play tennis. (repeat)|1342915200|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178||The Family That Plays Together|137565600|Stereo|Documentary;Reality TV|3
  742. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.264 GetEntries Reply 45/64: 130482348|Derren Brown: Trick of the Mind (R)|18|1393275600|1393277400|Psychological illusionist Derren Brown attempts to manipulate an entire orchestra into playing a certain tune and convinces a film student that he has disappeared from view. (repeat)|Psychological illusionist and former magician Derren Brown demonstrates his unique powers. In this edition, Derren attempts to manipulate an entire orchestra into playing a certain tune and, in spooky homage to The Invisible Man, convinces a film student that he has disappeared from view. (repeat)|1083283200|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137565600|Stereo|Shows;Other|3
  743. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.264 GetEntries Reply 46/64: 130482349|Derren Brown: Trick of the Mind (R)|18|1393277400|1393279200|More psychological showmanship as Derren demonstrates what can be done with a nine-inch nail, while a teacher succumbs to his mind control in the classroom. (repeat)|More psychological illusions and showmanship from Derren Brown as he demonstrates what can be done with a nine-inch nail. A group of school children are also in for a surprise when their teacher succumbs to Derren's mind control, while a young woman experiences what it is like to be struck dumb in Epping Forest. (repeat)|1084492800|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137565600|Stereo|Shows;Other|3
  744. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.264 GetEntries Reply 47/64: 130482350|Peep Show (R)|18|1393279200|1393281300|Comedy series about two socially dysfunctional losers. Mark is invited to spend the weekend with Sophie's parents in the countryside, and foolishly invites Jeremy along. (repeat)|Comedy about two socially dysfunctional losers. Mark is now engaged to Sophie but is having crippling doubts. After being invited to spend Sophie's birthday weekend with her parents in the countryside he is desperate to impress them, but foolishly invites Jeremy to come along. (repeat)|1176422400|Unknown|0|0|0|16|4|||137565600|Stereo|Comedy;Shows|3
  745. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.264 GetEntries Reply 48/64: 130482351|Peep Show (R)|18|1393281300|1393283100|Comedy series about two socially dysfunctional losers. Mark panics when he is asked to give a daunting presentation at the annual JLB conference. (repeat)|Comedy about two socially dysfunctional losers. Mark panics when he is asked to give a daunting presentation at the annual JLB conference, and Jeremy's acceptance of an indecent proposal from Johnson backfires badly when he is dumped by Big Suze. (repeat)|1177113600|Unknown|0|0|0|16|4|||137565600|Stereo|Comedy;Shows|3
  746. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.264 GetEntries Reply 49/64: 140452122|All New: The Ren & Stimpy Show|18|1393283100|1393285200|All New to 4Music: Animated US television series about the slapstick adventures of two friends: Ren the energetic and unpredictable chihuahua and Stimpy the easy-going and dim-witted cat. [S] |All New to 4Music: Animated US television series about the slapstick adventures of two friends: Ren the energetic and unpredictable chihuahua and Stimpy the easy-going and dim-witted cat. [S] |1393283100|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137565600|Stereo||2
  747. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.264 GetEntries Reply 50/64: 140452123|All New: The Ren & Stimpy Show|18|1393285200|1393287000|All New to 4Music: Animated US television series about the slapstick adventures of two friends: Ren the energetic and unpredictable chihuahua and Stimpy the easy-going and dim-witted cat. [S] |All New to 4Music: Animated US television series about the slapstick adventures of two friends: Ren the energetic and unpredictable chihuahua and Stimpy the easy-going and dim-witted cat. [S] |1393285200|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137565600|Stereo||2
  748. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.264 GetEntries Reply 51/64: 130482354|8 Out of 10 Cats Uncut (R)|18|1393287000|1393290000|Jimmy Carr hosts an extended edition of the comedy show in which celebrity panellists discuss the findings of opinion polls on wacky or trivial topics. (repeat)|Jimmy Carr hosts an extended edition of the comedy show in which celebrity panellists discuss the findings of opinion polls on wacky or trivial topics. (repeat)|1377907200|Unknown|0|0|0|16|4|||137565600|Stereo|Comedy;Shows|3
  749. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.264 GetEntries Reply 52/64: 130482355|8 Out of 10 Cats Uncut (R)|18|1393290000|1393292700|Jimmy Carr hosts an extended edition of the comedy show in which celebrity panellists discuss the findings of opinion polls on wacky or trivial topics. (repeat)|Jimmy Carr hosts an extended edition of the comedy show in which celebrity panellists discuss the findings of opinion polls on wacky or trivial topics. (repeat)|1377907200|Unknown|0|0|0|16|4|||137565600|Stereo|Comedy;Shows|3
  750. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.264 GetEntries Reply 53/64: 141867960|Massive 4Music Hits!|18|1393292700|1393297200|4Music stands for nothing but great tracks. Stay tuned as we bring you massive hit after massive hit! [S] |4Music stands for nothing but great tracks. Stay tuned as we bring you massive hit after massive hit! [S] |1393292700|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137565600|Stereo||2
  751. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.264 GetEntries Reply 54/64: 130482357|Teleshopping|18|1393297200|1393308000|Teleshopping |Teleshopping |1393297200|Unknown|0|0|0|32|1|||137565600|Stereo|News;Other News|130
  752. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.264 GetEntries Reply 55/64: 130482358|Teleshopping|18|1393308000|1393311600|Teleshopping |Teleshopping |1393308000|Unknown|0|0|0|32|1|||137565600|Stereo|News;Other News|130
  753. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.264 GetEntries Reply 56/64: 141867961|Massive Morning Hits!|18|1393311600|1393315200|Your day starts here! Join us as we count down all the greatest hits from your favourite artists that'll get you out of bed in no time! |Your day starts here! Join us as we count down all the greatest hits from your favourite artists that'll get you out of bed in no time! |1393311600|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137565600|Stereo||2
  754. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.264 GetEntries Reply 57/64: 130482360|#4Music Requests (R)|18|1393315200|1393318800|What is the music you want to listen to? A selection of videos requested by viewers. (repeat)|What is the music you want to listen to? A selection of videos requested by viewers. (repeat)|1391472000|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137565600|Stereo|Music & Arts;Pop and Rock|1
  755. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.264 GetEntries Reply 58/64: 130482361|#YouNews (R)|18|1393318800|1393320600|The latest updates on the artists being played by 4music at the moment. (repeat)|The latest updates on the artists being played by 4music at the moment. (repeat)|1392595200|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137565600|Stereo|Music & Arts;Pop and Rock|1
  756. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.264 GetEntries Reply 59/64: 130482362|Hottest Stars In The World Right Now! (R)|18|1393320600|1393325100|Join us for nothing but the hottest stars on the planet right here, right now! (repeat)|Join us for nothing but the hottest stars on the planet right here, right now! (repeat)|1391472000|Unknown|0|0|0|96|1|||137565600|Stereo|Music & Arts;Other|1
  757. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.264 GetEntries Reply 60/64: 130482363|The Fresh 3! (R)|18|1393325100|1393326000|These are the 3 freshest videos today, stay tuned and don't miss out! (repeat)|These are the 3 freshest videos today, stay tuned and don't miss out! (repeat)|1391817600|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137565600|Stereo|Music & Arts;Pop and Rock|1
  758. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.264 GetEntries Reply 61/64: 141868462|Katy B's Hangout|18|1393326000|1393329600|We hang out with London lady Katy B, as she spills the beans on her own music, her influences, and her famous friends! |We hang out with London lady Katy B, as she spills the beans on her own music, her influences, and her famous friends! |1393326000|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137565600|Stereo||2
  759. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.264 GetEntries Reply 62/64: 141868463|Trending! Hit Music: Hot News|18|1393329600|1393333200|What's Trending at the moment? We have all you need to know with the hottest music and even hotter news! |What's Trending at the moment? We have all you need to know with the hottest music and even hotter news! |1393329600|Unknown|0|0|0|96|0|||137565600|Stereo|Music;Other Music|2
  760. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.264 GetEntries Reply 63/64: 130482366|This Week's Fresh Music Top 20 (R)|18|1393333200|1393338600|The 20 biggest tracks of the week, featuring the latest videos from the hottest new artists. (repeat)|The 20 biggest tracks of the week, featuring the latest videos from the hottest new artists. (repeat)|1299801600|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137565600|Stereo|Music & Arts;Pop and Rock|1
  761. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.264 GetEntries Reply 64/64: <EOF>
  762. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.264 Finished request GetEntries in 0.03s
  763. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.315 Received client request: MEDIA-PC|GetEntries|137565614|1393072452|1393335252
  764. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.366 GetEntries Reply 01/84: 126267689|Secret War (R)|19|1393070400|1393074000|WWII documentary series. Top SAS man Roy Farran and SOE field agent Michael Lees led a bold attack on a German HQ in Italy with a group of misfit partisans. (repeat)|WWII documentary series. Top SAS man Roy Farran and SOE field agent Michael Lees led a bold attack on a German HQ in Italy with a group of misfit partisans. (repeat)|1308268800|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178||The SAS Italian Job|137565614|Stereo|Documentary;War|3
  765. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.366 GetEntries Reply 02/84: 126267690|Secret War (R)|19|1393074000|1393077600|WWII espionage. 'Cockade' was a deceptive operation designed to unsettle the Nazis, but triple agent Henri Dericourt was to throw a spanner in the works. (repeat)|Unshrouding the mystery of WWII espionage. Henri Dericourt weaved a tangled web of lies as an undercover agent in occupied France for the Special Operations Executive. (repeat)|1308528000|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178||The French Triple Agent|137565614|Stereo|Documentary;War|3
  766. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.366 GetEntries Reply 03/84: 126267691|Flog It! (R)|19|1393077600|1393081200|Paul Martin meets up with experts James Lewis and Philip Serrell in the heart of Cardiff to hunt out bargains to sell at auction. He also takes a tour around Cardiff Castle. (repeat)|Paul Martin meets up with experts James Lewis and Philip Serrell in the heart of Cardiff to hunt out bargains to sell at auction. He also takes a tour round the medieval interior of Cardiff Castle and asks for help in tracing some extraordinary antique furniture. (repeat)|1143417600|Unknown|0|0|0|112|4|||137565614|Stereo|Interests;Antiques|3
  767. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.366 GetEntries Reply 04/84: 126267692|Flog It! (R)|19|1393081200|1393084800|Paul Martin and the experts visit Reading to find antiques and collectibles worth selling at auction. Paul also visits Alan Caiger-Smith at the Aldermaston Pottery. (repeat)|Paul Martin and the experts visit Reading to find antiques and collectibles worth selling at auction. Paul also visits studio potter Alan Caiger-Smith as he celebrates fifty years at Aldermaston Pottery, and looks at the role of design in domestic appliances at the Milestones Museum of Living History in Basingstoke. (repeat)|1143417600|Unknown|0|0|0|112|4||Reading|137565614|Stereo|Interests;Antiques|3
  768. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.366 GetEntries Reply 05/84: 126267693|Flog It! (R)|19|1393084800|1393088400|Paul Martin and experts Nigel Smith and Thomas Plant visit Stockport to find antique and collectibles worth selling at auction. Paul visits an independent family brewery. (repeat)|Paul Martin and experts Nigel Smith and Thomas Plant visit Stockport to find antique and collectibles worth selling at auction. Paul also visits one of the few independent family breweries still in existence and finds two stylish staircases. (repeat)|1143417600|Unknown|0|0|0|112|4||Stockport|137565614|Stereo|Interests;Antiques|3
  769. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.366 GetEntries Reply 06/84: 126267694|New: Raiders of the Lost Past|19|1393088400|1393092000|Treasure-hunting tales. A Japanese legend tells of hidden treasure in Mount Akagi, buried by the Tokugawa Shogun to stop it from falling into enemy hands.|Real-life stories of intrepid explorers and their quests to track down legendary objects. A Japanese legend tells of hidden treasure in Mount Akagi, buried by the Tokugawa Shogun in the 19th century to prevent it from falling into enemy hands. Can these valuable relics be found?|1392940800|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178||The Shogun's Lost Treasure|137565614|Stereo|Documentary;History|2
  770. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.366 GetEntries Reply 07/84: 126267695|Coast (R)|19|1393092000|1393095600|Coast ventures to the farthest-flung reaches of the British Isles. Nick Crane joins the locals on the Isles of Scilly as they try to wade from island to island. (repeat)|Coast ventures to the farthest-flung reaches of the British Isles. Nick Crane joins the locals on the Isles of Scilly as they try to wade from island to island. (repeat)|1337472000|Unknown|0|0|0|144|2||Life Beyond the Edge|137565614|Stereo|Documentary;Natural World|3
  771. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.366 GetEntries Reply 08/84: 126267696|Bargain Hunt (R)|19|1393095600|1393099200|Presented by Tim Wonnacott from Peterborough Fair. Experts Kate Alcock and James Braxton advise two teams on what to buy in order to make a profit at auction. (repeat)|Presented by Tim Wonnacott from Peterborough Fair. Experts Kate Alcock and James Braxton advise two teams on what to buy in order to make a profit at auction. (repeat)|1121644800|Unknown|0|0|0|112|4|||137565614|Stereo|Interests;Antiques|3
  772. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.366 GetEntries Reply 09/84: 126267697|Flog It! (R)|19|1393099200|1393102800|Paul Martin meets up with experts James Lewis and Philip Serrell in the heart of Cardiff to hunt out bargains to sell at auction. He also takes a tour around Cardiff Castle. (repeat)|Paul Martin meets up with experts James Lewis and Philip Serrell in the heart of Cardiff to hunt out bargains to sell at auction. He also takes a tour round the medieval interior of Cardiff Castle and asks for help in tracing some extraordinary antique furniture. (repeat)|1143417600|Unknown|0|0|0|112|4|||137565614|Stereo|Interests;Antiques|3
  773. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.366 GetEntries Reply 10/84: 126267698|Last of the Summer Wine (R)|19|1393102800|1393105200|Intrigued by a bottle with a message inside floating down the river, Truly decides that he has a duty to catch it - after all, it could be a plea for help. (repeat)|Intrigued by a bottle with a message inside floating down the river, Truly decides that he has a duty to catch it - after all, it could be a plea for help. With the assistance of Clegg, Billy and Alvin (and Entwistle and his truck) they pursue the bottle on it's elusive course and eventually read the mysterious message. (repeat)|1141516800|Unknown|0|0|0|16|4||Follow That Bottle|137565614|Stereo|Shows;Sitcoms|3
  774. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.366 GetEntries Reply 11/84: 126267699|Last of the Summer Wine (R)|19|1393105200|1393107600|When his cousin Aubrey comes to stay, Clegg immediately calls for assistance to get rid of him. (repeat)|When his cousin Aubrey comes to stay, Clegg immediately calls for assistance to get rid of him. The man is a health fanatic and refuses to let Clegg join his chums for pointless, time-wasting walks in the hills. Aubrey soon discovers that while he is fit enough to beat Billy and Alvin at hill cycle racing, there is one challenge where they leave him standing - if only he could. (repeat)|1142121600|Unknown|0|0|0|16|4||How to Remove a Cousin|137565614|Stereo|Shows;Sitcoms|3
  775. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.366 GetEntries Reply 12/84: 126267700|Last of the Summer Wine (R)|19|1393107600|1393110000|Auntie Wainwright has some scaffolding for sale just as Truly is looking for a means of springing the imprisoned Howard from his bedroom. (repeat)|As if by fate, Auntie Wainwright has just put on sale some lightweight scaffolding at the very moment Truly is looking for a daring means of springing the imprisoned Howard from his upstairs bedroom window. (repeat)|1142726400|Unknown|0|0|0|16|4||Has Anyone Seen Barry's Midlife Crisis?|137565614|Stereo|Shows;Sitcoms|3
  776. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.366 GetEntries Reply 13/84: 126267701|Flog It! (R)|19|1393110000|1393113600|Paul Martin and the experts visit Reading to find antiques and collectibles worth selling at auction. Paul also visits Alan Caiger-Smith at the Aldermaston Pottery. (repeat)|Paul Martin and the experts visit Reading to find antiques and collectibles worth selling at auction. Paul also visits studio potter Alan Caiger-Smith as he celebrates fifty years at Aldermaston Pottery, and looks at the role of design in domestic appliances at the Milestones Museum of Living History in Basingstoke. (repeat)|1143417600|Unknown|0|0|0|112|4||Reading|137565614|Stereo|Interests;Antiques|3
  777. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.367 GetEntries Reply 14/84: 127673481|Winging It: The Home Front Pilots (R)|19|1393113600|1393117200|WWII documentary. A celebration of the work of the Air Transport Auxiliary, the civilian organisation that played a vital role during World War II. (repeat)|WWII documentary. A celebration of the work of the Air Transport Auxiliary, the civilian organisation that played a vital role during World War II. The unit delivered well over 300,000 planes to key locations and were often faced with bad weather and operational adversities. The ATA members were usually those who failed to get into the RAF because of physical disability, but if they could fly a plane the ATA needed them. (repeat)|1333411200|Unknown|0|0|0|32|3|||137565614|Stereo|Documentary;Other|1
  778. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.367 GetEntries Reply 15/84: 127673482|A History of Ancient Britain (R)|19|1393117200|1393119900|Neil Oliver continues the epic story of how Britain and its people came to be. He explores the age of the first cosmological priests, back in the Stone Age. (repeat)|Neil Oliver continues the story of how today's Britain and its people were forged over thousands of years of ancient history. The third episode explores an age of cosmological priests, when some of the greatest monuments of the Stone Age are believed to have originated, including Stonehenge itself. (repeat)|1298419200|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178||Age of Cosmology|137565614|Stereo|Documentary;History|3
  779. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.367 GetEntries Reply 16/84: 127673483|Victorian Farm (R)|19|1393119900|1393122900|Documentary series following a team who live as Victorian farmers. The team's year on the farm is coming to an end, but first they have to bring in the wheat harvest. (repeat)|Historical observational documentary series following a team who live the life of Victorian farmers for a year. The team's year on the farm is coming to an end, but first they have to bring in the wheat harvest, the most crucial part of the Victorian Farm calendar. Alex and Peter must get to grips with a contraption that was state-of-the-art technology in Victorian times, the reaper binder. Ruth explores the craft of straw plaiting and discovers the art of printing. (repeat)|1234396800|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137565614|Stereo|Documentary;Civilisation|3
  780. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.367 GetEntries Reply 17/84: 127673484|Great British Ghosts (R)|19|1393122900|1393124400|Ghostly goings-on. Michaela visits the Mermaid Inn in Rye, supposedly one of most haunted inns in Britain with five resident ghouls! And prepare to be spooked at Michelham Priory. (repeat)|Ghostly goings-on. Michaela visits the Mermaid Inn in Rye, supposedly one of most haunted inns in Britain with five resident ghouls! And prepare to be spooked at Michelham Priory. (repeat)|1319760000|Unknown|0|0|0|32|3|||137565614|Stereo|Documentary;Other|3
  781. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.367 GetEntries Reply 18/84: 134748314|Home Shopping (R)|19|1393124400|1393135800|Shopping from home. (repeat)|Shopping from home. (repeat)|1381622400|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137565614|Stereo|Interests;Shopping|1
