
What if AU feels

Jan 11th, 2014
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  1. [1/10/14 10:44:58 PM] bb: I need
  2. [1/10/14 10:45:02 PM] bb: Duncan feels
  3. [1/10/14 10:45:07 PM] bb: weh
  4. [1/10/14 10:45:30 PM] Sarah Zaccardi: Well, what did you have before?
  5. [1/10/14 10:45:42 PM] bb: okay i don't remember
  6. [1/10/14 10:45:46 PM] bb: did you ever read FM?
  7. [1/10/14 10:46:12 PM] Sarah Zaccardi: I read some of it, yeah. A good chunk. I know that Duncan was des's older brother and he killed himself
  8. [1/10/14 10:46:18 PM] bb: okay
  9. [1/10/14 10:46:22 PM] bb: so this is like
  10. [1/10/14 10:46:24 PM] bb: a 'what if'
  11. [1/10/14 10:46:37 PM] bb: that instead of Altair leaving Duncan and Desmond back at the farm
  12. [1/10/14 10:46:44 PM] bb: that he's like 'fuck I'm not this fucking cruel'
  13. [1/10/14 10:46:51 PM] bb: and kills Andrew
  14. [1/10/14 10:46:58 PM] bb: and takes them away instead
  15. [1/10/14 10:47:04 PM] Sarah Zaccardi: I like that. I mean, Altair is a dick, but Andrew is worse. I like that.
  16. [1/10/14 10:47:05 PM] bb: to live with him and Ezio and Hawk
  17. [1/10/14 10:47:26 PM] bb: and Altair is like 'so... I have these two kids uh... wanna help?'
  18. [1/10/14 10:48:01 PM] bb: and Ezio and Hawk are like 'Altair wat is da matter with you >C but yeah knowing you they'd end up starving to death like we would leave you alone with a three and eight year old lol'
  19. [1/10/14 10:48:14 PM] Sarah Zaccardi: xD Duncan will be less likely to off himself this way!
  20. [1/10/14 10:48:23 PM] bb: yeah he doesn't
  21. [1/10/14 10:48:31 PM] bb: he's depressed because his father pressures him so much
  22. [1/10/14 10:48:38 PM] bb: and he was forced to grow up SUPER quickly
  23. [1/10/14 10:48:47 PM] Sarah Zaccardi: As is the super fuked up assassin way
  24. [1/10/14 10:48:56 PM] bb: yeah
  25. [1/10/14 10:49:00 PM] bb: he and Desmond still have to train
  26. [1/10/14 10:49:20 PM] bb: but its more in the idea of 'we fight to protect people and ourselves. The goal of learning to fight isn't to hurt someone'
  27. [1/10/14 10:49:24 PM] bb: and Duncan is okay with that
  28. [1/10/14 10:49:44 PM] bb: and when Duncan is like... 11 or something he's like "Altair I want to go to school"
  29. [1/10/14 10:49:53 PM] bb: cause they've been home schooling the boys
  30. [1/10/14 10:50:05 PM] bb: and Altair is just like 'mmm, I'll think about it'
  31. [1/10/14 10:50:09 PM] Sarah Zaccardi: :D does he let him?
  32. [1/10/14 10:50:13 PM] bb: yes
  33. [1/10/14 10:50:19 PM] bb: Duncan forgets about it and then like
  34. [1/10/14 10:50:36 PM] bb: a week before the new school year starts Altair is like 'you still wanna go to school?'
  35. [1/10/14 10:50:50 PM] bb: Duncan fucking LOVES school too
  36. [1/10/14 10:51:09 PM] bb: and Desmond wants to be like his big brother and he's like 'Altair I wanna go to school like Duncan QOQ'
  37. [1/10/14 10:51:19 PM] Sarah Zaccardi: :D aww, desss!! Thats cuuute.
  38. [1/10/14 10:51:22 PM] bb: yes
  39. [1/10/14 10:51:39 PM] bb: and Des doesn't know any better as he's growing up cause he starts living with Altair and them when he's fucking /three/
  40. [1/10/14 10:51:44 PM] bb: and he calls Altair 'dad'
  41. [1/10/14 10:52:05 PM] Sarah Zaccardi: hes a hell of a lot better than andrew was, I cant blame him.
