
Underage Sunset (Sunset Shimmer x Anon) By Hand-Made

Oct 26th, 2014
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  1. OP:
  2. >"Come on Anon! I'm the same person, just with a ten year olds body that's all!"
  3. >Meet me, a lucky Anon who had been going steady with Sunset. That is until Twilights magic went terribly wrong practicing an age spell. And now for the past three weeks Sunset has had a ten year old body and I've had to be seen with her in public looking like the biggest pedophile the world had ever seen.
  4. "Sunset, I love you so much, but I cannot bring myself to fuck you."
  5. >"Why!? We've fucked before, plenty of times!"
  6. >Oh, and that's another thing, Sunset might have the body and voice of a ten year old, but her sex drive was still as voracious as ever.
  7. "Sunset, you know why! It'd just feel too weird and icky to fuck you while you're like this!"
  8. >"Oh, come on! I haven't had any satisfaction for weeks.. At least... At least finger me!"
  9. "I'm NOT fingering a ten year old girl." Just the thought made a shiver run up my spine.
  10. >"I'm not 10! I just have... The body of one.. But, but my mind is still me, I'm still Sunset! Yep, good old, grown up, can take care of herself Sunset!"
  11. "Baby, please don't make this any harder than it has to be. I'm not gonna have sex with you and that's final."
  12. >Sunset breathed out a heavy sigh.
  13. >"Ugh.. Fine.. At least, hold me dammit.." She looked visibly upset. Slowly I walked over to her carefully wrapping my arms around her small body. It felt weird enough just to do this. Her body was just so, thin.. And undeveloped. But I held her close anyway, feeling the warmth and smell of her that was just the same as old Sunny.
  14. >How long would this go on for?
  16. Fic:
  17. >"C'mon...where is it...gah!"
  18. >Sunset Shimmer struggled to find the head opening of your now oversized cotton sweater.
  19. >Sitting on a loveseat in your house with your girlfriend was a standard affair.
  20. >Watching movies, blabbering about the day, bitching about the dregs of society...
  21. >All-in-all, it was a good relationship that had been going on for years.
  22. >...until a backfired spell reverted her curvacious, sexy body into that of, well...
  23. >...someone "younger".
  24. >"There! Fuck!"
  25. >she exclaimed, finally shoving her head into view.
  26. Hah. Still not used to your vocabulary coming out of that mouth.
  27. >You sat reclined next to her, looking nonchalantly over to your extremely "petite" girlfriend as she wiggled her hidden arms.
  28. >They were completely engulfed by the sleeves, and her persistent struggling only succeeded in wildly flapping them about.
  29. >"It's huuuge, but still comfy as ever."
  30. >she took a sniff, leaning her head down.
  31. >"Mmm. Smells like you, too."
  32. >As usual, Sunset always picked a clean pair of your exercise sweats to change into while you showered after the gym.
  33. >Normally, she'd even hit the rack with you or do some serious miles on the elliptical.
  34. >Tough girl.
  35. >But now...well, she'd been staying home for the last few days of your relationship, to put it mildly.
  36. Still keeping to your schedule of stealing my clothes to change into, hmm?
  37. >"Hey, I know how much you like how it shows off my 'features', and what can I say, I agree."
  38. >Your girlfriend wiggled her eyebrows seductively as the sweatshirt barely clung to one of her shoulder.
  39. >"Besides, one-hundred percent cotton is sooo comfy..."
  40. >she attempted to stretch seductively within the fabric, but lost her balance and only caused the garment to fall further down her left arm.
  41. >"Ehehe...still not used to the body."
  42. Yeah, that makes two of us...
  43. >You merely rolled your eyes, the enjoyable freshness of your shower wearing off as you pondered what to do next for the night.
  44. >"Oh come ON. I was just doing what we normally do. It's been what, at least two weeks? The last time we've gone this long without messing around, you were shooting liquids from both ends with the flu!"
  45. >Sunset Shimmer stuck her tongue out at you, screwing up her young face to accentuate the appearance of sickness.
  46. >"I just figured my BOYFRIEND of YEARS would want to have a little 'fun' with his GIRLFRIEND, but whatever. G-guess he turned out gay or something."
