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Feb 25th, 2014
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  1. Activate[expr] replaces all instances of Inactive[f] in expr with f.
  2. Activate[expr,patt] replaces only instances of Inactive[f] for which f matches the pattern patt.
  3. AffineStateSpaceModel[{a,b,c,d},x] represents the affine state-space model x'(t)==a(x(t))+b(x(t)).u(t), y(t)=c(x(t))+d(x(t)).u(t).
  4. AffineStateSpaceModel[sys] gives an affine state-space model corresponding to the system model sys.
  5. AffineStateSpaceModel[eqns,{{Subscript[x, 1],Subscript[x, 10]},\[Ellipsis]},{{Subscript[u, 1],Subscript[u, 10]},\[Ellipsis]},{Subscript[g, 1],\[Ellipsis]},t] gives the affine state-space model obtained by Taylor input linearization about the dependent variable Subscript[x, i] at Subscript[x, i0] and input Subscript[u, j] at Subscript[Subscript[u, j], 0] of the differential equations eqns with outputs Subscript[g, i] and independent variable t.
  6. AllowIncomplete::usage
  7. AlternatingFactorial[n] gives the alternating factorial a(n).
  8. AntihermitianMatrixQ[m] gives True if m is explicitly antihermitian, and False otherwise.
  9. AntisymmetricMatrixQ[m] gives True if m is explicitly antisymmetric, and False otherwise.
  10. APIFunction is a function that takes named parameters.
  11. ArcCurvature[{Subscript[x, 1],\[Ellipsis],Subscript[x, n]},t] gives the curvature of the parametrized curve whose Cartesian coordinates Subscript[x, i] are functions of t.
  12. ArcCurvature[{Subscript[x, 1],\[Ellipsis],Subscript[x, n]},t,chart] interprets the Subscript[x, i] as coordinates in the specified coordinate chart.
  13. ARCHProcess[κ,{Subscript[α, 1],\[Ellipsis],Subscript[α, q]}] represents an autoregressive conditionally heteroscedastic process of order q, driven by a standard white noise.
  14. ARCHProcess[κ,{Subscript[α, 1],\[Ellipsis],Subscript[α, q]},init] represents an ARCH process with initial data init.
  15. ArcLength[{Subscript[x, 1],\[Ellipsis],Subscript[x, n]},{t,Subscript[t, min],Subscript[t, max]}] gives the length of the parametrized curve whose Cartesian coordinates Subscript[x, i] are functions of t.
  16. ArcLength[{Subscript[x, 1],\[Ellipsis],Subscript[x, n]},{t,Subscript[t, min],Subscript[t, max]},chart] interprets the Subscript[x, i] as coordinates in the specified coordinate chart.
  17. Association[Subscript[key, 1]->Subscript[val, 1],Subscript[key, 2]->Subscript[val, 2],\[Ellipsis]] or <|Subscript[key, 1]->Subscript[val, 1],Subscript[key, 2]->Subscript[val, 2],\[Ellipsis]|> represents an association between keys and values.
  18. AsymptoticOutputTracker::usage
  19. AutocorrelationTest[data] tests whether the data is autocorrelated.
  20. AutocorrelationTest[data,k] tests whether the data is autocorrelated up to lag k.
  21. AutocorrelationTest[data,k,"property"] returns the value of "property" for a given model.
  22. BarcodeImage["string",format] generates a barcode image of "string" in the specified format.
  23. BarcodeImage["string",format,size] attempts to generate a barcode image of the specified size.
  24. BarcodeRecognize[image] recognizes a barcode in image and returns it as a string.
  25. BarcodeRecognize[image,"prop"] returns the specified property of the barcode.
  26. BarcodeRecognize[image,"prop","format"] recognizes barcodes of the specified "format" only.
  27. BoxObject::usage
  28. CalendarConvert[date,calendar] converts the date object date to the specified calendar type calendar.
  29. CalendarConvert[date] converts to the default calendar type.
  30. CanonicalName[entity] gives the canonical name for the entity specified by entity.
  31. CanonicalName[property] gives the canonical name for the EntityProperty expression property.
  32. CantorStaircase[x] gives the Cantor staircase function Subscript[F, C](x).
  33. ChromaticityPlot[colorspace] plots a 2D slice of colorspace.
  34. ChromaticityPlot[color] plots the color space in which color is given as well as the specific color.
  35. ChromaticityPlot[col,ref] plots col in the specified reference color space ref.
  36. ChromaticityPlot[{Subscript[colorspace, 1],Subscript[colorspace, 2],\[Ellipsis]},\[Ellipsis]] returns a comparison plot of the specified Subscript[colorspace, i].
  37. ClassifierFunction[\[Ellipsis]] represents a function generated by Classify that classifies data into classes.
  38. Classify[{Subscript[example, 1]->Subscript[class, 1],Subscript[example, 2]->Subscript[class, 2],\[Ellipsis]}] generates a ClassifierFunction[\[Ellipsis]] based on the examples and classes given.
  39. Classify[{Subscript[example, 1],Subscript[example, 2],\[Ellipsis]}->{Subscript[class, 1],Subscript[class, 2],\[Ellipsis]}] generates the same result.
  40. Classify[<|Subscript[class, 1]->{Subscript[example, 11],Subscript[example, 12],\[Ellipsis]}->Subscript[class, 2]->\[Ellipsis],\[Ellipsis]|>] generates a ClassifierFunction[\[Ellipsis]] based on an association of classes with lists of examples.
  41. Classify["name",data] attempts to classify data using the built-in classifier function represented by "name".
  42. Classify[training,data] attempts to classify data using a classifier function deduced from the training set given.
  43. Classify[training,{Subscript[data, 1],Subscript[data, 2],\[Ellipsis]}] attempts to classify the Subscript[data, i].
  44. ClipPlanesStyle is an option to Graphics3D that specifies how clipping planes defined with ClipPlanes option should be rendered.
  45. CloudConnect[username,password] authenticates to the Wolfram Cloud using the specified username and password.
  46. CloudConnect[username] shows a dialog to input the password.
  47. CloudConnect[] shows a dialog to input both the username and the password.
  48. CloudDeploy[expr] deploys expr to a new anonymous cloud object.
  49. CloudDeploy["uri",expr] deploys expr to a cloud object at a given URI.
  50. CloudDeploy[CloudObject["uri"],expr] deploys expr to a given cloud object.
  51. CloudDisconnect[] disconnects a non-cloud instance of the Wolfram Language from the Wolfram Cloud.
  52. CloudEvaluate[expr] evaluates expr in the cloud, and returns the result.
  53. CloudFunction[fun] represents a pure function that evaluates fun[args] in the cloud.
  54. CloudFunction[CloudObject[\[Ellipsis]]] represents a function that applies the contents of the specified cloud object.
