
1 What happens with my files.txt

Apr 3rd, 2018
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  1. What Happened to My Computer?
  2. Your important files are encrypted.
  3. Many of your documents, photos, videos, databases and other files are no longer accessible because they have been encrypted. Maybe you are busy looking for a way to recover your files, but do not waste your time. Nobody can recover your files without our decryption service.
  5. Can I Recover My Files?
  6. Sure. We guarantee that you can recover all your files safely and easily. But you have not so enough time.
  7. But if you want to decrypt all your files, you need to pay.
  9. How Do I Pay?
  10. Payment is accepted in Bitcoin only.
  11. Please check the current price of Bitcoin and buy some bitcoins.
  12. And send the correct amount to the address specified in this window.
  14. We strongly recommend you to not remove this software, and disable your anti-virus for a while, until you pay and the payment gets processed. If your anti-virus gets updated and removes this software automatically, it will not be able to recover your files even if you pay!
  15. Once the payment is sent, send us an e-mail to the specified address specifying your "Client ID", you will be sent your decryption key in return. How to buy Bitcoins?
  17. Step 1 : Create a portfolio on the Blockchain website at the address :
  18. Step 2 : Sign in to your account you just created and purchase the amount shown :
  19. Step 3 : Send the amount to the indicated Bitcoin address, once this is done send us an email with your "Client ID" you can retreive this in the file "instruction.txt" or "Whats Appens With My File.s.txt" in order to ask us the key of decryption of your data.
  21. Contact us at :
  22. Send 20$ to Bitcoin at 1MFA4PEuDoe2UCKgabrwm8P4KztASKtiuv if you want decrypt your files !
  23. Your Client ID is : [id]
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