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Master Drop !

a guest
Mar 31st, 2015
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  1. ================================================================================
  2. = MASTER DROP: =
  3. = Zakaz kopiowania kodu i udostępnienie go ! =
  4. = Pozwalam na przerobienie kodu. =
  5. ================================================================================
  7. #Skript Master Drop
  8. #Wersja 0.4
  11. #Opcje
  13. options:
  14. #Tag skryptu
  16. dtag: &f[&cD&ar&o&3p&6&l+&f]
  18. #Ustawiasz na co ma się zmienić ruda po wykopaniu stone/air, air czyli ma zniknąć
  20. ustaw: stone
  22. #Procenty
  24. D.diax: 0.0 #diamond
  25. D.iron: 0.0 #iron
  26. 0.0 #gold
  27. D.emerald: 0.0 #emerald
  28. 0.0
  29. D.tnt: 0.0
  30. D.coal: 0.0
  31. D.proch: 0.0
  32. D.lapis: 0.0
  34. dExp: 10
  36. #Wysokosc wydobycia
  38. y.emerald: 64
  39. y.diamond: 64
  40. 64
  41. y.iron: 64
  42. 64
  43. y.tnt: 64
  44. y.coal: 64
  45. y.lapis: 64
  46. y.proch: 64
  48. #Wiadomośći o wykopaniu
  50. msg.1: &7&oWykopales &bDiaxa
  51. msg.2: &7&oWykopales &fZelazo
  52. msg.3: &7&oWykopales &eZloto
  53. msg.4: &7&oWykopales &aSzmaragd
  54. msg.5: &7&oWykopales &4Czerwony Proszek
  55. msg.6: &7&oWykopales &cTnT
  56. msg.7: &7&oWykopales &1Lazuryt
  57. msg.8: &7&oWykopales &8Proch
  58. msg.9: &7&oWykopales &0Wegiel
  60. #Wiadomość Error
  62. errorm: &4Diament,zelazo,zloto,szmaragd,redstone,wegiel i lapis wypada tylko ze stone wiecej info /drop!
  65. #Wiadomosci przy wl/wyl
  67. off: &4Wylaczono wypadanie
  68. on: &4Wlaczono wypadanie
  70. #Nie ruszać, kiedy są aktywne
  71. variables:
  72. {} = true
  74. on break of ender chest:
  75. cancel event
  76. set block to air
  77. give 1 ender chest to player
  79. on first join:
  80. wait 2 tick
  81. add ball large to {_fireworktype::*}
  82. add creeper to {_fireworktype::*}
  83. add ball to {_fireworktype::*}
  84. add star to {_fireworktype::*}
  85. add burst to {_fireworktype::*}
  86. set {_fwtype} to a random element out of {_fireworktype::*}
  87. add dark blue to {_color::*}
  88. add green to {_color::*}
  89. add dark aqua to {_color::*}
  90. add dark red to {_color::*}
  91. add purple to {_color::*}
  92. add gold to {_color::*}
  93. add blue to {_color::*}
  94. add lime to {_color::*}
  95. add aqua to {_color::*}
  96. add red to {_color::*}
  97. add pink to {_color::*}
  98. add yellow to {_color::*}
  99. set {_colorchoice} to a random element out of {_color::*}
  100. launch flickering trailing {_fwtype} firework colored {_colorchoice} and white at player with duration 1
  101. delete {_fireworktype::*}
  102. delete {_color::*}
  103. delete {_colorchoice}
  104. delete {_fwtype}
  106. #Drop z Stone
  107. On Mine Of Stone:
  109. if {} is true:
  111. chance of 100%:
  113. if player's y-coordinate is smaller than {@y.diamond}:
  114. player's tool is iron pickaxe or diamond pickaxe:
  115. chance of {@D.diax}%:
  116. player's gamemode is survival
  117. message "{@dtag} {@msg.1}"
  118. drop a diamond
  119. stop
  121. if player's y-coordinate is smaller than {@y.iron}:
  122. player's tool is iron pickaxe or diamond pickaxe:
  123. chance of {@D.iron}%:
  124. player's gamemode is survival
  125. message "{@dtag} {@msg.2}"
  126. drop a iron ingot
  127. stop
  129. if player's y-coordinate is smaller than {}:
  130. player's tool is iron pickaxe or diamond pickaxe:
  131. chance of {}%:
  132. player's gamemode is survival
  133. message "{@dtag} {@msg.3}"
  134. drop a gold ingot
  135. stop
  137. if player's biome is extreme hills:
  138. if player's y-coordinate is smaller than {@y.emerald}:
