
Greenlight brings the pain

Aug 27th, 2013
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  1. 2013-08-27T00:54:05GreenLight turns his head as he sees his new friend Chinook pass him
  2. 2013-08-27T00:54:49Chinook nods at the Green Pegasus "Sorry man, I'm just...spent tonight. Can we catch up another time?"
  3. 2013-08-27T00:55:02GreenLight nods "Of course, bro. Take care!"
  4. 2013-08-27T00:55:23<Lucyne> [>everyone visiting Lucy leaving dead inside]
  5. 2013-08-27T00:55:30<Lucyne> [Irony intensifies]
  6. 2013-08-27T00:55:32<GreenLight> [>Implying]
  7. 2013-08-27T00:55:37Chinook mutters and carries on home. " too."
  8. 2013-08-27T00:55:51<Lucyne> [It's funny because her 'paranoia' is actually not a delusion]
  9. 2013-08-27T00:55:55<Cheren> (>implying cheren is visiting you today)
  10. 2013-08-27T00:56:19GreenLight continues his walk before seeing... Oh my. That, erm...
  11. 2013-08-27T00:56:27<GreenLight> "H-hi... Lucy?"
  12. 2013-08-27T00:56:52Lucyne slowly turns her head to pegasus?
  13. 2013-08-27T00:56:55<Lucyne> "Uhm, hello?"
  14. 2013-08-27T00:58:06GreenLight takes a seat "Hi... I don't believe we''ve formally met before... Name's Green Light! I'd ask for yours, but, well... Yeah."
  15. 2013-08-27T00:58:37GreenLight sighs, cutting right to the chase "I-Is the fake Lucy gone?"
  16. 2013-08-27T00:59:18Lucyne opens her mouth to say something, is cut short, and then speaks again, fatigue clearly coloring her voice "Yes, she's gone."
  17. 2013-08-27T01:00:05<Chinook> [Well that's good night and god bless from me, everyone.]
  18. 2013-08-27T01:00:08GreenLight sighs in relief "Thank God. You know, I've heard a lot about ya... It's nice to finally meet ya!"
  19. 2013-08-27T01:00:09<GreenLight> [brb
  20. 2013-08-27T01:00:11GreenLight [] has quit IRC: Quit: Web client closed
  21. 2013-08-27T01:01:00<Lucyne> [Night Chin! Don't feel bad]
  22. 2013-08-27T01:01:11<Chinook> [>feels at 2 am]
  23. 2013-08-27T01:01:49<Chinook> [I'll try and get over how I ultimately just made things worse. G'night]
  24. 2013-08-27T01:02:06<Lucyne> [There wasn't really anything you could have done]
  25. 2013-08-27T01:02:51<Chinook> [Well, we'll see how this develops.]
  26. 2013-08-27T01:03:59Chinook [] has quit IRC: Quit: Web client closed
  27. 2013-08-27T01:04:54GreenLight [] has joined #FourCannon-Riverside
  28. 2013-08-27T01:04:58<GreenLight> [De spectacular timing]
  29. 2013-08-27T01:05:56Lucyne 's mind can hardly still function, her mouth finally vocalizing "Oh...Nice to meet you, as well, Green Light."
  30. 2013-08-27T01:06:13GreenLight [] has quit IRC: Client Quit
  31. 2013-08-27T01:06:22GreenLight [] has joined #FourCannon-Riverside
  32. 2013-08-27T01:06:27GreenLight snorts, smiling "No it's not!"
  33. 2013-08-27T01:06:47<Lucyne> "...I beg your pardon?"
  34. 2013-08-27T01:06:48Rain_Drop wlaks home from town cart rumbling along behind her as she mumbles as she walks "...mfeble pankcae for you...."
  35. 2013-08-27T01:07:12<GreenLight> [Rain pls]
  36. 2013-08-27T01:07:26Glimmer [] has joined #FourCannon-Riverside
  37. 2013-08-27T01:07:27<Rain_Drop> [oka]
  38. 2013-08-27T01:07:34GreenLight sighs "...Tell me with complete honesty that right now, it's nice to meet me."
