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  2. Session Start: Fri Jul 24 12:01:29 2015
  3. Session Ident: #fsf
  4. 03[12:01] * Now talking in #fsf
  5. 03[12:01] * Topic is 'Free Software Foundation | Member forum: | FSF member? #fsf-members | Ops: johnsu01 (FSF staff), mattl | Join: |'
  6. 03[12:01] * Set by mattl!sid14229@gnu/mattl on Thu Mar 05 09:00:51 2015
  7. [12:01] #fsf url is
  8. [12:01] <endomorphosis>
  9. [12:01] <endomorphosis> sorry i got sidetracked
  10. [12:02] <endomorphosis> I really wasn't expecting the MIT discussion
  11. 01[12:02] <s4t>
  12. 01[12:02] <s4t>
  13. [12:02] <+jgay> endomorphosis, somethign is broken with the page. It isn't editing with the form
  14. [12:02] <+jgay> endomorphosis, did you edit source?
  15. 03[12:03] * vitimiti (~vitimiti@unaffiliated/vitimiti) has left #fsf ("Meows out")
  16. [12:03] <endomorphosis> yes, is that incorrect?
  17. [12:03] <+jgay> I so, that is a bad idea, because then it becomes incompatible with the rest of the wiki which is using semantic mediawiki to markup things in ways that allow our resources to be stored in structured data as well as wiki pages
  18. [12:03] <endomorphosis> oh, okay.
  19. [12:04] <+jgay> endomorphosis, could you spend a fw minutes to convert it over to using the form right now so I can include a link to it in my blog post?
  20. 01[12:04] <s4t> ^^^The Berkman Internet Society link above shows MS and Berkman are trying to set up a 'world internet govt' that shares censorship laws to make it easier on multinational corps
  21. 03[12:05] * wolftune ( has joined #fsf
  22. [12:05] <+jgay> s4t, I met Brad Smith a while back. He is a good guy. We actually discussed some possible collaborations
  23. [12:05] <+jgay> based on his work at Microsoft
  24. 03[12:05] * rubdos ( has joined #fsf
  25. 03[12:05] * Haaninjo (~anders@fsf/member/Haaninjo) has joined #fsf
  26. 01[12:05] <s4t> If he is a good guy then why did her get busted pushing a false H1-B crisis with Brookings?
  27. [12:05] <+jgay> I've been meaning to follow-up. Thanks for the reminder
  28. [12:05] <endomorphosis> keep it on the topic of software freedom
  29. 01[12:06] <s4t> jgay -
  30. 01[12:06] <s4t>
  31. [12:06] <+jgay> s4t, don't know anything about that. Just sharing my impressions from hanging out with him for a while. Not an indepth analysis of his character and person, just an impression
  32. 01[12:06] <s4t> thanks jgay
  33. [12:06] <endomorphosis> so, do I create a page for each project, then link it correct?
  34. [12:07] <+jgay> endomorphosis, you don't have to create a page for each project if there aren't already pages
  35. [12:07] <+jgay> endomorphosis, we can assume that ones with redlinks need to be added and reviewed
  36. 02[12:08] * Judge_Dredd ( Quit (Remote host closed the connection)
  37. 02[12:09] * GILFHound69 (~happybox@unaffiliated/gilfhound69) Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
  38. [12:09] <RoundDuckMan> jgay: So is Xorg free software, even though it's under MIT license? Sorry that I'm bringing up the MIT thing again but I'm a bit worried. :/
  39. [12:09] <+jgay> endomorphosis, youll notice you can make page sections using the form, too
  40. [12:10] <+jgay> RoundDuckMan, don't be worried, the MIT discussion from earlier was unrelated to the license you are referring to
  41. [12:10] <+jgay> RoundDuckMan, there are no concerns
  42. 03[12:10] * TheBaconFromHell (68c89a23@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #fsf
  43. [12:11] <RoundDuckMan> jgay: What does it relate to then?
  44. 03[12:11] * ghostal (quassel@2600:3c00::f03c:91ff:fe56:2477) has joined #fsf
  45. [12:11] <+jgay> RoundDuckMan, and since 1983, the GNU project has been promoting the use of the X window system as free software
  46. [12:11] <+jgay> RoundDuckMan, no idea, but not the Expat license (which is commonly called the MIT license)
  47. [12:11] <+jgay> and not to Xorg rlated stuff
  48. [12:11] <+jgay> RoundDuckMan, it was some internal trademark policy stuff of MIT unrelated to the use of the licenses we are discussing
  49. [12:11] <RoundDuckMan> jgay: Ok. Sorry about that.
  50. [12:12] <+jgay> RoundDuckMan, no worries. Not your fault. The conversation was confusing and misleading.
  51. 02[12:12] * pizzaiolo (~nicolas@unaffiliated/pizzaiolo) Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
  52. [12:12] <RoundDuckMan> jgay: One more question, I wonder what the FSF's office looks like. :P
  53. [12:14] <yrk> RoundDuckMan: it's nice
  54. [12:14] <+jgay> RoundDuckMan, there are lots of pictures online. Here are some old ones I found someone posted:
  55. [12:14] <yrk> RoundDuckMan: worth a visit
  56. [12:15] <+jgay> the backroom no longer has cubicles and i tis a lot cleaner
  57. [12:15] <TheBaconFromHell> hi
  58. [12:15] <+jgay> So pictures 0 -- 6 are mostly accurate
  59. [12:15] <endomorphosis> Open floor plan?
  60. [12:15] <catpants> is that a painting of RMS as Mona Lisa?
  61. [12:16] <RoundDuckMan> jgay: looks nice.
  62. [12:16] <RoundDuckMan> jgay: so 0-6 are accurate?
  63. [12:17] <endomorphosis>
  64. [12:17] <+jgay> we also added plants
  65. [12:17] <RoundDuckMan> jgay: Yeah gotta need the greens, gnus love those. : P
  66. [12:17] <+jgay> RoundDuckMan, it looks more or less like this now:
  67. [12:17] <+jgay> yrk, agree?
  68. [12:18] <endomorphosis> Global Voices' work has been supported by the MacArthur Foundation, Ford Foundation, Knight Foundation, Hivos, Open Society Institute as well as Google, Reuters and private donors. Ethan chairs Global Voices' global board of directors.
  69. [12:18] <RoundDuckMan> jgay: lol.
  70. [12:18] <yrk> jgay: too bad you can't see the diamond fountain
  71. [12:18] <TheBaconFromHell> what?
  72. [12:18] <+jgay> hehe
  73. [12:18] <endomorphosis> So on the face of it it seems like he is on the up and up, but again when you have financial conflicts of interest, its hard to resist orders from up top.
  74. [12:19] <+jgay> endomorphosis, where is the conflict of intrest?
  75. [12:19] <endomorphosis> In this case the MacArthur foundation and Ford foundation, are the ones who are adovcating creating internet "safe spaces". Whereby even groups like TOR and EFF are relenting on free speech principals
  76. [12:19] <TheBaconFromHell> whats the macarthur foundation?
  77. [12:20] <endomorphosis> They are funding alot of this social unrest, because they're implementing TTP / TPIP
  78. [12:20] <TheBaconFromHell> interesting
  79. [12:20] <+jgay> endomorphosis, you are saying MacArthur is ssupporting TTP/TPIP? Do you have a link to confirm that?
