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May 16th, 2015
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  1. Adrian Rothschild: [OOC] Admins won't reply, so I'd like to make it clear that Josh Porter and Noah Bismark both admitted to credit abusing 5K and also Noah broke Fear RP and left to avoid the result.
  2. Adrian Rothschild: [OOC] Can an admin please respond to my report already?
  3. Adrian Rothschild: [OOC] No they wouldn't, I sent in 3 reports over the span of an hour. I have a right to complain at this point.
  4. Marcus Tabacci: [OOC] No, you don't. It's either wait patiently or take it to the forums.
  5. Alskava Verdan: [LOCAL-OOC] hawt.
  6. Peter Cayden: [OOC] Must not be a good report.
  7. Jones Good: [OOC] My speed is now 21.
  8. Marcus Tabacci: [OOC] Complaining like a five-year old wont' do shi.
  9. Adrian Rothschild: [OOC] It was a valid report using the standard format. I'm asking someone to respond.
  10. Marcus Tabacci: [OOC] Also, there are no admins on at the moment.
  11. Marcus Tabacci: [OOC] They have a shield next to their name on the tab menu.
  12. Elena Williams: [OOC] If there's no response then maybe that's cause none are online, so stop bitching in OOC about it.
  13. Danny Johnson: [OOC] YEAH
  14. Adrian Rothschild: [OOC] / Holy shit I'm not bitching calm the fuck down guys. Also, Noah. This is a compilation of screenshots of you and your buddy punchwhoring
  15. Elena Williams: [OOC] If there are no admins online, then you don't need to fucking post screenshots. Make a ban request on the forums.
  16. Adrian Rothschild: [OOC] You guys are all being assholes when I am trying to clean the server of people who punchwhore. Get the fuck off my ass and roleplay, I shouldn't have to defend myself. Jesus fucking christ.
  17. Elena Williams: [OOC] Adrian, you're being more annoying than the people you're trying to report right now.
  19. Julian Martin: [OOC] Then go somewhere else Adrian. No one is perfect and unfortunately, there are no admins online to deal with your issues. All you can do is screenshot and report it on the forums.
  20. Adrian Rothschild: [OOC] I am! I'm just saying that admins were not answering. I'm not even pissed, I just want a responce. Why are you and your friend harassing me for trying to be a half decent person. If you have a problem with me speaking my mind than you can just ignore it.
  21. Elena Williams: [OOC] Then enough with the OOC. Some of us are trying to RP here.
  22. Julian Martin: [OOC] The problem is that when you write in OOC the same thing over and over again, no one will take you seriously.
  23. Adrian Rothschild: [OOC] If I was the only one who was bitching, I wouldn't be bitching. I'm bitching because I was getting bitched at for nothing. Now I'm just doing it to piss you off, but its not spam because I'm speaking my mind and making valid points.
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