  39. 2013-08-27T01:08:14Lucyne brain boots a new subprocess to deal with this new situation, causing her to eye Green Light suspiciously "Who are you?"
  40. 2013-08-27T01:08:30Hidden_Glimmer [] has quit IRC: Ping timeout: 206 seconds
  41. 2013-08-27T01:08:32<Cheren> (bob dole)
  42. 2013-08-27T01:08:58<GreenLight> "Good question. I've been asking myself that for, like, 12 days! But that doesn't matter, does it? Who are you?"
  43. 2013-08-27T01:09:10GreenLight sits down on his haunches, looking up warmly in the sun
  44. 2013-08-27T01:09:34<Lucyne> "Someone who isn't in the mood to deal with a drunk Able Tome impersonator."
  45. 2013-08-27T01:09:36Glimmer [] is now known as Hidden_Glimmer
  46. 2013-08-27T01:09:43<Lucyne> [#shotsfired]
  47. 2013-08-27T01:09:52GreenLight laughs "I had it coming!"
  48. 2013-08-27T01:09:55<Lucyne> "What do you want?"
  49. 2013-08-27T01:10:11<GreenLight> "Well, to be honest, I wanna understand why you're so down in the dumps..."
  50. 2013-08-27T01:10:26<High_Tide> !roll d100
  51. 2013-08-27T01:10:26<GameServ> 1 == 1
  52. 2013-08-27T01:10:33<High_Tide> (dont mind me)
  53. 2013-08-27T01:10:40<Lucyne> [Blue Tide please]
  54. 2013-08-27T01:10:51<Lucyne> "And why would a stranger care?"
  55. 2013-08-27T01:10:53<GreenLight> "From what I heard, the whole town loves ya, everyone's SUPER glad you're alive! ...But why do you seem like you aren't?"
  56. 2013-08-27T01:11:15GreenLight sighs "It's who I am, silly! I try to help others cause my life's absolute shit!"
  57. 2013-08-27T01:11:27<GreenLight> [Whoa, that feel and slip]
  58. 2013-08-27T01:11:50Lucyne 's mood has by now radically shifted to anger.
  59. 2013-08-27T01:11:58GreenLight saw this coming OOC
  60. 2013-08-27T01:12:00<Lucyne> [Hoh boy mood swings]
  61. 2013-08-27T01:12:10GreenLight braces for impact
  62. 2013-08-27T01:12:36<Lucyne> "You are so drunk, I feel the alcohol perforating through your skull."
  63. 2013-08-27T01:12:58<Lucyne> "I don't have time to deal with this."
  64. 2013-08-27T01:13:06GreenLight smiles "I get that a lot. But, I'm sorry."
  65. 2013-08-27T01:13:23<GreenLight> "But.. what are you dealing with?"
  66. 2013-08-27T01:13:31<Lucyne> "I don't take kindly to strangers coming on my property and badgering me for personal things."
  67. 2013-08-27T01:13:47<Lucyne> [Seriously, how much Asperger is Light? Jesus christ]
  68. 2013-08-27T01:13:52GreenLight sighs once more, genuinely feeling bad "...I'm sorry.""
  69. 2013-08-27T01:13:57<GreenLight> [Very~]
  70. 2013-08-27T01:14:17<UnifySelf> [Light has the best assburgers]
  71. 2013-08-27T01:14:19Rain_Drop trips over a rock she didnt see and falls on the ground from her sleepy walking
  72. 2013-08-27T01:14:20GreenLight gets up "I'm known for meddling too much."
  73. 2013-08-27T01:14:47<Lucyne> "I don't know where you come from, but where I come from, we don't discuss personal lives with complete strangers."
  74. 2013-08-27T01:14:49Rain_Drop has a face down in the ground rear up with the cart bumping in her plot "...Ow."
  75. 2013-08-27T01:15:16Lucyne continues to suspiciously inspect Green Light.
