
FoE PNP G-Platypus Session 6

Feb 27th, 2013
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  1. [18:14] <Mister_Clacky|GM> *****G-Platypus: The City of Broad Withers - Session 6*****
  2. [18:14] <Mister_Clacky|GM> Exile.
  3. [18:14] <Mister_Clacky|GM> Someponies impose it on themselves, others have it imposed upon them.
  4. [18:14] <Mister_Clacky|GM> Regardless of the reasons, each has a similar void inside them where home used to be.
  5. [18:15] <Mister_Clacky|GM> What do you do when you don’t have a place to go home to? Do you fight to reclaim it? Do you make a new home? Or do you crawl away and die, leaving your body on unfamiliar soil.
  6. [18:15] <Mister_Clacky|GM> Where will out wastelander’s corpses fall?
  7. [18:15] <Mister_Clacky|GM> *****Session Start*****
  8. [18:15] <Mister_Clacky|GM> Our wastelanders are deep in the subterranean halls beneath the old arena, and above the hidden Stable P-03. They stand near a now closed door that was the final resting place for more than a dozen ponies when the bombs fell.
  9. [18:16] * Blackberry_Jam repeats, just as unsure of herself as she had been the first time she said it, "So... what happens now?"
  10. [18:17] * Canary pulls up a seat next to the GM and gets out some popcorn to watch the proceedings.
  11. [18:17] * Nyota has just stepped out the door, glancing back at what she thought was a flicker, a ghost of the past seen for only a moment in the corner of her eye. She flicks her tail, looking too the left and right in the corridor. Sighing and muttering something quietly to herself in zebra. Biting her lower lip and scratcing a foreleg she ponders for a moment.
  12. [18:18] * Snack_Cake just... doesn't have an answer for Blackberry_Jam. She thought this would be the end of her journey, and now... She just doesn't know anything anymore.
  13. [18:20] * North_Star (coolsmile@Pony-kqe.li9.74.206.IP) Quit ( Ping timeout: 121 seconds )
  14. [18:21] * Nyota nods firmly to herself, then, turning around to the others. "We should go back to Railyard. This place is only filled with sadness." Her voice trailing off for a moment. "Once we are there. Perhaps you, Blackberry_Jam, can show her the ways of healing." She nods her head towards Snack_Cake as too indicate who 'her' had been.
  15. [18:22] * Blackberry_Jam flicks her ears at something she thought she heard. "Railyard... Yeah. Let's just... let's just get out of here."
  16. [18:23] * North_Star (coolsmile@Pony-kqe.li9.74.206.IP) has joined #fruityrumpusassholefactory
  17. [18:25] * Thunder_Strike "yeah."she says agreeing with Blackberry_Jam,then she Gives Snack_Cake a hug
  18. [18:26] <Mister_Clacky|GM> Blackberry_Jam and Scrap can hear something on the wind, a strange fluke of accoustics in the long, abandoned corridor. It doesn't sound like real words, not that they understand anyway.
  19. [18:27] * Blackberry_Jam flicks her ears again. Okay, it she -did- hear something. It didn't sound like what she thought she heard, though. She listens a little more intently, to try to decipher the words!
  20. [18:28] * Scrap peers around trying to get a better idea of where the sound is coming from.
  21. [18:29] * Nyota flicks her tail again, she turns and heads towards the exit of this place. There was no real need to waste time, still quite a travel back.. Hopefully, they didn have to pay the toll too pass the river again.
  22. [18:30] * Blackberry_Jam follows Scrap and whispers, "You heard that too?"
  23. [18:31] * North_Star (coolsmile@Pony-kqe.li9.74.206.IP) Quit ( Ping timeout: 121 seconds )
  24. [18:31] * Nyota flicks her ears back to listen too the conversation, but keeps leading the group out the building.
  25. [18:31] <Scrap> "Yes, though I don't know what."
  26. [18:31] * Snack_Cake still feels lost. She sort of... just hangs around at the back of the group.
  27. [18:31] * Blackberry_Jam scrunches her face, trotting towards the source of... whatever.
  28. [18:32] * North_Star (coolsmile@Pony-uft.bs8.166.165.IP) has joined #fruityrumpusassholefactory
  29. [18:32] <Mister_Clacky|GM> Blackberry_Jam and Scrap can hear the staccato voice say, "Utulivu wenyewe! Mimi unaweza harufu moja mliolaaniwa!"
  30. [18:32] * Scrap stays next to Blackberry_Jam, unsure if the sound indicates danger.
  31. [18:33] * Blackberry_Jam keeps her face scrunched. "Doesn't sound like Equestrian... Hey!" She calls down the hall, "Is somepony there?"
  32. [18:34] * Nyota turns, looking a back at Blackberry_Jam and the others with a raised eyebrow. Trotting up too them. "What, what are you hearing?"
  33. [18:34] * North_Star perks his attention to Blackberry_Jam. "What're you hollerin' at down there?"
  34. [18:35] * Blackberry_Jam points to where the source of the gibberish is. "Somepony is talking. Sounds kind of frightened. Can't understand it, though."
  35. [18:36] * Thunder_Strike looks at Blackberry_Jam then nyota and her curiousity shows its head again.
  36. [18:36] <Scrap> "Who's cursed?"
  37. [18:36] <Mister_Clacky|GM> Those listening can hear, "Mkajifiche, sisi kusubiri. Sisi kuwasafisha hii stain juu ya heshima ukoo wetu."
  38. [18:37] * Canary ( Quit ( Quit: See you ! )
  39. [18:38] * Blackberry_Jam nudges Scrap. "You understood that?"
  40. [18:39] * Thunder_Strike wasn't really listening. She is just wondering why Blackberry_Jam was yelling.
  41. [18:39] * North_Star looks at said source, trotting over to Blackberry_Jam to listen in.
  42. [18:39] * Nyota 's ears suddenly droop, her face turning into that of fear, she crouches down as from shear instinct and whispers in a husshed tone. "We have too get out of here, now!" Her voice is mearly a whisper, her gaze not leaving the place where Blackerry had pointed at.
  43. [18:39] <Scrap> "Yea, it's talking about cleansing the cursed one from the family. I don't know who or what it means."
  44. [18:40] * Nyota shushes Scrap. "Quiet..."
  45. [18:40] * Blackberry_Jam frowns at Nyota, and then gives Scrap a curious glance. Later. "Ask it if it's hurt..." She calls again, "Hey, are you hurt?"
  46. [18:40] * Snack_Cake frowns. She doesn't understand a word of what that weird language is.
  47. [18:41] <Mister_Clacky|GM> The place Blackberry_Jam was pointing to could very well be where the voices are coming from. But it is hard to tell. The lucky accoustics that brought them the hushed words also makes it hard to pinpoint.
  48. [18:41] * Nyota blinks, she stands up and gives Blackberry_Jam a nudge. Speaking through gritted teeth. "Are you mad.. We have too leave."
  49. [18:43] * Scrap looks at Nyota, understanding. "Ok, let's go."
  50. [18:43] * Thunder_Strike looks at nyota then unlatches her Bowie knife holster but doesn't draw the weapon.
  51. [18:44] <Mister_Clacky|GM> THe group is still by the fallout shelter, there are three ways they could go. Back the way they came toward the office and hidden Stable entrance, The way they came down the other day, or down the unexplored corridore.
  52. [18:44] * Blackberry_Jam shakes her head. "Why's that? What does it even mean by 'cleansing'? And why the hell are you so worried?" She hangs her head and lets out a sigh. "If that... thing is hurt, it's on your concsious."
  53. [18:44] * North_Star shoots Nyota a glance, then back to the voice. "Leaving might be a good idea, Jam." He said, giving a quick look around. "Somethings are left better to lick their wounds."
  54. [18:46] * Snack_Cake 's ears flatten to her head. This is making her very nervous. "What's going on?"
  55. [18:47] * Blackberry_Jam trots in the opposite direction. "And we're walking. Let's go." She turns to Snack_Cake in passing. "Something's got Nyota spooked. We're leaving."
  56. [18:48] * Nyota gives them all a quick glance. "Good, good, let us leave.. " She keeps whispering, her own ears are also flattened as she start to sneak for the exit. "Quiet now ponies.. Utulivu tafadhali.."
