
FoE RPG G0 - #013 Grasslands: Hunt Games

Apr 27th, 2013
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  1. [19:17]<SpiritOfFate> Group 0: *Epitaph* - Session #13 starts now
  2. [19:17]<SpiritOfFate> ========================================
  3. [19:22]<SpiritOfFate> The day approaches noon, the scorching sun high in the sky, though all that can be heard now are the sounds of nature and the shallow breath of the battered gang ponies, one of the fillies bleeding heavily. And so the group finds itself by the ruins where they spent last night.
  4. [19:23]? Firefly is sleeping next to Hawkeye. Those who come next to her can hear the filly crying in her sleep...
  5. [19:24]? Hawkeye stirs after a few minutes of unconsciousness, flexing her stiff legs. She opens her one good eye and looks around at her rescuers.
  6. [19:25]? Sotho has woken up a bit ealier than the rest, attempting to search for herbs
  7. [19:27]? Ignis stays to the side, little Clam still on his arms...he knows that he can't do much for the foals, alas...he was tired. He looked at Wintergreen. "How you holding up, Winter? I know wasn't how we expected, didn't ended grimly, at very least."
  8. [19:30]? Wintergreen is pacing with her brow furrowed, her mind still trying to run through what had happened previously. This was /not/ what she had wanted to happen. She answers Ignis simply, "Not well." She looks over to the raider fillies, unsure of what to do with them.
  9. [19:31]? Hawkeye looks down at the filly curled up against her, grimaces, and very gently tries to dislodge Firefly without waking her up.
  10. [19:32]? Ignis lets out a sigh. "Just patch them...we should be on the move, we aren't that far from the compind and we need food..."
  11. [19:32]<Ignis> *compound
  12. [19:32]? Wintergreen appears tired and stressed, dark circles under her eyes as Hawkeye looks over to her. Her frame is lithe and beautiful, but not very strong or muscular. Her light brown mane is long, straight and brushed for volume, while her tail is long and curled. Her pale green eyes are just a lighter shade of her emerald coat, though her coat and mane are both slightly dirtied from recent events.
  13. [19:34]? Wintergreen nods, walking over to the most injured filly and taking out the cloth Sotho had given to her earlier, trying to asses whether or not it will help the filly in the slightest.
  14. [19:36]? Ignis seems tired as well, but the dragon has been worse for the wear. The young adult earth dragon has no wings and is slightly taller than an average pony, having somewhat dirtied grey scales and black spines, with dark brown eyes, skeptically gazing the scene...he is staying on two due to the fact that he is currently carrying a filly.
  15. [19:37]<Ignis> *larger instead of taller.
  16. [19:39]? Sotho comes back to sit down and attempt to make more healing Salve out of his aloe leaves he collected. He seems focused, his striped form showing his zebra lineage. He was somewhat muscular but not much, scars trailing his back from what may have been whippings he recieved. His glyph mark of a round ball with what seems to be tentacles coming out of it leaving a small bit of mystery to him.
  17. [19:39]? Firefly crying filly wakes up as Hawkeye manages to dislodge her from her sleeping position. Her brown coat and oranage and yellow mane is dull from dirt and mud. She looks up at Hawkeye with large blue eyes and a frown. She isn't angry, just really sad. She climbs to her hooves, maybe half the height of the other ponies before sitting down a few feet in front of Hawkeye. "I'm sorry" the filly says...
  18. [19:39]? Firefly Hawkeye.
  19. [19:41]? Hawkeye cringes back a bit, one hoof raised apprehensively. "Uh, sorry for what, sugarcube?" the mare says, looking at Firefly confusedly. "Y'all saved my life. If it weren't for you, I'd be a pile of pony paste right about now." She looks around at the others. "Same goes for all y'all. I'm right grateful for the save." She tips her hat to them. "Hawkeye. Formerly of the Siren Singers, 'til those...
  20. [19:41]? Hawkeye ...raiders wiped us out." She gestures to the filly in Ignis's arms. "What... if Ah may ask, what are y'all planning on doing with them?"
  21. [19:42]? Ignis blinks a few times. "Errr...I'm not quite sure yet, probably talk to them first and figure out things." He looks down at Clam, unsure of how he should feel about the filly.
  22. [19:44]? Wintergreen frowns sadly, noticing Firefly crying, and begins to walk over her. "I'd like to at least get them all into a stable condition," she nods, passing Hawkeye and wraps Firefly in a comforting hug, patting her mane.
  23. [19:45]? Firefly shakes her head. "No...I couldn't stop those bad fillies from hurting you. I'm supposed to protect ponies, but you still got hurt." Firefly looks up at Hawkeye before getting hugged by Wintergreen. She snuggles into her foalsitter and cries softly.
  24. [19:45]? Sotho is working on the salves. "I'm working on getting medicine ready." He says
  25. [19:45]<Ignis> "I belive that both miss Hawkeye and Sotho could use some help as the way, I'm Ignis."
  26. [19:46]? Sotho shakes his head. "The children should be taken care of first, I'm making enough for us all though.
  27. [19:47]<Sotho> "All of us who are hurt."
  28. [19:47]<Ignis> "Yes, yes...just...saying."
  29. [19:47]? Hawkeye steps back and lets Wintergreen handle Firefly. She does, however, limp heavily as she steps away. She's obviously still suffering grievous wounds from the encounter. The mare looks like she's been beaten half to death, then beaten some more for good measure. She looks down at Firefly, then at Wintergreen. "Y'all were outnumbered," she says softly. "And y'all are just a filly. Ain't your...
  30. [19:47]? Hawkeye ...fault. Y'did fine." She turns away and sits gingerly down next to Ignis, looking the dragon up and down. "Pleased t'meet you," she says. "Ain't never met a dragon before." She does give Sotho a sideways glance. "Y'all are healin' the ones who just tried to kill us? What kind of sense does that make?"
  31. [19:48]? Wintergreen pets Firefly's mane and holds her closely. "...You did fine Firefly... though please, when an enemy has lost the fight, you don't need to end their life." She smiles lightly, nuzzling the filly. "Batmare should be merciful, yes?"
  32. [19:48]? Wintergreen then nods to Hawkeye. "They're just fillies... so, yes. And maybe some good will come out of it? ...I can hope, at the very least."
  33. [19:48]? Ignis smirks a little. "I do get that quite often...and...outnumbered?"
  34. [19:48]<Sotho> "Because they deserve to live." He says. "They are corrupted, but not lost."
  35. [19:49]? Firefly nods into Wintergreen's leg. "Unless its Batmare #54, Last Laughs."
  36. [19:50]? Hawkeye snorts and looks away from the raider filly in Ignis's arms. "Well, I ain't one to judge, but from what they did to me an' my friends, they're gonna need a whole lot more than a few kind words and a bandage."
