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Feb 28th, 2017
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  2. L : I really love your concept as a pair. Everything here fits together great, and you’re my favorite team. However, each of your look’s don’t stand super strong on their own, which was a big risk considering you didn’t know if this was being judged in teams or individually. TOOT.
  3. P : As a pair, I see the opposite especially in the reveal look. I enjoyed seeing your queens next to each other I think they fit quite well – the colours the shapes, and they’re actually interacting – so I think probably the best display of a team. TEAM TOOT.
  5. /u/donatella-versatile:
  6. L : I really like the first work is really great, and the second look is… okay? I think they work well together and fulfill the theme, but the second look is much too sultry to be opposite to the tengu’s very sexy-post reveal, so a more frilly look might’ve worked better. I love how the hair looks, and the stocking poking out in the tux really shows you thought about this.
  7. P : I agree with a lot of others that we’re seeing a lot of the same looks from you: the fetishy/bra and pants drag – so I suppose try and switch that up. However I must say your look is splendid, especially the hair and makeup, such an improvement from season 1, your posing is superb, the fashion…its simple, not overly creative. BUT I think the simplicity is marvellous and you’ve executed it well. TOOT
  9. /u/tengufever:
  10. L : I really love this look. It’s such an amazing contrast. I agree with puddingpot that the hair should’ve been bigger, but it’s still a great look. Seeing the little details that sort of tell how the second look was revealed really shows the amazing attention to detail.
  11. P : Simple again, nice. I appreciate the oldy days style of your pre-reveal and I slight eye roll at the fetish look in the reveal. BUT I adore it, like Donatella it’s all very well done and executed very nicely. I love the hair, again for me wish it was bigger. Overall TOOT. No advice really, you’re doing really well.
  14. L : Somewhat disappointing. It feels more like the same look with two different color schemes and intentions. They don’t feel as drastically different as the others, so for me it’s a BOOT. Sun/Moon isn’t really creative enough for your whole look and I don’t see the moth/butterfly.
  15. P :Unless you had said moth/butterfly, I would have literally no idea. I think its one of the poorer pairings unfortunately. Team BOOT.
  17. /u/Lachiexcx:
  18. L : I agree with most of what pudding says, but I would like to encourage you to think about how your silhouette contributes to the intention of your design. This feels princessy and that’s really it. I don’t get much butterfly from this, so I BOOT it.
  19. P :Well done for trying to add in the rolls and tumbles of the fabric, I see it well in the dress, not so much in the cape however, but good try. I wish there were more butterfly motifs or at least more of a monarch butterfly colour scheme (more black with the orange) as really your look is just orange to your partner’s blue. I see more fire in this look, again the concept is confusing. I like the glitter in the makeup, not so much in the dress, the nude lip stands out for some reason I don’t know why. Anatomy is ok, weirding it up is your thing. So I think advice is really to look at shapes of dresses and colour schemes maybe. Next week you’ve already been given a colour scheme, good, nice. Try and pair the harshness of the neon with the harshness of the dress – straight lines/cuts of dress. Your entrance look tells me you’ll do well next week. Remember simplicity too – in the shape and to some extents the detail. I have to BOOT this im sorry.
  21. /u/Maaybells:
  22. L : I love this look, but this was the absolute flop for the theme. I’m going to optimistically TOOT this since it’s a good look even if it doesn’t really contrast with Lachie’s. I really love the back of it a lot, but I still don’t really read moth as much, but more water.
  23. P :You could have easily sold this as water and waves, I don’t really see moth or moon references. I see the wings but it gives me dainty butterfly rather than stupid kamikaze grey brutey moth. However I think it’s a lovely design, the shape of the body and arms, you know what you’ve done and what you’re doing art wise, no need for advice off me. Really enjoyed the change in medium! TOOT.
  26. L : I think more teamwork was the key to success here some more team communication with the theme and shilouttes.
  27. P : I understand the opposites, apart from the pink there isn’t enough of a shared motif for me to say ah team, noice. One queen is plastic and another is?? Feathers? So theme? Y’know? Team BOOT im sorry guys.
  29. /u/Redyellowand:
  30. L : Definitely a big step up! I like how ethereal it feels with the pose, hair, and outfit. Now that we’ve seen you execute a concept, I’d like to see you step up the shilouttes. This falls into a bland category for me, but it’s executed enough for a TOOT.
  31. P : I appreciate the effort of the posing and I suppose the added backstory to your queen, I agree with others in that try to simplify the posing for a bit to concentrate on other aspects. I like the hair again, but its again – try switch that up next week it will be easy in the neon round. The shading and the knowledge of light is impressive. I agree that the physical taking a photo, trying to get a good light is hard especially when youre doing it right before the deadline haha. Just I suppose try not to do that again. The dress for me isn’t great. It doesn’t read nature in my opinion, feathers are nice in the hair and maybe the boots but the dress should have been lighter, flowier or more downright earthy. Its scribbly in my opinion rather than feathery. BOOT im sorry.