  782. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.367 GetEntries Reply 19/84: 127673486|Find My Past (R)|19|1393135800|1393138800|Genealogy series. Descendants of three WWI soldiers learn more about their relatives' roles in the Christmas truce of December 1914. (repeat)|Chris Hollins hosts the genealogy show that takes ordinary British people on extraordinary journeys to link them with some of the country's key historical events. Descendants of three WWI soldiers learn more about their relatives' roles in the Christmas truce of December 1914. (repeat)|1353974400|Unknown|0|0|0|32|3||Christmas Truce|137565614|Stereo|Documentary;Other|3
  783. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.367 GetEntries Reply 20/84: 127673487|Find My Past (R)|19|1393138800|1393142400|Genealogy show. Three relatives of POWs who were detained at Stalag Luft III hear of their ancestors' roles in an audacious Allied escape attempt in 1943. (repeat)|Chris Hollins hosts the genealogy show that takes ordinary British people on extraordinary journeys to link them with some of the country's key historical events. Three relatives of POWs who were detained by the Germans at Stalag Luft III hear of their ancestors' integral roles in an audacious Allied escape attempt in 1943. (repeat)|1357603200|Unknown|0|0|0|32|3||The Great Escape|137565614|Stereo|Documentary;Other|3
  784. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.367 GetEntries Reply 21/84: 127673488|Secret War (R)|19|1393142400|1393146000|Operation North Pole was a mission mounted by the Germans that delivered false information to British security services from Holland. (repeat)|WWII documentary series. Operation North Pole was a mission mounted by the Germans that delivered false information to British security services from Holland. In all, 47 Allied agents were captured. (repeat)|1308182400|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178||The Dutch Disaster|137565614|Stereo|Documentary;War|3
  785. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.367 GetEntries Reply 22/84: 127673489|Secret War (R)|19|1393146000|1393149600|WWII documentary series. Top SAS man Roy Farran and SOE field agent Michael Lees led a bold attack on a German HQ in Italy with a group of misfit partisans. (repeat)|WWII documentary series. Top SAS man Roy Farran and SOE field agent Michael Lees led a bold attack on a German HQ in Italy with a group of misfit partisans. (repeat)|1308268800|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178||The SAS Italian Job|137565614|Stereo|Documentary;War|3
  786. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.367 GetEntries Reply 23/84: 127673490|Secret War (R)|19|1393149600|1393153200|WWII espionage. 'Cockade' was a deceptive operation designed to unsettle the Nazis, but triple agent Henri Dericourt was to throw a spanner in the works. (repeat)|Unshrouding the mystery of WWII espionage. Henri Dericourt weaved a tangled web of lies as an undercover agent in occupied France for the Special Operations Executive. (repeat)|1308528000|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178||The French Triple Agent|137565614|Stereo|Documentary;War|3
  787. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.367 GetEntries Reply 24/84: 127673491|Spitfire Women (R)|19|1393153200|1393156800|Using interviews, archive footage and reconstruction, this documentary looks at the Air Transport Auxiliary, a band of female pilots who aided the war effort in World War II. (repeat)|Using interviews, archive footage and reconstruction, this documentary looks at the Air Transport Auxiliary, a band of female pilots who aided the war effort in World War II. (repeat)|1284768000|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137565614|Stereo|Documentary;History|1
  788. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.367 GetEntries Reply 25/84: 127673492|Flog It! (R)|19|1393156800|1393160400|Paul Martin and the experts visit Reading to find antiques and collectibles worth selling at auction. Paul also visits Alan Caiger-Smith at the Aldermaston Pottery. (repeat)|Paul Martin and the experts visit Reading to find antiques and collectibles worth selling at auction. Paul also visits studio potter Alan Caiger-Smith as he celebrates fifty years at Aldermaston Pottery, and looks at the role of design in domestic appliances at the Milestones Museum of Living History in Basingstoke. (repeat)|1143417600|Unknown|0|0|0|112|4||Reading|137565614|Stereo|Interests;Antiques|3
  789. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.367 GetEntries Reply 26/84: 127673493|Flog It! (R)|19|1393160400|1393164000|Paul Martin and experts Nigel Smith and Thomas Plant visit Stockport to find antique and collectibles worth selling at auction. Paul visits an independent family brewery. (repeat)|Paul Martin and experts Nigel Smith and Thomas Plant visit Stockport to find antique and collectibles worth selling at auction. Paul also visits one of the few independent family breweries still in existence and finds two stylish staircases. (repeat)|1143417600|Unknown|0|0|0|112|4||Stockport|137565614|Stereo|Interests;Antiques|3
  790. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.367 GetEntries Reply 27/84: 127673494|Countryfile (R)|19|1393164000|1393167600|John Craven explores the historic ruins of Jervaulx Abbey, once home to Cistercian monks, while Julia Bradbury goes on the hunt for Britain's native red squirrel. (repeat)|John Craven explores the historic ruins of Jervaulx Abbey, once home to Cistercian monks, while Julia Bradbury goes on the hunt for Britain's native red squirrel. (repeat)|1359849600|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178||Yorkshire Dales|137565614|Stereo|Documentary;Environment|3
  791. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.367 GetEntries Reply 28/84: 127673495|Countryfile (R)|19|1393167600|1393171200|Countryfile heads to the north Cornwall coast. Matt Baker explores its secret glens and historic ruins on a quest to find out about Cornwall's ancient mythological past. (repeat)|Countryfile heads to the north Cornwall coast. Matt Baker explores its secret glens and historic ruins on a quest to find out about Cornwall's ancient mythological past. (repeat)|1360454400|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137565614|Stereo|Documentary;Environment|3
  792. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.367 GetEntries Reply 29/84: 127673496|Countryfile (R)|19|1393171200|1393174800|Adam Henson goes on a mission to collect the ingredients to make a pizza for his family's evening meal - all from within ten miles of his Cotswolds home. (repeat)|Adam Henson goes on a mission to collect the ingredients to make a pizza for his family's evening meal - all from within ten miles of his Cotswolds home. (repeat)|1361059200|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137565614|Stereo|Documentary;Environment|3
  793. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.367 GetEntries Reply 30/84: 127673497|Bargain Hunt (R)|19|1393174800|1393178400|Presented by Tim Wonnacott from Peterborough Fair. Experts Kate Alcock and James Braxton advise two teams on what to buy in order to make a profit at auction. (repeat)|Presented by Tim Wonnacott from Peterborough Fair. Experts Kate Alcock and James Braxton advise two teams on what to buy in order to make a profit at auction. (repeat)|1121644800|Unknown|0|0|0|112|4|||137565614|Stereo|Interests;Antiques|3
  794. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.367 GetEntries Reply 31/84: 127673498|Bargain Hunt (R)|19|1393178400|1393182000|Presented by Tim Wonnacott from Warwick Antiques Fair. Experts Charles Hanson and Thomas Plant advise their teams on what to buy in order to make a profit at auction. (repeat)|Presented by Tim Wonnacott from Warwick Antiques Fair. Experts Charles Hanson and Thomas Plant advise their teams on what to buy in order to make a profit at auction. (repeat)|1121731200|Unknown|0|0|0|112|4|||137565614|Stereo|Interests;Antiques|3
  795. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.367 GetEntries Reply 32/84: 127673499|Last of the Summer Wine (R)|19|1393182000|1393184400|Intrigued by a bottle with a message inside floating down the river, Truly decides that he has a duty to catch it - after all, it could be a plea for help. (repeat)|Intrigued by a bottle with a message inside floating down the river, Truly decides that he has a duty to catch it - after all, it could be a plea for help. With the assistance of Clegg, Billy and Alvin (and Entwistle and his truck) they pursue the bottle on it's elusive course and eventually read the mysterious message. (repeat)|1141516800|Unknown|0|0|0|16|4||Follow That Bottle|137565614|Stereo|Shows;Sitcoms|3
  796. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.367 GetEntries Reply 33/84: 127673500|Last of the Summer Wine (R)|19|1393184400|1393186800|When his cousin Aubrey comes to stay, Clegg immediately calls for assistance to get rid of him. (repeat)|When his cousin Aubrey comes to stay, Clegg immediately calls for assistance to get rid of him. The man is a health fanatic and refuses to let Clegg join his chums for pointless, time-wasting walks in the hills. Aubrey soon discovers that while he is fit enough to beat Billy and Alvin at hill cycle racing, there is one challenge where they leave him standing - if only he could. (repeat)|1142121600|Unknown|0|0|0|16|4||How to Remove a Cousin|137565614|Stereo|Shows;Sitcoms|3
  797. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.367 GetEntries Reply 34/84: 127673501|Last of the Summer Wine (R)|19|1393186800|1393189200|Auntie Wainwright has some scaffolding for sale just as Truly is looking for a means of springing the imprisoned Howard from his bedroom. (repeat)|As if by fate, Auntie Wainwright has just put on sale some lightweight scaffolding at the very moment Truly is looking for a daring means of springing the imprisoned Howard from his upstairs bedroom window. (repeat)|1142726400|Unknown|0|0|0|16|4||Has Anyone Seen Barry's Midlife Crisis?|137565614|Stereo|Shows;Sitcoms|3
  798. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.373 GetEntries Reply 35/84: 127673502|Sounds of the Sixties (R)|19|1393189200|1393191000|A trawl through the BBC's archives for 60s music with an acoustic bent. Bob Dylan, Leonard Cohen and Tim Buckley feature. (repeat)|A trawl through the BBCs archives for 60s music with an acoustic bent. Bob Dylan, Leonard Cohen and Tim Buckley feature. (repeat)|926899200|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178||The Folk Revival|137565614|Stereo|Music & Arts;Folk|3
  799. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.373 GetEntries Reply 36/84: 127673503|Sounds of the Sixties (R)|19|1393191000|1393192800|Series featuring rock, pop and R&B performances from the BBC archives. (repeat)|Ten-part series featuring rock, pop and R&B performances from the BBC archives. By now Top of the Pops was an established part of the pop scene, and a group's appearance on the show was essential to a single's success. With footage of, among others, the Foundations, Procul Harum and the Bee Gees. (repeat)|1086998400|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178||1967-68: The Pop Boom|137565614|Stereo|Music & Arts;Pop and Rock|3
  800. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.373 GetEntries Reply 37/84: 127673504|Big in America: British Hits in the USA (R)|19|1393192800|1393196400|Compilation of British rock 'n' roll acts with tracks that crossed over to the US charts, including Coldplay, A Flock of Seagulls, Bush, Black Sabbath, Supertramp and the Cure. (repeat)|Compilation of British rock 'n' roll acts in performance with tracks that crossed over to the US charts. From the Dave Clark Five to Coldplay, the Brits have rocked America and sometimes even done better across the pond than here - take a bow A Flock of Seagulls, Supertramp and Bush, who also included here - alongside darker British global exports like Black Sabbath and the Cure. (repeat)|1328832000|Unknown|0|0|0|96|1|||137565614|Stereo|Music & Arts;Other|1
  801. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.373 GetEntries Reply 38/84: 127673505|Bargain Hunt (R)|19|1393196400|1393200000|Presented by Tim Wonnacott from Warwick Antiques Fair. Experts Charles Hanson and Thomas Plant advise their teams on what to buy in order to make a profit at auction. (repeat)|Presented by Tim Wonnacott from Warwick Antiques Fair. Experts Charles Hanson and Thomas Plant advise their teams on what to buy in order to make a profit at auction. (repeat)|1121731200|Unknown|0|0|0|112|4|||137565614|Stereo|Interests;Antiques|3
  802. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.373 GetEntries Reply 39/84: 129078415|The Battle of Britain (R)|19|1393200000|1393206300|Seventy years on, brothers Colin and Ewan McGregor take viewers through the key moments of the Battle of Britain, when 'the few' of the RAF faced the might of the Nazi Luftwaffe. (repeat)|70 years after the historic struggle, brothers Colin and Ewan McGregor take viewers through the key moments of the Battle of Britain, when 'the few' of the RAF faced the might of the Nazi Luftwaffe. As they fly historic planes, meet the veterans, explore the tactics and technology, Colin and Ewan discover the importance of the Battle and the surviving legacy of the 1940's campaign for the modern RAF. (repeat)|1284854400|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137565614|Stereo|Documentary;History|1
  803. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.373 GetEntries Reply 40/84: 129078416|Victorian Farm (R)|19|1393206300|1393209300|Historical observational documentary series following a team who live the life of Victorian farmers for a year. Their first task is the restoration of the cottage. (repeat)|Historical observational documentary series following a team who live the life of Victorian farmers for a year. Historian Ruth Goodman and archaeologists Alex Langlands and Peter Ginn move into a Victorian smallholding on the Acton Scott estate in Shropshire. Their first task is the restoration of the cottage, including the installation of a new range. They also help thresh the previous summer's wheat crop, learn shepherding, make cider and explore the challenges of Victorian cooking. (repeat)|1231372800|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137565614|Stereo|Documentary;Civilisation|3
  804. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.373 GetEntries Reply 41/84: 129078417|Sounds of the Sixties (R)|19|1393209300|1393210800|A trawl through the BBC's archives for 60s music with an acoustic bent. Bob Dylan, Leonard Cohen and Tim Buckley feature. (repeat)|A trawl through the BBCs archives for 60s music with an acoustic bent. Bob Dylan, Leonard Cohen and Tim Buckley feature. (repeat)|926899200|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178||The Folk Revival|137565614|Stereo|Music & Arts;Folk|3
  805. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.373 GetEntries Reply 42/84: 134748338|Home Shopping (R)|19|1393210800|1393222200|Shopping from home. (repeat)|Shopping from home. (repeat)|1381622400|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137565614|Stereo|Interests;Shopping|1
  806. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.373 GetEntries Reply 43/84: 129078419|The Re-Inventors (R)|19|1393222200|1393223700|Soon after humans began building walled cities, they started looking for ways to smash down the walls. Matt and Jeremy build a battering ram to see how well it works. (repeat)|Soon after humans began building walled cities, they started looking for ways to smash down the walls. Join Matt and Jeremy as they build a battering ram to see how well it works. (repeat)|1294358400|Unknown|0|0|0|32|3||Battering Ram|137565614|Stereo|Documentary;Other|3
  807. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.373 GetEntries Reply 44/84: 129078420|The Re-Inventors (R)|19|1393223700|1393225200|The Re-Inventors rebuild an invention that would let a commander launch an attack from the sky and rain down explosive fire-arrows on the enemy. (repeat)|The Re-Inventors have found an invention that would let a commander launch an attack from the sky and rain down explosive fire-arrows on the enemy. Join them as they rebuild it. (repeat)|1294963200|Unknown|0|0|0|32|3||War Kite|137565614|Stereo|Documentary;Other|3
  808. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.373 GetEntries Reply 45/84: 129078421|Flog It! (R)|19|1393225200|1393228800|Paul Martin is at the Galpharm Stadium, home to the Huddersfield Giants. Experts Kate Alcock and Nigel Smith both pick a winning line-up for the auction in Halifax. (repeat)|Paul Martin is at the Galpharm Stadium, home to the Huddersfield Giants. Experts Kate Alcock and Nigel Smith both pick a winning line-up for the auction in Halifax. There's also a trip to the silent movies, and the story of some mysterious diaries written in code. (repeat)|1130976000|Unknown|0|0|0|112|4|||137565614|Stereo|Interests;Antiques|3
  809. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.373 GetEntries Reply 46/84: 129078422|Bargain Hunt (R)|19|1393228800|1393232400|Presented by Tim Wonnacott from Covent Garden, London. Pippa Deeley and David Barby advise two teams of lawyers and bankers on the best bargains to make a profit on at auction. (repeat)|Presented by Tim Wonnacott from Covent Garden in London. Experts Pippa Deeley and David Barby advise two teams of lawyers and bankers on the best bargains to make a profit at auction. (repeat)|1113177600|Unknown|0|0|0|112|4|||137565614|Stereo|Interests;Antiques|3
  810. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.373 GetEntries Reply 47/84: 129078423|Railway Walks (R)|19|1393232400|1393234200|Julia Bradbury embarks on a series of walks following Britain's lost rail empire, beginning in Derbyshire at the heart of the Peak District on the Monsal Trail. (repeat)|Julia Bradbury embarks on a series of walks following Britain's lost rail empire, beginning in Derbyshire at the heart of the Peak District on the Monsal Trail. (repeat)|1222905600|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178||The Peak Express|137565614|Stereo|Interests;Leisure|3
  811. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.373 GetEntries Reply 48/84: 129078424|Railway Walks (R)|19|1393234200|1393236000|Julia Bradbury continues her series of walks along Britain's lost rail empire as she visits the Mawddach estuary in north Wales, a beautiful part of Snowdonia. (repeat)|Julia Bradbury takes a series of walks following the old tracks, overgrown cuttings and ancient viaducts of Britain's lost rail empire. Julia walks along the stunning Mawddach estuary in north Wales. The area between Dolgellau and the coastal resort of Barmouth is one of the least visited parts of Snowdonia, but in the 1860s it received a great rush of holidaymakers, taking advantage of the new railway that connected the valley to the cities of England. (repeat)|1223510400|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178||Discovering Snowdonia|137565614|Stereo|Interests;Leisure|3
  812. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.373 GetEntries Reply 49/84: 129078425|Secrets of War (R)|19|1393236000|1393239600|The hidden secrets of war across the ages. This edition investigates how the time and place of the D-Day invasion was kept secret through disinformation. (repeat)|Series discovering some of the hidden secrets of war across the ages, from World War I to the more recent events in the Gulf. This edition investigates how the time and place of the D-Day invasion was kept secret through disinformation. (repeat)|928627200|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178||D-Day Deceptions|137565614|Stereo|Documentary;War|3
  813. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.373 GetEntries Reply 50/84: 129078426|Dig WW2 with Dan Snow (R)|19|1393239600|1393243200|Dan Snow investigates the history of WWII in Northern Ireland. He learns the story of the most successful U-boat hunter of all time, and dives to the wreck of the famed U-155. (repeat)|Dan Snow investigates the history of WWII in Northern Ireland. He learns the story of the most successful U-boat hunter of all time, and dives to the wreck of the famed U-155. (repeat)|1336953600|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137565614|Stereo|Documentary;History|3
  814. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.373 GetEntries Reply 51/84: 129078427|Sounds of the Sixties (R)|19|1393243200|1393245000|A trawl through the BBC's archives for 60s music with an acoustic bent. Bob Dylan, Leonard Cohen and Tim Buckley feature. (repeat)|A trawl through the BBCs archives for 60s music with an acoustic bent. Bob Dylan, Leonard Cohen and Tim Buckley feature. (repeat)|926899200|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178||The Folk Revival|137565614|Stereo|Music & Arts;Folk|3
  815. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.373 GetEntries Reply 52/84: 129078428|Sounds of the Sixties (R)|19|1393245000|1393246800|Series featuring rock, pop and R&B performances from the BBC archives. (repeat)|Ten-part series featuring rock, pop and R&B performances from the BBC archives. By now Top of the Pops was an established part of the pop scene, and a group's appearance on the show was essential to a single's success. With footage of, among others, the Foundations, Procul Harum and the Bee Gees. (repeat)|1086998400|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178||1967-68: The Pop Boom|137565614|Stereo|Music & Arts;Pop and Rock|3
  816. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.373 GetEntries Reply 53/84: 129078429|The Re-Inventors (R)|19|1393246800|1393248600|Soon after humans began building walled cities, they started looking for ways to smash down the walls. Matt and Jeremy build a battering ram to see how well it works. (repeat)|Soon after humans began building walled cities, they started looking for ways to smash down the walls. Join Matt and Jeremy as they build a battering ram to see how well it works. (repeat)|1294358400|Unknown|0|0|0|32|3||Battering Ram|137565614|Stereo|Documentary;Other|3