  37. [19:51]? Ignis shrugs lightly. "That doesn't mean we should straightaway kill them...if we do so, how we are different from them?"
  38. [19:52]? Sotho nods with Ignis's words. "Indeed."
  39. [19:52]? Wintergreen smiles and gives Firefly another light squeeze in their hug before turning away and looking towards Sotho. "Are the salves ready quite yet?"
  40. [19:53]<Sotho> "I only have enough for two I'm afraid." He says. "Give one to our guest and another to the most injured of the fillies."
  41. [19:54]<Hawkeye> "Like I said, it ain't my place. Y'all saved 'em, y'all decide what you do." She gingerly touches her ribs. "I figure that I owe you, so I won't complain if you turn 'em loose." She sniffs the air. "Aloe and twist grass... you making salves?" She gives the zebra a weak smile. "Thank you kindly, stranger. I'd offer to pay, but them Sand Riders took all my caps and just about everything else I...
  42. [19:54]<Hawkeye> ...owned."
  43. [19:54]? Ignis nods towards the fillies. "Well, free to get your posessions back, miss."
  44. [19:55]? Sotho nods. "I will not accept payment for this, consider this a gift from our group."
  45. [19:56]? Hawkeye nods. "Thanks... guess there's still good ponies in the wastes after all." She goes digging through the fillies' pile of goods, retrieving the rest of her ammunition, a canteen, and some paper-wrapped jerky strips. She stops and leans on the wall, holding her head, just above a giant blood-crusted welt on the back of her skull, and winces as she almost falls over.
  46. [19:56]? Wintergreen smiles appreciatively, moving to Sotho for the salves. "If you would like, perhaps you would like to travel with us? We're... not very knowledgeable of these parts, though perhaps you are?" She blinks. "Wintergreen, by the way."
  47. [19:57]<Ignis> "Oh, and Sotho...when you are done, do search them...I don't want these foals running around with drugs...and don't forget their weapons, we'll hold up into them for now until we are sure they won't do harm to us."
  48. [19:57]? Sotho nods as he finishes the salves, giving them to Wintergreen. "Understood." He moves to the fillies and searches them for their weapons and drugs
  49. [19:58]<Hawkeye> "H-Hawkeye," the mare says, her one good eye half-closed in pain. She adjusts her black leather eyepatch and then offers Wintergreen her hoof. "Pleased t'meet you. And don't be too hard on your filly. She was only trying to help."
  50. [19:58]<Ignis> "Keep an eye open for anything of interest too...see if they got any papers or something that might give us a clue..."
  51. [19:59]? Ignis looks at Clam and starts to search the filly, carefully so.
  52. [19:59]? Wintergreen lightly trots over to Hawkeye, shaking her hoof. "I realize, she did what she could." She briefly looks over Hawkeye's wounds, taking a single salve and applying it where needed.
  53. [20:00]? Firefly looks over at Wintergreen. "Miss Green...can we go to Overgrowth now? I want to seem Mama and Papa."
  54. [20:01]? Wintergreen frowns. "We will soon Firefly, but Overgrowth's will not be friendly... we'll need supplies."
  55. [20:02]<SpiritOfFate> Sotho and Ignis find their 2 9-irons and the rebar club, a knife and a pair of brass shoes, 2 Buck, 2 Rage, 1 Med-X and 1 Fixer
  56. [20:02]? Firefly nods to Wintergreen. "Ok...I'll see what I can find to help!" With that, Firefly goes forth to forage for supplies. She's gonna see Mama and Papa again!
  57. [20:02]? Ignis lets Sotho hold on to the weapons and drugs, since he was already carrying the filly.
  58. [20:03]<SpiritOfFate> And 2 bottles of dirty water
  59. [20:03]? Sotho takes the weapons and the drugs, keeping them packed safe
  60. [20:03]? Hawkeye sighs as the soothing salve begins relieving the swelling and bruising from the drug-fueled 9-iron attack. "I do know the area pretty well," she says. "I was born and raised in the area, an' been wandering around it ever since my Pap died. If I can help y'all find your way around, I'd be happy to." She watches Firefly depart. "Sorry, thought the little lady was yours."
  61. [20:08]? Wintergreen looks to Hawkeye's head with a frown. "Hold still a moment, please. I may be able to help with any more pain." Wintergreen takes out her remaining cloth, beginning to wrap it around Hawkeye's head to allow it to properly heal once she starts to still.
  62. [20:09]? Hawkeye holds still and waits patiently. "If she ain't yours, whose is she?" she asks Wintergreen, carefully not moving a muscle.
  63. [20:12]? Wintergreen grimaces as her she ties the cloth into a knot just a tad too tight for Hawkeye's already-weakened state, simply causing more disorientation. "Ehrmmm... Sorry."
  64. [20:13]? Sotho smiles as he sits back, cringing a tiny bit as he rubs some of his own wounds. "I took quite the beating myself, shoul have been more careful." He looks to Wintergreen. "I apologize for my hypocritical behavior yesterday.
  65. [20:14]? Hawkeye staggers as she almost whites out in pain. She whimpers, but manages to bite back from crying out. "S-sugar, I don't mean to complain, but... Ah think that might be too tight." She leans on the wall, panting, trying to loosen the bandage. Instead, she dislodges her black eyepatch, which falls to the floor. She reaches around, blindly trying to find it.
  66. [20:16]? Ignis sits down on a rock, sighing lowly...he was fine, but knowing that he couldn't help...he didn't had any useful skills to aid them right now, and couldn't go foraging for stuff while holding into the filly. The dragon pets Clam a little, letting his friends work their craft.
  67. [20:16]? Wintergreen quickly grabs the eye patch, offering it to Hawkeye's hoof. She quickly loosens the cloth afterwards, frowning slightly at her sloppy work. She turns and nods to Sotho. "It is alright... I was just, very, very distraught at my failed attempt at diplomacy... I should apologize to you. You did what you had to."
  68. [20:17]? Firefly flies back to the group, carrying what she found. Maybe this is enough to go see her parents?
  69. [20:18]? Hawkeye puts the patch back on the scarred socket without a word, breathing a sigh of relief as the cloth slackens. "They're raiders, sweetheart. Sand Riders. If you hadn't rescued me, they'd have strung me up, gouged out my other eye, and used me as a pinata. Ain't no surprised you couldn't reason with them."
  70. [20:19]? Sotho shakes his head. "I understand where you come from however. I do not enjoy injuring or fighting ponies. Even my Glyph mark tells me that I shouldn't." He says. "I was made to kill monsters, not fellow beings."
