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Oct 23rd, 2013
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  1. 9:12 PM - a little girl: yeah thats true
  2. 9:12 PM - a little girl: uh im gonna ask phrakture for those stvs
  3. 9:12 PM - a little girl: and see what he was doing compared to me
  4. 9:13 PM - saveme: good cal
  5. 9:13 PM - saveme: l
  6. 9:13 PM - saveme: link me
  7. 9:13 PM - saveme: when u get it
  8. 9:13 PM - a little girl: alright
  9. 9:14 PM - a little girl: anything else I should work on besides / pickup more health / call jumps ?
  10. 9:14 PM - saveme: nope
  11. 9:14 PM - saveme: if you really want something to work on you can practice gimiicky jumps but mostly it's just trying not to get caught off guard
  12. 9:14 PM - saveme: for example
  13. 9:15 PM - saveme: try not to spam 3 rockets in a row through a choke without reloading
  14. 9:15 PM - saveme: cuz as a scout when a soldier does that I +forward him and get a free kill
  15. 9:15 PM - saveme: if you're really smart
  16. 9:15 PM - saveme: you can know your enemy
  17. 9:15 PM - saveme: some scouts like to go on 2 rockets
  18. 9:15 PM - saveme: so you can bait them into you while you're ready
  19. 9:15 PM - saveme: by firing,reload,firing really fast
  20. 9:16 PM - saveme: free picks for you
  21. 9:16 PM - saveme: but that's like metagame
  22. 9:16 PM - saveme: it helps if you understand it and can play with it and tbh you need to if we're serious about making lan
  23. 9:16 PM - saveme: but it's not
  24. 9:16 PM - saveme: essential
  25. 9:16 PM - saveme: /fundamental
  26. 9:17 PM - a little girl: i'll keep it in to have 3 rockets ready until I'm like bombing something / committing
  27. 9:17 PM - a little girl: thx
  28. 9:17 PM - a little girl: oh
  29. 9:20 PM - a little girl: 11:17 PM - a little girl: anyway i can help you & jav more?
  30. 9:20 PM - saveme: depends on the situation really
  31. 9:20 PM - saveme: you can help everyone more if you get more healthpacks
  32. 9:20 PM - saveme: that's how blaze is always everywhere at all times
  33. 9:20 PM - saveme: when you have the health for it you can commit to any fight
  34. 9:21 PM - saveme: and when you commit to a fight your teammate can fall back and you can get the pick and leave
  35. 9:21 PM - saveme: for example
  36. 9:21 PM - saveme: like one scrim
  37. 9:21 PM - saveme: you were clearing house
  38. 9:21 PM - saveme: while we pushed from second to mid on badlands
  39. 9:21 PM - saveme: you found a soldier there
  40. 9:21 PM - saveme: and called him
  41. 9:21 PM - saveme: i +forward to house as fast as i could and literally the exact second i got there you died and the enemy soldier fired his last rocket at you and made his way toward the pacc
  42. 9:21 PM - saveme: if i was 3 seconds late
  43. 9:22 PM - saveme: he would have gotten the chance to reload + the pack
  44. 9:22 PM - saveme: instead i was able to turn that pick into a trade (which is what it should be) and I prevented him from becoming a distraction/nuisance later
  45. 9:22 PM - saveme: that's what YOU should be trying to do, not just to your flank but to your combo too
  46. 9:22 PM - saveme: to the point where if you arrived a second too late whoever they were fighting is gone/has replenished their ammo
  47. 9:23 PM - saveme: that's why getting to fights early is so important
  48. 9:23 PM - saveme: you can't give your enemy a chance to reload
  49. 9:23 PM - saveme: another example
  50. 9:23 PM - saveme: i +forwarded mid and got behind to their yard
  51. 9:23 PM - saveme: while our team was fighting our garage/our yard
  52. 9:23 PM - saveme: i took a 1v1 with blaze and won but i used all my ammo and had 3hp
  53. 9:24 PM - saveme: justin found me 4 seconds later but i had reloaded all 6 scatters
  54. 9:24 PM - saveme: so i was able to take a 1v1 in an advantageous position
  55. 9:24 PM - saveme: and won
  56. 9:24 PM - saveme: despite having 3 health
  57. 9:24 PM - saveme: = 2 picks
  58. 9:24 PM - saveme: if justin had gotten there earlier he would have gotten the crossmap 3dmg shot
  59. 9:24 PM - saveme: and it would have been a trade
  60. 9:24 PM - saveme: he was too slow
  61. 9:24 PM - saveme: the biggest lesson you learn playing this game or ANY competitive FPS is that the key to winning
  62. 9:24 PM - saveme: is just one word
  63. 9:25 PM - saveme: Timing.