  817. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.373 GetEntries Reply 54/84: 129078430|The Re-Inventors (R)|19|1393248600|1393250400|The Re-Inventors rebuild an invention that would let a commander launch an attack from the sky and rain down explosive fire-arrows on the enemy. (repeat)|The Re-Inventors have found an invention that would let a commander launch an attack from the sky and rain down explosive fire-arrows on the enemy. Join them as they rebuild it. (repeat)|1294963200|Unknown|0|0|0|32|3||War Kite|137565614|Stereo|Documentary;Other|3
  818. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.373 GetEntries Reply 55/84: 129078431|Flog It! (R)|19|1393250400|1393254000|Paul Martin is at the Galpharm Stadium, home to the Huddersfield Giants. Experts Kate Alcock and Nigel Smith both pick a winning line-up for the auction in Halifax. (repeat)|Paul Martin is at the Galpharm Stadium, home to the Huddersfield Giants. Experts Kate Alcock and Nigel Smith both pick a winning line-up for the auction in Halifax. There's also a trip to the silent movies, and the story of some mysterious diaries written in code. (repeat)|1130976000|Unknown|0|0|0|112|4|||137565614|Stereo|Interests;Antiques|3
  819. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.374 GetEntries Reply 56/84: 129078432|Bargain Hunt (R)|19|1393254000|1393257600|Presented by Tim Wonnacott from Covent Garden, London. Pippa Deeley and David Barby advise two teams of lawyers and bankers on the best bargains to make a profit on at auction. (repeat)|Presented by Tim Wonnacott from Covent Garden in London. Experts Pippa Deeley and David Barby advise two teams of lawyers and bankers on the best bargains to make a profit at auction. (repeat)|1113177600|Unknown|0|0|0|112|4|||137565614|Stereo|Interests;Antiques|3
  820. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.374 GetEntries Reply 57/84: 129078433|Coast (R)|19|1393257600|1393261200|Coast visits Sweden and explores the British connections to this stunning shore on the edge of the Baltic Sea. Nick Crane's journey starts at the High Coast. (repeat)|Coast visits Sweden and explores the British connections to this stunning shore on the edge of the Baltic Sea. Nick Crane's journey starts at the High Coast. (repeat)|1310860800|Unknown|0|0|0|144|2||Sweden and the Baltic|137565614|Stereo|Documentary;Natural World|3
  821. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.374 GetEntries Reply 58/84: 129078434|Dig WW2 with Dan Snow (R)|19|1393261200|1393264800|Dan Snow investigates the history of WWII in Northern Ireland. He learns the story of the most successful U-boat hunter of all time, and dives to the wreck of the famed U-155. (repeat)|Dan Snow investigates the history of WWII in Northern Ireland. He learns the story of the most successful U-boat hunter of all time, and dives to the wreck of the famed U-155. (repeat)|1336953600|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137565614|Stereo|Documentary;History|3
  822. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.374 GetEntries Reply 59/84: 129078435|The Re-Inventors (R)|19|1393264800|1393266600|Soon after humans began building walled cities, they started looking for ways to smash down the walls. Matt and Jeremy build a battering ram to see how well it works. (repeat)|Soon after humans began building walled cities, they started looking for ways to smash down the walls. Join Matt and Jeremy as they build a battering ram to see how well it works. (repeat)|1294358400|Unknown|0|0|0|32|3||Battering Ram|137565614|Stereo|Documentary;Other|3
  823. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.374 GetEntries Reply 60/84: 129078436|The Re-Inventors (R)|19|1393266600|1393268400|The Re-Inventors rebuild an invention that would let a commander launch an attack from the sky and rain down explosive fire-arrows on the enemy. (repeat)|The Re-Inventors have found an invention that would let a commander launch an attack from the sky and rain down explosive fire-arrows on the enemy. Join them as they rebuild it. (repeat)|1294963200|Unknown|0|0|0|32|3||War Kite|137565614|Stereo|Documentary;Other|3
  824. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.374 GetEntries Reply 61/84: 129078437|Railway Walks (R)|19|1393268400|1393270200|Julia Bradbury embarks on a series of walks following Britain's lost rail empire, beginning in Derbyshire at the heart of the Peak District on the Monsal Trail. (repeat)|Julia Bradbury embarks on a series of walks following Britain's lost rail empire, beginning in Derbyshire at the heart of the Peak District on the Monsal Trail. (repeat)|1222905600|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178||The Peak Express|137565614|Stereo|Interests;Leisure|3
  825. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.374 GetEntries Reply 62/84: 129078438|Railway Walks (R)|19|1393270200|1393272000|Julia Bradbury continues her series of walks along Britain's lost rail empire as she visits the Mawddach estuary in north Wales, a beautiful part of Snowdonia. (repeat)|Julia Bradbury takes a series of walks following the old tracks, overgrown cuttings and ancient viaducts of Britain's lost rail empire. Julia walks along the stunning Mawddach estuary in north Wales. The area between Dolgellau and the coastal resort of Barmouth is one of the least visited parts of Snowdonia, but in the 1860s it received a great rush of holidaymakers, taking advantage of the new railway that connected the valley to the cities of England. (repeat)|1223510400|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178||Discovering Snowdonia|137565614|Stereo|Interests;Leisure|3
  826. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.374 GetEntries Reply 63/84: 129078439|Sounds of the Sixties (R)|19|1393272000|1393273800|A trawl through the BBC's archives for 60s music with an acoustic bent. Bob Dylan, Leonard Cohen and Tim Buckley feature. (repeat)|A trawl through the BBCs archives for 60s music with an acoustic bent. Bob Dylan, Leonard Cohen and Tim Buckley feature. (repeat)|926899200|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178||The Folk Revival|137565614|Stereo|Music & Arts;Folk|3
  827. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.374 GetEntries Reply 64/84: 129078440|Sounds of the Sixties (R)|19|1393273800|1393275600|Series featuring rock, pop and R&B performances from the BBC archives. (repeat)|Ten-part series featuring rock, pop and R&B performances from the BBC archives. By now Top of the Pops was an established part of the pop scene, and a group's appearance on the show was essential to a single's success. With footage of, among others, the Foundations, Procul Harum and the Bee Gees. (repeat)|1086998400|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178||1967-68: The Pop Boom|137565614|Stereo|Music & Arts;Pop and Rock|3
  828. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.374 GetEntries Reply 65/84: 129078441|Coast (R)|19|1393275600|1393279200|Coast visits Sweden and explores the British connections to this stunning shore on the edge of the Baltic Sea. Nick Crane's journey starts at the High Coast. (repeat)|Coast visits Sweden and explores the British connections to this stunning shore on the edge of the Baltic Sea. Nick Crane's journey starts at the High Coast. (repeat)|1310860800|Unknown|0|0|0|144|2||Sweden and the Baltic|137565614|Stereo|Documentary;Natural World|3
  829. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.374 GetEntries Reply 66/84: 129078442|The Queen's Palaces (R)|19|1393279200|1393282800|Series looking at the Queen's three official residences. Fiona Bruce explores the Palace of Holyroodhouse in Edinburgh, one of Britain's smallest palaces. (repeat)|Series looking at the Queen's three official residences. Fiona Bruce explores the Palace of Holyroodhouse in Edinburgh, one of Britain's smallest palaces. (repeat)|1316995200|Unknown|5|0|0|15|178||Palace of Holyroodhouse|137565614|Stereo|Documentary;History|3
  830. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.374 GetEntries Reply 67/84: 129078443|Secrets of War (R)|19|1393282800|1393286400|The hidden secrets of war across the ages. This edition investigates how the time and place of the D-Day invasion was kept secret through disinformation. (repeat)|Series discovering some of the hidden secrets of war across the ages, from World War I to the more recent events in the Gulf. This edition investigates how the time and place of the D-Day invasion was kept secret through disinformation. (repeat)|928627200|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178||D-Day Deceptions|137565614|Stereo|Documentary;War|3
  831. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.374 GetEntries Reply 68/84: 130486627|Flog It! (R)|19|1393286400|1393290000|Paul Martin is at the Galpharm Stadium, home to the Huddersfield Giants. Experts Kate Alcock and Nigel Smith both pick a winning line-up for the auction in Halifax. (repeat)|Paul Martin is at the Galpharm Stadium, home to the Huddersfield Giants. Experts Kate Alcock and Nigel Smith both pick a winning line-up for the auction in Halifax. There's also a trip to the silent movies, and the story of some mysterious diaries written in code. (repeat)|1130976000|Unknown|0|0|0|112|4|||137565614|Stereo|Interests;Antiques|3
  832. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.374 GetEntries Reply 69/84: 130486628|Bargain Hunt (R)|19|1393290000|1393292700|Presented by Tim Wonnacott from Covent Garden, London. Pippa Deeley and David Barby advise two teams of lawyers and bankers on the best bargains to make a profit on at auction. (repeat)|Presented by Tim Wonnacott from Covent Garden in London. Experts Pippa Deeley and David Barby advise two teams of lawyers and bankers on the best bargains to make a profit at auction. (repeat)|1113177600|Unknown|0|0|0|112|4|||137565614|Stereo|Interests;Antiques|3
  833. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.374 GetEntries Reply 70/84: 130486629|Victorian Farm (R)|19|1393292700|1393295700|Documentary following a team who live as Victorian farmers for a year. As autumn ends, winter-proofing begins: essential work against cold and frost before a traditional Christmas. (repeat)|Historical observational documentary series following a team who live the life of Victorian farmers for a year. As autumn ends, winter-proofing begins: essential work against cold and frost. The team stock up on animal feed. Peter builds pigsties and Ruth tackles the laundry. A ram arrives on the farm to help produce lambs in the spring, and the team take delivery of a Shire horse. The farmers celebrate a traditional Victorian Christmas with the friends they have made over the first four months. (repeat)|1231977600|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137565614|Stereo|Documentary;Civilisation|3
  834. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.374 GetEntries Reply 71/84: 130486630|The Re-Inventors (R)|19|1393295700|1393297200|The Re-Inventors rebuild an invention that would let a commander launch an attack from the sky and rain down explosive fire-arrows on the enemy. (repeat)|The Re-Inventors have found an invention that would let a commander launch an attack from the sky and rain down explosive fire-arrows on the enemy. Join them as they rebuild it. (repeat)|1294963200|Unknown|0|0|0|32|3||War Kite|137565614|Stereo|Documentary;Other|3
  835. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.374 GetEntries Reply 72/84: 134748368|Home Shopping (R)|19|1393297200|1393308600|Shopping from home. (repeat)|Shopping from home. (repeat)|1381622400|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137565614|Stereo|Interests;Shopping|1
  836. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.374 GetEntries Reply 73/84: 130486632|The Re-Inventors (R)|19|1393308600|1393310100|The Re-Inventors build and test 'The Automatic Device for the Protection of Pedestrian and the Vehicle Itself' patented by Heinrich Karl of New Jersey in 1932. (repeat)|The Re-Inventors build and test 'The Automatic Device for the Protection of Pedestrian and the Vehicle Itself' patented by Heinrich Karl of New Jersey in 1932. (repeat)|1294963200|Unknown|0|0|0|32|3||Pedestrian Protector|137565614|Stereo|Documentary;Other|3
  837. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.374 GetEntries Reply 74/84: 130486633|The Re-Inventors (R)|19|1393310100|1393311600|Join The Re-Inventors as they reconstruct the NKL 26 Aerosan, a WWII-era vehicle with skis instead of wheels and an airplane engine for power. (repeat)|Join The Re-Inventors as they reconstruct the NKL 26 Aerosan, a WWII-era vehicle with skis instead of wheels and an airplane engine for power. (repeat)|1295568000|Unknown|0|0|0|32|3||Aerosan|137565614|Stereo|Documentary;Other|3
  838. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.374 GetEntries Reply 75/84: 130486634|Flog It! (R)|19|1393311600|1393315200|Paul Martin is in Durham where there are toys, fine porcelain and musical instruments for the experts to value and then to be sold at auction. (repeat)|Paul Martin is in Durham where he examines the life and work of James Herriot, while there are toys, fine porcelain and musical instruments for the experts to value and then to be sold at auction. (repeat)|1131321600|Unknown|0|0|0|112|4|||137565614|Stereo|Interests;Antiques|3
  839. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.374 GetEntries Reply 76/84: 130486635|Bargain Hunt (R)|19|1393315200|1393318800|Presented by Tim Wonnacott from Wollaton Fair. Experts Philip Serrell and Adam Partridge advise the teams on the best antiques to buy in one hour with 200 pounds to spend. (repeat)|Presented by Tim Wonnacott from Wollaton Fair. Experts Philip Serrell and Adam Partridge advise two teams of married couples on the best antiques to buy in one hour with 200 pounds to spend. (repeat)|1113436800|Unknown|0|0|0|112|4|||137565614|Stereo|Interests;Antiques|3
  840. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.374 GetEntries Reply 77/84: 130486636|Railway Walks (R)|19|1393318800|1393320600|Julia Bradbury takes a series of walks following Britain's lost rail empire. She crosses Cornwall, following a railway that has not operated for 140 years. (repeat)|Julia Bradbury takes a series of walks following the old tracks, overgrown cuttings and ancient viaducts of Britain's lost rail empire. Tin and copper once made the area around Redruth the richest patch of land in the country. They inspired great engineering feats and pioneering tramways, the forebears of the rail empire. Julia has her work cut out as she crosses an entire country, winding past Cornwall's crumbling engine houses and following a railway that has not operated for 140 years. (repeat)|1224115200|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178||The Birth of Steam|137565614|Stereo|Interests;Leisure|3
  841. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.374 GetEntries Reply 78/84: 130486637|Railway Walks (R)|19|1393320600|1393322400|Julia Bradbury follows the trail of Britain's lost rail empire. In Scotland, she walks the Speyside Way, the route that once served a world famous whisky industry. (repeat)|Julia Bradbury takes a series of walks following the old tracks, overgrown cuttings and ancient viaducts of Britain's lost rail empire. Her first walking foray into Scotland has a very distinct flavour to it: whisky! The Speyside Way is one of Scotland's great walking routes, and between the villages of Craigellachie and Ballindaloch it follows the route of the railway that once served a remote area and a world famous drinks industry. (repeat)|1224720000|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178||The Whisky Train|137565614|Stereo|Interests;Leisure|3
  842. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.375 GetEntries Reply 79/84: 130486638|Secrets of War (R)|19|1393322400|1393326000|The hidden secrets of war across the ages. This edition investigates the daring exploits of the French Resistance during Nazi occupation. (repeat)|Series discovering some of the hidden secrets of war across the ages, from World War I to the more recent events in the Gulf. This edition tells some of the daring exploits of the members of the French Resistance who contributed to the Allied war effort. (repeat)|937785600|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178||The French Resistance|137565614|Stereo|Documentary;War|3
  843. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.375 GetEntries Reply 80/84: 130486639|Dig WW2 with Dan Snow (R)|19|1393326000|1393329600|Dan Snow uncovers the history of WWII in Northern Ireland. He learns the story of the Empire Heritage, a cargo ship that was sunk off Malin Head during the Battle of the Atlantic. (repeat)|Dan Snow uncovers the history of WWII in Northern Ireland. He learns the story of the Empire Heritage, a cargo ship that was sunk off Malin Head during the Battle of the Atlantic. (repeat)|1337558400|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137565614|Stereo|Documentary;History|3
  844. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.375 GetEntries Reply 81/84: 130486640|The Queen's Palaces (R)|19|1393329600|1393333200|Series looking at the Queen's three official residences. Fiona Bruce explores the Palace of Holyroodhouse in Edinburgh, one of Britain's smallest palaces. (repeat)|Series looking at the Queen's three official residences. Fiona Bruce explores the Palace of Holyroodhouse in Edinburgh, one of Britain's smallest palaces. (repeat)|1316995200|Unknown|5|0|0|15|178||Palace of Holyroodhouse|137565614|Stereo|Documentary;History|3
  845. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.375 GetEntries Reply 82/84: 130486641|The Re-Inventors (R)|19|1393333200|1393335000|The Re-Inventors build and test 'The Automatic Device for the Protection of Pedestrian and the Vehicle Itself' patented by Heinrich Karl of New Jersey in 1932. (repeat)|The Re-Inventors build and test 'The Automatic Device for the Protection of Pedestrian and the Vehicle Itself' patented by Heinrich Karl of New Jersey in 1932. (repeat)|1294963200|Unknown|0|0|0|32|3||Pedestrian Protector|137565614|Stereo|Documentary;Other|3
  846. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.375 GetEntries Reply 83/84: 130486642|The Re-Inventors (R)|19|1393335000|1393336800|Join The Re-Inventors as they reconstruct the NKL 26 Aerosan, a WWII-era vehicle with skis instead of wheels and an airplane engine for power. (repeat)|Join The Re-Inventors as they reconstruct the NKL 26 Aerosan, a WWII-era vehicle with skis instead of wheels and an airplane engine for power. (repeat)|1295568000|Unknown|0|0|0|32|3||Aerosan|137565614|Stereo|Documentary;Other|3
  847. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.375 GetEntries Reply 84/84: <EOF>
  848. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.375 Finished request GetEntries in 0.06s
  849. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.439 Received client request: MEDIA-PC|GetEntries|137566974|1393072452|1393335252
  850. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.455 GetEntries Reply 01/59: 139019285|Down to Earth|20|1393071000|1393075200|Fate and Fortune: More bittersweet family drama from the West Country. Frankie's refusal to grieve for the baby pushes Matt to the edge, and Jackie succeeds in making Tony jealous. [S] |Fate and Fortune: More bittersweet family drama from the West Country. Frankie's refusal to grieve for the baby pushes Matt to the edge, and Jackie succeeds in making Tony jealous. [S] |1393071000|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137566974|Stereo||2
  851. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.455 GetEntries Reply 02/59: 139019286|Sharpe|20|1393075200|1393083000|Sharpe's Justice: Feature-length drama with the swashbuckling 18th-century officer. Sharpe finds his loyalties divided when he is ordered to command a force in his own home town. [S] |Sharpe's Justice: Feature-length drama with the swashbuckling 18th-century officer. Sharpe finds his loyalties divided when he is ordered to command a force in his own home town. [S] |1393075200|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137566974|Stereo||2
  852. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.455 GetEntries Reply 03/59: 139019287|Cadfael|20|1393083000|1393088400|One Corpse Too Many: Derek Jacobi stars as the mystery-solving monk. Cadfael has just four days to investigate the death of a man who tried to betray his mistress. |One Corpse Too Many: Derek Jacobi stars as the mystery-solving monk. Cadfael has just four days to investigate the death of a man who tried to betray his mistress. |1393083000|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137566974|Stereo||2
  853. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.455 GetEntries Reply 04/59: 139019288|One Foot in the Grave|20|1393088400|1393090800|Hearts of Darkness: Why can't the Meldrews just have a nice pleasant day out? Naturally, a trip out on the river leads to epic complications for Victor and his long-suffering spouse. [S] |Hearts of Darkness: Why can't the Meldrews just have a nice pleasant day out? Naturally, a trip out on the river leads to epic complications for Victor and his long-suffering spouse. [S] |1393088400|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137566974|Stereo|Shows;Other Shows|2
  854. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.455 GetEntries Reply 05/59: 139019289|One Foot in the Grave|20|1393090800|1393093200|Warm Champagne: More great, dark comedy as the Meldrews are back from holiday and find that their neighbours Patrick (aka Angus Deayton) and Pippa have put their house on the market. [S] |Warm Champagne: More great, dark comedy as the Meldrews are back from holiday and find that their neighbours Patrick (aka Angus Deayton) and Pippa have put their house on the market. [S] |1393090800|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137566974|Stereo|Shows;Other Shows|2