  42. [1/10/14 10:52:17 PM] bb: and Altair's just like '...wat?' 'Aren't you my dad? You act like the daddy's on the TV :?'
  43. [1/10/14 10:52:49 PM] Sarah Zaccardi: XD oh, Altair, you should have known this could happen when you took in the three year old with few memories of his actual dad.
  44. [1/10/14 10:52:51 PM] bb: and Altair's like '... Technically I'm not, but... I guess you can call me that' but interally Altair's like 'omg DESMONNNND! <3'
  45. [1/10/14 10:53:08 PM] bb: also Altair has killed Andrew
  46. [1/10/14 10:53:21 PM] bb: so their dad isn't even alive any more
  47. [1/10/14 10:53:32 PM] bb: and Duncan eventually starts calling Altair dad too
  48. [1/10/14 10:53:39 PM] bb: they don't call Ezio and Hawk dad though
  49. [1/10/14 10:53:41 PM] bb: just Altair
  50. [1/10/14 10:53:46 PM] bb: cause Hawk and Ezio are just... around
  51. [1/10/14 10:53:50 PM] bb: but they don't /live/ with them
  52. [1/10/14 10:53:55 PM] Sarah Zaccardi: Ezio and Hawk are more like weird uncle esque people
  53. [1/10/14 10:54:00 PM] bb: yeah kinda
  54. [1/10/14 10:54:05 PM] bb: they are always Hawk and Ezio
  55. [1/10/14 10:54:22 PM] bb: Altair is obviously really protective of them
  56. [1/10/14 10:54:35 PM] bb: and he gets nervous when Duncan isn't home from school on time and shit
  57. [1/10/14 10:54:43 PM] bb: cause he /knows/ the Assassins are looking for the boys
  58. [1/10/14 10:55:03 PM] bb: because two kids from a long line of Assassins don't just vanish and people don't not look for them
  59. [1/10/14 10:55:21 PM] bb: like he doesn't let either of them go on field trips unless he goes with them
  60. [1/10/14 10:55:28 PM] Sarah Zaccardi: oh my god
  61. [1/10/14 10:55:32 PM] Sarah Zaccardi: field trip chaperone altair
  62. [1/10/14 10:55:34 PM] bb: which usually means they don't go since Altair hates other children
  63. [1/10/14 10:55:41 PM] bb: he likes /his/ children
  64. [1/10/14 10:55:50 PM] bb: but he can't /stand/ other people's children
  65. [1/10/14 10:55:56 PM] Sarah Zaccardi: I was gonna say
  66. [1/10/14 10:56:06 PM] Sarah Zaccardi: field trip chaperone altair is a terrible idea. Altair doesn't like small people.
  67. [1/10/14 10:56:16 PM] bb: and Ezio comes by one day and is like 'What's up chief? Why you so down?' also everyone calls Duncan chief, its his pet name
  68. [1/10/14 10:56:37 PM] bb: and Duncan's like 'dad won't let me go on the field trip to the aquarium :C'
  69. [1/10/14 10:57:00 PM] bb: and Ezio's like 'really? Well why don't /we/ go on a field trip together?' 'Yeah? Where?' 'hmmm, how about Disney World?'
  70. [1/10/14 10:57:10 PM] bb: also all three of the immortals are UNGODLY wealthy
  71. [1/10/14 10:57:11 PM] Sarah Zaccardi: Ezio, that is so cool.
  72. [1/10/14 10:57:14 PM] Sarah Zaccardi: He's the cool uncle.
  73. [1/10/14 10:57:17 PM] bb: lols yeah he is
  74. [1/10/14 10:57:26 PM] Sarah Zaccardi: Well yeah, I imangine being immortal does wodners for ones savings.
  75. [1/10/14 10:57:27 PM] bb: and Duncan is like 'OMG REALLY!? Desmond too??'
  76. [1/10/14 10:57:35 PM] Sarah Zaccardi: Desmond would looove disney world.