  64. 9:25 PM - saveme: it's 100% timing. All the time
  65. 9:25 PM - saveme: dummy calls it "perfection"
  66. 9:25 PM - saveme: which he uses to refer to perfect timing + synchronization from a team combined with hitting all the necessary shots to make it (note not hitting EVERYTHING but only the necessary shots)
  67. 9:25 PM - saveme: i just call it "timing" because it's easier to understand
  68. 9:26 PM - saveme: but that's basically this entire game in a nutshell
  69. 9:26 PM - saveme: being too slow as a team is actually a problem that a lot of teams encounter
  70. 9:26 PM - saveme: that's why HRG play so slowly, thye like to control all the variables and synchronize their pushes when they know that everyone on the team is 100% ready
  71. 9:26 PM - saveme: then the call becomes "go NOW"
  72. 9:26 PM - saveme: easy lan win
  73. 9:27 PM - a little girl: hmmm i'll again try and improve my mobility, i've been keeping that in mind, trying to react to your calls as fast as possible, just need to start pogoing everyway consistently
  74. 9:27 PM - a little girl: everywhere*
  75. 9:27 PM - saveme: pogoing is fun + effective
  76. 9:27 PM - saveme: if you can maneuvre your way around healthpacks you can do it all the time
  77. 9:28 PM - saveme: just remember, esp on roamer
  78. 9:28 PM - saveme: it's all about timing
  79. 9:28 PM - saveme: combo classes will never understand this
  80. 9:28 PM - saveme: because imo and i'm biased combo players think they know what they're doing but actually don't
  81. 9:28 PM - saveme: like
  82. 9:28 PM - saveme: SS doesn't care if getting Sparrow to climb spire wastes time
  83. 9:28 PM - saveme: he doesn't care if we do the exact same push into last every. single. time.
  84. 9:29 PM - saveme: he thinks that if he somehow hits the relevant shots, we will win the fight
  85. 9:29 PM - saveme: which is the dumbest period thing period ever period
  86. 9:29 PM - a little girl: well it seems like you guys think like completely different
  87. 9:29 PM - a little girl: i just hope we can work as a team
  88. 9:29 PM - saveme: me too
  89. 9:30 PM - saveme: saying "I'm smart and right; you're stupid and wrong" won't get us anywhere
  90. 9:30 PM - saveme: even if it's true
  91. 9:30 PM - saveme: there's a degree of compromise and give/take that needs to happen
  92. 9:30 PM - saveme: before anyone can see results
  93. 9:31 PM - a little girl: ya
  94. 9:31 PM - a little girl: well i'll try hard to use health packs
  95. 9:31 PM - a little girl: unfortunately i can't equalize away anymore
  96. 9:31 PM - a little girl: in like clear sight
  97. 9:31 PM - saveme: it's okay, you don't need it
  98. 9:31 PM - saveme: like
  99. 9:31 PM - saveme: do you know when blaze uses the equalizer
  100. 9:31 PM - saveme: ?
  101. 9:31 PM - saveme: this is actually important
  102. 9:31 PM - saveme: or escape plan or w/e u wanna call it
  103. 9:32 PM - saveme: he doesn't use it to get out, he uses it to buy time for his team
  104. 9:32 PM - saveme: im not sure if yo uremember that one mid
  105. 9:32 PM - saveme: on blands
  106. 9:32 PM - saveme: jav was shooting at him for 5 seconds
  107. 9:32 PM - saveme: while he had 1 hp
  108. 9:32 PM - saveme: because he was doing gay ass strafes with the equalizer out, which actually makes you harder to hit
  109. 9:32 PM - saveme: well riddle me this
  110. 9:32 PM - saveme: he was dead anyway
  111. 9:32 PM - saveme: why bother doing all that?