  57. [18:50] * North_Star followed close to Nyota, looking over his shoulder. "I suppose there's some sort of explanation for our exit, right?" He asked, slightly dissapointed in the lost oppertunity to scrouge for a new knife.
  58. [18:50] * Thunder_Strike looks at Snack_Cake. Then follows Blackberry_Jam.
  59. [18:52] * Nyota hisses, speaking rapidly as she makes her way for the exit. Glancing all around herself, ears flicking like tiny radardisks on her head. "Because I do not wish too die, pony. Is this good enough reason for you?"
  60. [18:53] <Mister_Clacky|GM> The group travels down the as yet unchecked path. They pass another entrance to the ineffective shelter and after several dozen yards it T's off. The new hall slopes slightly up on the left path and down on the right.
  61. [18:53] * Snack_Cake doesn't need to be told to stay quiet. She's already worried about what /everything/ she encounters outside will do to her.
  62. [18:53] * Scrap makes sure to stay at the rear incase they're being followed.
  63. [18:53] * Blackberry_Jam opts for the path to the right. "Ah..." She says, glancing at Nyota over her shoulder. "So you're the cursed one, eh?"
  64. [18:54] * Nyota flicks her tail giving Blackberry_Jam a glance, saying nothing.
  65. [18:56] * North_Star looks between Nyota and Blackberry_Jam. "We'll talk about it when she's a bit calmer, I've learned that when a Zerba says you're in danger of death, chances are, they're right."
  66. [18:56] * Thunder_Strike pats Snack_Cake on the back with a wing. "I'm right beside you." She smiles.
  67. [18:56] * Blackberry_Jam glowers. "Zebras have been wrong before."
  68. [18:56] <Mister_Clacky|GM> As they travel this corridor, the pass several shut and locked doors. The floor evens out and starts rising. The sporatic lighting leaves them in light occassionally, but mostly in darkness.
  69. [18:57] <Nyota> "Could you ponies make anymore noice!? Shush!" She hisses again.
  70. [18:57] * North_Star kept his eyes ahead, "Famous last words, Jam." he said before being hushed by Nyota.
  71. [18:58] * Blackberry_Jam is shushed. Whoever was mutterng over there already knew that -somepony- was here. She didn't see the point in being discreet about it.
  72. [18:59] * Snack_Cake is still nervous, but thankful for Thunder_Strike's comfort.
  73. [18:59] <Mister_Clacky|GM> After a rather long distance without a working light, the group nears an intersection with a single bulb.
  74. [19:00] * Nyota , still with a face plastered with fear. She whimpers quietly as she sees the single bulb.
  75. [19:01] <Mister_Clacky|GM> Snack_Cake and North_Star's eyes are drawn to a piece of paper taped on the floor in the center of the intersection.
  76. [19:03] * North_Star looks right at the paper, anypony who'd tape paper to the floor would have to do it for good reason... Or be drunk.
  77. [19:03] * Snack_Cake is still too nervous to speak, but gives Thunder_Strike a nudge and points to the paper, with a questioning look.
  78. [19:03] * Blackberry_Jam absentmindedly wiggles her flank.
  79. [19:03] <Mister_Clacky|GM> It's squiggles and nonsense to him.
  80. [19:04] * Scrap stops wondering why the others did.
  81. [19:04] * Nyota has not really stopped, keeps moving forward. She needs to get out of here, out into the open where she could see everything around her. These corridors where a nightmare.
  82. [19:05] * Blackberry_Jam doesn't mind corridors. There's no uncertainty about where the people trying to kill are. She follows Nyota, glossing over the paper in a fit of wiggling.
  83. [19:05] * North_Star scratches his head, trying to make hide and/or hair of said scribbles.
  84. [19:05] * Nyota 's tail bobs up and down as she keeps on sneaking forward.
  85. [19:06] * Thunder_Strike tilts her head then looks in the direction of the paper.
  86. [19:06] * Scrap says to North_Star, "why did we stop?"
  87. [19:09] * Blackberry_Jam didn't stop, and thinks the rest of the part should do the same. She turns and hisses, "Move. Now."
  88. [19:09] * North_Star picks up walking again. "Nothing, nothing." He assured Scrap, taking his place back in the front.
  89. [19:11] <Mister_Clacky|GM> From the darkness to their left comes a soft explitive, and then two bullets striking Nyota.
  90. [19:14] * Nyota only has the time to flick her ear before she is shot. Gasping out in sudden surprise she stumbles too the side, collapsing down onto her knees. "Agh!"
  91. [19:14] * Blackberry_Jam stops dead in her tracks. "Stripes?"
  92. [19:16] * Nyota is bleeding from her torso and foreleg. She blinks, looking down confused at her wounds.
  93. [19:18] <Mister_Clacky|GM> Silence reigns over the scene under the light. Nyota bleeding to the side of the intersection.
  94. [19:18] * Blackberry_Jam blinks, looking confused too. "The hell did this happen?"\
  95. [19:18] * Snack_Cake turns in confusion at Nyota's pained cry, eyes wide as she sees the zebra bleeding, "Oh... Oh Celestia! What happened!?"
  96. [19:19] * Scrap stops once again confused as to why the group has stopped.
  97. [19:19] * Blackberry_Jam moves in closer to Nyota to get a better look at the wounds.
  98. [19:20] * North_Star takes one look at the injured Zebra and draws his shotgun, looking around. "Eyes and ears up. We've got problems."
  99. [19:21] * Nyota groans. "They are invisible, stealth has always been our greatest strenght." She tries to push herself up again.
  100. [19:22] * Blackberry_Jam helps Nyota to her hooves. "Easy, Stripes. Our? There are Zebras around-" The gears click in her head. "Shit... If they're close enough to do this... tell them to stop, or something!"
  101. [19:24] * Scrap walks up towards the front, "why did we stop aga-" He cuts himself short as he smells the familiar scent of blood.
  102. [19:25] * Nyota blinks, nodding slightly, still leaning against Blackberry_Jam, calling out. "Tafadhali napenda tu kwenda! Mimi sikufanya kosa lolote, kamwe kuona mimi tena!"
  103. [19:27] <Mister_Clacky|GM> The corridors are silent. Nopony can pick out the sound of the assailant.
  104. [19:27] * Snack_Cake frowns and fiddles with her PipBuck. If there were hostile zebras around... she'd better turn on her EFS!
  105. [19:28] * Nyota whimpers softly as she puts strain on her foreleg. "We should move.. Ah.. Get out into the open." She says, glancing around herself.
  106. [19:30] <Mister_Clacky|GM> Snack_Cake's fancy, heretical device doesn't detect him either.
  107. [19:30] * Blackberry_Jam nods a little and drapes the injured Zebra over her. "Let's go! Now!"
  108. [19:32] <Mister_Clacky|GM> and by 'him' of course that means 'whatever shot at her."
  109. [19:32] * Scrap rushes up to help Nyota move to speed their escape.
  110. [19:33] * North_Star follows Blackberry_Jam, keeping close to the injured Zebra, and apparent priority target, since the attacker could have easily shot the buck loaded with firearms.
  111. [19:33] * Snack_Cake frowns. She doesn't like this at all! She follows quickly behind as they flee!
  112. [19:34] * Nyota moves forward with the others! No longer any need to keep quiet she just tries to keep presure off her injured leg. "They keep to the shadows, always comming in the night.. Never stopping!" She speaks quickly between heavy breathing.
  113. [19:35] * Thunder_Strike is still curious about that paper. She trots back to it and looks it over a moment. Then picks it up.
  114. [19:36] <Mister_Clacky|GM> She can recognize at a glance before following the others that it is written in Zebra. But she learned to speak the language, there wasn't time or resources to properly learn to write or read it as a slave.
  115. [19:36] * Blackberry_Jam trots as fast as she can while helping Nyota walk. "Featherduster, move your ass!"
  116. [19:37] * Thunder_Strike pouts unable to read it. She turns and trots after them putting the paper away for now. "I'm coming."
  117. [19:38] <Mister_Clacky|GM> A few dozen yards ahead the group can see dim daylight streaming in. A door leans off it's hinges ahead leading outside.
  118. [19:39] * North_Star keeps focused on the shadows, "You think they listened to ya, Nyota?" he asked, unsure.
