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TMC 100% SS route

a guest
Jul 6th, 2011
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  1. Minish Cap 100% Single Segment route
  3. Obtain:
  4. All inventory items
  5. Biggest Bomb bag (holds 99), Quiver (holds 99), wallet (holds 999)
  6. 20 hearts (all heart pieces and heart containers)
  7. All tiger scrolls (Spin Attack, Pot breaker, Dash Attack, Downstab, Roll Attack, Sword Beam, Peril Beam, Great Spin)
  8. All advanced Techniques (Faster spin attack charge, faster split, longer great spin)
  9. All Joy Butterflies (Faster digging, swimming, arrow flinging)
  10. 130 figurines (enough for piece of heart)
  11. Golden Tingle Statue (all 100 kinstone fusions)
  13. Route Key:
  15. R: rupees
  16. B: bombs
  17. S: mysterious shells
  18. K: total kinstone fusions
  19. H: Hearts
  21. - new file
  22. - text speed fast, brightness normal
  23. - intro
  24. - down to Smith
  25. - get Smith’s Sword
  26. - festival
  27. - shield to A
  28. - Vaati cutscene
  29. - Daltus cutscene
  30. - sword to B
  31. - down to minish woods
  32. - Ezlo CS
  33. - left to Piece of Heart (H: 3.25)
  34. - octorok battle
  35. - shrink at stump
  36. - Minish Village
  37. - Festari
  38. - Jabber Nut
  39. - Gentari
  40. - Festari
  41. - Enter Deepwood shrine
  42. - key in next room
  43. - mushroom across water
  44. - light first torch
  45. - through barrel
  46. - light second torch
  47. - enter barrel, go SW
  48. - mushroom over water
  49. - push pot to switch
  50. - key
  51. - backtrack to barrel room
  52. - through NE exit, use key
  53. - mushroom across water
  54. - keep going to key, get key
  55. - go left, then north
  56. - jump down, go left
  57. - push switch
  58. - minboss (2 cycle) get gust jar
  59. - pull southern web, get piece of heart (H: 3.5)
  60. - pull eastern web, gust jar to reveal switch left of already pressed one (to reveal blue warp) and two switches between the
  61. - pull web in barrel
  62. - lilypad to key
  63. - lilypad to big key, red warp back to entrance
  64. - blue warp, piece of heart (H: 3.75)
  65. - blue warp back to entrance, pull right web
  66. - boss, heart container (H: 4.75, earth element get)
  67. - back to gentari
  68. - get bombs (B:10)
  69. - MW wind crest
  70. - blow up bombs to exit minish woods (B:9)
  71. - SHF wind crest
  72. - fuse with Hurdy Gurdy man (K:1)
  73. - cucco game round 1 (S: 10; R: 100)
  74. - buy wallet (R: 20)
  75. - spin attack
  76. - clear dust from stall in center of town
  77. - exit town
  78. - bottle (B:8; R: 0)
  79. - Mt. Crenel, fill bottle with water, water vine
  80. - 2 bombs to hot spring water (B: 6)
  81. - 1 bomb to continue climbing mountain (B: 5)
  82. - after whirlwind, take left path, bomb wall at end and get both chests and PoH inside (B: 1; R: 50; H: 5)
  83. - go up normal way, use gust jar to reveal shrink stone and a minish crack N of the stone
  84. - plant, water, climb bean
  85. - go right, cross bridge, bomb wall to get in, kinstone in chest, go upstairs, bomb drop from lower pot, bomb right cracked block to escape, cross whirlwinds (B: 4)
  86. - go up, then right, bomb wall to get grip ring (B:3; R: 10)
  87. - go back left, down ladder, jump down ledge to left, bomb wall between jagged rocks, get PoH inside (B: 2; H: 5.25)
  88. - on Crenel wall, go to lower right corner, bomb the wall at end of path, throw bomb in fountain, answer “Neither”, get bomb bag upgrade (B: 30)
  89. - climb Crenel wall, mushroom across gap, cross minish corridor, boulder puzzle, block puzzle, gust jar to break pots and cross gap, bomb to cross gap, second boulder puzzle, get chest in next room, shrink, give sword to Melari in mines, leave out left side, grow, MC wind crest, enter CoF (B: 29)
  90. - right, blow up wall with bombomb, kill spike beetles in next room, go down stairs in room after
  91. - roll to cart, take it, refill bombs from middle pot on way left, use gust jar to suck up a bombomb and blow open left wall (B: 30)