  55. CloudGet["uri"] reads in a cloud object at a given URI, evaluating each expression in it and returning the last one.
  56. CloudGet[CloudObject["uri"]] reads in a given cloud object.
  57. CloudObject[uri] is a reference to an object in the cloud.
  58. CloudPut[expr] writes expr to a new anonymous cloud object.
  59. CloudPut[expr,"uri"] writes expr to a cloud object at a given
  60. ((("" ", ") uri) ", ") "".
  61. CloudPut[expr,CloudObject["uri"] writes expr to a given cloud object.
  62. CloudSave::usage
  63. ColorCoverage is an option for DominantColors that specifies the minimum image coverage that each color cluster should have.
  64. ColorDistance[Subscript[c, 1],Subscript[c, 2]] gives the approximate perceptual distance between color directives Subscript[c, 1] and Subscript[c, 2].
  65. Combine[{Subscript[assoc, 1],Subscript[assoc, 2],\[Ellipsis]}] combines the associations Subscript[assoc, i] by putting values with the same keys into lists.
  66. Combine[{Subscript[assoc, 1],Subscript[assoc, 2],\[Ellipsis]},f] combines the Subscript[assoc, i] by applying the function f to lists of values with the same keys.
  67. Combine[{Subscript[key, 1]->Subscript[val, 1],Subscript[key, 2]->Subscript[val, 2],\[Ellipsis]}] creates an association in which the value corresponding to each unique key is a list of the Subscript[val, i].
  68. Combine[list,f] combines elements with common keys by applying the function f.
  69. CommonName[entity] gives the common name for the entity specified by entity.
  70. CommonName[property] gives the common name for the EntityProperty expression property.
  71. CompositeQ[expr] yields True if expr is a composite number, and yields False otherwise.
  72. Computed::usage
  73. ConformImages[{Subscript[image, 1],Subscript[image, 2],\[Ellipsis]}] returns a list of images where all Subscript[image, i] are made to have conforming properties including dimensions, data type, colorspace, and interleaving.
  74. ConformImages[{Subscript[image, 1],Subscript[image, 2],\[Ellipsis]},spec] returns all image of the specified spec.
  75. ConformImages[{Subscript[image, 1],Subscript[image, 2],\[Ellipsis]},spec,fitting] resize images using the specified fitting method.
  76. ConformsQ::usage
  77. ConicHullRegion::usage
  78. ConicHullRegion3DBox::usage
  79. ConicHullRegionBox::usage
  80. ConstantImage[val,{width,height}] gives an image of dimensions {width,height} with constant pixel values of val.
  81. ConstantImage[val,{width,depth,height}] gives an Image3D object of dimensions {width,depth,height}.
  82. CountBy[list] gives an association whose keys are the distinct elements of list, and whose values give the number of times those elements appear in list.
  83. CountBy[list,f] gives counts based on the results of applying f to the elements of list.
  84. CountedBy::usage
  85. CreateUUID[] creates a UUID.
  86. CurrencyConvert[quantity,target] attempts to convert the specified currency quantity to the specified target currency.
  87. DataAssembly::usage
  88. DatedUnit[unit,date] represent the specified unit at a specific date.
  89. DateFormat is an option that determines the date formatting that is used for DateObject display.
  90. DateObject[] represents the current local date.
  91. DateObject[time] gives a date object corresponding to an AbsoluteTime specification.
  92. DateObject[{y,m,d, h, m, s}] represents a date object of standard normalized form.
  93. DateObject["string"] converts a date string to a date object.
  94. DateObjectQ::usage
  95. DefaultParameterType is an option to APIFunction and similar functions that specifies what parameter type to use when none is explicitly given for a parameter.
  96. DefaultReturnType::usage
  97. DefaultView::usage
  98. DeviceClose[device] closes the connection to a device, and frees related resources.
  99. DeviceConfigure[device,config] configures the specified device according to config.
  100. DeviceDriverRepository::usage
  101. DeviceExecute[device, "method", args...]
  102. DeviceInformation[class,type,patt]
  103. DeviceInputStream::usage
  104. DeviceObject[class], DeviceObject[{class, id}] (and DeviceObject[uuid]?)
  105. DeviceOpen["class", args...] or DeviceOpen[{"class", initObject}, args...]
  106. DeviceOpenQ::usage
  107. DeviceOutputStream::usage
  108. DeviceRead[devobj] reads a single default item from the open device corresponding to the specified DeviceObject.
  109. DeviceRead["devclass"] reads from the default device in the class
  110. ((("" ", ") devclass) ", ") "".
  111. DeviceRead[device,param] reads the parameter param from the specified device.
  112. DeviceRead[device,{Subscript[param, 1],Subscript[param, 2],\[Ellipsis]}] reads the list of parameters Subscript[param, i] from the specified device.
  113. DeviceReadAsynchronous::usage
  114. DeviceReadBuffer[device] reads the complete contents of the buffer on a device.
  115. DeviceReadBuffer[device,n] reads n elements from the buffer.
  116. DeviceReadBufferAsynchronous::usage
  117. DeviceReadTimeSeries[device,{t,dt}] repeatedly reads default items from the specified device at interval dt for a total time t, returning a time series of the resulting values.
  118. DeviceReadTimeSeries[device,{t,dt},param] repeatedly reads the parameter param and returns a time series of its values.
  119. Devices[] gives a list of registered devices on a particular system.
  120. DeviceWrite[device,val] writes the value val to the specified device.
  121. DeviceWrite[device,{Subscript[val, 1],Subscript[val, 2],\[Ellipsis]}] writes the sequence of values Subscript[val, i] to the specified device.
  122. DeviceWrite[device,param->val] writes val as the value of the parameter param.
  123. DeviceWrite[device,{Subscript[param, 1]->Subscript[val, 1],Subscript[param, 2]->Subscript[val, 2],\[Ellipsis]}] writes values of several parameters.