  119. [19:40] * Nyota shakes her head. "They never have before... Im lucky being able to avoid them for this long!" She notices the door. "There, outside." She nods her head towards it.
  120. [19:45] * Pantzar_ ( has joined #fruityrumpusassholefactory
  121. [19:46] * Blackberry_Jam takes her there quickly.
  122. [19:48] * Nyota ( Quit ( Ping timeout: 121 seconds )
  123. [19:48] * Pantzar_ is now known as Nyota
  124. [19:50] * Snack_Cake sticks right behind them. She's frightened and nervous, but not sure which she fears more: Zebras, or going outside.
  125. [19:51] <Mister_Clacky|GM> The group bursts into the... overcast... safety?... of the wasteland. They emerge from the north entrance to the underground facilities in front of the large, columned building.
  126. [19:53] * Nyota groans. "Somepony keep a eye on this door.."
  127. [19:53] * North_Star (coolsmile@Pony-uft.bs8.166.165.IP) Quit ( Ping timeout: 121 seconds )
  128. [19:54] * Blackberry_Jam lays Nyota down on a soft looking spot of concrete and gets to work. "Okay, no painkillers. This might hurt a little, Stripes. Bite down on something." She says as she attempts to get those bullets out of there.
  129. [19:56] * Scrap is more than happy to look at the dark instead of the bright light.
  130. [19:56] * Snack_Cake doesn't look! She definitely does not want to see Blackberry_Jam work.
  131. [19:58] * North_Star (coolsmile@Pony-kqe.li9.74.206.IP) has joined #fruityrumpusassholefactory
  132. [20:00] <Mister_Clacky|GM> Blackberry_Jam removes the bullets with no further injury, although she probably considers the work on the sloppy side.
  133. [20:03] * Blackberry_Jam tosses the bloody rounds aside and wipes off her forceps. "Okay, that's done."
  134. [20:03] * Thunder_Strike is simply watching everyponys back.
  135. [20:04] * North_Star is keeping watch around, making sure there are no more ambushes.
  136. [20:05] * Blackberry_Jam applies a Make Blackberry Feel Better Bandage to the wound.
  137. [20:05] <Mister_Clacky|GM> Ir is early in the day. There doesn't seem to be any sign of, well, anything around.
  138. [20:06] * Nyota did whimper and bite down on her hoof during the procedure. Once she is all patched up again she looks up and around herself. "Any sign of it..?"
  139. [20:07] * North_Star gives one last look around. "Nopony else around but us chickens." He said, resting his shotgun back into it's sling, trotting over to Nyota.
  140. [20:08] * Blackberry_Jam helps Nyota on to her hooves again and looks her in the eye. "You've got some explaining to do."
  141. [20:09] * Nyota 's ears drops and she sighs, looking down and chewing her lip. "Yeah.. I guess I do." Looking up again at her companions. "What do you wish to know from me?"
  142. [20:10] * Blackberry_Jam gives a smile. "Why you're being chased by invisible zebra hit squads would be a good place to start."
  143. [20:10] * Snack_Cake nervously fiddles with her PipBuck's radio, looking for something that catches her attention. She's trying to avoid thinking about zebras, or surgery, or blood, or being shot. It's not working so well.
  144. [20:11] * North_Star nods in agreement, "Yes. I'd like to know if their any sort of friends, past or otherwise, before I shoot them."
  145. [20:12] <Mister_Clacky|GM> Snack_Cake finds the same pre-war station she landed on before. An instrumental intro has just finished and a gruff stallion begins singing. "The Princesses' 're flying slow, and the flag's been flyin' low. Allota ponies saying that Equestria's fixin' to fall. But speakin' just for me, and some ponies from Whinnisee..."
  146. [20:14] * Nyota 's ears perk up again and she sits down on her haunches. "Ah.. Of course, well, you see I come from the zebra lands. I was born there, just outside what once was the great city of New Roam..." She flicks her tail, rubbing a forehoof against her bandages on her leg.
  147. [20:14] * Blackberry_Jam waves a hoof in the air. "Skip to the part where they want to kill you."
  148. [20:15] * Nyota blinks. "Oh. Of course."
  149. [20:15] * Snack_Cake listens to the song. At least it helps distract her.
  150. [20:15] * North_Star huffs at Blackberry_Jam and her hurrying. Nopony appreciates a good story anymore.
  151. [20:16] * Scrap listens intently still watching the opening.
  152. [20:16] * Blackberry_Jam , if anypony, can appreciate a good story.
  153. [20:16] * Nyota flicks her tail again. "My tribe wants to kill me because I can see the spirits of the past, as it would kill anypony or zebra that can wield magic." She states bluntly.
  154. [20:17] <Mister_Clacky|GM> Thunder_Strike can see cautious movement from inside the darkened corridor.
  155. [20:18] * Blackberry_Jam nods. "Of course they do. That seems like a totally rational explanation."
  156. [20:18] * Nyota pulls down her hood. "It.. Does?" She looks up at Blackberry_Jam, confused.
  157. [20:19] * Blackberry_Jam smiles. "Hell no. But, it -does- mean that we're all in danger being around you. Nothing personal, of course, but I like to distance myself from ponies like you."
  158. [20:22] * Nyota 's ears drop again, and she looks down itno the ground.. "Oh.. Of course, I.. Im sorry for putting you all in danger. Maybe It would be for the best, should just go." She stands up again.
  159. [20:24] * Thunder_Strike spots the movement and growls alittle. "We're not alone."
  160. [20:24] * North_Star shakes his head, "Not at all, Nyota. At least, not in my caravan." he said, looking at Blackberry_Jam.
  161. [20:24] * Blackberry_Jam puts a hoof on Nyota's shoulder. "Hey now. I said ponies -like- you, not -you-. I don't suppose there's anything we could do to put an end to this, is there?"
  162. [20:27] * Nyota nearly tears up at that. Eyes going all watery. "Asante.. Ah, I mean, thank you.." She sniffles, rubbing a hoof across her face. Ears perking up she looks around for any movement. "No.. Well, yes... Maybe."
  163. [20:28] * Blackberry_Jam adds. "Aside from killing them all."
  164. [20:28] * North_Star smirks, "I'm impartial to that plan."
  165. [20:29] * Thunder_Strike rolls her eyes then turn to the group and gives her wings a strong flap blowing a bit of wind over them to get there attention.
  166. [20:30] * Scrap to Nyota, "I will never let them kill you for being who you are."
  167. [20:30] * Nyota looks between Blackberry_Jam and North_Star. "It is my family! We cannot kill them all!"
  168. [20:30] * Nyota then looks over at Scrap, smiles warmly. "Thank you.."
  169. [20:31] * Blackberry_Jam smiles, about to say some assurance that that won't happen, but looks up at Thunder_Strike. "Hmmm? What?" She says, holding on to her hat.
  170. [20:31] * Scrap turning Thunder_Strike, "what did you see?"
  171. [20:31] * Thunder_Strike "there's something moving in there." She says to them.
  172. [20:32] * North_Star looks over his shoulder to Thunder_Strike, wondering what all the fuss is about.
  173. [20:32] * Blackberry_Jam draws her weapon. "Something is probably a Zebra... How about you come out in the open? Huh?" She calls towards the building.
  174. [20:33] * Snack_Cake turns back toward the others, wondering what the commotion is about.
  175. [20:34] * Thunder_Strike looks at Snack_Cake. "Hide."
  176. [20:34] * Nyota calls out to her surrondings. "Ukajionyeshe!"
  177. [20:34] * Scrap waits and watches trying to see the movement.
  178. [20:35] * North_Star draws his shotgun again, "Family or otherwise: they come out shooting, I'll return the favor, Nyota." He said, half-assuredly.
  179. [20:36] <Mister_Clacky|GM> Scrap can see a bit of movement, but not with any clarity.
  180. [20:36] * Nyota pulls her silenced pistol. "Nina marafiki sasa, tafadhali, koundoka tu..." She mumbles around the grip of the gun. Tracking it towards shadowy areas of the scenery.
  181. [20:40] <Mister_Clacky|GM> A form in the shadows looses five silent shots at the cursed one.
  182. [20:44] <Mister_Clacky|GM> In the relative silence Nyota takes three shots in the chest, one digging deep.
