
Flutterrape: Reverse Perspective

Nov 27th, 2012
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  1. >Day 88 since he came into my life
  2. >Finish feeding all of your critters
  3. >Go to mirror and begin brushing your mane
  4. >Angel was being a bit impatient today and kept tugging on it.
  5. >Finish and look at yourself
  6. >You need to appear your best if you want Anon to like you
  7. >Today was the day you just knew it!
  8. >sigh
  9. >Or not.
  10. >That's how you felt all the other times too.
  11. >You shake your head, that's no way to think.
  12. >Your friends always tell you that you need to have more confidence in yourself
  13. >They're right! It's time to buck up, Fluttershy!
  14. >You just needed to say the right words and express your feelings ....
  15. >You suppress the urge to hide behind your mane and whimper
  16. >You have told him that you held affection for him, but you've never been able to show him how you feel.
  17. >Often times you can't and try to show Anon through your desire to be intimate with him.
  18. >Maybe you can practice expressing yourself
  19. >Rarity tells you she always practices her social interactions in the mirror
  20. >You look at yourself in the mirror and clear your throat
  21. >"Anon, you're a very special pony erm..human...."
  22. >what's the word? ...person.
  23. >"A very special person to me"
  24. >"You and I are very alike. We're different from other ponies, and you understand that."
  25. >"I understand you too."
  26. >"I don't always know the right things to say, but I see how other ponies treat you like you need help, or want to change you."
  27. >"I know what that's like, and that's you."
  28. >You blush
  29. >"Also um I find you very...attractive, you're very cute."
  30. >You shake your head, he didn't feel comfortable when you started talking about physical things
  31. >But you couldn't help it, he reminds you of every cute animal you've ever come across
  32. >"D-d-do you accept my feelings?"
  33. >You put on a fake baritone voice
  34. >"I accept and love you Fluttershy"
  35. >"Lets go have hot monkey s-sex".
  36. >squee
  37. >You blush and think of how the scenario would go from there
  38. >He'd embrace you and take you to the bedroom and he'd undress
  39. >You'd kiss and cuddle and inhale that wonderful scent
  40. >and then!
  41. >Oh my
  42. >You open your eyes to see you have kissed the mirror
  43. >You turn to see Angel Bunny looking at you with a raised eyebrow
  44. >You blush and giggle nervously
  45. >He rolls his eyes at you
  46. >Maybe things can work this time
  47. >You just need to tell it to the real Anon now...
  48. >whimper
  49. >With all your tasks done for the day you trot off to find Anon
  50. >It was still morning so he was probably still asleep
  51. >He always slept in when he could
  52. >You didn't want to have your talk with him in his house
  53. >It would be too intimidating
  54. >But you do want to wake the sleepyhead up
  55. >Maybe he'll like it if you make him a yummy breakfast as well
  56. >It took longer than it should have to arrive at his house
  57. >Rainbow Dash accidentally set off a thundercloud and you hid under a bench for 5 minutes
  58. >But finally you were here
  59. >You sigh
  60. >The house he was donated was very rundown
  61. >It was reluctantly given to him when everyp0ny thought he was a monster
  62. >But he's not a monster he's a human
  63. >He deserved a better home
  64. >A home with you
  65. >Knock on the door
  66. >No answer
  67. >Fly up to the second story
  68. >Tap on the window
  69. >He's still sleeping
  70. >Luckily you know how to get the window to open up mostly because the frame was broken
  71. >You hope he doesn't figure out how you've been inviting yourself in
  72. >You grin and fly over to Anon
  73. >He looks so innocent and happy when he sleeps
  74. >You just want to lie down next to him and get...closer
  75. >You snap out of it
  76. >wipe drool from your mouth
  77. >Today is not the day for that
  78. >If you do that and he finds out he won't want to talk to you
  79. >You decide to try and make him breakfast
  80. >Go to his kitchen
  81. >Now what would he like to eat?
  82. >Check cupboards
  83. >Oh dear, there's not much in here except pasta, tomatoes, garlic powder, and oregano, and chili seasoning
  84. >Spaghetti will have to do
  85. >You see a note in the cupboard
  86. >It reads
  87. >"Fuck off Fluttershy"
  88. >You feel your ears flatten
  89. >Sometimes you don't blame him considering the times when you couldn't control yourself.