  80. [12:20] <Q_Continuum> endomorphosis: You need to write this up as a cohesive post. You keep going on about free speech and CoC and stuff but its all disjointed and difficult to follow
  81. [12:21] <endomorphosis> I found it in leaked emails to govenor kitzhaber in regards to "federalism 2.0"
  82. [12:21] <TheBaconFromHell> source?
  83. [12:21] <+jgay> Q_Continuum, yes that was my recommendation as well. I gave a nice outline even and a place to put it :-)
  84. 03[12:21] * mempko ( has joined #fsf
  85. [12:22] <TheBaconFromHell> I want to know whats going on right now, though... I dont want to wait for a post.
  86. [12:22] <Q_Continuum> and your claims should include links explaining the importance and showing proof of the claims.
  87. 02[12:22] * RoundDuckMan ( Quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
  88. 01[12:22] <s4t> MacArthur foundation was also backing an initiative with disgraced senator Leland Yee and Common Sense Media co-founder Steyer to ban violent video games, even though their top researcher proved the rhetoric of the research wrong. They are a censorious foundation at heart whenever it advances their political agendas even when they know they are backing a lie.
  89. 01[12:22] <s4t>
  90. [12:22] <TheBaconFromHell> what do you mean federalism 2.0
  91. [12:22] <endomorphosis> I understand, there is alot of content for everyone to go through.
  92. [12:23] <Q_Continuum> I'm working so I can't read all the random links he keeps posting looking for meaning :-D
  93. [12:23] <+jgay> s4t, funding a separate organization is different then directly influencing trade agreements
  94. [12:24] <+jgay> s4t, and we can link to WIkimedia Foundation for more money than that
  95. 01[12:24] <s4t> what do you mean j?
  96. [12:25] <+jgay> o wait maybe macarthur didn't give money to wikimedia foundation
  97. 03[12:26] * victorhck (~victorhck@opensuse/member/victorhck) has joined #fsf
  98. [12:26] <+jgay> endomorphosis, it's not that htere is a lot of material. It is that you make unsubstantiated claims that read like you are simply trying to create fear, uncertainty, and doubt.
  99. [12:26] <endomorphosis>
  100. [12:26] <endomorphosis> one of many emails
  101. 01[12:27] <s4t> jgay - Did the Berkman Internet society video not reveal they were trying to lock down the internet?
  102. 01[12:27] <s4t> And the head of MIT media is in Berkman Society
  103. [12:27] <endomorphosis> this is coming from the current fbi investigation into pulic corruption in our state.
  104. 03[12:28] * dimkr ( has joined #fsf
  105. 02[12:28] * Belenos ( Quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)
  106. [12:28] <+jgay> endomorphosis, you are not providing any actual information
  107. [12:29] <+jgay> it is just mentions of macarthur from people how have dozens if not hundreds of different competing agendas tey are working on
  108. [12:30] <+jgay> endomorphosis, you have not elevated it past FUD, which means ou have not yet crsossed the line from bad and ireresponsible to good and responsible reporting
  109. [12:31] <calher> -- What does the red thing say?
  110. [12:31] <+jgay> please be responsible when making general claims about organizations many of us in this channel may work with.
  111. [12:32] <endomorphosis>
  112. 02[12:32] * TheBaconFromHell (68c89a23@gateway/web/freenode/ip. Quit (Quit: Page closed)
  113. [12:32] <endomorphosis> I would like to get your opinion on this
  114. [12:33] <+jgay> endomorphosis, about nate or spcific things he has published?
  115. 02[12:34] * dynosaur (~rfarrand@ Quit (Quit: Computer has gone to sleep.)
  116. 02[12:34] * Cail (~Cail@2601:805:c102:1a00:2439:fd94:bf19:fc19) Quit (Quit: Leaving)
  117. 02[12:34] * oheim ( Quit (Quit: oheim)
  118. [12:34] <endomorphosis> what you think the post implies
  119. 03[12:35] * RoundDuckMan ( has joined #fsf
  120. [12:35] <+jgay> endomorphosis, you are linking to a page that references several different things he has written recently
  121. 01[12:35] <s4t> Speaking of Nathan Matias
  122. [12:36] <+jgay> look if wea re going to start casually talking about people in our community I ask upfront that you be very respectful in how you approach this
  123. [12:36] <endomorphosis> Im talking about the ideas, not the people
  124. [12:37] <RoundDuckMan> jgay: I'm back, stupid phone and Crapcast internet, lol.
  125. [12:37] <endomorphosis> Do you believe the internet is a safe space, and do you believe in collective punishment
  126. [12:37] <Q_Continuum> RoundDuckMan: Comcast is great when it works...pray you never need support :-D
  127. [12:37] <endomorphosis> (in the internet as a safe space)
  128. 06[12:37] * Q_Continuum has it at home as well
  129. [12:37] <+jgay> endomorphosis, I see you are referring to one of hte articles mentioned on that page you linked to
  130. [12:38] <RoundDuckMan> Q_Continuum: What would happen if the FSF was an ISP? :P
  131. [12:38] <Q_Continuum> endomorphosis: You need to put this all into a cohesive document, this "thoughts on $LINK_TO_BIG_PAGE" is confusing
  132. 03[12:38] * pizzaiolo (~nicolas@unaffiliated/pizzaiolo) has joined #fsf
  133. [12:38] <endomorphosis> (am i dead), (is this heaven)
  134. [12:39] <Q_Continuum> RoundDuckMan: Unlikely, the FSF is more of a policy org
  135. 03[12:39] * dynosaur (~rfarrand@ has joined #fsf
  136. [12:39] <Q_Continuum> Xmission here in Utah is about the closest I could see being FSF-friendly
  137. 02[12:39] * Calinou (~Calinou@unaffiliated/calinou) Quit (Quit: Calinou)
  138. [12:39] <Q_Continuum> They host a bunch of repos and are local and do a ton of support
  139. [12:40] <+jgay> it needn't be cohesive. But if you are going to do half thoughts at least link to something with something closer to fully formed so we don't ahve to do guesswork
  140. [12:40] <Q_Continuum> I've been been trolled by the owner on reddit when talking about them to someone else...and they have IRC where I've gotten personal support
  141. [12:40] <Q_Continuum> semi-cohesive
  142. 01[12:40] <s4t> Will the FSF foundation stand up against the multi-national corps as they try to institute world-internet censorship laws, as was talked about by Brad Smith at Berkman?
  143. [12:40] <RoundDuckMan> Q_Continuum: Nah, I'm just saying 'what if'.
  144. [12:40] <+jgay> We aren' the Free Speculation Foundation after all
  145. 03[12:41] * poi1 (~pogiako12@ has joined #fsf
  146. 03[12:42] * klez (~klez@ has joined #fsf
  147. [12:42] <[TheFlash]> endomorphosis: what, exactly, is wrong with that code of conduct? (i realize you were talking about it more than a few hours ago, but i didn't want to interrupt the Directory meeting)
  148. 01[12:43] <s4t> Brookings' biggest backer is Gates, and they are pushing for a global internet government as well.
