

Jan 18th, 2015
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  1. command /chat [<text="help">]:
  2. permission: chat.*
  3. permission message: &cNie masz uprawnien do tej komendy!
  4. trigger:
  5. if arg 1 is not "clear" or "c" or "tryb" or "t" or "help":
  6. execute player command "/chat help"
  7. if arg 1 is "help":
  8. send "&8>===================<"
  9. send " &6Chat &7by &6xNawi"
  10. send " "
  11. send "&8> &6Uzycie:"
  12. send "&8> &6/chat tryb &8- &7Wlacza/wylacza chat"
  13. send "&8> &6/chat clear &8- &7Czysci chat"
  14. send " "
  15. if {chat::tryb} is false:
  16. send "&8> &7Chat jest aktualnie &aWlaczony"
  17. else:
  18. send "&8> &7Chat jest aktualnie &cWylaczony"
  19. if arg 1 is "clear" or "c":
  20. loop 100 times:
  21. broadcast " "
  22. broadcast "&7Chat zostal wyczyszczony przez &6%player%"
  23. loop all players:
  24. play raw sound "note.pling" at loop-player with pitch 1 volume 5
  25. if arg 1 is "tryb" or "t":
  26. if {chat::tryb} is true:
  27. set {chat::tryb} to false
  28. broadcast "&7Chat zostal &awlaczony &7przez &6%player%"
  29. loop all players:
  30. play raw sound "note.pling" at loop-player with pitch 1 volume 5
  31. else:
  32. set {chat::tryb} to true
  33. broadcast "&7Chat zostal &cwylaczony &7przez &6%player%"
  34. loop all players:
  35. play raw sound "note.pling" at loop-player with pitch 1 volume 5
  36. command /mute [<offlineplayer>] [<integer>] [<text>]:
  37. permission: mute.*
  38. permission message: &cNie masz uprawnien do tej komendy!
  39. trigger:
  40. if arg-offlineplayer is not set:
  41. send "&8>===================<"
  42. send " &6Mute &7by &6xNawi"
  43. send " "
  44. send "&8> &6Uzycie:"
  45. send " &aJesli gracz nie jest jeszcze wyciszony:"
  46. send "&8> &6/mute <gracz> <czas w minutach> <powod> &8- &7wycisza"
  47. send " "
  48. send " &cJesli gracz jest juz wyciszony:"
  49. send "&8> &6/mute <gracz> &8- &7Odcisza"
  50. if arg-offlineplayer is set:
  51. if arg-offlineplayer is online:
  52. if arg-integer is set:
  53. if arg 3 is set:
  54. if {mute::%arg-offlineplayer%} is false:
  55. broadcast "&6%player% &7wyciszyl gracza &6%arg-offlineplayer% &7za &6%arg 3% &7na czas &6%arg-integer% &7minut"
  56. play raw sound "note.pling" at arg-offlineplayer with pitch 1 volume 5
  57. set {mute::%arg-offlineplayer%} to true
  58. set {mute::%arg-offlineplayer%::powod} to arg 3
  59. set {mute::%arg-offlineplayer%::czas} to arg-integer
  60. set {mute::%arg-offlineplayer%::przez} to player
  61. loop arg-integer times:
  62. wait 1 minutes
  63. remove 1 from {mute::%arg-offlineplayer%::czas}
  64. if {mute::%arg-offlineplayer%::czas} = 0:
  65. if {mute::%arg-offlineplayer%} is true:
  66. set {mute::%arg-offlineplayer%} to false
  67. if arg-offlineplayer is online:
  68. send "&7Mozesz juz pisac na chacie." to arg-offlineplayer
  69. play raw sound "note.pling" at arg-offlineplayer with pitch 2 volume 5
  70. else:
  71. set {mute::%arg-offlineplayer%} to false
  72. broadcast "&6%player% &7odciszyl gracza &6%arg-offlineplayer%"
  73. else:
  74. send "&cPodaj powod wyciszenia!"
  75. else:
  76. if {mute::%arg-offlineplayer%} is true:
  77. set {mute::%arg-offlineplayer%} to false
  78. broadcast "&6%player% &7odciszyl gracza &6%arg-offlineplayer%"
  79. else:
  80. send "&cPodaj czas wyciszenia (w minutach) !"
  81. else:
  82. send "&cGracza &6%arg-offlineplayer% &cnie ma na serwerze!"
  83. on chat:
  84. if {chat::tryb} is true:
  85. if player don't have permissions "chat.*":
  86. cancel event
  87. send "&cChat jest obecnie wylaczony."
  88. if {mute::%player%} is true:
  89. cancel event
  90. send "&7Zostales wyciszony przez &6%{mute::%player%::przez}% &7za &6%{mute::%player%::powod}%"
  91. send "&7Bedziesz mogl pisac za &6%{mute::%player%::czas}% &7minut"
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