
Endtown RPG Session #21

Jan 23rd, 2016
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  1. GM (GM): Hey everyone!
  2. Suule S.: Hey
  3. Clayton is around
  4. He's just getting a sandwich
  5. Martin Baron: Hey GM
  6. Clayton R.: back now
  7. Traver S.: Sup GM
  8. GM (GM): Good, Good.
  9. Martin Baron: I think Mana's up to speed with what happened last session
  10. Oh right, almost forgot, we murdered your clone Mana.
  11. Suule S.: Oh yeah
  12. That was... unnervign
  13. GM (GM): That's what happens when you don't attend, GMs are not to be trusted alone!
  14. M. Walker: Wait what? haha, now I'm curious
  15. Martin Baron: One of the Topsiders was a ditto whisperer, and we retreated back to the room where we killed the Mutts to fight.
  16. GM (GM): Give me a minute to prep some maps.
  17. Martin Baron: You were there next to Martin, and then suddenly exploded into a Shoggoth.
  18. Turned out you were jelly all along
  19. M. Walker: Ooohh, ha
  20. Martin Baron: You're fine though, we just killed your clone.
  21. M. Walker: Right
  22. Martin Baron: Oh right, the Mutant Topsider is pretty crazy. He might calm down later, but don't be surprised if he's yelling stuff like "Demons! Your kind don't belong in our world!"
  23. Suule S.: Everett will put a stop to that
  24. Permamently
  25. Martin Baron: A crusader-wannabe
  26. M. Walker: Naturally
  27. Suule S.: Worst kind, idealist in the wasteland. With explosives
  28. Martin Baron: Well I meant the Toppy
  29. Suule S.: Hah
  30. Well
  31. Martin Baron: Oh, we should see if we have duct tape or rope. I don't think he can laser-phase his suit to get out of the bonds.
  32. What with it torn now.
  33. Suule S.: They're not that different
  34. Well
  35. Everett always carries two rolls
  36. Clayton R.: Oh yeah... Clayton wants to take the topsiders suit too
  37. GM (GM): Ooookay!
  38. Everyone ready?
  39. Clayton R.: yep
  40. Suule S.: Now the usage might be what he will be against
  41. Yes
  42. Traver S.: Pretty much
  43. Martin Baron: Nah, give me five hours, don't start without me.
  44. WE BEGIN!
  45. Our heroes are on the great wastes, putting distance from themselves and the brutal battle of confusion and horror
  46. Clayton R. is just trying to decompress after the whole situation back at the factory. He figures he may need to cook some food for everyone sometime in the near future. Things are tense right now... He keeps the Zero gun ready; it's a good motivator.
  47. Martin Baron: ((Pretty sure Everett's gonna vote to have the Topsider chained to the back of the jeep and forced to walk all the way there, like Mad Max.))
  48. to the east, Endtown, to the anywhere else, the great unknown!
  49. Martin Baron tries to tend to his wounds, shooing away Everett out of discomfort from earlier events.
  50. Suule S. is sitting still on the jeep's bench, visibly aggravated but quiet.
  51. Clayton R. sighs, glancing around the at everyone in the jeep. "think it's about time we headed back to home base... Hang in there if you guys are still alive."
  52. Martin Baron: ((Right, I'm not at -50% MP, so that's a -20 to skill rolls?))
  53. Traver S.: DJ is mostly holding himself together and brushing off his jacket.
  54. Suule S.: (Hmmm let's see, at least I can clean myself)
  55. rolling 1d100
  56. (90)= 90
  57. (Well damn)
  58. Martin Baron: rolling 1d100-20
  59. (35)-20= 15
  60. GM (GM): Yep.
  61. Martin Baron tries but fails to clean his wound caused by the rubble.
  62. GM (GM): Martin Baron is struggling to stay conscious and this point.
  63. Literally a strong gust of wind could kill him.
  64. Martin Baron: ((I'm at 61/110 HP and -29/60 MP, if anything DJ's the one near dead.))
  65. Suule S. grits his teeth as he tends the cuts on his forehead "Clayton.... you're not gonna bring a topsider into a colony... It's a fucking liability."
  66. Traver S.: Its true.
  67. GM (GM): Ah right.
  68. Traver S. DJ should attempt to first aid themselves.
  69. Clayton R. looks back at the mosty okay people in the jeep and asks. "Can any of you help Martin and DJ? They aren't looking good, and I really don't have much medical knowledge."
  70. Traver S. ...which he will.
  71. Traver S.: rolling 1d100 + 10
  72. (90)+10= 100
  73. Martin Baron: ((Well shit))
  74. GM (GM): I forgot the usual to do.
  76. GM (GM): You gain +10 np DJ!
  77. Traver S.: >DJ is used to patching himself up after sparring that went to far.
  78. GM (GM): err. hp!
  79. Clayton R. ignores Everett's words... may as well be white noise
  80. Traver S.: "Nngh... Ah that's better."
  81. Martin Baron: "Guys... We need to do something about the Topsider... Tie his hands or something."
  82. GM (GM): You still have what the french say, "exposed pate"
  83. crazy: bird
  84. crazybird: The whisperman!
  85. Clayton R. remarks. "If he causes trouble, we kill him... but I have a couple questions first."
  86. M. Walker immediately sets to binding the Toppy on Martin's suggestion
  87. Suule S. just hisses under his nose.
  88. Martin Baron: ((Let's try to avoid getting him offed like in Pulp Fiction))
  89. ((In the car ride))
  90. the bird stands up the in jeep shouting he'll find us! The knows us!
  91. GM (GM): heyo Mirro!
  92. Suule S.: ((It's not like Clayton is gonna wave a Zero G around))
  93. GM (GM): byeo mirro!
  94. Traver S.: Sup Mi- oh. By mirro
  95. Suule S. hisses louder "Either someone's gonna gag that bird or I'll do it."
  96. Martin Baron: ((Where is the bird? Back seat?))
  97. Toppy does not put up resistance. He seems pretty out of it.
  98. GM (GM): ((Nah, he's driving!))
  99. Martin Baron: "Those things... What the hell were you using to attack us with?"
  100. GM (GM): (Well, he's in the back seat but he's making driving noises!)
  101. Clayton R. straightens up, keeping his eyes on the "road." "Topsider, Do you recognize what has happened to you?.. Do you have any tracking devices on your person or equipment?.. and I'm going to need your suit at some point... no hurry though."
  102. ToppyBird: Well, we were going around.
  103. Martin Baron: ((Should I roll for the question?))
  104. ToppyBird: Doing, uh, things.
  105. ...What do I do?
  106. Suule S. snarls "Things? Like what? Killing mutants, you sick bastard"
  107. ToppyBird: Tracking? Nah, the dust is too soft for tracking!
  108. Martin Baron: ((Weird))
  109. ToppyBird: Driving. We drive. We drive around for days!
  110. GM (GM): Then... Something.
  111. ToppyBird: Ah! We say a mutant!
  112. But he was, uh...
  113. Clayton R. groans "Tracking DEVICES. Do you have any on you or on any equipment, like this gun?" He asks, pointing it at the Topsider.
  114. GM (GM): He was...
  115. M. Walker curls her lip at the vulture suspiciously, still remembering what those, things he and his friend sent after them made her see.
  116. ToppyBird: Uuh?
  117. the topsider clearly can't understand tracking devices at this time.
  118. ToppyBird: Just ask it! Everything talks!
  119. Martin Baron: ((We're sitting right next to a to be Jim-God aren't we?))
  120. ToppyBird: How are you gun?
  121. Clayton R. eyes the bird topsider, glancing down at the gun and asking sarcastically. "Okay. Zero gun, do you have any tracking equipment embedded in you?"
