
Oneshot: Rainbow Shy

Feb 25th, 2014
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  1. "Anonymous... anonymous... Ah, here we are!"
  2. >You give a sigh of relief as the teacher recognizes your name.
  3. >Transferring into ______ High School wasn't really your parents' favorite move... but it was necessary.
  4. "Yes... the seating chart puts you next to Rainbow Dash... Raise your hand, Rainbow Dash!"
  5. >You look out towards the class.
  6. >Where's that hand?
  7. >A cyan hand raises slightly higher.
  8. >You trace the arm down to a girl with rainbow hair tied up into a ponytail, glasses adorning her face.
  9. >She's got the other arm wrapped around her book.
  10. >You sigh.
  11. >Guess you gotta sit next to this nerd all year long.
  12. >You walk over to your seat, and lower yourself down slowly.
  13. >You could swear you're being watched right now.
  14. >You take a look to your left, and just as you make eye contact with the girl, she turns quickly to look away.
  15. >The teacher hasn't started her lesson yet, and most everyone else is still idly chatting amongst themselves.
  16. >You turn to Rainbow Dash and introduce yourself.
  17. "Hi... I'm Anon."
  18. >She smiles uncomfortably, her eyes locking with yours through the thin frames of her glasses.
  19. >You see her open her mouth but you can't really hear anything.
  20. >But the least you know is that her name's Rainbow Dash.
  21. >She buries her face back into her book, blushing slightly.
  22. >She's so quiet. It's almost frightening.
  23. >She looks really absorbed into that book though.
  24. >Wonder what it could be?
  25. >A thrilling mystery or a smutty romance novel?
  26. >Sadly you can't see the cover, and the text is unreadable from how far away you are.
  27. >Only a better excuse to get closer.
  28. >rape.jpg
  29. "What are you reading?"
  30. >You see a bit of pasta leaking out of her backpack pockets.
  31. >Spaghetti express.
  32. >She whispers.
  33. >"I-it's just uh... a light novel."
  34. >Her voice sounds kinda raspy.
  35. >Who the fuck says light novel? What is this, an anime?
  36. "What's it about?"
  37. >She doesn't answer.
  38. "Can I see it when you're done?"
  39. >She screams.
  40. >"No!"
  41. >The class freezes and stares at her, as she buries her face back into her book to hide her embarrassment.
  43. >The bell rings after class as the two of you stand up at the same time.
  44. >You honestly have no idea what to make of this girl.
  45. >Skinny and short.
  46. >Wears glasses.
  47. >Major book worm.
  48. >Definitely doesn't always dress in style.
  49. >And the most you know about her is that her name is Rainbow Dash and she likes to read.
  50. >There's something about the quiet ones...
  51. >Something that keeps pulling you in, making you want to know more about her.
  52. >You stop her as she packs up her backpack.
  53. "Could you show me where my next class is?"
  54. >You obviously know the answer to that question, but you gotta make a move somehow.
  55. >You're new around here, so you've got a good excuse, right?
  56. >You hand your schedule to her as she takes it and adjusts her glasses to read it.
  57. "F-follow me."
  58. >She puts your schedule down and walks with you out onto the campus grounds.
  59. >The two of you walk side by side, her clutching her book as if it were a lifesaver.
  60. >And if only you could think of something to say to break the ice.
  61. >Maybe she'd open up to you.
  62. >Maybe she'd be really cool, past that bookish exterior.
  63. >Maybe she's a kissless virgin, who just so happ-
  64. >No, no, no, Anon...
  65. >One step at a time.
  66. >You continue your walk in silence.
  67. >The odd thing though is that she's not even leading the way anymore.
  68. >Gotta say something.
  69. >Agh, but what to say to her? You hardly know her.
  70. >You know she reads a book.
  71. >You know she doesn't want to share about that book.
  72. >You can probably guess she doesn't have too many friends, either.
  73. >Should you bring that up?
  74. >Okay... but subtly, Anon. Don't blurt out wi-
  75. "Do you have any friends at all?"
  76. >She staggers a bit and grips her book tighter.
  77. >Oh shit, you just said that out loud.
  78. >Oh man, she's gonna beat your ass into the ground.
  79. >implying a nerd like her could do that.
  80. >You see her look up at you, frowning.
  81. >"N-no... I don't."
  82. >She doesn't have any friends?
  83. >You see a good avenue.
  84. "Would you... like to be friends with me?"
  85. >You see her frown become a look of confusion.
  86. "Why would you want to be friends with me?"
  87. >Good point.
  88. >Past the glasses, cute face, and small figure.
  89. >You've known her for, what, an hour, and she's said maybe a total of 20 words to you?
  90. >What is it about her that's got you so interested?
  91. >There's something about the quiet ones.
  92. >The ones you just want to learn more about.
  93. >The ones that you just want to peel off their shells and learn who they really are.
  94. >The ones you just want to undress and teach them the wonderful world of sexual intercours-
  95. >Okay, Anon, that's enough sex offender talk.
  96. >We're writing for /mlp/, remember?
  97. >You turn back to Rainbow, to whom you haven't given an answer yet.
  98. "Let's just say... I'm interested in you. I'd like to know more about you."
  99. >She still looks kinda stern.
  100. >"But... why me?"
