
Language Barrier Chapter One [New]

Apr 17th, 2012
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  1. --------------------
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  6. >You hit snooze. Again.
  7. >It’s the third time today.
  8. >This time you stay awake though, and you slowly make your way out of bed.
  9. >You head to your bathroom and take a shower to wake you up.
  10. >As you dry yourself, your ears are hit by the irritating buzzing of your alarm.
  11. >Hey genius, next time try to remember to turn off the alarm instead of just hitting snooze.
  12. >You start to rush towards the noisy clock.
  13. >You take a single step before slipping.
  14. >Your feet are propelled skyward and your back hits the hard floor.
  15. Great... gonna be one of THOSE mornings...
  16. >You stand back up and rub your back.
  17. >You falter back to your bedroom and finally turn off the alarm.
  18. >Sweet, sweet silence.
  19. >You put on a set of clean clothes and head for the kitchen.
  21. >How the FUCK did you manage to burn your toast?
  23. >They also had to be the last slices of bread in the entire house.
  24. >Good job, Fucko.
  25. >Whatever, you’ll just have to put more PB on them, that’s all.
  26. >No peanut butter left.
  27. >Jumping through your window sounds like a great plan right now.
  28. >You do something reasonable instead.
  29. >You throw away the coal-like substance that used to be bread.
  30. >Cereal? Check.
  31. >Milk? Check.
  32. >Clean bowl and spoon? Check.
  33. >Good, let’s hope you don’t burn them too.
  34. >Thankfully, you eat your cereal without any incident.
  35. >Alright, maybe you’re done with the bad luck.
  36. >THUD.
  37. >Toe, meet table.
  38. >Your face is warped with pain.
  39. >Your blaring swearing echoes through the neighborhood.
  41. >After calming down, you drop your dishes in the sink.
  42. >A quick look at your stubbed toe confirms you that it’s not broken.
  43. >Still hurts like a bitch, though.
  44. >You glance at your watch.
  45. >10:34
  46. >Time to leave.
  47. >You make sure you took everything before going out.
  48. >Wallet, phone, keys, mp3 player, headphones and violin.
  49. >Yep, you’re good.
  50. >You get out and lock your door.
  51. >Nimbly avoiding walking in a pile of dog waste, you manage to get your ass on the bench next to the bus stop.
  52. >With your luck, you’re probably going to have to stand next to some fat sweating guy.
  53. >Or maybe you’ll get mugged on your way to your jam session.
  54. >Better yet, you’re going to get run over by a truck while crossing the street.
  55. >After a few minutes of thinking about more jolly scenarios, your bus pulls over.
  56. >You see a few unoccupied seats in the back and make your way to one of them.
  57. >Having about 30 minutes of travel until you reach destination, you put on your headphones.
  58. >You look through your music collection and pick the violin cover of ‘Sweet Child O’ Mine’ that you love.
  59. >Your eyelids become heavy and sleep quickly overcomes your body.
  62. --------------------
  63. PART TWO
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  67. >Something is tickling your hand, feels like grass.
  68. >You open your eyes.
  69. >It is grass.
  70. >You spring to your feet.
  71. "What the fuck!?"
  72. >You must be dreaming.
  73. >Yeah, that must be it, a dream.
  74. >It feels so real though. Your senses aren’t numbed down like when you usually dream.
  75. >The air is fresh, the ambient sounds are clear and the grass feels like, well, grass.
  76. >Everything is so... colorful. And two dimensional.
  77. >Wait... does that mean that you look... oh fuck.
  78. >You run to a nearby puddle of water and look at your reflection.
  79. >Holy shit, you look strange as hell.
  80. >Your skin is now one solid color and a slightly darker line draws the outline of your body.
  81. >You give yourself a couple of good slaps in the face.
  82. >Awake? No.
  83. >Red hand-shaped marks on your face? Yes.
  85. >Dreaming or not, standing alone in the wilderness won’t do any good.
  86. >Looking around, you see that your violin case is lying on the ground a few feets away from where you woke up.
  87. >You open it and let out a sigh of relief when you see that your violin is still there with your bow and rosin cake.
  88. >You look through the pockets on your case to find out that everything you kept in them have vanished.
  89. >Well, not everything. You found your solar powered charger.
  90. >
  91. >So, unless mistaken, you only have :
  92. >Your clothes.
  93. >A violin in its case, along with a bow and a rosin cake.
  94. >An mp3 player with headphones.
  95. >A solar powered charger.
  97. >Oh yeah, all this technology will help you survive in the wild.
  98. >Totally.
  99. >Good thing you had breakfast before you left, at least you can go on for a while before having to eat.
  100. >You better start looking for a road or something.
  101. >You grab your stuff and start to walk up a nearby hill.
  102. >Maybe the high ground will help you to find a road or a trail, maybe you’ll see a river or even a…
  103. >Small... town?
  104. >Well, that was easy.
  105. >You begin to make your way towards civilization.
  108. >As you get closer to the town you notice something strange.
  109. >Everything looks like it was made for hobbits.
  110. >And you didn’t see any human being in the town... only small pastel-colored horses.
  111. “What the hell is going on?” You mutter to yourself.
  112. >A light brown horse suddenly notices you.
  113. >Its eyes grow wide and it yells something you can’t understand.
  114. >Wait... Yell? That sounded like he was saying something in a different language.
  115. >Every equine in town turns towards you in an instant.
  116. "Uh... hello?"