  122. Suule S.: Do you think it'll answer you?
  123. zerogun: -81X Friggin' idiot
  124. zerogun: -81X Friggin' idiot
  125. Suule S.: He's one of them
  126. Of course he'll be hiding something. It can't be trusted
  127. X81: get dusted MARY!
  128. Martin Baron recoils slightly at the gun speaking. Weirder stuff has happened today, but more and more keeps adding on to the pile.
  129. Clayton R. is taken aback... it really did talk... and it still wasn't cooperating. "Clarify Zero gun, it's a lot easier for me to get rid of you than it is for you to get rid of me." He points in toard the air as a precaution.
  130. Martin Baron quietly wonders if he's actually asleep, and the whole thing is a stress induced nightmare.
  131. Traver S. DJ is hearing this and thinking that he's just lost to much blood and hallucinating. He'll just accept it at the moment.
  132. Suule S. growls "Frigging topsider tech.... just toss it out. Everything of theirs talks... except mutts. Fucking mutts."
  133. M. Walker stays beside DJ, doing what she can for his wounds in a cramped jeep
  134. 81X: Sure, I'll clarify! Put my aperture in your mouth and pull the trigger virus bait!
  135. Clayton R.: ((is it odd that I imagine this gun with a Mr Gutsy voice? ))
  136. 81X: Line up for max efficiency!
  137. Traver S.: "Thanks Mana... real life saver."
  138. M. Walker: ((Nope))
  139. Suule S. yells out at the gun "How about you blow yourself up, you fucking prick."
  140. Martin Baron: "Just toss it out the window... Less of a hassle." Martin quietly says.
  141. M. Walker adds with a sigh "I'm sorry I couldn't stop all this."
  142. 81X: Sure, bad enough my crew got rolled and birdy there lost it!
  143. Traver S.: DJ laughs. "Eh, its fiiiiine, just another day in the life, right?" he muses to Mana
  144. 81X: I'm not!
  145. Clayton R. furrows his brow. "you aren't making this easy 81X, either way this ends. You aren't getting returned to base. You either cooperate or get destroyed. I'm no stranger to demolishion, and I got somebody else here who would love to blow you apart himself... I am ordering you to list any and all tracking equipment within you. He test the trigger discretely, keeping the gun aimed at the sky.
  146. M. Walker: ((Going with the idea that Manna got flashback'd by the dittos during my away time, heh))
  147. GM (GM): 81X refuses to fire
  148. Martin Baron: "Er, gun... What was that stuff he was using earlier? Is that a new weapon Topsiders are using?"
  149. 81X: I am a tracking device, you bumbolts!
  150. all topsider gear is integrated by a local radio signal reaching about 1 mile!
  151. Clayton R. smiles and stops the jeep. "Alright then. Thanks for the info. Everett.. you want to blow it up right?"
  152. Also: , I'm a machine! I'm not actually ALIVE. I only wish I could kill more of you all! Killing is my purpose, it's what IAM!
  153. GM (GM): ((Still flubbing up the /as chat speech))
  154. 81X: the big black?
  155. I thought those were your weapons!
  156. Clayton R. nods, playing along
  157. 81X: Why do you think my crew is nuts?
  158. Suule S.: You're finally starting to speak my language Clayton
  159. 81X: Go ahead, guess, I'll wait
  160. Martin Baron: "They were attacking us. Looked like your user was the one using them."
  161. Clayton R. shrugs. "those black jelly monsters at the factory."
  162. M. Walker perks her ears, still shaking from the vision they, forced on her
  163. 81X: Yeah, your eyes aren't exactly reliable with that stuff.
  164. Traver S.: "..."
  165. 81X: Crew encountered a muttie and then that stuff struck.
  166. After about an hour or three the crew had killed themselves in crossfire and those that survived were driving crazy by things I couldn't detect.
  167. Clayton R. nods, cutting in to ask a question. "By chance, where did you encounter this mutant?"
  168. Martin Baron lets out a small sigh of relief, knowing that the black mass wasn't something all Topsiders could have.
  169. 81X: last reading north.
  170. 81X: I want you to know, truely, I tell you this in the hopes that you find whatever it is that attacked us and die screaming.
  171. Clayton R. turns back to the crew. "sounds like the skirmish we saw earlier..."
  172. 81X: Never forget that, for me?
  173. Martin Baron: ((Hold that promise forever guys, for that one gun the crazy Topsider had.))
  174. Suule S.: Clayton. Stop the car... I want to know one thing about this gun.
  175. GM (GM): ((You guys are making a frienemy!))
  176. Suule S.: Does it feel pain
  177. M. Walker adds with a shaky laugh. "You're so charming, in your own homicidal way..."
  178. Clayton R. nods again. "Will do buddy... I'll keep it in the back of my mind. but here looks like a good spot to destroy you... only one more question though."
  179. Martin Baron: ((Roll persuasion to make him drop the tracking and become our weapon to kill dittos!))
  180. 81X: "Shoot"
  181. No really
  182. Clayton R. chuckles. "Where did those topsiders move the ordnance they gathered at that factory?"
  183. GM (GM): ((Tracking devices are actually hardwired mechanisms. No way for them to disable it on their own.))
  184. 81X: Ah, the haul.
  185. Martin Baron: ((Crud. Convince him to not murder us while we rip out the tracking device?))
  186. Listen: ... you're an immune so I trust you more than the pet zoo here.
  187. 81X: come closer so I can whisper.
  188. Martin Baron: ((Just put your ear right on the end of the barrel.))
  189. 81x: unless you think Flappy there is a font of info. He doesn't have anything going for him now.
  190. Clayton R. sighs "you told me to die several times, how about I just walk a little farther away, so I don't have to put my face so close to a death machine... also, what are the chances that I could use you if I too your crazy guy's suit?""
  191. Clayton R.: *if I took
  192. 81X is silent.
  193. 81X: absolutely zero, terrible idea.
  194. Clayton R. smirks, not that anynoe could see it. "Hey everett, get that topsider out of his suit.. giv him a towel or something."
  195. 81X: Fine, you ruined my cunning plan to yell in your ear.
  196. truth is the TP and the ICBM are gone.
  197. they were taken but what took out the patrol.
  198. Martin Baron: ((Turns out this is the set up for the satellite rocket and the drill missiles ))
  199. Clayton R. is unamused. "Yeah... we gathered that much already... Where did they go silent?""
  200. The naked(?) birdman claps his wings and shouts, "King of Persia!" All hail the great Magic Man!
  201. 81X: recall filter head! I'm bored now. Leave me in the dust or blow me away.
  202. Suule S. looks at Clayton with a little bit of disgust, not sure if he's serious or just doing it to piss him off. "As much as I hate topsiders I'm not gonna fucking undress one... that's just not right..."
  203. GM (GM): ((Then birdman remains in his suit
  204. Clayton R. looks back. "Than someone else can do it, get me the suit or get me the arm of the suit!"
  205. GM (GM): ((The arm?))
  206. Suule S. turns away not to look "Fine by me... "
  207. Suule S.: (( Role reversal, now Clayton is the crazy one! ))
  208. Clayton R.: (( the arm of the suit if they are too squeamish to take off the full thing.))
  209. You have de-suited the bird!
  210. Suule S.: (( Huh? I'm not gonna desuit her. ))
  211. (( Everett just turned away not to look at whoever might do it ))
  212. Toppy did it himself!
  213. Suule S.: (( Give the topsider a scrap of Dignity and all ))
  214. he is good like that!
  215. and he has taken flight!