  855. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.455 GetEntries Reply 06/59: 139019290|Birds of a Feather|20|1393093200|1393095600|Loyalty: Comedy with Chigwell's most famous siblings. The future of the cafe hangs in the balance as Tracey decides whether to put up her house as collateral. |Loyalty: Comedy with Chigwell's most famous siblings. The future of the cafe hangs in the balance as Tracey decides whether to put up her house as collateral. |1393093200|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137566974|Stereo|Shows;Other Shows|2
  856. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.455 GetEntries Reply 07/59: 139019291|Cider with Rosie|20|1393095600|1393102800|Acclaimed adaptation of Laurie Lee's memoirs. The tale follows Lee as a young lad, coming to terms with love and life, growing pains and girls, school and scrumpy. [1998] |Acclaimed adaptation of Laurie Lee's memoirs. The tale follows Lee as a young lad, coming to terms with love and life, growing pains and girls, school and scrumpy. [1998] |1393095600|Unknown|0|0|0|16|0|||137566974|Stereo|Film;Other Films|8
  857. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.455 GetEntries Reply 08/59: 139019292|Waking the Dead|20|1393102800|1393111800|Towers of Silence: Trevor Eve stars in the crime series following the team cracking seemingly unsolvable cases from the past. A mummified body is found on a derelict aeroplane. [S] |Towers of Silence: Trevor Eve stars in the crime series following the team cracking seemingly unsolvable cases from the past. A mummified body is found on a derelict aeroplane. [S] |1393102800|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137566974|Stereo||2
  858. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.455 GetEntries Reply 09/59: 139019293|Sharpe|20|1393111800|1393118700|Sharpe's Justice: Feature-length drama with the swashbuckling 18th-century officer. Sharpe finds his loyalties divided when he is ordered to command a force in his own home town. [S] |Sharpe's Justice: Feature-length drama with the swashbuckling 18th-century officer. Sharpe finds his loyalties divided when he is ordered to command a force in his own home town. [S] |1393111800|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137566974|Stereo||2
  859. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.455 GetEntries Reply 10/59: 139019738|Birds of a Feather|20|1393118700|1393120800|Loyalty: Comedy with Chigwell's most famous siblings. The future of the cafe hangs in the balance as Tracey decides whether to put up her house as collateral. |Loyalty: Comedy with Chigwell's most famous siblings. The future of the cafe hangs in the balance as Tracey decides whether to put up her house as collateral. |1393118700|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137566974|Stereo|Shows;Other Shows|2
  860. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.456 GetEntries Reply 11/59: 139019739|No Information Available|20|1393120800|1393131600|No Information Available |No Information Available |1393120800|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137566974|Stereo||2
  861. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.456 GetEntries Reply 12/59: 139019740|Home Shopping|20|1393131600|1393142400|Shopping from home. |Shopping from home. |1393131600|Unknown|0|0|0|112|4|||137566974|Stereo|Interests;Other Interests|2
  862. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.456 GetEntries Reply 13/59: 139019741|Home Shopping|20|1393142400|1393143000|Shopping from home. |Shopping from home. |1393142400|Unknown|0|0|0|112|4|||137566974|Stereo|Interests;Other Interests|2
  863. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.456 GetEntries Reply 14/59: 139019742|The Bill|20|1393143000|1393146600|When the Bough Breaks: Things are not necessarily all they seem when Monroe's daughter is arrested, and it takes Boyden to point out that there are two sides to every story. [S] |When the Bough Breaks: Things are not necessarily all they seem when Monroe's daughter is arrested, and it takes Boyden to point out that there are two sides to every story. [S] |1393143000|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137566974|Stereo||2
  864. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.456 GetEntries Reply 15/59: 139019743|The Bill|20|1393146600|1393150200|Nightwork: Ackland is disturbed when a young girl from her past reappears on the streets of Sun Hill. [S] |Nightwork: Ackland is disturbed when a young girl from her past reappears on the streets of Sun Hill. [S] |1393146600|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137566974|Stereo||2
  865. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.456 GetEntries Reply 16/59: 139019744|The Bill|20|1393150200|1393153800|Meltdown - Part Two: Quinnan's involvement with the troubled estate deepens as a boy goes missing. He is forced to disobey orders and put his own life at risk. [S] |Meltdown - Part Two: Quinnan's involvement with the troubled estate deepens as a boy goes missing. He is forced to disobey orders and put his own life at risk. [S] |1393150200|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137566974|Stereo||2
  866. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.456 GetEntries Reply 17/59: 139019745|Sharpe|20|1393153800|1393161600|Sharpe's Justice: Feature-length drama with the swashbuckling 18th-century officer. Sharpe finds his loyalties divided when he is ordered to command a force in his own home town. [S] |Sharpe's Justice: Feature-length drama with the swashbuckling 18th-century officer. Sharpe finds his loyalties divided when he is ordered to command a force in his own home town. [S] |1393153800|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137566974|Stereo||2
  867. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.456 GetEntries Reply 18/59: 139020533|Catherine Cookson's Colour Blind|20|1393161600|1393172400|An emotional adaptation of Catherine Cookson's best-selling 1920s novel. Bridget McQueen and her new husband, a black seaman, are faced with bigotry on all sides. |An emotional adaptation of Catherine Cookson's best-selling 1920s novel. Bridget McQueen and her new husband, a black seaman, are faced with bigotry on all sides. |1393161600|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137566974|Stereo||2
  868. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.456 GetEntries Reply 19/59: 139020534|One Foot in the Grave|20|1393172400|1393174800|Hearts of Darkness: Why can't the Meldrews just have a nice pleasant day out? Naturally, a trip out on the river leads to epic complications for Victor and his long-suffering spouse. [S] |Hearts of Darkness: Why can't the Meldrews just have a nice pleasant day out? Naturally, a trip out on the river leads to epic complications for Victor and his long-suffering spouse. [S] |1393172400|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137566974|Stereo|Shows;Other Shows|2
  869. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.456 GetEntries Reply 20/59: 139020535|One Foot in the Grave|20|1393174800|1393177200|Warm Champagne: More great, dark comedy as the Meldrews are back from holiday and find that their neighbours Patrick (aka Angus Deayton) and Pippa have put their house on the market. [S] |Warm Champagne: More great, dark comedy as the Meldrews are back from holiday and find that their neighbours Patrick (aka Angus Deayton) and Pippa have put their house on the market. [S] |1393174800|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137566974|Stereo|Shows;Other Shows|2
  870. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.456 GetEntries Reply 21/59: 139020536|Pride and Prejudice|20|1393177200|1393182000|01/06. Colin Firth sets the female viewing nation's hearts racing in the much-loved dramatisation of Jane Austen's classic story of social mores. Jennifer Ehle also stars. [AD,S] |01/06. Colin Firth sets the female viewing nation's hearts racing in the much-loved dramatisation of Jane Austen's classic story of social mores. Jennifer Ehle also stars. [AD,S] |1393177200|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137566974|Stereo||2
  871. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.456 GetEntries Reply 22/59: 139020537|Sense and Sensibility|20|1393182000|1393185600|King of period drama Andrew Davies adapts the much-loved novel by Jane Austen. The Dashwoods start a new life in Devonshire where one of the sisters finds she has several suitors. |King of period drama Andrew Davies adapts the much-loved novel by Jane Austen. The Dashwoods start a new life in Devonshire where one of the sisters finds she has several suitors. |1393182000|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137566974|Stereo||2
  872. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.456 GetEntries Reply 23/59: 139020538|The Lost World|20|1393185600|1393191000|Bob Hoskins stars in the final part of the exhilarating dramatic adaptation of the classic Conan Doyle adventure. Professor Challenger's quest to find living dinosaurs is in peril. [S] |Bob Hoskins stars in the final part of the exhilarating dramatic adaptation of the classic Conan Doyle adventure. Professor Challenger's quest to find living dinosaurs is in peril. [S] |1393185600|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137566974|Stereo||2
  873. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.456 GetEntries Reply 24/59: 139020539|Jonathan Creek|20|1393191000|1393195200|The Scented Room: 03/06. Alan Davies and Caroline Quentin star in the mystery drama with special guest, the late Bob Monkhouse. A valuable painting is stolen by an 'invisible' thief. [AD,S] |The Scented Room: 03/06. Alan Davies and Caroline Quentin star in the mystery drama with special guest, the late Bob Monkhouse. A valuable painting is stolen by an 'invisible' thief. [AD,S] |1393191000|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137566974|Stereo||2
  874. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.456 GetEntries Reply 25/59: 139020540|Casanova|20|1393195200|1393199700|03/03. David Tennant plays the legendary Italian lover. Casanova travels to England, but the court of King George becomes a deadly trap. His only hope for salvation lies in Naples. |03/03. David Tennant plays the legendary Italian lover. Casanova travels to England, but the court of King George becomes a deadly trap. His only hope for salvation lies in Naples. |1393195200|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137566974|Stereo||2
  875. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.456 GetEntries Reply 26/59: 139020541|Sense and Sensibility|20|1393199700|1393203300|King of period drama Andrew Davies adapts the much-loved novel by Jane Austen. The Dashwoods start a new life in Devonshire where one of the sisters finds she has several suitors. |King of period drama Andrew Davies adapts the much-loved novel by Jane Austen. The Dashwoods start a new life in Devonshire where one of the sisters finds she has several suitors. |1393199700|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137566974|Stereo||2
  876. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.456 GetEntries Reply 27/59: 140448619|Lovejoy|20|1393203300|1393207200|Friends, Romans, Enemies: Shady dealings abound in the lighthearted drama series. Lovejoy heads for the Isle of Man in search of hidden Roman treasure - but someone is on his trail. [S] |Friends, Romans, Enemies: Shady dealings abound in the lighthearted drama series. Lovejoy heads for the Isle of Man in search of hidden Roman treasure - but someone is on his trail. [S] |1393203300|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137566974|Stereo||2
  877. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.456 GetEntries Reply 28/59: 140448620|No Information Available|20|1393207200|1393218000|No Information Available |No Information Available |1393207200|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137566974|Stereo||2
  878. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.456 GetEntries Reply 29/59: 140448621|Home Shopping|20|1393218000|1393228800|Shopping from home. |Shopping from home. |1393218000|Unknown|0|0|0|112|4|||137566974|Stereo|Interests;Other Interests|2
  879. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.456 GetEntries Reply 30/59: 140448622|All Creatures Great and Small|20|1393228800|1393232400|Hampered: Animal adventures with the vets in a gentler age. Mrs Pumphrey's great-niece Angela comes to stay and Tristan starts to take an unprecedented interest in Tricki-Woo's diet. [S] |Hampered: Animal adventures with the vets in a gentler age. Mrs Pumphrey's great-niece Angela comes to stay and Tristan starts to take an unprecedented interest in Tricki-Woo's diet. [S] |1393228800|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137566974|Stereo||2
  880. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.456 GetEntries Reply 31/59: 140448623|Lovejoy|20|1393232400|1393236000|The Sting: More capers with the charming antiques dealer and ladies' man! When Lovejoy is conned out of some figurines by his landlord, he is determined to exact his revenge. [S] |The Sting: More capers with the charming antiques dealer and ladies' man! When Lovejoy is conned out of some figurines by his landlord, he is determined to exact his revenge. [S] |1393232400|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137566974|Stereo||2
  881. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.456 GetEntries Reply 32/59: 140448624|Casualty|20|1393236000|1393239600|The Facts of Life: Ash's fears for the future are confirmed by an unexpected visitor, while a father's gift to his daughter has disastrous consequences. |The Facts of Life: Ash's fears for the future are confirmed by an unexpected visitor, while a father's gift to his daughter has disastrous consequences. |1393236000|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137566974|Stereo||2
  882. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.456 GetEntries Reply 33/59: 140448625|The Bill|20|1393239600|1393243200|Meltdown - Part Three: Conclusion to the three-part storyline. A traumatised Quinnan attempts to settle a year-long grievance with Boulton in order to send Glover to jail. [S] |Meltdown - Part Three: Conclusion to the three-part storyline. A traumatised Quinnan attempts to settle a year-long grievance with Boulton in order to send Glover to jail. [S] |1393239600|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137566974|Stereo||2
  883. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.456 GetEntries Reply 34/59: 140448867|The Bill|20|1393243200|1393246800|Kiss Off: Two-part special. Eddie and Rosie have a showdown in the aftermath of a large explosion. |Kiss Off: Two-part special. Eddie and Rosie have a showdown in the aftermath of a large explosion. |1393243200|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137566974|Stereo||2
  884. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.456 GetEntries Reply 35/59: 140448868|Ballykissangel|20|1393246800|1393250400|Two Flew over the Cuckoo's Nest: Has Quigley got what it takes to save the village's reputation? And Niamh and Sean try to discuss their future after she decides her marriage is over. [S] |Two Flew over the Cuckoo's Nest: Has Quigley got what it takes to save the village's reputation? And Niamh and Sean try to discuss their future after she decides her marriage is over. [S] |1393246800|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137566974|Stereo||2
  885. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.456 GetEntries Reply 36/59: 140448869|Birds of a Feather|20|1393250400|1393252800|All Day and All of the Night: More fun with the Essex sisters. Sharon worries about odd goings on at the cafe, while Dorien believes she has turned into the Goddess of Love. |All Day and All of the Night: More fun with the Essex sisters. Sharon worries about odd goings on at the cafe, while Dorien believes she has turned into the Goddess of Love. |1393250400|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137566974|Stereo|Shows;Other Shows|2
  886. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.456 GetEntries Reply 37/59: 140448870|Birds of a Feather|20|1393252800|1393255200|Appreciation Society: The ever-popular Chigwell sisters Sharon and Tracey discover that changing places is not all it is cracked up to be. |Appreciation Society: The ever-popular Chigwell sisters Sharon and Tracey discover that changing places is not all it is cracked up to be. |1393252800|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137566974|Stereo|Shows;Other Shows|2
  887. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.456 GetEntries Reply 38/59: 140448871|Last of the Summer Wine|20|1393255200|1393257600|Will the Nearest Alien Please Come In: Popular sitcom. Sci-fi addict Kevin believes that space aliens may have landed. Truly, Clegg and Alvin help to convince him that he's right. [S] |Will the Nearest Alien Please Come In: Popular sitcom. Sci-fi addict Kevin believes that space aliens may have landed. Truly, Clegg and Alvin help to convince him that he's right. [S] |1393255200|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137566974|Stereo|Shows;Other Shows|2
  888. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.456 GetEntries Reply 39/59: 140448872|Born and Bred|20|1393257600|1393261200|And Is There Honey Still For Tea?: Michael French is the doctor looking after the locals in 1950s Lancashire. A new doctor, Donald Newman, arrives and saves a girl's life. |And Is There Honey Still For Tea?: Michael French is the doctor looking after the locals in 1950s Lancashire. A new doctor, Donald Newman, arrives and saves a girl's life. |1393257600|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137566974|Stereo||2
  889. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.457 GetEntries Reply 40/59: 140448873|All Creatures Great and Small|20|1393261200|1393264800|Hampered: Animal adventures with the vets in a gentler age. Mrs Pumphrey's great-niece Angela comes to stay and Tristan starts to take an unprecedented interest in Tricki-Woo's diet. [S] |Hampered: Animal adventures with the vets in a gentler age. Mrs Pumphrey's great-niece Angela comes to stay and Tristan starts to take an unprecedented interest in Tricki-Woo's diet. [S] |1393261200|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137566974|Stereo||2
  890. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.457 GetEntries Reply 41/59: 140448874|Ballykissangel|20|1393264800|1393268400|Two Flew over the Cuckoo's Nest: Has Quigley got what it takes to save the village's reputation? And Niamh and Sean try to discuss their future after she decides her marriage is over. [S] |Two Flew over the Cuckoo's Nest: Has Quigley got what it takes to save the village's reputation? And Niamh and Sean try to discuss their future after she decides her marriage is over. [S] |1393264800|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137566974|Stereo||2
  891. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.457 GetEntries Reply 42/59: 140448875|Birds of a Feather|20|1393268400|1393270800|Moving: The comic capers of the Essex girls - Sharon and Tracey. The flat above Sharon's cafe becomes a hot property as life in Chigwell is turned upside down. |Moving: The comic capers of the Essex girls - Sharon and Tracey. The flat above Sharon's cafe becomes a hot property as life in Chigwell is turned upside down. |1393268400|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137566974|Stereo|Shows;Other Shows|2
  892. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.457 GetEntries Reply 43/59: 140448876|Last of the Summer Wine|20|1393270800|1393273200|Will the Nearest Alien Please Come In: Popular sitcom. Sci-fi addict Kevin believes that space aliens may have landed. Truly, Clegg and Alvin help to convince him that he's right. [S] |Will the Nearest Alien Please Come In: Popular sitcom. Sci-fi addict Kevin believes that space aliens may have landed. Truly, Clegg and Alvin help to convince him that he's right. [S] |1393270800|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137566974|Stereo|Shows;Other Shows|2
  893. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.457 GetEntries Reply 44/59: 140448877|Waiting for God|20|1393273200|1393275600|Shelves: The retirement home comedy that gives hope for us all as we approach old age. Tom and Diana cause chaos at a fashion show before moving back in together. [S] |Shelves: The retirement home comedy that gives hope for us all as we approach old age. Tom and Diana cause chaos at a fashion show before moving back in together. [S] |1393273200|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137566974|Stereo|Shows;Other Shows|2
  894. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.457 GetEntries Reply 45/59: 140448878|Jonathan Creek|20|1393275600|1393279200|The Scented Room: 03/06. Alan Davies and Caroline Quentin star in the mystery drama with special guest, the late Bob Monkhouse. A valuable painting is stolen by an 'invisible' thief. [AD,S] |The Scented Room: 03/06. Alan Davies and Caroline Quentin star in the mystery drama with special guest, the late Bob Monkhouse. A valuable painting is stolen by an 'invisible' thief. [AD,S] |1393275600|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137566974|Stereo||2
  895. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.457 GetEntries Reply 46/59: 140448879|Casanova|20|1393279200|1393283700|03/03. David Tennant plays the legendary Italian lover. Casanova travels to England, but the court of King George becomes a deadly trap. His only hope for salvation lies in Naples. |03/03. David Tennant plays the legendary Italian lover. Casanova travels to England, but the court of King George becomes a deadly trap. His only hope for salvation lies in Naples. |1393279200|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137566974|Stereo||2
