
Thunderlane's Problem

Jun 13th, 2014
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  1. >Thunderlane looked down at his hooves, fiddling them anxiously
  2. >The doctor's office was nearly empty. Only a mother with a sick child and an elderly mare occupied the waiting room.
  3. >There was a murmur behind the door and Thunderlane looked up. The clerk appeared behind the desk and poked her head out into the room.
  4. >"Thunderlane? Dr. Monitor is ready to see you now."
  5. >He gulped and stood up, walking over to the door with a noticeable limp in his back left leg.
  6. >On the other side of the door stood a doctor with an auburn mane and a stern set of eyes behind a pair of glasses.
  7. >"Ah, good to see you. Please come with me."
  8. >He turned and walked down a sanitary white hall without another word. Thunderlane grit his teeth and followed.
  9. >At last they came to the check-up room. Dr. Monitor ushered him inside then followed, closing the door.
  10. >"Now, what seems to be the problem?"
  11. >Thunderlane shifted uncomfortably. "Oh, y-you know, sports injury, got hurt, uh... f-flying."
  12. >Dr. Monitor raised an eyebrow. "I mean... where is this injury? You said you got it hurt from flying, so is it your wing?"
  13. >Thunderlane cleared his throat. "Um, n-no, not exactly. It's uh... my leg."
  14. >He moved his leg slightly to indicate which one, and Dr. Monitor held the appendage in his hoof.
  15. >"Thunderlane, you need to be specific. Is it the hoof? The joints? The flank? Show me."
  16. >Thunderlane blushed deeply. Gulping, he slowly turned his leg over, revealing the interior of his thigh and, consequently, his cock.
  17. >"R-Right here." He placed his hoof over the sore area inside his flank, trying to draw attention away from his member, though it was barely an inch away from his scrotum.
  18. >Dr. Monitor placed his hoof in the same spot, causing Thunderlane to flinch slightly. His left testicle was now settling against the doctor's hoof.
  19. >"Hmm... was it strained, or did something hit it?"
  20. >The doctor didn't look up when he asked, but if he did, he would have seen a face contorted with embarrassment, cheeks flushed red, and sweat dripping from his brow.
  21. >"W-W-Well, I was j-just... g-going a little t-too fast... didn't s-see the wall... stopped too soon.... fell..."
  22. >Doctor Monitor looked up this time. "Mind saying that again in English?"
  23. >Thunderlane cleared his throat and took a deep breath. "I uh... crashed. Yeah. Hit a fall going too fast. I fell. Landed the wrong way."
  24. >The doctor withdrew his hoof, and Thunderlane had hoped the worst was over. He moved to close his legs, but was startled when Doctor Monitor placed his hoof directly under his scrotum.
  25. >"Did you damage your testicles at all?"
  26. >Thunderlane's eyes widened. The question was asked so frankly, he wasn't sure how to respond.
  27. >"Uh, I d-don't.... they seem.... eh, they're f-fine..."
  28. >Doctor Monitor looked up at him, furrowing his brow with concern.
  29. >"Thunderlane.... you HAVE had testicular exams before.... right?"
  30. >He gulped, shifting uncomfortably. "Uh.... n-no...."
  31. >Now it was Monitor's turn to look surprised. "How? How is that even possible?! You're a full grown stallion, and you've never been properly examined?"
  32. >Thunderlane bit his lip. "Well... we could never really afford it.... my parents couldn't work so we lived off disability..."
  33. >Doctor Monitor let out a frustrated sigh. "This healthcare system... look Thunderlane, regular exams are crucial to ensure you're maturing healthy, as well as serve to educate young stallions about sexual health. You need an exam."
  34. >Thunderlane backed away. "Wh-what?! No! Look, I'm sorry, but.... I don't want you.... to.... I don't want to be touched!"
  35. >Doctor Monitor grumbled quietly. "Can't believe I have to give this speech to an adult...." he cleared his throat and spoke up, "Thunderlane, I want you to know that it's okay. I know it feels weird for an adu--... another stallion to touch you in those places, but you must understand that I'm doing this to help you feel better and to make sure you're not hurt."
  36. >Thunderlane's lip trembled. Slowly, he spread his legs, allowing the doctor to examine him.
  37. >Sighing, Doctor Monitor took the base of the cock in his hoof again.
  38. >Quickly, yet gently, he rolled each testicle between his hooves, feeling for abnormal lumps or softness.
  39. >As he did this, Thunderlane's body tensed. He bit his lip as his cock began to grow stiff. He watched his rising member in horror, praying the doctor wouldn't notice.
  40. >But Doctor Monitor did notice, as his hooves now moved up to the cock itself.
  41. >"This is normal as well, Thunderlane. It's nearly impossible to avoid stimulating the penis during an exam. Just try to think about something boring and it will be over before you know it."
  42. >Doctor Monitor drew his hoof along the shaft, up to the tip. He tugged gently at the flared tip, which oozed pre.
  43. >Thunderlane, in desperation, tried to wipe the glistening substance off, but Doctor Monitor stopped him.
  44. >"Just.... it's okay... leave it, I'll get you a towel in a minute."
  45. >He moved his hoof along the front now, his eyes focused on the member. He seemed to be working more quickly though.
  46. >He held the scrotum once again, quickly feeling over each testicle as Thunderlane writhed and twitched.
  47. >Suddenly, every muscle in his body tensed, his teeth clenched tight as he tilted his head back and moaned loudly.
  48. >Warm strands of cum erupted from Thunderlane's cock, dousing Doctor Monitor's face.
  49. >He stared at Thunderlane, semen dripping from his mane, ears, and muzzle.
  50. >Thunderlane stared back, horrified. His whole body was shaking and he breathed heavily.
  51. >"I-I'm sorry! So... s-so sorry..."
  52. >Doctor Monitor simply walked over to the nearby counter. He grabbed a towel, wiped his face, then turned and wiped Thunderlane's member.
  53. >"I'm sorry..." Thunderlane repeated. "I've... always been like this. I'm very easily... I... I just cum like that, sometimes for no reason..."
  54. >The doctor sighed. "Wish I had known that. It may very well be a medical condition."
  55. >Thunderlane blinked. "Wh-what do you mean? Am I sick in some way?"
  56. >The doctor shook his head. "I wouldn't say so. It's rare, but not unheard of, for stallions to be easily stimulated, sometimes reaching orgasm on fantasy alone, without any penile stimulation. You may very well be one of them. It's a good thing we caught this now. You'll have to make another appointment so I can learn more."
  57. >Thunderlane looked confused. "Another appointment? After... after what I did? Aren't you going to throw me out?"
  58. >Doctor Monitor smiled. "Listen Thunderlane, you haven't had the chance to have this looked at and diagnosed when you should have. That isn't fair. Furthermore, with what just happened, that's the way your body is. You can't help it, and I'm sure it's embarrassing enough. I'm not going to embarrass you any further. If you cum on me again, that's just part of the job. You're my patient, and it's my job to make sure you're healthy."
  59. >Thunderlane smiled back sheepishly. "Thanks doc. But uh... I think you missed a spot."
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