  92. - kill helmasaur beetles with gust jar to reveal portal, shrink yourself
  93. - follow the minish path right and down, grow in foggy room
  94. - cross platforms to area with switch and chest; press switch, open chest while waiting for platforms to respawn
  95. - cross platforms to next room
  96. - cross the lava, knock a rollobite into hole in front of chest and open it (R: 60)
  97. - knock another rollobite into northernmost hole, proceed on, take whirlwind around to NW corner, push block aside, step on switch, push chest into hole, take the small key
  98. - north to next room, then east back to cart, open key door and switch rails when back, take cart again
  99. - go north, cross rails to the east, blow up bombable wall to the south to get a PoH (H: 5.5)
  100. - miniboss, Cane of Pacci (probably can use bombs if you want to, but route will continue as if none were used)
  101. - go to left room, jump up to switch, hit it to open door and trigger portal
  102. - go down, flip over cart, take it to small key
  103. - take cart back, use small key in the room north
  104. - downstairs, shrink, cross traps, grow, flip over cart, ride it back, switch rails, ride the cart
  105. - four rollobites in holes, drop switch down and hit it
  106. - in next room, follow upper path all the way north then jump down and open that chest, push block out of way and go east
  107. - follow platforms around to NE, get on upper platform, whirlwind across to end up at upper NE platform in main lava room
  108. - follow the whirlwinds to the SE chest, then take whirlwinds to big key (R: 160)
  109. - open boss door, beat up boss (H: 6.5, fire element get)
  110. - warp out, minish, enter mines, get White Sword, leave, unminish, climb down mountain
  111. - get red rupee on vine on last part of Crenel base (R: 180)
  112. - go to HT, HT wind crest, go to castle, to elemental sanctuary
  113. - infuse sword, split at top, split to exit
  114. - Moblin battle, back to HT, left to TH, down in grotto where you got bottle, split and go left
  115. - blow open wall above you when you exit, get kinstone inside (B: 29)
  116. - go to western wood, Vaati haunting CS
  117. - go back to house near SW corner of TH, fuse with Percy inside (K:2)
  118. - read sign south of entrance to Castor wilds
  119. - back to HCT, cucco game round 2 (110 rupees from) (S: 20; R: 290)
  120. - buy a white picolyte, enter shoe shop (R: 90)
  121. - minish, talk to any one of the minish, get mark on map
  122. - go to mayor’s house, get kinstone in basement, fuse with mayor after getting kinstone (K:3)
  123. - lon lon ranch, get key
  124. - go through lon lon ranch to lake hylia, getting wallet upgrade in the field
  125. - buy wake up shroom (R: 30)
  126. - use picolyte outside Syrup’s hut, grind as many green kinstones as possible
  127. - PoH down SW path (H: 6.75)
  128. - back to HT, cucco game twice more (120r + 130r) (S: 60; R: 280)
  129. - buy another white picolyte (R: 80)
  130. - get Pegasus boots
  131. - roll down, down, right upon exiting, fuse with postman (K:4)
  132. - back to swamp
  133. - dash west to large clump of long grass
  134. - activate picolyte, slash most of bushes on left half, enter cave, exit, finish up slashing
  135. - first gold kinstone in basement of that cave
  136. - exit cave, climb up vine to left, NE along bridge, climb vine, dash left to shrink stump
  137. - gust jar across swamp path
  138. - get bow
  139. - gust jar back across, go, dash back to vine you climbed down before
  140. - SE along bridge, climb down, roll clip past eyegore
  141. - 2nd gold kinstone
  142. - dash back down, push rock, go over near eyegore statue to the left (past the vine mentioned 3 lines up)
  143. - go into cave to right of eyegore, deflect a nut and fuse with the business scrub (K:5)
  144. - pass eyegore, whirlwind to next area of wilds
  145. - normal route to 3rd gold kinstone
  146. - CW wind crest
  147. - dash over to and fuse with the 3 statues (K:8)