  124. DeviceWriteAsynchronous::usage
  125. DeviceWriteBuffer[device,vals] fills the buffer on a device with the values vals.
  126. DeviceWriteBuffer[device,param->vals] fills the buffer associated with the parameter param with the values vals.
  127. DeviceWriteBufferAsynchronous::usage
  128. DiagonalizableMatrixQ[m] gives True if m is diagonalizable, and False otherwise.
  129. DirichletBeta[s] gives the Dirichlet beta function β(s).
  130. DirichletEta[s] gives the Dirichlet eta function η(s).
  131. DirichletLambda[s] gives the Dirichlet lambda function λ(s).
  132. DSolveValue[eqn,expr,x] gives the value of expr determined by a symbolic solution to the ordinary differential equation eqn with independent variable x.
  133. DSolveValue[eqn,expr,{x,Subscript[x, min],Subscript[x, max]}] uses a symbolic solution for x between Subscript[x, min] and Subscript[x, max].
  134. DSolveValue[{Subscript[eqn, 1],Subscript[eqn, 2],\[Ellipsis]},expr,\[Ellipsis]] uses a symbolic solution for a list of differential equations.
  135. DSolveValue[eqn,expr,{Subscript[x, 1],Subscript[x, 2],\[Ellipsis]}] uses a solution for the partial differential equation eqn.
  136. Entity[type,canonicalname] represents an entity of specified type identified by canonicalname.
  137. Entity[type] represents a generic entity of specified type.
  138. EntityProperties[type] lists properties associated with entity type type.
  139. EntityProperty[canonicalname] represents a property identified by canonicalname for use in EntityValue.
  140. EntityProperty[canonicalname,Qualifiers->{\[Ellipsis]}] represents a property modified by qualifiers.
  141. EntityValue[entity,property] gives the value of the specified property for the given entity.
  142. EntityValue[{Subscript[entity, 1],Subscript[entity, 2],\[Ellipsis]},{Subscript[property, 1],Subscript[property, 2],\[Ellipsis]}] gives the values of multiple properties for multiple entities.
  143. EntityValue[entity,property,annotation] gives the specified annotation associated with the property.
  144. Enum::usage
  145. EvaluationBox[] returns a BoxObject corresponding to the box structure in which this function is being evaluated.
  146. EventSeries[{{Subscript[t, 1],Subscript[v, 1]},{Subscript[t, 2],Subscript[v, 2]}\[Ellipsis]}] represents a series of events given as time-value pairs {Subscript[t, i],Subscript[v, i]}.
  147. EventSeries[{Subscript[v, 1],Subscript[v, 2],\[Ellipsis]},tspec] represents a series of events with values Subscript[v, i] at times specified by tspec.
  148. ExcludedPhysicalQuantities is an option for FormulaLookup that specifies physical quantities that should be not used by the formulas returned.
  149. ExportForm[expr, form] specifies that expr should be exported in the specified format in functions like CloudDeploy, and in external results from APIFunction and FormFunction.
  150. FareySequence[n] generates the Farey sequence of order n.
  151. FeedbackLinearize[asys] input-output linearizes the AffineStateSpaceModel asys by state transformation and feedback.
  152. FeedbackLinearize[asys,{z,v}] specifies the new states z and the new control inputs v.
  153. Fibonorial[n] gives the fibonorial Subscript[n!, F].
  154. FileTemplate["file"] yields a TemplateObject that represents a file template to be applied using functions like TemplateApply.
  155. FileTemplateApply[template] applies a template, evaluating all template elements it contains, and then writes the result to a temporary file, whose name is returned.
  156. FileTemplateApply[template,args] applies a template, using args to fill its slots, and then writes the result to a temporary file.
  157. FileTemplateApply[template,output] applies a template, writing the results to the file represented by output.
  158. FileTemplateApply[template,args,output] applies a template, using args to fill its slots, and then writes the result to the file represented by output.
  159. FindAllPaths[g,s,t,k] finds all paths of length at most k between vertex s and vertex t in the graph g.
  160. FindDevices[], FindDevices["class"], FindDevices["pattern"], FindDevices[{"pat1", "pat2", ...}], FindDevices[drivers], or FindDevices[pat, n]
  161. FindEdgeIndependentPaths[g,s,t,k] finds at most k edge-independent paths from vertex s to vertex t in the graph g.
  162. FindFundamentalCycles::usage
  163. FindHiddenMarkovStates::usage
  164. FindSpanningTree[g] finds a spanning tree of the graph g.
  165. FindSpanningTree[{g,v},\[Ellipsis]] finds a spanning tree of the connected component of g that includes the vertex v.
  166. FindVertexIndependentPaths[g,s,t,k] finds at most k vertex-independent paths from vertex s to vertex t in the graph g.
  167. Flattened::usage
  168. ForeignKey::usage
  169. FormatName::usage
  170. FormFunction represents a web form.
  171. FormulaData[name] gives the equations for the formula name.
  172. FormulaData[name,{Subscript[var, 1]->Subscript[quantity, 1],Subscript[var, 2]->Subscript[quantity, 2],\[Ellipsis]}] inserts the specified values Subscript[quantity, i] for the variables Subscript[var, i] into the equations for the formula.
  173. FormulaData[name,"property"] gives the value of the specified property for the formula name.
  174. FormulaLookup["query"] gives a list of the full names of formulas whose names are consistent with "query".
  175. FormulaLookup["query",n] returns at most n results.
  176. FractionalGaussianNoiseProcess[μ,σ,h] represents a fractional Gaussian noise process with drift μ, volatility σ, and Hurst index h.
  177. FractionalGaussianNoiseProcess[h] represents a fractional Gaussian noise process with drift 0, volatility 1, and Hurst index h.
  178. FrenetSerretSystem[{Subscript[x, 1],\[Ellipsis],Subscript[x, n]},t] gives the generalized curvatures and Frenet\[Dash]Serret basis for the parametric curve Subscript[x, i][t].
  179. FrenetSerretSystem[{Subscript[x, 1],\[Ellipsis],Subscript[x, n]},t,chart] interprets the Subscript[x, i] as coordinates in the specified coordinate chart.
  180. FresnelF[z] gives the Fresnel auxiliary function F(z).
  181. FresnelG::usage
  182. FullInformationOutputRegulator[sys,rspec] gives the full state information output regulator for sys using specification rspec.
  183. FullInformationOutputRegulator[{sys,{Subscript[out, 1],\[Ellipsis]},{Subscript[in, 1],\[Ellipsis]}},\[Ellipsis]] specifies the regulated outputs Subscript[out, i] and the controlled inputs Subscript[in, j].