  76. 2013-08-27T01:15:40<Rain_Drop> [yep i pised and tired now cuz fence will not work right and horse keep getsin out
  77. 2013-08-27T01:15:44<Rain_Drop> afk a bity
  78. 2013-08-27T01:15:44<Lucyne> "How much do you know? I can tell a newbie having been around Able from a monolog away."
  79. 2013-08-27T01:15:53<Lucyne> [Sorry Rain :(]
  80. 2013-08-27T01:16:17GreenLight shrugs "First person to fill me in on the situation... With Rain being the second. I'm sure you see why I really want to help, then."
  81. 2013-08-27T01:16:22<GreenLight> "But you know what?"
  82. 2013-08-27T01:16:48<GreenLight> "I learned something a while back... Unwanted help is terribad. I'm sorry."
  83. 2013-08-27T01:16:59GreenLight facehooves internally
  84. 2013-08-27T01:17:11<Lucyne> "How can someone be this drunk?"
  85. 2013-08-27T01:17:21<Lucyne> "This isn't even drunk, this is MDMA high."
  86. 2013-08-27T01:17:28<GreenLight> "I don't wanna think about when I *Do* drink!"
  87. 2013-08-27T01:17:40<GreenLight> "Anyways, bye Lucy. Sorry, I'm in no place to help."
  88. 2013-08-27T01:17:40Lucyne frowns, anger rising again.
  89. 2013-08-27T01:17:49<Lucyne> "How much did Able tell you?"
  90. 2013-08-27T01:17:55<Lucyne> "What did he say?"
  91. 2013-08-27T01:18:01<Lucyne> "What is your proffesion?"
  92. 2013-08-27T01:18:07<Lucyne> "How long have you been in town?"
  93. 2013-08-27T01:18:14<Lucyne> "What do you know about the imposter?"
  94. 2013-08-27T01:18:41<GreenLight> "Well, the whole confrontation bit. And I'mma doctor here! 12 days! First day in the Clinic I was with Rain and Able... and your unconscious body... And, erm, the imposter kinda sorta..."
  95. 2013-08-27T01:18:50GreenLight blushes "I was vulnerable, alright?"
  96. 2013-08-27T01:19:02<Lucyne> "You were the one she fucked after Chin."
  97. 2013-08-27T01:19:12Lucyne continues to kill with her gaze.
  98. 2013-08-27T01:19:24<GreenLight> "I knew she was the imposter after I saw Rain standing next to your body. ...And yeah... I did want to apologize about that..."
  99. 2013-08-27T01:19:26<Lucyne> "Now I know where I've seen you before."
  100. 2013-08-27T01:19:29GreenLight takes the gaze
  101. 2013-08-27T01:20:16Lucyne cracks her neck audibly.
  102. 2013-08-27T01:20:29<Lucyne> "How. much. do. you. know."
  103. 2013-08-27T01:20:37GreenLight [] has quit IRC: Quit: Web client closed
  104. 2013-08-27T01:20:38GreenLight_ [] has joined #FourCannon-Riverside
  105. 2013-08-27T01:20:43GreenLight_ [] is now known as GreenLight
  106. 2013-08-27T01:21:04<GreenLight> "Honestly? As much as one could possibly know through accounts."
  107. 2013-08-27T01:21:25<Lucyne> "Able and Rain told you my secrets then?"
  108. 2013-08-27T01:21:34<Lucyne> "Without considering my consent?"
  109. 2013-08-27T01:21:35GreenLight thinks about it for a second
  110. 2013-08-27T01:22:07<GreenLight> "What secrets *do* you have? I mean, all the town knows and has been affected in some way or another."
  111. 2013-08-27T01:22:37<Lucyne> "There are several things many people don't know about and I have clearly stated are private to me."
  112. 2013-08-27T01:22:39GreenLight_ [] has joined #FourCannon-Riverside
  113. 2013-08-27T01:22:41GreenLight [] has quit IRC: Client Quit
  114. 2013-08-27T01:22:46Lucyne speaks with cold venom.