  71. [20:25]? Firefly flies down, carrying the goods. "Ok, we're supplied! Can we go to Overgrowth now?" Firefly flutters a few feet over the ground, carrying a mutfruit and a much-needed leaf.
  72. [20:26]? Sotho looks to the leaf. "Firefly, can I have that Leaf? It'll help me make some Salve."
  73. [20:27]? Wintergreen raises an eyebrow, looking to the supplies. "Well.... no, I'm sorry Firefly, but we'll need a bit more than that before we go to Overgrowth's. It will be soon Firefly, promise."
  74. [20:28]? Firefly nods, flying over and passing the leaf to Sotho. She puts the fruit in her bags and nods to Wintergreen. "Uh...well, what do we need? Maybe I can find it!" She slides her hat low on her head, a classy pre-war detective hat. "Shoelock Holmes always finds the stuff!"
  75. [20:29]? Sotho smiles happily at the filly, taking the leaf, but then giving Wintergreen a look that says he needed to talk to her. He turns and starts to work on his salve.
  76. [20:29]? Hawkeye sits down and takes a deep breath. "Y'all are going to need a lot more than a couple herbs and a snack to get back to Overgrowth. That's a long walk." She gives Wintergreen a quizzical look. "And what business do y'all have with slavers, anyway?"
  77. [20:32]? Wintergreen nods and pats Firefly on the head. "Just be patient, it'll be soon." She sighs as she turns to Hawkeye. "Well, we just escaped for one, from DooDad's. And Firefly's mother is at Overgrowth."
  78. [20:33]? Firefly nods at Hawkeye. "And my papa! He taught me how to beat up bad ponies!" Firefly pretends to spar in mid-air.
  79. [20:35]? Hawkeye frowns. "Escaped slaves..." she says quietly. "Well, all right. If we can find a box of rifle bullets, I'll help you get there. That's a lot of ground to cover, and a bunch of unfriendly stuff between us and there." She nods at the unconscious Sand Riders. "Including a bunch of their big brothers and sisters. And that's if you just follow the rails, which ain't a good idea neither. Them...
  80. [20:35]? Hawkeye ...trains are usually loaded with more guns than you can shake a stick at, and mean ponies behind 'em."
  81. [20:36]<Ignis> "Wouldn't expect anything different from the wasteland, really."
  82. [20:36]? Wintergreen nods her head. "Ignis, do you think you could figure out where we should be off to next with Hawkeye?"
  83. [20:37]<Ignis> "You got the map on ya...also, we were heading up to the river."
  84. [20:37]? Firefly lands on the ground next to Sotho and looks over at the fillies. "Did they have anything that could help us?"
  85. [20:38]? Sotho nods. "Maybe, but We need to examine them more throughly."
  86. [20:39]? Wintergreen walks over and hoofs the map over to Ignis. "Well, perhaps after that then." She nuzzles his neck lightly before wandering over to Sotho, raising an eyebrow at what he wanted to talk about.
  87. [20:40]? Firefly nods and looks around. "Can we go to the river? I'm thirsty..."
  88. [20:40]? Ignis smiles warmly at Wintergreen, nodding. He took the map with one of the claws as the other held into the filly, he showed it to Hawkeye
  89. [20:42]<Hawkeye> "Following the river takes you into tribal territory," Hawkeye offers, "though that's a ways off, too. And there's big animals out that way, so unless y'all plan on hunting or being hunted..." She looks at the map that Ignis holds. "I'd recommend following the tracks until we get to here, where there ain't no more cover near the tracks. Don't want to run afoul of the train. Safest way though...
  90. [20:42]<Hawkeye> probably..." She traces a route with her hoof. "...through there. Ain't no place really *safe* safe, but maybe a mite less dangerous."
  91. [20:43]? Sotho giving Firefly some water, smiling.
  92. [20:43]? Firefly smiles up at the Zebra. "Thank you Mr. Sotho!" Firefly drinks down the water. She was a very thirsty filly.
  93. [20:44]? Sotho finishes his making of healing salve and gives it to Wintergreen. "Give that to whomever needs it most."
  94. [20:51]? Wintergreen smiles, taking the salve and starting to apply it to Sotho's wounds. "I think the filly will be next, but you need this."
  95. [20:52]? Sotho tries to object but silences himself as he feels the salve healing him
  96. [20:52]? Ignis nods to that, his eyes following where she indicated. "Seems fair..."
  97. [20:52]? Hawkeye leans her throbbing head against the cool stone of the wall. "Anyway, that takes us right between the unprotected area of the ruins, right between the gang territory an' the settlements."
  98. [20:56]<SpiritOfFate> Sotho and Firefly see something else seeming to flow from the treated wounds of the fillies. Flames and a bloody essence that is not quite fluid, but not quite vaporous either .
  99. [20:57]? Sotho examines this substance
  100. [20:57]? Firefly cocks her head at the odd substance. "What's that?"
  101. [20:59]? Wintergreen starts to make her way to the most injured filly, taking out her healing salve. She raises an eyebrow at hearing Firefly, "What's what?"
  102. [21:00]? Firefly points at the flaming-yet-not-flaming fluid. "That stuff."
  103. [21:00]? Sotho nods. "I see it as well Firefly."
  104. [21:01]? Hawkeye looks down at the Sand Rider, and lifts her eyepatch.
  105. [21:02]<SpiritOfFate> Hawkeye sees it as well. The 3 observe as it flows through the wall outside.
  106. [21:05]? Hawkeye stands stock still and looks at something beyond the wall. "Oh. Oh my stars..." She opens the door and steps out to get a better look. "Hey!" she shouts. "Y'all done here? We don't want no trouble."
  107. [21:05]? Firefly flies around, trying to follow where the stuff is going.
  108. [21:06]? Ignis sighs. "You really think its a good idea to poke around in your state? Oh...perhaps they hit your head too hard."
  109. [21:06]? Sotho shakes his head. "How come Firefly can see it as well?"
  110. [21:07]? Hawkeye waves Firefly back and away. "Don't go out there, sugarcube. It ain't safe. Never can tell what these things are up to."
  111. [21:07]? Wintergreen blinks in confusion, still not seeing whatever was causing the commotion.
  112. [21:07]? Firefly cocks her head at Hawkeye. "What is it? Do you know?"
  113. [21:09]? Sotho nods. "I would like to know what it is as well." He trots over.
  114. [21:09]? Hawkeye takes a deep breath. "Spirits," she whispers. "An' these ones don't look friendly. They're why them fillies didn't want to give up the fight, most likely." She looks back at Wintergreen. "Keep the filly inside. These things can be dangerous sometimes."
  115. [21:10]? Wintergreen frowns and nods, moving to Firefly and ushering her to stay back.