  184. FunctionDomain[f,x] finds the largest domain of definition of the real function f of the variable x.
  185. FunctionDomain[f,x,dom] considers f to be a function with arguments and values in the domain dom.
  186. FunctionDomain[funs,vars,dom] finds the largest domain of definition of the mapping funs of the variables vars.
  187. FunctionDomain[{funs,cons},vars,dom] finds the domain of funs with the values of vars restricted by constraints cons.
  188. FunctionRange[f,x,y] finds the range of the real function f of the variable x returning the result in terms of y.
  189. FunctionRange[f,x,y,dom] considers f to be a function with arguments and values in the domain dom.
  190. FunctionRange[funs,xvars,yvars,dom] finds the range of the mapping funs of the variables xvars returning the result in terms of yvars.
  191. FunctionRange[{funs,cons},xvars,yvars,dom] finds the range of the mapping funs with the values of xvars restricted by constraints cons.
  192. GARCHProcess[κ,{Subscript[α, 1],\[Ellipsis],Subscript[α, q]},{Subscript[β, 1],\[Ellipsis],Subscript[β, p]}] represents a generalized autoregressive conditionally heteroscedastic process of orders p and q, driven by a standard white noise.
  193. GARCHProcess[κ,{Subscript[α, 1],\[Ellipsis],Subscript[α, q]},{Subscript[β, 1],\[Ellipsis],Subscript[β, p]},init] represents a GARCH process with initial data init.
  194. GeoArrow[{Subscript[loc, 1],Subscript[loc, 2]}] is a GeoGraphics primitive that represents an arrow from Subscript[loc, 1] to Subscript[loc, 2].
  195. GeoArrow[curve,\[Ellipsis]] represents an arrow following the specified curve.
  196. GeoBackground defines the style of the geographic background in GeoGraphics.
  197. GeoBoundaryBox[entity] gives the coordinates of the boundary box of a geo-entity.
  198. GeoCircle[loc,r] is a two-dimensional GeoGraphics primitive that represent a circular region of radius r centered at the location loc.
  199. GeodesicArrow[{Subscript[loc, 1],Subscript[loc, 2]}] is a GeoGraphics primitive that represents a geodesic arrow from location Subscript[loc, 1] to location Subscript[loc, 2].
  200. GeodesicLine[{Subscript[loc, 1],Subscript[loc, 2]}] is a GeoGraphics primitive that represents a geodesic line between locations Subscript[loc, 1] and Subscript[loc, 2].
  201. GeoDisk[loc,r] is a two-dimensional GeoGraphics primitive that represents a circular region of radius r centered at the location loc.
  202. GeoDisk[loc,r,{Subscript[θ, 1],Subscript[θ, 2]}] gives a sector of a disk from Subscript[θ, 1] to Subscript[θ, 2].
  203. GeoElevationData[] gives the elevation for the nearest available point of $GeoLocation.
  204. GeoElevationData[loc] gives the elevation for the nearest available point of loc.
  205. GeoElevationData[{loc1,loc2}] gives the elevation array within the boundary box nearest of {loc1, loc2}.
  206. GeoElevationData[{loc1,loc2},ZoomLevel->zoom] gives the elevation array within the boundary box nearest of {loc1,loc2} with level zoom.
  207. GeoGraphics[primitives,options] represents a two-dimensional geographical image.
  208. GeoGridLines is an option for GeoGraphics that specifies what parallels and meridians to show.
  209. GeoGridLinesStyle is an option for GeoGraphics that specifies how parallels and meridians should be rendered.
  210. GeoLine[{Subscript[loc, 1],Subscript[loc, 2],\[Ellipsis]}]] is a GeoGraphics primitive that represents a line joining a sequence of points.
  211. GeoLine[{{Subscript[loc, Subscript[1, 1]],Subscript[loc, Subscript[1, 2]],\[Ellipsis]},{Subscript[loc, Subscript[2, 1]],\[Ellipsis]},\[Ellipsis]}] represents a collection of lines.
  212. GeoMarker[loc] is a GeoGraphics primitive that represents a marker at the location loc.
  213. GeoPoint[loc] is a GeoGraphics primitive that represents a point at the location loc.
  214. GeoPoint[{Subscript[loc, 1],Subscript[loc, 2],\[Ellipsis]}] represents a collection of points.
  215. GeoPolygon[{Subscript[loc, 1],Subscript[loc, 2],\[Ellipsis]}] is a GeoGraphics primitive that represents a filled polygon.
  216. GeoPolygon[ent] represents the outline of the entity ent.
  217. GeoPolygon[{{Subscript[loc, Subscript[1, 1]],Subscript[loc, Subscript[1, 2]],\[Ellipsis]},{Subscript[loc, Subscript[2, 1]],\[Ellipsis]},\[Ellipsis]}] represents a collection of polygons.
  218. GeoProjection is an option for GeoGraphics that specifies what map projection to use.
  219. GeoRange defines the geographic level of the boundary box for all primitives in GeoGraphics.
  220. GeoRangePadding is an option to GeoGraphics that specifies what padding to use when extending beyond the boundary box of the original primitives specified.
  221. GeoRectangle[Subscript[loc, 1],Subscript[loc, 2]] is a two-dimensional GeoGraphics primitive that represents a rectangular region within corner coordinate locations Subscript[loc, 1] and Subscript[loc, 2].
  222. GeoRhumbLine::usage
  223. GeoStyle[map] is a GeoGraphics directive that specifies that faces of polygons and other filled objects are to be drawn using the map type map.
  224. Graph3D::usage
  225. GroupBy[{elem$1,elem$2,$$},k] groups the elem$i into lists associated with distinct keys elem$i[[k]].
  226. GroupBy[{elem$1,elem$2,$$},k->v] groups the elem$i[[v]] into lists associated with keys elem$i[[k]].
  227. GroupBy[{elem$1,elem$2,$$},f] groups the elem$i according to the f[elem$i].
  228. GroupBy[{elem$1,elem$2,$$},f$k->f$v] groups the f$v[elem$i] according to the f$k[elem$i].
  229. GroupBy[{elem$1,elem$2,$$},spec,red] applies the function red to reduce lists of values that are generated.
  230. GroupedBy::usage
  231. GrowCutBinarize[image,fgmarker,bgmarker] creates a binary image from image by replacing pixels from growing fgmarker by 1 and pixels by growing fgmarker by 0.