  115. 2013-08-27T01:23:06<GreenLight_> "I'm really sorry then."
  116. 2013-08-27T01:23:16<Lucyne> "Tell me what you know if you are sorry."
  117. 2013-08-27T01:23:53<GreenLight_> "Well... *how* you became like you are... And pretty much everything about Fey Lucy."
  118. 2013-08-27T01:24:11<Lucyne> "So, they broke my explicit will to keep that part a secret."
  119. 2013-08-27T01:24:14<GreenLight_> "I'm a doctor, and the first thing I saw was a clinically dead patient. What do you think I was thinking?"
  120. 2013-08-27T01:24:23<Lucyne> "You are NOT my doctor."
  121. 2013-08-27T01:24:26Lucyne hisses
  122. 2013-08-27T01:24:33<Lucyne> "Bob was the only doctor I consented to know this."
  123. 2013-08-27T01:24:50<Lucyne> "Lies and conspiracy, as usual, isn't it?"
  124. 2013-08-27T01:24:51<GreenLight_> "Bob died before I came here... And I was filled in by Able and Rain."
  125. 2013-08-27T01:24:56<Lucyne> "Had fun doing experiments on my body?"
  126. 2013-08-27T01:25:01<GreenLight_> "I did nothing."
  127. 2013-08-27T01:25:09GreenLight_ sighs "I did nothing."
  128. 2013-08-27T01:25:13Lucyne face contorts in anger
  129. 2013-08-27T01:25:17<Lucyne> "Sure you didn't."
  130. 2013-08-27T01:25:20<Lucyne> "You fucking liar."
  131. 2013-08-27T01:25:27<GreenLight_> "What do you think I did?"
  132. 2013-08-27T01:25:35GreenLight_ thinks "...Oh shit."
  133. 2013-08-27T01:25:35<Lucyne> "Nothing but lies."
  134. 2013-08-27T01:25:43<GreenLight_> "Oh, right, I did one thing."
  135. 2013-08-27T01:25:51<Lucyne> "Got some good 'data'?"
  136. 2013-08-27T01:25:59<Lucyne> "When were you going to ask for my consent for that?"
  137. 2013-08-27T01:26:00GreenLight_ nonchalantly adds "Able and I drew some blood to help prove your case."
  138. 2013-08-27T01:26:07<GreenLight_> "When you woke up."
  139. 2013-08-27T01:26:15<Lucyne> "Oh ok then."
  140. 2013-08-27T01:26:16<GreenLight_> "Though, of course, I never got ta ask ya."
  141. 2013-08-27T01:26:25<GreenLight_> [IC me what are you doing[]
  142. 2013-08-27T01:26:28<Lucyne> "I'm gonna stab you and then ask if that was ok with you."
  143. 2013-08-27T01:26:36<GreenLight_> "It's fair."
  144. 2013-08-27T01:26:36<Lucyne> "How about it?"
  145. 2013-08-27T01:26:41<Lucyne> "Got my sword right here."
  146. 2013-08-27T01:26:46GreenLight_ gives Lucy a cold gaze "Do it."
  147. 2013-08-27T01:26:53Lucyne pulls her sword.
  148. 2013-08-27T01:27:04GreenLight_ doesn't move
  149. 2013-08-27T01:27:05<Lucyne> "Oh, you consented."
  150. 2013-08-27T01:27:10<Cheren> (green's last words. What are you going to do? Stab me?)
  151. 2013-08-27T01:27:12GreenLight_ nods "Eeyup."
  152. 2013-08-27T01:27:15<GreenLight_> [Hue]
  153. 2013-08-27T01:27:25<Lucyne> "Well then, here you go."
  154. 2013-08-27T01:27:29<GreenLight_> "Okay."
  155. 2013-08-27T01:27:33Lucyne pokes Green with her sword, hard
  156. 2013-08-27T01:27:41<GreenLight_> "...Wrong end, Lucy."
