
Faerzen is scared of Nick

Jun 5th, 2015
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  1. [22:12] <solemnSketcher_> are you still okay?... i am really worried about you, also... we have to talk about byron
  2. [22:12] <visceralVanguard> <faerzen doesn't respond right away>
  3. [22:12] <visceralVanguard> Oh, greetings, Nick!
  4. [22:13] <visceralVanguard> How are you doing this fine day?
  5. [22:13] <solemnSketcher_> uhhh... fine i guess?
  6. [22:13] <solemnSketcher_> almost got killed
  7. [22:13] <solemnSketcher_> but im getting used to it
  8. [22:13] <visceralVanguard> Oh no!
  9. [22:13] <solemnSketcher_> you seem.... happier than i expected
  10. [22:13] <visceralVanguard> That certainly doesn't sound like "fine" to me, mister.
  11. [22:13] <solemnSketcher_> not about my death obviously but...
  12. [22:14] <visceralVanguard> I feel happier than I expected myself to feel as well.
  13. [22:14] <solemnSketcher_> so... what happened?
  14. [22:14] <visceralVanguard> Quite a few significant things just resolved themselves and are no longer burdens.
  15. [22:14] <visceralVanguard> So now I feel quite liberated!
  16. [22:14] <solemnSketcher_> oh
  17. [22:14] <solemnSketcher_> like what?
  18. [22:15] <solemnSketcher_> have you spoken to byron recently?
  19. [22:15] <visceralVanguard> I almost feel like I can actually simply play this game for once without needing to feel like I need to pull the strings to make sure nobody dies, or run away from insurmountable threats, or face terrible things.
  20. [22:16] <solemnSketcher_> oh
  21. [22:16] <visceralVanguard> It's as though this is how the game is supposed to be.
  22. [22:16] <solemnSketcher_> really?
  23. [22:16] <visceralVanguard> Just some friends playing a game together, fighting monsters, and discovering adventures together
  24. [22:16] <solemnSketcher_> everything is going fine for you then
  25. [22:16] <solemnSketcher_> ...
  26. [22:16] <visceralVanguard> Well, for now
  27. [22:16] <solemnSketcher_> <me takes a while to respond>
  28. [22:17] <visceralVanguard> Judging by how this game has been going I have absolutely no expectations of this lasting very long.
  29. [22:17] <solemnSketcher_> i feel like you are hiding something
  30. [22:17] <visceralVanguard> I fully expect everything to come crashing down momentarily
  31. [22:17] <solemnSketcher_> but its okay
  32. [22:17] <visceralVanguard> But I am trying to enjoy it while I can.
  33. [22:17] <visceralVanguard> I think I need a break from agonizing over every little thing.
  34. [22:17] <solemnSketcher_> so... again, have you spoken to byron recently?
  35. [22:17] <visceralVanguard> Hiding something?
  36. [22:17] <visceralVanguard> What do you mean?
  37. [22:18] <visceralVanguard> Ah.
  38. [22:18] <solemnSketcher_> must be my mind, dont pay me that much attention
  39. [22:18] <visceralVanguard> Byron said the same thing to me as well.
  40. [22:18] <visceralVanguard> It really is unfortunate that everything I have done so far has caused you two to have the exact same reaction
  41. [22:18] <visceralVanguard> It's so unusual to see Faerzen actually happy about something, so something must be amiss.
  42. [22:19] <visceralVanguard> I sincerely apologize for being such a wet blanket all the time
  43. [22:19] <solemnSketcher_> you havent done anything wrong... but the faerzen i haev known in this few days wasn't de-stressed
  44. [22:19] <solemnSketcher_> i quite like you being relaxed
  45. [22:19] <visceralVanguard> I do believe it is very important, critical sometimes, to take problems seriously, plan ahead, and pick things apart
  46. [22:19] <solemnSketcher_> dont be silly man, everything is okay for now
  47. [22:19] <visceralVanguard> But for some reason I do not feel as though now is one of those moments
  48. [22:20] <visceralVanguard> :)
  49. [22:20] <solemnSketcher_> :)
  50. [22:20] <visceralVanguard> I want to apologize for not talking to you earlier as well
  51. [22:20] <visceralVanguard> I was rather preoccupied
  52. [22:20] <solemnSketcher_> see? there's a smile right there
  53. [22:20] <solemnSketcher_> oh.