  101. >Dammit, maybe this isn't worth it.
  102. "I don't have any friends here... and you're the first person I've met."
  103. >She looks away as you two reach your next class.
  104. >You open the door, leaving it open for her to enter as well.
  105. >Maybe you can sit next to her here too.
  107. >Wow... that class was boring.
  108. >Good thing the author indiscriminately jump-cut through all the boring parts.
  109. >And it's not like you did much, other than doodle and take notes.
  110. >Rainbow Dash didn't offer all that much excitement either.
  111. >But... you did catch her looking your way a couple times.
  112. >And it's a good thing the day's over. Wonder what Rainbow Dash is doing after class.
  113. >You look to your side, and Rainbow Dash is totally gone.
  114. >So fast.
  115. >Wonder where she went.
  116. >You pack up and head out the door, towards the front of the school.
  117. >And... a few yards ahead you can see the bounce of a familiar rainbow ponytail.
  118. >You call out to her and walk faster.
  119. "Hey, Rainbow Dash! Wait up!"
  120. >You feel the glare of other students as you walk past them.
  121. >"Who's that new kid talking to Rainbow Dork?"
  122. >"I thought new kids were supposed to be cool."
  123. >"Looks like Rainbow Dork's finally got herself a friend."
  124. >Oh man...
  125. >Rainbow turns around and drops her book, and looks as if she's about to cry.
  126. >And she runs off.
  127. >Damn, she's fast.
  128. >Some spiky blue haired dude puts a hand on your shoulder.
  129. >"Hey, don't worry dude. She's a loser. Let her go."
  130. >You walk over and pick up her dropped book.
  131. >You flip through the pages.
  132. >Little footnotes and drawings adorn the margins.
  133. >Pictures of stars and smiles.
  134. >Slightly frayed edges of pages.
  135. >She must really like this book.
  136. >At least now, you have a reason to talk to her.
  138. >The next day, you find Rainbow eating lunch at a bench under a tree, with her bookbag sitting next to her to keep her company...
  139. >...or to keep others away.
  140. >But that's not gonna stop you.
  141. "Is this seat taken?"
  142. >You sit down on the bench next to her, as she slides away a bit to give you space...
  143. >But she really gave you some space.
  144. >You're not that fat, are you?
  145. >You sigh as she eats in silence.
  146. >Probably shouldn't bring up yesterday, or else she's gonna cry again.
  147. >She must've been teased like that for a long time.
  148. >No wonder why she's so quiet.
  149. >You look into your backpack and see Rainbow's book.
  150. "Hey, Rainbow Dash... I've got a present for you."
  151. >inb4 you tell her to close her eyes and then dickslap her
  152. >You reach into your backpack, and pull out her book.
  153. >Rainbow adjusts her glasses before she recognizes what you hold.
  154. >Her book.
  155. >She puts down her sandwich and smiles, hugging you almost instantly, pressing the book between you and her.
  156. >"Oh my gosh, thank you! I've been looking everywhere for this!"
  157. >As she takes it from your hands, you tell her how you found it after she ran off yesterday.
  158. >Her smile turns back into a frown.
  159. >You've just reminded her about all the teasing.
  160. >All of the hate she gets on the daily.
  161. >From so many Anons.
  162. >What did she do to deserve it?
  163. >"That's... why I don't think we should be friends, Anon.. I don't want you to have to go through all that teasing with me."
  164. >She puts her things away and looks as if she's about to leave...
  165. >But you grab her arm as she stands up.
  166. "I don't care."
  167. >"What?"
  168. >You stand up with her.
  169. "I don't care what other people think of you."
  170. >"B-but, Anon..."
  171. >You're making a huge mistake, Anon.
  172. >You're tossing away popularity, and potentially respect...
  173. >Just so you could be friends with this...
  174. >Unpopular...
  175. >Bookish...
  176. >Quiet...
  177. >Awkward...
  178. >Cute...
  179. >Rainbow haired girl...
  180. >And it's totally worth it.
  181. >You pull her by her arm as she falls onto you, catching her in a hug as she loosely hugs you back.
  182. >You feel your shirt get a little wet.
  183. >Is she crying?
  184. >She looks up at you, smiling.
  185. >"Thank you, Anon... Thank you for being my friend."
  186. >You smile back at her and rest your lips on her forehead.
  187. "And I'll always be your best friend, Rainbow Dash."
  188. "JUST FRIENDS."
  190. Then the Rainbro stories begin.
  192. >You both end the hug as you smile up at each other, and continue to eat lunch.
  193. "Why don't any of the other kids like you, Rainbow Dash?"
  194. >"I don't remember... I guess I just chose to forget."
  195. >Has she tried to be different? To improve herself?
  196. "Ever try being cooler?"
  197. >She smirks and adjusts her glasses.
  198. >"I tried being about... 20 percent cooler."
  199. >20...
  200. >Percent...
  201. >A shiver runs down your spine.
  202. >A wave of regret washes over you.
  203. >Maybe you shouldn't be Rainbow Dash's friend after all.
  204. >Maybe you should get out while you still can.
  205. >She speaks up again in that nerdy voice.
  206. "Hey, maybe now that we're friends, maybe I'm actually 20 percent cooler!"
  207. >Oh god, make it stop.
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