  149. [12:43] <Q_Continuum> RoundDuckMan: I don't even know. THat's a whole different thought that I haven't persued because its unlikely and not worth the brain power
  150. [12:43] <endomorphosis> In the Task Force report, Learner at the Center of a Networked World, also made public on Thursday, Honorary Co-Chairs Jeb Bush and Rosario Dawson argue a trusted online environment is necessary for effective learning. “Technology should revolve around the learner, not the other way around,” they wrote. “And the learner should possess the digital a
  151. [12:43] <endomorphosis> ge literacy tools to use and understand the media in both the virtual and physical worlds.”
  152. [12:43] <endomorphosis> The Aspen Institute report envisions a future of openness and innovation in education if America can shift away from a fear-based approach to using the Internet that unwittingly blocks access to valuable learning resources.
  153. [12:43] <endomorphosis> “Just as the digital revolution changed many industries, its promise is now being realized in learning environments inside and outside schools,” said Connie Yowell, MacArthur’s Director of Education and a leading proponent of Connected Learning. “The Internet is a vital link, and innovative educators are helping learners create unique and personali
  154. [12:43] <endomorphosis> zed learning pathways as they follow their interests online, connect to supportive peers and mentors, and become the creative makers and producers today’s economy rewards.
  155. [12:44] <RoundDuckMan> jgay: Actually, why can't there be like multiple divisions of the FSF in the US, like FSF Midwest or FSF South or FSF west? :P
  156. [12:44] <endomorphosis> (jus tthink of the children)
  157. [12:44] <endomorphosis> (just think of the children)
  158. [12:44] <Q_Continuum> RoundDuckMan: What would be the point? Plus now you need to quadruple the funding too
  159. 02[12:44] * hybrid ( Quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)
  160. [12:45] <calher> None of this will work well. Schools are designed like prisons. Free thought and discovery are not encouraged.
  161. [12:45] <endomorphosis>
  162. [12:45] <endomorphosis> "safe, and open" these are contradictions in terms
  163. [12:46] <RoundDuckMan> Q_Continuum: True. Plus I was kinda partially being funny. Especially about the "FSF internet" joke. :P
  164. [12:46] <+jgay> endomorphosis, I think Nate is doing good research in general. I have not read all of the atlantic article that shows a part of that research, but, I assume it is along the lines of much of his other work, which I think provides valuable academic perspective.
  165. [12:46] <[TheFlash]> endomorphosis: (i'm referring to the code of coduct template you were talking about several hours ago)
  166. [12:46] <[TheFlash]> *conduct
  167. [12:47] <[TheFlash]> i don't see anything wrong with it, it's pretty much the same thing most free software projects already have
  168. [12:47] <Q_Continuum> [TheFlash]: What endomorphosis thinks is wrong with that is what jgay and I were both asking for a semi-cohesive post somewhere on as its come in disjointed statements that have been difficult to follow
  169. [12:47] <endomorphosis> Its often not the rules, but how they're applied.
  170. 03[12:47] * fxa90i_ (~fxa90id@2001:41d0:2:34db::) has joined #fsf
  171. [12:48] <Q_Continuum> And rules are misapplied everywhere; what makes a code of conduct worse than any other rules?
  172. [12:48] <endomorphosis> because people are specifically using the code of coduct only against those they disagree with on ideological lines.
  173. [12:48] <[TheFlash]> endomorphosis: well i don't think you can solve that problem... for example, on most IRC channels on freenode, insults are only a bannable offense if the insulted person is an operator
  174. [12:48] <Q_Continuum> Then they should be called out for their hypocracy.
  175. [12:49] <Q_Continuum> Simple.
  176. [12:49] <[TheFlash]> endomorphosis: (this channel and #gnu are exceptions though)
  177. [12:49] <endomorphosis> and what if calling them out is considered harassment
  178. [12:49] <+jgay> Wait!? Did someone do something wrong on the Internet?
  179. [12:49] <Q_Continuum> [TheFlash]: Depends on the channel, often.
  180. [12:49] <Q_Continuum> ^
  181. [12:49] <+jgay> Well you have come to the right place. We shall fix it :-P
  182. [12:49] <Q_Continuum> [TheFlash]: Smaller channels quite often have a better handle on it. Larger ones I would agree that applies.
  183. [12:50] <Q_Continuum> endomorphosis: Then call it out as unequal application of rules via the CoC.
  184. [12:50] <endomorphosis> Linux: You don't need Linus Torvalds. Kick him the fuck out.
  185. [12:50] <endomorphosis> When you look at your leader and he's a smug as fuck white dude telling everyone in your project to go get fucked and deal with his abuse
  186. 03[12:50] * _Raiz (~raiz@unaffiliated/raiz/x-5279858) has joined #fsf
  187. [12:51] <Q_Continuum> endomorphosis: And that person is being abusive so we should kick them off the internet too.
  188. [12:51] <endomorphosis> see, and that sort of "abuse" is now covered under the new MIT code of conduct
  189. [12:51] <Q_Continuum> with their language
  190. [12:51] <Q_Continuum> So they should exclude themselves for the same thing they're saying he's guilty of.
  191. [12:51] <Q_Continuum> And just because 1 person claims something doesn't mean the world is ending
  192. [12:51] <endomorphosis> sure, but do you think the rules about "abuse" and "harasssment" are applied equally
  193. [12:52] <Q_Continuum> THere are still Neo-Nazis, does that mean we're all suffering from an attempt to recreate Nazi Germany?
  194. [12:52] <Q_Continuum> They never are.
  195. [12:52] <endomorphosis> I dont want to involve a COI, but I personally reported Randi Harper to OSCON for breaking the law and harassing people
  196. [12:52] <+jgay> Q_Continuum, reign it in
  197. 02[12:52] * fxa90i_ (~fxa90id@2001:41d0:2:34db::) Quit (Quit: ZNC - 1.6.0 -
  198. [12:52] <endomorphosis> specifically trying to shake down OSCON
  199. [12:52] <endomorphosis> who do you think was banned?
  200. 03[12:52] * fxa90i_ (~fxa90id@2001:41d0:2:34db::) has joined #fsf
  201. [12:52] <Q_Continuum> jgay: I was giving a very extreme example of individuals making extreme claims
  202. 03[12:52] * naraG (~nara___g@ has joined #fsf
  203. [12:52] <Q_Continuum> Sorry, should've used something a little more tame
  204. [12:53] <endomorphosis> and now that same reasoning, is being put into trademark rules, which apply to software licenses
  205. [12:53] <+jgay> endomorphosis, I am not sure what you are sayig. Are you saying Shanley's post is a good thing and Linus should be booted. Or are you trying to emphasize what Shanley is doing as being bad?
  206. [12:54] <endomorphosis> So now if I have code with an MIT license, she can claim that my reports of legal impropriety with extorting OSCON are "abuse" and "harassment"
  207. [12:54] <_Raiz> Can non-free printer drivers contain malicious features?
  208. [12:54] <endomorphosis> WOW
  209. [12:54] <pizzaiolo> _Raiz:
  210. [12:54] <+jgay> endomorphosis, I asked you before to stop making misleading remarks.