  54. [22:20] <visceralVanguard> I wanted to ensure I had set things straight before I jumped to any conclusions
  55. [22:20] <solemnSketcher_> yeah... that's what i wanted to talk about
  56. [22:20] <visceralVanguard> But I do have to ask you.
  57. [22:21] <visceralVanguard> About your and Byron's altercation in my dream room.
  58. [22:21] <visceralVanguard> Did you really say those things?
  59. [22:21] <solemnSketcher_> <takes some time>
  60. [22:21] <solemnSketcher_> what things?
  61. [22:22] <visceralVanguard> For some reason, I was having a completely unrelated nightmare, but I heard your voice bleed through from time to time
  62. [22:22] <solemnSketcher_> you heard my discussion with byron?
  63. [22:22] <visceralVanguard> After I woke up on Prospit again, I assumed it was not a figment of my dream within a dream, but instead elements of reality seeping through.
  64. [22:22] <visceralVanguard> No, I didn't
  65. [22:22] <visceralVanguard> But some of the things I heard......
  66. [22:23] <solemnSketcher_> i.. would like to know
  67. [22:23] <visceralVanguard> I never want to hear you or Byron say them again
  68. [22:23] <solemnSketcher_> you didn't hear the entire phrase
  69. [22:23] <visceralVanguard> If you wake up on Prospit anytime soon, I apologize for my absence
  70. [22:23] <solemnSketcher_> neither i got the chance to say it in its entirely
  71. [22:23] <visceralVanguard> I woke up, and was utterly terrified
  72. [22:23] <solemnSketcher_> blood on the bed?
  73. [22:23] <visceralVanguard> I don't think I have ever feared for my life more
  74. [22:24] <visceralVanguard> I ran away and am hiding
  75. [22:24] <solemnSketcher_> that's mine... i caught a machete with my hand
  76. [22:24] <solemnSketcher_> oh
  77. [22:24] <solemnSketcher_> i...
  78. [22:24] <solemnSketcher_> im sorry for causing you such fears faerzen
  79. [22:24] <visceralVanguard> But.... I still need to ask, did you actually say some of the following phrases or was I just dreaming them?
  80. [22:25] <solemnSketcher_> i know i kind of have a bad reputation with the whole thing about... my more violent tendencies
  81. [22:25] <visceralVanguard> I don't remember everything exactly, but I hope I can get the main point
  82. [22:25] <visceralVanguard> Let me see.....
  83. [22:25] <solemnSketcher_> ...
  84. [22:28] <visceralVanguard> Something about wiping the floor with someone's body, something about killing everybody, something about me being an ego-maniacal control freak, something about everyone being crazy
  85. [22:29] <solemnSketcher_> ...
  86. [22:29] <visceralVanguard> I don't think I've ever heard you so furious
  87. [22:29] <solemnSketcher_> okay... lets start from the top
  88. [22:29] <solemnSketcher_> i think last time, on prospit... we kind of fell asleep... in each other's arms...
  89. [22:30] <visceralVanguard> So..... is that a yes?
  90. [22:30] <solemnSketcher_> after i woke up i wandered around for a while
  91. [22:30] <solemnSketcher_> im giving you a story
  92. [22:30] <visceralVanguard> In some context, those things were said by you?
  93. [22:30] <solemnSketcher_> and i went to hunt imps and put on the mask
  94. [22:30] <solemnSketcher_> now, this is where it gets relevant
  95. [22:30] <solemnSketcher_> after putting the mask on, i woke up in prospit to the pain of something in my hand
  96. [22:30] <solemnSketcher_> a blade
  97. [22:31] <solemnSketcher_> and on the end, holding it, byron
  98. [22:31] <visceralVanguard> Yes, I know Byron was sent to kill both of us
  99. [22:31] <solemnSketcher_> i catched it, disarmed him and we exchanged... furious words
  100. [22:31] <solemnSketcher_> he tried to kill us in our sleep
  101. [22:31] <visceralVanguard> he attempted to lie about it, but thankfully I had more information than he did and I backed him into a corner
  102. [22:31] <solemnSketcher_> then, he tried to finish what he started and kill me
  103. [22:32] <solemnSketcher_> but... im kind on the upper side of this situation
  104. [22:32] <solemnSketcher_> we exchanged really furious words
  105. [22:32] <solemnSketcher_> my vision almost turning red from the rage
  106. [22:32] <solemnSketcher_> and then...