  183. [20:46] * Nyota cries out, dropping her gun infront of her, falls too teh ground again, curling up as defence. The chock and adrenaline of getting shot covering most of her pain, for now. Blood gushing out of the wounds, staining her coat, barding and cloak.
  184. [20:47] * Scrap immediately runs over to stand in front of Nyota and draws his pistol.
  185. [20:48] <Scrap> He then fires 3 rounds toward where he thinks he saw the shot come from.
  186. [20:49] * Nyota hisses. "Kutomba!" Which most ponies by now probebly understand is a explitive
  187. [20:51] <Mister_Clacky|GM> Scrap fires into the dark tunnel, he doesn't appear to hit anything. Snack_Cake's EFS detects 2 signatures
  188. [20:52] <Mister_Clacky|GM> Said signatures are red.
  189. [20:53] <Mister_Clacky|GM> The group can start to make out two distinct forms in the darkness, Thunder_Strike can see a form farther back than the others.
  190. [20:59] * Thunder_Strike spies on further away. But she figures he's to far away to waste a shot on. Instead she takes shoots at the two closest to them. "There's a third further back!" She tells the others.
  191. [21:00] * Snack_Cake is freaking out. She's very afraid for her life! Muttering, "No, no, no, oh Celestia..."
  192. [21:02] <Mister_Clacky|GM> Thunder_Strike's shots streak into the tunnel, giving a short burst of illumination. Two miss, but the third hits home on one of the nearer targets.
  193. [21:04] * Mister_Clacky|GM ( has left #fruityrumpusassholefactory ("Leaving")
  194. [21:04] * Mister_Clacky|GM ( has joined #fruityrumpusassholefactory
  195. [21:04] * Snack_Cake decides it's probably a very good idea to do exactly what she's told, and find someplace to hide! She looks around for someplace suitable!
  196. [21:08] <Mister_Clacky|GM> Snack_Cake can see the large pillars in front of the building behind them could conceal her. They are about the only option.
  197. [21:09] * Snack_Cake is glad for just about any sort of protection she can find! She runs over to cower behind them.
  198. [21:09] <Mister_Clacky|GM> North_Star is up
  199. [21:14] * North_Star uses the flash from Thunder_Strike's MEW shots to see his targets, and swaps his rifles out to his repeater, taking aim at the left-most zebra and firing, chambering another round and firing it at the next-closet zebra.
  200. [21:21] <Mister_Clacky|GM> North_Star fires twice, missing with the first while the second round misfires, damaging his weapon.
  201. [21:23] * Blackberry_Jam snarls and moves next to Scrap. "Don't worry, Stripes. That'll buff out." She glances around the area and frowns. This was some serious Brahmin shit; she was too far away to be of any use. Digging around in her pack, she produces a healing potion and sticks it into Nyota's mouth. "Drink." She grunts.
  202. [21:23] * North_Star swears under his breath, being extra precussive on chambering his third bullet.
  203. [21:24] * Nyota reaches up, quivering and letting out a grunt in pain she drinks the healing potion.
  204. [21:27] * Blackberry_Jam nods. "We'll fish the rounds out later." She says, grabbing her weapon and moving in closer.
  205. [21:27] <Mister_Clacky|GM> Two machete wielding zebras burst from the darkness, moving toward the nearest pony in their path, North_Star.
  206. [21:32] * Blackberry_Jam takes aim at one of the melee attackers and fires once.
  207. [21:35] * Zenith is now known as Spectre
  208. [21:36] <Mister_Clacky|GM> Blackberry_Jam blasts the burned zebra square in the face, evaperating his scowl in a hail of buckshot. His momentum carries him forward, sumersaulting in front of North_Star.
  209. [21:38] <Mister_Clacky|GM> The second zebra keeps heading toward North_Star, the death of his companion and the fact he is singlehoofedly charging six... well five... ponies not seeming to register to him.
  210. [21:40] <Mister_Clacky|GM> The zebra makes it to North_Star and swings, leaving a long bloody furrow in his chest.
  211. [21:44] * Scrap seeing North_Star cut, rushes forward and attempts to land a flurry of hooves on the zebra.
  212. [21:46] <Mister_Clacky|GM> The zebra stallion staggers back under the onslaught.
  213. [21:48] <Mister_Clacky|GM> He is still up, but he now has a nice bruise forming under his armor and his face, along with several punctures from the spikes.
  214. [21:51] * Nyota , still in pain she reaches forward for her gun, picking it up in her mouth and clenching down hard at the bit. She mutter ssomething in zebra, taking aim at the still standing one, fireing twice.
  215. [21:54] <Mister_Clacky|GM> Nyota's second shot finds a gap in the zebra's tribal armor and gores into him. Pink froth gurgles out of his mouth as he starts to drown on his own blood. He collapses and convulses before finally going still.
  216. [21:55] <Mister_Clacky|GM> The battleground goes silent except for our group of wastelanders.
  217. [21:56] * Nyota drops her pistol after seeing the last zebra going down. Mumbling. "Inaweza nafsi yako kupata amani.." She lowers her head and curls up again. Shivering, shaking.
  218. [21:57] * Snack_Cake is still cowering behind the pillars.
  219. [22:00] * Scrap puts his pistol away as he says, "we need to leave this place."
  220. [22:01] * Blackberry_Jam trots over to North_Star and starts looking at the chest wound. "Scrap, we'll leave when Hot Shot here gets this wound closed."
  221. [22:02] * North_Star finally catches his breath, absentmindedly wiping something off his chest, only to notice the large gash. He swore under his breath as the realization was quickly followed by pain. He leaned on his repeater, stock down, while Blackberry_Jam trotted up to him.
  222. [22:02] <Scrap> "Why wouldn't we do that first?"
  223. [22:04] * Blackberry_Jam looks at Scrap dubiously. "I -am- doing that first. No questions." She says,cleaning the wound with a damp rag. Then, unfurling a roll of bandages, she patches up the gash.
  224. [22:04] * Nyota flicks her tail, and slowly puts her hoodie back up. She stands up slowly, bringing her pistol back into its holster, wincing slightly at the ordeal.. Trotting up to the one she'd shot, looking down at the body for a moment, her ears drooping.
  225. [22:05] * Scrap walks over to Nyota not wanting to upset Blackberry_Jam further, "do you know how many more there are."
  226. [22:06] <Mister_Clacky|GM> He's older than the smaller mare who was killed first. Maybe a year or two younger than her.
  227. [22:06] <Mister_Clacky|GM> A year or two younger than Nyota.
  228. [22:07] * Snack_Cake is /still/ cowering. She turns the volume of the radio up to drown out any possible sounds of friends being horribly mutilated.
  229. [22:08] * North_Star looks up at the dark corridor. He could've sworn there were three zebras, but the slight pain from Blackberry_Jam cleaning his wound took his mind from it. He instead looked over at Nyota, then back to the sound of Snack_Cake's radio. "I'll live. You should check on the greenhorn." He suggested, nodding back that way.
  230. [22:08] * Nyota tears up again, she rubs her face angeirly with a hoof, then stomping it down. "I.. No, I dont know! I just want them to stop.." She closes the stallions eyes with a hoof. Then turning away from the bodies, looking at Scrap. "Now you know.. What I am running from."
  231. [22:09] * Blackberry_Jam gives a slight nod and trots over to Snack_Cake. She could hear the radio from there, so she gets up extra close. "Snack? Hey, the fight's over."
  232. [22:10] <Mister_Clacky|GM> Blackberry_Jam reaches Snack_Cake as the radio is blaring " high, apple pie, in the sky, hope~!"
  233. [22:10] * Blackberry_Jam hates this song already...
  234. [22:10] * Scrap opens and closes his mouth a few times not sure what to say. Which is worse, having no family of having a family that want to kill you.
  235. [22:11] * Snack_Cake nearly jumps out of her skin! Turning frantically with fear in her eyes. When she sees it's Blackberry_Jam, she breathes a sigh of relief.
  236. [22:11] * North_Star sticks with Nyota, deciding against searching the corpse while she was standing right there. That didn't stop him from nicking a machete from the ground. "Everypony has a reason to run. I should know."