  157. 2013-08-27T01:27:46<Lucyne> !roll 1d4 for a weak stab
  158. 2013-08-27T01:27:46<GameServ> 1 == 1
  159. 2013-08-27T01:27:49<Lucyne> [1 damage]
  160. 2013-08-27T01:27:53GreenLight_ takes it.
  161. 2013-08-27T01:27:57<Lucyne> [I meant poke with the pointy end]
  162. 2013-08-27T01:27:59<Lucyne> "Happy now?"
  163. 2013-08-27T01:28:08GreenLight_ takes a bandage out of his saddlebag, wrapping it around the wound
  164. 2013-08-27T01:28:14<GreenLight_> "Actually, I feel a bit better."
  165. 2013-08-27T01:28:18<Lucyne> "Feel good about that do you?"
  166. 2013-08-27T01:28:26<Lucyne> "Nothing like some more hostility huh?"
  167. 2013-08-27T01:28:31<Lucyne> "You like making enemies?"
  168. 2013-08-27T01:28:33<GreenLight_> "Well, I fucked you over... kinda literally... It's only fair."
  169. 2013-08-27T01:28:43<Lucyne> "Masochist as well?"
  170. 2013-08-27T01:28:47<GreenLight_> "Probably."
  171. 2013-08-27T01:28:50<Lucyne> "You think pain'll be cleansing, huh?"
  172. 2013-08-27T01:28:55<GreenLight_> "Nope."
  173. 2013-08-27T01:28:55<Lucyne> [IC pls]
  174. 2013-08-27T01:29:08<GreenLight_> "But DAMN does it take the mind off of other stuff."
  175. 2013-08-27T01:29:11<Lucyne> "Enjoyed that imposter?"
  176. 2013-08-27T01:29:16<Lucyne> "And my dead body?"
  177. 2013-08-27T01:29:21<GreenLight_> "Like how I probably murdered a Diamond Dog. And don't remember it.
  178. 2013-08-27T01:29:29<Lucyne> "Oh boo hoo."
  179. 2013-08-27T01:29:31<GreenLight_> "Physically, I enjoyed it."
  180. 2013-08-27T01:29:38<Lucyne> "A murderer too huh?"
  181. 2013-08-27T01:29:45GreenLight_ is ticked off as well. He really should know to bite his tongue
  182. 2013-08-27T01:29:46<Lucyne> "Friends trusting a sociopath."
  183. 2013-08-27T01:29:51<Lucyne> "Wonderful."
  184. 2013-08-27T01:29:55<GreenLight_> "If my suspicions are correct... Yeah."
  185. 2013-08-27T01:30:00GreenLight_ looks genuinely sad
  186. 2013-08-27T01:30:05<Lucyne> "You like the feeling of murdering living things?"
  187. 2013-08-27T01:30:11<GreenLight_> "Not in the slightest."
  188. 2013-08-27T01:30:18<Lucyne> "You seem like the type."
  189. 2013-08-27T01:30:20<GreenLight_> "Still have no idea why I did it."
  190. 2013-08-27T01:30:26<GreenLight_> "Am I?"
  191. 2013-08-27T01:30:33<Lucyne> "Oh, we going 'repressed memories' now?"
  192. 2013-08-27T01:30:34<GreenLight_> "Hell, I don't know. I don't know anything."
  193. 2013-08-27T01:30:39<GreenLight_> "Probably."
  194. 2013-08-27T01:30:54<Lucyne> "Wonderful, I diagnose MPD and sociopathy."
  195. 2013-08-27T01:30:59<Lucyne> "Sociopathy for sure."
  196. 2013-08-27T01:31:09<Lucyne> "No idea how social norms work, running up to me like an idiot."
  197. 2013-08-27T01:31:11GreenLight_ shrugs, a single tear forming "I wouldn't be surprised..."
  198. 2013-08-27T01:31:21<GreenLight_> "Actually, yeah, that sounds right."
  199. 2013-08-27T01:31:27Lucyne is being insanely cynical and outright cruel.
  200. 2013-08-27T01:31:39GreenLight_ is taking it, though, cause he agrees.