  896. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.457 GetEntries Reply 47/59: 140448880|Birds of a Feather|20|1393283700|1393286100|All Day and All of the Night: More fun with the Essex sisters. Sharon worries about odd goings on at the cafe, while Dorien believes she has turned into the Goddess of Love. |All Day and All of the Night: More fun with the Essex sisters. Sharon worries about odd goings on at the cafe, while Dorien believes she has turned into the Goddess of Love. |1393283700|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137566974|Stereo|Shows;Other Shows|2
  897. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.457 GetEntries Reply 48/59: 140448881|Birds of a Feather|20|1393286100|1393288500|Appreciation Society: The ever-popular Chigwell sisters Sharon and Tracey discover that changing places is not all it is cracked up to be. |Appreciation Society: The ever-popular Chigwell sisters Sharon and Tracey discover that changing places is not all it is cracked up to be. |1393286100|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137566974|Stereo|Shows;Other Shows|2
  898. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.457 GetEntries Reply 49/59: 141864138|The Bill|20|1393288500|1393292100|Kiss Off: Two-part special. Eddie and Rosie have a showdown in the aftermath of a large explosion. |Kiss Off: Two-part special. Eddie and Rosie have a showdown in the aftermath of a large explosion. |1393288500|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137566974|Stereo||2
  899. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.457 GetEntries Reply 50/59: 141864139|Great British Ghosts|20|1393292100|1393293600|Nottingham's Galleries of Justice was the site of many executions, so unsurprisingly it's a ghost hot spot, and London's Viaduct Tavern houses spirits of a non-alcoholic variety. [S] |Nottingham's Galleries of Justice was the site of many executions, so unsurprisingly it's a ghost hot spot, and London's Viaduct Tavern houses spirits of a non-alcoholic variety. [S] |1393292100|Unknown|0|0|0|32|1|||137566974|Stereo|News;Other News|130
  900. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.457 GetEntries Reply 51/59: 141864140|No Information Available|20|1393293600|1393304400|No Information Available |No Information Available |1393293600|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137566974|Stereo||2
  901. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.457 GetEntries Reply 52/59: 141864141|Home Shopping|20|1393304400|1393315200|Shopping from home. |Shopping from home. |1393304400|Unknown|0|0|0|112|4|||137566974|Stereo|Interests;Other Interests|2
  902. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.457 GetEntries Reply 53/59: 141864528|All Creatures Great and Small|20|1393315200|1393318800|Promises to Keep: A comical episode of the great series based on Herriot's books. Tristan castrates a pig but forgets to dispose of the 'off-cuts', which still contain anaesthetic. [S] |Promises to Keep: A comical episode of the great series based on Herriot's books. Tristan castrates a pig but forgets to dispose of the 'off-cuts', which still contain anaesthetic. [S] |1393315200|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137566974|Stereo||2
  903. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.457 GetEntries Reply 54/59: 141864529|Casualty|20|1393318800|1393322400|The Facts of Life: Ash's fears for the future are confirmed by an unexpected visitor, while a father's gift to his daughter has disastrous consequences. |The Facts of Life: Ash's fears for the future are confirmed by an unexpected visitor, while a father's gift to his daughter has disastrous consequences. |1393318800|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137566974|Stereo||2
  904. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.457 GetEntries Reply 55/59: 141864530|Casualty|20|1393322400|1393326000|Under the Weather: An adventure in a storm drain for two young boys leads to a race through Holby for Liz and Josh, while Jude tries to solve the puzzle of an old soldier's nightmare. |Under the Weather: An adventure in a storm drain for two young boys leads to a race through Holby for Liz and Josh, while Jude tries to solve the puzzle of an old soldier's nightmare. |1393322400|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137566974|Stereo||2
  905. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.457 GetEntries Reply 56/59: 141864531|The Bill|20|1393326000|1393329600|Kiss Off: Two-part special. Eddie and Rosie have a showdown in the aftermath of a large explosion. |Kiss Off: Two-part special. Eddie and Rosie have a showdown in the aftermath of a large explosion. |1393326000|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137566974|Stereo||2
  906. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.457 GetEntries Reply 57/59: 141864532|The Bill|20|1393329600|1393333200|Kiss Off: Continuing the story of Eddie and Rosie's showdown. The CID realise that both Santini and Fox are in trouble. [S] |Kiss Off: Continuing the story of Eddie and Rosie's showdown. The CID realise that both Santini and Fox are in trouble. [S] |1393329600|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137566974|Stereo||2
  907. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.457 GetEntries Reply 58/59: 141864533|Ballykissangel|20|1393333200|1393336800|Hello and Farewell: A trip to the remote Irish village where a funny story is always around the corner. Ballykissangel mourns the loss of a hero - but has Orla met a hero of her own? [S] |Hello and Farewell: A trip to the remote Irish village where a funny story is always around the corner. Ballykissangel mourns the loss of a hero - but has Orla met a hero of her own? [S] |1393333200|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137566974|Stereo||2
  908. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.457 GetEntries Reply 59/59: <EOF>
  909. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.457 Finished request GetEntries in 0.02s
  910. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.502 Received client request: MEDIA-PC|GetEntries|137565607|1393072452|1393335252
  911. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.537 GetEntries Reply 01/70: 126263127|The Official UK Top 40|21|1393066800|1393079400|A countdown of the 40 best-selling singles in the UK this week, as calculated by the Official Charts Company. |A countdown of the 40 best-selling singles in the UK this week, as calculated by the Official Charts Company. |1393066800|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137565607|Stereo|Shows;Other Shows|2
  912. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.537 GetEntries Reply 02/70: 126263128|Viva's Fresh 4 the Weekend! (R)|21|1393079400|1393081200|The freshest music videos currently on the airwaves. (repeat)|The freshest music videos currently on the airwaves. (repeat)|1366416000|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137565607|Stereo|Music & Arts;Pop and Rock|1
  913. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.538 GetEntries Reply 03/70: 126263129|This Week's VIVA Top 20 (R)|21|1393081200|1393088400|Playing 20 of the biggest and most played tracks on VIVA this week. (repeat)|Playing 20 of the biggest and most played tracks on VIVA this week. (repeat)|1296604800|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137565607|Stereo|Music & Arts;Pop and Rock|1
  914. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.538 GetEntries Reply 04/70: 126263130|Official Dance Chart Top 10 (R)|21|1393088400|1393092000|A rundown of the top dance tracks of the moment. (repeat)|A rundown of the top dance tracks of the moment. (repeat)|1283731200|Unknown|0|0|0|96|1|||137565607|Stereo|Music & Arts;Other|1
  915. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.538 GetEntries Reply 05/70: 126263131|The Saturday Warm Up (R)|21|1393092000|1393097400|All the biggest tracks to get your Saturday night started! (repeat)|All the biggest tracks to get your Saturday night started! (repeat)|1349481600|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137565607|Stereo|Music & Arts;Pop and Rock|1
  916. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.538 GetEntries Reply 06/70: 126263132|Scrubs (R)|21|1393097400|1393099200|American hospital sitcom. JD continues to question his true feelings for Elliot while she begins to plan her wedding with Keith. (repeat)|American hospital sitcom following the trials and tribulations of young doctors. JD continues to question his true feelings for Elliot while she begins to plan her wedding with Keith. (repeat)|1192060800|Unknown|0|0|0|16|4| Vista International Television.jpg|My Conventional Wisdom|137565607|Stereo|Shows;Sitcoms|3
  917. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.538 GetEntries Reply 07/70: 126263133|Scrubs (R)|21|1393099200|1393101000|American hospital sitcom. Father-to-be JD invites mother-to-be Kim to move in with him so that they can raise their child together. (repeat)|American hospital sitcom following the trials and tribulations of young doctors. Father-to-be JD invites mother-to-be Kim to move in with him so that they can raise their child together. (repeat)|1192665600|Unknown|0|0|0|16|4| Vista International Television.jpg|My Rabbit|137565607|Stereo|Shows;Sitcoms|3
  918. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.538 GetEntries Reply 08/70: 126263134|Scrubs (R)|21|1393101000|1393102800|American sitcom following the trials and tribulations of young doctors. JD and Elliot ponder what their future would be like if they were not with each other. (repeat)|American hospital sitcom following the trials and tribulations of young doctors. JD and Elliot ponder what their future would be like if they were not with each other. (repeat)|1193875200|Unknown|0|0|0|16|4| Vista International Television.jpg|My Point of No Return|137565607|Stereo|Shows;Sitcoms|3
  919. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.538 GetEntries Reply 09/70: 126263135|Scrubs (R)|21|1393102800|1393104600|Comedy following the trials and tribulations of young doctors in an American hospital. Elliot realises she doesn't want to be with Keith. (repeat)|Comedy following the trials and tribulations of young doctors in an American hospital. Elliot realises she doesn't want to be with Keith. (repeat)|1204156800|Unknown|0|0|0|16|4| Vista International Television.jpg|My Own Worst Enemy|137565607|Stereo|Shows;Sitcoms|3
  920. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.538 GetEntries Reply 10/70: 126263136|Scrubs (R)|21|1393104600|1393106400|Comedy following the trials and tribulations of young doctors. While Kim is in labour, JD has to decide whether or not he should tell her what he really thinks. (repeat)|Comedy following the trials and tribulations of young doctors in an American hospital. While Kim is in labour, JD has to decide whether or not he should tell her what he really thinks of their relationship. (repeat)|1204761600|Unknown|0|0|0|16|4| Vista International Television.jpg|My Hard Labour|137565607|Stereo|Shows;Sitcoms|3
  921. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.538 GetEntries Reply 11/70: 126263137|Event Horizon (R)|21|1393106400|1393113600|Thriller set in 2047 about a missing spacecraft that reappears seven years after it disappeared with the crew dead and a strange presence on board. (repeat)|Thriller set in 2047 about a missing spacecraft that turns up seven years after it disappeared, with the crew dead and a strange entity on board. A reconnaissance ship is dispatched carrying a group of scientists including the inventor of the spaceship's engine, a gravity drive motor named the Event Horizon. They soon discover a presence none of them could have expected. (repeat)|1018137600|Unknown|2|0|0|15|178|||137565607|Stereo|Film;Sci-Fi|9
  922. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.538 GetEntries Reply 12/70: 127668923|The Beautician and the Beast (R)|21|1393113600|1393121700|Comedy about an ambitious beautician who is accidently hired as a tutor by an Eastern European dictator, who finds himself unexpectedly attracted to his new employee. (repeat)|Comedy about an ambitious beautician who is mistaken for an academic and hired as a tutor for the children of an Eastern European dictator. While the children warm to their new tutor, their father is initially unimpressed. But he finds himself unexpectedly attracted to his new employee, whose influence is soon felt throughout the country. (repeat)|1162598400|Unknown|2|0|0|16|4|||137565607|Stereo|Film;Comedy|9
  923. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.538 GetEntries Reply 13/70: 127668924|VIVA The Hits!|21|1393121700|1393124400|An eclectic mix of the biggest hits from your favourite artists, all in one place. Presenting future smashes, pop classics and the biggest superstars around. [S] |An eclectic mix of the biggest hits from your favourite artists, all in one place. Presenting future smashes, pop classics and the biggest superstars around. [S] |1393121700|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137565607|Stereo|Shows;Other Shows|2
  924. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.538 GetEntries Reply 14/70: 127668925|Teleshopping (R)|21|1393124400|1393135200|Shop for the latest goods from home. (repeat)|Shop for the latest goods from home. (repeat)|977184000|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137565607|Stereo|Interests;Shopping|1
  925. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.538 GetEntries Reply 15/70: 127668926|Teleshopping (R)|21|1393135200|1393146000|Shop for the latest goods from home. (repeat)|Shop for the latest goods from home. (repeat)|977184000|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137565607|Stereo|Interests;Shopping|1
  926. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.538 GetEntries Reply 16/70: 127668927|SpongeBob SquarePants|21|1393146000|1393147800|Cartoon about an accident-prone sea sponge and his friends Patrick Starfish, Squidward and others. [S] |Cartoon about an accident-prone sea sponge and his friends Patrick Starfish, Squidward and others. [S] |1393146000|Unknown|0|0|0|80|0|||137565607|Stereo|Kids;Other Kids|34
  927. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.538 GetEntries Reply 17/70: 127668928|SpongeBob SquarePants|21|1393147800|1393149600|Cartoon about an accident-prone sea sponge and his friends Patrick Starfish, Squidward and others. [S] |Cartoon about an accident-prone sea sponge and his friends Patrick Starfish, Squidward and others. [S] |1393147800|Unknown|0|0|0|80|0|||137565607|Stereo|Kids;Other Kids|34
  928. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.538 GetEntries Reply 18/70: 127668929|The Penguins of Madagascar|21|1393149600|1393151400|Animation featuring the penguins from the Madagascar film series, who return to Central Park Zoo to undertake secret missions. [S] |Animation featuring the penguins from the Madagascar film series, who return to Central Park Zoo to undertake secret missions. [S] |1393149600|Unknown|0|0|0|80|0|||137565607|Stereo|Kids;Other Kids|34
  929. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.538 GetEntries Reply 19/70: 127668930|The Penguins of Madagascar|21|1393151400|1393153200|Animation featuring the penguins from the Madagascar film series, who return to Central Park Zoo to undertake secret missions. [S] |Animation featuring the penguins from the Madagascar film series, who return to Central Park Zoo to undertake secret missions. [S] |1393151400|Unknown|0|0|0|80|0|||137565607|Stereo|Kids;Other Kids|34
  930. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.538 GetEntries Reply 20/70: 146146703|Justin Bieber ft Chance the Rapper: Brand New Video (R)|21|1393153200|1393153500|Justin Bieber hooks up with hot new talent Chance the Rapper in his new video for Confident. (repeat)|Justin Bieber hooks up with hot new talent Chance the Rapper in his new video for Confident. (repeat)|1391817600|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137565607|Stereo|Music & Arts;Pop and Rock|3
  931. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.538 GetEntries Reply 21/70: 127668931|VIVA The Hits!|21|1393153500|1393155000|An eclectic mix of the biggest hits from your favourite artists, all in one place. Presenting future smashes, pop classics and the biggest superstars around. [S] |An eclectic mix of the biggest hits from your favourite artists, all in one place. Presenting future smashes, pop classics and the biggest superstars around. [S] |1393153500|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137565607|Stereo|Shows;Other Shows|2
  932. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.538 GetEntries Reply 22/70: 127668932|My Wife and Kids (R)|21|1393155000|1393156800|Comedy about a house-husband with a high-flying wife. Michael gives the children a free reign on their kindergarten production of Romeo and Juliet. (repeat)|Comedy about a house-husband with a high-flying stockbroker wife. Michael gives the children a free reign on their kindergarten production of Romeo and Juliet when an over ambitious Jay steps down as director. (repeat)|1052179200|Unknown|0|0|0|16|4||Crouching Mother Hidden Father|137565607|Stereo|Shows;Sitcoms|3
  933. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.538 GetEntries Reply 23/70: 127668933|My Wife and Kids (R)|21|1393156800|1393158300|Sitcom about a house-husband with a high-flying stockbroker wife. Michael and Janet resort to desperate measures to stop the children fighting. (repeat)|Sitcom about a house-husband with a high-flying stockbroker wife. Michael and Janet resort to desperate measures to stop the children fighting. (repeat)|1052352000|Unknown|0|0|0|16|4||Fighting Kyles|137565607|Stereo|Shows;Sitcoms|3
  934. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.538 GetEntries Reply 24/70: 127668934|My Wife and Kids (R)|21|1393158300|1393160100|Sitcom about a house-husband with a high-flying stockbroker wife and three kids. Jay freaks out when Michael's irritating sister announces that she is coming to stay. (repeat)|Sitcom about a house-husband with a high-flying stockbroker wife and three kids. Jay freaks out when Michael's irritating sister announces that she is coming to stay for the weekend. (repeat)|1052784000|Unknown|0|0|0|16|4||Sister Story|137565607|Stereo|Shows;Sitcoms|3
  935. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.538 GetEntries Reply 25/70: 127668935|My Wife and Kids (R)|21|1393160100|1393161600|Role-reversal sitcom about a house-husband with a high-flying stockbroker wife and three kids. Michael decides to help Junior polish his chat up technique. (repeat)|Role-reversal sitcom about a house-husband with a high-flying stockbroker wife and three kids. Michael decides to help Junior polish his chat up technique when he notices that his son is absolutely clueless around women. (repeat)|1052956800|Unknown|0|0|0|16|4||Jr's Dating Dilemma|137565607|Stereo|Shows;Sitcoms|3
  936. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.538 GetEntries Reply 26/70: 127668936|My Wife and Kids (R)|21|1393161600|1393163400|Sitcom about a house-husband with a high-flying stockbroker wife and three kids. Jay takes up painting, but Michael is less than flattered by her portrait of him. (repeat)|Role-reversal sitcom about a house-husband with a high-flying stockbroker wife and three kids. Jay takes up painting, but Michael is less than flattered by her portrait of him. (repeat)|1053388800|Unknown|0|0|0|16|4||Jay the Artist|137565607|Stereo|Shows;Sitcoms|3
  937. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.538 GetEntries Reply 27/70: 127668937|My Wife and Kids (R)|21|1393163400|1393165200|Role-reversal sitcom about a house-husband with a high-flying stockbroker wife and three kids. An old friend of Michael's pays a visit. (repeat)|Role-reversal sitcom about a house-husband with a high-flying stockbroker wife and three kids. An old friend of Michael's pays a visit. Claire is grounded for shoplifting. (repeat)|1053561600|Unknown|0|0|0|16|4||Chairman of the Board|137565607|Stereo|Shows;Sitcoms|3
  938. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.538 GetEntries Reply 28/70: 127668938|My Wife and Kids (R)|21|1393165200|1393167000|Comedy about a house-husband with a high-flying wife. Jay decides to attend a seminar for struggling couples. (repeat)|Comedy about a house-husband with a high-flying stockbroker wife. Jay decides to attend a seminar for struggling couples. Michael tries to teach the children the value of money. (repeat)|1053993600|Unknown|0|0|0|16|4||Open Your Heart|137565607|Stereo|Shows;Sitcoms|3
  939. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.538 GetEntries Reply 29/70: 127668939|My Wife and Kids (R)|21|1393167000|1393168500|Comedy about a house-husband with a high-flying wife. Michael camps out with Kady and her friends. Clare and Tony plan to sneak out to a rave. (repeat)|Comedy about a house-husband with a high-flying wife. Michael camps out with Kady and her friends. Clare and Tony plan to sneak out to a rave. (repeat)|1054166400|Unknown|0|0|0|16|4||Michael's Tribe|137565607|Stereo|Shows;Sitcoms|3
  940. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.539 GetEntries Reply 30/70: 127668940|My Wife and Kids (R)|21|1393168500|1393170300|Family role-reversal sitcom. Michael, wanting some time alone in the house, makes a deal with Jay to guarantee some quiet moments. However, a power cut ruins his plans. (repeat)|Family role-reversal sitcom. Michael, wanting some time alone in the house, makes a deal with Jay to guarantee some quiet moments. However, a power cut ruins his plans. (repeat)|1054598400|Unknown|0|0|0|16|4||Blackout|137565607|Stereo|Shows;Sitcoms|3