  232. HalfLine::usage
  233. HalfPlane::usage
  234. HiddenMarkovProcess::usage
  235. IgnoringInactive[patt] is a pattern object that, for purposes of pattern matching, ignores occurrences of Inactive in both patt and the expression being matched.
  236. ImageApplyIndexed[f,image] applies the function f to the list of channel values for each pixel in image, giving the row and column index of each pixel as a second argument to f.
  237. ImageApplyIndexed[f,{Subscript[image, 1],Subscript[image, 2],\[Ellipsis]}] applies f to the sequence of corresponding pixel values taken from each Subscript[image, i], giving the corresnding row and column index of pixels as the last argument to f.
  238. ImageCollage[{Subscript[image, 1],Subscript[image, 2],\[Ellipsis]}] creates a collage of images Subscript[image, i].
  239. ImageCollage[{Subscript[w, 1]->Subscript[image, 1],Subscript[w, 2]->Subscript[image, 2],\[Ellipsis]}] creates a collage of images Subscript[image, i] based on their corresponding weights Subscript[w, i].
  240. ImageCollage[\[Ellipsis],size] creates a collage of the specified size.
  241. ImageSaliencyFilter[image] returns a saliency map for image.
  242. Inactivate[expr] replaces all instances of f with Inactive[f] for symbols f used as heads in expr.
  243. Inactivate[expr,patt] inactivates all symbols in expr that match the pattern patt.
  244. Inactive[f] is an inactive form of f.
  245. IncludeAlphaChannel::usage
  246. IncludeWindowTimes is an option to TimeSeriesWindow that specifies whether the endpoints in the time window should be included.
  247. IndefiniteMatrixQ[m] gives True if m is explicitly indefinite, and False otherwise.
  248. IndexedBy::usage
  249. IndexType::usage
  250. InduceType::usage
  251. InferType::usage
  252. InfiniteLine::usage
  253. InfinitePlane::usage
  254. InflationAdjust[quantity,targetdate] attempts to adjust the specified quantity purchasing power to targetdate.
  255. InflationAdjust[quantity] uses the current year as targetdate.
  256. InflationAdjust[quantity,targetunit] converts the currency to targetunit after adjusting to the current year.
  257. InflationAdjust[timeseries,targetdate] attempts to adjust the specified timeseries data purchasing power to targetdate.
  258. InflationMethod is an option for InflationAdjust that specifies what time series data is to be used for adjustment in time.
  259. IntervalSlider[{xmin,xmax}] represents a slider with setting {xmin,xmax} in the range 0 to 1.
  260. IntervalSlider[Dynamic[int]] takes the setting to be the dynamically updated current value of int, with the value of int being reset if the slider is moved.
  261. IntervalSlider[int,{min,max}] represents a slider with range min to max.
  262. IntervalSlider[int,{min,max,dx}] represents a slider that jumps in steps dx.
  263. JuliaSetIterationCount::usage
  264. JuliaSetPlot[f,z] plots the Julia set of the rational function f of the variable z.
  265. JuliaSetPlot[c] plots the Julia set of the function f(z)==z^2+c.
  266. JuliaSetPoints::usage
  267. KEdgeConnectedGraphQ[g,k] yields True if the graph g is k-edge-connected and False otherwise.
  268. Key[key] represents a key used to access a value in an association.
  269. KeyDrop[assoc,{Subscript[key, 1],Subscript[key, 2],\[Ellipsis]}] yields an association from which elements with keys Subscript[key, i] have been dropped.
  270. KeyDrop[{Subscript[assoc, 1],Subscript[assoc, 2],\[Ellipsis]},keys] gives a list of associations.
  271. KeyExistsQ[assoc,key] returns True if the specified key exists in the association assoc, and False otherwise.
  272. KeyIntersection[{Subscript[assoc, 1],Subscript[assoc, 2],\[Ellipsis]}] generates a list of associations in which only elements whose keys appear in all the Subscript[assoc, i] are retained.
  273. Keys[<|Subscript[key, 1]->Subscript[val, 1],Subscript[key, 2]->Subscript[val, 2],\[Ellipsis]|>] gives a list of the keys Subscript[key, i] in an association.
  274. Keys[{Subscript[key, 1]->Subscript[val, 1],Subscript[key, 2]->Subscript[val, 2],\[Ellipsis]}] gives a list of the Subscript[key, i] in a list of rules.
  275. KeySelect[assoc,crit] selects elements in the association assoc for which crit applied to their keys is True.
  276. KeySort[assoc] orders the elements of an association by sorting its keys.
  277. KeySortBy[assoc,f] sorts the elements of an association in the order defined by applying f to each of their keys.
  278. KeyTake[assoc,{Subscript[key, 1],Subscript[key, 2],\[Ellipsis]}] yields an association containing only the elements with keys Subscript[key, i].
  279. KeyTake[{Subscript[assoc, 1],Subscript[assoc, 2],\[Ellipsis]},keys] gives a list of associations.
  280. KeyUnion[{Subscript[assoc, 1],Subscript[assoc, 2],\[Ellipsis]}] generates a list of associations in which each association has the union of the keys of the Subscript[assoc, i], padding by inserting values of Missing[\[Ellipsis]] if necessary.
  281. KeyUnion[{Subscript[assoc, 1],Subscript[assoc, 2],\[Ellipsis]},f] uses f[key] as the value associated with a missing key.
  282. KillProcess[proc] kills the external process represented by the ProcessObject proc.
  283. KVertexConnectedGraphQ[g,k] yields True if the graph g is k-vertex-connected and False otherwise.
  284. LABColor[l,a,b] is a color directive with lightness l and color components a and b.
  285. LABColor[l,a,b,α] specifies opacity α.
  286. LinearGradientImage[size] returns a size image with black to white gradient values going from left to right.
  287. LinearGradientImage[{Subscript[pos, 1],Subscript[pos, 2]},size] specifies a black to white gradient image starting as Subscript[pos, 1] and ending in Subscript[pos, 2].
  288. LinearGradientImage[{Subscript[col, 1],Subscript[col, 2]},size] specifies a gradient image where pixel values are the linear blend of Subscript[col, 1] and Subscript[col, 2].
  289. LinearGradientImage[{Subscript[pos, 1]->Subscript[col, 1],Subscript[pos, 2]->Subscript[col, 2]},size] specifies a gradient with both position and colors given.
  290. LinearizingTransformationData[\[Ellipsis]] represents data of an AffineStateSpaceModel linearized by functions such as FeedbackLinearize and StateTransformationLinearize using transformation of variables.