  216. Martin Baron: ((What? His hands are bound though!))
  217. Traver S.: "...Uh...."
  218. Clayton R. equips the suit, intent on shooting down the bird
  220. I'm free!
  221. Martin Baron: ((God bless you birdman))
  222. Sins and slights forgiven!
  223. M. Walker grabs her rifle, startled and surprised with his escape, and takes aim
  224. Suule S. yells at the bird "I HOPE THERE IS A SPECIAL PLACE IN HELL FOR YOU, TOPSIDER."
  225. Traver S.: "...You know, I don't understand anything anymore."
  226. Martin Baron: "Just leave him be! He's not gonna do anything."
  227. Suule S.: (( Uh oh... I know where this is going ))
  228. Clayton R. groans, aiming th e zero gun at the bird "I hope you have no qualms shooting your own, but he is a liability."
  229. Martin Baron: ((He's gonna fly into the craters isn't he?))
  230. Clayton R.: ((He is speaking to 81X))
  231. The bird laughs and says, "Joyous day upon you all! Merry Festivus! May stripper pole elves give you turkey!"
  232. 81X: Just pull the trigger mary!
  233. Clayton R. fires
  234. GM (GM): ((As a safeguard, zero weapons can't fire on their own.)
  235. GM (GM): (Roll to attack, he is some 40 feet up by now.)
  236. Clayton R.: rolling 1d100
  237. (79)= 79
  238. GM (GM): (I'd like to try to dodge here.
  239. (As an aerobatics test.
  240. Clayton R.: (( alright))
  241. GM (GM): rolling 1d100+35
  242. (69)+35= 104
  243. (Oh wow.)
  244. He swoops and dives. Your beam shoots wide.
  245. Having some sense of personal danger he heads away at a clip of 35mph
  246. M. Walker takes a shot at him
  247. GM (GM): (You guys are cruel!)
  248. Clayton R. even tough he missed, Clayton is glad to see the weapon fire. He aims to fire again
  249. Suule S. hits the deck putting his hands over his head "When we're through with the fucking vulture, the gun has to go. Fuck those things"
  250. GM (GM): Shoot away!
  251. Clayton R.: (He is part of the rebel alliance and a traitor!))
  252. rolling 1d100
  253. (93)= 93
  254. M. Walker: .d 1d100+10
  255. Clayton R.: "/roll" walker
  256. GM (GM): its /r on d20. net
  257. M. Walker: rolling 1d100+10
  258. (92)+10= 102
  259. Clayton R.: or that woraks
  260. *works
  261. M. Walker: (derp)
  262. GM (GM): Yep, you hit him.
  263. DUSTED.
  264. Hey, Walker, was this your first kill?
  265. M. Walker: (Yup)
  266. GM (GM): rolling 1d10
  267. (6)= 6
  268. Clayton, take 6 mp!
  269. Clayton R.: whoa, walker shot him with a ray gun?
  270. GM (GM): rolling 3d10
  271. (7+3+2)= 12
  272. Clayton R.: oh, I did
  273. Suule S. laughs at the dusted vulture "See you in hell!"
  274. GM (GM): Walker, take 12mp and your innocence!
  275. 81X hates all mutants, so he cooperated in your murder
  276. Suule S. turns to Clayton "Now, Clayton... give me the gun so I can dispose of it in a reasonable and painful to it manner"
  277. Martin Baron: Slightly disgusted at the party's glee, Martin goes back into the jeep.
  278. GM (GM): Congratulations, you killed an philosophically innocent, sick man.
  279. Clayton R. shakes his head to clear his thoughts, and he glances down at the weapon. "You're impressive tech 81X, you sure you don't want to point out where your tracking system is? This may be your last chance for you to even be used, much less by a human too..."
  280. Suule S.: (( That innocent man might've killed a hundred more innocent men ))
  281. Traver S. is napping for the most part.
  282. 81X: you ain't human and you'll never be human. Take off that damn mask, you look like a nerd!
  283. M. Walker winces with regret, having taken the shot more from the anxiety of the moment. She stares in his direction forlornly a moment as his death sinks in.
  284. Suule S. extends the hand more, frustration painting on his face "You can't have leopard change its spots, Clayton..."
  285. Martin Baron: ((Yeah, that's why I said slightly. I'm alright with him being dead, but I don't think Martin's OK with seeing someone who's now practically harmless getting butchered.))
  286. 81X: which one you talking too, bamboo bimbo!
  287. Suule S.: (( Well in all honesty I don't think what we did was right in any way. But character wise? Everett thinks everything is okay. ))
  288. Clayton R. clarifies. "A nerd with better survival instinct than you're own friendlies... I even got the suit to mat."ch
  289. 81X: ... I'm sorry, I can't work with panda jokes. I'll except function cease now.
  290. Suule S. is unphased. First year of this was nothing but extinction jokes.
  291. GM (GM): That's grim!
  292. So are you going to smash the guy or what?
  293. M. Walker quietly stows her rifle, with palpable shame
  294. GM (GM): This is kind of the end of the line for 81's cooperation, unless you can point him at more mutants.
  295. Clayton R. chuckles. "That's a shame... Everett, get over here."
  296. Suule S.: (( No, I still have some thermite left that I was gonna use for a charge. ))
  297. Martin Baron: ((Try telling him he can help kill more dittos if he tells us where the shipment was lost?))
  298. GM (GM): He does like killing...
  299. Clayton R.: ((he still has tracking though... otherwise I could use him whether he likes it or not.))
  300. GM (GM): Also being a jerk.
  301. Suule S. walks over to Clayton undoing his backpack
  302. Martin Baron: ((You can TELL him he can help, doesn't mean you can't ditch him after finding out where the bombs went.))
  303. ((Wink wink nudge nudge))
  304. Suule S.: ((We have wounded on board, we need to get them transported and a tracking device is the last thing you need ))
  305. GM (GM): (Or is it?)
  306. Clayton R. leans over Everett. "do you want to try and take a crack at removing his tracker... This tech could be invaluable to Malllard and it could be a very HEFTY bonus."
  307. Suule S. 's jaw drop "You want me to.. WHAT?"
  308. GM (GM): ((You guys do realize that he is broadcasting your position right now, right?))
  309. Suule S. points at the gun "This is a fucking liability either way. If I tinker with it it'll probably gonna explode in my hands. FORGET IT. Just fucking burn it with thermite and be done with it. The sooner the better.
  310. Clayton R. sighs... "I want to see if we can salvage 81X first and foremost... if not, frak him... but I don't want to waste an opportunity."
  311. Suule S.: ((Yes.))
  312. ((Now that the topsider is out of the picture, Everett can think more clearly))
  313. Martin Baron: ((You know, in the least I think Mallard can point us out to the bomb shipment. Might have some eyes tell us where it's located.))
  314. Clayton R. continues "Just... try and see if it's possible. If it looks impossible... well you know. "
  315. Martin Baron: ((GM, can I make a perception roll, make sure nothing is driving out to us?))
  316. Suule S. pulls a can of thermite out of his backpack "Hell no, I'm not gonna fucking tamper with it without a bomb suit." he says dropping the gun and pouring out the ground aluminum with iron oxide over it
  317. GM (GM): ((You may, martin)
  318. Martin Baron: rolling 1d100
  319. (48)= 48
  320. Clayton R. sighs once more. "Very well then. Proceed... I'll keep an eye out."
  321. Martin Baron idly looks out the jeep window, hoping Clayton and Everett can finish up whatever they're doing and get going again.