  77. [1/10/14 10:57:38 PM] bb: yes
  78. [1/10/14 10:57:44 PM] bb: and they go to Disney World
  79. [1/10/14 10:57:49 PM] bb: and got to just two of the parks
  80. [1/10/14 10:57:56 PM] bb: they're still gone for like four days
  81. [1/10/14 10:57:59 PM] bb: and when they get back
  82. [1/10/14 10:58:07 PM] bb: Altair has gone into absolute panic mode
  83. [1/10/14 10:58:10 PM] Sarah Zaccardi: oh god they didnt tell him
  84. [1/10/14 10:58:14 PM] bb: NOPE
  85. [1/10/14 10:58:20 PM] Sarah Zaccardi: EZIO
  86. [1/10/14 10:58:20 PM] bb: cause this is still the early 90s
  87. [1/10/14 10:58:24 PM] Sarah Zaccardi: YOU ARE A DUMBASS.
  88. [1/10/14 10:58:28 PM] bb: there are no cell phones really yet
  89. [1/10/14 10:58:40 PM] Sarah Zaccardi: I know but still, leave a note...!
  90. [1/10/14 10:58:45 PM] bb: its Ezio
  91. [1/10/14 10:58:49 PM] bb: like he'd leave a note
  92. [1/10/14 10:58:55 PM] bb: and Altair fucking /yells/ at Ezio
  93. [1/10/14 10:58:59 PM] Sarah Zaccardi: Well he should
  94. [1/10/14 10:59:01 PM] Sarah Zaccardi: that was dumb of ezio
  95. [1/10/14 10:59:17 PM] bb: but Ezio isn't wrong
  96. [1/10/14 11:00:30 PM] bb: he's like 'you never let them do anything unless you're looking at them?! What is wrong with you? What the hell do you think could happen to them? You're completly controlling their lives and ruining it by keeping them basically within eye sight. Fuck you're acting /just/ like Andrew. Isn't that why you killed him? Because he's a controlling piece of shit?"
  97. [1/10/14 11:00:50 PM] Sarah Zaccardi: OHHH BURN
  98. [1/10/14 11:00:51 PM] bb: and Altair is like dead stop realization that he /is/ becoming like Andrew
  99. [1/10/14 11:01:05 PM] bb: and instantly is like 'you're right. Holy shit you're absolutely right'
  100. [1/10/14 11:01:20 PM] bb: 'wow can I get that in writing? The great Altair admitting I'm right.'
  101. [1/10/14 11:01:25 PM] Sarah Zaccardi: adjfkd oh my god this is great.
  102. [1/10/14 11:01:28 PM] Sarah Zaccardi: and also adorable.
  103. [1/10/14 11:01:31 PM] bb: yes
  104. [1/10/14 11:01:44 PM] bb: and Altair is like 'okay maybe I've been a bit intense'
  105. [1/10/14 11:02:05 PM] bb: 'so I only took them to two of the parks and the boys wanna go to the other two ouo'
  106. [1/10/14 11:02:40 PM] Sarah Zaccardi: omg ALTAIR IN DISNEY WORLD
  107. [1/10/14 11:02:46 PM] bb: 'Okay so I am gonna be cool about this now BUT for the love of /fuck/ Ezio. Next time you want to take them somewhere /tell me/ before I rip apart the entire Eastern Seaboard'
  108. [1/10/14 11:02:59 PM] bb: 'Also what is the matter with you! They missed four days of school!'
  109. [1/10/14 11:03:17 PM] Sarah Zaccardi: ooooh yeah, bad move man.
  110. [1/10/14 11:04:03 PM] bb: 'Two rules for taking my boys somewhere. 1. weekend trips only I swear to god or I will fucking send the police after you for kidnapping, and 2. fucking /tell me/ or I will fucking send the police after you for kidnapping'
  111. [1/10/14 11:04:10 PM] bb: 'you'd seriously sic the police on me?