  211. [12:54] <_Raiz> pizzaiolo, Thanks!
  212. [12:54] <Q_Continuum> endomorphosis: This is why you need to write this up in a single document (somewhere) so its easier to follow and understand
  213. [12:54] <[TheFlash]> endomorphosis: Linus is arrogant, and that has both good and bad consequences for linux
  214. [12:54] <endomorphosis> okay, would you like citations then?
  215. [12:55] <yrk> _Raiz: yes, because non-free software of any kind can contain harmful code
  216. [12:55] <Q_Continuum> You link to something then make a disjointed statement
  217. 03[12:55] * api984_1 ( has joined #fsf
  218. [12:55] <Q_Continuum> endomorphosis: IRC isn't the best way to write a treatise
  219. [12:55] <_Raiz> yrk, It will communicate with the printer not my machine...
  220. [12:55] <calher> _Raiz: All printers contain malicious features, free or not:
  221. [12:55] <Tuplanolla> I can't follow your train of through either, endomorphosis. Please write a coherent article that covers all of it.
  222. [12:55] <+jgay> If osmeone has an Expat/MIT licnsed programs they distribute -- like the FSF! and GNU-- then , nothing you are saying applies.
  223. [12:55] <yrk> _Raiz: how do you know?
  224. [12:55] <endomorphosis> However I was kicked out of oscon regarding this.
  225. [12:55] <endomorphosis> because she personally threatened me with assault, after she tried to shake down OSCON for those diversity dollars, I wonder if the code of conduct should include breaking the law.
  226. [12:55] <endomorphosis>
  227. [12:55] <endomorphosis>
  228. [12:55] <endomorphosis>
  229. [12:55] <endomorphosis>
  230. [12:55] <endomorphosis>
  231. [12:55] <endomorphosis>
  232. [12:55] <_Raiz> I'm talking about that PPD files
  233. [12:56] <_Raiz> How far can they take permissions?
  234. [12:56] <calher> endomorphosis: Use a paste service, please.
  235. [12:56] <endomorphosis> So now, if randi goes and reports me to the MIT trademark people, what happens to my projects
  236. [12:56] <|amethyst> Is she your employee?
  237. [12:56] <|amethyst> Harassment or Abuse: Every employee shall be treated with dignity and respect. No employee shall be
  238. [12:56] <|amethyst> subject to any physical or sexual harassment or abuse. Licensees will not use or tolerate any form of corporal
  239. [12:56] <yrk> _Raiz: that depends, on some systems ppd files are convered to a binary file
  240. [12:56] <|amethyst> punishment.
  241. [12:56] <[TheFlash]> endomorphosis: one of the good consequences i've noticed is that he keeps nonsense like kdbus out of the kernel
  242. [12:56] <|amethyst> Sorry for the line breaks
  243. [12:57] <[TheFlash]> endomorphosis: also he insists on everything being optional, including module loading, which is really helpful and respects the user's wishes more
  244. 02[12:58] * endomorphosis (47edc3c7@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ Quit (Quit: - A hand crafted IRC client)
  245. 03[12:58] * endomorphosis (47edc3c7@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ has joined #fsf
  246. 02[12:59] * tytel ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
  247. 03[13:00] * tytel ( has joined #fsf
  248. [13:01] <endomorphosis> Great example, Lets use Oculus Rift
  249. [13:02] <endomorphosis> They likely need to use Xorg, and have also been accused of misogyny
  250. [13:02] <_Raiz> yrk, What about the printers that presented in H-node?
  251. 02[13:03] * pizzaiolo (~nicolas@unaffiliated/pizzaiolo) Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
  252. [13:03] <endomorphosis>
  253. [13:03] <endomorphosis> Written by Dana Boyd of.... MIT
  254. [13:03] <yrk> _Raiz: I certainly hope not. if you discover or suspect misfeatures in any of them we should deal with it ASAP
  255. [13:04] <+jgay> endomorphosis, that dana boyd (she prefers lowercase) is actually really good. I read that
  256. [13:04] <yrk> _Raiz: I'm no expert on printers. it is just that your original question "can non-free printer drivers contain malicious features" was easy to answer in general
  257. 02[13:04] * klez (~klez@ Quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
  258. [13:04] <_Raiz> You don't use printers ._.?
  259. [13:05] <+jgay> the key part of it is "What I found was startling (pdf). Although there was variability across the board, biological men were significantly more likely to prioritize motion parallax. Biological women relied more heavily on shape-from-shading. In other words, men are more likely to use the cues that 3D virtual reality systems relied on."
  260. [13:05] <yrk> _Raiz: of course I do; but that doesn't make me an expert
  261. [13:05] <endomorphosis> Thats because men have a larger central intraparietal sulcus due to evolution
  262. [13:05] <endomorphosis> and shape from shading is present in 2D
  263. [13:06] <yrk> _Raiz: I keep an old laserjet printer in the house for printing forms, but it stays disconnected until I need it
  264. 02[13:06] * davexunit (~user@fsf/emeritus/davexunit) Quit (Quit: Later)
  265. 02[13:06] * John86 ( Quit (Quit: Leaving)
  266. [13:06] <endomorphosis> The point remains whether or not if she complains about it being sexist, whether or not it could impact their use of the Xorg MIT license
  267. 02[13:07] * tytel ( Quit (Remote host closed the connection)
  268. [13:07] <+jgay> endomorphosis, I'm going to ban you soon
  269. 01[13:08] <s4t> top kek
  270. 01[13:08] <s4t> #triggered
  271. [13:08] <+jgay> endomorphosis, please stop raisin gthis point abou tthe MIT license. It is wrong.
  272. [13:08] <_Raiz> What's wrong with MIT?
  273. [13:08] <+jgay> _Raiz, that is an unrelated discussion.
  274. [13:08] <endomorphosis> You have yet to demonstrate its wrong
  275. [13:09] <endomorphosis> shall I use formal logic proof to satisfy the objectivity
  276. [13:09] <Tuplanolla> I have to repeat this since apparently it went unnoticed: I can't follow your train of through either, endomorphosis. Please write a coherent article that covers all of it.
  277. [13:09] <yrk> endomorphosis: ... or just try to use some empathy instead. read the room, so to speak
  278. [13:10] <[TheFlash]> endomorphosis: that's an interesting article
  279. [13:10] <+jgay> endomorphosis, the license is a general template. Using some general smple permissive template license, whteher you call it MIT or Expat or whatever doesn't matter. It doesn't suddenly create a binding agreement between you and MIT on unrealted rights not covered by the license.
  280. [13:10] <Tuplanolla> Also please use Coq if you decide to use formal logic, endomorphosis. I'd be delighted to check it.
  281. [13:11] <+jgay> *unrelated
  282. [13:11] <endomorphosis> It has nothing to do with an agreement between MIT on the copyright grounds, the MIT license is a viral license which requires the use of its trademark
  283. [13:11] <[TheFlash]> endomorphosis: but the CAVE is/was definitely not sexist... never attribute to malice that which can be adequately attributed to stupidity :)
  284. 03[13:11] * NotimPortant (32fc80dd@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #fsf
  285. [13:11] <endomorphosis> theflash agreed
  286. [13:12] <endomorphosis> I refer to a sort of pathological altruism
  287. [13:12] <+jgay> endomorphosis, you are talking about Xorg right?