  201. 2013-08-27T01:31:42GreenLight_ is NOT fine
  202. 2013-08-27T01:31:55GreenLight_ [] is now known as GreenLight
  203. 2013-08-27T01:32:04<Lucyne> "Wonderful, just wonderful."
  204. 2013-08-27T01:32:13<Lucyne> "Good to know I've got YOU looking out for me."
  205. 2013-08-27T01:32:32GreenLight smirks "I know, right? And here I am, thinking that if I'm good it doesn't matter if I did a bad thing."
  206. 2013-08-27T01:32:32<Lucyne> [God Lucy is so broken, this isn't even funny]
  207. 2013-08-27T01:32:45<Lucyne> [I'm sorry bawb]
  208. 2013-08-27T01:32:56<GreenLight> [You aren't telling Light anything he doesn't think about every day~]
  209. 2013-08-27T01:33:01<GreenLight> [BRB]
  210. 2013-08-27T01:33:52<GreenLight> [Back]
  211. 2013-08-27T01:34:07<Lucyne> "Oh so that's what this is then?"
  212. 2013-08-27T01:34:24<Lucyne> "You don't care for me, you're just looking for some 'karma points' to collect?"
  213. 2013-08-27T01:34:38<Lucyne> "I see now."
  214. 2013-08-27T01:34:49GreenLight sighs, taking a breath "...Yeah. I guess."
  215. 2013-08-27T01:35:14<GreenLight> "Explains why every time I help someone they're smile makes me feel like I'm on cloud 9, right?"
  216. 2013-08-27T01:35:30<GreenLight> "I mean, there's no WAY I do it because I like helping people in addition, right?"
  217. 2013-08-27T01:35:32<GreenLight> "No."
  218. 2013-08-27T01:35:40<GreenLight> "It's purely for selfish reasons."
  219. 2013-08-27T01:35:42Lucyne leans in on Light "Don't get sarcastic with me, buddy."
  220. 2013-08-27T01:35:56GreenLight spits out "You too."
  221. 2013-08-27T01:35:58<Lucyne> "I have had enough for a lifetime."
  222. 2013-08-27T01:36:15<GreenLight> "Protip, Lucy."
  223. 2013-08-27T01:36:18<GreenLight> "Everyone has."
  224. 2013-08-27T01:36:22<Lucyne> "How about you go back to your sensei Able Tome and learn some more of his tips to piss people off?"
  225. 2013-08-27T01:36:42GreenLight laughs
  226. 2013-08-27T01:37:00<GreenLight> "How did I piss you off again?"
  227. 2013-08-27T01:37:03<Lucyne> "How about you come by when you actually care for another person and not that bizarre guilt complex you have."
  228. 2013-08-27T01:37:20<Lucyne> "Piss me off? Your presence pisses me off."
  229. 2013-08-27T01:37:21<GreenLight> "Well, that's the thing."
  230. 2013-08-27T01:37:25<GreenLight> "Why not both?"
  231. 2013-08-27T01:37:32<Lucyne> "My 'friends' telling you secrets pisses me off."
  232. 2013-08-27T01:38:05<GreenLight> "What did I do? Besides try to help and spectacularly fail?"
  233. 2013-08-27T01:38:22<GreenLight> "Because that's what I've been doing this whole goddamn time."
  234. 2013-08-27T01:38:23<Lucyne> "You are implying I believe a word you say."
  235. 2013-08-27T01:38:32<GreenLight> [brb]
  236. 2013-08-27T01:38:59Lucyne 's logic centrum has been stormed by the anger nation and all it's inhabitants taken hostage.
  237. 2013-08-27T01:40:40<UnifySelf> [Only the GM the master of all the emotions could stop them. But one day, he dissapeared]
  238. 2013-08-27T01:40:54<Lucyne> [hue]
  239. 2013-08-27T01:41:44<Lucyne> [
  240. 2013-08-27T01:42:03<Lucyne> [>implying GM isn't secretely funding the anger nation to fight a proxy war against overmind]
  241. 2013-08-27T01:42:41<UnifySelf> [>implying i didn't know that. Made the joke anyways]
  242. 2013-08-27T01:43:34<Lucyne> [That moment when you are so schizo your mind is fighting a cold war against itself]
  243. 2013-08-27T01:43:46<GreenLight> [Back]
  244. 2013-08-27T01:43:57<UnifySelf> [>inb4 Edgy Missle Crisis]
  245. 2013-08-27T01:44:18<GreenLight> [Sorry, playing nurse for Mom, trying to make sure she doesn't get a seizure.]