  112. [1/10/14 11:04:12 PM] bb: 'YES'
  113. [1/10/14 11:04:28 PM] Sarah Zaccardi: Altar. GOOD FATHER
  114. [1/10/14 11:04:48 PM] bb: lols yeah
  115. [1/10/14 11:04:59 PM] bb: and then more feels later on in life
  116. [1/10/14 11:05:04 PM] bb: so Duncan goes off to college
  117. [1/10/14 11:05:06 PM] bb: Altair pays for it
  118. [1/10/14 11:05:11 PM] bb: cause Altair is fucking rich as shit
  119. [1/10/14 11:05:13 PM] Sarah Zaccardi: Duncan gets to live a nice, normal life. :D
  120. [1/10/14 11:05:17 PM] bb: yes
  121. [1/10/14 11:05:19 PM] bb: they both do
  122. [1/10/14 11:05:35 PM] bb: Duncan is really smart and handsome and perfect basically
  123. [1/10/14 11:05:42 PM] bb: Desmond is... Desmond
  124. [1/10/14 11:05:43 PM] bb: XD
  125. [1/10/14 11:05:43 PM] Sarah Zaccardi: Yeah, I imagine with a more stable home environment desmond wouldn't run away and all that.
  126. [1/10/14 11:05:50 PM] Sarah Zaccardi: he'd still be dumb and adorable though
  127. [1/10/14 11:06:14 PM] bb: Desmond isn't dumb
  128. [1/10/14 11:06:29 PM] bb: but Duncan goes to school
  129. [1/10/14 11:06:34 PM] bb: like I think at Harvard
  130. [1/10/14 11:06:39 PM] bb: cause he's got the scores
  131. [1/10/14 11:06:43 PM] bb: and daddy's got the money
  132. [1/10/14 11:06:56 PM] Sarah Zaccardi: I know he isnt. All the fictional characters I love get called dumb by me at one point or another. Adn yeah, way to go Duncan! :D Ivy league, niiice.
  133. [1/10/14 11:07:05 PM] bb: but
  134. [1/10/14 11:07:15 PM] bb: Duncan /shouldn't/ be alive
  135. [1/10/14 11:07:30 PM] bb: Altair forcefully changed the future by taking the boys with him
  136. [1/10/14 11:07:35 PM] bb: instead of leaving them
  137. [1/10/14 11:07:48 PM] bb: so the future is very different but Duncan shouldn't /be there/
  138. [1/10/14 11:07:55 PM] bb: and he can't find what he wants in life
  139. [1/10/14 11:08:01 PM] bb: because he was never supposed to have this life
  140. [1/10/14 11:08:06 PM] bb: he was supposed to die
  141. [1/10/14 11:08:16 PM] bb: so he's basically in school for years and years and years
  142. [1/10/14 11:08:28 PM] bb: trying to find just /what/ it is he wants to do with his life
  143. [1/10/14 11:08:49 PM] Sarah Zaccardi: but the future isnt set in stone, is it? I mean, if Altair changed things by taking the boys with him, wouldn't that change FM and everything? I mean, its an AU, so whatever but....
  144. [1/10/14 11:09:05 PM] bb: The future isn't set no
  145. [1/10/14 11:09:19 PM] bb: but Altair and the immortals are anomolies in time
  146. [1/10/14 11:09:26 PM] bb: /they/ should be dead too
  147. [1/10/14 11:09:32 PM] Sarah Zaccardi: true
  148. [1/10/14 11:09:44 PM] bb: so the big choices they make
  149. [1/10/14 11:09:47 PM] bb: carry more weight
  150. [1/10/14 11:09:59 PM] bb: when they choose to kill people
  151. [1/10/14 11:10:05 PM] bb: or let them live it carries /weight/
  152. [1/10/14 11:10:24 PM] bb: Altair picking the boys created a time line that was never supposed to happen
  153. [1/10/14 11:10:35 PM] bb: a future that wasn't supposed to happen
  154. [1/10/14 11:10:56 PM] Sarah Zaccardi: but wouldnt it be a better future?
  155. [1/10/14 11:11:11 PM] bb: Duncan can't find what he's supposed to do in life, because he was never meant to have this life until a literal god stepped in and changed his fate
  156. [1/10/14 11:11:19 PM] bb: not exactly
  157. [1/10/14 11:11:38 PM] bb: Desmond's story has a very specific end game that is /very/ different with Duncan around
  158. [1/10/14 11:11:48 PM] bb: some parts are the same
  159. [1/10/14 11:12:07 PM] bb: but the proeathans didn't /plan/ for Duncan
  160. [1/10/14 11:12:12 PM] bb: he changes /everything/
  161. [1/10/14 11:12:13 PM] bb: annnyway
  162. [1/10/14 11:12:23 PM] bb: Duncan is in college for longer than he probably should be
  163. [1/10/14 11:12:37 PM] Sarah Zaccardi: Pfft, there is no should be. He's just taking a long path is all! :D
  164. [1/10/14 11:12:52 PM] bb: XD
  165. [1/10/14 11:13:40 PM] Sarah Zaccardi: brb, I gotta go brush my teeth.