  237. [22:12] * Blackberry_Jam holds up her hooves and smiles. "Easy there, killer. It's just me. We -really- need to get out of here, though. Okay? Walk with me."
  238. [22:13] * Nyota stomps a hoof again, trotting away from the bodies, between gritted teeth she says.. "Yes, but how many runs because of something they never chose to be."
  239. [22:13] * Snack_Cake nods slowly, and follows. She turns the radio back down.
  240. [22:14] * Thunder_Strike flips down in a bit of shock.
  241. [22:14] * Blackberry_Jam trots past the group, steering Snack_Cake clear of the corpses. "Let's move, ponies. We can walk and mourn, right?"
  242. [22:14] * North_Star watches Nyota leave, then begins to search, muttering. "You may be running away, but do you know many who run toward?"
  243. [22:14] <Scrap> "It's unacceptable for them to want to kill you for something beyond your control."
  244. [22:17] * Scrap goes over to check on Snack_Cake, "it's over."
  245. [22:17] * Blackberry_Jam already checked on Snack_Cake, and is currently trotting off with her towards Railyard.
  246. [22:17] * Nyota trotts up too the front, tail flicking back and forth. Her equipment soaked in her own blood. Her entire body feeling wrong, like she was about to throw up but there was nothing there. The pain numb behind her own anger and the help of the healing potion. She dosnt know if she should cry or scream. Her face in a deep frown.
  247. [22:17] * Scrap totally missed that.
  248. [22:20] * Blackberry_Jam trots to Nyota's side. "I know that you're probably feeling pretty miserable, and I know how fruitless any words of mine will be to assuage that... but, you know, if you ever need to talk about anything, I'll listen. Same goes to any of you." She says, stonefaced.
  249. [22:22] * Scrap hangs back with North_Star, making sure he can get going fine.
  250. [22:22] <Mister_Clacky|GM> North_Star quickly rifles through the corpses' posessions. He gets 4 each of mutfruit and dirty water. He also gets two sets of tribal armor (70%) and 2 machetes (60%).
  251. [22:23] * North_Star decides to leave the armor on their owners. He might have some low-down ways of life, but he's certainly not that bad.
  252. [22:23] <Mister_Clacky|GM> There are also 47 caps on the corpses.
  253. [22:23] * Nyota makes a choking sound, her eyes swelling up with tears yet again. But she keeps her head high, trotting forward. "I will remember that. Blackberry_Jam." Is all she says. Keeping her gaze locked firmly forward.
  254. [22:25] * North_Star packs his newfound loot into his satchel, save for one mutfruit, which he procedes to snack on while catching up with the others.
  255. [22:25] * Snack_Cake is still following Blackberry_Jam. Her head is down, as if expecting something to jump out and shoot at her at any moment. She glances at Blackberry_Jam when she makes her speech, and nods a little.
  256. [22:26] * Thunder_Strike has been sitting in place the hole time. She shakes her head coming out of her daze.
  257. [22:27] * Blackberry_Jam nods too, satisfied. "North_Star, do you know any ways across the river that don't involve the toll? I, for one, would rather spend my caps elsewhere."
  258. [22:30] * Blackberry_Jam tosses the token Cedar Cask gave her in the air and catches it in her hoof. "Because, I have this... but I don't think it covers all of us."
  259. [22:30] * Nyota would have used this moment to check for herbs, but right now her mind is racing and she's not thinking clearly. With every step her face gets transformed furtehr and further into a expressionless mask, only her red puffy eyes and whet cheeks tells of her crying.
  260. [22:31] * Snack_Cake mutters, "I never saw the toll before we came back this way..."
  261. [22:33] * North_Star shakes his head. "Not off the top of my head, no. We could get lucky and find a fallen tree, or something."
  262. [22:33] * Blackberry_Jam looks to Snack_Cake and stops. "Hold up. How did you guys cross? Maybe we could follow their path back."
  263. [22:34] * Nyota takes a few steps further, then stopping, looking back at the others.
  264. [22:36] * Blackberry_Jam sighs. "And where the hell is Featherduster?"
  265. [22:37] * Snack_Cake frowns and looks at the ground. "I... don't remember. I... wasn't the one watching where we were going..."
  266. [22:39] * North_Star takes a another bite a fruit. "You might not have been, but somethin' had to have been." He said, pointing the fruit at Snack_Cake's Pip-Buck.
  267. [22:41] * Snack_Cake follows North_Star's indication, eyes widening in realization. "Oh... you're right! It should show where I've been..." She goes to bring up her PipBuck map, showing it to Blackberry_Jam.
  268. [22:44] * Blackberry_Jam (coolsmile@Pony-nku.nmq.78.76.IP) Quit ( Ping timeout: 121 seconds )
  269. [22:45] <Mister_Clacky|GM> The map is indeed more filled out than the last time she had seen it. There appears to be a bridge to to north of Trestle a fair distance. It should still be possible to get to Railyard before night sets in entirely.
  270. [22:45] * SpencerDespenser|GM (coolsmile@Pony-nku.nmq.78.76.IP) has joined #fruityrumpusassholefactory
  271. [22:45] * ChanServ sets mode +qo SpencerDespenser|GM SpencerDespenser|GM for #fruityrumpusassholefactory
  272. [22:46] * SpencerDespenser|GM is now known as Blackberry_Jam
  273. [22:48] * Blackberry_Jam hmmms. "Sounds good. We'll head that way, and we can make it Railyard by nightfall."
  274. [22:49] * Thunder_Strike looks around and jumps out. "Hmph.... They left me alone." She sighs then opens her wings to try and catch up to them by flying.
  275. [22:51] <Mister_Clacky|GM> It doesn't take her long to catch up.
  276. [22:51] * Nyota waits, flicking her tail. "Well...?"
  277. [22:51] * Blackberry_Jam nudges Snack_Cake forward. "You've got the map, Snack. Lead away. And remember, I'm right behind you."
  278. [22:53] * Thunder_Strike isn't paying to much attention and flys right into Snack_Cake. "Ooph, who put that there.... Oh wait. Sorry Snacky." She giggles then thinks to herself. 'How could I not see flanks that big?'
  279. [22:55] * North_Star looks back at the building, only to make sure they weren't being trailed. He knew there would be more Zebras sooner or later, but it's better safe than sorry.
  280. [22:56] * Snack_Cake oofs and is knocked backward right on her rump. "Ow!"
  281. [22:57] * Blackberry_Jam facehoofs. "-There- the hell is Featherduster."
  282. [22:57] * Nyota watches with a dry expression.
  283. [22:58] * Scrap hovers a bit above them.
  284. [22:58] * Thunder_Strike shakes herself off. "Sorry Snack_Cake, ya alright?" She asks helping the mare up. "Oh nyota, I have something I new to give ya."
  285. [22:59] * Nyota 's voice trembles as she answers. "Oh..? What do you have for me?"
  286. [23:00] * Blackberry_Jam looks a little confused as she escorts Snack_Cake to the head of the marching column.
  287. [23:00] * Thunder_Strike "that piece of paper was a note. It's in zebra. I..I can't read it." She says then hoofs the note over to nyota.
  288. [23:01] * Nyota takes the note, holding it in a hoof she reads the text.
  289. [23:01] * North_Star looks over at the note. "So that's what Zebra looks like."
  290. [23:02] <Mister_Clacky|GM> The note is indeed in zebra, it reads:
  291. [23:02] <Mister_Clacky|GM> Nyota,
  292. [23:02] <Mister_Clacky|GM> You might fool my companions, but I can smell your tainted heart. Your existence is a stain on our clan’s honor, and I will expunge that taint. And you.
  293. [23:02] <Mister_Clacky|GM> Your friend,
  294. [23:02] <Mister_Clacky|GM> Itakaseni
  295. [23:03] * Snack_Cake frowns as she's escorted to the front of the pack. She hesitates, but leads the way, following her map closely.
  296. [23:04] * Blackberry_Jam sticks close to Snack_Cake, but still lets her lead.
  297. [23:06] <Mister_Clacky|GM> Travel through the day following Snack_Cake's map. They stumbled on a rather safe route the first time, and it's luck seems to hold as they near Railyard as night falls.