  291. ListType::usage
  292. LocalAdaptiveBinarize[image,r] creates a binary image from image by replacing values above the mean of the range-r neighborhood with 1 and others with 0.
  293. LocalAdaptiveBinarize[image,r,{α,β,γ}] replaces values above α μ+β σ+γ with 1 and others with 0, where μ and σ are the local mean and standard deviation.
  294. LocalizeDefinitions is an option to Put and CloudPut that specifies whether to wrap hidden symbols in a separate context.
  295. LogisticSigmoid[z] gives the logistic sigmoid function.
  296. Lookup[assoc,key,def] looks up the value associated with key in the association assoc, returning def if key is not found.
  297. LUVColor[l,u,v] is a color directive with lightness l and color components u and v.
  298. LUVColor[l,u,v,α] specifies opacity α.
  299. MandelbrotSetIterationCount::usage
  300. MandelbrotSetMemberQ::usage
  301. MandelbrotSetPlot[{Subscript[z, min],Subscript[z, max]}] plots the portion of the Mandelbrot set inside the rectangle with corners Subscript[z, min] and Subscript[z, max].
  302. MandelbrotSetPlot[] plots the Mandelbrot set over a default rectangle.
  303. MinColorDistance is an option for DominantColors that specifies the minimum distance between returned colors.
  304. MinimumTimeIncrement[tseries] gives the minimum time increment in the time series tseries.
  305. MinIntervalSize is an option for IntervalSlider that specifies the minimum size of the interval during interactive editing.
  306. MinkowskiQuestionMark[x] gives Minkowski's question mark function ?(x).
  307. MovingMap[f,data,window] applies f to data over a moving window specified by window.
  308. MovingMap[f,data,window,padding] applies f to data over a moving window with padding specified by padding.
  309. NegativeDefiniteMatrixQ[m] gives True if m is explicitly negative definite, and False otherwise.
  310. NegativeSemidefiniteMatrixQ[m] gives True if m is explicitly negative semidefinite, and False otherwise.
  311. NonlinearStateSpaceModel[{f,g},x,u] represents the model x'(t)==f(x(t),u(t)), y(t)==g(x(t),u(t)).
  312. NonlinearStateSpaceModel[sys] gives a state-space representation corresponding to the systems model sys.
  313. NonlinearStateSpaceModel[eqns,{{Subscript[x, 1],Subscript[x, 10]},\[Ellipsis]},{{Subscript[u, 1],Subscript[u, 10]},\[Ellipsis]},{Subscript[g, 1],\[Ellipsis]},t] gives the state-space model of the differential equations eqns with dependent variables Subscript[x, i], input variables Subscript[u, i], operating vaues Subscript[x, i0] and Subscript[u, i0], outputs Subscript[g, i], and independent variable t.
  314. Normalized is an option that determines whether to test if matrix rows are normalized.
  315. NormalizeType::usage
  316. NormalMatrixQ[m] gives True if m is an explicitly normal matrix, and False otherwise.
  317. NotebookTemplate[nb] yields a TemplateObject that represents a notebook template to be applied using functions like ReportGenerate and FileTemplateApply.
  318. NumberLinePlot[{Subscript[v, 1],Subscript[v, 2],\[Ellipsis]}] plots the values Subscript[v, i] on a number line.
  319. NumberLinePlot[pred,x] plots a number line illustrating the region pred.
  320. NumberLinePlot[pred,{x,Subscript[x, min],Subscript[x, max]}] plots the number to extend over the interval from Subscript[x, min] to Subscript[x, max].
  321. NumberLinePlot[{Subscript[pred, 1],Subscript[pred, 2],\[Ellipsis]},\[Ellipsis]] plots several number lines.
  322. OperableQ::usage
  323. OrthogonalMatrixQ[m] gives True if m is an explicitly orthogonal matrix, and False otherwise.
  324. OverwriteTarget::usage
  325. PartSpecification::usage
  326. PlotRangeClipPlanesStyle::usage
  327. PositionIndex[list] gives an association between unique elements in list, and the positions at which they occur.
  328. PositionIndex[assoc] gives an association whose keys are the distinct values in assoc, and whose values are lists of the keys with which they are associated.
  329. PositionIndex[expr,{Subscript[key, 1],Subscript[key, 2],\[Ellipsis]}] includes only the Subscript[key, i] in the final association.
  330. PositiveSemidefiniteMatrixQ[m] gives True if m is explicitly positive semidefinite, and False otherwise.
  331. Predict[{Subscript[example, 1]->Subscript[val, 1],Subscript[example, 2]->Subscript[val, 2],\[Ellipsis]}] generates a PredictorFunction[\[Ellipsis]] based on the examples and values given.
  332. Predict[{Subscript[example, 1],Subscript[example, 2],\[Ellipsis]}->{Subscript[val, 1],Subscript[val, 2],\[Ellipsis]}] generates the same result.
  333. Predict["name",data] attempts to predict the value associated with data using the built-in predictor function represented by "name".
  334. Predict[training,data] attempts to predict the value associated with data using a predictor function deduced from the training set given.
  335. Predict[training,{Subscript[data, 1],Subscript[data, 2],\[Ellipsis]}] attempts to classify the Subscript[data, i].
  336. PredictorFunction::usage
  337. PrimitiveRootList::usage
  338. ProcessConnection[proc,"stream"] returns the stream object for a given stream.
  339. ProcessInformation[proc] gives information about an external process proc.
  340. ProcessInformation[proc,"prop"] gives information about the property "prop".
  341. ProcessObject[\[Ellipsis]] is an object that represents a runnable external process.
  342. ProcessStatus[proc] gives the current status of the external process represented by the ProcessObject proc.
  343. ProcessStatus[proc,"status"] returns True if the process has the status given, and returns False otherwise.
  344. Qualifiers::usage
  345. QuantityVariable[var,"pq"] represents a variable with the label var and the corresponding physical quantity "pq".
  346. QuantityVariable["pq"] represents the unlabeled physical quantity "pq".
  347. QuantityVariableCanonicalUnit[quantityvariable] returns the canonical unit associated with the specified quantityvariable.
  348. QuantityVariableDimensions[quantityvariable] returns a list of base dimensions associated with the specified quantityvariable.
  349. QuantityVariableIdentifier[quantityvariable] returns the identifier associated with the specified quantityvariable.
  350. QuantityVariablePhysicalQuantity[var] returns the physical quantity associated with the quantity variable var.
  351. RadialGradientImage[size] returns an image of the specified size with black to white gradient starting at the center.