  112. 9:32 PM - a little girl: well ya
  113. 9:32 PM - a little girl: to waste time
  114. 9:32 PM - saveme: exactly
  115. 9:33 PM - saveme: now it didn't matter for that mid specifically because we lost it anyway
  116. 9:33 PM - saveme: BUT
  117. 9:33 PM - saveme: if it was a closer mid
  118. 9:33 PM - saveme: those 5 seconds would have meant absolutely fucking everything
  119. 9:33 PM - saveme: they would have saved the entire mid
  120. 9:33 PM - saveme: because they would have given his scout time to grab a pack and reload while jav has 0 scatters loaded
  121. 9:33 PM - saveme: and is on the ground
  122. 9:33 PM - saveme: in a bad position
  123. 9:33 PM - saveme: instead of say
  124. 9:33 PM - a little girl: 11:22 PM - Phrakture:
  125. 11:22 PM - Phrakture:
  126. 9:33 PM - saveme: what 90% of roamers do
  127. 9:33 PM - saveme: which is
  128. 9:33 PM - saveme: when they know theyr'e gonnad ie
  129. 9:34 PM - saveme: they just fire off the rest of their rockets and keep waddling and reloading hoping something connects and they get a free pick
  130. 9:34 PM - saveme: that's how you know someone's playing for a team
  131. 9:34 PM - saveme: and not just for themselves
  132. 9:34 PM - saveme: when they're prepared to go "I don't care if i can get this clutch frag on jav by reloading my shots"
  133. 9:34 PM - saveme: "i'm gonna buy clockwork some time"
  134. 9:34 PM - saveme: and knowing blaze he could have probably gotten the kill
  135. 9:34 PM - saveme: but he's not practicing getting clutch frags
  136. 9:35 PM - saveme: he's pracitcing making good decisions
  137. 9:35 PM - a little girl: ah.... alright, i'll keep that in mind
  138. 9:36 PM - a little girl: i do try my best to play for the team but, i guess theres always more I could be doing
  139. 9:35 PM - saveme: thanks for stv
  140. 9:36 PM - a little girl: ya np
  141. 9:36 PM - saveme: you're a good roamer
  142. 9:36 PM - saveme: like you can be top tier
  143. 9:36 PM - saveme: i can't say the same about SS's pocket
  144. 9:36 PM - saveme: while he has the dm for it
  145. 9:36 PM - saveme: he doesn't think the way we do
  146. 9:36 PM - saveme: i don't know much about sparrow
  147. 9:36 PM - saveme: phrakture does though to a certain extent
  148. 9:36 PM - saveme: you can tell becuse he's prepared to make the right adjustments if it means playing more cohesively as a tema
  149. 9:37 PM - a little girl: yeah
  150. 9:37 PM - saveme: the nuts and bolts aspect of it comes up when you talk about how to spread the heals around and that stuff is actually really really complex and difficult to talk about because there's a number of ways you can approach it and it's more relevant in the context of the playstyle your team's doing
  151. 9:37 PM - saveme: that's why i don't want to argue about it just yet
  152. 9:37 PM - saveme: because we won't agree on it
  153. 9:38 PM - saveme: what we all SHOULD be able to agree on is taht all our decisions are to be made in the interest of benefiting the team EXCLUSIVELY
  154. 9:38 PM - saveme: that's why i got so pissed at SS that one scrim where he didnt jump last to block the cap
  155. 9:38 PM - saveme: blaze would have jumped it 100% guarenteed without even THINKING
  156. 9:38 PM - saveme: he wouldn't have even thought twice, he would have done it intuitively at this point because he KNOWS it's the only way to buy his team more time
  157. 9:39 PM - saveme: when i tried aruguing it with SS he got all defensive and started arguing about how he would have died and completley missed my point about buying time, saying that "there's no guarentee he would have gotten the blcok anyway" which is to say "so why bother?"