  148. - blow up passage right near start of Wind Ruins, get chest inside
  149. - roll clip armos
  150. - shrink, turn next armos on
  151. - roll clip that armos, push boulder in hole
  152. - go up a couple times, killing tektites when needed
  153. - at shrink stump, cut grass in “maze below” to make path shorter, then shrink and go west
  154. - follow the minish vines until the cavern a couple screens down (center vine when faced with a choice of 3)
  155. - follow the path to get a PoH (H: 7)
  156. - back to shrink stump, activate the armos
  157. - roll clip it, push the boulder in hole, go to next screen
  158. - kill the right 3 armos to move statues, open both chests (S: 110; R: 130)
  159. - shrink and turn off leftmost armos
  160. - kill the enemies in next area, enter FoW
  161. - go left, follow the path to make the key drop
  162. - fall down, grab the key, exit
  163. - go two rooms to the right, head up the stairs
  164. - pull the left switch to open the door, then grab the chest right above you
  165. - follow the path to make the second key drop
  166. - reminish before jumping down after the key
  167. - fall down as a minish, take minish passage right
  168. - grow, PoH, exit room, go back and get key (H: 7.25)
  169. - go through middle room, up stairs
  170. - roll clip left eyegore, open left door
  171. - cross pit with platform, hit both eyes in next room, then defeat darknut
  172. - go clockwise in next room (damage clip the traps), hit switch, go through door
  173. - go right in next room, blow open wall between the 2 skulls (B: 28)
  174. - get mole mitts, then dig through dirt to chest (R: 230)
  175. - exit, go to the right, jump down, left door
  176. - pull level, roll across quickly, kill floormasters in next room with arrows to reveal shrink portal, go to next room and get small key, unlock the door, go back, minish and follow the path through the next room and through the small key door you just opened
  177. - go to minish hole to you left in next room
  178. - unminish, step on the switch, dig to small key
  179. - minish, exit, jump down ledge, unminish, go to next room
  180. - dig to ladder, climb it, open door, fall down right pit
  181. - get big key, jump down, run into a floormaster to warp to entrance
  182. - exit out of room, dig to far right room
  183. - defeat wizzrobes for a chest with shells (S: 190)
  184. - back to center room, climb stairs
  185. - exit down, follow the path to boss
  186. - defeat the boss, grab HC (H: 8.25)
  187. - get ocarina
  188. - warp to SHF
  189. - dash right, jump up w/ hole, fuse with tingle, talk to tingle to trigger brothers (K:9)
  190. - warp to LH
  191. - minish, enter mushroom, then talk to him
  192. - exit, grow, warp to HT
  193. - go to library, talk to minish on bookcase
  194. - unminish, leave library, grab water from river
  195. - stop by HT mole mitts cave on way to SE houses, grab the 3 chests in the cave
  196. - go to westmost of the houses, dump water on the fire, try to fuse with both people (if one or the other doesn’t fuse, try again when you grow; if one is still not fusing, enter and exit the house until they do)
  197. - flip vase over, minish, go up chimney
  198. - push book down, fuse with the cat (K:10)
  199. - go back to other house, then leave as a minish
  200. - go around to back of inn, enter through flowered path at the back
  201. - grow, grab HC, shrink, back to the house (H: 8.5)
  202. - fuse with the dog, grow (K:11 + 2 people = 13)
  203. - stop by Simon’s Simulations on your way back to the library (H: 8.75, R: 220)
  204. - return first book, talk to librarian again
  205. - go to cafe, fuse with hurdy gurdy man, mama, and one other person in the shop (doesn’t matter who), then push the bookcase to the left to reveal the staircase (K:16)
  206. - flip pot over, minish, climb up staircase
  207. - go through path out the right hand side, cross plank to shop roof, drop down **if you want to, you can fuse with some of the minish up here to cut out some of the carpenters in a bit**