  117. >There is a short silence, followed by utter chaos as every creature seems to run into houses and close the doors shut.
  118. >Confusion overwhelms you.
  119. >You just stand still, watching the town flee in terror from you.
  120. "..."
  121. "What?"
  124. >Nothing makes sense anymore.
  125. >Why is this town filled with ponies?
  126. >Why do they live in houses?
  127. >Why were some of them flying?
  128. >Why were they fleeing from you?
  129. >...
  130. >You know what?
  131. >Fuck logic. Why don’t you just go ask them?
  132. >You walk towards the closest home you see and knock at the door.
  133. "Excuse me, could you help me?"
  134. "..."
  135. "..."
  136. "Hello?"
  137. >You try out another door, same result.
  138. "I guess there’s no point in trying other doors."
  139. >You go sit on a nearby bench and wait a couple of minutes, hoping that one of the resident would come out eventually.
  140. >...
  141. >Yep, any minute now.
  142. >...
  143. >God, this dream sucks.
  144. >...
  145. >What if it wasn’t a dream?
  146. >What if that bus got all ‘Magic School Bus’ on your ass and transported you to a wacky dimension?
  147. >You knew you should have stayed home today.
  148. >In the eventuality that all of this is real, and judging by the warm welcome you just had; humans are either inexistent here or they are bloodthirsty monsters.
  149. >Great.
  152. --------------------
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  157. >Since the population is dead set on staying hidden, you decide to leave the town for a while.
  158. >Let them calm down and maybe try a different approach next time.
  159. >You walk back to the top of the hill.
  160. >After climbing up a small boulder, you sit down and try to make yourself comfortable.
  161. >The landscape around you is breathtaking.
  162. >Green hills adorns the countryside with delicate curves.
  163. >Clouds scattered in the sky as far as the eye can see.
  164. >You put your headphones on and lay down on your back.
  165. >Vivaldi’s ‘Four Seasons’ and the gorgeous landscape slowly lulls you to sleep.
  168. >Waking up, you notice the air is lacking the subtle aroma of sweat and piss.
  169. >This means that you are not back in your bus and still stuck in the other world.
  170. >You reluctantly open your eyes to confirm your suspicion and-
  171. "Wow."
  172. >The already beautiful scenery is now basking in the light of the setting sun.
  173. >The hills are now casting their vast shadows over the countryside.
  174. >The clouds are tinted with the warm colors of the sunset.
  175. >Inspired by this scene, you open your violin case.
  176. "Time to get some fresh air, buddy."
  177. >Your partner is more of the silent type, only speaking when he needs to.
  178. >But when you work together, you two make a great duet.
  179. >Standing on your rock, you feel insignificant compared to the majesty this sunset.
  180. >You rosin up your bow and tighten its hairs.
  181. >You lift your instrument to your shoulder.
  182. >
  185. >You bow down, presenting your respect to the work of art of Mother Nature that inspired your music.
  186. >You can almost hear the clapping and cheering of an imaginary crowd.
  187. >Reinvigorated by your performance, you decide to try and approach the strange town again.
  188. >You turn around and-
  189. >Oh god what fuck?!
  190. >Turns out, you weren’t imagining the crowd after all.
  191. >A dozen or so pastel ponies are slamming their hooves on the ground around you.
  192. >You take another bow, facing your spectators this time.
  193. >The equine Skittles commercial gets closer as you sit down on your rock.
  194. >Two of them start to talk to you.
  195. >Well, you think they’re talking; it sounds nothing like any language you’ve ever heard.
  196. >You try to motion them that you can’t understand what the hell they’re saying, without any result.
  197. >Maybe saying something will shut them up.
  198. "Do I look like I can speak horse?"
  199. >Yeah, that worked. Now they’re looking at each other in confusion.
  200. >One of them eventually step forward and asks something.
  201. >In horse language.
  202. >You sigh heavily.
  203. "I. Can’t. Understand. You."
  204. >You make exaggerated gestures while speaking; tapping your chest, shaking your head in the negative, pointing to your ears, pointing to them.
  205. >Finally, you think they get it.
  206. >Now you’re just staring at the ponies in an awkward silence.
  207. >Yeah, much better.
  210. >The sky slowly darkens as the sun sets and the moon rises.
  211. >Even though you just spent the afternoon sleeping on a rock in the middle of nowhere, you're not sure you want to stay alone in the wilderness for a full night.
  212. >You point to yourself, make your middle finger and index 'walk' on your hand, motion to the town and... huh...
  213. >How the hell are you supposed to pantomime a question mark?
  214. >No matter, the group of equine is already arguing.
  215. >Actually, only two of them are. The rest of them are just looking back and forth between the two disputing ponies.
  216. >On one side, you have a cream-colored pony with a purple and pink mane whose emotions fluctuate between annoyed, worried and slightly angry.
  217. >On the other, you have a mint green unicorn (the fact that unicorns exist in this world barely surprise you) with a blueish-grey and white mane that looks completely thrilled.
  218. >And then there's you, and you don't know what the fuck is going on.
  219. >Eventually, the non-vocal group takes a few steps back and one of them say something.
  220. >A couple of them wave at you before they all start walking back towards the town, leaving you alone with two arguing horses.
  221. >After a few more minutes of arguing, the off-white pony lets out an exasperated sigh.
  222. >The mint flavored unicorn stands on her hind legs and fist pumps a couple of time while cheering.
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