  298. [23:07] * Nyota shakes, she gazes into the distance with a sorrowful and furious look. With a shaking hoof she crumples the paper together before shoving it onto her saddlepouch. Taking a ragged breath she nods at Thunder_Strike. "Asante.." Turning she stomps her way after Blackberry_Jam and Snack_Cake, trotting along the side the group, keeping quiet the entire journey.
  299. [23:08] * Thunder_Strike nods but can't help feel that she may have made a mistake. She has a strong feeling that the note wasn't good.
  300. [23:08] * North_Star watches Nyota stomp forward, giving Thunder_Strike a glance. "Sounds like something personal." He commented, trotting forward to join the group.
  301. [23:09] * Blackberry_Jam takes a big deep breath of ambient raditation. "Home sweet home."
  302. [23:09] * Thunder_Strike sighs. Then follows them into town.
  303. [23:13] * Snack_Cake falls back behind Blackberry_Jam once they reach Railyard. She feels even worse now that she's come back... It feels like she's accepted that she'll never be able to go home again.
  304. [23:15] * Blackberry_Jam trots right up to Dr. Splotches' place and knocks on the door. "Splotches, open up!"
  305. [23:15] <Mister_Clacky|GM> Caboose waves them in.
  306. [23:16] * Nyota trotts up to the gates, turning around and looking out over the wasteland one final time for the night before heading inside Railyard proper.
  307. [23:16] <Mister_Clacky|GM> Blackberry_Jam hears movement inside. The door soons open revealing the Doctor.
  308. [23:16] * North_Star (coolsmile@Pony-kqe.li9.74.206.IP) Quit ( Quit: See you ! )
  309. [23:16] * North_Star (coolsmile@Pony-kqe.li9.74.206.IP) has joined #fruityrumpusassholefactory
  310. [23:17] * Blackberry_Jam smiles a little. "We're back."
  311. [23:17] * Thunder_Strike walks in and takes a look around, then heads to slash and slag's.
  312. [23:18] <Mister_Clacky|GM> Dr. Splotches adjusts his reading glasses. "So I see. Guess I'll have to cancel the wild parties. Staying a while?"
  313. [23:19] * Blackberry_Jam looks at all of the party members and sighs. "Can't say..."
  314. [23:20] * North_Star (coolsmile@Pony-kqe.li9.74.206.IP) Quit ( Ping timeout: 121 seconds )
  315. [23:21] * Nyota has scurried off, wandering alongside the inner side of Railyards wall.
  316. [23:21] * Snack_Cake is still with Blackberry_Jam. She looks disheartened.
  317. [23:22] * Scrap lands and waits to see what the other are going to do.
  318. [23:22] <Mister_Clacky|GM> Thunder_Strike walks into Slash and Slag's to find them at the start of a vicious contest. They barely notice her enter as they are hovering over an old game board, Various calibers of ammunition standing upright on it. Slash speaks, but not to her, "Pawn to E4."
  319. [23:23] <Mister_Clacky|GM> Dr. Splotches opens the door fully, allowing the two mares in. There are no revelers, only a hissing pot of hot water. A few packs of coffee sit nearby.
  320. [23:24] * North_Star (coolsmile@Pony-uft.bs8.166.165.IP) has joined #fruityrumpusassholefactory
  321. [23:25] <Mister_Clacky|GM> Nyota doesn't find too much of interest along the inner walls. That may, however, have been the point.
  322. [23:26] * Nyota , finishing her lap trotts into the in, slumping down at a table she starts to eat a apple. She pulls out the note again, reading it before stomping against it with a hoof. She puts both her forelegs ontop of the table and buries her head into them. Sobbing quietly.
  323. [23:26] * North_Star nudges Blackberry_Jam, "I'm gonna try and catch a shopkeep before they lock up, think you can stay out trouble while I'm gone?"
  324. [23:26] * Thunder_Strike is curious as to what they are playing. She walks over and has a seat but knowing these to she is ready to get out of the way.
  325. [23:27] * Blackberry_Jam beckons Snack_Cake in with a nod. "Snack_Cake, you can sleep in my hammock. I wouldn't ask you to pay for a room after what you've been through." She give Splotches a look that says "I'll explain later." She nods to North_Star as she closes the door.
  326. [23:27] <Mister_Clacky|GM> Slag notices Thunder_Strike. "Oh! Welcome to, yada yada, whaddaya need?"
  327. [23:28] <Mister_Clacky|GM> Nyota hears a clink from in front of her.
  328. [23:29] * Thunder_Strike "oh nothing really. Just need the mount for 'Screamin Slagga' checked." She smiles
  329. [23:29] * Nyota looks up, her eyes red and watery.
  330. [23:29] <Mister_Clacky|GM> Outside Scrap is approached by the Sherrif. He has a bandage peaking out of his armor.
  331. [23:30] * Snack_Cake nods slowly. "Thanks... Do you need any help...? I don't want to be a burden..." She looks around a little, nervously. "I know how to cook..."
  332. [23:30] * North_Star (coolsmile@Pony-uft.bs8.166.165.IP) Quit ( Ping timeout: 121 seconds )
  333. [23:30] <Mister_Clacky|GM> Nyota sees a shot of strong liquor and a kerchief laying in front of her. The bartender's back is to her, he's walking back to the bar.
  334. [23:31] * Scrap turns to the sheriff, noting the bandage, and waits for him to speak.
  335. [23:31] * North_Star (coolsmile@Pony-kqe.li9.74.206.IP) has joined #fruityrumpusassholefactory
  336. [23:31] <Mister_Clacky|GM> Slash looks between Slag and Thunder_Strike. "Mount... Slagger... Aw fuck! Do I have to sleep on the porch again!"
  337. [23:32] * North_Star seperates from the group, going around town to hunt for a shopkeep, perhaps one that would deal in a certain removed body part...
  338. [23:34] <Mister_Clacky|GM> North_Star peeks in the general store, it seems a good place to start. The stallion insie looks up at the bell. "Kaching's Kollectables." He yawns loudly. North_Star can see what he was looking for, a straight razor hanging on the wall behind the shopkeep.
  339. [23:34] * Thunder_Strike laughs at slash. Then draws her uniquely larger Bowie knife. "Her slash, check this out."
  340. [23:34] * Blackberry_Jam smiles at Snack_Cake. "A cook, huh? Sounds like fun... Maybe you could talk to the inn ponies, they might be looking for a cook. Stripes suggested that we show you how to patch a pony up."
  341. [23:35] <Mister_Clacky|GM> Slash glowers. "If ya throw tha' like a bone and expec' me ta go after it, I'll be cross."
  342. [23:35] * North_Star trots up to the counter, untying his leather pouch from around his neck and resting it on the counter before rummaging through his satchel, "Evenin'"
  343. [23:35] <Mister_Clacky|GM> The Sheriff looks Scrap over. "Made it back in one piece, good ta see."
  344. [23:36] <Mister_Clacky|GM> Kaching responds. "Evenin' to you, sir. What can I do for ya?"
  345. [23:36] * Nyota looks at the bottle.. Blinking, she frowns at first, her forehooves clenched and shaking. Bitting down hard she strains her jaw. Closing her eyes for a second, taking heavy ragged breaths before screaming. "Hii, aina ya unchafu ni kitu, mimi ni kujaribu kusafisha dunia hii mnyonge kutoka!" She grabs the bottle and throws it into a wall. Standing up, breathing hard and staring at the floor.
  346. [23:37] * Snack_Cake mutters, "I don't know... I... don't like the sight of blood..."
  347. [23:37] <Scrap> "One piece yes, but I did get a hole." He moves his left wing which is still bandaged. "I see you have about the same."
  348. [23:37] <Mister_Clacky|GM> Dr. Splotches pulls down a mug for himself and a pair for his company, should they want some coffee as well.
  349. [23:39] <Mister_Clacky|GM> The Sheriff nods. "Yeah, those damn raiders in the apartment building seem to be getting better at aiming."
  350. [23:39] * North_Star sets his .22 Rifle, Pistol, and one machete on the counter. "Just lookin' to dispose of some extra weight, as well as discuss the disposial of certain unwanted individuals." He said, nodding to the pouch.
  351. [23:40] * Scrap sounding shocked, "There are raiders in town?"
  352. [23:40] * Blackberry_Jam offers Snack_Cake a seat as she takes one herself. "I'll let you in on a secret. I couldn't stand the sight of blood either." She says with a smile.