  107. [22:32] <solemnSketcher_> he grabbed you
  108. [22:33] <solemnSketcher_> he grabbed you by the neck, and pressed the blade... the same blade he tried to use to kill me, against your neck
  109. [22:33] <solemnSketcher_> i have never felt such intense rage in my life
  110. [22:33] <solemnSketcher_> i threatened byron
  111. [22:34] <solemnSketcher_> but i couldn't risk anything in this situation
  112. [22:34] <solemnSketcher_> we exchanged even more idioticly angry words at eachother
  113. [22:34] <solemnSketcher_> and then... i just sort of... defused the situation
  114. [22:34] <visceralVanguard> It sounds like you are describing almost every single one of your conversations so far
  115. [22:35] <solemnSketcher_> sounds like it
  116. [22:35] <solemnSketcher_> so like... we then calmed down
  117. [22:35] <solemnSketcher_> and insulted each other for a while
  118. [22:35] <solemnSketcher_> and then he fell asleep on your tower
  119. [22:35] <solemnSketcher_> you were on the ground at this point
  120. [22:36] <solemnSketcher_> so i carried you, put you back on your bed and just sort of... plummeted down and fell asleep next to you
  121. [22:36] <solemnSketcher_> that's it
  122. [22:36] <solemnSketcher_> and those insults were to byron... except for one, that was to prove a point
  123. [22:36] <solemnSketcher_> a phrase i never ended
  124. [22:36] <solemnSketcher_> ....
  125. [22:37] <solemnSketcher_> are you okay?
  126. [22:37] <visceralVanguard> Honestly?
  127. [22:37] <visceralVanguard> No.
  128. [22:37] <visceralVanguard> I am glad that your account of events matches what I now believe to have occurred.
  129. [22:37] <solemnSketcher_> want to let me finish the phrase?
  130. [22:37] <visceralVanguard> But that does not lessen the sting that any of this happened in the first place!
  131. [22:38] <solemnSketcher_> as harmful as it may be?
  132. [22:38] <visceralVanguard> If you would like, you may, but that particular phrase is the least of my worries.
  133. [22:38] <visceralVanguard> Hell, it's likely even deserved.
  134. [22:38] <solemnSketcher_> please let me...
  135. [22:38] <visceralVanguard> It is the other ones that concern me more.
  136. [22:38] <solemnSketcher_> its... i feel wrong thinking about what you heard
  137. [22:39] <visceralVanguard> As wrong as it was, is what I heard not representative of the feelings you and Byron had at the moment?
  138. [22:39] <solemnSketcher_> i.. what?
  139. [22:40] <solemnSketcher_> i have no feeling for him
  140. [22:40] <visceralVanguard> ?
  141. [22:40] <visceralVanguard> Oh, I apologize, that came out incorrectly.
  142. [22:40] <solemnSketcher_> i fucking despise every small chunk that makes his body... but i sort of respect him
  143. [22:40] <visceralVanguard> By feelings, I meant to say the heated argument you had.
  144. [22:41] <solemnSketcher_> im guessing he told you about the kiss in the cheek i gave him?
  145. [22:41] <solemnSketcher_> i meant to give it like "i hate you but i will let you live because we are cool for now"
  146. [22:41] <solemnSketcher_> but still... yeah...
  147. [22:41] <solemnSketcher_> the argument
  148. [22:41] <visceralVanguard> He didn't mention that specifically, but I worked it out
  149. [22:41] <visceralVanguard> He isn't terribly great at hiding details
  150. [22:42] <visceralVanguard> I completely understand Byron tried to kill you, and was threatening to kill me
  151. [22:42] <solemnSketcher_> yep
  152. [22:42] <visceralVanguard> And I appreciate that you stood up to him and worked for my safety
  153. [22:42] <solemnSketcher_> then he started rambling about his father
  154. [22:42] <visceralVanguard> But some of those things you said.....
  155. [22:42] <visceralVanguard> I don't care what Byron said or did, we are all on a team here!
  156. [22:43] <solemnSketcher_> i have noticed
  157. [22:43] <visceralVanguard> For all we know, the death or harm of one of us may spell doom for the whole team!