  322. GM (GM): You notice, nothing.
  323. There is nothing out there.
  324. Literally miles of abject nothing.
  325. Suule S. makes a short gunpowder fuse to the thermite and lights it "See you in Valhalla."
  326. Martin Baron: ((Alright, better than noticing a warband charging their way towards us.))
  327. Suule S. hops onto the Jeep "Come on, let's go."
  328. 81X: blood and betaraaaays!
  329. Clayton R. paces away from the gun. "Catch you later... Sorry it had to come to this. I hate wasting good tech."
  330. GM (GM): rolling 7d10+70
  331. (2+7+8+4+2+5+1)+70= 99
  332. Suule S. looks at the burning pile "Unlucky for him, train for Ragnarok already left few years ago."
  333. GM (GM): He goes pomf
  334. Clayton R. boards the jeep, and looks back at everyone with his newly donned topsider suit. "Everyone ready to head back?"
  335. GM (GM): ((Suule, secretly a thorite)
  336. M. Walker nods with a weary sigh
  337. Suule S. straightens himself out, puts the backpack onto his back again and nods "Yeah, let's get this pain train back to Endtown."
  338. GM (GM): Well, with the MURD-- conflicts resolved what do you do?
  339. Martin Baron: ((Go to the Dollar Store to pick up some Sprite))
  340. Clayton R.: head back to home base
  341. GM (GM): ENDTOWN!
  342. Martin Baron: ((And then go to the Dollar Store on the way back.))
  343. GM (GM): (I'm sorry, this is the best picture i could pull right now.
  344. Clayton R. tries to make conversation as time passes. "So guys be honest... do I look like some kind of new-age Nazi in this?"
  345. Martin Baron:
  346. ((Yes))
  347. Suule S. looks at Clayton "This uniform embodies everything I hate. So yes..."
  348. GM (GM): You have dawned the topsider uniform?
  349. Clayton R.: Yep
  350. stop everything!
  351. Clayton R.: ((I don't think there is any worry of tracking there... Linda never had to worry about it and she wore hers to Endtown))
  352. but security is another thing
  353. Suule S.: ( Fuck I forgot how much dollarnios I had for that first mission )
  354. Martin Baron: ((GM, did the backpack I had full of pens get buried under the rubble?))
  355. Clayton R.: ((this is important information GM))
  356. Suule S.: (( Oh right and more importantly was DJ electronics-laden backpack that was he was clutching to so dearly got wrecked ))
  357. Martin Baron: ((I want my 5 Endtown bucks for the 60 pens I brought back.))
  358. GM (GM): ((Linda was 3'0" and had the helmet off.
  359. Suule S.: ((Linda was also a mutie, not a human ))
  360. ((And given the rat's intelligence...))
  361. before you enter endtown you have a pod pop up for you ahead of time. Convient!
  362. Clayton R.: (( I didn't put on the helmet... that would mean taking off my first helmet."
  363. Martin Baron sighs, not surprised at the rat's harsh reintroduction to Endtown.
  364. Suule S. looks around "...I don't like this"
  365. rats barrel out of the pod shouting and preping to fire, not so convenient!
  366. Clayton R.: and with computers too!
  367. Martin Baron: ((But more importantly the pens))
  368. Clayton R. curses to himself, making sure to keep his gas mask on and leaving the topsider mask tucked away.
  369. Suule S. hops off the jeep and walks up to the rat "Oh swell... I get nearly, mutilatied, driven insane, crushed to death and then fucking vaporized... and you greet me like this. Lower your fucking gun and let me pass you homiciadal fascist."
  370. Suule S.: (Can I try to PERSUADE them I don't have time for this?)
  371. GM (GM): The rats aint having that stuff.
  373. Suule S.: rolling 1d100
  374. (81)= 81
  375. Clayton R. groans out load. "Oh come on, I have my ID."
  376. Martin Baron: ((Still dead last. Don't have to roll combat initiative though.))
  377. Suule S.: (Add 50 to that)
  378. Martin Baron: ((Combat paralyze though)
  379. Suule S.: (Forgot)
  380. (No wait, 60... I leveled up)
  381. M. Walker: rolling 1d100+35
  382. (79)+35= 114
  383. Clayton R.: rolling 1d100+50
  384. (20)+50= 70
  385. Traver S.: rolling 1d100 + 50
  386. (60)+50= 110
  387. Suule S.: (Should be 151 I think)
  388. GM (GM): What's your mind and level?
  389. Suule S.: (Level 3, mind 80)
  390. (Err... 8)
  391. GM (GM): So it's +60
  392. Suule S.: (140, derp yeah)
  393. (141, I can't count today)
  394. GM (GM): rolling 1d100+25
  395. (46)+25= 71
  396. Am I to assume that you've stopped teh vehicle or are moving?
  397. Before we begin.
  398. Suule S.: (I assumed it was stopped )
  399. Clayton R.: stopped I would say
  400. GM (GM): OKAY!
  401. SUULE!
  402. Suule S. pulls out a grenade and for the last time threatens the rats "I'm fucking tired of these games today. PUT DOWN THE WEAPONS AND LET'S TALK IT OUT. I DON'T WANT TO KILL ANY OF YOU! I DON'T KILL MUTANTS"
  403. GM (GM): Going Brick, eh?
  404. Traver S. just kind of face palms.
  406. GM (GM): Sorry, that was bad, huh?
  407. So you'll take a wait action then?
  408. Suule S.: (Hell no, I want to intimidate them )
  409. GM (GM): Ah, okay.
  410. Suule S.: ( I mean there is some brain matter there, right?)
  411. GM (GM): They have the advantage so they gain +30
  412. Suule S.: rolling 1d100+50
  413. (13)+50= 63
  414. GM (GM): MIND OFF!
  415. Suule S.: (Motherfucker)
  416. GM (GM): rolling 1d100+55
  417. (31)+55= 86
  418. Clayton R.: ((I think it is pretty imperative that we not make any real hostile actions against them.))
  419. GM (GM): They are not scared of your attempts at REASON!
  420. Walker's turn?
  421. Suule S.: (I'm gonna wait then... this is becoming too stressful for Everett)
  423. GM (GM): (That gets abit annoying after abit. Hey anyone got a reccoomendation for the jukebox?)
  424. M. Walker groans, keeping her hands up. "We're not hostile! Please! We're back from a mission on orders from Mallard!" herself trying to reason with them
  425. Martin Baron: (( ?))
  426. M. Walker: ((I second this))
  427. Clayton R.: (( ))
  428. (( not really ))
  429. GM (GM): ((Oh, I play that one all the time clay!)
  430. Anyway, Walker is taking a wait action.
  431. right
  432. ?
  433. Clayton R.: (( Metal gear is best when it goes full ham ))
  434. Martin Baron: ((Self preservation is paramount, at any cost.))
  435. M. Walker: Yup
  437. I mean... DJ!
  438. GM (GM): ((I gotta get that profile picture for you man.))
  439. Traver S. technically is a screaming Rat, however he's with Walker and is saying "We have wounded to...we live here yo."
  440. Traver S.: (I'll go search it out now.)
  441. Suule S.: ((...if this is another illusion, GM... I swear))
  442. RAT SEC TURN!
  443. GM (GM): You hear them scream, "Look out, one of them has an explosive! Take out their tires!
  445. rolling 1d100+5
  446. (69)+5= 74
  447. Suule S.: (( Bye bye Everett ))
  448. GM (GM): Lets do this in bulk.
  449. rolling 6d100+5
  450. (13+2+2+85+24+48)+5= 179
  451. Wow, only two more hits.
  452. Martin Baron: ((Shouldn't that be 8 dice rolled though?))
  453. ((8 rats))
  454. GM (GM): rolling 4d10+40+15
  455. (3+4+2+2)+40+15= 66
  456. rolling 4d10+40+15
  457. (5+3+3+10)+40+15= 76
  458. rolling 4d10+40+15
  459. (4+6+3+10)+40+15= 78
  460. 220 on the jeep!