  288. [13:12] <endomorphosis> however, this has not been the first time Oculus has been accused of sexism
  289. [13:13] <endomorphosis> for the sake of hypothesis, yes
  290. [13:13] <JCtheDenthog> I say contact whatever org made the license to find out if the CoC is binding
  291. [13:13] <+jgay> endomorphosis, if your aim is to just push some anti-feminist agenda, then please stop. We don't need trolling on this topic here as I stated earlier.
  292. [13:13] <JCtheDenthog> That's not what trolling is jgay
  293. [13:13] <+jgay> endomorphosis, if you want to sersiously discuss concerns over some MIT tardemark policy and Xorgs licenses, then we can do that quickly and easily
  294. 01[13:13] <s4t> Egalitarian is not anti-feminist is it?
  295. [13:14] <+jgay> s4t, whatever you want ot call it, you know what I'm talking about, so everyone just drop the topic
  296. 01[13:14] <s4t> wait so egalitarian is bad now? equal rights is bad to the FSF?
  297. 03[13:14] * klez (~klez@ has joined #fsf
  298. 01[13:14] <s4t> is this real life?
  299. [13:14] <endomorphosis> lets just stick to the points
  300. [13:15] <+jgay> yes. let's discuss Xorg
  301. [13:15] <Karlton> or is it just fantasy?
  302. [13:15] <endomorphosis> is there a problem with trademark enforcement and a viral license
  303. [13:15] <+jgay> that is your concern, right?
  304. [13:15] <+jgay> which is also at the heart of the GNU systm and so a concern of the FSF
  305. [13:15] <+jgay> probaby more so than you personally, sice we are a much bigger target so to speak
  306. [13:15] <+jgay> So here is X11's licenses:
  307. [13:15] <+jgay> are those the licenses of the licensed work in question?
  308. 03[13:15] * sebboh (~hobbes@fsf/member/Sebboh) has joined #fsf
  309. [13:15] <JCtheDenthog> In any case I think contacting the organizations that control the licenses is the best way to get a certain answer
  310. [13:16] <sebboh> Happy Friday, all.
  311. 02[13:16] * qqe (~qqe@ Quit (Quit: WeeChat 1.2)
  312. [13:16] <JCtheDenthog> Happy Pioneer Day, a state holiday my company doesn't give me off :(
  313. [13:16] <endomorphosis> yes, and whether or not "code of conduct" policies can infringe on the rights of free software
  314. [13:17] <endomorphosis> not even the users themselves, but of the software itself, as an agnostic thing
  315. [13:17] <+jgay> endomorphosis, no, a separte code of conduct policy does not cover the works Iinked to.
  316. [13:17] <+jgay> So are we done with that?
  317. [13:18] <+jgay> have we cleared up any doubts or concerns you have around X?
  318. [13:18] <endomorphosis> lets forget about the specifics, since you don't want to target people.
  319. [13:18] <JCtheDenthog> I think what endomophosis is getting at is that if someone were to make a CoC directly or indirectly a part of a software project and or license then that would no longer be free software?
  320. [13:18] <endomorphosis> or projects
  321. [13:18] <+jgay> endomorphosis, no, if there are concerns, then lets be specific about teh software work we are concerned with
  322. [13:18] <+jgay> not the people. just teh specific works in question
  323. [13:19] <JCtheDenthog> As in, behavioral requirements and political litmus tests to be able to use and modify softwate would make ut notfree
  324. [13:19] <endomorphosis> well, I dont want to be percieved as anti-feminist
  325. [13:19] <+jgay> JCtheDenthog, endomorphosis, you are talking about soething like a contributors policy?
  326. [13:19] <endomorphosis> just as you said
  327. [13:19] <Karlton> wouldn't it be the same as an eula?
  328. [13:19] <JCtheDenthog> That's part of it yes, jgay
  329. [13:19] <JCtheDenthog> For me at least
  330. [13:20] <endomorphosis> so in a philsophical sense, does having a trademark that requires a code of conduct, which is part of a viral license, make the software less free.
  331. [13:20] <JCtheDenthog> Not sure if endo is on the same issue entirely
  332. [13:20] <Q_Continuum> JCtheDenthog: Same here, I will be enjoying Pie&Beer day though
  333. [13:20] <+jgay> JCtheDenthog, endomorphosis, then it might limit what you can do for submitting patches. If someone is running a particular repository and they have policies, then tey can decide whose works can be included however they wish in that repository they host.
  334. [13:20] <+jgay> that is a general issue that is unrelated to CoC
  335. [13:21] <+jgay> those are sometimes a reason to fork a project ... if the contributory agreements seem unfair or ask you to give up your rights upon your contributions in ways you find unfair
  336. 03[13:21] * qqe (~qqe@ has joined #fsf
  337. [13:21] <endomorphosis> but if you want to fork the project, wouldn't you have to include the same license and same trademark?
  338. [13:21] <|amethyst> what trademark?
  339. [13:21] <endomorphosis> MIT
  340. [13:21] <JCtheDenthog> But if the trademark itself requires adherence to a CoC, and the trademark is required by the license, that goes beyond a mere repo
  341. [13:21] <|amethyst> Which license are we talking about?
  342. [13:21] <RoundDuckMan> jgay: I thought this talk about MIT was solved. :/
  343. [13:22] <|amethyst> I don't see anything about a trademark in the xorg or the expat license
  344. [13:22] <|amethyst> I'm surprised you're complaining about the MIT trademark licensee code of conduct and not the requirement of 'Payment of a non-refundable $100 License Application Fee, payable to "Massachusetts Institute of Technology"', and a 7.5% royalty rate on net sales
  345. 01[13:22] <s4t> MIT itself it trademarked
  346. [13:22] <+jgay> endomorphosis, if the MIT logo and MIT as a trademark are used in a way which infringes upon MIT's tardemarks then you would need to look to the tardemark agreements for that.
  347. [13:22] <|amethyst> s4t: And appears nowhere in the license
  348. [13:23] <|amethyst> other than the copyright statement, which does not require a trademark license to reproduce
  349. [13:23] <+jgay> endomorphosis, with the added caveat that simply using a trademark term does not mean you are infringing trademark or need permission in all cases
  350. 01[13:23] <s4t> But they could go after you legally if they wanted?
  351. 01[13:23] <s4t> and you would have to defend yourself in court?
  352. 02[13:23] * mempko ( Quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds)
  353. [13:24] <JCtheDenthog> Depends on how you use the trademarked phrase
  354. [13:24] <+jgay> for example, one instance where MIT can not claim trademark infringement is if a license is simply called the MIT license. Tha towuld not be an infringement of the MIT license. For example, JQuery is not infringing on MIT's trademark on this page:
  355. [13:24] <JCtheDenthog> Or image, or whateve4
  356. [13:25] <+jgay> endomorphosis, does that clarify your questions and concerns around things called the "MIT license". Any terms and conditions on the use of MIT's tardemarks are not going to govern uses of the term "MIT license" such as how it is used here:
  357. 02[13:25] * quux (~quux@unaffiliated/quux) Quit (Quit: Leaving)
  358. 01[13:25] <s4t> It seems so ambiguous that you are setting up projects who wish to maintain freedom by forking to be in a legal grey area
  359. [13:25] <+jgay> We do however encourage people to call it the Expat license to avoid ambiguities created by MIT having other kinds of licenses
  360. [13:26] <RoundDuckMan> jgay: It's also called Expat?