  116. [21:10]? Sotho nods. "I can try to speak to it if you want... I seem to have some connection with them."
  117. [21:10]? Firefly moves back, but only a bit. She still wants to see it!
  118. [21:11]<SpiritOfFate> Outside, two pony shaped spirits, of fire and blood look into the house.
  119. [21:11]<Hawkeye> "As do I, enough to know not to mess with them," Hawkeye says. "Ah seen this kind before, whenever there's a big battle between a couple of the gangs. Don't strike me as a good sign."
  120. [21:12]<Sotho> "No but getting on their good side could help."
  121. [21:12]? Firefly looks over at the pony-shaped spirits. "Ooooh...they look kinda like Liberty Dream. Not as glowy though."
  122. [21:12]? Hawkeye raises an eyebrow at Sotho. "If they got one, that is. I wouldn't count on it." She looks back at the spirits. "We don't want no trouble," she repeats.
  123. [21:13]<Ignis> "We are not going much far if we don't at least see what they are up to...let us do that and go on into our business, shall we?" He raises from his seat and steps towards the doorway, looking at the spirits. "Heya, can...we help you?"
  124. [21:14]? Sotho sighs and smiles as he lets the two of them ask
  125. [21:14]? Hawkeye stays a few steps behind Sotho. Zebras tend to know more about spirits, so she'll wait and see what he does.
  126. [21:14]? Sotho raises his voice to them. "Hello, may we inquire towardsy our identity?
  127. [21:14]? Firefly watches the spirits from a window. They look cool!"
  128. [21:16]? Ignis asks anyways, not seeing them...but whenever.
  129. [21:18]? Ignis sighs and looks at the group"We need to get to that goddamn river...its almost noon and we didn't had foor or water, no time for spirit shenanigans right now, 'sides...we probably don't have anything they want."
  130. [21:19]? Wintergreen nods in agreement. "Supplies should be a priority."
  131. [21:19]<Sotho> "We still have the rad hog meat from before."
  132. [21:20]<SpiritOfFate> The two spirits speak as one to Sotho. "We are Bloodshed."
  133. [21:20]<Ignis> "We need to put some distance to the landfill, no point standing around. Just lug the fillies...we don't have time."
  134. [21:20]? Hawkeye cringes. "That... that don't sound good. Or surprising." She rolls her eye.
  135. [21:20]<Sotho> "Well Bloodshed, I am Sotho." He says, bowing lightly, attempting to be polite. "May I ask what you are doing here?"
  136. [21:21]? Wintergreen quickly makes her way to the most wounded filly. She didn't want her to die on the way! She applies her last healing salve on the filly's wounds, checking to see how much it helped.
  137. [21:21]? Ignis rolls his eyes and moves off to the side....were they ever going to actually move more than a few steps from that place today?
  138. [21:22]? Wintergreen attempts to place the filly on her back afterwards.
  139. [21:24]? Firefly looks out at the spirits, watching the zebra talk to them. They talk as one, that is so cool!
  140. [21:24]<SpiritOfFate> "We await for you to finish your enemy." The spirits say.
  141. [21:26]? Hawkeye looks at Sotho. "But y'all ain't planning on killing the fillies... even if it would be a good idea. Right?" She looks back at the spirits.
  142. [21:26]<Sotho> "We have finished them. They are defeated." He states. "Their pride is gone from losing the battle."
  143. [21:28]<Hawkeye> "Ah don't think that's what they mean..." Hawkeye says, worriedly.
  144. [21:29]<SpiritOfFate> "That does not suffice." The spirits say.
  145. [21:30]<Sotho> "Could I appise you with an offering instead?" He asks. "We have some of their battle drugs."
  146. [21:31]? Hawkeye has nothing helpful to contribute, as she thinks it's wiser to kill the Sand Riders now, rather than have to fight them again later.
  147. [21:31]? Firefly watches from the broken window, listening to the conversation. This is nifty!
  148. [21:31]<SpiritOfFate> The spirits look to each other.
  149. [21:34]? Ignis shakes his head. "Can we go? Just leave them be...we don't need to make this even more straining as it is."
  150. [21:35]<Sotho> "Sprits do not give up this easily. They would surely follow us until we appise them. At least, that is what I remember of these types of spirits."
  151. [21:36]? Firefly looks around. "I wish Liberty Dream were here. Maybe she could help with the others."
  152. [21:37]? Ignis furrows his eyebrows. "Look, we are not exactly on vacation here...we are malnourished, thirsty and tired, we don't have time for lollygagging with bloodthirsty supernatural beings."
  153. [21:37]<Sotho> "Would you rather us die by these spirits cursing us?" He asks."
  154. [21:38]<Ignis> "They will only do so if we do something to them. If we leave them alone, there isn't much they'll do."
  155. [21:39]<SpiritOfFate> "A sacrifice of blood will be had with or against your will." They say, the fire one buring stronger.
  156. [21:39]<Hawkeye> "Let them follow us around," Hawkeye says. "We're bound to have to kill something eventually. This is the wasteland, after all."
  157. [21:40]? Sotho nods to the spirit. "Alright. We will find you a sacrifice in due time." He says calmly.
  158. [21:40]<Hawkeye> "And, if it comes down to it," she adds, cocking her rifle, "I'd rather one of those raiders die than any of you. You're good folk. They ain't."
  159. [21:41]<Sotho> "These deserve to live." He says To Hawkeye angerly. "Everypony deserves a second chance."
  160. [21:42]<SpiritOfFate> Something of a wicked smile crosses the face of the spirits before they vanish.
  161. [21:42]? Sotho shivers and sighs. "We must hunt soon. It'll appise the spirits and get us food. But for now we should move."
  162. [21:42]? Ignis sighs. "Are you done talking to them? Grab a foal and lets move."
  163. [21:43]? Firefly looks over at the others. "Maybe we'll find some more of those Radhogs on the way to the river?"
  164. [21:43]<Hawkeye> "I agree with you, hun," Hawkeye says, slinging her rifle over her back. "But if it comes down to a choice, with no other option, that's what I'd choose. I'm a big fan of second chances." She follows Ignis back to the group. But she'll be damned if she helps the Sand Raiders.
  165. [21:45]? Sotho sighs as he takes out the brass horse shoes he got from them. "Would any of you deny me access to these for hunting?" He asks.
  166. [21:46]? Firefly looks at the shoes Sotho is holding up. "But why would you use Pretty Princess Shoes for hunting?"
  167. [21:46]? Wintergreen readies herself to leave.
  168. [21:46]? Ignis shrugs. "Once we get to the river, we'll go hunting...for now, grab that filly and lets move out."
