
Run-On Sentences (FR One-Shot)

Jan 27th, 2013
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  1. >Day Run-on Sentence in Equestria
  2. >You get up and make your bed and make sure you have brushed your teeth and combed your hair and taken a shower after taking a shit and shaving
  3. >You travel down the stairs and make your way to your kitchen where you reheat some old pasta spaghetti
  4. >You twirl the spaghetti around your fork making sure the spaghetti stays firm on it before bringing it to your mouth for eating or drape the spaghetti from your mouth and suck it in
  5. >God damn why is there so much detail all of the sudden on spaghetti?
  6. >And why are you throwing in so many ands in your sentences absolutely refusing to take a break?
  7. >Would it kill you to use a comma Anon?
  8. >There’s a knock on the door
  9. >You rise from the chair and take several steps over to the door and grip the handle which opens the door
  10. >Revealed there is the yellow mare known as Fluttershy
  11. What could you possibly want this day Fluttershy?
  12. >”Oh just stopping by to say hello…”
  13. Fluttershy we both know that you’re here for more than that.
  14. >”Okay well maybe I thought I could try another fetish guess…”
  15. Is this your doing? Why everything’s a run on sentence?
  16. >”Well perhaps I had something to do with it…”
  17. Fluttershy you need to… wait, this has been like seven lines of dialogue uninterrupted… Fluttershy what is this?
  18. >”Well I was wondering… if Ernest Hemingway was your fetish…”
  19. >You slam the door on her before walking back to your table and finishing your spaghetti
  20. >You would have preferred Dr. Seuss or something
  21. >Talking like this all day is going to be a pain
  22. >Fucking Fluttershy…
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