  47. >she finished with a surprisingly emotional pout, throwing her floppy sleeves over each other as she crossed her arms.
  48. More like three weeks. First, quit acting like I don't love you. Second, you look borderline prepubescent. I appreciate youth as much as the next guy, but Sunset, you gotta admit that this is a bit...extreme.
  49. >"Well I can't help it if I prefer to express my affections physically better than verbally, duh! We've talked about that, too, you know! Besides, it's not like I'm ACTUALLY this young, I'm old enough to put a ring on it, legally! Its not like we weren't fucking when we were lots younger, anyway,"
  50. >Sunset grinned at you in a slightly predatory manner, which is made all the more awkward by her young features.
  51. >"I still got that drive, you know..."
  52. Oh yeah. I know. But just I don't think I'm ready for that yet.
  53. >You gently shoved her shoulder in play, still tired from your workout and disinterested in yet another argument about when you'd be resuming sex; she battered you for it more and more throughout her unwilling 'drought'.
  54. >You'd be lying if you'd said you weren't feeling quite 'backed-up' as a result as well, but damn if you were gonna be so quick to adapt to the situation...
  55. >"I've been cooped up in the house most of the time playing video games and crap. I can't ride our bikes, I can't go outside, you don't take me to the gym with you, and now you're saying I STILL can't get a good fuck?!"
  56. >she fumed, her neglected lust for you now fueling her rage.
  57. Language, young lady.
  58. >You coyishly chided, still taking the opportunity to remind her of her own predicament.
  59. >"Fuck the fucking language!"
  60. >She kicked her legs, which were consumed by the length of your male sweats as the tightly-fastened rollups became undone and threatened to overrun her tiny feet.
  61. >Realizing how she must look upon throwing her 'tantrum', Sunset took a deep breath in and calmed herself with a sigh.
  62. >She adjusted her two-toned hair, face flushed with arousal as she smelled you still on the clothing.
  63. >Catching a glimpse of her, you found yourself reminiscent of the all-too-many times you'd made her cheeks flush during orgasm.
  64. >The thought sent a twitch to your member, which you were careful to conceal.
  65. Hopefully she didn't notice; your girlfriend was already too observant for her own good.
  66. >Sunset really didn't look THAT much younger, but still...
  67. >That's when you noticed her lazer-gaze locked onto your crotch.
  68. >Her thin lips turned into a wicked smile.
  69. >Her eyes scanned you with a hunger that shouldn't been known to someone so...small.
  70. >Sunset's expression softened when her sharp eyes met yours.
  71. >Just what was she planning?
  72. >"Well, I guess you're right. Let's just watch a movie or something. I gotta get my mind of how wet I am."
  73. >she giggled, her unfamiliar young tone after such a sentence sending a tingle down your spine.
  74. >Reaching for the remote, Sunset stretched herself out like a cat on the prowl.
  75. >Leaning further back, you allowed your girlfriend to rest herself on your stomach as per usual while she flipped through the guide menu.
  76. >"Boring, boring, boring..."
  77. >She mumbled, slowly sliding her head down towards your waistband.
  78. >You stoically looked on, hoping that the length of the tedious day would help distract you from Sunset's antics.
  79. >Having changed into your t-shirt and sweats yourself, you needed to try extra-hard to enure any arousal wouldn't 'pop-up'.
  80. Sunset, what are you doing?
  81. >"Ah, I'm more comfy laying out on the loveseat like thissss..." she playfully nuzzled at your crotch. "Besides, you feel so warm down here."
  82. >She finished with a whisper, easily finding the outline of your manhood and pressing her cheek against it.
  83. >You couldn't help looking down at her face the moment her head made contact.
  84. >Her skin was unbelievably smooth, and almost as if porcelain freshly molded into a sculpture.
  85. >Her tiny hands kneaded your powerful thigh, methodically spreading it outwards and allowing her easier access to your crotch.
  86. Gonna pick a movie or what?
  87. >You shifted slightly as your heart began to thump.
  88. >"I'm looking, I'm looking..."
  89. >Sunset casually scrolled through the selections, paying little mind the the many names and shows.
  90. >Somewhat distracted yourself, you looked over her sprawled form.
  91. >Her petite bodice was easily outlined in your clothing.