  169. [21:47]? Firefly picks up the filly with the scarred neck, hovering a few feet off the ground so as not to fly the filly into the tall grass.
  170. [21:47]? Sotho grabs a filly and looks to Firefly. "They aren't Pretty Princess Shoes when I would be wearing them, they would be Strong Knight Shoes." He chuckles.
  171. [21:48]? Firefly cocks her head for a moment, and then nods. "Ok, that makes sense. Your not a Princess after all."
  172. [21:49]? Hawkeye looks at Sotho and smirks. "I don't know, you look mighty purty in them to me." She winks at Firefly. Or maybe it's a blink. It's hard to tell.
  173. [21:49]? Ignis lets Firefly and Sotho carry that one, starting to move along the path that Hawkeye indicated...should allow them to reach to the river. "Come on, we go."
  174. [21:49]? Wintergreen follows!
  175. [21:49]? Sotho gives a hearty laugh as he trots. "I assure you, I am not a prince nor a princess." He says.
  176. [21:50]? Firefly sets the filly neatly on Sotho's back, curling her up like she's sleeping. "Ok Mr. Prince Sotho." Firefly giggles and flies with the group.
  177. [21:50]? Sotho rolls his eyes as he trots.
  178. [21:51]? Hawkeye makes sure to bring the rope she was tied up with, as they might need to bind the Raider fillies later so they don't cause trouble. She then follows the group, keeping a single watchful eye on their captives.
  179. [21:51]? Ignis chuckles lightly, carrying the filly as he moves along. "Pony royalty...on good ol' times, my brethren were quite useful on disposing of dumb knights."
  180. [21:52]<SpiritOfFate> Soon you can hear the flowing river, through a patch of fores
  181. [21:52]? Wintergreen smiles, just listening.
  182. [21:52]? Sotho nods. "As were mine." He says chuckling. "But I prefer to fight the monsters of the earth instead of inteligent beings.
  183. [21:53]? Firefly looks out at the river. "Oooh! Can we go swimming Miss Green?"
  184. [21:53]? Ignis only nods. "I've seen enough to know that some ponies aren't better than monsters."
  185. [21:53]<Sotho> "Some, but not all."
  186. [21:54]<Ignis> "Of course... still, being a pacifist to all...that just doesn't work out, at all."
  187. [21:54]? Wintergreen shrugs. "Possibly, Firefly."
  188. [21:54]? Hawkeye says nothing about that, but continues toward the river. "Probably not a great idea to swim in that, half-pint," she says. "There's stuff in there bigger than Ignis, and could gobble you up in one bite."
  189. [21:55]<Sotho> "But we could try hunting, been a while since I caught things with my bare hooves."
  190. [21:55]? Firefly flies over next to Hawkeye. "You mean like in Daring Do and the Sea Serpent's Statue?"
  191. [21:56]? Hawkeye quirks an eyebrow. "Uh, maybe?" she says, looking up at the pegasus filly. "Is that a book?"
  192. [21:57]? Firefly nods her head at the grey mare. "Yeah! I have one in my bags, and I want to get all the books so my Mama can read them to me!"
  193. [21:58]<Hawkeye> "Does it have a giant scaly water snake in it that eats ponies?" Hawkeye asks, eyeballing the river ahead. "If so, then it's JUST like the book."
  194. [21:59]? Ignis sets the filly down aside and drinks the water from the should sate his thirst for now.
  195. [22:00]? Hawkeye keeps an eye on the surface of the river for any telltale disturbances or ripples. Of course, it's hard to concentrate when her head hurts this much...
  196. [22:00]? Sotho moves to fill any containers he has with water
  197. [22:01]? Firefly twirls in the air and begins to speak solemnly " 'With teeth like lances and blue scales the size of shields, the serpent descended. Daring looked on the serpent with a grimace, her reflection mirrored by a thousand times by the beasts scales. Its red eyes were each the twice the size of ponies, and it reared back and roared, blowing back Daring's mane.' " Firefly sighs happily. "Daring Do...
  198. [22:01]? Firefly best pony!"
  199. [22:02]? Hawkeye can't help but chuckle at the filly's enthusiasm. "Hold your mower, sugarcube. This ain't no dime-store novel, this is the Wasteland. Don't go playing Derring Doo when there's REAL monsters around."
  200. [22:02]? Wintergreen drinks some of the water, chuckling lightly at Firefly.
  201. [22:03]? Sotho chuckles and nods. "Indeed, Daring Doo may be the best, but you aren't her."
  202. [22:03]? Firefly shakes her head at Hawkeye. "Of course not. There's no treasure to rescue." Firefly lands on the bank and drinks some water before she refilled the bottle she emptied earlier.
  203. [22:04]? Hawkeye grimaces at the river's taste. "Might not want to bottle this stuff," she advises. "The river catches runoff from the irradiated bits outside the settlement a ways off, so it still runs a little hot."
  204. [22:05]? Ignis sips up more than enough, not paying much was water, he wasn't in any position to be picky about it.
  205. [22:06]? Wintergreen continues to drink. She was too thirsty to care.
  206. [22:06]? Firefly coughs a bit after drinking the water. It tastes bitter, like medicine!
  207. [22:07]? Hawkeye looks for landmarks, then sits down, waiting for the others.
  208. [22:07]? Wintergreen drinks her fill, groaning slightly at the horrid taste.
  209. [22:08]? Wintergreen sighs. "I'm ready to continue."
  210. [22:10]? Ignis spits a little, but drank his fill...and some more. "We gotta hunt..." He takes Clam again. "I wonder when these little devils will woke up..."
  211. [22:11]? Sotho drank do his dismay but shrugs it off. "Yes we should go and hunt
  212. [22:12]? Firefly thinks for a minute. Does she know any hunters from the stories Mama used to read her? Her brain responds with a resound 'Eenope' and she looks at Sotho. "Can I help?"
  213. [22:13]<Sotho> "Maybe." He says." He thinks. "Could you scavenge for more herbs while we look for beasts?"
  214. [22:13]? Hawkeye gets up. "I'll watch your prisoners if y'all need to go hunting," she offers. "Ah brought the rope, after all."
  215. [22:14]<SpiritOfFate> Hawkeye sees an odd spritebot moving through the trees with a glance.
  216. [22:14]? Firefly salutes Sotho. "Ok Mr. Sotho. Uh...what's an herb?"
  217. [22:14]? Hawkeye stops and looks at the robot. "Heads up," she says, crouching. "We got company of the shiny metal variety."
  218. [22:14]<Sotho> "Plants." He says... he thinks as he takes out the chaomile he still has. "Things like this and thosep ointy things you found.