  246. 2013-08-27T01:44:23<GreenLight> [ANYWAYS]
  247. 2013-08-27T01:44:37<Lucyne> [Jesus, irl before RP man]
  248. 2013-08-27T01:44:46<GreenLight> "Well, I believe every word you say."
  249. 2013-08-27T01:44:58<GreenLight> [She's sleeping now. Just had to take her BP and Blood sugar]
  250. 2013-08-27T01:46:48GreenLight honestly trusts Lucy
  251. 2013-08-27T01:46:54<GreenLight> "Least you don't bullshit like the others."
  252. 2013-08-27T01:47:00<Lucyne> "And why would you do that? You don't know me for anything but a corpse, a succubes and a deranged farmer calling for you to leave her property while brandishing a sword."
  253. 2013-08-27T01:47:13<GreenLight> "You also stabbed me."
  254. 2013-08-27T01:47:56<GreenLight> "But you know what? You're the only person who's gotten mad at me."
  255. 2013-08-27T01:48:08<GreenLight> "And, well, that counts for something, right?"
  256. 2013-08-27T01:48:50<Lucyne> "If anything, that should make you mad and weary of me and my intentions."
  257. 2013-08-27T01:49:16GreenLight_ [] has joined #FourCannon-Riverside
  258. 2013-08-27T01:49:24<Lucyne> *wary
  259. 2013-08-27T01:49:29GreenLight [] has quit IRC: Quit: Web client closed
  260. 2013-08-27T01:49:55<GreenLight_> "What are your intentions here? Hell, what are MY intentions here? I can't argue with anything you said, you know."
  261. 2013-08-27T01:50:28<GreenLight_> "I just wanted to see you happy is all."
  262. 2013-08-27T01:50:38Lucyne eyes him intently.
  263. 2013-08-27T01:50:38<GreenLight_> "Regardless of if it's for me or you."
  264. 2013-08-27T01:51:01<Lucyne> "What ARE your intentions, Green Light?"
  265. 2013-08-27T01:51:07<GreenLight_> "Good question!"
  266. 2013-08-27T01:51:09<Lucyne> "Are you an over excited friend? Or a psychotic?"
  267. 2013-08-27T01:51:15<GreenLight_> "I think both."
  268. 2013-08-27T01:51:32<GreenLight_> "You're the first person to suggest the latter, though."
  269. 2013-08-27T01:52:37GreenLight_ is being way too honest right now
  270. 2013-08-27T01:52:39<Lucyne> "How does that make you feel?"
  271. 2013-08-27T01:52:48Rain_Drop slowly peels her face up off the ground gods she is so tired...
  272. 2013-08-27T01:52:50<Lucyne> "Aren't you mad at me stabbing at your inner feelings?"
  273. 2013-08-27T01:53:01GreenLight_ stifles a laugh "Not really. Or for actually stabbing me!"
  274. 2013-08-27T01:53:25<GreenLight_> "I must be a psychotic, cause none of this is bothering me. Everything you've told me ain't new to me, sister."
  275. 2013-08-27T01:53:32<Rain_Drop> [Fuggin fence fuggin children fuggin horse making me walk through a field of plants taller than i am and eating our profits fuggin making me have to walk back fuggin everything guf]
  276. 2013-08-27T01:53:45<GreenLight_> [Sorry Rain
  277. 2013-08-27T01:53:49<Lucyne> "Hrm, negative symptoms it is, mania perhaps..."
  278. 2013-08-27T01:53:54<Lucyne> "Well, Green Light."
