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Gate thread 1 users

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Feb 19th, 2016
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  1. GATE Attendee Profiles, thread 1
  2. 176851: First to bring up GATE in thread #1. Mentioned being part of a group of 42 people. Had a near death experience (drowning) at a young age. Claims to have an active third eye and precognition.
  3. "I swear to you guys this. I honestly completely blacked out one night and got involved in a shooting. It was like I was watching the whole event on television. Like I was watching it from the corner of the rooms of the house I was in, watching myself. And I knew what was going to happen but I couldn't control it. I came to luckily before anyone got killed somehow and when I snapped to I didn't even know where I was at for a second. It was fucking nuts. I ended up in prison over it and everything. I don't remember a single thing leading up to that event that night. I sat down at my computer, and I have no idea what happened next."
  5. "I have events like being observed by large, metallic, blinking, floating orbs, that then somehow went behind a cloud and seemed to change into a airplane, then disappear only for that event to be immediately followed by a state police plane flying directly over the house at tree top level, my step father was there for that, so there's a witness for that event."
  7. "I've always had this intense sensation right between my eyes and up a little bit. I started experimenting with it and I can now instantly relive headaches and certain pains from my body by visualizing the pain exiting through that spot in my forehead.(I know this all sounds insane)"
  9. "I swear to god I've had events in dreams that turned out to be real."
  11. "My entire life I've noticed that when I think about things they happen. I seem to know exactly what to do when something bad happens, there's no hesitation, I just react. I sometimes know exactly what's going to happen. Exactly what song is about to start playing on the radio, exactly what is about to be said in movie I have never seen before.
  13. "I remember in school one time guessing the answers to these trivia cards they were giving us, I wouldn't think about the answer, I would just visualize the answer and say out loud the immediate first answer that came to mind, and I'd keep getting them right. I'll get lottery tickets and I know that I cannot lose, and I will win 10 random ones in a row, and I am absolutely certain that I will not lose on a single one of them, and I don't .I just do. I use to even start signing the exact same song at the exact same verse at the exact same instant as my old best friend. We would just break out in a completely random song, at a completely random moment, and we would be 100% in sync. It was insane."
  15. 859c09, 111535: Believes in meme magic. Believes he is an archangel. Has had odd and possibly supernatural experiences. Clearly wants to believe in them. Underwent psychiatric tests before entering school. Remembers little of GATE save for specific moments. Lived in close proximity to an Air Force base and a Boeing facility.
  17. "I remember that I almost got kidnapped while playing outside on my 8th birthday, but my parents swore up and down that I was crazy when I tried to bring the memory up later."
  19. "I honestly remember hardly anything they taught us in those classes outside of getting to watch a few breddy cool science documentaries in between lessons.
  21. "There's a lot of shit I could comment on but I just have to get off my chest that my greatest love was a ginger girl. I don't doubt for a second that she was fae royalty. She took a part of me I'm not sure I'll ever get back."
  23. "My town was a barren shithole near an air force base and a Boeing (still named Rockwell back then)"
  25. "I vaguely, VAGUELY (Again, I haven't thought about this shit in ages until now) remember we had dissection day for a science lesson, which was pretty special because it was a broke nigger school and the district could barely shell out for recent textbooks or paint on the walls and shit like that, so actual labwork shit was unheard of. So we got to cut open cow eyes and hearts and such. And I shit you not the teacher had a cooked heart, and it was cut up and passed around for us to fucking eat."
  26. "For good or for ill, if you were born in the 80s or 90s, you are part of a transitional generation. And you had best believe that the kikes would have tried to mess with that for their own short sighted advantages."
  30. b9eb29: Psychedelic and entheogen user. Has an interesting experience with GATE students at their school.
  31. "I have a story about GATE too
  32. >have hearing and vocabulary issues when I was wee little tyke
  33. >this led to being malnourished and very sick constantly
  34. >all the way from first to third grade I went to take "vocabulary" lessons
  35. >I think they were legit, I do remember being taught words in an office. Vaguely, but it is there
  36. >they did an IQ test, 138. It was one of the first things they did to make sure I wasnt' retarded
  37. >wasn't accepted into GATE
  38. >lol wut
  39. >one of my friends was
  40. >he'd leave and come back saying they did cool things like building rocket ships
  41. >they really weren't doing much, I would still answer shit better than them
  42. >you could never look into the GATE room, the windows were covered up (!)
  43. >remain rather divided from the GATE kids
  44. >this division steams into being outcast from the normal kids
  45. >be around the dredges and white trash, despite being more intelligent than most of them
  46. >around the fifth grade, everyone but the dredges were invited to a GATE "party"
  47. >Try to get in
  48. >door was locked
  49. >flip the door off and go off on them for being exclusivist piece of shit losers
  50. >they acted drunk, slightly drunk"
  52. 859c09: Remembers little to nothing of GATE. No other defining characteristics.
  54. e52f83: Claims to have had a 148 IQ in 1st grade. Had a near death experience (strangulation) at a young age.
  55. "Yeah, it was the Gifted and Talented courses I was in.
  56. Fucking hell what is going on.
  57. I remember trying to talk about time collapsing in black holes to the students around me but I got called the freak pretty much.
  58. First grade teacher actually told my mom I was a retard, but I got tested by the school and it floored them.
  59. They didn't believe it, so they had me take the Stanford-Binet test sponsored by MENSA.
  60. I had 148 IQ in 1st grade, I don't really mind if some of you don't believe me because I can't provide immediate proof, the papers are with my mother right now.
  61. So, I got placed in a Gifted and Talented Education program, and apparently there was something special about me where I got to stay in the class for significantly longer than the other kids in there, where while they had to go back to class I spent the whole day there. Something about me synergizing with language and mathematics at the same time that made me unique. I messed around with robotics and speculative shit there, too. I thought it was fun, but now that I think about it I was being closely monitored the whole time.
  62. Not just that, I was promptly accepted into the Johns Hopkins GTY program for Mathematics, and I was the only student in that section to pass without failure.
  63. It's only now that I'm noticing that the mathematics I learned in that class had more to do with Calculus, the trivium (Logic, Rhetoric, Grammar, which naturally corresponds to modern Linguistic theory), and computer programming. Hell, there were things that my IB Calculus teacher in HS didn't know that were practically second nature to me.
  64. Also, had a NDE when I was seven. Strangled by a downie in the bathroom until I blacked out. Suddenly I was fine and he was strangling the kid in the stall next to mine. I'm pretty sure he would have died had I not intervened. I was near-catatonic for a year after that, and finally broke down about dealing with the concept of death.
  65. I still had the bruises though. Not sure how that works."
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