  208. - grow, get bottle, shrink, back up path
  209. - grab the shell chest on way back (S: 200)
  210. - when you get over to the cafe, drop down, then leave via the minish hole @ the bottom left
  211. - cross plank to the left, then enter carpenter’s house from the back
  212. - grow, try to fuse with all four carpenters (as with the two lovers, you’ll have other chances to try and fuse, but if you don’t get all of them just enter and exit until all fuse) (K:20)
  213. - go to scholar’s house, dump water on fire
  214. - back to carpenter’s house, minish
  215. - start power bracelet quest in upper right minish door, then climb chimney
  216. - proceed to fountain cave
  217. - go right, up to get to power bracelets
  218. - leave cave, back to scholar’s house
  219. - push bookcases to reveal ladder and path to the minish door, take it
  220. - gust jar to reveal tiles, split and drop book down
  221. - exit house, go up and talk to dog to get him to move, back to carpenter’s house
  222. - grow, go get book
  223. - roll up and around to get back to center of town, buy more picolyte (R: 20)
  224. - leave out east exit of HT
  225. - go to EH, use cane of pacci to go up platform to your right, give the fairy all your rupees to upgrade to max wallet
  226. - go back to lake Hylia (SE corner)
  227. - grind kinstones at syrups’s hut again
  228. - use mole mitts to enter cave
  229. - in cave, dig to part in soil to find a chest with a kinstone, then dig up the eastern path and fuse with the hidden mysterious wall, then go back and dig to the ladder (K:21)
  230. - climb up ladder, go east, down stairs, north, bash into tree, minish, gust jar down, push bookcase to side, push book down, leave, gust jar back, grow, go in house, get the book
  231. - warp to lake hylia
  232. - go straight west to lon lon ranch
  233. - continue going straight west, ram tree with Pegasus boots, shrink, go to minish path and get PoH (H: 9)
  234. - leave, grow, enter cave, split, push block and grab chest (R: 70)
  235. - climb up ladder and fuse with Ankle (K:22)
  236. - warp to HT
  237. - go to library, turn in last 2 books
  238. - go upstairs, shrink again outside
  239. - go in as minish, climb books to Jotari
  240. - follow path after secret mystery panel to flippers
  241. - follow the water path straight down to exit
  242. - grow outside, warp to HT
  243. - after landing, go back to carpenter’s house
  244. - shrink, follow path back to fountain
  245. - PoH straight to you left after you enter (H: 9.25)
  246. - exit cave, back to carpenter’s house, grow
  247. - leave house, exit HT at west
  248. - follow path to Mt. Crenel base, but right before go north to a mole mitts cavern
  249. - both chests in there, plus mysterious wall hidden in dirt just east of ladder (K:23)
  250. - climb ladder, fuse with Knuckle, then shrink and fuse with the minish (K:25)
  251. - grow, warp to LH
  252. - go north, dive in center of pond to find PoH (H: 9.5)
  253. - go into house, put food in bowl, flip over pot, shrink, fuse with Fifi, grow (K:26)
  254. - exit house, fuse with David Jr. (K:27)
  255. - swim to ToD
  256. - follow the any% route for ToD b/c I’m too lazy to type it out; only change is to grab the chest after the first ice block in the main room, i.e the one right before the ice maze
  257. - after getting HC, leave ToD (H: 10.5)
  258. - warp to HT
  259. - go north, switches in 4 trees for boomerang, also get all 4 chests (S: 400)
  260. - past guards, fuse in sanctuary
  261. - leave sanctuary, get caught by guards
  262. - back to NHF, blow up rock just to your west (B: 27)
  263. - jump in water, swim to chests in HCG (S: 500; R: 270)
  264. - swim back, enter cave, split to move rock
  265. - enter royal valley, blow up rock to get into fairy fountain, answer questions truthfully for quiver upgrade (B: 26)
  266. - through lost woods, path is up, left, left, up, right, up