  219. [22:15]? Ignis nods and lays his foal near Hawkeye, then digs his bag and gives her a radio. "I got its twin...if they got riled up, just call me up....huh?" He turns to what they were looking about. "A spritebot?"
  220. [22:16]? Firefly nods at Sotho before she gets distracted. "Oooh, a music maker!"
  221. [22:16]? Sotho gives Firefly a more detail brief explination of that
  222. [22:16]? Wintergreen blinks. "It may have ammo for my energy gun..."
  223. [22:16]? Hawkeye nods. "Eeyup. Usually if you leave them alone, they're harmless, but that one looks a mite off." She lowers her gun to cover the prone Raider fillies. "I'll call instead of shoot, then." She hooks the radio to her saddlebags.
  224. [22:17]<Ignis> "Yea, yea...just in case you find yourself with more on your plate than you can handle."
  225. [22:18]? Firefly nods back to Sotho. "Ok, so if is an odd color and isn't a blue flower or have five points, grab it?"
  226. [22:18]? Ignis blinks at the spritebot, studying it from afar.
  227. [22:18]? Sotho nods.
  228. [22:19]? Hawkeye sighs. "Wish I still had Pap's rifle," she says. "I'd look at it through the scope, if I did. Anypony got bi-noculars?" She chuckles. "Or in my case a mono-ocular?"
  229. [22:19]? Firefly smiles at the zebra. "Ok Mr Sotho, I'll be the best herb finder ever!" Firefly flies off to start searching for herbs.
  230. [22:20]? Sotho has binoculars. "I have some, here." He gives them to Hawkeye .
  231. [22:20]? Sotho starts his search for tracking
  232. [22:22]? Hawkeye takes the zebra's binoculars and follows the spritebot's movements with them for a few moments, then goes back to watching the captives. She occasionally looks up to the sprite bot again, just to make sure.
  233. [22:22]? Ignis unloads his gun and feeds regular was time to hunt. He sets himself into the woods after some radhogs...or whenever that jungle had to offer.
  234. [22:27]<SpiritOfFate> Ignis finds three radhogs wandering between the trees
  235. [22:30]<SpiritOfFate> Sotho finds 4 red flowers and 2 more aloe
  236. [22:30]? Sotho wasnt looking for herbs but pockets them
  237. [22:31]? Hawkeye sits and waits, eventually putting the binoculars down as the spritebot doesn't seem to be agressive. "Miz Wintergreen?" she says. "How come y'all are going back to Overgrowth? Seems like an awful idea to me. If y'all just escaped bein' slaves, it don't seem to bright to barge back into slaver territory, if y'don't mind my saying."."
  238. [22:31]<Hawkeye> *too
  239. [22:32]? Ignis shoots a couple of shots at two of the hogs, leaving the third unharmed...for now.
  240. [22:32]<SpiritOfFate> Sotho ends up finding the same group of radhogs
  241. [22:37]? Wintergreen frowns. "Because we need to find Firefly's parents."
  242. [22:38]<Hawkeye> "Ah." Hawkeye nods, and lapses back into silence for a few moments. "Think y'all have a shot at saving them, assuming they're still there, even?"
  243. [22:39]<SpiritOfFate> The spritebot turns into the fores, moving deeper into it.
  244. [22:39]? Wintergreen sighs. "I really don't know, to be honest."
  245. [22:41]? Hawkeye closes her eye. "Well, all we can do is wait and see. Nopony should have to lose their folks. If there's anything Ah can do to help y'all get them folks back, count me in." She smiles wanly. "Figure if I can help y'all do that, that'll pay y'all back for saving my life."
  246. [22:42]? Wintergreen smiles and nods. "Thank you."
  247. [22:43]? Hawkeye tips her hat. "No problem, pardner. And when we bed down for the night, y'all mind taking a look at this gourd o' mine again? Thing still hurts like a freight train hit me."
  248. [22:44]? Firefly flies back to the others, shaking her head. "I couldn't find any herbs. Sorry everypony."
  249. [22:44]? Wintergreen winces. "I will try."
  250. [22:46]<Hawkeye> "Don't feel too bad, sugarcube," Hawkeye says, noticing Wintergreen's reaction. "It weren't like y'all had a full surgery, or even a doctor's bag. If you'd managed to fix me up with just a strip of cloth, I'd've called it a miracle."
  251. [22:48]? Sotho takes a few hits towards the rad hogs
  252. [22:49]? Wintergreen nods. "Right..."
  253. [22:50]<Hawkeye> There's a few more moments of silence. Hawkeye begins cleaning her rifle. "So, you folks local?" she says, making another awkward attempt at conversation.
  254. [22:52]? Wintergreen shakes her head. "No... not quite. Firefly and I are from New Appaloosa, I'm not sure about the others."
  255. [22:52]<SpiritOfFate> Sotho's hoof meets the ribs of the radhog with a crunch. It squeals and turns to attack
  256. [22:52]? Wintergreen sighs. "It would be nice to go back, though I doubt that will come."
  257. [22:53]? Firefly nods in agreement with Wintergreen. "Mama said that we couldn't stay too long in one place. We were on our way to Manehatten when we got started on this game."
  258. [22:54]? Hawkeye blinks. "From Equestria? Holy moley, miss, you sure are a long way away from home." She takes out her magazine, checks it, and puts it back in. "Way I hear it, Equestria got hit way worse than the areas around here. Hear tell there's still glowin' craters and such. But I take it there's settlements too?"
  259. [22:56]? Wintergreen nods. "Quite a few. How far are we from Equestria exactly?"
  260. [22:58]<SpiritOfFate> The radhogs turn to bite Sotho.
  261. [22:58]? Firefly is bored...she looks around the sky for a cloud to pull down. Maybe even sit on it?
  262. [22:58]? Hawkeye shrugs. "Way beyond south," she says. "A whole kingdom or so down. Did they put y'all out when they captured you? How do y'all not know how far from home y'all are?"
  263. [22:59]<SpiritOfFate> There are a few clouds floating past, taken by the wnd
  264. [23:00]? Wintergreen shrugs. "Just... not really keeping track of distance while I was being captured..."
  265. [23:01]? Sotho grutns as he takes the bite hard
  266. [23:01]? Firefly flies up and grabs a cloud and starts pushing it down to where the Hawkeye and Wintergreen are. Its slow going, the fluffy thing doesn't want to go as fast as the filly can, but she eventually gets it down to the others. Firefly gains a cloud seat!
  267. [23:02]? Hawkeye lets out a low whistle as she checks on the unconscious raiders. "Well, it's going to be a long trek back. There's a whole kingdom of buggy-ponies that can change their shape between here and Equestria. Hope your friends catch more than a couple critters."
  268. [23:03]? Ignis reloads his weapon, and then fires a couple of shots at each of the surviving radhogs...take that, roving bacon!