  461. Suule S. screams loudly "YOU IDIOTS! YOU MANIACS! STOP SHOOTING!"
  463. GM (GM): Suule isn't quite used to endtown security yet.
  464. Anyway, bullets shred metal and riddle the vehicle.
  465. Still it protects you!
  466. Also about 60 or so rounds fly clear over your heads.
  467. Suule S.: (( The colonies that he were at had more lax security, or plain didn't allow people out. ))
  468. (( So no, he's not. ))
  469. (( Or at least had a sec force that didn't share a single brain cell ))
  470. GM (GM): (True. Perhaps that's something for security's suggestion box?)
  471. Clayton R. is pissed beyond all belief and he'll be damned if he lets himself die thirty feet from safety over a misunderstanding. He doesn't want anyone to die here. It seems taking off his topsider mask wasn't enough; he takes off torso part of his suit, and he fish around for his endtown ID. "I live here! I got this suit from a dead topsider for safety! I'm on a mission for Mallard, and we have wounded, just check my Endtown ID!.. Call Mallard if you have to, but he's going to be PISSED if you kill the only people who can save endtown right now!"
  472. Suule S.: (( Everett for Head of Security - FLASK WAS RIGHT. I AM EVEN MORE RIGHT. ))
  473. Clayton R.: ((Can I toss my ID over to the guards safely?))
  474. GM (GM): Sure
  475. Martin Baron: ((They'll think it's a thin grenade and leap to safety))
  476. GM (GM): It's not like you're throwing a ninja star or anything
  477. Suule S.: ((I think that might be our best bet for the moment ))
  478. Clayton R. tosses the I.D. over to the closest guard, making sure to keep his hands up skyward.
  479. GM (GM): Commence wait action?
  480. Suule S. makes a mental note... "Stun grenades. Bean can + magnesium load. Flash and boom. One for each sec encounter"
  481. Clayton R. keeps his hands up
  482. Clayton R.: ((end turn))
  484. Martin Baron lies down on the seat, hands on his head, trying his best to avoid getting hit by a stray bullet.
  485. GM (GM): ((Endtown Security: because nothing should be easy for you!))
  486. Martin Baron: ((Wait action.))
  487. GM (GM): Proceed to Rat's response turn?
  488. Martin Baron: ((Maybe dodge whatever bullets come my way in a 5 foot space, I don't know.))
  489. Suule S.: (( Sure... I am close to accepting death ))
  490. GM (GM): Brb
  491. Back
  492. Clayton R.: ((I'm beginning to wonder if the rats are going to make me meet up with Flask after this security breach.))
  493. (( It worries me. ))
  494. Suule S.: (( Flask is still alive in the RPG time? ))
  495. Clayton R.: ((This is Pre-Wally I believe.))
  496. Martin Baron: ((Yeah, you're probably gonna meet him sooner or later.))
  497. Suule S.: (( Ah. ))
  498. GM (GM): Besides that the rats shout, "GET ON THE GROUND...NOW!"
  499. Clayton R. abides by their commands
  500. Traver S. is to injured to really want to fight right now.
  501. Suule S. abides
  502. GM (GM): One of the rats seems worried.
  503. Suule S.: (( Probably sooner. ))
  504. Martin Baron opens the jeep door and complies.
  505. Martin Baron: ((Well that rat can suck it up then.))
  506. M. Walker regretfully sighs as she does the same
  507. You hear something
  508. Martin Baron: ((A warband playing metal music chasing a battle truck?))
  509. you hear, "Hey chief, should I put the pin back or...?"
  510. Suule S.: ...
  511. Martin Baron: ((Oh god))
  512. GM (GM): oh yeah.
  513. let's play a game.
  514. Clayton R.: hot potato!
  515. Martin Baron: ((It already doesn't sound fun))
  516. GM (GM): I'll roll a d12 and it goes in the direction of the clock face.
  517. ... of course he isn't going to throw it at the pod so...
  518. rolling 1d12
  519. (10)= 10
  520. for
  521. Martin Baron: ((10 is right around the pod area, I'd say.))
  522. GM (GM): rolling 1d4
  523. (2)= 2
  524. for
  525. rolling 8d10+80
  526. (2+10+4+9+10+7+2+9)+80= 133
  527. err...Maybe I went abit to far
  528. Suule S.: (( Gordon Ramsey locked himself in the freezer ))
  529. GM (GM): An explosion sends rats flying!
  530. Suule S.: (( That's how I feel right now ))
  531. Clayton R.: (( Hey, you guys know what to do if a grenade ever lands close to you right? ))
  532. Martin Baron: ((Good lord, the ground's littered with mouse pieces and red right now))
  533. ((Jump on it and be a badass?))
  534. GM (GM): If you want.
  535. To late now
  536. The surviving rats take you into custody!
  537. Suule S. heads the explosion and starts talking to himself "They're all crazy... They're all crazy... They're all crazy... "
  538. M. Walker shields her eyes in shock and disgust as she is detained
  539. Martin Baron: ((2 months l8r))
  540. GM (GM): At gunpoint!
  541. Clayton R.: ((Jesus christ, how do write that on a mission report? ))
  542. GM (GM): Yes, that was horrorific.
  543. Traver S. just kinda says "Suule...just keep calm man, its gonna be alright. I'm sure."
  544. Clayton R. rolls his eyes, but is glad he isn't filled with bullets. "Am I being detained?"
  545. GM (GM): The rats strike you in the kneecap for being quipy
  546. rolling 1d10+30
  547. (9)+30= 39
  548. M. Walker grimaces from the stench of blood and ichor all around filling her nose
  549. GM (GM): 39 damage
  550. Clayton R.: ((Whoa what kind of arm do they got for that strike?))
  551. Martin Baron: "#$*! ing hell, leave him be!" Martin yells at the Sec.
  552. GM (GM): Right, sorry, I was thinking of some other npcs
  553. Suule S. is in the panic mode, he's not saying anything other than uttering stuff to himself.
  554. GM (GM): rolling 1d10+20
  555. (2)+20= 22
  556. 22
  557. Clayton R.: (( That seems better ))
  558. ((Are we in endtown or the security up top?))
  559. GM (GM): ...I don't have a map for that.
  560. Clayton R.: ((everyone laugh at the GM))
  561. Suule S.: (( I'm laughing at how absurd the situation is in ))
  562. Martin Baron: ((What are those circles?))
  563. Clayton R.: ((Oh boy, circle rooms))
  564. GM (GM): The tubes to enter the wastes
  565. Martin Baron: ((Dude, we got the luxury suite, we got shit tubes))
  566. ((I misread that))
  567. ((I read waste tubes, thought we were in a prison cell, and thought it was a shitting hole.))
  568. GM (GM): You are taken down and greeted by barrels.
  569. A rat with glaces approaches, hands behind his back
  570. Prime_Assistant:
  571. And what is going on?
  572. Clayton R. remains silent and cooperative as possible when faces with rifles pointed at him.
  573. Suule S. has his hands raised still, mumbling something. He had enough for one day
  574. Martin Baron: "What's going on is that you brainless $#^@s are trying to blow us into paste!" Martin shouts.
  575. Prime_Assistant: I should say the same.
  576. Why is he wearing a topsider uniform
  577. Is what I should be asking.
  578. Traver S.: "We jacked it off one of them."
  579. Clayton R. speaks up. "I thought it would be advantageous when faced with topsiders... we managed to get a zero gun too, but we had to ditch it a ways back and destroy it."