  92. >It left little to the imagination; you've seen her naked plenty of times before, and she'd even flashed you on more than one occasion with her now younger "assets".
  93. >But her pert butt somehow still had a bit of shape, something you wouldn't have fathomed given her entirely flat chest.
  94. >Before you could react, you felt a strong shift within your pants as your erection began to grow.
  95. Just...just pick a damn movie. You always select one so slowly.
  96. >You grunted, feeling an uncomfortable heat building in your own cheeks.
  97. You're totally just stalling.
  98. >"Well maybe I just don't wanna watch a movie."
  99. >Sunset chirped, suddenly stopping her assault on your crotch to give you a terrifyingly adorable look.
  100. >Your heartbeat nearly stopped.
  101. >You felt her legs and hips wiggling as she slowly began to slide out of wearing your sweatpants.
  102. >"Maybe I want to do something else after all..."
  103. >She finally freed herself, which to your surprise, allowed her nude lower half to swing over your hips.
  104. >None of her old panties could fit her, anyway...
  105. >This wasn't good.
  106. >There was just no possible way to deny how horny you were.
  107. >The weeks of no sex, and the constant flirting...
  108. >The constant begging...
  109. >...and now this?
  110. >You glanced below in no little shame as your girth threatened to rip a hole down the leg of your pants.
  111. >In a desperate bid, you mind attempted to rationalize something to say.
  112. Sunse-mmph!
  113. >You were sharply cut of with a passionate kiss.
  114. >Sunset threw back her sleeves, and gently set her little hands against your face.
  115. >You felt the supreme softness of her lips, so dainty as they slowly mewled against your own.
  116. >Reflexively, your hands went to her hips, far more narrow than you remember as your mouth opened for her demanding tongue.
  117. >Smaller than yours, it was easily outclassed as wrestled back into her own mouth.
  118. >But that didn't stop Sunset Shimmer from kissing you with a passion which only a woman in love could muster.
  119. >"Mmmwah!"
  120. >Time only resumed ticking after your girlfriend pulled her head back, a thin trail of saliva remaining for only a second before falling onto your shirt.
  121. ............
  122. >You were speechless; any hope of salvaging your resistance fell hopelessly away.
  123. >"I'm a good girl, right?"
  124. >Sunset mumbled with an innocent inflection.
  125. >"S-so you shouldn't make me wait so long for...this."
  126. >She gently bit her lower lip, reaching back with one hand to paw at your restrained erection.
  127. >Another you might have been ashamed at how successfully her act turned you on, but you were far too gone to care.
  128. >After deeming you sufficiently prepped, Sunset reached forward and helped you lift off your shirt.
  129. >It didn't take long for you to respond in kind, freeing your girlfriend from the all-consuming cotton and exposing her iron-board chest; only the nipples stood out hard with arousal.
  130. >You slid your firm hands up from her hips and onto her small belly, and finally up to her 'breasts'.
  131. >Gently, you tweaked them with your fingers as Sunset writhed in need.
  132. >"Oh please,"
  133. >she pleaded with a slightly mock-cracking voice.
  134. >"Get these off. I need you."
  135. >It took only a moment of Sunset's hands tugging at your waist to send your pants down.
  136. >When the garments passed low enough, your erection sprang forth.
  137. >It smacked solidly against your girlfriend's frame as she wiggled on your legs.
  138. >She tossed your pants and underwear to land atop the growing pile of clothing on the ground as your hands still toyed with her chest and shoulders.
  139. >Her glistening lips, hairless and completely tucked away, underlined her craving.
  140. >"Wow,"
  141. >She shuffled back and immediately grasped the throbbing object of her affection.
  142. >"It doesn't even fit in both my hands anymore. Geez, I had a hard enough time as it was..."
  143. >You stifled a moan as her little digits gripped your shaft, stroking you and placing pressure on each bulging vein.
  144. >Sunset leaned back, genuinely struggling to raise her narrow hips high enough to situate herself.
  145. >Your mind swam, drowning in the moment as your de-aged girlfriend lowered her sopping slit lower...
  146. >and lower...
  147. >...and lower...
  148. >until it gently kissed your wide, aching glans.