  353. [23:41] <Mister_Clacky|GM> The Sherriff shakes his head. "Well, not in town. Holed up near the top of the apartments." He gestures to the 14 story building just south of the south wall. "Been holed up there a while. An annoyance at best unitl they started hitting what they were shooting at. Can't spare the ponypower to go after them."
  354. [23:41] * Thunder_Strike laughs again. "No you goofy. I'm showing it to ya, I now you like blades."
  355. [23:43] <Scrap> "Then they must be dealt with."
  356. [23:44] * Snack_Cake doesn't believe that! "You... couldn't?"
  357. [23:44] <Mister_Clacky|GM> Slash takes the blade and hefts it experimentally. He plays with it a bit, with some rather elaborate flourishes before returning it.
  358. [23:45] <Mister_Clacky|GM> Kaching looks North_Star in the eye. "We'll handle the hard goods in a bit, let's see the soft goods."
  359. [23:45] * Blackberry_Jam nods. "When I was a little filly, yes."
  360. [23:45] * North_Star nods, opening the pouch strings and handing said pouch to Kaching.
  361. [23:45] * Thunder_Strike "so?" She asks curiously.
  362. [23:46] <Mister_Clacky|GM> The bartender pauses on his way back to the bar and turns to the broken bottle. He takes a towel over and starts mopping it up.
  363. [23:48] <Mister_Clacky|GM> Slash nods approvingly. "Nice balance." Slag had slipped off a moment and returns with a pillow and blanker. "Yeah, yeah, nice blade, here's your shit. I'll beat you at your stupid boardgame next time."
  364. [23:49] <Mister_Clacky|GM> The Sheriff cracks a smile. "Couldn't agree more. I've upped the bounty, but no takers... yet."
  365. [23:49] * Snack_Cake frowns. "I'm not a little filly though... it might be a little too late for me to get over it."
  366. [23:49] * Blackberry_Jam cracks a smile. "It's never too late to get over a fear, Snacky."
  367. [23:50] * Nyota glances at the bartender, parts of her mad that his reaction wasnt greater, the other part angry at herself for her actions. She another deep breath, still with tears in her eyes she dumps 50 caps on the counter trotting outside again. Then towards the clinic.
  368. [23:50] * Thunder_Strike giggles and pats slash with a wing. "Sorry bud, if only you were a mare." She giggles
  369. [23:50] * Scrap smiles. If there's anything better than eliminating raiders, it getting paid to eliminate raiders, "how much is the bounty?"
  370. [23:51] <Mister_Clacky|GM> "Wait, Miss?" The bartender calls as she passes the threshhold.
  371. [23:52] * Nyota looks over at the bartender. "Yes..?"
  372. [23:53] <Mister_Clacky|GM> Kaching takes the bag of ears and pours them out. He takes the straight razor off the wall. He holds the ear down and runs the blade along the back, shaving it and revealing a small tattoo. "Mook..." He repeats the task with the other ears.
  373. [23:53] * Snack_Cake smiles back. "Maybe..."
  374. [23:53] * North_Star waits patiently, looking around the shop for anything he might like to purchase.
  375. [23:54] <Mister_Clacky|GM> Stiffy, the bartender, beckons her back. "A bottle of Wild Pegasus doesn't cost 50 caps, and I wasn't charging you as it was. Empty bar is a good place to let the emotions flow. Bartenders have a code of silence, ya know."
  376. [23:55] * Blackberry_Jam takes a cup of coffee and sips it gently. "So, what do you say?"
  377. [23:55] * North_Star (coolsmile@Pony-kqe.li9.74.206.IP) Quit ( Quit: See you ! )
  378. [23:55] <Mister_Clacky|GM> Slash ends up on the porch with his pillow and blanket while Slag and Thunder_Strike... entertain... eachother.
  379. [23:56] * North_Star (coolsmile@Pony-kqe.li9.74.206.IP) has joined #fruityrumpusassholefactory
  380. [23:57] <Mister_Clacky|GM> Kaching goes through all the ears. "5 mooks and a loo. 30 caps for those."
  381. [23:57] * Nyota lets out a whimpering sound as she looks down at the caps, then, looking down at the floor she nods. "Thank you, but.. I need to go and see a friend..." She leaves the bar, caps still ontop of the counter.
  382. [23:59] * North_Star shrugs, enough to get profit from the ammo he had loaded into those raiders. "Fair 'nough, now the arms?"
  383. [23:59] * Nyota wanders aimlessly across town for a while.
  384. [23:59] * Snack_Cake looks around briefly. "I guess... I can try. I don't think I'll be very good at it though."
  385. [00:00] * Blackberry_Jam smirks a little. "I said that same thing when I started out, you know."
  386. [00:02] <Mister_Clacky|GM> Sheriff looks Scrap over. "400 caps for anypony in the posse that clears them out."
  387. [00:03] <Scrap> "400 each!? My friends and I'll clear them out for you."
  388. [00:05] <Mister_Clacky|GM> Caboose smiles. "Good to hear. Damn thing has been on the board for ages and nopony has taken the initiative."
  389. [00:06] <Mister_Clacky|GM> After some haggling, Kachink and North_Star come to an agreement and caps and goods exchange hooves.
  390. [00:06] * Thunder_Strike has more sexy fun with slag.
  391. [00:08] * North_Star loops the now empty pouch around his neck once more, dropping the caps into his satchel. Skipping the shopping for know, he went straight for the local bar, after some whiskey before he returned to the rest of the group.
  392. [00:09] * Snack_Cake nods slightly. "You said that about the blood thing too..." She shifts slightly. "The old Overmare wasn't like that, you know... She was... nice. And she..." She can't finish the sentence. She rubs a hoof at her eyes. "I just... can't believe I'll never be able to go home..."
  393. [00:09] <Scrap> "I'll go round up the others. I'll come see you when we're done." He then leaps into the air and searches for the others.
  394. [00:10] <Mister_Clacky|GM> North_Star can see Scrap and the Sheriff finish talking, Nyota walking toward Dr. Splotches, and a stallion laying on a porch covering his head with a pillow.
  395. [00:10] * Blackberry_Jam reaches out and puts a reassuring hoof on Snack_Cake's shoulder. A small smiles tugs at the corner of her mouth. "I know how you feel, Snack... I can't go home either."
  396. [00:12] * North_Star lets his Cowpony senses lead him straight towards the nearest source of Whiskey.
  397. [00:13] <Mister_Clacky|GM> North_Star reaches into his saddlebag and pulls out a small, 'Y' shaped stick. One end is painted red. He holds it up in his hoof and... after bending his foreleg a bit and leaning his head... the red end points to the bar!
  398. [00:14] * Snack_Cake frowns. "You can't? Why...? What happened?"
  399. [00:15] * North_Star prompty trots right in, taking the first seat he could find.
  400. [00:16] <Mister_Clacky|GM> The stallion behind the bar is buffing a glass. "Evenin'"
  401. [00:17] * Scrap remembering that they were with the doctor flys for the clinic while keeping an eye out for the others.
  402. [00:18] * Blackberry_Jam takes off her beret and her barding, and slips into her bed-time clothes. She has a few tattoos that look pretty awesome. "Well... I lived with my father downtown. He ran a free clinic and help tons of ponies."
  403. [00:18] * Nyota is already on her way too the clinic..
  404. [00:18] <Mister_Clacky|GM> Scrap saw North_Star duck into the bar. He can see Nyota ahead of him.
  405. [00:18] * North_Star nods, "Evenin'" He replied, placing 60 caps on the counter, "As much whiskey as this can get me, kindly."
  406. [00:19] * Scrap seeing Nyota, flies and drops next to her and starts walking, "are you ok?"
  407. [00:20] <Mister_Clacky|GM> Stiff Drink smiles at him. "You just want the bottles, or you want to drink it a glass at a time so it lasts longer."
  408. [00:20] * North_Star returns the smile, "Two bottles, one with a glass."
  409. [00:21] * Nyota nods, keeping her gaze forward. "Yes.. "
  410. [00:22] * Snack_Cake watches Blackberry_Jam and listens intently to her story.