  267. - dampe’s hut, get graveyard key
  268. - get key stolen, get it back, unlock gate
  269. - to the left, kinfuse with spectre (K:28)
  270. -upper left corner, push gravestone aside, then move block for piece of heart (H: 10.75)
  271. - move middle gravestone, reveal split tiles, step on switches to open the crypt
  272. - key from gibdo
  273. - open center door
  274. - two puzzles for keys
  275. - get gold kinstone piece
  276. - warp to HT after CS
  277. - go to house just south of post office, fuse with the stranger (K:29)
  278. - go to center of town, buy picolyte again (R: 70)
  279. - go to inn, use flame lantern to get to chest on roof
  280. - warp to SHF
  281. - use picolyte to grind grass just north of wind crest, just south of wind crest, and the short grass near the tree
  282. - PoH from tree (H: 11)
  283. - to your house, mole mitts to reveal a red rupee just left of the door (R: 90)
  284. - fuse twice with Smith (K:31)
  285. - another red rupee when you leave (R: 110)
  286. - go to warp just above Smith’s, get 3 kinstone chests inside and suck up soul, talk to Gregal after for 100 shells (S: 600)
  287. - leave, go to SW corner of SHF, shrink and fuse with the minish in the house there (K:32)
  288. - after fusing, jump in water and swim to upper right corner of pond, minish cave there has a PoH (H: 11.25)
  289. - back to stump, warp to HT
  290. - NHF path to veil falls (B: 25)
  291. - fuse with source of the flow, enter room, up stairs in upper right corner (K:33)
  292. - bomb wall between jagged rocks, get 50 shells inside (B: 24; S: 650)
  293. - back out, outside, climb wall, VF wind crest, into cave
  294. - bomb wall on right side, take shells in chest (B: 23; S: 700)
  295. - exit, climb stairs, rupees in chest (R: 210)
  296. - exit out SE door, climb wall, enter whirlwind to cloud tops
  297. - go to the right; if you have an R> kinstone on you, fuse with Gale, girl next to cloud (K:34)
  298. - go up first vortex, gold kinstone in chest, drop down hole
  299. - go up, up vortex
  300. - mole mitts dig through cloud, drop down hole, fuse with the cloud (K:35)
  301. - back up vortex, use whirlwind to go almost straight west, fall down hole, defeat fish things for gold kinstone 2
  302. - take new vortex up, dig through clouds to left, whirlwind further to the west (aim for a small platform with a single chest on it, walled in at the south and west)
  303. - open this chest for the 3rd gold kinstone, then dig up, both breaks in the clouds above have chests with 50 shells; get them (S: 800)
  304. - take whirlwind straight south (around the diggable cloud area), drop down hole
  305. - roll clip the lakitu and fuse with the cloud (K:36)
  306. - leave the way you came, then whirlwind to the SW corner of the area; the chest surrounded by mole mitts cloud contains 50 shells, get it (S: 850)
  307. - drop down hole, roll clip lakitu and fuse with another cloud, then take upper vortex (K:37)
  308. - chest up here has the 4th golden kinstone
  309. - drop back down, roll clip lakitu again, take rightmost vortex
  310. - go down next hole
  311. - kill cloud piranhas for the 5th kinstone piece, then take the vortex to your right up
  312. - take 50 shells from the chest here (S: 900)
  313. - take whirlwind straight down, go up vortex, dig to small hole and fall down it
  314. - take next vortex up, fall down hole to the NW, fuse with the 4th cloud (K:38)
  315. - go back up, whirlwind NW to a platform, dig with mole mitts through to another whirlwind, take that one clockwise around the dark blue wall to the hole you came up at the very start
  316. - fall down and fuse with the final cloud (K:39)
  317. - take giant vortex to the house
  318. - climb up the floors of the house, fusing with the inhabitants as you go (both Flurris, the bulky girl on the second floor, and Siroc, the old woman on the top floor, will fuse twice, while the other fusers will only fuse once. If you did not fuse with Gale, get the kinstones from the top floor, then go back down and fuse with her. Don’t forget to get the light arrows from Gregal on the second floor) (K:45) (LIGHT ARROWS COMPLETE)