  941. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.539 GetEntries Reply 31/70: 127668941|My Wife and Kids (R)|21|1393170300|1393172100|Cool comedy in which a father looks after the kids when his wife takes a job as a stockbroker. Michael is up for a business award, and assumes he'll win. (repeat)|Cool comedy about a family in which a father who used to enjoy relaxing at home gets thrown into the deep end when his wife takes a job as a high-flying stockbroker. Michael is nominated for a business award, and assumes he is going to win. (repeat)|1054771200|Unknown|0|0|0|16|4||Man of the Year|137565607|Stereo|Shows;Sitcoms|3
  942. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.539 GetEntries Reply 32/70: 127668942|16 and Pregnant (R)|21|1393172100|1393175400|Reality series following prospective teenage parents. California girl Sabrina moves to Franklin, Tennessee to be near her mother when she falls pregnant. (repeat)|Reality series following prospective teenage parents. California girl Sabrina moves to Franklin, Tennessee to be near her mother when she falls pregnant. Will boyfriend Iman follow? (repeat)|1348617600|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137565607|Stereo|Documentary;Reality TV|3
  943. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.539 GetEntries Reply 33/70: 127668943|16 and Pregnant (R)|21|1393175400|1393178700|Reality series following prospective teenage parents. High-school senior Devon, from Virginia, is following in her sister's teen-mom footsteps. (repeat)|Reality series following prospective teenage parents. High-school senior Devon, from Virginia, is following in her sister's teen-mom footsteps. (repeat)|1349222400|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137565607|Stereo|Documentary;Reality TV|3
  944. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.539 GetEntries Reply 34/70: 127668944|16 and Pregnant (R)|21|1393178700|1393182600|Reality series. Tragedy strikes on a family outing early in Kristina's pregnancy, when her boyfriend is killed in a drowning accident. (repeat)|Reality series following prospective teenage parents. High-school senior Kristina, from Texas, is pregnant by her boyfriend John 'Todd' Hight Jr. Tragedy strikes on a family outing early in Kristina's pregnancy, when Hight is killed in a drowning accident. She must deal with her grief as well as the complications of an early labour. (repeat)|1349827200|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137565607|Stereo|Documentary;Reality TV|3
  945. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.539 GetEntries Reply 35/70: 127668945|16 and Pregnant (R)|21|1393182600|1393187400|A catch-up with the girls from the reality series following prospective teenage parents. (repeat)|A catch-up with the girls from the reality series following prospective teenage parents. (repeat)|1351123200|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137565607|Stereo|Documentary;Reality TV|3
  946. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.539 GetEntries Reply 36/70: 127668946|16 and Pregnant (R)|21|1393187400|1393192800|The cast from season four of the reality series following prospective teenage parents meet up to share their heartbreaks, challenges and triumphs with Dr Drew. (repeat)|The cast from season four of the reality series following prospective teenage parents meet up to share their heartbreaks, challenges and triumphs with Dr Drew. (repeat)|1350518400|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137565607|Stereo|Documentary;Reality TV|3
  947. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.539 GetEntries Reply 37/70: 127668947|Missing in Action (R)|21|1393192800|1393200900|Military drama in which a former US marine and prisoner of war attempts to find a POW camp and liberate the detainees to prove that soldiers are still being held captive. (repeat)|Military drama in which a former US marine, held captive in Vietnam for nearly ten years after the war ended, attempts to find a POW camp and liberate the prisoners to prove that soldiers are still incarcerated. (repeat)|1198627200|Unknown|1|0|0|15|178||Episode 1|137565607|Stereo|Film;War|9
  948. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.539 GetEntries Reply 38/70: 129073843|Missing in Action 2: The Beginning (R)|21|1393200900|1393207800|Patriotic action prequel. The story of the heroic colonel's escape from a POW camp and his attempts to lead fellow GIs back to the USA. (repeat)|Patriotic action prequel in which the heroic colonel escapes from a POW camp, where he has been held captive by brutal and sadistic Vietnamese officers. He frees his fellow GIs and attempts to lead them through the jungle back to the USA. (repeat)|1064534400|Unknown|2|0|0|15|178|||137565607|Stereo|Film;War|9
  949. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.539 GetEntries Reply 39/70: 129073844|VIVA The Hits!|21|1393207800|1393210800|An eclectic mix of the biggest hits from your favourite artists, all in one place. Presenting future smashes, pop classics and the biggest superstars around. [S] |An eclectic mix of the biggest hits from your favourite artists, all in one place. Presenting future smashes, pop classics and the biggest superstars around. [S] |1393207800|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137565607|Stereo|Shows;Other Shows|2
  950. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.539 GetEntries Reply 40/70: 129073845|Teleshopping|21|1393210800|1393221600|Teleshopping. |Teleshopping. |1393210800|Unknown|0|0|0|112|4|||137565607|Stereo|Interests;Other Interests|2
  951. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.539 GetEntries Reply 41/70: 129073846|Teleshopping|21|1393221600|1393232400|Teleshopping. |Teleshopping. |1393221600|Unknown|0|0|0|112|4|||137565607|Stereo|Interests;Other Interests|2
  952. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.539 GetEntries Reply 42/70: 129073847|Lady Gaga: From the Beginning (R)|21|1393232400|1393236000|We're going gaga for Gaga so get ready for back-to-back vids from the meat-dress wearing lady herself as we look back at her career so far! (repeat)|We're going gaga for Gaga so get ready for back-to-back vids from the meat-dress wearing lady herself as we look back at her career so far! (repeat)|1306108800|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178||Britney|137565607|Stereo|Music & Arts;Pop and Rock|3
  953. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.539 GetEntries Reply 43/70: 129073848|This Week's Super Hot 10 (R)|21|1393236000|1393239600|Ten of the week's hottest tracks played back-to-back! (repeat)|Ten of the week's hottest tracks played back-to-back! (repeat)|1359072000|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137565607|Stereo|Music & Arts;Pop and Rock|1
  954. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.539 GetEntries Reply 44/70: 129073849|Rudimental vs Disclosure (R)|21|1393239600|1393241400|Rudimental and Disclosure compete with one another with their best dance tracks. (repeat)|Rudimental and Disclosure compete with one another with their best dance tracks. (repeat)|1371427200|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137565607|Stereo|Music & Arts;Dance Music|1
  955. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.539 GetEntries Reply 45/70: 129073850|The Official UK Top 40|21|1393241400|1393254000|A countdown of the 40 best-selling singles in the UK this week, as calculated by the Official Charts Company. |A countdown of the 40 best-selling singles in the UK this week, as calculated by the Official Charts Company. |1393241400|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137565607|Stereo|Shows;Other Shows|2
  956. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.539 GetEntries Reply 46/70: 129073851|SpongeBob SquarePants|21|1393254000|1393255800|Cartoon about an accident-prone sea sponge and his friends Patrick Starfish, Squidward and others. [S] |Cartoon about an accident-prone sea sponge and his friends Patrick Starfish, Squidward and others. [S] |1393254000|Unknown|0|0|0|80|0|||137565607|Stereo|Kids;Other Kids|34
  957. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.539 GetEntries Reply 47/70: 129073852|SpongeBob SquarePants|21|1393255800|1393257600|Cartoon about an accident-prone sea sponge and his friends Patrick Starfish, Squidward and others. [S] |Cartoon about an accident-prone sea sponge and his friends Patrick Starfish, Squidward and others. [S] |1393255800|Unknown|0|0|0|80|0|||137565607|Stereo|Kids;Other Kids|34
  958. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.539 GetEntries Reply 48/70: 129073853|The Penguins of Madagascar|21|1393257600|1393259400|Animation featuring the penguins from the Madagascar film series, who return to Central Park Zoo to undertake secret missions. [S] |Animation featuring the penguins from the Madagascar film series, who return to Central Park Zoo to undertake secret missions. [S] |1393257600|Unknown|0|0|0|80|0|||137565607|Stereo|Kids;Other Kids|34
  959. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.539 GetEntries Reply 49/70: 129073854|The Penguins of Madagascar|21|1393259400|1393261200|Animation featuring the penguins from the Madagascar film series, who return to Central Park Zoo to undertake secret missions. [S] |Animation featuring the penguins from the Madagascar film series, who return to Central Park Zoo to undertake secret missions. [S] |1393259400|Unknown|0|0|0|80|0|||137565607|Stereo|Kids;Other Kids|34
  960. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.540 GetEntries Reply 50/70: 129073855|My Wife and Kids (R)|21|1393261200|1393263000|Family comedy series. Michael is impressed with Jr's new girlfriend, Vanessa, but there is something about her that rubs Jay the wrong way. (repeat)|Family role-reversal comedy series. Michael is impressed with Jr's new girlfriend, Vanessa, but there is something about her that rubs Jay the wrong way. (repeat)|1055203200|Unknown|0|0|0|16|4||Jr's Risky Business - Pt 1|137565607|Stereo|Shows;Sitcoms|3
  961. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.540 GetEntries Reply 51/70: 129073856|My Wife and Kids (R)|21|1393263000|1393264800|Family comedy series. Michael and Jay throw Jr out of the house when they find him in bed with his girlfriend, and he ends up living in a tent. (repeat)|Family role-reversal comedy series. Michael and Jay throw Jr out of the house when they find him in bed with his girlfriend, and he ends up living in a tent in the garden. (repeat)|1055376000|Unknown|0|0|0|16|4||Jr's Risky Business - Pt 2|137565607|Stereo|Shows;Sitcoms|3
  962. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.540 GetEntries Reply 52/70: 129073857|The Fresh Prince of Bel Air (R)|21|1393264800|1393266600|American sitcom about a streetwise kid. Granny Banks arrives for a well-earned holiday, but her son disapproves when she starts enjoying herself too much. (repeat)|American sitcom about a streetwise kid from a Philadelphia ghetto who now lives in the wealthiest community in California. Granny Banks arrives for a well-earned holiday, but her son disapproves when she starts enjoying herself too much. (repeat)|1063238400|Unknown|0|0|0|16|4||Granny Gets Busy|137565607|Stereo|Shows;Sitcoms|3
  963. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.540 GetEntries Reply 53/70: 129073858|The Fresh Prince of Bel Air (R)|21|1393266600|1393268400|US sitcom about a streetwise kid living with wealthy relatives. Aunt Janice's wedding day arrives, and everyone is shocked when they meet her fiance. (repeat)|American sitcom about a streetwise kid from a Philadelphia ghetto who now lives in the wealthiest community in California. When the day of Aunt Janice's wedding arrives, everyone is in for a shock when they meet her fiance. (repeat)|1066089600|Unknown|0|0|0|16|4||Guess Who's Coming to Marry|137565607|Stereo|Shows;Sitcoms|3
  964. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.540 GetEntries Reply 54/70: 129073859|Scrubs (R)|21|1393268400|1393270200|Comedy following the trials and tribulations of young doctors in an American hospital. Carla worries her daughter won't have a sense of her Latin heritage. (repeat)|Comedy following the trials and tribulations of young doctors in an American hospital. Carla worries her daughter won't have a sense of her Latin heritage. The Janitor challenges JD to name everyone in the hospital. (repeat)|1206576000|Unknown|0|0|0|16|4| Vista International Television.jpg|My Identity Crisis|137565607|Stereo|Shows;Sitcoms|3
  965. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.540 GetEntries Reply 55/70: 129073860|Scrubs (R)|21|1393270200|1393272000|Comedy following the trials and tribulations of young doctors in an American hospital. Dr Kelso celebrates his birthday. JD and Turk recall their first prank. (repeat)|Comedy following the trials and tribulations of young doctors in an American hospital. Dr Kelso celebrates his birthday. JD and Turk recall their first prank. (repeat)|1207180800|Unknown|0|0|0|16|4| Vista International Television.jpg|My Growing Pains|137565607|Stereo|Shows;Sitcoms|3
  966. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.540 GetEntries Reply 56/70: 129073861|Young and Married (R)|21|1393272000|1393275600|Reality series looking at the lives of young newlyweds. Ben and Kirsten from Atlanta got married in secret, without any of their family or friends. (repeat)|Reality series looking at the lives of young newlyweds. Ben and Kirsten from Atlanta got married in secret, without any of their family or friends. (repeat)|1362873600|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137565607|Stereo|Documentary;Reality TV|3
  967. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.540 GetEntries Reply 57/70: 129073862|Scrubs (R)|21|1393275600|1393277400|Hospital sitcom. Elliot's boast about the benefits of private practice falls on deaf ears. JD is delighted to be ranked number one doctor on a website. (repeat)|Comedy following the trials and tribulations of young doctors in an American hospital. Elliot's boast about the benefits of private practice falls on deaf ears. JD is delighted to be ranked number one doctor on a website. (repeat)|1207785600|Unknown|0|0|0|16|4| Vista International Television.jpg|My Number One Doctor|137565607|Stereo|Shows;Sitcoms|3
  968. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.540 GetEntries Reply 58/70: 129073863|Scrubs (R)|21|1393277400|1393279200|Hospital sitcom. Turk takes Spanish lessons so that he can surprise Carla on their anniversary. (repeat)|Comedy following the trials and tribulations of young doctors in an American hospital. Turk takes Spanish lessons so that he can surprise Carla on their anniversary. (repeat)|1208390400|Unknown|0|0|0|16|4| Vista International Television.jpg|My Bad Too|137565607|Stereo|Shows;Sitcoms|3
  969. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.540 GetEntries Reply 59/70: 129073864|Two Pints of Lager and a Packet of Crisps (R)|21|1393279200|1393281600|Sitcom about five twentysomething friends. Jonny gets a job and a sexy offer he can't refuse. Gaz and Donna are up all night for the wrong reasons. (repeat)|Sitcom about five twentysomething friends. Jonny gets a job and a sexy offer he can't refuse. Gaz and Donna are up all night for the wrong reasons. David shows Louise a new way to cope with growing old. (repeat)|1061164800|Unknown|0|0|0|16|4||Mokky Bocka|137565607|Stereo|Shows;Sitcoms|3
  970. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.540 GetEntries Reply 60/70: 129073865|Two Pints of Lager and a Packet of Crisps (R)|21|1393281600|1393283700|Sitcom about five twentysomething friends. Janet tries to get passionate with Jonny. Gaz sends Donna out for a night on the town so he can get passionate with himself. (repeat)|Sitcom about five twentysomething friends. Janet tries to get passionate with Jonny. Gaz sends Donna out for a night on the town so he can get passionate with himself. Louise has trouble when her new boyfriend comes over all sexy. (repeat)|1188086400|Unknown|0|0|0|16|4||Jammy Dodgers|137565607|Stereo|Shows;Sitcoms|3
  971. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.540 GetEntries Reply 61/70: 129073866|Scandalicious: 20 Extreme Celebrity Feuds|21|1393283700|1393287300|A countdown of the 20 best celebrity slugfests and A-list brawls.|A countdown of the 20 best celebrity slugfests and A-list brawls.|1393200000|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137565607|Stereo|Shows;Other|2
  972. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.540 GetEntries Reply 62/70: 130482020|Two Pints of Lager and a Packet of Crisps (R)|21|1393287300|1393289700|Sitcom about five twentysomething friends. Jonny gets a job and a sexy offer he can't refuse. Gaz and Donna are up all night for the wrong reasons. (repeat)|Sitcom about five twentysomething friends. Jonny gets a job and a sexy offer he can't refuse. Gaz and Donna are up all night for the wrong reasons. David shows Louise a new way to cope with growing old. (repeat)|1061164800|Unknown|0|0|0|16|4||Mokky Bocka|137565607|Stereo|Shows;Sitcoms|3
  973. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.540 GetEntries Reply 63/70: 130482021|Two Pints of Lager and a Packet of Crisps (R)|21|1393289700|1393291800|Sitcom about five twentysomething friends. Janet tries to get passionate with Jonny. Gaz sends Donna out for a night on the town so he can get passionate with himself. (repeat)|Sitcom about five twentysomething friends. Janet tries to get passionate with Jonny. Gaz sends Donna out for a night on the town so he can get passionate with himself. Louise has trouble when her new boyfriend comes over all sexy. (repeat)|1188086400|Unknown|0|0|0|16|4||Jammy Dodgers|137565607|Stereo|Shows;Sitcoms|3
  974. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.540 GetEntries Reply 64/70: 130482022|VIVA The Hits!|21|1393291800|1393297200|An eclectic mix of the biggest hits from your favourite artists, all in one place. Presenting future smashes, pop classics and the biggest superstars around. [S] |An eclectic mix of the biggest hits from your favourite artists, all in one place. Presenting future smashes, pop classics and the biggest superstars around. [S] |1393291800|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137565607|Stereo|Shows;Other Shows|2
  975. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.540 GetEntries Reply 65/70: 130482023|Teleshopping|21|1393297200|1393308000|Teleshopping. |Teleshopping. |1393297200|Unknown|0|0|0|112|4|||137565607|Stereo|Interests;Other Interests|2
  976. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.540 GetEntries Reply 66/70: 130482024|Teleshopping|21|1393308000|1393318800|Teleshopping. |Teleshopping. |1393308000|Unknown|0|0|0|112|4|||137565607|Stereo|Interests;Other Interests|2
  977. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.540 GetEntries Reply 67/70: 130482025|The Official UK Top 40|21|1393318800|1393331400|A countdown of the 40 best-selling singles in the UK this week, as calculated by the Official Charts Company. |A countdown of the 40 best-selling singles in the UK this week, as calculated by the Official Charts Company. |1393318800|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137565607|Stereo|Shows;Other Shows|2
  978. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.540 GetEntries Reply 68/70: 130482026|Pink vs Kesha (R)|21|1393331400|1393333200|Pink and Ke$ha go head to head in the ultimate video showdown. (repeat)|Pink and Ke$ha go head to head in the ultimate video showdown. (repeat)|1373846400|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137565607|Stereo|Music & Arts;Pop and Rock|1
  979. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.540 GetEntries Reply 69/70: 130482027|This Week's VIVA Top 20 (R)|21|1393333200|1393340400|Playing 20 of the biggest and most played tracks on VIVA this week. (repeat)|Playing 20 of the biggest and most played tracks on VIVA this week. (repeat)|1296604800|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137565607|Stereo|Music & Arts;Pop and Rock|1
  980. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.540 GetEntries Reply 70/70: <EOF>
  981. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.540 Finished request GetEntries in 0.04s
  982. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.594 Received client request: MEDIA-PC|GetEntries|137565621|1393072452|1393335252
  983. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.618 GetEntries Reply 01/63: 144717064|The Tablet Computer Show (R)|22|1393070400|1393074000|Join the tablet revolution with Ideal World as we bring you the latest in mobile computing at affordable prices. (repeat)|Join the tablet revolution with Ideal World as we bring you the latest in mobile computing at affordable prices. (repeat)|1336521600|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137565621|Stereo|Interests;Shopping|1
  984. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.618 GetEntries Reply 02/63: 139039081|Drill Bits Half Price (R)|22|1393074000|1393077600|A fantastic opportunity to get some of your favourite products in our half price event! (repeat)|A fantastic opportunity to get some of your favourite products in our half price event! (repeat)|1367625600|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137565621|Stereo|Interests;Shopping|1
  985. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.618 GetEntries Reply 03/63: 139039082|Karcher Half Price Blockbuster (R)|22|1393077600|1393081200|The BlockBuster is the chance to get this product at the best offer ever, while stocks last. (repeat)|The BlockBuster is the chance to get this product at the best offer ever, while stocks last. (repeat)|1392422400|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137565621|Stereo|Interests;Shopping|1
  986. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.618 GetEntries Reply 04/63: 139039496|Thomas Sanderson Blinds & Shutters|22|1393081200|1393084800|Join the UK's conservatory blinds, window shutters and window blinds specialists for an hour dedicated to styling your home. |Join the UK's conservatory blinds, window shutters and window blinds specialists for an hour dedicated to styling your home. |1393081200|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137565621|Stereo||2