  352. RadialGradientImage[{Subscript[col, 1],Subscript[col, 2]},size] returns a radial gradient image where center pixel has Subscript[col, 1] and corners have color Subscript[col, 2].
  353. RadialGradientImage[{Subscript[pos, 1],Subscript[pos, 2]},size] places the center of the radial gradient at position Subscript[pos, 1] and extends the radial gradient to Subscript[pos, 2].
  354. RadialGradientImage[{Subscript[pos, 1]->Subscript[col, 1],Subscript[pos, 2]->Subscript[col, 2]},size] specifies both end points and colors of the gradient.
  355. RandomColor[] returns a pseudorandom color directive in the RGBColor space.
  356. RandomColor[n] returns n pseudorandom colors.
  357. RandomColor[model] returns a color from the specified model.
  358. RandomColor[model,n] returns n colors.
  359. RandomColor[model,{Subscript[n, 1],Subscript[n, 2],\[Ellipsis]}] returns an array of colors.
  360. RegularlySampledQ[tseries] gives True if tseries is a regular time series, and False otherwise.
  361. RemoveBackground[image] returns an image with an alpha channel where the background is transparent.
  362. RemoveBackground[image,spec] uses foreground or background specification spec.
  363. RequiredPhysicalQuantities is an option for FormulaLookup that specifies physical quantities that must be used by the formulas returned.
  364. ResamplingMethod is an option for functions such as TemporalData and MovingMap that specifies how values in between given times should be computed.
  365. RiemannXi[s] gives the Riemann xi function ξ(s).
  366. RSolveValue[eqn,expr,n] gives the value of expr determined by a symbolic solution to the ordinary difference equation eqn with independent variable n.
  367. RSolveValue[{Subscript[eqn, 1],Subscript[eqn, 2],\[Ellipsis]},expr,\[Ellipsis]] uses a symbolic solution for a list of difference equations.
  368. RSolveValue[eqn,expr,{Subscript[n, 1],Subscript[n, 2],\[Ellipsis]}] uses a solution for the partial recurrence equation eqn.
  369. RunProcess["command"] runs the specified external command, returning information on the outcome.
  370. RunProcess[{"command",Subscript[arg, 1],Subscript[arg, 2],\[Ellipsis]}] runs the specified command, with command-line arguments Subscript[arg, i].
  371. RunProcess[command,input] feeds the specified input to the command.
  372. RunProcess[command,input,"prop"] returns only the specified property.
  373. SavitzkyGolayMatrix[r,k] gives a matrix corresponding to a smoothing kernel of radius r for performing polynomial regression of degree k.
  374. SavitzkyGolayMatrix[{Subscript[r, 1],Subscript[r, 2]},{Subscript[k, 1],Subscript[k, 2]}] gives a matrix for performing polynomial regression of degree Subscript[k, 1] over a window of radius Subscript[r, 1] along rows, and degree Subscript[k, 2] over a window of radius Subscript[r, 2] along columns.
  375. SavitzkyGolayMatrix[r,k,n] gives a matrix for performing the n\[Null]^th derivative of a polynomial regression of degree k.
  376. SavitzkyGolayMatrix[{Subscript[r, 1],Subscript[r, 2]\[Ellipsis] },{Subscript[k, 1],Subscript[k, 2],\[Ellipsis]},\[Ellipsis]] gives an array using the specified parameters for each direction i.
  377. ScalarType::usage
  378. ScorerGi[z] gives the Scorer's function Gi(z).
  379. ScirerGiPrime[z] give the derivative of the Scorer's function Gi^\[Prime](z).
  380. ScorerHi[z] gives the Scorer's function Hi(z).
  381. ScorerHiPrime[z] gives the derivative of the Scorer's function Hi^\[Prime](z).
  382. ScriptForm::usage
  383. Selected::usage
  384. SendMessage[service,message] sends a message to the specified external service.
  385. ServiceConnect["service"] creates a connection to an external service.
  386. ServiceConnect["service",id] uses the specified connection identifier.
  387. ServiceDisconnect[service] disconnects from an external service specified by a ServiceObject.
  388. ServiceExecute[service,"cmd"] executes "cmd" on an external service.
  389. ServiceExecute[service,"cmd",{Subscript[par, 1]->Subscript[val, 2],\[Ellipsis]}] executes "cmd" with the specified settings for parameters.
  390. ServiceObject["service",\[Ellipsis]] represents an open connection to an external service.
  391. ShowWhitePoint is an option for ChromaticityPlot to specify whether to display the position of the white point.
  392. SourceEntityType::usage
  393. SquareMatrixQ[m] gives True if m is a square matrix, and False otherwise.
  394. Stacked::usage
  395. StartDeviceHandler::usage
  396. StartProcess::usage
  397. StateTransformationLinearize[asys] linearizes the AffineStateSpaceModel asys by state transformation.
  398. StateTransformationLinearize[asys,z] specifies the new states z.
  399. StateTransformationLinearize[asys,z,lform] specifies the form of linearization lform to use.
  400. StringTemplate["string"] yields a TemplateObject that represents a string template to be applied using functions like TemplateApply.
  401. StructType::usage
  402. SystemGet::usage
  403. SystemsModelMerge::usage
  404. SystemsModelVectorRelativeOrder[sys] gives the vector-relative order of the systems model sys.
  405. TemplateApply[template] applies a template, evaluating all template elements it contains.
  406. TemplateApply[template,args] applies a template, using args to fill slots in the template.
  407. TemplateBlock::usage
  408. TemplateExpression[expr] represents an expression held until a template is applied, and then evaluated.
  409. TemplateIf[condition,tclause] represents an element of a template object that inserts tclause if the condition evaluates to True.
  410. TemplateIf[condition,tclause,fclause] inserts fclause if the condition evaluates to False.
  411. TemplateObject[expr] represents a template object to be applied using functions like TemplateApply.
  412. TemplateSequence[expr,values] represents an element of a template object in which expr is repeated for each entry in values.
  413. TemplateSequence[expr,values,sep] inserts the separator sep between successive repeats of expr.
  414. TemplateSlot[] represents a template slot to be filled from the next successive argument when the template is applied.
  415. TemplateSlot[n] represents a template slot to be filled from the n\[Null]^th argument when the template is applied.
  416. TemplateSlot[name] represents a template slot to be filled from an element with key name in an association.
  417. TemplateWith["name"->value,expr] represents an element of a template object that evaluates expr after replacing TemplateSlot["name"] with value.
