
sugoi desu ne

Jul 18th, 2016
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  1. Life after the longest trip away from home in my life is pretty alright. I definitely am happy to be home. Work is a bit slow because one of the biggest projects of the year is in a limbo phase between getting the business and actually getting started. Once it gets going i think itll be a pretty cool project.
  3. The big upcoming event is possibly getting a roommate soon-ish. Im really excited for that because as nice as it is living by myself, it will be really nice to have someone to hang out with and be an idiot with in person instead of just being idiots on mumble.
  5. stuff thats happened since last monday:
  6. Project Diva Future Tone is way better than i expected it to be and i expected it to be freaking awesome, so thats really really good.
  7. EVO was amazing. Somehow it just gets better and better every year.
  8. Managed to recover from awful placement in Overwatch ranked (thanks to playing 3 of my placement matches on hotel internet) and now im satisfied with where im at.
  10. thats pretty much it.
  12. heres a song:
  13. i couldnt decide on 1 song so heres another:
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