  580. Prime_Assistant: You... What?
  581. M. Walker winces at DJ's wording silently
  582. Martin Baron: "Mallard sent us out on a mission, we hit Topsiders on the way. One of them turned and we got his suit and gun off of him."
  583. Prime_Assistant: So, why did you ditch the gun, exactly?
  584. Clayton R. responds. "It was equped with tracking equipment... the suit had no such redundancies."
  585. the assistant nods and waves to a rat, "Double check with Doctor Mallard." he says.
  586. Assistant: and you know because...?
  587. Suule S. slowly comes to "B... because I told him so..."
  588. Assistant: Do you know -exactly- how that suit functions? What it does? How its powered?
  589. Martin Baron: "Yeah, yeah, Everett found it and couldn't get it out."
  590. Clayton R. carefully words his response. because when interrogated the gun revealed there was no extra tracking equipment other than itself... You've had turned topsiders too right?.. I'm pretty sure I've seen one or two around Endtown..."
  591. Assistant: Are you willing to bet 6,000 endtown citizens on your beliefs?
  592. adjusts his glasses.
  593. Suule S.: (( Damn it Clayton... you'll give the Panda paranoia! ))
  594. Clayton R. continues "In addition. I thought it could be an invaluable asset in the future."
  595. Assistant: Most of the defectors are, how you say, blue-collar.
  596. Clayton R. retorts. "They still have suits, however... they are quite recognizable..."
  597. Assistant: Janitors or clerical staff, most never even held a gun before getting in the sutits apparently Topsider commands makes it a point to not fully instruct them on the tech they use.
  598. Suule S. can't believe what he's hearing... Topsiders? IN ENDTOWN??!!!
  599. M. Walker finds the idea of willful defectors among topsiders, strange at best.
  600. Traver S. crosses his arms. "That's interesting."
  601. assistant: relax panda, the identities of those individuals are confidential.
  602. Suule S. speaks up "Why didn't you kill them? They have blood on their hands"
  603. assistant: I could hold you all responsible for killing 4 of my men just now, what would you say to that?
  604. Suule S. glares at the assistant "So, mutation is a ticket to absolution for them?"
  605. M. Walker facepalms
  606. Clayton R.: (9 I have to go handle something oustisde real quick. ))
  607. Martin Baron: "Everett, unless you really like the decoration of a prison cell, I'd shut up right now."
  608. assistant grimaces at Everett, the look of someone saying, "Know your station."
  609. Suule S. looks at Martin "Maybe it will be better than in the town with people that potentially wiped my friends."
  610. Clayton R.: (( back now))
  611. assistant: A question well all have to ask ourselves these days, yes?
  612. a rat appears holding a bag.
  613. It has a tinfoil interior.
  614. Clayton R. tries to ignore Everett's idiot-ness, but he gives the panda a striking glare as if to tell him to shut his damn mouth.
  615. Suule S.: (( We have the tinfoil hat. Where's the straightjacket? ))
  616. assistant: Ah, here.
  617. You there, Walter White
  618. Martin Baron: ((New mission: Secretly cook meth under Mallard's lab))
  619. assistant: Until we can be certain that thing isn't broadcasting we will store it in this container. It should jam the signal.
  620. Martin Baron: ((Fend off any police that come a-knocking))
  621. Suule S.: (( That's what Everett has 3 ranks in!)
  622. Martin Baron: ((You know, this is the first time I've seen a rat not do something completely retarded.))
  623. Assistant: Mallard has vouched for you and given you his vote of confidence.
  624. Clayton R. speaks up. "very well. I believe it could be very useful in the future for us though. A lot of topsiders can be fooled by a an immune human in that suit..."
  625. Assistant: Before you do that...
  626. he puts his hand on the bag.
  627. Martin Baron mumbles "Yeah, just gotta fix the giant gash right down the middle."
  628. Suule S. looks away from the assistant. He's starting to hate Endtown more and more and this is his 3rd day here...
  629. Assistant: Are you completely confident this won't be an issue.
  630. Martin Baron: ((Or shoulder, wherever it is that rubble likes to land))
  631. Clayton R. nods. "I can work, even with that. They'll be confused, but not enough to fire right away."
  632. Assistant: Are you truely willing to bet everyone here and in the town below that this won't compromise us? I'll remind you that all this is gone already just by you bringing it here.
  633. Martin Baron: "The rat's speaking sense Clayton, what if it is bugged? That'd only get us in more of a mess than we are in now."
  634. Clayton R. reiterates. "I am confident that this won't be much trouble... and I'll do anything in my power t dispose of it otherwise it I'm proven wrong. Until then, I believe it is an asset."
  635. Suule S.: Just give it to the doc
  636. Prof
  637. Whatever
  638. Assistant: It will make whatever you have seen in the wastes look like a birthday party.
  639. Suule S. just wishes this show would end.
  640. Clayton R.: ((I said I would, but they wanted to ask me this before I handed it over))
  641. Assistant: Very well.
  642. GM (GM): Get it back from the professor.
  643. Assistant: very well, you are all dismissed.
  644. Clayton R. "alright then... Is there anything else?"
  645. he clicks his heels and goose steps away.
  646. Suule S. adjusts his backpack "...thanks for nothing..."
  647. Clayton R. stands up, and helps everyone else up. "Is everyone alright... Sorry about that mess back there..."
  648. M. Walker looks from one to another, before letting the tension out with a sigh
  649. Narrowly avoiding banishment, imprisonment, or bifrication you proceed to...
  650. Martin Baron: The duck amuck
  651. GM (GM): Endtown!
  652. Traver S.: "Well, that was a day." he says with the usual fervor.
  653. Clayton R. is feeling tired beyond all belief, but he feels he should head to Mallard's before dedicating any time to himself. "You guys should go get some medical attention... I need to debrief Mallard."
  654. GM (GM): ...That's not very great looking.
  655. Whatever.
  656. Suule S. says under his nose "...I'll be fine..."
  657. GM (GM): Proceed to Doc duck?
  658. Traver S. looks over himself "Yeah. Hey, Suule. Wanna come with me to the hospital?"
  659. Clayton R. waves to the group and proceeds to the Doc's place
  660. Suule S. nods "I think that might be a good idea. I just want sedatives right now."
  661. Martin Baron decides to follow Clayton. He's still damaged from the collapsed building, but will visit the hospital later.
  662. Suule S.: But first, DJ... I want to talk with Mallard. So see you there in the hospital
  663. GM (GM): Anyone with exposed organs probably should go to the hospital.
  664. Suule S.: (I'll go to Mallard first. I think I can manage )
  665. Martin Baron: ((Roll luck. 1, you trip and die. Shudda visited the hospital))
  666. Traver S. nods and will just be chillin'. In a bed. He might even hum a tune.
  667. M. Walker has managed to escape physical harm, but she's going to need some time at the hostel to sort out what she did today.
  668. At the hospital Everett and DJ are put under and given immediate treatment.
  669. Suule S.: ((Probably should move me to Mallard's DM))
  670. ((I want to talk with the prof first ))
  671. you gain 50hp
  672. GM (GM): You are bandaged, cast, and told to stay overnight for a day or so.
  673. or a week.
  674. Clayton R. is surprised anyone followed him... least of all Martin... he wasn't looking good...
  675. Traver S. DJ comments that he might as well stay the night, he's not against it. He does want to ask Suule something while he's there/when he comes back.