  149. >The heat was intense, and encouraged a small bead of pre to dribble out from your crown.
  150. >Sunset's own juices dripped downward, coating you with clear beads of her youthful sweetness.
  151. >She watched you carefully, gauging the effectiveness of her ploy.
  152. >Fixated on her long-overdue helping of cream, she'd be damned if you paused or yielded mid-act; it was the perfect time to test your readiness.
  153. >Just as your roving palms started massaging her petite ass, Sunset lifted herself off of your tip.
  154. >It took all her effort to resist slamming down and seeing just how much she could take, but she had to be sure...
  155. >"...but maybe your right."
  156. >She sighed, laying her head against your muscled chest.
  157. >"You could be too thick. B-but you're not gonna quit trying to fit you big, hard cock inside your little girl, r-right?"
  158. >She gazed upwards at you with mock-innocence, half begging and half demanding you perform your duty as her man.
  159. >Any spark at Sunset's implication was stifled as you leaned forward and lifter her slightly upright.
  160. >You kissed her briefly, hungrily before pulling away.
  161. If you want to be my little girl so bad, then you'd better take your dicking like good one.
  162. >Sunset Shimmer's expression instantly changed to a grin of victory.
  163. >She knew she'd won.
  164. >Shaking her tiny butt, she stared into your eyes while her hands set yours on her hips.
  165. >Inch by inch, she lowered herself until once again her folds met your manhood.
  166. >She sighed pleasantly at the contact, eager to feel you fucking her again after so lon-
  167. >"EEP!"
  168. >It took an impressive shove to allow your head inside her girlhoo- er, 'womanhood'.
  169. >Clearly her outsides weren't the only things to shrink with the de-aging....
  170. >"F-fuck! It's like our first time all over again!"
  171. >Sunset quivered, her voice genuinely cracking.
  172. >She clenched her eyes and ground her hips slightly to test herself further.
  173. So fucking tight...
  174. >You grunted, digging your fingers roughly into her ass cheeks to avoid shoving your girlfriend onto your pole and tearing her in half.
  175. >Still, you managed to push her shaking hips lower, and a few inches more disappeared into Sunset.
  176. >"Fuck you for being so big!"
  177. >She slapped a hand at your chest, raking you with her nails.
  178. >"Fuck you for making me want it so bad!"
  179. >Again she struck, digging harder in an attempt to negate her own suffering as her narrow tunnel still failed to adjust.
  180. Poor little S-Sunset, can't even take a few inches of her man without yelping.
  181. >You grit your teeth as her blistering vice bared down every other second.
  182. >You slightly adjusted your thighs, balancing the small girl as you tried half successfully to bounce her up and down.
  183. >Sunset's only reply was a strained groan, made all the more perverted by the abnormally high octave of her voice.
  185. >Sunset's eyes rolled back, her lithe diaphragm heaving.
  186. >Even with having only a few inches rubbing her insides, she already seemed on the verge of-
  187. >"Guhh...c-cumming..."
  188. >She arced back, whimpering rapidly as a small wave or girlcum covered your remaining inches of masculinity.
  189. >Your heart thumped faster, taking in every lewd sound and sensation; her underdeveloped flower threatened to expel you from the sheer tightness.
  190. Damn, Sunset, any tighter and you'll cut the fucking circulation off.
  191. >Panting, your girlfriend managed a weak reply,
  192. >"Y-yeah? Well any more deeper and...oh F-FUCK...any more deeper and...ngggaah!"
  193. >She was cut off as your crown ground up against her cervix, a feat that normally wouldn't leave several inches of yourself still exposed.
  194. >"You're gonna drive into my womb, you bastard!"
  195. >She bit her lower lip almost hard enough to draw blood, grinning at the depraved thought of her man splitting open such a young-looking girl.
  196. >Sunset moaned as your hands spread her ass, playing with her anus as you wordlessly flexed your pelvic floor.
  197. >The result was a minor flexing of your shaft, rubbing your cramped glans against the small bump of her cervix.
  198. >Sunset pitched forward, cursing as a thin line of spittle fell from her mouth and onto your abs.
  199. >"Fffuucckk, if I'd known how good you were at rutting little girls I'd have gotten Twilight to fuck up an aging spell earlier."