  158. [22:43] <solemnSketcher_> REALLY
  159. [22:43] <solemnSketcher_> let me finish the phrase
  160. [22:43] <solemnSketcher_> i wanted to deliver
  161. [22:43] <solemnSketcher_> i know... we sort of have to... cooperate right now
  162. [22:44] <solemnSketcher_> and....
  163. [22:44] <solemnSketcher_> you want it or not here it goes
  164. [22:44] <visceralVanguard> please continue if you so wish
  165. [22:45] <ATtheorytime[Huelicopter]> <I love how Faerzen has completely managed to steal the spotlight in the beginning of the conversation, and then totally shift it away without explaining anything>
  166. [22:46] <visceralVanguard> ((faerzen's p good at explaining things when he wants to and getting away with not explaining anything when he doesn't :P ))
  167. [22:46] <solemnSketcher_> "megalomaniac ego control freak... faerzen? surprise surprise... she is the same faerzen (refering to him thinking about female you being different... and here's what he didn't hear) we are all messed up byron... and who in the hell would care if faerzen wants to pull a string or two? i would follow him blindly if i had to, because i trust him
  168. [22:46] <visceralVanguard> OH FUCK WHAT IS GOING ON OWWWWWWWCDSJKLDSCJ
  169. [22:46] <solemnSketcher_> that's.... what i meant to actually say... but when insults are flying you cant stop to give a detailed question
  170. [22:46] <solemnSketcher_> WAIT
  171. [22:46] <solemnSketcher_> FAERZEN?
  172. [22:47] <solemnSketcher_> FAERZEN ARE YOU OK?
  173. [22:47] <ATtheorytime[Huelicopter]> <Was this planned by you two?>
  174. [22:47] <visceralVanguard> <no response for a couple minutes>
  175. [22:48] <solemnSketcher_> HELLO?!
  176. [22:48] <solemnSketcher_> ....
  177. [22:48] <solemnSketcher_> DEAR GOD NO... PLEASE BE OK, ANSWER AS SOON AS YOU CAN
  178. [22:48] <solemnSketcher_> please
  179. [22:48] <solemnSketcher_> ((yeah... i realized what was going on))
  180. [22:49] <ATtheorytime[Huelicopter]> <You up to date on Faerzen's story?>
  181. [22:49] <solemnSketcher_> ((yep))
  182. [22:49] <visceralVanguard> Hello?
  183. [22:49] <solemnSketcher_> ((i went... what the fuck? then... ah right.. wings))
  184. [22:49] <solemnSketcher_> FAERZEN
  185. [22:49] <solemnSketcher_> YOU OK?
  186. [22:49] <visceralVanguard> Are you there still?
  187. [22:49] <visceralVanguard> I... think so?
  188. [22:49] <solemnSketcher_> YOU ALMOST GAVE ME A HEART STOPPING ATTACK!
  189. [22:49] <visceralVanguard> I blacked out for some reason
  190. [22:49] <visceralVanguard> Owwwwwww, my head
  191. [22:49] <solemnSketcher_> what happened!
  192. [22:50] <visceralVanguard> How long..... was I out?
  193. [22:50] <visceralVanguard> I am just going to continue lying here on the floor if it's okay.
  194. [22:50] <solemnSketcher_> its been
  195. [22:50] <solemnSketcher_> like an hour
  196. [22:50] <solemnSketcher_> or two
  197. [22:50] <solemnSketcher_> are you harmed?
  198. [22:50] <visceralVanguard> I feel.... okay, I think?
  199. [22:51] <solemnSketcher_> oh... goodness
  200. [22:51] <solemnSketcher_> i dont know what i would do if something happened to you... when you left so abruptly i...
  201. [22:51] <visceralVanguard> I feel pins and needles everywhere, but that is a common symptom of having lost consciousness
  202. [22:51] <solemnSketcher_> ....really?
  203. [22:52] <solemnSketcher_> mine just sort of feel like a headache and the beating of my heart in all my body
  204. [22:52] <solemnSketcher_> but that's me
  205. [22:52] <solemnSketcher_> you are important now
  206. [22:52] <solemnSketcher_> what the hell just happened?
  207. [22:52] <visceralVanguard> I found..... a shop? I don't really know what other name I would give it.
  208. [22:53] <visceralVanguard> I purchased a beautiful piece of art and promptly blacked out
  209. [22:53] <solemnSketcher_> how did you pay?