  158. 9:39 PM - saveme: which pisses me off to no end mind you
  159. 9:40 PM - a little girl: which is why i don't think we could discuss things like reasonably
  160. 9:40 PM - saveme: that's his problem though
  161. 9:40 PM - saveme: if he can't admit when he's dead wrong, either because he's lying and he knows that he is or he's oblivious and doesn't
  162. 9:40 PM - saveme: then he deosn't have the mentality to play at this level
  163. 9:40 PM - saveme: he's basically playing a single player game
  164. 9:40 PM - saveme: where in his mind he already lost because he can't win that fight against the scout
  165. 9:41 PM - a little girl: i think he knew you were right
  166. 9:41 PM - saveme: i think so too
  167. 9:41 PM - saveme: and i really hope he did
  168. 9:41 PM - saveme: because if he didn't then he's an idiot and i don't wanna play with him
  169. 9:41 PM - saveme: so i think he did
  170. 9:42 PM - a little girl: ya just, theres not a lot of "ya you're right" going around
  171. 9:42 PM - saveme: i don't care if he doesn't admit it as long as he makes the right play come matchtime
  172. 9:42 PM - saveme: i think i give a lot of "I agree with yous" tbh
  173. 9:42 PM - saveme: even though im argumentative and opinionated
  174. 9:42 PM - saveme: i'm open-minded too
  175. 9:42 PM - a little girl: ya but i mean collectively
  176. 9:42 PM - saveme: well
  177. 9:42 PM - saveme: i think phrakture does too
  178. 9:42 PM - saveme: i think jav is prepared and you certainly seem prepared
  179. 9:43 PM - saveme: that leaves SS who hasn't said a think, and his lovechild Sparrow who'll do whatever SS tells him to
  180. 9:43 PM - saveme: i'm hoping i can get phrakture to agree with me and in fact, whenever we talk about tf2 he tends to
  181. 9:43 PM - saveme: which is all we need for a 60-40 when (if) the time for refining our playstyle comes around
  182. 9:44 PM - saveme: and yes, i've already thought about this. reason being cuz i'm a gigantic tryhard
  183. 9:44 PM - saveme: but only if you want me to be
  184. 9:44 PM - a little girl: whatever helps us play together more
  185. 9:45 PM - saveme: that too
  186. 9:45 PM - saveme: if everyone doesn't care about making lan i'm prepared to not say another word for the entire rest of the season and just do whatever SS wants
  187. 9:45 PM - saveme: but if everyone is SERIOUS about making lan then all i'm doing is opening the floor up for the arguments that we NEED to have as a team in order to move forward
  188. 9:45 PM - saveme: that's how any team gets good
  189. 9:45 PM - saveme: and how any team makes lan
  190. 9:46 PM - a little girl: yeah... I just hope it ends well...
  191. 9:46 PM - saveme: it will
  192. 9:46 PM - saveme: dont worry
  193. 9:46 PM - saveme: above all things
  194. 9:46 PM - saveme: i'm a diplomat
  195. 9:46 PM - saveme: diplomat first, tryhard second
  196. 9:46 PM - saveme: i think we'll be fine
  197. 9:47 PM - a little girl: lol alright, im just gonna keep working on playing to the best of my ability
  198. 9:47 PM - saveme: you're probably doing the best out of all of us
  199. 9:47 PM - saveme: if you were awful we'd be losing every scrim 5-0 in < 10 minutes
  200. 9:47 PM - saveme: i think you can say the same thing about Sparrow
  201. 9:48 PM - saveme: even though i give him a lot of shit he's waaay better than most medics in invite this season
  202. 9:48 PM - saveme: if he was shit he wouldn't be able to carry SS in and out of every garbage uber he calls
  203. 9:48 PM - saveme: Sparrow's actually really good
  204. 9:48 PM - saveme: he just needs to get out of the habit he inherited from SS, namely healing soldiers
  205. 9:49 PM - saveme: in favor of healing scouts + demo way harder
  206. 9:49 PM - saveme: Phrakture's good but only when the enemy demo is shut down
  207. 9:49 PM - saveme: which this team needs to start prioritizing btw
  208. 9:49 PM - saveme: 19 deaths on Dummy, 9 of them were me
  209. 9:50 PM - saveme: ww deaths on Phrak, 9 of them were clockwork
  210. 9:50 PM - saveme: 22*
  211. 9:50 PM - saveme: he did a lot more dmg
  212. 9:50 PM - saveme: which leads me to believe that given his team can support him, phrakture can match up to most demos
  213. 9:51 PM - a little girl: i could focus the demo more but, if scouts are protecting him, I need to hit them with a rocket so they can leave
  214. 9:51 PM - saveme: and tbh given that a team can support me too, i feel like i can match up to most scouts too
  215. 9:51 PM - saveme: or
  216. 9:51 PM - saveme: another suggestion
  217. 9:51 PM - saveme: you can
  218. 9:51 PM - saveme: wait for them to get distracted
  219. 9:51 PM - saveme: it's a bad call for you to go into more than 1 player expecting to get a frag unless the other player is a med or a roamer/pocket with no ammo
  220. 9:52 PM - saveme: you'd find more success waiting ('baiting' as lowpen players would call it) for the perfect team when the scout isn't there then go in and grab your free pick
