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Feb 19th, 2016
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  1. 14. Mohammed Ali
  3. HP: 20
  4. MP: 0
  5. TP: 70
  7. Passives:
  8. Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee - All your actives will have a chance to roll a critical.
  9. Swift feet - You are very agile and your base AGI is much higher than others. You are more likely to go first in the turn order.
  11. Actives:
  12. Haymaker - Throw a punch to the skull with great force. This has a chance to immobilize the opponent. Costs 20 TP.
  13. Uppercut - Jab your foe in the jaw. Roll twice for high numbers; Higher numbers will be your damage, however if both numbers are even, add those together for damage. Costs 30 TP.
  14. Jab - Hit your opponent with a base ATK. Costs 0 TP.
  15. Backstab - Get behind an opponent and stab them in the back. More effective on humans than monsters. Costs 0 TP.
  17. Items:
  18. Twin Short Swords (x2) - Slice your opponent 5 times consecutively. Always roll low numbers but add all numbers for damage.
  19. Poison blowdart (x8) - Shoot a blowdart at the opponent, poisoning them.
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