  269. [23:06]<SpiritOfFate> The 2nd radhog falls, the lasting one is left bleeding
  270. [23:06]? Firefly sets the cloud a few feet off the ground and snuggles inside of it. Nothing but a pair of blue eyes looks out at Hawkeye and Wintergreen. Clouds are snuggly!
  271. [23:09]? Wintergreen nods, looking up to Firefly with a smile. "I'm sure they'll find some food."
  272. [23:09]<SpiritOfFate> Sotho buries his hoof on the remaining radhog, smashing its heart.
  273. [23:10]? Sotho smiles as he does this happily
  274. [23:11]<Hawkeye> "Ah hope so. It's hard to worry about getting home when your stomach's trying to chew through your backbone," Hawkeye says with a grin. She looks at the fillycloud and blinks. "Hey, wait, what?" She pokes at the cloud, only to find it insubstantial to her hoof. "How the hay did you do that, half-pint?"
  275. [23:11]? Ignis smirks and approaches the dead hogs. "Nice, we have our meal for the day...bacontastic."
  276. [23:12]? Firefly giggles in the cloud. It tickles! Her tail pokes out of the cloud like a small stream of fire. "I dunno! Mama said that we could move clouds if we wanted, and that they made the best beds. I dunno, I think Miss Green is better."
  277. [23:12]? Sotho nods happily. "Indeed, not to mention." He takes the one he killed. "We might have ot sacrifice this one to the spirits." He calls out to the spirits. "Bloodshed!"
  278. [23:13]<Hawkeye> "Warmer, I'd imagine," Hawkeye says, looking sideways at Wintergreen with a smirk. "She probably wouldn't cotton to me findin' out whether that's true or not, though."
  279. [23:14]<SpiritOfFate> The two spirits appear. Sotho and Ignis also see a strange spritebot moving directly towards them
  280. [23:14]<Firefly> The eyes in the cloud move to an angle, unsure what Hawkeye is talking about. "Miss Green is a nice pony, I don't mind sharing if you want to take a nap."
  281. [23:14]? Sotho throws the dead rad hog to them. "Here is your blood spilled." He bows
  282. [23:15]? Ignis is more interested by the spritebot rather than the spirits...
  283. [23:15]? Hawkeye chuckles, still watching Wintergreen. "Well, I'll have to ask, next time I feel like a nap then, eh, Miss Green?"
  284. [23:16]? Wintergreen chuckles, an amused grin on her face. "I suppose I am quite comfortable, at least so says Firefly."
  285. [23:17]<SpiritOfFate> The spirits look at the radhog. "The brutality is on par, but the target... doesn't suit."
  286. [23:17]? Hawkeye stretches and goes back to watching the captive fillies. "How long until your buddies come back, do you s'pose?"
  287. [23:17]<Sotho> "What?" He asks. "Can I offer you anything else to suit the target?"
  288. [23:18]<SpiritOfFate> The spritebot stops just by Ignis' face and turns on a flashlight
  289. [23:18]<SpiritOfFate> The spirits shake their head as one. "We need the sacrifice of a warrior."
  290. [23:18]? Ignis puts a claw between the flashlight and his own face, clearly bothered. "Hey, hey...not so close!"
  291. [23:19]? Wintergreen shrugs. "Not too long, I'm sure..."
  292. [23:19]<Sotho> "We have no true warriors to fight though." He says.
  293. [23:20]<SpiritOfFate> "You will." The spirits say before disappearing.
  294. [23:20]<SpiritOfFate> The spritebot moves away from Ignis, facing Sotho with its flashlight
  295. [23:20]? Sotho sighs as he takes the flashlight in the face, squinting.
  296. [23:21]<Sotho> "Well on the brightside we have more food."
  297. [23:21]? Ignis chuckles at Sotho is flashed. "I can clearly see your bright side."
  298. [23:21]<Ignis> *as
  299. [23:22]? Sotho starts to skin the hogs
  300. [23:22]? Ignis studies the spitebot
  301. [23:22]<SpiritOfFate> The spritebot turns away, to the other side of the forest, towards the road
  302. [23:23]? Hawkeye just sits now. Her throbbing headache is draining her of mental energy.
  303. [23:24]? Wintergreen rests her eyes. She was content to wait for the others for now.
  304. [23:24]? Firefly floats the cloud over Hawkeye, offering shade for the injured pony.
  305. [23:25]? Hawkeye holds a leg over her eye as she looks up. "Thanks, half-pint," she says with a smile, and continues to keep watch.
  306. [23:26]? Firefly nods, the cloud mimicking the movement of her head.
  307. [23:30]<SpiritOfFate> Ignis notices some parts of it seem modified, but it's hard to tell for sure why. He also knows that the spritebot would have a few spark batteries inside
  308. [23:32]? Ignis hmms a bit...and decides to whack the bot. They could use the extra salvage, perhaps even reprogram it.
  309. [23:34]? Sotho comes back from his skinning happily. "I'll go back to base camp and cook some of this."
  310. [23:39]? Ignis takes aim and fires a couple of shots at the bot, if it isn't a goner, he launches another shot.
  311. [23:41]<SpiritOfFate> The spritebot takes a hole through its hull, fizzles and falls
  312. [23:42]? Ignis walks over to the bot and picks it up, then goes back to their camp.
  313. [23:43]<SpiritOfFate> The dusk grows in the sky
  314. [23:43]? Sotho goes back to camp and starts to cook 6 of his meat
  315. [23:44]<Ignis> "Well, ladies...we have not one, not two...but three swine butts on the fire over there..." He smirks. "Aaaand I got that spritebot."
  316. [23:45]? Wintergreen grins. "Great!"
  317. [23:45]? Hawkeye nods. "Welcome back. The tiny packages of murder are still out cold," she says, indicating the raider fillies, who haven't moved since Sotho and Ignis deposited them. "Anything good in the wreck?"
  318. [23:46]? Ignis shrugs and places the wreck before them. "Check yourselves, I fear that my claws might damage the delicate internals..."
  319. [23:47]? Firefly climbs out of the cloud after a bit and looks up at the sky. Its getting dark, and she doesn't really feel like flying it back up to its home. So she gives it a good buck to send it flying! Unfortunately...that's not all that happens...
  320. [23:47]? Hawkeye shakes her head. "I ain't touching it, pardner. At least you got fingers. These clumsy hooves of mine are only any good with explosives," she says, and winces. "And only when I ain't seeing two of everything."
  321. [23:47]? Ignis "I trust you had a pleasant day?" He sits close to Wintergreen and kisses her softly. "Hope that you didn't had to wait too much for us."