  319. - if you haven’t already, get the kinstones from the chests on all the floors
  320. - when ready, climb up to the very top and enter PoW
  321. - work way through first part of dungeon to Roc’s cape
  322. - climb clouds to your right
  323. - here, kill the guay, then, from the leftmost cracked block beneath you, time a jump and glide diagonally down-left so you land on the corner of the moving platform, skipping most of the second floor
  324. - proceed normally up to the big key, getting the 100 rupees from the ball and chain troopers (R: 310)
  325. - beat the darknut, proceed normally in the dungeon until you get to the fourth floor, ie the room before is a room with two stalfos and a flame centipede
  326. - in this next room, go to the left and up, push the block into the pit, jump across, go up and get the PoH in this room (H: 11. 5)
  327. - go back, fall down pit, back up to fourth floor
  328. - use an arrow to break the mine when it’s next to the blocks, jump across, go up, throw a bomb at the switch to open the door, jump back across and go through the door to the 200 rupee chest (R: 510; B: 22)
  329. - jump back across pit, use key to 5th floor, proceed normally to next small key (B: 19)
  330. - fall down pit, go up to maze room
  331. - maze room path: all the way up, right, down, up, right, down to the bottom, right, push block, jump across pit
  332. - climb eastern clouds to get a kinstone piece
  333. - climb middle clouds to get to boss door
  334. - defeat Gyorg Pair, get HC (H: 12.5)
  335. - warp to HT
  336. - fuse at sanctuary
  337. - follow normal DHC any% route to big key (too lazy to write again), getting the 100r from the ball and chain troopers (R: 610)
  338. - Blue warp to entrance, leave dungeon
  339. - warp to HT
  340. - go to the school, fuse with Tina (she’s a fickle fuser, it may take some tries) (K:46)
  341. - flip pot, minish, go out eastern minish door
  342. - to path, push block, 3 chests and PoH behind it (H: 12.75)
  343. - back into school, now take western path
  344. - kinstone in chest on top, warp to HT
  345. - go to shop, buy bomb bag upgrade (R: 10, B: doesn’t matter)
  346. - cucco game, remaining rounds, get at least 600r during game, fuse with Anju when you get a chance (R: 600+, S: 960, H: 13, K:47)
  347. - buy quiver upgrade (R: some number)
  348. - learn the rest of the Tiger Scrolls you can from Swiftblade (Pot Breaker, Dash attack, downstab)
  349. - FIGURINE TIME!!!! (R: 400+, S: 0)
  351. For the figurines, you are going to pump shells in, 1 at a time, until you get 108 figurines. At this point, get a 100% chance for the rest of the figurines. You’ll make 2 trips back here later to grab the rest of the figurines. Keep going until you run out of shells, your last try will likely be a <100% chance, but don’t worry about it.
  353. - buy a picolyte (R: 200+)
  354. ~Mad travelling begins~
  355. - warp to MW
  356. - minish, go up to bridge, cross it, go north, enter left cave
  357. - follow it to PoH (H: 13.25)
  358. - exit cave, back to minish village, fuse with Gentari and the northeasternmost forest minish x 3, get PoH on way to minish (K:51, H: 13.5)
  359. - exit village, talk to Belari to get remote bombs, then fuse with him (K:52)
  360. - warp to LH
  361. - minish, fuse with minish inside mushroom house (K:53)
  362. - outside, follow crack to the end, talk to Librari to get a full HC, then fuse with him (K:54, H: 14.5)
  363. - jump down from platform, then swim straight east, then north and fuse with the minish in the crack up the vine (K:55)
  364. - exit, swim down to shrink stump, grow
  365. - swim straight west to PoH (H: 14.75)
  366. - picolyte grind at grass in front of Waveblade’s tree (should be able to cut all grass infront twice by entering/exiting) **if you need more kinstones at this point, get another picolyte and grind NOW**