  361. [13:26] <+jgay> s4t, endomorphosis, JCtheDenthog, please keep in mind that not even a hypothetical scenario has been presented where there is concern. There isn't even a hypothetical software project and software license in this discussion for which the concerns raised by endomorphosis apply
  362. 02[13:27] * fxa90i_ (~fxa90id@2001:41d0:2:34db::) Quit (Quit: ZNC -
  363. [13:27] <+jgay> RoundDuckMan, <>
  364. [13:27] <endomorphosis> It hasn't applied, because the code of conduct requirement seems to be new
  365. 03[13:27] * fxa90id ( has joined #fsf
  366. [13:27] <|amethyst> endomorphosis: the requirement to pay a $100 application fee and pay 7.5% royalties is not new
  367. 03[13:27] * fxa90id is now known as Guest12622
  368. [13:28] <endomorphosis> that i agree with, but the code of conduct is new
  369. [13:28] <+jgay> endomorphosis, it is unrelated
  370. 03[13:28] * tytel ( has joined #fsf
  371. [13:28] <endomorphosis> and it seems to follow a long line of thought policing
  372. [13:28] <+jgay> endomorphosis, you aren't saying if you work with MIT. You are saying if project has a copy of this license:
  373. [13:28] <Karlton> where is code of conduct in a license?
  374. [13:28] <RoundDuckMan> jgay: I wonder where the Expat name from.
  375. [13:28] <|amethyst> And nothing in the MIT license requires you to call it the MIT license anyway
  376. [13:29] <RoundDuckMan> *they got
  377. [13:29] <endomorphosis> including insinuations by jgay that linus be kicked out linux (foundation)
  378. [13:29] <+jgay> endomorphosis, what???
  379. [13:29] <+jgay> I asked you a question
  380. [13:29] <JCtheDenthog> Let me pose a hypothetical then: new viral license is created that is fully GPL compatible with the exception that it also requires all people using the license to adhere to a CoC regarding harrassment and racial discrimination. Is such a license GPL compliant, and/or does it meet the 4 freedoms?
  381. [13:29] <endomorphosis> "The MIT License is a free software license originating at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).[1] It is a permissive free software license, meaning that it permits reuse within proprietary software provided all copies of the licensed software include a copy of the MIT License terms and the copyright notice."
  382. [13:29] <+jgay> endomorphosis, I simply asked you "<jgay> endomorphosis, I am not sure what you are sayig. Are you saying Shanley's post is a good thing and Linus should be booted. Or are you trying to emphasize what Shanley is doing as being bad?"
  383. 02[13:30] * qqe (~qqe@ Quit (Quit: WeeChat 1.2)
  384. [13:30] <|amethyst> endomorphosis: the license terms do not contain the text "MIT"
  385. [13:30] <+jgay> JCtheDenthog, that would not be a fre software license
  386. [13:30] <[TheFlash]> JCtheDenthog: it probably isn't (IANAL, TINLA)
  387. [13:30] <+jgay> endomorphosis, use of the MIT license and calling it th MIT licnse does not suddenly mean you are infringing upon MIT's trademark
  388. 01[13:30] <s4t> But they could sue and let the courts decide?
  389. [13:31] <+jgay> endomorphosis, do you think every thime someone mentions something MIT made or produced or that came out of MIT that it enacts Layman act in the US?
  390. [13:31] <JCtheDenthog> Ok good, that was my main question/concern in this. Though I also hope the FSF will avoid adopting any sort of CoC like that themselves ever
  391. [13:31] <+jgay> It DOESN"T so get off of it. If you want a legal opinion in detail that applies to your specific and actual circumstances then you need a lawyer anyhow. But your hypotheticals are completely bogus.
  392. [13:31] <[TheFlash]> endomorphosis: the license itself says "these terms"
  393. [13:31] <[TheFlash]> endomorphosis: if i remember correctly
  394. [13:31] <endomorphosis> "The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software" (this) seems to be recursive
  395. [13:32] <DrPete> such a license (requiring CoC compliance) wouldn't be entirely a new concept. consider for example on the JSON license: "This license uses the Expat license as a base, but adds a clause mandating: “The Software shall be used for Good, not Evil.” This is a restriction on usage and thus conflicts with freedom 0. The restriction might be unenforcible, but we
  396. [13:32] <DrPete> cannot presume that. Thus, the license is nonfree."
  397. [13:32] <[TheFlash]> endomorphosis: what about the disclaimer?
  398. [13:32] <+jgay> endomorphosis, dude, if you don't want teh opinion of the FSF's licensing & compliance manager directly on this matter, then you shouldn't be discussing it in this channel
  399. 03[13:32] * qqe (~qqe@ has joined #fsf
  400. [13:33] <JCtheDenthog> Thanks DrPete
  401. [13:33] <endomorphosis> While that may be true, I dont think its enforceable from a trademark perspective
  402. [13:33] <+jgay> This is my job. I have a great team of people and the help of some o fthe best lawyers in the world to help us understand these issues. So when you dismiss my opinion on this matter, you are dismissing our opinion.
  403. [13:34] <[TheFlash]> endomorphosis: the MIT license itself doesn't call specifically itself "the MIT license", it seems that OSI added that line
  404. [13:34] <endomorphosis> so your opinion represents the opinion of the FSF?
  405. [13:34] <[TheFlash]> *without the second "itself"
  406. [13:34] <[TheFlash]> err...
  407. [13:35] <[TheFlash]> **correction: swap "specifically" and "call"
  408. [13:35] <+jgay> endomorphosis, on th matter of the question of whether use of the licensed referred to as the "MIT License" and references to that license by that name
  409. 02[13:35] * tytel ( Quit (Remote host closed the connection)
  410. [13:35] <Karlton> okay so this is all hypothetical, nobody is actually calling CoC in a license as free
  411. [13:35] <+jgay> and whther or not that infringes upon MIT's trademark of the ame MIT.
  412. [13:36] <+jgay> The answer is no, that does not infringe upon the MIT trademark and you do not need to follwo any trademark license from MIT to make use of the license commonly referred to as the MIT LIcense for which the FSF calls teh Expat license (including the lsight variations). So long as specific trademark terms are not claimed by the company MIT or someone sublicnsed and permitted to enforce those terms, then you ahve nothing to worry about
  413. [13:37] <+jgay> For tha tlast sentence, I mean, if the given instance of an Expat/MIT license actually has terms from MIT relating to tardemark, then those terms would apply to the work, so long as MIT can legally make those claims.