  210. [22:53] <visceralVanguard> I still feel like parts of it have yet to return to my waking memory
  211. [22:53] <visceralVanguard> I don't recall paying anything
  212. [22:54] <solemnSketcher_> take your time
  213. [22:54] <visceralVanguard> It was free
  214. [22:54] <solemnSketcher_> im not going anywhere
  215. [22:54] <solemnSketcher_> i think my leg's broken
  216. [22:54] <solemnSketcher_> so... free?
  217. [22:54] <solemnSketcher_> a creppy free shop with... art?
  218. [22:54] <visceralVanguard> That pretty much exactly describes the scenario, yes
  219. [22:55] <solemnSketcher_> and the shopkeeper?
  220. [22:55] <visceralVanguard> To quote yours truly, "creepy"
  221. [22:55] <solemnSketcher_> let me guess
  222. [22:55] <solemnSketcher_> robe
  223. [22:55] <solemnSketcher_> dark fingernails
  224. [22:55] <solemnSketcher_> sketchy voice
  225. [22:56] <visceralVanguard> Why do you believe it looked like that?
  226. [22:56] <solemnSketcher_> you get used to get those sorts of vendors in my time... usually they sold trinkets... or "magical" stuff
  227. [22:56] <solemnSketcher_> dirty shopkeepers
  228. [22:57] <solemnSketcher_> if you tried to haggle
  229. [22:57] <solemnSketcher_> bad luck, they dissapeared the next day
  230. [22:57] <visceralVanguard> Interesting
  231. [22:57] <solemnSketcher_> they were sort of... wandering... guys?
  232. [22:57] <solemnSketcher_> like hermits?
  233. [22:57] <solemnSketcher_> yeah
  234. [22:58] <solemnSketcher_> if someone tried to take something from then they usually woke up with their guts on the outside
  235. [22:58] <solemnSketcher_> but Im GLAD... like SO FUCKING GLAD you are ok
  236. [22:59] <visceralVanguard> The shopkeeper quite explicitly said that I was perfectly at liberty to take one item without any additional payment required
  237. [22:59] <solemnSketcher_> interesting
  238. [22:59] <visceralVanguard> I appreciate your concern for my well-being
  239. [22:59] <solemnSketcher_> :)
  240. [22:59] <visceralVanguard> Although :)
  241. [22:59] <solemnSketcher_> yes?
  242. [22:59] <visceralVanguard> Do you mind if I reciprocate for a little while?
  243. [23:00] <solemnSketcher_> ...s-sure?
  244. [23:00] <visceralVanguard> Oof, let me sit up here first.
  245. [23:00] <visceralVanguard> This is actually really quite uncomfortable.
  246. [23:00] <solemnSketcher_> go on
  247. [23:01] <visceralVanguard> This is going to come across as quite blunt, but I honestly do not care because I want to say it anyways.
  248. [23:01] <visceralVanguard> It is about that mask of yours.
  249. [23:01] <solemnSketcher_> corvo
  250. [23:01] <visceralVanguard> I saw you wearing it again on Prospit
  251. [23:02] <solemnSketcher_> yes...
  252. [23:02] <solemnSketcher_> it just sort of... appeared on my face
  253. [23:02] <visceralVanguard> It takes a great deal of mental concentration or emotional connection to an object to be able to summon it in a dream
  254. [23:02] <visceralVanguard> To summon any object, for that matter
  255. [23:03] <solemnSketcher_> i noticed when summoning my weapon
  256. [23:03] <visceralVanguard> The fact that it so easily and involuntarily travels into your dreams with you is actually quite concerning
  257. [23:03] <solemnSketcher_> ... and after this i have some questions for you
  258. [23:03] <solemnSketcher_> you think im attached to it?
  259. [23:03] <visceralVanguard> I have been thinking about this, and I have come up with two probable causes
  260. [23:03] <visceralVanguard> Neither of which I like
  261. [23:04] <solemnSketcher_> i dont like where this is heading
  262. [23:04] <visceralVanguard> 1. The mask has some sort of consciousness or force of its own and is able to move itself into dreams or at least make it so easy you can do it subconsciously without even thinking about it
  263. [23:04] <solemnSketcher_> i doubt it
  264. [23:05] <visceralVanguard> 2. You have developed such a strong mental connection to the mask that it naturally travels along with you
  265. [23:05] <solemnSketcher_> possible
  266. [23:05] <solemnSketcher_> want to hear 3?