  987. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.618 GetEntries Reply 05/63: 139039497|Drill Bits Half Price (R)|22|1393084800|1393088400|A fantastic opportunity to get some of your favourite products in our half price event! (repeat)|A fantastic opportunity to get some of your favourite products in our half price event! (repeat)|1367625600|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137565621|Stereo|Interests;Shopping|1
  988. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.618 GetEntries Reply 06/63: 144717065|Bissell Half Price Special|22|1393088400|1393092000|A fantastic opportunity to get some of your favourite products in our half price special.|A fantastic opportunity to get some of your favourite products in our half price special.|1393027200|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137565621|Stereo|Interests;Shopping|0
  989. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.618 GetEntries Reply 07/63: 146146301|NutriBullet BlockBuster|22|1393092000|1393095600|The BlockBuster is the chance to get this product at the best offer - ever, while stocks last |The BlockBuster is the chance to get this product at the best offer - ever, while stocks last |1393092000|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137565621|Stereo||2
  990. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.618 GetEntries Reply 08/63: 126259053|Last Chance (R)|22|1393095600|1393099200|Your last chance to get our special product of the day - the Ideal World Pick of the Day. (repeat)|Your last chance to get our special product of the day - the Ideal World Pick of the Day. (repeat)|1099094400|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137565621|Stereo|Interests;Shopping|1
  991. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.618 GetEntries Reply 09/63: 144717455|Xhose Blockbuster|22|1393099200|1393102800|The Blockbuster is the chance to get this product at the best offer ever, while stocks last.|The Blockbuster is the chance to get this product at the best offer ever, while stocks last.|1393027200|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137565621|Stereo|Interests;Consumer|0
  992. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.618 GetEntries Reply 10/63: 126259055|Pick of the Day (R)|22|1393102800|1393106400|A chance for you to get our special product of the day - the Ideal World Pick of the Day. (repeat)|A chance for you to get our special product of the day - the Ideal World Pick of the Day. (repeat)|1091664000|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137565621|Stereo|Interests;Shopping|1
  993. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.618 GetEntries Reply 11/63: 139039501|Mowerland Multitool Half Price|22|1393106400|1393110000|A chance for you to get the this product at half price.|A chance for you to get the this product at half price.|1393027200|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137565621|Stereo|Interests;Consumer|0
  994. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.618 GetEntries Reply 12/63: 126259057|Pick of the Day (R)|22|1393110000|1393113600|A chance for you to get our special product of the day - the Ideal World Pick of the Day. (repeat)|A chance for you to get our special product of the day - the Ideal World Pick of the Day. (repeat)|1091664000|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137565621|Stereo|Interests;Shopping|1
  995. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.618 GetEntries Reply 13/63: 139040009|Back at 5am|22|1393113600|1393131600|Programmes start again at 5am |Programmes start again at 5am |1393113600|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137565621|Stereo||2
  996. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.618 GetEntries Reply 14/63: 127664841|Early Morning Shopping (R)|22|1393131600|1393135200|A selection of our best shows for the early morning shopper. (repeat)|A selection of our best shows for the early morning shopper. (repeat)|1083974400|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137565621|Stereo|Interests;Consumer|1
  997. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.618 GetEntries Reply 15/63: 127664842|Early Morning Shopping (R)|22|1393135200|1393138800|A selection of our best shows for the early morning shopper. (repeat)|A selection of our best shows for the early morning shopper. (repeat)|1083974400|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137565621|Stereo|Interests;Consumer|1
  998. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.618 GetEntries Reply 16/63: 127664843|Early Morning Shopping (R)|22|1393138800|1393142400|A selection of our best shows for the early morning shopper. (repeat)|A selection of our best shows for the early morning shopper. (repeat)|1083974400|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137565621|Stereo|Interests;Consumer|1
  999. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.618 GetEntries Reply 17/63: 139040010|Kenwood Pick of the Day (R)|22|1393142400|1393146000|A chance for you to get our special product of the day - the Ideal World Pick of the Day. (repeat)|A chance for you to get our special product of the day - the Ideal World Pick of the Day. (repeat)|1348876800|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137565621|Stereo|Interests;Shopping|1
  1000. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.619 GetEntries Reply 18/63: 139040011|DIY with CEL (R)|22|1393146000|1393149600|A revolutionary range of power tools to help you around the home with those awkward jobs. (repeat)|A revolutionary range of power tools to help you around the home with those awkward jobs. (repeat)|1268438400|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137565621|Stereo|Interests;Shopping|1
  1001. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.619 GetEntries Reply 19/63: 139040012|Kenwood Pick of the Day (R)|22|1393149600|1393153200|A chance for you to get our special product of the day - the Ideal World Pick of the Day. (repeat)|A chance for you to get our special product of the day - the Ideal World Pick of the Day. (repeat)|1348876800|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137565621|Stereo|Interests;Shopping|1
  1002. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.619 GetEntries Reply 20/63: 139040013|Gardening with Thompson & Morgan|22|1393153200|1393156800| in association with Thompson & Morgan bring you an award winning selection of shrubs, fruit trees, flowers and hardware from the UK's leading gardening brands. | in association with Thompson & Morgan bring you an award winning selection of shrubs, fruit trees, flowers and hardware from the UK's leading gardening brands. |1393153200|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137565621|Stereo||2
  1003. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.619 GetEntries Reply 21/63: 139041008|Gardening with Thompson & Morgan|22|1393156800|1393160400| in association with Thompson & Morgan bring you an award winning selection of shrubs, fruit trees, flowers and hardware from the UK's leading gardening brands. | in association with Thompson & Morgan bring you an award winning selection of shrubs, fruit trees, flowers and hardware from the UK's leading gardening brands. |1393156800|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137565621|Stereo||2
  1004. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.619 GetEntries Reply 22/63: 139041009|Kenwood Pick of the Day (R)|22|1393160400|1393164000|A chance for you to get our special product of the day - the Ideal World Pick of the Day. (repeat)|A chance for you to get our special product of the day - the Ideal World Pick of the Day. (repeat)|1348876800|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137565621|Stereo|Interests;Shopping|1
  1005. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.619 GetEntries Reply 23/63: 139041010|Mowerland Multitool Half Price|22|1393164000|1393167600|A chance for you to get the this product at half price.|A chance for you to get the this product at half price.|1393027200|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137565621|Stereo|Interests;Consumer|0
  1006. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.619 GetEntries Reply 24/63: 143290943|Karcher Half Price Blockbuster (R)|22|1393167600|1393171200|The BlockBuster is the chance to get this product at the best offer ever, while stocks last. (repeat)|The BlockBuster is the chance to get this product at the best offer ever, while stocks last. (repeat)|1392422400|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137565621|Stereo|Interests;Shopping|1
  1007. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.619 GetEntries Reply 25/63: 139041012|Kenwood Pick of the Day (R)|22|1393171200|1393174800|A chance for you to get our special product of the day - the Ideal World Pick of the Day. (repeat)|A chance for you to get our special product of the day - the Ideal World Pick of the Day. (repeat)|1348876800|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137565621|Stereo|Interests;Shopping|1
  1008. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.619 GetEntries Reply 26/63: 127664853|Amazing Cruise Holiday Show (R)|22|1393174800|1393178400|Tune in for one of our most popular shows and discover why cruising is the fastest holiday choice. See the ships, destinations, on board experience, and some great offers. (repeat)|Tune in for one of our most popular shows and discover why cruising is the fastest holiday choice. See the ships, destinations, on board experience, and some great offers. (repeat)|1200700800|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137565621|Stereo|Interests;Shopping|1
  1009. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.619 GetEntries Reply 27/63: 139041013|Nutribullet Blockbuster (R)|22|1393178400|1393182000|The BlockBuster is the chance to get this product at the best price. (repeat)|The BlockBuster is the chance to get this product at the best price. (repeat)|1392508800|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137565621|Stereo|Interests;Consumer|1
  1010. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.619 GetEntries Reply 28/63: 139041014|Kenwood Last Chance (R)|22|1393182000|1393185600|The last chance for you to get our special product of the day - the Ideal World Pick of the Day. (repeat)|The last chance for you to get our special product of the day - the Ideal World Pick of the Day. (repeat)|1271376000|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137565621|Stereo|Interests;Consumer|1
  1011. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.619 GetEntries Reply 29/63: 139041015|Karcher Half Price Blockbuster (R)|22|1393185600|1393189200|The BlockBuster is the chance to get this product at the best offer ever, while stocks last. (repeat)|The BlockBuster is the chance to get this product at the best offer ever, while stocks last. (repeat)|1392422400|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137565621|Stereo|Interests;Shopping|1
  1012. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.619 GetEntries Reply 30/63: 127664857|Pick of the Day (R)|22|1393189200|1393192800|A chance for you to get our special product of the day - the Ideal World Pick of the Day. (repeat)|A chance for you to get our special product of the day - the Ideal World Pick of the Day. (repeat)|1091664000|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137565621|Stereo|Interests;Shopping|1
  1013. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.619 GetEntries Reply 31/63: 139041284|Constantin Weisz Watches (R)|22|1393192800|1393196400|A range of mechanical watches with modern, classic designs and fancy features. (repeat)|A range of mechanical watches with modern, classic designs and fancy features. (repeat)|1314144000|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137565621|Stereo|Interests;Shopping|1
  1014. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.619 GetEntries Reply 32/63: 127664859|Pick of the Day (R)|22|1393196400|1393200000|A chance for you to get our special product of the day - the Ideal World Pick of the Day. (repeat)|A chance for you to get our special product of the day - the Ideal World Pick of the Day. (repeat)|1091664000|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137565621|Stereo|Interests;Shopping|1
  1015. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.619 GetEntries Reply 33/63: 140451116|Back at 5am|22|1393200000|1393218000|Programmes start again at 5am |Programmes start again at 5am |1393200000|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137565621|Stereo||2
  1016. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.619 GetEntries Reply 34/63: 129069777|Early Morning Shopping (R)|22|1393218000|1393221600|A selection of our best shows for the early morning shopper. (repeat)|A selection of our best shows for the early morning shopper. (repeat)|1083974400|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137565621|Stereo|Interests;Consumer|1
  1017. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.619 GetEntries Reply 35/63: 129069778|Early Morning Shopping (R)|22|1393221600|1393225200|A selection of our best shows for the early morning shopper. (repeat)|A selection of our best shows for the early morning shopper. (repeat)|1083974400|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137565621|Stereo|Interests;Consumer|1
  1018. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.619 GetEntries Reply 36/63: 129069779|Early Morning Shopping (R)|22|1393225200|1393228800|A selection of our best shows for the early morning shopper. (repeat)|A selection of our best shows for the early morning shopper. (repeat)|1083974400|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137565621|Stereo|Interests;Consumer|1
  1019. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.619 GetEntries Reply 37/63: 129069780|Pick of the Day (R)|22|1393228800|1393232400|A chance for you to get our special product of the day - the Ideal World Pick of the Day. (repeat)|A chance for you to get our special product of the day - the Ideal World Pick of the Day. (repeat)|1091664000|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137565621|Stereo|Interests;Shopping|1
  1020. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.619 GetEntries Reply 38/63: 143291195|Easy Cooking with Ceramic Pans (R)|22|1393232400|1393236000|Join us to see these non-stick ceramic pans. That are suitable for use on electric, gas, halogen and induction cookers. (repeat)|Join us to see these non-stick ceramic pans. That are suitable for use on electric, gas, halogen and induction cookers. (repeat)|1389398400|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137565621|Stereo|Interests;Consumer|1
  1021. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.619 GetEntries Reply 39/63: 129069782|Pick of the Day (R)|22|1393236000|1393239600|A chance for you to get our special product of the day - the Ideal World Pick of the Day. (repeat)|A chance for you to get our special product of the day - the Ideal World Pick of the Day. (repeat)|1091664000|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137565621|Stereo|Interests;Shopping|1
  1022. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.619 GetEntries Reply 40/63: 144716346|Xhose Blockbuster|22|1393239600|1393243200|The Blockbuster is the chance to get this product at the best offer ever, while stocks last.|The Blockbuster is the chance to get this product at the best offer ever, while stocks last.|1393027200|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137565621|Stereo|Interests;Consumer|0
  1023. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.619 GetEntries Reply 41/63: 129069784|Midday Madness (R)|22|1393243200|1393246800|Grab a bargain with Ideal World's midday madness show. (repeat)|Grab a bargain with Ideal World's midday madness show. (repeat)|1365379200|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137565621|Stereo|Interests;Consumer|1
  1024. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.619 GetEntries Reply 42/63: 129069785|Pick of the Day (R)|22|1393246800|1393250400|A chance for you to get our special product of the day - the Ideal World Pick of the Day. (repeat)|A chance for you to get our special product of the day - the Ideal World Pick of the Day. (repeat)|1091664000|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137565621|Stereo|Interests;Shopping|1
  1025. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.619 GetEntries Reply 43/63: 140452106|Elizabeth Grant Skincare (R)|22|1393250400|1393254000|Join us in the health and beauty spa with the Elizabeth Grant skincare range. (repeat)|Join us in the health and beauty spa with the Elizabeth Grant skincare range. (repeat)|1158019200|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137565621|Stereo|Interests;Consumer|1
  1026. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.619 GetEntries Reply 44/63: 144716617|Bissell Lift Off (R)|22|1393254000|1393257600|Clean your carpets and more with Bissells first ever combination compact carpet cleaner and upright carpet cleaner. (repeat)|Clean your carpets and more with Bissells first ever combination compact carpet cleaner and upright carpet cleaner. (repeat)|1378166400|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137565621|Stereo|Interests;Shopping|1
  1027. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.619 GetEntries Reply 45/63: 129069788|Pick of the Day (R)|22|1393257600|1393261200|A chance for you to get our special product of the day - the Ideal World Pick of the Day. (repeat)|A chance for you to get our special product of the day - the Ideal World Pick of the Day. (repeat)|1091664000|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137565621|Stereo|Interests;Shopping|1
  1028. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.619 GetEntries Reply 46/63: 140452107|Fabulous Fashion|22|1393261200|1393264800|A fantastic range of smart & casual fashion brought to you in the comfort of your own home. |A fantastic range of smart & casual fashion brought to you in the comfort of your own home. |1393261200|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137565621|Stereo||2
  1029. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.620 GetEntries Reply 47/63: 129069790|Fabulous Fashion (R)|22|1393264800|1393268400|A fantastic range of smart and casual fashion brought to you in the comfort of your own home. (repeat)|A fantastic range of smart and casual fashion brought to you in the comfort of your own home. (repeat)|1317686400|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137565621|Stereo|Interests;Consumer|1
  1030. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.620 GetEntries Reply 48/63: 129069791|Last Chance (R)|22|1393268400|1393272000|Your last chance to get our special product of the day - the Ideal World Pick of the Day. (repeat)|Your last chance to get our special product of the day - the Ideal World Pick of the Day. (repeat)|1099094400|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137565621|Stereo|Interests;Shopping|1
  1031. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.620 GetEntries Reply 49/63: 129069792|Jewellery Showcase (R)|22|1393272000|1393275600|A range of quality designed jewellery. (repeat)|A range of quality designed jewellery. (repeat)|997660800|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137565621|Stereo|Interests;Shopping|1
  1032. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.620 GetEntries Reply 50/63: 129069793|Pick of the Day (R)|22|1393275600|1393279200|A chance for you to get our special product of the day - the Ideal World Pick of the Day. (repeat)|A chance for you to get our special product of the day - the Ideal World Pick of the Day. (repeat)|1091664000|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137565621|Stereo|Interests;Shopping|1
  1033. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.620 GetEntries Reply 51/63: 140452108|Nutribullet Blockbuster (R)|22|1393279200|1393282800|The BlockBuster is the chance to get this product at the best price. (repeat)|The BlockBuster is the chance to get this product at the best price. (repeat)|1392508800|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137565621|Stereo|Interests;Consumer|1
  1034. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.620 GetEntries Reply 52/63: 129069795|Pick of the Day (R)|22|1393282800|1393286400|A chance for you to get our special product of the day - the Ideal World Pick of the Day. (repeat)|A chance for you to get our special product of the day - the Ideal World Pick of the Day. (repeat)|1091664000|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137565621|Stereo|Interests;Shopping|1
  1035. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.620 GetEntries Reply 53/63: 141867882|Back at 5am|22|1393286400|1393304400|Programmes start again at 5am |Programmes start again at 5am |1393286400|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137565621|Stereo||2
  1036. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.620 GetEntries Reply 54/63: 130477972|Early Morning Shopping (R)|22|1393304400|1393308000|A selection of our best shows for the early morning shopper. (repeat)|A selection of our best shows for the early morning shopper. (repeat)|1083974400|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137565621|Stereo|Interests;Consumer|1
  1037. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.620 GetEntries Reply 55/63: 130477973|Early Morning Shopping (R)|22|1393308000|1393311600|A selection of our best shows for the early morning shopper. (repeat)|A selection of our best shows for the early morning shopper. (repeat)|1083974400|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137565621|Stereo|Interests;Consumer|1