  414. [13:38] <[TheFlash]> endomorphosis: in fact i've never seen any license list, other than OSI's, contain "The MIT license"
  415. [13:38] <[TheFlash]> endomorphosis: it's either the X11 license or the Expat license
  416. [13:38] <+jgay> It's a license template really. You take it an dmodify it with your own name and project name
  417. [13:38] <endomorphosis> can the FSF request a commitment from MIT on these terms
  418. 02[13:38] * panaggio ( Quit (Quit: WeeChat 1.0.1)
  419. [13:38] <+jgay> sometimes people leave the term MIT in there. IT's OK
  420. [13:38] <+jgay> endomorphosis, absolutely not
  421. [13:39] <RoundDuckMan> jgay: So the MIT/X11/Expat license is not subject to any CoC from MIT?
  422. [13:39] <yrk> RoundDuckMan: read the backlog
  423. [13:39] <endomorphosis> why not?
  424. [13:39] <[TheFlash]> RoundDuckMan: of course not, how could it be?
  425. [13:39] <+jgay> endomorphosis, there is no merit to your concerns. I refuse to do anything that would imply we think your concernss have any merit or basis to be concerned.
  426. [13:39] <endomorphosis> if you're asserting this indemnity, could the FSF request that indemnity from MIT
  427. [13:40] <+jgay> Basically just becuas you don't understand somethign endomorphosis, doesn't mean the FSF should suddenly be concerned by your misunderstandings
  428. [13:40] <RoundDuckMan> yrk: I did, just a bit OCD and wanting some extra confirmation. :P
  429. [13:40] <endomorphosis> I don't think its a misunderstanding, I think its a change of policy, and a lot of assumptions
  430. [13:40] <[TheFlash]> RoundDuckMan: nothing in the license says you have to respect any CoC from MIT
  431. [13:41] <yrk> RoundDuckMan: basically, the entire thing is a weird fixation of endomorphosis, who _loves_ to type in irc
  432. [13:41] <endomorphosis> but the MIT trademark says you have to
  433. [13:41] <+jgay> endomorphosis, right, you have some personal confusion about how tardemark works and you want the FSF to put time into the matter?
  434. [13:41] <+jgay> absolutely not
  435. [13:41] <|amethyst> it is a change of policy to their trademark license. Unless you are a trademark licensee there is no effect on you
  436. [13:41] <[TheFlash]> RoundDuckMan: and i checked it again, just to be sure :P
  437. [13:41] <+jgay> endomorphosis, start with what trademark law requires and then look to what teh trademark terms are. Don't start hte other way around!
  438. [13:41] <RoundDuckMan> [TheFlash]: Ok. Just a bit OCD. :P
  439. [13:41] <endomorphosis> how much are your billable hours, shall I make a donation to offset the expense?
  440. [13:42] <+jgay> endomorphosis, we can provide you personally with information at a rate of $300/hr, that is our normal licensing ocnsulting fee.
  441. [13:42] <endomorphosis> I think alot of this is based on assumptions, that have been largely speculative on your part, so I would like clarification
  442. [13:42] <+jgay> for me and for donald. Other idividuals have different rates.
  443. [13:42] <[TheFlash]> jgay: starting the other way around is sadly how corporations want users to look at EULAs :/
  444. [13:42] <RoundDuckMan> jgay: lol
  445. [13:42] <endomorphosis> I meant to say, for the FSF itself.
  446. [13:43] <+jgay> endomorphosis, there is no speculation. I am working from anything resembling a factula statement or even hypothetical statement you have presented to me. I fyou have other questions you can email gratis.
  447. [13:43] <endomorphosis> not you as a private individual jgay
  448. [13:43] <+jgay> endomorphosis, I am speaking on behalf of the FSF
  449. [13:43] <+jgay> on this matter
  450. [13:43] <+jgay> it is a narrow licensing matter and I can do that
  451. [13:44] <endomorphosis> on the authority of legal counsel?
  452. [13:44] <+jgay> endomorphosis, legal counsel can't grant authority.
  453. [13:44] <[TheFlash]> endomorphosis: jgay is the Licensing and Compliance Manager @ FSF
  454. [13:44] <endomorphosis> well, i know there is no such thing as "free lunch"
  455. [13:44] <+jgay> endomorphosis, we have lawyers, thy work for us, not the other way around.
  456. [13:44] <endomorphosis> okay, I didn't match his pseudonyms
  457. [13:45] <+jgay> and we are not a law firm and I am not a lawyer, and even if I was, I am not giving you legal advice. I am sharing with you general legal information about trademark law and licensing that is well established and based on information from our legal counsel.
  458. [13:45] <endomorphosis> okay, I understand. So who do I contact or pay to have the request for clairification sent to MIT
  459. [13:46] <[TheFlash]> endomorphosis: you could try asking MIT yourself, i'm sure they'll find the time to explain to you that there are no hidden terms in the "MIT" (actually X11 or expat) license
  460. [13:46] <+jgay> endomorphosis, what you have asked is thus. There is a license comonly referreed to as the MIT LIcense. The same license th FSF refers to as teh Expat license. You have asked if use of software that is under that license (in part or in whole) somehow means that the work has infringed upon MIT's trademarks.
  461. [13:47] <+jgay> The answer is no. Use of a license named MIT License, even if that is what is written on the license itself, does not in itself infringe upon MIT's trademark or service mark claims to the term MIT.
  462. [13:48] <[TheFlash]> endomorphosis: read this:
  463. [13:48] <endomorphosis> I understand, I would feel better if there was a request for clarification from MIT.
  464. [13:48] <NotimPortant> endomorphosis: you could make that request yourself
  465. [13:49] <RoundDuckMan> endomorphosis: Ask them, they're probably going to say what jgay said.
  466. [13:49] <NotimPortant> and given that jgay and others don't seem to be interested in making such a req themselves that's probably your best option
  467. [13:49] <+jgay> endomorphosis, yes, or you could seek the help of qualified legal counsel for your specific circumstance. Such as the Software Freedom Law Center
  468. [13:49] <endomorphosis> Again, I'm a nobody. But I have enough interest in this to pay for the labor involved.
  469. [13:49] <NotimPortant> endomorphosis: even if you're a nobody MIT's trademark dept will likely still give a response
  470. [13:50] <endomorphosis> and it would be nice to have it from the horses mouth as they say
  471. [13:50] <+jgay> The FSF absolutely should not make this sort of request. It would be asinine for us to do. NObody elses time should be wasted on this strange misunderstanding.
  472. [13:50] <NotimPortant> it'll take you 10 minutes and potentially save you $300
  473. [13:50] <+jgay> He can send us $300 and I will reply with what I wrote above
  474. [13:50] <+jgay> or he can save $300 and just read what I have already typed above
  475. [13:50] <NotimPortant> and then if they give an answer that differes from what jgay said you can hire someone else
  476. [13:51] <NotimPortant> and if they give an answer that matches what jgay said then it's not a concern
  477. [13:51] <RoundDuckMan> endomorphosis: They'll listen to you, even if you're nobody. Heck you're talking to jgay, which is of the FSF. If you can talk to him you can talk to MIT.
  478. [13:51] <+jgay> you don't have to hire SFLC if it is for a free software project
  479. [13:51] <+jgay> they will probably reply to your question gratis and provide legal advice, if you have an actual legal situation
  480. [13:52] <endomorphosis> I suppose I will ask them, but I will consider providing to the FSF, if they indeed care about protecting freedoms enough to make an inquiry on my behalf.