  267. [23:05] <visceralVanguard> Both of these actually have the potential for very negative consequences if left unchecked
  268. [23:05] <visceralVanguard> You have a 3?
  269. [23:05] <visceralVanguard> Yes, please
  270. [23:06] <solemnSketcher_> 3. i did horrible stuff for that mask... and its sort of... there in my mind forever
  271. [23:06] <solemnSketcher_> and by that... 2 is valid
  272. [23:06] <solemnSketcher_> but the mask itself is not a different me... i have come to the realization but a few hours ago
  273. [23:06] <solemnSketcher_> sorry if this scares you
  274. [23:07] <solemnSketcher_> or if im being cryptic
  275. [23:07] <solemnSketcher_> but the doomed version of byron said that i tried to prevent "this" and failed....
  276. [23:07] <solemnSketcher_> you know faerzen
  277. [23:08] <solemnSketcher_> i know my demons... they are many... possibly more than i can count
  278. [23:08] <solemnSketcher_> but i rule over them
  279. [23:09] <solemnSketcher_> i will not be carried away by the dark part of my mind
  280. [23:09] <solemnSketcher_> and this mask... it feeds of it
  281. [23:09] <solemnSketcher_> it feeds from my pain and anger
  282. [23:10] <solemnSketcher_> an attunement of my deepest thoughs
  283. [23:10] <ATtheorytime[Huelicopter]> <You say that like it is a bad thing :P>
  284. [23:12] <solemnSketcher_> an attunement... yes... i can hear myself better when wearing that mask, but i never let it take over, its part of me.... and that's okay... i have seen my demons, they are many, i have seen the devil... and its me
  285. [23:12] <solemnSketcher_> a master of them
  286. [23:13] <solemnSketcher_> their ruler, and king
  287. [23:14] <solemnSketcher_> so, i am not afraid, of the voices in my head, because i know, i know they are just a part of me, and down the darkest road, or cheeriest travel they will always be there
  288. [23:15] <solemnSketcher_> i am nickolai varnegs... and im not scared of my mind
  289. [23:17] <visceralVanguard> Interesting. This is more or less what I had in mind for 2.
  290. [23:19] <visceralVanguard> You have accepted this mask and its influence to the degree where you see it almost as a natural extension of yourself, something you are okay with and something intend to conquer
  291. [23:19] <visceralVanguard> But this is precisely what I want to say
  292. [23:19] <solemnSketcher_> is it wrong to feel that?
  293. [23:19] <visceralVanguard> I think that precisely the attitude you just described can be incredibly dangerous.
  294. [23:20] <visceralVanguard> I do not think it is wrong to feel that.
  295. [23:20] <visceralVanguard> I think it is natural.
  296. [23:20] <visceralVanguard> But nonetheless dangerous.
  297. [23:20] <solemnSketcher_> how so?
  298. [23:20] <visceralVanguard> The things you have done to get that mask, I cannot fully comprehend their atrocity
  299. [23:20] <solemnSketcher_> terrible
  300. [23:21] <visceralVanguard> But on the flip side, the things you have done because of that mask, I do not want to fully comprehend their atrocity
  301. [23:21] <visceralVanguard> You say the mask feeds on your pain and anger
  302. [23:21] <solemnSketcher_> the weight of that place is forever in me
  303. [23:21] <visceralVanguard> But I would venture to say that it feeds on them only to return them to you
  304. [23:22] <solemnSketcher_> good point
  305. [23:22] <visceralVanguard> Yes, it feeds on them, but it also causes them to grow
  306. [23:22] <visceralVanguard> An no matter how much you try to use the mask to prevent this, using it will only further the issue
  307. [23:22] <solemnSketcher_> but holding them back would cause them to build up
  308. [23:23] <visceralVanguard> And believing that you can control them so easily is dangerous
  309. [23:23] <visceralVanguard> I believe we saw a glimpse of this recently on Prospit
  310. [23:23] <visceralVanguard> You were not yourself.
  311. [23:23] <solemnSketcher_> yes i was
  312. [23:23] <visceralVanguard> I have never seen or hear you so furious or threatening before
  313. [23:24] <visceralVanguard> and you even said yourself we were all lucky you were able to calm yourself down before things got out of hand
  314. [23:24] <solemnSketcher_> saying i was not myself for being threatening or furious is....