  367. - PoH in waveblade’s dojo, fuse with him, learn Peril Beam (H: 15, K:56)
  368. - warp back to LH
  369. - jump down, fuse with David Jr. Again (K:57)
  370. - roc’s cape to PoH (H: 15.25)
  371. - jump to mole mitts cave
  372. - in cave, go to SW area, find the 3 chests in the area, then continue through to a mysterious wall (K:58, S: 50)
  373. - back towards entrance, but go west this time
  374. - dig past the exit, follow the path to find 3 more chests with kinstones and shells (S: 100)
  375. - go back to exit you found, PoH outside (H: 15.5)
  376. - back into cave, back to entrance, head towards NE now, ignoring chest if you find it
  377. - climb up ladder, climb down another ladder, dig to and climb a 3rd ladder
  378. - climb beanstalk, PoH and 200 shells (H: 15.75, S: 300)
  379. - climb down beanstalk, warp to Mt. Crenel
  380. - climb down mountain all the way to green vine, climb down it
  381. - in MCB, shrink and go down the crack you exposed the first time you were here
  382. - fuse with the minish (K:59)
  383. - warp back to the mountaintop
  384. - climb down again, but this time only go down the jump and ladder, then go straight right, climb up the wall, enter the cave
  385. - split to open door, get PoH and learn roll attack, fuse kinstones as well (K: 60, H: 16)
  386. - exit cave, warp to mountaintop once more
  387. - minish, inside fuse with Belari (SW room), the mountain minish: at the westernmost door, inside the SE room, outside E room, NW most mining minish (K: 65)
  388. - exit via north exit, 200 shell chest in passage, exit east and grow, warp back to mountaintop (S: 500)
  389. - climb down mountain and climb Crenel wall
  390. - at top, go up beanstalk to get PoH (H: 16.25)
  391. - climb down beanstalk, then climb down ladder at the left
  392. - enter right cave and fuse with the Crenel Hermit x5 (enter and exit between each) (K: 70)
  393. - enter mole mitts cave on left and fuse with mysterious wall as well as get the PoH (K: 71, H: 16.5)
  394. - leave cave, warp to HT
  395. - dash to NHF, and go past the first set of trees, over to the right side
  396. - along the E wall of the entire field (S of entrance to Veil Falls), there is a boulder at the top of a vine; destroy it, jump down, ram the tree, and make the fusion with the minish under the crack (K: 72)
  397. - grow, go to HCG
  398. - ram tree in middle of eastern section, shrink, go down crack in NE corner, fuse with the minish (K: 73)
  399. - grow, go down fountain in upper right area (There is a 1/18 chance this fountain is still full of water. If it is, come back and get the PoH before you finish DHC) (H: 16.75)
  400. - go to SE corner, cut the grass to find ladder, light torches, grab PoH, learn sword beam, and fuse kinstones (K: 74, H: 17)
  401. - leave cave, warp to HT
  402. - go to inn, fuse with any of the 3 ladies (K: 75)
  403. - go to main room upstairs at inn, fuse with Zill x 3, Candy, and the other kid (he is fickle, but should want to fuse at least once while fusing with Zill) (K: 80)
  404. - talk to Gorman standing infront of SW most house
  405. - go back to inn, talk to any one of the 3 girls, then fuse with all 3 of them (K: 83)
  406. - exit inn, go to eastern exit, but stop behind post office and fuse with Bremor (K: 84)
  407. - exit to Trilby, kinstone piece in chest there
  408. - warp to SHF
  409. - chest near the wind crest (S: 700)
  410. - dash to western wood
  411. - keep dashing until tree with opening, enter it and get PoH (H: 17.25)
  412. - leave tree, SW path, enter house, light torches, talk to moblin, exit, enter, talk to percy for 100 shells (S: 800)
  413. - back up a screen, take SE path this time
  414. - to shrink stump (may have to ram it, I don’t remember), shrink, fuse with minish in house, grow, warp to CW (K: 85)
  415. - once landed, straight west, push grave and learn great spin + get PoH (H: 17.5, ALL TIGER SCROLLS COMPLETE)
  416. - exit grave, head back towards wind crest, then push boulder into hole north of crest, go north-northwest and grab joy butterfly, then climb vine