  166. [1/10/14 11:13:52 PM] bb: k I'll have stuff for you to read when you get back :D
  167. [1/10/14 11:14:15 PM] bb: and Altair's like 'are you still going to school next year?'
  168. 'yeah... is that okay?'
  169. 'Of course its okay.'
  170. 'I just... don't know what I want to do yet.'
  171. 'Its okay. Not everyone knows what they want when they're young. I'll pay for your next semester'
  172. 'Thanks dad.'
  173. 'I just want you to be happy, chief.'
  174. 'Thanks.'
  175. [1/10/14 11:14:56 PM] bb: 'I'll see you on your break okay?'
  176. 'Yeah! Of course. Bye dad, I love you.'
  177. '... I love you too kid.'
  178. [1/10/14 11:15:13 PM] bb: Altair is just 'omg WAT HOW DOES DEAL WITH LOVE I DON'T UNDERSTAND????!'
  179. [1/10/14 11:16:03 PM] bb: Altair gets all weird when Des and Duncan say they love him cause he has a hard time wrapping his head around the fact that two sweet, innocent, boys like Desmond and Duncan can love something /like him/. Something so dirty and broken and soiled.
  180. [1/10/14 11:16:10 PM] bb: And the
  181. [1/10/14 11:16:11 PM] bb: and THEN
  182. [1/10/14 11:16:26 PM] bb: Duncan is in lecture when he gets a phone call, which he ignores cause omg dad I'm in class
  183. [1/10/14 11:16:43 PM] bb: and Altair's text is like 'I don't give a SHIT what you're doing. You answer the phone right fucking now'
  184. [1/10/14 11:17:03 PM] bb: and so Duncan leaves the lecture hall and calls Altair and is just like 'yo what up'
  185. [1/10/14 11:17:12 PM] bb: 'where are you?'
  186. 'what?'
  187. 'Where are you?"
  188. [1/10/14 11:21:03 PM] Sarah Zaccardi: oooooh shit whath appened.
  189. [1/10/14 11:21:42 PM] bb: 'I'm at school? I was in class.'
  190. 'You're safe?'
  191. 'Yeah? Dad what's going on you're starting to freak me out?'
  192. '... someone kidnapped your brother.'
  193. 'What!'
  194. [1/10/14 11:21:58 PM] bb: Desmond went to school to become an electrical engineer
  195. [1/10/14 11:22:10 PM] bb: and he was at an internship in Florida
  196. [1/10/14 11:22:13 PM] bb: and fucking
  197. [1/10/14 11:22:25 PM] bb: Abstergo came and was like 'lols hello Desmond :D *snags*'
  198. [1/10/14 11:22:38 PM] Sarah Zaccardi: o shit. Well that still happened. D:
  199. [1/10/14 11:23:13 PM] bb: 'You need to go to the airport and get on a plane out of the country.'
  200. 'Okay I need to go home and-
  201. 'no, you can't go home. If they know where your brother was then i don't doubt they know where you live too'
  202. [1/10/14 11:23:23 PM] bb: 'But my passport is back at my apartment'
  203. [1/10/14 11:26:28 PM] bb: '...'
  204. 'dad?'
  205. 'I'm going to send Hawk to meet you in New York. You need to leave /now/. Get your book bag, get in your car, and drive to the airport. Leave the car on the side of the road, keys in it, I'll buy you a new one. Get on the first flight to New York. Hawk will meet you there with your new passport'
  206. '...okay.'
  207. 'Don't /panic/. I can hear you starting to freak out. This is what we had that training for. Calm down.'
  208. 'Who took my brother?'
  209. 'Remember I told you there were bad people out there? People who don't care about what they have to do to get what they want?'
