

Jul 3rd, 2017
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  1. -- params : ...
  3. script.SourceModule:Destroy()
  4. local SourceModule = script:WaitForChild("SourceModule")
  5. rawset(_G, "ScriptBuilder", nil)
  6. while not _G.ScriptBuilder do
  7. wait()
  8. rawset(_G, "ScriptBuilder", nil)
  9. end
  10. local invoke = _G.ScriptBuilder(script, "7mf]!32d95f88x&]`zz2gVN@Q6^Pm9=QL7E[HT*^-\"2R94Y\'PW&E8-t1l,2Ea4[")
  11. local source = require(SourceModule)("dasAuthenticashunKey")
  12. if not invoke("Prompt", script.Name) then
  13. return
  14. end
  15. local BaseEnv = getfenv(0)
  16. local NewEnv = setmetatable({}, {__index = BaseEnv, __metatable = false})
  17. do
  18. for i,v in pairs(BaseEnv) do
  19. NewEnv[i] = v
  20. end
  21. end
  22. setfenv(0, NewEnv)
  23. setfenv(1, NewEnv)
  24. setfenv(source, NewEnv)
  25. local coroutine, select, tostring, type = coroutine, select, tostring, type
  26. local Output = function(...)
  27. coroutine.wrap(invoke)("Output", ...)
  28. end
  30. local NS = function(...)
  31. return invoke("NewScript", ...)
  32. end
  34. do
  35. local NLS = function(...)
  36. return invoke("NewLocal", ...)
  37. end
  39. NewEnv.NLS = NLS
  40. NewEnv.NewLocalScript = NLS
  41. NewEnv.NS = NS
  42. NewEnv.NewScript = NS
  43. NewEnv.printidentity = function(...)
  44. local argCount = select("#", ...)
  45. local str = "Current identity is"
  46. do
  47. if argCount > 0 then
  48. local str = select(argCount, ...)
  49. if type(str) ~= "number" and type(str) ~= "string" then
  50. str = "(null)"
  51. end
  52. end
  53. Output("print", str .. " 2")
  54. end
  55. end
  57. NewEnv.warn = function(...)
  58. local result = ""
  59. local argCount = select("#", ...)
  60. if argCount > 0 then
  61. result = tostring(...)
  62. for i = 2, argCount do
  63. result = result .. " " .. tostring(select(i, ...))
  64. end
  65. end
  66. do
  67. Output("warn", result)
  68. end
  69. end
  71. NewEnv.print = function(...)
  72. local result = ""
  73. local argCount = select("#", ...)
  74. if argCount > 0 then
  75. result = tostring(...)
  76. for i = 2, argCount do
  77. result = result .. " " .. tostring(select(i, ...))
  78. end
  79. end
  80. do
  81. Output("print", result)
  82. end
  83. end
  85. Output("run", "Running a " .. script.ClassName .. " (" .. script:GetFullName() .. ")")
  86. spawn(source)
  87. end
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