  418. TemplateWith[{"name1"->value1,"name2"->value2, \[Ellipsis]},expr] evaluates expr with a list of key, value pairs.
  419. TemporalRegularity is an option for TemporalData, TimeSeries, and EventSeries that controls whether the paths are assumed to be uniformly spaced in time.
  420. ThermodynamicData["name","property"] gives the value of the specific property for the substance "name".
  421. ThermodynamicData["name","property",{"Temperature"->Subscript[quantity, 1],"Pressure"->quantity}] gives the value of the specific property for the substance "name" at the specified temperature and pressure.
  422. ThreadDepth is an option for Quantity that specifies the level to which a unit should be threaded across its magnitude.
  423. TimeObject[] represents the current time.
  424. TimeObject[{h,m,s}] represents a time object of standard normalized form.
  425. TimeSeries[{{Subscript[t, 1],Subscript[v, 1]},{Subscript[t, 2],Subscript[v, 2]}\[Ellipsis]}] represents a time series specified by time-value pairs {Subscript[t, i],Subscript[v, i]}.
  426. TimeSeries[{Subscript[v, 1],Subscript[v, 2],\[Ellipsis]},tspec] represents a time series with values Subscript[v, i] at times specified by tspec.
  427. TimeSeriesAggregate[tseries,dt] computes the mean value of tseries over non-overlapping windows of width dt.
  428. TimeSeriesAggregate[tseries,dt,f] applies the function f to the values of tseries in non-overlapping windows of width dt.
  429. TimeSeriesInsert[tseries,{t,v}] inserts a value v at time t in the time series tseries.
  430. TimeSeriesInsert[Subscript[tseries, 1],Subscript[tseries, 2]] inserts the time-value pairs from Subscript[tseries, 2] into Subscript[tseries, 1].
  431. TimeSeriesMap[f,tseries] applies f to the values in tseries.
  432. TimeSeriesMapThread[f,tseries] gives {{Subscript[t, 1],f[Subscript[t, 1],Subscript[x, 1]]},{Subscript[t, 2],f[Subscript[t, 2],Subscript[x, 2]]},\[Ellipsis]} for the time series tseries.
  433. TimeSeriesMapThread[f,tseries,{{Subscript[a, 1],Subscript[a, 2],\[Ellipsis]},{Subscript[b, 1],Subscript[b, 2],\[Ellipsis]}}] gives {f[Subscript[t, 1],Subscript[x, 1],Subscript[a, 1],Subscript[b, 1],\[Ellipsis]],f[Subscript[t, 2],Subscript[x, 2],Subscript[a, 2],Subscript[b, 2],\[Ellipsis]],\[Ellipsis]} for the time series tseries.
  434. TimeSeriesModel[\[Ellipsis]] represents the symbolic time series model obtained from TimeSeriesModelFit.
  435. TimeSeriesModelFit[data] constructs a time series model for data from an automatically selected model family.
  436. TimeSeriesModelFit[data,mspec] constructs a time series model for data from a model family specified by mspec.
  437. TimeSeriesResample[tseries] uniformly resamples tseries according to its minimum time increment.
  438. TimeSeriesResample[tseries,rspec] resamples tseries according to rspec.
  439. TimeSeriesRescale[tseries,{Subscript[t, min],Subscript[t, max]}] rescales the times in time series tseries to run from Subscript[t, min] to Subscript[t, max].
  440. TimeSeriesShift[tseries,shift] shifts the time series tseries to the left or right according to shift.
  441. TimeSeriesThread[f,{Subscript[tseries, 1],Subscript[tseries, 2],\[Ellipsis]}] combines the Subscript[tseries, i] using the function f.
  442. TimeSeriesWindow[tseries,{Subscript[t, min],Subscript[t, max]}] gives the elements of the time series tseries that fall between Subscript[t, min] and Subscript[t, max].
  443. TimeZoneConvert[time,timezone] converts the time object time to the specified time zone timezone.
  444. TimeZoneConvert[time] converts to the current $TimeZone value.
  445. TouchPosition[] gives the list of current positions being touched in the notebook front end.
  446. TouchPosition["coords"] gives the touch positions with respect to the specified coordinate system.
  447. TouchPosition["coords",n] gives the position of the nth position being touched in an object in the specified coordinate system.
  448. TouchPosition["coords",n,def] returns def if there aren't n positions being touched.
  449. TransformedProcess::usage
  450. TrapSelection::usage
  451. TupleType::usage
  452. TypeChecksQ::usage
  453. TypeName[entity] gives the entity type of the entity specified by entity.
  454. TypeQ::usage
  455. UnitaryMatrixQ[m] gives True if m is a unitary matrix, and False otherwise.
  456. ValidTypeQ::usage
  457. ValueDimensions is an option to TemporalData, TimeSeries, and EventSeries that specifies the dimension of the value space.
  458. Values[<| Subscript[key, 1]->Subscript[val, 1],Subscript[key, 2]->Subscript[val, 2],\[Ellipsis]|>] gives a list of the values Subscript[val, i] in an association.
  459. Values[{Subscript[key, 1]->Subscript[val, 1],Subscript[key, 2]->Subscript[val, 2],\[Ellipsis]}] gives a list of the Subscript[val, i] in a list of rules.
  460. WhiteNoiseProcess[] represents a Gaussian white noise process with mean 0 and standard deviation 1.
  461. WhiteNoiseProcess[σ] represents a Gaussian white noise process with mean 0 and standard deviation σ.
  462. WhiteNoiseProcess[dist] represents a white noise process based on the distribution dist.
  463. XMLTemplate["string"] yields a TemplateObject that represents an XML template to be applied using functions like TemplateApply.
  464. XMLTemplate[File[\[Ellipsis]]] takes the source for the XML template from a file.
  465. XYZColor[x,y,z] is a color directive with tristimulus values x, y, and z.
  466. XYZColor[x,y,z,α] specifies opacity α.
  467. $GeoLocationCity gives the city entity for the default setting for $GeoLocation.
  468. $GeoLocationCountry gives the country entity for the default setting for $GeoLocation.
  469. $GeoLocationPrecision gives the estimated precision of the default setting for $GeoLocation.
  470. $GeoLocationSource is a string giving the source of the default geodetic location.
  471. $RequesterWolframUUID gives the Wolfram UUID of an authenticated user requesting the current evaluation.
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