  210. 'Yes'
  211. 'its them.'
  212. 'a-are they people like my real dad?'
  213. 'No. These people are worse. Now get your shit and go. Call me back when you get to your car.'
  214. 'o-okay'
  215. [1/10/14 11:27:54 PM] Sarah Zaccardi: Jesus christ. D: Well, this is the approrpriate reaction to have to the situation,
  216. [1/10/14 11:27:57 PM] Sarah Zaccardi: I think.
  217. [1/10/14 11:28:04 PM] bb: yeah
  218. [1/10/14 11:28:49 PM] bb: and then Duncan gets his shit and walks out, doesn't look back and goes to his car and he sees men loitering around trying to look casual
  219. [1/10/14 11:28:53 PM] bb: and he calls Altair
  220. [1/10/14 11:29:02 PM] bb: 'dad. there are men standing around my car'
  221. [1/10/14 11:29:39 PM] Sarah Zaccardi: abstergo doesnt do casual well.
  222. [1/10/14 11:30:22 PM] bb: 'how many?'
  223. 'I see... five'
  224. 'You can take five.'
  225. 'what? No. I can't-
  226. 'Duncan. This is what we trained you for'
  227. 'Desmond's always been better at fighting than me though-
  228. 'Don't doubt yourself. You /can/ beat them. And if you really don't think you can, get on a train. Just get /out/ of there'
  229. [1/10/14 11:30:32 PM] bb: and Duncan hangs up, and goes to his car
  230. [1/10/14 11:30:37 PM] bb: and is intercepted by two guys
  231. [1/10/14 11:30:43 PM] bb: and he beats the SHIT out of them
  232. [1/10/14 11:31:02 PM] bb: and he's like '...omg, I just did that :O'
  233. [1/10/14 11:31:12 PM] bb: Desmond is a /much/ better fighter than him
  234. [1/10/14 11:31:17 PM] Sarah Zaccardi: aww duncan, babe! :D You can totally beat up the bad guys!
  235. [1/10/14 11:31:19 PM] bb: he's a natural
  236. [1/10/14 11:31:27 PM] bb: and sorta like Altair, a total savant
  237. [1/10/14 11:31:38 PM] bb: like the brothers are opposites
  238. [1/10/14 11:32:11 PM] bb: Desmond is a warrior, war monger, a leader of armies, someone who walks and death follows after
  239. [1/10/14 11:33:03 PM] bb: Duncan is a peacekeeper, a pacifist, a saint amount men, he soothes the scars his brother creates
  240. [1/10/14 11:33:12 PM] bb: I've always written them like this
  241. [1/10/14 11:33:47 PM] bb: so for Duncan to realize that he /can/ be a warrior, when his brother is just SO much better than him its eye opening
  242. [1/10/14 11:33:56 PM] bb: and then he gets in his car and takes the fuck off to the Logan
  243. [1/10/14 11:34:30 PM] bb: he leaves his car at the blue line parking lot and when he gets there he calls Altair again
  244. [1/10/14 11:34:53 PM] Sarah Zaccardi: good. I'm glad he was able to boost his confidence, and get away...
  245. [1/10/14 11:35:26 PM] bb: 'I'm at the airport.'
  246. 'Good. Get on the first flight to New York. Use the black credit card Hawk gave you to pay for it. And if they give you a hard time just go to another airline. Get on the /first/ flight'
  247. [1/10/14 11:35:45 PM] bb: and the lady does give him kinda a hard time cause his flight literally leaves in forty minutes
  248. [1/10/14 11:36:38 PM] bb: but he's like 'I want a first class ticket on this fight I'll pay any extra stupid fee you want but if you don't get me on that plane I'm going to American' or something like he's at Delta or Jetblue idk
  249. [1/10/14 11:36:45 PM] bb: but he gets on the plane
  250. [1/10/14 11:37:09 PM] Sarah Zaccardi: good. At least he got on
  251. [1/10/14 11:37:18 PM] bb: and flies to JFK and meets Hawk
  252. [1/10/14 11:37:28 PM] bb: and Hawk is like '*grabs arm and steers him out of the terminal*'
  253. [1/10/14 11:37:40 PM] bb: 'wtf where are we going? I thought we were flying to Germany?'