  221. 9:52 PM - saveme: time*
  222. 9:52 PM - saveme: you can ask your scout/teammates to create a distraction too if you want that to happen
  223. 9:52 PM - saveme: 90% of the time when ubers are being exchanged
  224. 9:53 PM - saveme: the closest scout to the fight is really, really far away
  225. 9:53 PM - saveme: which means that as teams are expecting us to use, their scouts will fall back while their demo stays to watch his trap
  226. 9:53 PM - saveme: get through that trap and you get a pick
  227. 9:53 PM - saveme: that's why demo counts as 2 picks
  228. 9:53 PM - saveme: because his trap counts as 1
  229. 9:53 PM - saveme: and he counts as 1
  230. 9:54 PM - a little girl: ya i mainly ment on mids cause
  231. 9:54 PM - a little girl: i have to wait out scouts like looking at me
  232. 9:54 PM - a little girl: before I can go
  233. 9:54 PM - saveme: you -need- to bait harder on mids or to start avoiding their scouts
  234. 9:54 PM - saveme: i'm telling you from experience
  235. 9:54 PM - saveme: you're the easiest soldier to kill on mid
  236. 9:54 PM - saveme: i know because i played you all of last season
  237. 9:54 PM - saveme: you do the same thing every mid and you're super easy to 2-shot + you come in really early usually
  238. 9:54 PM - saveme: instead try
  239. 9:55 PM - saveme: waiting for your pocket/demo to +forward then go in while their scouts are busy shooting at other people
  240. 9:55 PM - saveme: that's what mangachu does, everyone says he's baiting but in reality he's doing exactly what he needs to do, namely going in at the perfect time where he can do the most damage
  241. 9:55 PM - a little girl: ya but won't people just say im baiting
  242. 9:55 PM - saveme: that's why scouts struggle against mangachu on mids
  243. 9:56 PM - saveme: it doesnt matter what they say because you know that you're right, you know that your play is benefitting the team, and if the mid works they can't say shit
  244. 9:56 PM - saveme: which most of the time it will
  245. 9:56 PM - saveme: it's just a matter of getting your timing right
  246. 9:56 PM - saveme: what other roamers like tagg and mangachu too will do on mid is distract
  247. 9:56 PM - saveme: i.e they'll get behind (in house if it's badlands, garage if it's granary, sewer if it's process, etc)
  248. 9:57 PM - saveme: and then they re-emerge from taht exact area 3-4 seconds later OR from a different area after the fight (baiting)
  249. 9:57 PM - saveme: the latter is discouraged
  250. 9:57 PM - saveme: except when you're behind and you're coordinating a pinc with your team
  251. 9:57 PM - saveme: ie go in NOW
  252. 9:57 PM - saveme: perfection
  253. 9:57 PM - saveme: get it?
  254. 9:58 PM - a little girl: i mean yeah I thought about this a long time ago its just i felt really pressured to go in early or bait myself since thats what people thought I was supposed to do
  255. 9:58 PM - saveme: don't
  256. 9:58 PM - saveme: unless
  257. 9:58 PM - saveme: the mid we'rep laying is aggressive
  258. 9:58 PM - saveme: in aggressive mids, yes, bait yourself so we can +forward
  259. 9:58 PM - saveme: we basically use you as fodder
  260. 9:58 PM - saveme: but we've never played an aggrressive mid on this team the entirety of the time we started scrimming
  261. 9:58 PM - saveme: not one single aggressive mid
  262. 9:59 PM - saveme: by aggressive i mean soldier double bomb followed by double 185scout +forward with demo medic taking point
  263. 9:59 PM - a little girl: ah thats true
  264. 9:59 PM - saveme: if that specific instance it's a good idea to bait yourself
  265. 9:59 PM - saveme: yes
  266. 9:59 PM - saveme: but if we're playing passive and you bomb in for the sake of bombing in
  267. 9:59 PM - saveme: which you do btw
  268. 9:59 PM - saveme: then it's a very bad idea because you're basically giving them a free pick and no one on your team is in any position to follow up on your damage
  269. 10:00 PM - saveme: 5v6 mids all the way
  270. 10:00 PM - saveme: if you don't see an opportunity to jump. don't jump.
  271. 10:00 PM - saveme: simple as that
  272. 10:00 PM - saveme: stay on the floor, walk underneath, walk across point
  273. 10:00 PM - saveme: jump somewhere behind and distract
  274. 10:00 PM - saveme: get creative
  275. 10:00 PM - a little girl: alright, i'll keep that in mind
  276. 10:00 PM - saveme: but jumping into 2 scouts will get you killed
  277. 10:00 PM - saveme: 100% of the time
  278. 10:01 PM - saveme: with no payoff
  279. 10:01 PM - saveme: anyway i've been rambling long enough
  280. 10:01 PM - saveme: i need to get to work too
  281. 10:01 PM - saveme: we can talk more later
  282. 10:01 PM - a little girl: alright
  283. 10:01 PM - a little girl: thanks again
  284. 10:01 PM - saveme: no worries
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