
Fluttering Feelings Ch. 67

Mar 13th, 2016
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  1. Fluttering Feelings Ch. 67
  3. HK: Kim No-rae, you sure aren't holding back on the alcohol, huh?
  4. No-rae: Keuu-
  5. HK: Hey, are you trying to go all out or something?
  6. No-rae: Who knows~ I'm just gonna driiink~
  7. HK: Dude, slow down. You're already on your second!
  8. ?: Aigo, have an appetizer No-rae~ (small text: Ahh-)
  9. No-rae: Ahh-
  10. ?: Kekeke
  11. No-rae: Yummy chicken~
  12. *chew*
  13. *chatter chatter*
  14. Seol-a: I'm gonna go to the restroom.
  15. *slide*
  16. No-rae: You have to hurry back...
  17. ?: Kyaah No-rae oppa, aren't you being a little too sleazy?!
  18. Seol-a: What on earth...
  19. HK: Hey, what's up with her!
  20. Box: Are you being serious,
  21. Or is it all a joke?
  22. Box: Isn't No-rae a bit too excited?
  23. Box: There are times where this kid will go overboard with her excitement...
  24. Box: Will she be okay if we just leave her like that??
  25. Box: We'll have to stop her if things get out of hand. It's hard to take care of her when she's drunk...ㅠㅠ
  26. *tap tap*
  27. Box: But she usually stops drinking at her limit. Everything will probably be fine~
  28. *clack*
  29. *clack*
  31. No-rae: Seol-a!
  32. ?: Oh, Seol-a!
  33. No-rae: You're back?
  34. Seol-a: ...I'm sorry, but that's my seat.
  35. ?: Oh is that so? Sorry, sorry~
  36. ?: Pwease take a seat
  37. No-rae: Sit down, sit down
  38. No-rae: Seol-a~ (small text: Over here~)
  39. *tap tap*
  40. Seol-a: My goodness...
  41. *plop*
  42. *glance*
  43. *smilely smilely*
  44. Seol-a: ...Is she really the type to stop drinking at her limit?
  45. SP: It sure is noisy
  46. ?: They must be having a party. (small text: I wonder if there are any seats left...)
  47. ?: Yo, sit over there!
  48. *noisy noisy*
  49. *gulp gulp*
  50. No-rae: Urk...!
  51. Seol-a: What's wrong?
  52. No-rae: This...tastes funny.
  53. Seol-a: Hm? Let me see.
  54. Seol-a: Isn't this soju? (small text: Our table didn't even order any though...)
  55. ?: Ah! That was mine!
  56. Seol-a: Then you should've been more mindful! (small text: Now the wrong person drank it!)
  57. ?: Haha! Sorry~
  58. No-rae: Soju gets me drunk really quickly...
  59. ?: Hey! I think No-rae's drunk.
  60. ?: Poor thing...That sunbae is so...! (small text: Useless!)
  61. Seol-a: No-rae. Kim No-rae...
  62. Seol-a: You okay?
  63. Seol-a: What is it?
  64. *stare-*
  65. Seol-a: Are you tired?
  66. No-rae: Yearghh-
  67. Seol-a: No-rae...
  68. No-rae: Ah...
  69. Small text: Haa-
  70. HK: Oh jeez!
  71. *push*
  72. HK: What's wrong? Are you drunk too?
  73. *dizzy*
  74. Seol-a: No...that's...
  75. *ba-thump ba-thump*
  76. HK: Are you okay? Your face is really red.
  77. Seol-a: Um, that...That was unexpected...
  78. HK: Huh? (small text: Did she bite you or something?)
  79. Seol-a: This won't do. I'll take No-rae and head home.
  80. HK: Really? But she's completely plastered, so it'll probably be hard to take her by yourself...
  81. Seol-a: Worst comes to worst, I'll carry her.
  82. HK: She's secretly kinda heavy though...
  83. HK: Wait!
  84. Seol-a: That guy...(small text: His name was something like Profile or Chart...) (t/n: Gu Sung Pyo and Pyun Sung Pyo are actual words, which is why Seol-a uses "Pyun", a very uncommon surname)
  85. *step*
  86. *step*
  87. *step step*
  89. A/N: I would recommend getting acupuncture done when your body is in good condition.
  90. side note: almost forgot but @feggit x-chan: 좆까라씨발년아ㅋㅋ suck my cock for all I care
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