  1038. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.620 GetEntries Reply 56/63: 130477974|Early Morning Shopping (R)|22|1393311600|1393315200|A selection of our best shows for the early morning shopper. (repeat)|A selection of our best shows for the early morning shopper. (repeat)|1083974400|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137565621|Stereo|Interests;Consumer|1
  1039. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.620 GetEntries Reply 57/63: 130477975|Pick of the Day (R)|22|1393315200|1393318800|A chance for you to get our special product of the day - the Ideal World Pick of the Day. (repeat)|A chance for you to get our special product of the day - the Ideal World Pick of the Day. (repeat)|1091664000|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137565621|Stereo|Interests;Shopping|1
  1040. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.620 GetEntries Reply 58/63: 144717460|Fabulous Footwear 20 and under|22|1393318800|1393322400|Grab a bargain with Ideal World's 20 and Under show (Includes VAT, excludes Postage and Packaging). |Grab a bargain with Ideal World's 20 and Under show (Includes VAT, excludes Postage and Packaging). |1393318800|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137565621|Stereo||2
  1041. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.620 GetEntries Reply 59/63: 130477977|Pick of the Day (R)|22|1393322400|1393326000|A chance for you to get our special product of the day - the Ideal World Pick of the Day. (repeat)|A chance for you to get our special product of the day - the Ideal World Pick of the Day. (repeat)|1091664000|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137565621|Stereo|Interests;Shopping|1
  1042. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.620 GetEntries Reply 60/63: 141868550|Dental Hygiene with Philips|22|1393326000|1393329600|A range of oral health and hygiene products brought to you by Philips; a trusted household brand. |A range of oral health and hygiene products brought to you by Philips; a trusted household brand. |1393326000|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137565621|Stereo||2
  1043. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.620 GetEntries Reply 61/63: 144717461|Luxury Bedding Half Price Special|22|1393329600|1393333200|A superb selection of luxury bedding at amazing prices. |A superb selection of luxury bedding at amazing prices. |1393329600|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137565621|Stereo||2
  1044. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.620 GetEntries Reply 62/63: 130477980|Pick of the Day (R)|22|1393333200|1393336800|A chance for you to get our special product of the day - the Ideal World Pick of the Day. (repeat)|A chance for you to get our special product of the day - the Ideal World Pick of the Day. (repeat)|1091664000|Unknown|0|0|0|15|178|||137565621|Stereo|Interests;Shopping|1
  1045. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.620 GetEntries Reply 63/63: <EOF>
  1046. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.620 Finished request GetEntries in 0.03s
  1047. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.688 Received client request: MEDIA-PC|GetTimers
  1048. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.737 GetTimers Reply 01/06: 143286021|137565978|1393405140|1393408860|1|series:Nature's Weirdest Events||3/3. Chris Packham continues his exploration of bizarre happenings in the animal world with bears that have turned criminal and fish that have learned to attack birds on land. [AD,S,SL] |99|True|0|1|1|32|1|143285292|10133099249770475|False|False
  1049. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.737 GetTimers Reply 02/06: 140447143|137566785|1393268340|1393271760|1|series:New: The Gadget Show||Brand new series of the tech review show. In this episode, Ortis, Rachel and Jason reveal why the desktop PC has had its day and Jon pays homage to a piece of retro tech. [S] |99|True|1|1|1|15|178|140446831|10133099255366007|False|False
  1050. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.737 GetTimers Reply 03/06: 143287066|137566785|1393416840|1393420560|1|series:New: The Gadget Show||Brand new series of the tech review show. In this episode, Ortis, Rachel and Jason reveal why the desktop PC has had its day and Jon pays homage to a piece of retro tech. [S] |99|True|2|1|1|15|178|143286120|10133099255366007|False|False
  1051. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.737 GetTimers Reply 04/06: 144711368|137565978|1393491840|1393495560|1|series:Italy Unpacked||3/3. In the Heat of the Day: Andrew Graham-Dixon and Giorgio Locatelli explore the culture and cuisine of Italy. The final stretch of their journey takes them to Campania and Calabria. [AD,S,SL] |99|True|3|1|1|112|4|143293414|10133099264069074|False|False
  1052. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.737 GetTimers Reply 05/06: 146141132|137566785|1393613940|1393617360|1|series:New: The Gadget Show||Brand new series of the tech review show. In this episode, Ortis, Rachel and Jason reveal why the desktop PC has had its day and Jon pays homage to a piece of retro tech. [S] |99|True|4|1|1|15|178|146140446|10133099255366007|False|False
  1053. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.737 GetTimers Reply 06/06: <EOF>
  1054. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.737 Finished request GetTimers in 0.05s
  1055. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.744 Received client request: MEDIA-PC|GetRecordings
  1056. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.764 GetRecordings Reply 01/31: 10977524091716615|Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy (R)|F:\Recorded TV\Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy_Channel 4_2013_09_08_20_59_00.wtv|Movies||Thriller, adapted from the John le Carre novel. During the 1970s, the head of British intelligence is asked to resign as he believes that one of four senior figures within the organisation is a mole. A spy who was forced into retirement after a colleague was shot during a mission in Hungary is asked to expose a double agent within the top of MI6. (repeat)|Channel 4/4|||1378670343|9117|0|UntilUserDeletes|15|178|0|Recorded|137566771|5910974510924805||Mono|1348876800||9
  1057. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.764 GetRecordings Reply 02/31: 10977524091716623|The Mystery of Rome's X Tomb|F:\Recorded TV\The Mystery of Rome's X Tomb_BBC TWO_2013_07_28_21_04_14.wtv|/||Historian Dr Michael Scott and a team of archaeologists unlock the secrets of a mysterious tomb containing over 2,000 bodies unearthed within the catacombs of Rome.|BBC TWO/2|||1375041856|3719|0|UntilEligible|15|178|0|Recorded|137565978|5910974510924813||Mono|1374969600||0
  1058. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.764 GetRecordings Reply 03/31: 10977524091716631|Teen Exorcists|F:\Recorded TV\Teen Exorcists_BBC THREE_2013_09_12_20_59_00.wtv|/||Documentary about three young, all-American girls who enjoy wholesome pursuits such as horse riding, karate and Sherlock Holmes, but also happen to be exorcists. [AD,S] |BBC THREE/7|||1379015944|3788|0|UntilUserDeletes|15|178|0|Recorded|137565985|5910974510924821||Mono|1379016436||0
  1059. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.764 GetRecordings Reply 04/31: 10977524091724477|Horizon|F:\Recorded TV\Horizon_BBC TWO_2013_07_03_20_59_00.wtv|Horizon||Professor Alice Roberts investigates what exactly makes human beings different from the animal kingdom. What is it that truly makes us human?|BBC TWO/2|||1372881542|3785|0|UntilUserDeletes|15|178|0|Recorded|137565978|5910974510932667||Mono|1372809600||2
  1060. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.764 GetRecordings Reply 05/31: 10977524091724482|Italy Unpacked|F:\Recorded TV\Italy Unpacked_BBC TWO_2013_05_23_09_19_00.wtv|Italy Unpacked||3/3. Land of Many Treasures: Andrew Graham-Dixon and Giorgio Locatelli explore Italy. The final leg of their journey takes them to Sacro Monte, a series of gruesome chapels in Varallo. [AD,S,SL] |BBC TWO/2|||1369297143|3795|0|UntilUserDeletes|15|178|0|Recorded|137565978|5910974510932672||Mono|1369297577||2
  1061. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.764 GetRecordings Reply 06/31: 10977524110488130|The Science of Doctor Who|F:\Recorded TV\The Science of Doctor Who_BBC TWO_2013_11_14_20_59_00.wtv|The Science of Doctor Who||For one night only, Professor Brian Cox takes an audience of celebrity guests and members of the public on a journey into the wonderful universe of the Doctor. Also in HD. [S] |BBC TWO/2|||1384462743|3717|2304|UntilUserDeletes|32|1|0|Recorded|137565978|5910974520083902||Stereo|1384462800|News;Other News|130
  1062. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.764 GetRecordings Reply 07/31: 10977524193885048|Sherlock|F:\Recorded TV\Sherlock_BBC ONE Lon_2014_01_12_20_29_00.wtv|Sherlock||3/3. His Last Vow: Contemporary crime drama. Through a case of stolen letters, Sherlock encounters Charles Augustus Magnussen, king of blackmail and the one man he truly hates. Also in HD. [AD,S] |BBC ONE Lon/1|||1389558543|5517|6656|UntilUserDeletes|15|178|0|Recorded|137565971|5910974613090971|10133099247037041|Stereo|1389558600||2
  1063. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.764 GetRecordings Reply 08/31: 10977524091724486|Italy Unpacked|F:\Recorded TV\Italy Unpacked_BBC TWO_2013_05_16_09_04_00.wtv|Italy Unpacked||2/3. Looking to the Future: Andrew Graham-Dixon and Giorgio Locatelli explore the culture and history of Italy. The second leg of their journey takes Giorgio home, to Lombardy. [AD,S,SL] |BBC TWO/2|||1368691442|3717|0|UntilUserDeletes|15|178|0|Recorded|137565978|5910974510932676||Mono|1368691799||2
  1064. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.764 GetRecordings Reply 09/31: 10977524091724490|Italy Unpacked|F:\Recorded TV\Italy Unpacked_BBC TWO_2013_05_09_09_04_00.wtv|Italy Unpacked||1/3. The Art of the Feast: Andrew Graham-Dixon and Giorgio Locatelli explore the culture and history of Italy. They begin in Emilia-Romagna, visiting Bologna, Ferrara, Modena and Parma. [AD,S,SL] |BBC TWO/2|||1368086643|2295|0|UntilUserDeletes|15|178|0|Recorded|137565978|5910974510932680||Mono|1368087021||2
  1065. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.764 GetRecordings Reply 10/31: 10977524091779698|Horizon|F:\Recorded TV\Horizon_BBC TWO_2013_07_10_20_59_00.wtv|Horizon||Series exploring topical scientific issues. Michael Mosley explores the latest theories on how our personalities are created - and whether they can be changed.|BBC TWO/2|||1373486343|3717|0|UntilUserDeletes|15|178|0|Recorded|137565978|5910974510987888||Mono|1373414400||2
  1066. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.764 GetRecordings Reply 11/31: 10977524091779702|Horizon|F:\Recorded TV\Horizon_BBC TWO_2013_08_26_20_59_00.wtv|Horizon||Series exploring topical scientific issues. Horizon meets Dr Mary Schweitzer, who may have found traces of DNA within the fossilised bones of a T-Rex - a discovery that could revolutionise our understanding of these beasts.|BBC TWO/2|||1377547143|3810|0|UntilUserDeletes|15|178|0|Recorded|137565978|5910974510987892||Mono|1377475200||2
  1067. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.764 GetRecordings Reply 12/31: 10977524091779706|Horizon|F:\Recorded TV\Horizon_BBC TWO_2013_08_22_00_19_00.wtv|Horizon||Series exploring topical scientific issues. Exploring the murky and fast-paced world of the hackers out to steal money and identities and wreak havoc with people's online lives, and the scientists who are joining forces to help defeat them. Horizon meets the two men who uncovered the world's first cyber weapon, the pioneers of what is called ultra paranoid computing, and the computer expert who worked out how to hack into cash machines.|BBC TWO/2|||1377127143|3916|0|UntilUserDeletes|15|178|0|Recorded|137565978|5910974510987896||Mono|1376870400||2
  1068. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.765 GetRecordings Reply 13/31: 10977524091779710|Horizon|F:\Recorded TV\Horizon_BBC TWO_2013_08_19_20_59_00.wtv|Horizon||Series exploring topical scientific issues. Exploring the murky and fast-paced world of the hackers out to steal money and identities and wreak havoc with people's online lives, and the scientists who are joining forces to help defeat them. Horizon meets the two men who uncovered the world's first cyber weapon, the pioneers of what is called ultra paranoid computing, and the computer expert who worked out how to hack into cash machines.|BBC TWO/2|||1376942343|3862|0|UntilUserDeletes|15|178|0|Recorded|137565978|5910974510987900||Mono|1376870400||2
  1069. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.765 GetRecordings Reply 14/31: 10977524091779961|Horizon|F:\Recorded TV\Horizon_BBC TWO_2013_07_11_00_19_00.wtv|Horizon||Horizon explores the latest scientific insights into the sense of taste, including the discovery of a way to make food taste sweeter without adding extra sugar.|BBC TWO/2|||1373498343|3872|0|UntilUserDeletes|15|178|0|Recorded|137565978|5910974510988151||Mono|1373500800||2
  1070. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.765 GetRecordings Reply 15/31: 10977524114631496|An Adventure in Space and Time|F:\Recorded TV\An Adventure in Space and Time_BBC TWO_2013_11_21_20_58_00.wtv|An Adventure in Space and Time||Dramatised account of how Doctor Who was brought to the screen in 1963 by a young producer frustrated by TV's glass ceiling and an actor unhappy with a career of hard-man roles. Also in HD. [AD,S] |BBC TWO/2|||1385067483|5755|2560|UntilEligible|15|178|0|Recorded|137565978|5910974531064721||Stereo|1385067701||2
  1071. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.765 GetRecordings Reply 16/31: 10977524091779969|Horizon|F:\Recorded TV\Horizon_BBC TWO_2013_08_13_23_19_00.wtv|Horizon||Horizon explores the boom in health-related apps and gadgets, as well as how technology is helping medical professionals monitor fitness and health in unprecedented ways.|BBC TWO/2|||1376432343|3888|0|UntilUserDeletes|15|178|0|Recorded|137565978|5910974510988159||Mono|1376265600||2
  1072. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.765 GetRecordings Reply 17/31: 10977524091779973|Horizon|F:\Recorded TV\Horizon_BBC TWO_2013_08_12_20_59_00.wtv|Horizon||Horizon explores the boom in health-related apps and gadgets, as well as how technology is helping medical professionals monitor fitness and health in unprecedented ways.|BBC TWO/2|||1376337543|3825|0|UntilUserDeletes|15|178|0|Recorded|137565978|5910974510988163||Mono|1376265600||2
  1073. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.765 GetRecordings Reply 18/31: 10977524091779977|Horizon|F:\Recorded TV\Horizon_BBC TWO_2013_07_18_00_49_00.wtv|Horizon||Series exploring topical scientific issues. Horizon meets the people at the forefront of the data revolution and reveals the possibilities and the promise of the age of big data. In Los Angeles the police are experimenting, trying to predict crime before it even happens. At the heart of the city of London, one trader believes that he has found the secret of making billions with maths and, in South Africa, astronomers are attempting to catalogue the entire cosmos.|BBC TWO/2|||1374104943|3855|0|UntilUserDeletes|15|178|0|Recorded|137565978|5910974510988167||Mono|1374105600||2
  1074. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.765 GetRecordings Reply 19/31: 10977524114631505|JFK'S Secret Killer: The Evidence|F:\Recorded TV\JFK'S Secret Killer- The Evidence_Channel 5_2013_11_16_19_58_00.wtv|JFK'S Secret Killer: The Evidence||Brand new documentary investigating the events during and directly after the assassination of John F Kennedy. Could the true assassin of JFK have gone undetected until now? [S] |Channel 5/5|||1384631883|3953|2816|UntilEligible|32|1|0|Recorded|137566785|5910974522841640||Stereo|1384632159|News;Other News|130
  1075. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.765 GetRecordings Reply 20/31: 10977524194201063|Italy Unpacked|F:\Recorded TV\Italy Unpacked_BBC TWO_2014_01_17_20_59_00.wtv|Italy Unpacked||2/3. A Home Away From Rome: In Lazio, Andrew and Giorgio avoid Rome and discover what lies outside the eternal city. Contains upsetting scenes. Also in HD. [AD,S] |BBC TWO/2|||1389992342|3805|8960|UntilUserDeletes|112|4|0|Recorded|137565978|5910974613091812|10133099264069074|Stereo|1389992432|Interests;Other Interests|2
  1076. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.765 GetRecordings Reply 21/31: 10977524229287864|Nature's Weirdest Events|F:\Recorded TV\Nature's Weirdest Events_BBC TWO_2014_02_20_05_59_00.wtv|Nature's Weirdest Events||2/3. Chris Packham examines some of the world's weirdest natural events, and finds out why whales and dolphins would forge an unlikely friendship and how trees are oozing red 'blood'. [AD,S,SL] |BBC TWO/2|||1392875943|3657|7424|UntilUserDeletes|32|1|0|Recorded|137565978|5910974648493847|10133099249770475|Stereo|1392876000|News;Other News|130
  1077. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.765 GetRecordings Reply 22/31: 10977524194201064|Italy Unpacked|F:\Recorded TV\Italy Unpacked_BBC TWO_2014_01_24_20_59_00.wtv|Italy Unpacked||3/3. In the Heat of the Day: Andrew Graham-Dixon and Giorgio Locatelli explore Italy's culture and cuisine. The final part of their journey takes them to Campania and Calabria. Also in HD. [AD,S] |BBC TWO/2|||1390597142|3812|8960|UntilUserDeletes|112|4|0|Recorded|137565978|5910974613403644|10133099264069074|Stereo|1390597269|Interests;Other Interests|2
  1078. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.765 GetRecordings Reply 23/31: 10977524179902470|Nature's Weirdest Events|F:\Recorded TV\Nature's Weirdest Events_BBC TWO_2014_01_05_19_59_00.wtv|Nature's Weirdest Events||3/3. Chris Packham continues his exploration of bizarre happenings in the animal world with bears that have turned criminal and fish that have learned to attack birds on land. Also in HD. [AD,S] |BBC TWO/2|||1388951941|3718|7424|UntilUserDeletes|32|1|0|Recorded|137565978|5910974593670797|10133099249770475|Stereo|1388952000|News;Other News|130
  1079. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.765 GetRecordings Reply 24/31: 10977524181276419|Nature's Weirdest Events|F:\Recorded TV\Nature's Weirdest Events_BBC TWO_2014_01_03_18_59_00.wtv|Nature's Weirdest Events||1/3. Chris Packham examines some of the world's weirdest natural events. He investigates canine commuters, killer sharks on a golf course and a town taken over by tumbleweed. Also in HD. [AD,S] |BBC TWO/2|||1388775544|3656|7424|UntilUserDeletes|32|1|0|Recorded|137565978|5910974590969688|10133099249770475|Stereo|1388775600|News;Other News|130
  1080. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.765 GetRecordings Reply 25/31: 10977524193885050|Nature's Weirdest Events|F:\Recorded TV\Nature's Weirdest Events_BBC TWO_2014_01_15_18_59_00.wtv|Nature's Weirdest Events||3/3. Chris Packham continues his exploration of bizarre happenings in the animal world with bears that have turned criminal and fish that have learned to attack birds on land. Also in HD. [AD,S] |BBC TWO/2|||1389812342|3737|7424|UntilUserDeletes|32|1|0|Recorded|137565978|5910974613089965|10133099249770475|Stereo|1389812412|News;Other News|130
  1081. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.765 GetRecordings Reply 26/31: 10977524229287865|Italy Unpacked|F:\Recorded TV\Italy Unpacked_BBC TWO_2014_02_20_07_00_00.wtv|Italy Unpacked||2/3. A Home Away From Rome: In Lazio, Andrew and Giorgio avoid Rome and discover what lies outside the eternal city. Contains upsetting scenes. [AD,S,SL] |BBC TWO/2|||1392879603|3656|8960|UntilUserDeletes|112|4|0|Recorded|137565978|5910974648493848|10133099264069074|Stereo|1392879600|Interests;Other Interests|2
  1082. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.765 GetRecordings Reply 27/31: 10977524207395019|Horizon: Sugar v Fat|F:\Recorded TV\Horizon- Sugar v Fat_BBC TWO_2014_01_29_20_59_00.wtv|Horizon: Sugar v Fat||What's worse for us: sugar or fat? Twin doctors Chris and Xand Van Tulleken go on month long high-fat and high-sugar diets to find out. Also in HD. [S] |BBC TWO/2|||1391029142|3759|9472|UntilUserDeletes|32|1|0|Recorded|137565978|5910974626456723||Stereo|1391029214|News;Other News|130
  1083. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.765 GetRecordings Reply 28/31: 10977524209279255|Nature's Weirdest Events|F:\Recorded TV\Nature's Weirdest Events_BBC TWO_2014_02_05_08_59_00.wtv|Nature's Weirdest Events||1/3. Chris Packham examines some of the world's weirdest natural events. He investigates canine commuters, killer sharks on a golf course and a town taken over by tumbleweed. [AD,S,SL] |BBC TWO/2|||1391590742|3717|7424|UntilUserDeletes|32|1|0|Recorded|137565978|5910974628485750|10133099249770475|Stereo|1391590800|News;Other News|130
  1084. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.765 GetRecordings Reply 29/31: 10977524209279256|Italy Unpacked|F:\Recorded TV\Italy Unpacked_BBC TWO_2014_02_06_09_04_00.wtv|Italy Unpacked||1/3. In the Footsteps of the Poets: Andrew Graham-Dixon and Giorgio Locatelli journey along the west coast of Italy, stopping off at Genoa, the Cinque Terre, Pistoia, Pisa and Livorno. [AD,S,SL] |BBC TWO/2|||1391677442|3717|8960|UntilUserDeletes|112|4|0|Recorded|137565978|5910974628486469|10133099264069074|Stereo|1391677500|Interests;Other Interests|2
  1085. 2014/02/22 13:34:36.765 GetRecordings Reply 30/31: 10977524193910404|Timeshift - How to be Sherlock...|F:\Recorded TV\Timeshift - How to be Sherlock..._BBC FOUR_2014_01_12_22_01_09.wtv|Timeshift - How to be Sherlock...||...Holmes: The Many Faces of a Master Detective. The evolution of Sherlock Holmes on screen, from silent movies to new television versions, with contributions from Sherlocks past and present. [AD,S] |BBC FOUR/9|||1389564072|3691|8192|UntilUserDeletes|32|1|0|Recorded|137565992|5910974613090984||Stereo|1389564088|News;Other News|130
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