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Nov 14th, 2013
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  1. Challenge Accepted ! :)
  3. Я попробую, буду рад если кто-то дополнит список:
  5. 1. 12 Angry Men
  6. 2. ?
  7. 3. Avatar
  8. 4. Aguirre, Der Zorn Gottes
  9. 5. 2001 Space Odyssey
  10. 6. Amelie
  11. 7. ?
  12. 8. Андрей Рублёв
  13. 9. Apocalypse Now
  14. 10. Blade Runner
  15. 11. Der weiße Band
  16. 12. Raging Bull
  17. 13. Fight Club
  18. 14. The Big Lebowski
  19. 15. ?
  20. 16. ?
  21. 17. Some Like it hot
  22. 18. The Great Dictator
  23. 19. Videodrome
  24. 20. Fellowship of the Ring
  25. 21. Forrest Gump
  26. 22. Vertigo (не уверен)
  27. 23. The Graduate
  28. 24. Sin City
  29. 25. Citizen Kane
  30. 26. ?
  31. 27. Dogville (не уверен)
  32. 28. Tree of Life (не уверен)
  33. 29. ?
  34. 30. La vita e bella
  35. 31. Funny Games
  36. 32. ?
  37. 33. Clockwork Orange
  38. 34. New hope (вроде)
  39. 35. The Green Mile
  40. 36. Evil Dead (2?)
  41. 37. ?
  42. 38. ?
  43. 39. Indiana Jones
  44. 40. E.T.
  45. 41. Casablanca
  46. 42. American Beauty
  47. 43. Chinatown
  48. 44. ?
  49. 45. Godfather
  50. 46. Pulp Fiction
  51. 47. Carry
  52. 48. Pan's Labyrinth
  53. 49. Leon
  54. 50. Scarface
  55. 51. M
  56. 52. Magnolia
  57. 53. ?
  58. 54. Matrix
  59. 55. Dead Man
  60. 56. Metropolis
  61. 57. Silence of the Lambs
  62. 58. Trainspotting
  63. 59. ?
  64. 60. Back to the future
  65. 61. Inception
  66. 62. Himmel über Berlin (не уверен)
  67. 63. There will be blood
  68. 64. Ностальгия (не уверен)
  69. 65. Nosferatu, Symphonie des Graunes
  70. 66. Once upon a time in America
  71. 67. Oldboy
  72. 68. Basic Instinct
  73. 69. Shawshank Redemption
  74. 70. ?
  75. 71. ?
  76. 72. ?
  77. 73. ?
  78. 74. One flew over the cuckook's nest
  79. 75. Psycho
  80. 76. A trip to the moon
  81. 77. Requiem for a dream
  82. 78. The pianist
  83. 79. Natural Born Killers
  84. 80. The Seventh Seal
  85. 81. Seven Samurai
  86. 82. Se7en
  87. 83. Blue Velvet
  88. 84. The Shining
  89. 85. La dolce Vita
  90. 86. Schindler's List
  91. 87. ?
  92. 88. Taxi Driver
  93. 89. Dancer in the dark (не уверен)
  94. 90. Dark Knight
  95. 91. Terminator 2
  96. 92. Titanic
  97. 93. Lost in Translation
  98. 94. Gone with the wind
  99. 95. Il buono, il brutto, il cattivo
  100. 96. Alien
  101. 97. ?
  102. 98. Jaws (не уверен)
  103. 99. Lost Highway (не уверен)
  104. 100. Annie Hall
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