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a guest
Sep 5th, 2011
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  1. QObject::connect: Cannot queue arguments of type 'QNetworkConfigurationPrivatePointer'
  2. (Make sure 'QNetworkConfigurationPrivatePointer' is registered using qRegisterMetaType().)
  3. file:///opt/usr/share/qmltube/qml/qmltube/SearchDialog.qml:152:40: Unable to assign undefined value
  4. file:///opt/usr/share/qmltube/qml/qmltube/SearchDialog.qml:152:60: Unable to assign undefined value
  5. file:///opt/usr/share/qmltube/qml/qmltube/SearchDialog.qml:152:22: Unable to assign undefined value
  6. file:///opt/usr/share/qmltube/qml/qmltube/SearchDialog.qml:151:12: Unable to assign undefined value
  7. file:///opt/usr/share/qmltube/qml/qmltube/InboxDialog.qml:13:40: Unable to assign undefined value
  8. file:///opt/usr/share/qmltube/qml/qmltube/InboxDialog.qml:13:60: Unable to assign undefined value
  9. file:///opt/usr/share/qmltube/qml/qmltube/InboxDialog.qml:13:22: Unable to assign undefined value
  10. file:///opt/usr/share/qmltube/qml/qmltube/InboxDialog.qml:12:12: Unable to assign undefined value
  11. file:///opt/usr/share/qmltube/qml/qmltube/scripts/youtube.js:70: TypeError: Result of expression '$$description' [undefined] is not an object.
  12. file:///opt/usr/share/qmltube/qml/qmltube/scripts/youtube.js:70: TypeError: Result of expression '$$description' [undefined] is not an object.
  13. X Error: BadValue (integer parameter out of range for operation) 2
  14. Extension: 130 (Uknown extension)
  15. Minor opcode: 13 (Unknown request)
  16. Resource id: 0x1
  17. Failed to render video frame: 2
  18. Failed to render video frame: 2
  19. Failed to render video frame: 2
  20. X Error: BadValue (integer parameter out of range for operation) 2
  21. Extension: 130 (Uknown extension)
  22. Minor opcode: 13 (Unknown request)
  23. Resource id: 0x1
  24. Failed to render video frame: 2
  25. file:///opt/usr/share/qmltube/qml/qmltube/ConfirmDeleteDialog.qml:11:40: Unable to assign undefined value
  26. file:///opt/usr/share/qmltube/qml/qmltube/ConfirmDeleteDialog.qml:11:60: Unable to assign undefined value
  27. file:///opt/usr/share/qmltube/qml/qmltube/ConfirmDeleteDialog.qml:11:22: Unable to assign undefined value
  28. file:///opt/usr/share/qmltube/qml/qmltube/ConfirmDeleteDialog.qml:10:12: Unable to assign undefined value
  29. file:///opt/usr/share/qmltube/qml/qmltube/SettingsDialog.qml:280:40: Unable to assign undefined value
  30. file:///opt/usr/share/qmltube/qml/qmltube/SettingsDialog.qml:280:60: Unable to assign undefined value
  31. file:///opt/usr/share/qmltube/qml/qmltube/SettingsDialog.qml:280:22: Unable to assign undefined value
  32. file:///opt/usr/share/qmltube/qml/qmltube/SettingsDialog.qml:279:12: Unable to assign undefined value
  33. file:///opt/usr/share/qmltube/qml/qmltube/UploadDialog.qml:107:40: Unable to assign undefined value
  34. file:///opt/usr/share/qmltube/qml/qmltube/UploadDialog.qml:107:60: Unable to assign undefined value
  35. file:///opt/usr/share/qmltube/qml/qmltube/UploadDialog.qml:107:22: Unable to assign undefined value
  36. file:///opt/usr/share/qmltube/qml/qmltube/UploadDialog.qml:106:12: Unable to assign undefined value
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