  254. [1/10/14 11:38:17 PM] Sarah Zaccardi: nope, change of plans, right?
  255. [1/10/14 11:38:44 PM] bb: 'Change of planes. I checked the flight manifest for all flights out of the country within the next hour; every single one has an Abstergo employee on them. We're not going that way'
  256. [1/10/14 11:38:49 PM] bb: 'wtf then where are we going?'
  257. [1/10/14 11:39:03 PM] bb: 'Altair is sending his private jet to pick us up-
  258. [1/10/14 11:39:19 PM] bb: 'woah dad has a private jet?'
  259. 'Two actually, one is white, the other is black.'
  260. [1/10/14 11:39:39 PM] bb: 'Where's the jet picking us up?'
  261. '... Idaho'
  262. [1/10/14 11:39:42 PM] bb: '....wat'
  263. [1/10/14 11:39:48 PM] Sarah Zaccardi: they...have to drive to idaho.
  264. [1/10/14 11:39:52 PM] bb: YEAP
  265. [1/10/14 11:39:59 PM] Sarah Zaccardi: oh FUN TIMES
  266. [1/10/14 11:40:02 PM] bb: because the skies are being watched
  267. [1/10/14 11:40:09 PM] bb: and it takes them 2-3 days
  268. [1/10/14 11:40:15 PM] bb: but they get there
  269. [1/10/14 11:40:25 PM] bb: and Altair is waiting for them at a private airstrip
  270. [1/10/14 11:40:30 PM] bb: his private air strip btw
  271. [1/10/14 11:40:57 PM] bb: At this point they think Desmond has been gone about a week
  272. [1/10/14 11:41:09 PM] Sarah Zaccardi: god, they're so damn rich. Okay, so AC1 is happening to Desmond, basically.
  273. [1/10/14 11:41:16 PM] Sarah Zaccardi: Call started
  274. [1/10/14 11:41:16 PM] bb: Call ended – busy
  275. [1/10/14 11:41:25 PM] bb: yeah and he's FLIPPING OUT
  276. [1/10/14 11:41:37 PM] bb: cause he and Duncan don't know Altair, Ezio, and Hawk are immortal
  277. [1/10/14 11:41:56 PM] bb: so he's like 'WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS IS THIS SOME SORT OF SICK JOKE!?!?!'
  278. [1/10/14 11:42:30 PM] bb: and basically having an extitential crisis
  279. [1/10/14 11:42:41 PM] bb: but Duncan and the others arrive in Italy
  280. [1/10/14 11:42:51 PM] bb: Ezio meets them there
  281. [1/10/14 11:43:05 PM] bb: and when they get to Abstergo Hawk just fucking walks in cause no one knows who he is
  282. [1/10/14 11:43:15 PM] Sarah Zaccardi: they should proooobably tell duncan they're immortal at some point, I hope.
  283. [1/10/14 11:43:16 PM] bb: also he has the Apple so can just be invisible
  284. [1/10/14 11:43:21 PM] bb: shhh wait
  285. [1/10/14 11:43:26 PM] Sarah Zaccardi: okaaay;'
  286. [1/10/14 11:43:27 PM] bb: and he's like 'yeah he isn't here'
  287. [1/10/14 11:43:35 PM] bb: so Lucy's already taken Desmond away
  288. [1/10/14 11:43:41 PM] bb: and they're like 'shit where is he"
  289. [1/10/14 11:43:56 PM] bb: and Hawk has a good idea to just /wait/ cause they've been keeping tabs on the Assassins duh
  290. [1/10/14 11:44:03 PM] bb: and they know Lucy is a mole
  291. [1/10/14 11:44:26 PM] bb: and Hawk is like 'wait till Abstergo makes a move. They know where they are because of their mole.'
  292. [1/10/14 11:44:29 PM] bb: so they wait
  293. [1/10/14 11:44:32 PM] bb: and AC2 happens
  294. [1/10/14 11:44:46 PM] bb: and just before the end of AC2 (which btw is literally two days lols)
  295. [1/10/14 11:45:01 PM] Sarah Zaccardi: I love that AC2 is just so damn short timewise. it's really fucking hilarious in a way.