  315. [23:24] <solemnSketcher_> look faerzen
  316. [23:24] <visceralVanguard> No, but that's the problem!
  317. [23:24] <solemnSketcher_> im messed up
  318. [23:24] <visceralVanguard> It is yourself!
  319. [23:24] <solemnSketcher_> exactly
  320. [23:24] <visceralVanguard> This mask only amplifies those areas of you
  321. [23:24] <visceralVanguard> I
  322. [23:24] <visceralVanguard> I'm not saying this mask is entirely to blame
  323. [23:24] <visceralVanguard> We both know from your previous experiences that this isn't true
  324. [23:25] <visceralVanguard> We all have the potential for great destruction and suffering inside of us
  325. [23:25] <solemnSketcher_> it does not amplify... it just... provides a way to channel them into something else
  326. [23:25] <visceralVanguard> Into what though?
  327. [23:25] <solemnSketcher_> yes we have
  328. [23:25] <visceralVanguard> More anger and destruction?
  329. [23:25] <visceralVanguard> Except this time inflicted upon others?
  330. [23:25] <solemnSketcher_> ...not necesarilly...
  331. [23:25] <visceralVanguard> I agree with you that these emotions can most certainly be channeled into something else positive and useful
  332. [23:26] <solemnSketcher_> ...i can see better with it, eyes like those of a bird
  333. [23:26] <visceralVanguard> But there is *significant* risk of that not being the case and you losing the ability to control that
  334. [23:26] <solemnSketcher_> ... i dont want that to happen
  335. [23:27] <visceralVanguard> I have no doubt that this mask is a significant part of yourself, but I believe it is foolish to believe you can control it
  336. [23:27] <visceralVanguard> Well, control it consistently
  337. [23:27] <visceralVanguard> Anger and emotions inherently are irrational
  338. [23:27] <visceralVanguard> impulsive
  339. [23:27] <visceralVanguard> exciting
  340. [23:27] <visceralVanguard> powerful
  341. [23:28] <solemnSketcher_> look... there's is nothing different in how the mask handles my emotions... but it can channel them into power... all the anger i felt, it was mine, and THAT is bad
  342. [23:28] <visceralVanguard> And I fear for the day when this mask causes you to get carried away and do something you truly regret
  343. [23:28] <visceralVanguard> I understand that!
  344. [23:28] <visceralVanguard> But giving your anger and emotions all of that power isn't always a good thing!
  345. [23:29] <solemnSketcher_> ...
  346. [23:29] <solemnSketcher_> i... i know but...
  347. [23:29] <visceralVanguard> Think about Prospit!
  348. [23:29] <visceralVanguard> You put yourself in check.
  349. [23:30] <visceralVanguard> You defused the situation and handled Byron's ridiculousness
  350. [23:30] <visceralVanguard> But the things you said
  351. [23:30] <solemnSketcher_> look... if i had to go trough all of hell to make sure this never gets out of control
  352. [23:30] <solemnSketcher_> ill do so
  353. [23:30] <visceralVanguard> If you were given the power to follow through with those?
  354. [23:30] <visceralVanguard> What is stopping you?
  355. [23:30] <visceralVanguard> Except for yourself?
  356. [23:30] <visceralVanguard> And what happens if just once, that fails?
  357. [23:31] <visceralVanguard> There is no going back. What happens, happens, regardless of how much regret you have later
  358. [23:31] <visceralVanguard> I am not doubting your sanity, your feelings, or your desire to keep this under control
  359. [23:31] <visceralVanguard> I just want you to be careful
  360. [23:31] <visceralVanguard> Because that mask, together with you, *is* dangerous
  361. [23:32] <solemnSketcher_> ...
  362. [23:32] <solemnSketcher_> ill... ill be careful faerzen
  363. [23:32] <solemnSketcher_> dont worry
  364. [23:32] <visceralVanguard> I'm here to talk
  365. [23:32] <visceralVanguard> About anything
  366. [23:33] <visceralVanguard> I know we can do this together
  367. [23:33] <solemnSketcher_> faerzen
  368. [23:33] <visceralVanguard> I just don't want you to get careless and think that this mask is something you can easily keep harnessed.
  369. [23:33] <visceralVanguard> Yes?