  279. 2013-08-27T01:53:54Rain_Drop sits up and starts to head home again...
  280. 2013-08-27T01:54:03<Lucyne> [>tfw I cannot relate to that at all]
  281. 2013-08-27T01:54:10Lucyne finally pulls back
  282. 2013-08-27T01:54:43Rain_Drop slwoly blinks as she spots her minty mare and a green bean arguing or wretling or kissing? Rain is really tired so details are kinda eh
  283. 2013-08-27T01:54:52<Lucyne> "I may be in a terrible state of mind, trying to strategically poison all those around me, but I don't actually wish you malice, I couldn't."
  284. 2013-08-27T01:55:17<GreenLight_> "And why's that?"
  285. 2013-08-27T01:55:30Rain_Drop sees that Lucy is arguing with a stoplight so she heads to drop off the cart in the barn content Lucy knows best
  286. 2013-08-27T01:55:49<Lucyne> "Because I can't."
  287. 2013-08-27T01:55:54<GreenLight_> "Why?"
  288. 2013-08-27T01:56:03Rain_Drop unhooks the harness off herself and collapses a bit relaxing as the weight is off her shoulders and back
  289. 2013-08-27T01:56:05GreenLight_ is pressing now "Don't I deserve it for putting you through shit?"
  290. 2013-08-27T01:56:29<Rain_Drop> "Mk now just gotta run the light, talk with Licu then go sleep with lcuy"
  291. 2013-08-27T01:56:35<Lucyne> "I would rather take all the shit in the world than cause any for anyone else."
  292. 2013-08-27T01:56:47Lucyne says emotionlessly.
  293. 2013-08-27T01:56:48<GreenLight_> !roll 1d20 Do I?
  294. 2013-08-27T01:56:48<GameServ> 10 == 10
  295. 2013-08-27T01:56:55Rain_Drop mumbles to herself as she gets up and walks out of the barn kicking it shut with a bang
  296. 2013-08-27T01:57:14GreenLight_ sternly looks at Lucy, one serious comment "You realize that your moping around is causing shit for everyone?"
  297. 2013-08-27T01:57:19Lucyne perks up at the bang, looking down to the barn.
  298. 2013-08-27T01:57:32Rain_Drop walks over to the still arguing duo
  299. 2013-08-27T01:57:33<Lucyne> [ffs Light, you did it again]
  300. 2013-08-27T01:57:34<GreenLight_> "Bye, Lucy."
  301. 2013-08-27T01:57:37<GreenLight_> [What?]
  302. 2013-08-27T01:57:38Rain_Drop is really tired
  303. 2013-08-27T01:57:40<Lucyne> [First Chere, then Chin, now you]
  304. 2013-08-27T01:57:41<GreenLight_> [I knowwww]
  305. 2013-08-27T01:57:50<GreenLight_> [Congrats Lucy]
  306. 2013-08-27T01:57:53<GreenLight_> [You won]
  307. 2013-08-27T01:58:16Rain_Drop starts to push the female pegasi off her property pushing her in the plot with her head "shoo green bean."
  308. 2013-08-27T01:58:17Lucyne turns to Light, whispering harshly "You have no idea what you just said. Get off my property."
  309. 2013-08-27T01:58:18GreenLight_ leaves
  310. 2013-08-27T01:58:23<Rain_Drop> "Or else I nom on you."
  311. 2013-08-27T01:58:28<GreenLight_> "I think I do, Lucy."
  312. 2013-08-27T01:58:32<Rain_Drop> "Nom nom nom."
  313. 2013-08-27T01:58:37GreenLight_ continues walking on home
  314. 2013-08-27T01:59:02<Lucyne> [Jesus fucking christ]
  315. 2013-08-27T01:59:03<GreenLight_> [I have no idea how you managed to push Light *that* far]
  316. 2013-08-27T01:59:07<Lucyne> [I can't believe that just happened]
  317. 2013-08-27T01:59:14Rain_Drop stops psuhing the light as he gets off the property and turns back to Lucy and walks over to Lucy.
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