  90. >It still hurt
  91. >He most likely left that note due to your habitat of breaking in and stocking his cupboards full of food
  92. >After some time the spaghetti's finally ready
  93. >You hear a stirring upstairs
  94. >Uh oh. He shouldn't be awake yet, he might get the wrong idea!
  95. >Stuff the spaghetti in your saddle bags
  96. >Fly out the door and hastily shut it behind you
  97. >Hopefully he won't figure out you were there....
  98. >You hide behind a bush some yards away from Anon's house
  99. >Hopefully he'll end up walking to a good place to confess your feelings
  100. >If he doesn't then you'll just have to follow him until he does.
  101. >Today he was probably going to perform an odd job at Sweet Apple Acres
  102. >Hopefully you can catch him alone
  103. >Follow him from bush to bush to tree
  104. >At a bush very close to Anon
  105. >He sees a dropped bit
  106. >He bends over to pick it up
  107. >Unbeknownst to Anon, his glorious flank is presented to you
  108. >You begin to drool and fantasize
  109. >You poke his flank lightly and this causes him to see you bolt away
  110. >No!
  111. >Today is the day he knows how much you love him!
  112. >And how much he's going to love you!
  113. >Fly after him
  114. >Spend 3 minutes in hot pursuit
  115. >You were a bit too enthusiastic and ended up flying into him
  116. >He's sweating and panting
  117. >The smell is too much
  118. >You bury your muzzle into his hair
  119. >Sniff his hair loudly
  120. >It's wonderful~
  121. >Realize that he doesn't like this
  122. >Jump off of Anon, but stay close
  123. >He looks terrified
  124. >You might have overdone it..
  125. What do you want Fluttershy?! Stay away!
  126. >Oh no...
  127. >This is exactly how you didn't want this to go
  128. >You want to answer but the stress is too much
  129. >All you can do is squeak as you notice your saddlebags have burst open and the spaghetti was seeping out
  130. >You begin shaking and it takes all your willpower to begin your confession
  131. >"Um...uh! Anon! I! *squeak* want- erm no! ummm."
  132. >Spaghetti continues to seep from your saddlebags
  133. >Everything was going wrong
  134. >You made a bad impression
  135. >Your wings are extended in excitement after smelling him
  136. >And all that spaghetti is getting everywhere
  137. >It's all too much and you hide behind your mane and whimper
  138. I'm going now Fluttershy
  139. >N-no! Today wasn't supposed to turn out this way!
  140. >It seems like it's time for plan B again
  141. >If you can't tell him how much you love him, you can show him by using your body
  142. >As he begins walking away you ram into his back
  143. >He struggles but you use your knowledge of animal anatomy to subdue him
  144. >Now for the hard part
  145. >These clothes were always in the way of his body
  146. >Why did he have to wear so much clothes?
  147. >You swear to Celestia you hated these clothes
  148. >When he loves you he won't ever need them again
  149. >You tear his shirt off with your teeth
  150. >He grabs onto the remains of his shirt
  151. >Why is he so attached to it? Humans are so silly sometimes
  152. >While he's distracted with the shirt you tear off his pants and boxers
  153. >There it was
  154. >Hot monkey dick
  155. >You reach a hoof to it but he begins to back away
  156. >You pin him down again
  157. Why are you doing this?
  158. >It's the only way I can show you Anon...
  159. >Don't make this more difficult than it has to be..
  160. >You feel ashamed enough as it is
  161. >You start sniffling
  162. >It was all so frustrating
  163. >"I'm going to make love to you."
  164. >"I know you don't want it yet, so it's"
  165. >"So, I'm going to r-rape you if that's okay with you."
  166. It's not okay
  167. >"Oh um sorry..too...bad?"
  168. >You apologetically lick his face
  169. >He grabs your head
  170. >Oh my~
  171. >Maybe he-
  172. >That was a big mistake
  173. >He throws you into a nearby tree
  174. >Anon runs off leaving you with a pounding headache
  175. >Oh, Anon...
  176. >Burst into tears
  177. >You can always try again tomorrow...
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