  322. [23:48]? Wintergreen smiles, giving Ignis a kiss and a nuzzle before moving to readjust Hawkeye's bandages.
  323. [23:50]? Hawkeye doesn't manage to hide a smirk as she watches the dragon and pony. "Huh, now if that don't beat all," she says. "Never met a dragon before, and then, when I do, turns out he's into ponies." She chuckles, then winces as Wintergreen adjusts the bandages. She does feel some relief of the pressure, and the mare smiles. "Whew, that's much better, miracle worker. Thankies."
  324. [23:50]? Sotho distributes the food happily
  325. [23:51]? Wintergreen smiles and sits back down with Ignis, snuggling against him.
  326. [23:51]? Ignis just grings and huggles the pony warmly.
  327. [23:55]? Hawkeye lies down, her headache dissipating as she continues to keep an eye on the raiders.
  328. [23:56]? Firefly hits the cloud, intending to send it flying into the sky. Instead, a lightning bolt is sent up and the cloud dissipates. Firefly releases an "Eeep!" of surprise as she is shocked, her coat and mane becoming fluffy as she flies and hides behind Wintergreen.
  329. [23:57]? Wintergreen blinks, looking to Firefly to make sure she's alright. "Feeling okay?"
  330. [23:58]? Firefly looks up at Wintergreen and nods. "It shocked me!"
  331. [23:58]? Ignis nuzzles Wintergreen's neck, smirking tenurely and then looking at the filly...curious.
  332. [23:58]? Firefly is now very fluffy, her coat and mane made puffy by the static shock.
  333. [23:58]? Wintergreen frowns and pats Firefly. "Just be more careful next time, okay?"
  334. [23:59]? Hawkeye blinks twice. "Did y'all just kick a lightning bolt out of that bitty cloud?" she asks in amazement. "I admit, not super knowledgeable 'bout pegasi, but that's fascinating."
  335. [00:00]? Firefly stays looking over at where the cloud was. "I didn't know I could do that...that was so cool! I'm gonna get another and try again!" Firefly crouches down, about to take off.
  336. [00:00]<Hawkeye> "Welp," Hawkeye says, "this can only end in tears."
  337. [00:01]? Wintergreen frowns. "Firefly. Be careful." She gives the filly a stern, motherly look.
  338. [00:02]? Firefly looks back at her foalsitter. "Awe...but I wanna make more lightning come out. Can I make more lightning come out? Please?"
  339. [00:02]? Wintergreen shakes her head. "Not now. You'll hurt yourself."
  340. [00:03]? Firefly kicks the dirt. "Awe...can I do it tomorrow?"
  341. [00:04]? Hawkeye laughs at the young mare and the filly. "Are y'all sure she ain't yours?"
  342. [00:04]? Wintergreen thinks for a moment and shakes her head. "Your parents would know how safe this is. I think it's better until we're with them."
  343. [00:06]? Firefly looks down at the dirt for a second...then nods up at Wintergreen. "Ok! I'll wait." If Wintergreen never finds out that she was playing with lightning, Firefly can't get in trouble. This plan will never fail!
  344. [00:06]? Wintergreen keeps an eye on Firefly!
  345. [00:07]? Firefly is a good little filly! She has a delicious dinner and goes to sleep soon after.
  346. [00:07]? Ignis watches everything amusedly. He nudges Wintergreen a bit and snatches one or two kisses off her cheek. "So, wanna check the bot?" He speaks softly. "This one looks like it was modded or something, its pretty interesting."
  347. [00:08]? Wintergreen nods excitedly. "Mhmm! I'd love to."
  348. [00:08]<Hawkeye> "Ah thought it looked a mite odd," Hawkeye says, leaning on her rifle. "Either way, we campin' out for the night? If so, we might want to get a little farther away from the riverbank, just in case."
  349. [00:10]? Ignis smirks, snuggling her a bit tighter. "Feel free to, you know these things better than me, should be good to be reprogramed or salvaged either...will be useful to us either way."
  350. [00:10]? Wintergreen looks over to the spritebot, examining its parts, trying to tell if there were any modifications or if it could be good salvage.
  351. [00:13]<SpiritOfFate> There were many modifications for sure. A different antenna, powered by multiple spark batteries and a set of lens, as well as a light talisman other than the usual part
  352. [00:16]<SpiritOfFate> There is a hole through the main circuitboard. Fixable, but not reprogrammable as it is
  353. [00:17]? Wintergreen frowns. "I might be able to repair it with the right parts.... but not reprogram it." She nudges Ignis. "Should we just salvage it?
  354. [00:17]<Wintergreen> "
  355. [00:19]? Ignis nods, huggling against Wintergreen. "Uhum, seems like pretty expensive tidbits...makes me almost feel sorry for shooting it." He chuckles. "Oh, and a light talisman...that is definately useful."
  356. [00:19]? Sotho lays down to take a good long sleep
  357. [00:20]? Wintergreen nods. "Alright... I'm sure we can sell the parts at the settlement."
  358. [00:20]? Wintergreen starts to disassemble the spritebot.
  359. [00:21]<Ignis> "Hmmm, and those lens...perhaps we could make a scope whenever we find a workbench."
  360. [00:22]? Wintergreen frowns. "I can't really hold all of these spark batteries, would you like to hold onto them, Ignis?"
  361. [00:24]<Ignis> "Well, I can help hold a few...but I'm almost full as well. The other can lug them around too...we do need the caps."
  362. [00:24]<Ignis> "How that thing was able to fly with all these batteries?
  363. [00:24]? Wintergreen nods. "I can hold seven fine."
  364. [00:24]<Ignis> "I can hold a couple."
  365. [00:28]? Wintergreen smiles at her salvages scrap, putting everything away.
  366. [00:29]<Firefly> we have enough leather to start making leather armor?
  367. [00:29]? Ignis takes two of the batteries and stows them, leaving the rest to the others to carry. "I wish I knew what the bot used for..."
  368. [00:31]<Hawkeye> "Probably spying for Equestria," Hawkeye says laconically. "That's what they did during the war, and they don't seem to have gotten orders to the contrary." She leans against a tree. "'Cept now they don't got anyone to report to."
  369. [00:33]? Wintergreen is sleepy! "Well... I'm tired, and Firefly is already asleep... I'll take a watch shift if you wake me." She walks over to Firefly, cuddling close to the filly as she dozes off as well. She stays close enough to make it difficult to Firefly to wander off without waking her. "
  370. [00:34]? Ignis eats his bacon and nods.
  371. [00:34]? Wintergreen takes a bit of bacon to munch on before going to sleep!
  372. [00:35]? Hawkeye keeps watch until someone comes to relieve her.
  373. [00:35]<SpiritOfFate> ========================================
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