  411. [00:22] * Blackberry_Jam leans back in her chair. "Word got out about what we were doing, and a certain Mr. Butcher wasn't having an of it."
  412. [00:22] <Mister_Clacky|GM> Stiffy quirks an eyebrow. "Two bottles? 60 caps will get ya three. Unless you specifically want Wild Pegasus."
  413. [00:22] <Scrap> "I won't force you to talk, but I'm here if you need me."
  414. [00:24] <~Blackberry_Jam> "So, he dispatches a few of his finest arsonists to put a stop to it... and... well... we didn't all make it."
  415. [00:24] * Nyota tailflicks and nods again. "And what about you, are you going to obe okay?"
  416. [00:24] * North_Star looks back to the door. "Ah, I'll just take 'em all bottled then, I should probably make sure my caravan doesn't lock me out, anyway"
  417. [00:26] <Mister_Clacky|GM> Stiffy hoofs over the two bottles and the change. "Pleasure."
  418. [00:27] * Scrap 's ears flatten as he remembers his outburst outside the stable, "it's hard not having a home to go to. I didn't want her to end up like that. Once again I failed her."
  419. [00:27] * North_Star takes the bottles, slipping them both into a pouch in his satchel, "Likewise." He said, stepping out to rejoin the group.
  420. [00:27] * Snack_Cake frowns and gives Blackberry_Jam a horrified look. "You mean...? Oh no... I'm so sorry..."
  421. [00:28] * Nyota "Then make up for it, make sure she gets a new home." at the word 'home' she pushes the door open too the clinic.
  422. [00:29] * Blackberry_Jam waves a hoof dismissevly. "Don't be, there's nothing anypony could have-
  423. [00:29] * Blackberry_Jam looks at the door. "Hello there."
  424. [00:30] * Snack_Cake glances over to the door when it opens.
  425. [00:30] * Nyota trotts inside, eyes downcast she trotts to a corner. "Hi.. Sorry.. Didnt have anywhere else to go, can I stay here for a bit?"
  426. [00:31] * North_Star trots in behind Nyota & Scrap. "Am I too late to call a bed?" He asked, looking around the place.
  427. [00:32] * Blackberry_Jam opens a folding chair and sets it down. "Of course." She says with a smile. It's getting a little cramped in here. "If you don't mind sleeping on a cot." She says, frowning at North_Star.
  428. [00:32] <Mister_Clacky|GM> Dr. Splotches nods from the corner. He almost seemed to dissapear there for a moment, must be the half zebra thing. "Of course, more the merrier. So long as you aren't opposed to sleeping on gurneys. And you don't tell Miss Priss I'm 'taking business' from her."
  429. [00:33] * Nyota slowly shakes her head. "I wont.." She mumbles. Sitting down.
  430. [00:33] * North_Star walks around the building, getting a good look around. "I've slept on odder surfaces," He said before taking a seat.
  431. [00:33] * Scrap looks at Blackberry_Jam out of her armor, "are we turning in already? I know how we can make a bunch of caps."
  432. [00:34] <Mister_Clacky|GM> Dr. Splotches isn't surprised Blackberry_Jam is offering his office... and home... to her friends. But some of them might want to get permission from him... Gonna need another pot of... tea this time.
  433. [00:34] * Blackberry_Jam looks back at Scrap, her frown deepening. "Scrap, it's been a long day."
  434. [00:35] <Scrap> "Yea, but the dark doesn't hurt my eyes."
  435. [00:36] <North_Star> "Maybe so, but this buck needs his sleep and his whiskey, whatever it is will be there in the morning, I'm sure.
  436. [00:36] <Scrap> "400 caps a piece. What if somepony else claims it first?"
  437. [00:37] * Blackberry_Jam looks at Nyota and Snack_Cake and scowls at Scrap. "These two don't need any more shit today, Scrap. And if somepony else gets it, there will always be more bounties."
  438. [00:37] <Mister_Clacky|GM> Splotches decides to forgo another pot and instead withdraws a stick from the corner and pokes around at some netting hanging from the ceiling.
  439. [00:38] * North_Star looks up at Scrap in disbelief. "400 caps for what, dare I ask?"
  440. [00:38] * Snack_Cake frowns. She's definitely not ready to go anywhere just yet.
  441. [00:40] * Scrap once again irritated out his own insensitivity, "the sheriff wants some raiders cleared out, but Blackberry_Jam is right, it's probably a good idea to wait."
  442. [00:41] <Mister_Clacky|GM> Dr. Splotches, satisfied with his net... thing... stands his meditation stick up and clammers up to his hammock.
  443. [00:41] <Scrap> "Sorry. I'll see you all in the morning." He starts for the door.
  444. [00:42] * Blackberry_Jam folds her hooves. "Naturally." She slowly rises and nods to her hammock, below Splotches. "You're sleeping there tonight, Snacky." She says, taking one of the cups of coffee and following Scrap out the door. "Blankets are in the corner."
  445. [00:43] * North_Star had popped open a bottle of whiskey and took a swig, giving a satisfied sigh and stretching out where he was sitting in, not bothering with a flat surface before starting to doze off, drinking most of the hiskey first, of course.
  446. [00:46] * Snack_Cake nods to Blackberry_Jam as she leaves, and prepares to sleep. Before settling in for the night, she has a little something to eat.
  447. [00:47] * Nyota falls asleep, somewhere.
  448. [00:48] * Blackberry_Jam follows Scrap with the coffee carefully balanced on her back. As she trots past Slag and Slash's she approaches the porch and smiles. "Oh my, sexiled again, huh?"
  449. [00:49] <Scrap> "What?"
  450. [00:49] <Mister_Clacky|GM> Slash nods from under the pillow. "It's like the banging of a hundred drums... only it's not drums, but Slag and that pegasus."
  451. [00:50] <Mister_Clacky|GM> "... that are banging..."
  452. [00:50] * Scrap listens to the ruckus not sure if he would have liked her bed had he made it there.
  453. [00:50] * North_Star rolls over in his improvised bed, intoxicated enough for sleep. "G'night, Greenhorn." His muttering could be heard as he sprawled out.
  454. [00:51] * Blackberry_Jam exchanges a glance with Scrap. "That pegasus?" She says setting the coffee mug by Slash's head.
  455. [00:51] <Mister_Clacky|GM> Scrap thinks he may hear powertools.
  456. [00:51] * Scrap is now pretty damn sure he wouldn't have liked it.
  457. [00:51] <Mister_Clacky|GM> "Yeah, Thunder_Thighs maybe?"
  458. [00:52] <Scrap> "Wow, really?"
  459. [00:52] * Blackberry_Jam blinks. "Our Thunder... wow... She... damn."
  460. [00:53] * Snack_Cake lies down for sleep of her own. She mutters a quiet, "Goodnight" in return.
  461. [00:56] <Mister_Clacky|GM> "I need earplugs... or ear removal... you're a doc, Doc. Help a guy out."
  462. [00:57] * Scrap always on the lookout (except for when it would be rude) for a free place to sleep, "hey slash you know about knives right?"
  463. [00:58] * Blackberry_Jam smiles gently and trots towards the inn. "You boys have fun." In the interest of time, she buys a room offscreen.
  464. [00:59] <Mister_Clacky|GM> Slash surges to his hind legs, pillow on his head and blanket draped around his withers like a cape. "Know knives? This is Slash and Slags! Of course we know knives!"
  465. [01:01] <Scrap> "I usually use my hooves, but I like having a backup. I was hoping you could maybe teach which kind of knife would be right for me."
  466. [01:03] <Mister_Clacky|GM> Slash brings his hoof to his chin, appraising Scrap and nodding to himself... pillow bouncing on his head. "Yeah. I can help with that."
  467. [01:03] * Blackberry_Jam snoooooooooooooooores.
  468. [01:05] * Scrap flies up to the roof and begins asking Slash questions about knives with the intent of sleeping there when the noise dies down.
  469. [01:06] <Mister_Clacky|GM> Slash proves to be very knowledgable on things pointy and stabby and slashy and pokey.
  470. [01:06] <Mister_Clacky|GM> And so the night passes into... more nighty-ness
  471. [01:06] <Mister_Clacky|GM> *****Session Ends*****
  472. [01:07] <Mister_Clacky|GM> 1250 XP, no karma changes.
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