  370. [23:33] <solemnSketcher_> thanks you
  371. [23:34] <visceralVanguard> <3
  372. [23:34] <solemnSketcher_> ...
  373. [23:34] <solemnSketcher_> <3
  374. [23:34] <solemnSketcher_> mind if i derail this conversation a bit?
  375. [23:35] <solemnSketcher_> eariler you mentioned feeling uncomfortable in your current position... are you on prospit?
  376. [23:35] <visceralVanguard> I do believe I have manhandled the steering wheel for this conversation long enough, so it is only fair you get a turn. ;)
  377. [23:35] <visceralVanguard> Right now I am awake on LOWAB
  378. [23:36] <visceralVanguard> I blacked out and was laying facedown on the floor
  379. [23:36] <solemnSketcher_> oh!
  380. [23:36] <solemnSketcher_> and i guess the shopkeeper ran away with your free art?
  381. [23:36] <visceralVanguard> No, he is still here in his shop
  382. [23:37] <solemnSketcher_> uhhhh....
  383. [23:37] <solemnSketcher_> then... what happened
  384. [23:37] <visceralVanguard> I am not entirely sure?
  385. [23:37] <visceralVanguard> He isn't saying anything
  386. [23:37] <visceralVanguard> I am trying to remember, things are making a bit more sense now
  387. [23:38] <solemnSketcher_> your pockets? you have everything?
  388. [23:38] <visceralVanguard> I took the art..... he told me......
  389. [23:38] <visceralVanguard> Wait a moment.
  390. [23:38] <solemnSketcher_> yes?
  391. [23:38] <visceralVanguard> Yes, everything is still here in my sylladex.
  392. [23:38] <visceralVanguard> Hmm.
  393. [23:38] <solemnSketcher_> nothing strange?
  394. [23:38] <visceralVanguard> No, that's right.... and then
  395. [23:38] <visceralVanguard> WAIT
  396. [23:38] <visceralVanguard> HOLY JURGEN FUCK
  397. [23:38] <visceralVanguard> WHAT
  398. [23:39] <solemnSketcher_> what?
  399. [23:39] <visceralVanguard> HOLY SHIT I HAVE WINGS
  400. [23:39] <visceralVanguard> THIS IS AMAZING
  401. [23:39] <solemnSketcher_> WHAT.
  402. [23:39] <visceralVanguard> :DDDDDDDDD
  403. [23:39] <solemnSketcher_> like actual wings?
  404. [23:39] <visceralVanguard> <no immediate response>
  405. [23:40] <solemnSketcher_> im... having some trouble understanding that... you have wings now
  406. [23:40] <solemnSketcher_> like an angel or something?
  407. [23:40] <visceralVanguard> <still no response>
  408. [23:41] <solemnSketcher_> probably important stuff
  409. [23:42] <visceralVanguard> OH MY GOD NICK THIS IS INCREDIBLE!
  410. [23:42] <visceralVanguard> LIKE REAL, ACTUAL, FUNCTIONING WINGS!
  411. [23:42] <solemnSketcher_> ill take that as a yes
  412. [23:42] <solemnSketcher_> and i think its my time to celebrate too
  413. [23:42] <solemnSketcher_> :D
  414. [23:42] <visceralVanguard> THEY DON'T DO MUCH RIGHT NOW, BUT I NEED TO FIND OUT!!!! :D
  415. [23:42] <solemnSketcher_> you cant see me but im celebrating
  416. [23:42] <solemnSketcher_> wait... you can
  417. [23:43] <solemnSketcher_> so.... how in the hell did you get wings?!
  418. [23:43] <visceralVanguard> I NEED TO GO UPSTAIRS AND OUTSIDE RIGHT NOW
  419. [23:43] <solemnSketcher_> NO
  420. [23:43] <solemnSketcher_> WAIT
  421. [23:43] <solemnSketcher_> DONT DO ANYTHING STUPID
  422. [23:43] <visceralVanguard> TALK TO YOU LATER!!! :DDDDDDDD
  423. [23:43] <solemnSketcher_> WAITTTTTT
  424. [23:44] <solemnSketcher_> FAERZEN
  425. [23:44] <visceralVanguard> -- visceralVanguard [VV] bid farewell to solemnSketcher [SS] --
  426. [23:44] <solemnSketcher_> god fucking dammit faerzen
  427. [23:44] <solemnSketcher_> please be fine
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