  676. GM (GM): Martin can sleep, heal, or eat when he's dead!
  677. Martin Baron: ((I'm too badass for that trite shit))
  678. GM (GM): Meanwhile at the hostile.
  679. Err. Hostel.
  680. Clayton R. shakes his head, no point arguing with Martin. He proceeds inside.
  681. GM (GM): Walker, you find your old bunk. Still unused from all these missions and such.
  682. Suule S. catches up to Clayton and Martin... He wants some damn answers first before he can go to sleep all patched up
  683. GM (GM): The hostel owner comes and talks to you. She says, "Yeah... Honey, we are going to have to kick you out."
  684. Clayton R.: (( ohh))
  685. Martin Baron: ((What a bitch))
  686. Suule S.: (( I might remember some of the info we saw on the monitors ))
  687. (( Woah, things are just getting worse for everybody ))
  688. M. Walker stands forlornly beside it a moment. Then turns to her, blinking. "Excuse me...?"
  689. GM (GM): "Its not you dear, we just have all these run outs from New Persia."
  690. Someone took over the place or something.
  691. Martin Baron: ((Dammit, that bird guy turned into a sootsayer didn't he?))
  692. GM (GM): They got on the radio and said they're headed here, some of them, anyway.
  693. "Besides! I hear your a big shot action girl now! You probably have an apartment just waiting for you out there!"
  694. ((I may have some flaws as a storyteller, i am willing to admit.))
  695. Clayton R.: ((Clayton could probably cover the cost of an apartment for her...))
  696. Martin Baron: ((I'm sorry, I'm gonna keep quiet.))
  697. M. Walker looks to the side with a sigh and a nod. "Yeah, I suppose so..."
  698. GM (GM): "Also, I've already given away your bunk."
  699. "C'mon, get. Don't make this hard."
  700. you have been discharged from the hostel.
  701. M. Walker: "Okay, I'm goin'..." snatching up her things and scuttling out the door
  702. total time actually occupying it: 2 hours.
  703. a solitary tear runs down the cow's face. She will miss her.
  704. GM (GM): ...Aaaand now Mallard!
  705. Suule S.: (( I think I've found the pic idea ))
  706. GM (GM): (Neat, i think?)
  707. If you ask a kiosk, you discover your new home.
  708. Mallards!
  709. M. Walker looks behind her on the way out, before coming to said kiosk, which directs her just down the street.
  710. Clayton R.: (( how much does it cost? I recall that I'm the one with everybody's money.))
  711. GM (GM): ((Just so I remember you are under medical treatment.))
  712. Suule S.: (( Yeah I'll get back there ))
  713. (( I just want to relay what I've found during browsing the files... Clayton and Martin weren't there ))
  714. GM (GM): ((Shoot, I thought housing was free in Endtown.))
  715. Suule S.: (( And DJ is in too dire of a condition ))
  716. GM (GM): ((It's either dead man's boots or privilege to get housing. I thought. I don't know now. My lore muscle has been shaken!))
  717. ((That is actually something you should be important!))
  718. Martin Baron: ((Crash the couch at someone else's apartment, I dunno, or spend all your moolah for a penthouse))
  719. Traver S.: (If nothing else, they can just stay at DJ's place.)
  720. (He does have one. He had a neighbor in fact!...Had.)
  721. GM (GM): Okay, so Everett, Clay, and Martin run into Mallard's lab.
  722. They say ow.
  723. Martin Baron: ((Yeah and then you ate their food))
  724. Traver S.: (Nope. I stayed clean.)
  725. Traver S. DJ is too pure.
  726. GM (GM): Snapps was the eater.
  727. Martin Baron: ((Ok, well I did too, so I can't blame you.))
  728. GM (GM): Clayton's vice is money!
  729. Suule S. calls out "Hey, Prof. Mallard. A minute of your time. I'm trying to hold my guts here..."
  730. Martin Baron: ((How much do we all have anyway? I got 3923 wacky dollars))
  731. Mallard: I'm not that kind of doctor, you know that?
  732. Clayton R.: (( That's pretty close to my amount.))
  733. Suule S. shrugs "Yeah I'm gonna go to the hospital in a bit. Or bar. Don't know which... anyway we have problems."
  734. Suule S. sighs "The missiles are gone."
  735. GM (GM): (I added that to your guys haul list in the handout section.)
  736. Martin Baron: ((Added what?))
  737. Mallard: Please tell me they're "gone" as in you destroyed them.
  738. Martin Baron: ((Oh cool))
  739. ((Well, minus one bird))
  740. "Topsiders took them. We got there and got attacked by two and some... black stuff..."
  741. Suule S. cuts in "Dittos"
  742. Clayton R. speaks up. "Sorry doc, they were gone when we got there... but the topsiders were still there..."
  743. Mallard: Well, which is it?
  744. Suule S. continues "Anyway... let's start from the beginning..."
  745. Clayton R. "and there were a bunch of black jelly monsters with teeth and eyes everywhere."
  746. Suule S.: We go in, notice the missiles are gone, Mutts are there, we kill the mutts, then we search the computer room and we got some data from this corporation... then we get ambused by Dittos and well... two crazed topsiders tried to attack us.
  747. Mallard: No kidding? Did you bring a sample?
  748. Suule S. headshakes "No? the roof came down on our head"
  749. Clayton R. shakes his head. "Constant blaster fire brought the place down, we had to,leave before we were crushed... I got the probe up though."
  750. Mallard: At least that saves us on explosives.
  751. Suule S. rubs his head "Oh before I forget. The name Trask, does that ring a bell?"
  752. Suule S.: Some sort of a company
  753. Mallard: Ah, that. Yeah... While you were out I figured out a way to extend the sandcrawlers range. Still, redundancy doesn't hurt. Thanks for that.
  754. mallard furrows his bill
  755. Clayton R.: ((btw is that $4000 fun bucks in the haul an extra $4000?))
  756. Martin Baron: "One of the Topsiders turned mutant and we tried to take him with us. He didn't make it. Had a... talking gun, and it said that the guys who took the missiles went quiet. Didn't say where though."
  757. GM (GM): (Just keeping track of how much people have. Maybe I should take it out if you all want separate tallies.)
  758. Clayton R.: (( ah okay. So I guess that is Clayton's money on hand then since he never handed it out, just bough what people wanted.))
  759. Suule S.: (( Yeah ))
  760. Mallard: First: Trask is a vehicle manufacturer before the war. They mostly made hovercars but like every coporation back then they also had military projects.
  761. Suule S. nods "Well we got their servers with us."
  762. Mallard: The gun isn't a surpise, kind of, all topsider technology has the... you know... They use it for processing power. Literally everything they use has the... You know... in it to some degree.
  763. Clayton R. finds a seat next to the conversation
  764. Suule S. nods "Yeah. Yeah... Possibly tracked too. Anything discarded topsider tech attracts them like flies. Makes good for booby traps, but prof. There was more."
  765. Suule S. scratches the back of the head "If I recall... the gun was talking about a 'large crew' being ambused by the shapeshify jelly we met later"
  766. GM (GM): "Servers? excellent. I'm kind of busy ruining this town but if you could crack them and give me a report on it that would be great, yeah."
  767. Suule S.: Possibly 4 topsiders
  768. Well I dunno prof. Taking homework to hospital?
  769. GM (GM): Sure, its boring enough over there.
  770. Mallard: Really wish we had a sample of this black goo.
  771. Martin Baron: "Do you think you might be able to find the lost shipment? Contact a nearby settlement and tell them to take it out before the Topsiders get it back?"