  481. 02[13:52] * RISCi_ATOM (~rcall1@fsf/intern-emeritus/risci-atom) Quit (Quit: leaving)
  482. [13:52] <+jgay> endomorphosis, we will not make an inquiry on your behalf
  483. [13:53] <+jgay> endomorphosis, again, there is no merit to your request. It is based on ignorance. We do not share that ignorance. We are not going to pretend we do simply to ask MIT to clarify something for us for which we already know the answer.
  484. [13:53] <endomorphosis>
  485. [13:54] <yrk> this is all fascinating. it's like watching a concerned citizen try to talk a crazy person down from a tree
  486. [13:54] <NotimPortant> if anyone is running afoul of MIT's trademark stuff it would be OSI, not people using the "MIT" license
  487. [13:55] <+jgay> yrk, a very low branch on a tree
  488. [13:55] <NotimPortant> so it wouldn't apply to or affect people using the MIT license in projects
  489. [13:55] <+jgay> yrk, good analogy!
  490. [13:55] <yrk> jgay: but the crazy person insists that it's 100 feet high... which is the problem
  491. [13:56] <[TheFlash]> endomorphosis: just calling the license "The MIT License" isn't trademark infringement IMO (but again, i'm not a lawyer)
  492. [13:56] <NotimPortant> theflash: and even if it was that would be OSI's problem, not people using the license
  493. [13:56] <[TheFlash]> endomorphosis: you mentioned MIT a bunch of times on this channel, aren't you worried MIT will sue you for it? :P
  494. [13:57] <|amethyst> "MIT trademarks are licensed to others for use in connection with such products as T-shirts and hats; they are not generally licensed for use in connection with MIT intellectual property, software, patents, and copyrightable material."
  495. [13:57] <RoundDuckMan> jgay: Well, as I heard from one guy, never argue with an idiot, or you'll stoop to their level. :P
  496. [13:58] <+jgay> RoundDuckMan, it isn't an argument.
  497. [13:58] <yrk> [TheFlash]: yes, by MIT's crack team of IRC trademark enforcers. they are a grizzled bunch, working 12-hour shifts from a special bunker under the Charles
  498. [13:58] <Q_Continuum> yrk: when in reality the branch is laying on the ground and its simply underfoot.
  499. [13:59] <yrk> Q_Continuum: yes, I may have overstated the case
  500. [13:59] <endomorphosis> I never said that
  501. [13:59] <RoundDuckMan> jgay: oh, yeah. Sorry. :P
  502. [13:59] <+jgay> He posted to reddit for peopel to come to this channel to discuss the matter. It makes sense for me to make very strong statements for all to read to make sure teh FSF position is well understood on this matter and that anyone raising fear, or creating uncertainty and doubt on it should be ignored.
  503. [13:59] <endomorphosis> I just mentioned that MIT has been a bad acor in the past
  504. [13:59] <endomorphosis> (aaron swartz)
  505. [13:59] <+jgay> endomorphosis, I also made strong comments about that
  506. [14:00] <+jgay> and I don't think MIT should be trusted. But this isn't a matter for which we need to worry about trust.
  507. [14:00] <endomorphosis> and they seem intent on the internet being a "safe space"
  508. [14:00] <NotimPortant> jgay: that's what brought me in here, I assumed it was something like what JCtheDenthog was asking about
  509. [14:00] <endomorphosis> and have recently included the "code of conduct" in their trademark policy
  510. [14:00] <yrk> but jgay's patience thus far has been phenomenal; I wouldn't have been able to keep the discourse civil for this long
  511. [14:00] <+jgay> It is a simple matter of how laws work. If I walk across my living room, I can't get charged with jay walking, even if I don't trust the city I live in to enforce its laws correctly
  512. [14:00] <+jgay> It's not a reasonable concern
  513. 02[14:00] * amelia_ (~amelia@unaffiliated/amelia/x-6378434) Quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
  514. [14:00] <endomorphosis> thats hyperbole
  515. [14:01] <|amethyst> err
  516. [14:01] <|amethyst> that code of conduct is not about making the internet a safe space
  517. 01[14:01] <s4t> its about making free software a safe space
  518. [14:01] <NotimPortant> regardless endomorphosis, the only people MIT would even theoretically have grounds to bring a suit against in any of this is OSI
  519. [14:01] <|amethyst> it is about MIT not letting their t-shirts be manufactured in sweatshops
  520. [14:01] <+jgay> Maybe so. Do you know what else woudl be hyperbole? Saying that mere use of an MIT license in a work which is not called "MIT software" would somehow ifnringe upon trademarks of MIT.
  521. [14:02] <NotimPortant> and even then it's very, very unlikely
  522. [14:02] <NotimPortant> nothing for individual users of the "MIT" license to worry about
  523. 02[14:02] * endomorphosis (47edc3c7@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ Quit (Quit: - A hand crafted IRC client)
  524. [14:02] <robmyers> [reads back] jgay's answer is definitive. game over.
  525. [14:03] <JCtheDenthog> I'd like to apologize, I initially understood what this was all about
  526. [14:03] <+jgay> OK. My wife and I have been trying to have an anniversary dinner for ovr a week now so I 'mgoing to wrap-up and go do that :-)
  527. [14:03] <JCtheDenthog> Wanted to wait till he left to say that
  528. [14:03] <JCtheDenthog> Since I seemed to be the only one on his side
  529. [14:03] <Q_Continuum> jgay: Enjoy, and happy anniversary!
  530. [14:04] <+jgay> Thanks all for a lively discussion. I did my best to keep it civil although I think i started to break a bit there at the end. It's been a long week :-)
  531. [14:04] <+jgay> G'night
  532. [14:04] <JCtheDenthog> Was under the impression the MIT license would actually require adherence to a CoC
  533. [14:04] <RoundDuckMan> jgay: night.
  534. [14:04] <JCtheDenthog> Gnight
  535. [14:04] <Q_Continuum> jgay: And as Tuplanolla mentioned...quite a bit more patience than the rest of us would've had
  536. [14:04] <Q_Continuum> Where was it posted on reddit anyhow?
  537. 06[14:05] * Q_Continuum is in here all the time
  538. [14:05] <schumaml> a lot of patience is not necessarily a good thing - quick kickbans may be better for irc channels
  539. [14:05] <RoundDuckMan> jgay: Wait a minute, I thought FSF closes at 6.
  540. [14:05] <Q_Continuum> RoundDuckMan: Just because the office closes at 6PM doesn't mean everyone has to stay til then
  541. [14:05] <|amethyst> Q_Continuum: which was de-listed from /r/programming
  542. [14:06] <+jgay> RoundDuckMan, our hours of operationg are 10am to 4pm, and the range for employees to work (without needing an exception from management) is anytime between 8am to 6pm
  543. [14:06] <RoundDuckMan> oh.
  544. [14:06] <|amethyst> and
  545. [14:06] <Q_Continuum> Not surprised it got downvoted and/or delisted
  546. [14:06] <JCtheDenthog> It was also posted on KotakuInAction
  547. [14:06] <JCtheDenthog> Not sure if it's still up
  548. 02[14:06] * +jgay (~jgay@fsf/staff/jgay) Quit (Quit: Ex-Chat)
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