  139. player's tool is iron pickaxe or diamond pickaxe:
  140. chance of {@D.emerald}%:
  141. player's gamemode is survival
  142. message "{@dtag} {@msg.4}"
  143. drop a emerald
  144. stop
  146. if player's y-coordinate is smaller than {}:
  147. player's tool is iron pickaxe or diamond pickaxe:
  148. chance of {}%:
  149. player's gamemode is survival
  150. message "{@dtag} {@msg.5}"
  151. drop a redstone
  152. stop
  154. if player's y-coordinate is smaller than {@y.lapis}:
  155. player's tool is iron pickaxe or diamond pickaxe:
  156. chance of {@D.lapis}%:
  157. player's gamemode is survival
  158. message "{@dtag} {@msg.7}"
  159. drop a lapis lazuli
  160. stop
  162. if player's y-coordinate is smaller than {@y.proch}:
  163. player's tool is iron pickaxe or diamond pickaxe:
  164. chance of {@D.proch}%:
  165. player's gamemode is survival
  166. message "{@dtag} {@msg.8}"
  167. drop a gunpowder
  168. stop
  170. if player's y-coordinate is smaller than {@y.coal}:
  171. player's tool is iron pickaxe or diamond pickaxe:
  172. chance of {@D.coal}%:
  173. player's gamemode is survival
  174. message "{@dtag} {@msg.9}"
  175. drop a coal
  176. stop
  178. on mine of stone:
  179. if player's gamemode is survival:
  180. drop {@dExp} xp
  181. execute console command "playsound random.pop %player%"
  183. #Zabespieczenie przed TNT
  184. on explode:
  185. if entity is TNT:
  186. loop blocks in radius 10:
  187. if loop-block is diamond ore:
  188. set loop-block to {@ustaw}
  189. if loop-block is gold ore:
  190. set loop-block to {@ustaw}
  191. if loop-block is iron ore:
  192. set loop-block to {@ustaw}
  193. if loop-block is emerald ore:
  194. set loop-block to {@ustaw}
  196. #Zablokowanie dropu z rud
  197. On Mine Of Diamond Ore:
  198. cancel event
  199. set block to {@ustaw}
  200. message "{@dtag} {@errord}"
  201. stop
  202. On Mine Of Iron Ore:
  203. cancel event
  204. set block to {@ustaw}
  205. message "{@dtag} {@errori}"
  206. stop
  207. On Mine Of Gold Ore:
  208. cancel event
  209. set block to {@ustaw}
  210. message "{@dtag} {@errorg}"
  211. stop
  212. On Mine Of Emerald Ore:
  213. cancel event
  214. set block to {@ustaw}
  215. message "{@dtag} {@errore}"
  216. stop
  217. On Mine Of Redstone Ore:
  218. cancel event
  219. set block to {@ustaw}
  220. message "{@dtag} {@errore}"
  221. stop
  222. On Mine Of Coal Ore:
  223. cancel event
  224. set block to {@ustaw}
  225. message "{@dtag} {@errore}"
  226. stop
  227. On Mine Of Lapis lazuli Ore:
  228. cancel event
  229. set block to {@ustaw}
  230. message "{@dtag} {@errore}"
  231. stop
  233. #Komendy
  234. command /drop [<text>]:
  235. trigger:
  236. if arg 1 is not set:
  237. send " " # Stwórz komendę /drop (Wpisz tekst pomiędzy " (Tutaj) "
  238. send " "
  239. send " "
  240. if arg 1 is "on":
  241. if player has permission "hcdrops.drop":
  242. set {} to true
  243. send " &6» &7Wlaczyles drop ze stone!"
  244. stop
  245. if arg 1 is "off":
  246. if player has permission "hcdrops.drop":
  247. set {} to false
  248. send " &6» &7Wylaczyles drop ze stone!"
  249. stop
  252. #Właczanie skryptu
  253. on Skript Start:
  254. send "" to the console
  255. send "--------------------------------------------------------------" to the console
  256. send "| |" to the console
  257. send "| Master Drop |" to the console
  258. send "| |" to the console
  259. send "--------------------------------------------------------------" to the console
  260. send "Autor: InsaneX" to the console
  261. send "Wersja: 0.4" to the console
  262. send "" to the console
  263. stop
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