  417. - follow bridge NE, climb down vine, go right and over boulder pushed there a long time ago
  418. - dash to the right and cross mud + water to find a PoH in the right cave and Scarblade in the east cave, enter both and get rewards (H: 17.75)
  419. - leave the caves, head back towards vine, but instead keep dashing left until the shrink stump
  420. - shrink, take lilypad to the SW of you
  421. - enter crack and grab kinstone in chest
  422. - leave crack, head south
  423. - once you pass the swamp pit on your right, go right through the minish tunnel
  424. - follow the path E-SE until you get to the water
  425. - swim right for a bit until you get to the minish tunnel
  426. - first room – second from right patch
  427. - get through second room to PoH (H: 18)
  428. - all the way back to shrink stump
  429. - warp to CW
  430. - dash to Wind Ruins
  431. - joy butterfly
  432. - go down a screen, shrink and fuse with the minish in the crack (you can get the kinstone in the chest on the left side of his home) (K: 86)
  433. - exit house, grow
  434. - get chest one screen to right (S: 999)
  435. - go up 2 screens, climb beanstalk, get quiver upgrade
  436. - follow the path until the end (you’ll have to turn off the one armos again), get the bomb bag upgrade the screen before entering FoW (ALL CAPACITY UPGRADES COMPLETE)
  437. - warp to HT
  438. - PoH in bell (H: 18.25)
  439. - FIGURINE BLITZ (S: 0) (get another 10 figurines, and keep any leftover shells)
  440. - warp to VF
  441. - jump in water to left
  442. - swim to waterfall for HP (H: 18.5)
  443. - warp back to VF
  444. - climb down wall, jump in water to left
  445. - PoH on ledge (H: 18.75)
  446. - enter mole mitts cave, get PoH (H: 19)
  447. - exit VF, follow path around to LLR
  448. - use cane of pacci to jump up platform
  449. - enter waterfall, learn from Splitblade
  450. - go outside, get PoH on ledge to the right (H: 19.25)
  451. - warp to minish woods
  452. - cross bridge, open chest for a kinstone piece
  453. - to eastern hills
  454. - roc’s cape across the cap, shrink, fuse with the minish (K: 87)
  455. - grow, leave north, bomb rocks
  456. - climb beanstalk, get PoH and shells (H: 19.5, S: 200)
  457. - climb down beanstalk, north another screen
  458. - bomb the rocks at the right, also get bottle in chest
  459. - go into minish woods
  460. - kinstone piece in mole mitts cavern north of open tree
  461. - fuse twice with the business scrub in the open tree (K: 89)
  462. - back to EH
  463. - go to farmers’ field, enter mole mitts cave, fuse with wall (K: 90)
  464. - fuse with both farmers (K: 92)
  465. - go north another screen to LLR
  466. - use whirlwind to enter goron cave
  467. - get bottle, fuse with leftmost and rightmost gorons (K: 94, ALL INVENTORY ITEMS COMPLETE)
  468. - leave cave, warp to HT
  469. - go to NHF
  470. - go west, jump in water, swim into waterfall, learn from greatblade (ALL ADVANCED TECHNIQUES COMPLETE)
  471. - leave cave, climb out and go in other cave
  472. - PoH on the way (H: 19.75)
  473. - split, go to royal valley, getting chest along the way in NHF (S: 400)
  474. - go back through lost woods, visit dampe’s hut, fuse with him twice (K: 96)
  475. - enter graveyard, fuse with Spectre again (K: 97)
  476. - get joy butterfly above Spectre (ALL JOY BUTTERFLIES COMPLETE)
  477. - NE grave, 100 shells from chest(s), fuse with her twice (K: 99, S: 500)
  478. - warp to SHF
  479. - fuse with tingle (K: 100)
  480. - talk to him until he gives you tingle trophy (TINGLE TROPHY COMPLETE)
  481. - go to HT (don’t warp)
  482. - go to waterfall N of figurine tree, get 200 shells from chest (S: 700)
  484. - talk to Herb until he gives you access to house
  485. - get the PoH (H: 20, ALL HEARTS COMPLETE)
  489. - dash to DHC
  490. - enter red warp
  491. - big key on door
  492. - beat up Vaati x 3
  493. - GG
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