  33. /u/Alston-Lee:
  34. L : I feel like this is sort of the Barbie/sex doll thing we’ve seen in fashion before. It’s nice, but it’s not impressive. I really want to see you step out of your comfort zone.
  35. P :I like this a lot. I think the only thing I can think of as an improvement is the addition of other kinds of plastic, the all clear all cling film wrap is slightly too simple. Very well done though it’s a hard material to ‘’’render’’’’. TOOT.
  37. OhHOBBES
  38. L : I think more of the concept being put into the designs might’ve amped this up a bit.TOOT
  39. P : Matching paper dolls, matching garden implements = nice. The both of you in my mind didn’t fully convey harvest/plight, if it needs saying, eh…….y’know Team TOOT for the paper dolling though, I have to its so skilful and it shows teamwork and cohesion.
  41. /u/ehobbes:
  42. L : Really not a fan. It’s executed well, but there’s nearly no idea here for me. The pose gets in the way of the look, the dress is a fairly simply cut with simply some decals, and the hair is arguably the best part. PLEASE put more time into the concept. I know you want to submit polished art and that’s amazing but the design will carry you much farther in the competition!
  43. P : I wouldn’t call this opulent. I understand it but Im not mad for it. It also doesn’t look like the same queen but for some that might be a good thing. I actually like the cut of the dress but I think famine needed to be taken further.
  45. /u/OhComets:
  46. L : Really like this. I love the farmy and almost Coachella feel to it. Doesn’t scream fashion but it’s still very pretty to look at regardless. I’m really loving the versatility you’re showing! Lot’s of detail here, but I think the detail would’ve been better used in conveying the harvest moon theme over the farmy theme, though I’m not quite sure how myself.
  47. P : First impression: I like her legs a lot. Though if I were someone else I’d also say her pelvic box is too wide. Please tell me you used real plastic for the transparent parts. My take on the ‘what the fuck you had time to paint a background’ situation is… its only bad if your look is shit and you’ve spent more time painting clouds than redrawing a design. So it’s A Okay in this one. Although I question the moon? Oh Harvest moon – got it right then. Love the hair, love the leathery bodice. I think hands needed doing though if you’re gonna do a background haha. TOOT.
  50. L : Sickenin’ yo. TOOT
  51. P : I like it, I instantly see the link. Team TOOT.
  53. /u/Icaruskairos:
  54. L : Really amazing! I loveee the goggles and the boots and the antennae. I love the vibe and the amazing art quality here. Absolutely stunning.
  55. P : I see you’ve taken things on board. That’s good and nice and versatility isn’t a bad thing. I think its fresh and its giving me white tulip. Only advice to you would be idk another Michelle Visage challenge of somewhere along the line – a really mature look from you.. but no rush and do whatever you do, listen to me. TOOT.
  57. /u/neverbglamour:
  58. L : This is super space agey and plays perfect with the other design. This really has everything and this the best the green skin’s looked, and the mug is to die for.
  59. P : Love it. It’s a bit busy but I love it. I like that you have the zoomed in face down there giving everyone the eye. Lovely colour palette. TOOT!!!
  62. L : I think the theme was a bad choice because the elements are too similar. Definitely too far out there for me. BOOT.
  63. P : In my opinion the link is clear but the opposite isn’t. So team BOOT.
  65. /u/makananidrive:
  66. L : Good elements, but it doesn’t scream runway ready and feels too historically accurate. All stems from a simply bad theme choice.
  67. P : I understand the sea cape but, and I know it’s going to ring in everyone’s ears, it does feel costumey – sort of like on RPDR when a queen had a backup outfit- this looks like your backup outfit for the end of an era challenge. That being said I do like the colour palette, and the hair. As a look there’s nothing wrong with it, I just wish you made more of the coat and sea and less of the norse Viking costume. Reinvention oooh. I’ll give this a BOOT. I’m so sad to see you go, im sure you’ll be back in some kind of return whenever it is.
  69. /u/theburningstars:
  70. L : Basically the same thing I said to makakanidrive. //shrug
  71. P : I think you have the same critique as /u/makananidrive – its too costumey and right after end of an era too? For you especially though I might advise different shades/thickness of line. There’s a lot going on for it to have the same emphasis if you know what I mean. This has been said a thousand times but please streamline your looks, like your entrance look – we saw the look and I loved it, I don’t need to see your queen shoot an arrow to get the fantasy henny.
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