  200. >Her evil grin showed slightly through the shroud of two-toned hair covering her face.
  201. >That statement certainly put a stop to your grinding.
  202. >Seizing the initiative, Sunset finally managed to start bouncing herself up and down your cock.
  203. >Maybe a little more teasing would make you try for even deeper...
  204. >"Y-you're sick...so hard when fucking your girlfriend...AH!...as a kid!"
  205. Not as sick...ngahh...as someone who implies that intentionally turning herself into one to have sex a good thing!
  206. >"Heheh...even 'unfortunate' accidents can have fortunate outcomes..."
  207. >Sunset licked her lips before resuming her vigorous humping.
  208. >Unfortunately for the lust-addled girl, her oversensitive cervix brought her to one too many pauses as your ram met her gates.
  209. >Your feelings of orgasm ebbed and flowed like the tides, nearing when she picked up speed yet receding during her pauses to ride out mini-climaxes.
  210. >Infused by the sexual frustration, your hands seized her hips and you began to fuck the young Sunset with renewed ferocity.
  211. >She almost collapsed onto your chest entirely as your sudden pistoning sent her over the edge yet again; a small puddle of her drool formed and leaked down your skin.
  212. >The space within your modest basement was filled only with the smacking of flesh and high-pitched cries of your girlfriend.
  213. >Her eyes developed a vacant stare as all she was able to do was weakly hug your torso.
  214. >She rolled her neck to the side, allowing her dilated eyes to stare longingly at your face.
  215. >You could almost swear you saw hearts in them; you groaned your approval of her gripping slit and never wanted the moment to end.
  216. >A notion of something greater than just simple sex began to form within you, something that was clawing nearer to the forefront of your psyche as you began to doubt it was merely the three-week dry spell...
  217. >Sunset's girlish moaning made you crave release all the more.
  218. >However, as much as Sunset relished you finally giving into her fantasy, the soreness within her girlhood began to grow.
  219. >Not even the copious amount of lubrication from her climaxes managed to provide much relief; you were too large, you were pounding too long, and her barely-pubescent body could hardly handle much more.
  220. >She knew you had to be getting close after holding out on sex for weeks.
  221. >She'd need to make you finish quicker, and knew just how to try...
  222. >"Mmph, yeah, f-fuck your little girl,"
  223. >Sunset meekly mumbled, adopting her most girlish voice while trying to compose herself.
  224. >"But you'd better not...cum inside."
  225. >She was met with a throaty groan in reply as you closed your eyes tightly.
  226. >"Y-you'd better pull out, unless you want to get a kid pregnant..."
  227. >Your fevered thrusting slowed as your manhood twitched at the veiled invitation.
  228. >You were soooo close to climax...
  229. >No, she wasn't a pubescent child...she was just reverted backward, right?
  230. >But the pregnancy still wouldn't take.
  231. >...right?
  232. >"H-how are you gonna explain knocking up someone so young? Ah...I bet you want to, though. I bet you wanna get me pregnant..."
  233. >Your primitive instincts wrestled with the idea of halting; Sunset noticed your trepidation and realized that she'd insinuated too much.
  234. >Acting quickly, she used what remaining strength she had left to squeeze your shaft, burying you deep.
  235. >Your pent-up seed rushed into your shaft, swelling it with fresh sperm.
  236. >"You gonna pull out, or are you gonna give a good little girl what she deserves?"
  237. >Sunset rotated her hips, tears forming in her eyes as she pushed you in roughly a half-inch further.
  238. >She'd hoped it was enough...
  239. Good little girls,
  240. >you growled deeply,
  241. deserve to get plowed until they're pregnant.
  242. >Sunset grinned devilishly as her heart sang at the reply.
  243. >Your first spurt of love did little to relieve the pressure within your manhood; you settled to give her every drop.
  244. >Sunset screamed her approval at the decision, her cries of passion quickly devolving into girly whimpers as she felt your exploding cock's reward.
  245. >A sensation of warmth rapidly filled what little space she had; thick ropes desperately sought her innermost girlhood for fertilization.
  246. >"F-fuck..."
  247. >Her petite bodice contorted slightly as if trying to make more room for the cum spilling from her overstuffed sex.