  772. Mallard: Welp! I'm sure we'll find some more later.
  773. Suule S. sighs... wondering how the doc will take him tinkering with servers during his hospital stay
  774. Clayton R. apologizes. "Sorry doc, it was just too new and aggressive for us..."
  775. Mallard: , yeah. I'll point the sensors east and see if they pick anything up. Contact the other colonies.
  776. Suule S.: Actually Doc...
  777. What did the gun say...
  778. Mallard: A working zero bomb could easily kill everyone of us.
  779. Suule S.: ...North?
  780. Martin Baron: "Good, good..." Martin says, hoping that they wont have to go back out there to finish the job.
  781. Suule S.: Weren't ambused "north"?
  782. Suule S. looks at Clayton and Martin for confirmation
  783. Mallard: So... They weren't ambushed where you were?
  784. Martin Baron: ((No, that was where his owner got hit by the dittos and the muties))
  785. Suule S.: ((Yeah but that meant that they were there for a reson ))
  786. ((So it's an axis of search))
  787. Clayton R. nods, sort of dazed right now.
  788. Suule S.: Well professor, it was like this... the goo nabbed the topsiders north of facility
  789. Mallard: So whatever this thing is it can take out topsider patrols, hijack their vehicles, can't be killed, and now it has the worst WMD in history and its mobile?
  790. Suule S.: Oh
  791. Wait
  792. Wait a second
  793. I think I remember the crazed topsider ramblings
  794. Whispering man was it?
  795. Whispered man?
  796. Suule S.: He said he's gonna get us.
  797. Maybe that's who we look for?
  798. Mallard: And now we have boogie men?!
  799. Suule S.: Look, the guy was crazy. I'm just saying this might be a lead. Sometimes loss of sanity follows with clairvoyance
  800. Martin Baron: "It was just the Topsider, he was rambling on about New Persia or something and the whispering guy."
  801. Suule S.: Right...
  802. ...maybe I'm putting too much thought into it
  803. Mallard: Sometimes you can be both crazy and right at the same time.
  804. people said I was a quack and look at me now.
  805. Martin Baron: "I think that... Shoggoth of a being cracked him, started spouting out random junk that was off the top of his mind."
  806. Mallard: Wow, I should really be stressed about this but I feel fine. Weird huh?
  807. With a sigh Mallard reaches under his table and produces a bottle of scotch. He pulls aside a beaker set and starts filling them up.
  808. Clayton R. stands up, rejoining the group. "So... are we clear to rest for a bit Mallard? Our team is in bad Shape and the Security team took the Topsider suit I stole."
  809. Mallard: You guys want a hit? I think we are going to need it.
  810. Suule S. nods "150ml hit"
  811. Clayton R. shakes his head. He needs rest, not a headache
  812. Martin Baron begins to question Mallard's choice of cup, but starts to wonder about having scotch himself.
  813. Martin Baron: ((Will it heal MP? Because I will down the whole bottle if it does))
  814. Suule S. gives a weak smile "This is exactly how I drank during my doctorate when I sat in front of the BPT-9"
  815. GM (GM): Alright, with that we have a chapter end!
  816. XP
  817. Traver S.: >Cue ending theme music
  818. Martin Baron: Great, because I have 20 minutes left to go eat.
  819. Suule S.: ((One more thing))
  820. Martin Baron:
  821. Suule S.: (What did you want to ask me, DJ?
  822. Traver S.: (DJ was gonna ask in character why he hated topsiders so much. It was an RP thing.)
  823. GM (GM): Boy, I don't know what would give xp for!
  824. Suule S.: (Heh... yeah just save that for next session)
  825. GM (GM): ((Because they are there!))
  826. Martin Baron: Decide next week?
  827. GM (GM): Okay.
  828. Martin Baron: I know that not "killing" anyone during the rat fight could be one
  829. Suule S.: (10 XP to rat security for Friendly Fire)
  830. GM (GM): I'm trying to decide if that could be mp loss.
  831. Which brings me to an important point
  832. That I'd like your opinions on.
  833. Its come up that you guys have seen some bad things without actually having a hand in it.
  834. Martin Baron: You saying we should kick up more dirt? Disagreements between characters?
  835. GM (GM): Aaron says that he wants the game to be the opposite of a hackfest, hence why we have mp loss and such.
  836. Suule S.: Hmmm
  837. Well
  838. I hate to say it but... CoC method is appropriate herer
  839. Witnessing a horror is just a part of the job.
  840. So even if you have no hand in this, you're still getting SAN loss
  841. GM (GM): Well, my idea was changing mp loss from personal or severe failure to personal or severe tragedy
  842. Suule S.: Right.
  843. Hmmm, do you think personality can be worked in what affects a person?
  844. GM (GM): So for something like seeing a platoon of people you weren't trying to kill blow up would be a tragedy, but not a failure.
  845. Clayton R.: I have to head to the store, see you guys later. It's been fun.
  846. Suule S.: Later Clay
  847. Martin Baron: L8R
  848. GM (GM): Sure. I think so.
  849. Later man.
  850. Traver S.: PEace out
  851. Suule S.: I believe WoD used that. I'll check it and get back to you on that, okay?
  852. Traver S.: And yeah, having that be a thing could work well if nothing else.
  853. Martin Baron: Change the hackfest to more of an RP game with less fighting?
  854. GM (GM): For now, I was thinking everyone could take -20mp for the horror of what happened with the rats.
  855. Suule S.: Oh boy
  856. Martin Baron: Sounds fair.
  857. Suule S.: Poor Martin
  858. Poor Everett
  859. Martin Baron: What's the percentage of -49 out of 60?
  860. GM (GM): I mean, if it landed torwards you guys I was just doing to say that you can make a dodge roll.
  861. Suule S.: 81%, Martin
  862. Martin Baron: Or body block it
  863. GM (GM): rolling 49/60
  864. 49/60
  865. = 0.8166666666666667
  866. 81 percent
  867. Martin Baron: I'm so fucking close to Madness
  868. Traver S.: DJ would have gone to speed kick it away. Also. DJ is now at 7MP.
  869. GM (GM): This roll feature is handy
  870. Suule S.: -5 MP here
  871. Those washing hands are gonna start shaking!
  872. GM (GM): Yes, that's also a good reason why to return to endtown, when we start next you guys will have rested and rejuvinated.
  873. Suule S.: Hmmm
  874. M. Walker: Seriously
  875. Suule S.: I dunno Everett has that problem that he will ahve to overlook.
  876. GM (GM): I kind of like this dynamic where you guys do have to return to a colony to literally seek shelter.
  877. Suule S.: Yeah going to colony for a shelter is a good idea
  878. GM (GM): It's where your characters can go to get better.
  879. Martin Baron: I want to rest, but I also want to go all the way to Madness just to see how far we can go
  880. GM (GM): Me too!
  881. Martin Baron: By the way, Shism, mind disease right?
  882. Suule S.: You'll break Everett's heart!
  883. Martin Baron: If i got it, then the MP negaitves start piling up?
  884. Suule S.: I mean more than it is right now
  885. GM (GM): Right.
  886. Martin Baron: How do I get it?
  887. GM (GM): Right now its just get -100% mp
  888. Martin Baron: Alright
  889. GM (GM): Although I think I might make it harder to obtain schism syndrome.
  890. Suule S.: Hmmm
  891. Suule S.: It's weird really if you go back
  892. GM (GM): Like making a roll when you do get to that point and then you are on the schisy table.
  893. Martin Baron: 1-33 out of 100 range?
  894. GM (GM): Sure.
  895. GM (GM): The thing about schism syndrome, and I've been over this with Aaron, is that it is phenomally hard to come back from it.
  896. Suule S.: Also GM, I believe that horrors that affect a character personally should be relayed in secret
  897. So we have ticking time bombs
  898. GM (GM): And one you've lost it, you're crazy forever.
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