  248. >Your hips bucked reflexively, giving all that you could to your young girlfriend's desperate coaxing.
  249. >A stream of fluid coated your inner thighs in a mixture of orgasms so familiar yet so different from anything before.
  250. >Your head thrashed side to side as Sunset's nails pressed into your back.
  251. >Finally, you stopped planting seeds within your girlfriend's young garden as your orgasm tapered off.
  252. >Sunset, with no small struggle, lurched herself up your torso and off your cock.
  253. >Her lips pulled at your shaft the whole while until a lewd 'pop' freed your shapely glans.
  254. >One last small spurt landed within the cleft of her ass, running down her puckered hole and making it dilate in retort.
  255. >You were shaken from your trance by Sunset giving you a weak, playful smack.
  256. >"T-that's for making me wait three weeks before fucking me,"
  257. >She paused to kiss you briefly, her hot breath spilling across your lips from her nostrils.
  258. >"...and that's for finally doing it."
  259. >With a tired giggle, Sunset Shimmer rolled herself up slightly onto your lower stomach and rested a cheek on your neck.
  260. >Her well-filled slit seeped with thick globs of cream.
  261. >Eventually, you both caught your breath.
  262. >Sunset nuzzled your chest softly.
  263. >Despite her rough persona, she was always so cuddly after sex.
  264. >Looking down at the small girl nesting so comfortably, you gently stroked the nape of her neck.
  265. >Sunset cooed softly at your touch.
  266. >Hard to believe that just moments ago such an innocent-looking figure was making you give up one of the largest loads of your life.
  267. >Speaking of which...
  268. >You cleared your throat and quickly asked a question that nagged at your mind.
  269. Mmm, that was pretty nice, but you were just pulling my chain with the whole 'knocking you up' bit, right?
  270. >"Nope."
  271. Yeah, I thought so-....what?
  272. >Your blood ran cold as a shiver ran through your entire body.
  273. >"Yeah. We talked about this a bajillion times before. I'm still 18. I just look like this for whatever reason. Still no idea if de-aging spells affect lifespan, but they sure as hell make for a fun fetish."
  274. >She traced a finger around your right pectoral.
  275. >"Besides, if this is how you're gonna fuck me every time when I'm like this..."
  276. Tough luck.
  277. >you backtracked.
  278. You're at least still on the pill right?
  279. >"Nope."
  280. Well goo-what?!
  281. >"Do you even listen when I talk about my fetishes and fantasies?"
  282. >Sunset's giggle sounded more like a cackle.
  283. We gotta get you a Plan B...
  284. >"Why bother? Once the aging spell is fixed, that might nullify any chance of pregnancy. Probably. Maybe. I'm not Princess Booksmart Neverlaid."
  285. >Sunset rose from the loveseat, stretching her arms above her head as she cocked her hips to one side.
  286. >Another thin trail of while flowed down her left leg in the process.
  287. >You gulped once; you should really mind your own virility...
  288. We should still do what we can. Who knows how long it'll take for the spell to wear off or a solution to be found. Maybe we should try an anonymous clinic if you can seriously get pregnant...
  289. >"Finally! A chance to get out of the house. Let's pick up some more games and some condoms for more sex while we're out, since you apparently think that THIS isn't fertilized yet."
  290. >She pointed a slender finger to her stuffed, hairless mound.
  291. >"We just gotta think of something convincing to say about how I got creamed without landing my sexy BF in hot water..."
  292. >On second thought, it might be better to wait for Twilight to finish that reversal spell...
  293. You know what? No. No going out. No clinic. No game. No condoms-
  294. >"Does that that mean you're going raw again?"
  295. >She smiled hopefully, her enthusiasm made all the more awkward by her youthful expressions.
  296. No, I mean-
  297. >"You mean you're gonna do young-me anally?"
  298. >Sunset beamed even brighter.
  299. >This girl and her fetishes...
  300. >On second thought, that might have avoided much of this predicament in the first place.
  301. >You chided yourself for not thinking of suggesting it earlier.
  302. >You guessed that time would show if your girlfriend was pregnant or not.
  303. >Oh well, it looks like you'll be spending most of your time at home until the reversal spell...
  304. >...Fucking young Sunset Shimmer.
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