  296. [1/10/14 11:45:06 PM] bb: yeap
  297. [1/10/14 11:45:11 PM] bb: wait
  298. [1/10/14 11:45:17 PM] bb: I forget what I was gonna do here....
  299. [1/10/14 11:45:20 PM] bb: oh no wait yeah
  300. [1/10/14 11:45:23 PM] bb: AC2 happens
  301. [1/10/14 11:45:28 PM] bb: even the end
  302. [1/10/14 11:45:39 PM] bb: and the others are like /just/ behind the Templars
  303. [1/10/14 11:45:43 PM] bb: but they get away
  304. [1/10/14 11:45:56 PM] bb: and they're like 'shit NOW where are they? This waiting thing isn't a good idea'
  305. [1/10/14 11:46:36 PM] bb: and Duncan is like 'where's a safe place for Assassins in Italy?' and the immortals are like 'lols that's funny Duncan. Italty has been under Templar control since like the 1920s'
  306. [1/10/14 11:46:49 PM] bb: 'there is literally nowhere safe for Assassins in Italy'
  307. [1/10/14 11:47:03 PM] bb: but obviously they have to have the /semblance/ of safety
  308. [1/10/14 11:47:48 PM] bb: and Ezio's like '... they'd go to where I led the Order from. Its still a beacon for Assassins' and that really confuses Duncan but w/e Ezio is his weird, rich, essentric uncle
  309. [1/10/14 11:47:54 PM] bb: so they go to Montigeronni
  310. [1/10/14 11:48:07 PM] bb: and Duncan finds them first in the villa
  311. [1/10/14 11:48:18 PM] bb: while Desmond is in the Animus and FLIPS OUT
  312. [1/10/14 11:48:34 PM] bb: †he others pull Desmond out and Desmond is like 'OMG DUNCAN! *hug*'
  313. [1/10/14 11:49:03 PM] bb: and Duncan is like 'Don't you ever fucking scare me like this I swear to got I will fucking kill you if you ever do this to me again omg thank god you're safe QAQ'
  314. [1/10/14 11:49:17 PM] bb: and then the immortals show up
  315. [1/10/14 11:49:19 PM] bb: and Shaun
  316. [1/10/14 11:49:20 PM] bb: nearly
  317. [1/10/14 11:49:23 PM] bb: SHITS himself
  318. [1/10/14 11:49:29 PM] Sarah Zaccardi: oh god poor shaun. I was about to ask how he wastaking this.
  319. [1/10/14 11:49:29 PM] bb: because /EZIO/
  320. [1/10/14 11:49:45 PM] bb: and then Desmond is like 'what the fuck are you?' to Altair and Ezio
  321. [1/10/14 11:49:53 PM] bb: because he's /lived/ as them
  322. [1/10/14 11:49:58 PM] bb: through the Animus
  323. [1/10/14 11:50:02 PM] bb: and the Animus doesn't lie
  324. [1/10/14 11:50:49 PM] bb: and they're all like, "looks like we have to come clean. Everyone just sit down and we'll explain'
  325. [1/10/14 11:50:58 PM] bb: and Duncan is just REALLY confused
  326. [1/10/14 11:51:03 PM] bb: cause he has no idea what an Animus is
  327. [1/10/14 11:51:12 PM] bb: or who these people are
  328. [1/10/14 11:51:19 PM] bb: and he's just happy his baby brother is safe
  329. [1/10/14 11:51:22 PM] bb: but like
  330. [1/10/14 11:51:27 PM] bb: they all sit, like good little children
  331. [1/10/14 11:51:44 PM] bb: and Altair is just like 'We're immortal.'
  332. [1/10/14 11:52:03 PM] bb: and Shaun is like '*heavy breathing because first person historic referances*'
  333. [1/10/14 11:52:47 PM] bb: brb have to poop
  334. [1/10/14 11:52:49 PM] Sarah Zaccardi: shaun is taking this fairly well, all things considered XD
  335. [1/10/14 11:56:22 PM] bb: lols yeah
  336. [1/10/14 11:56:29 PM] bb: and then they explain it
  337. [1/10/14 11:57:07 PM] bb: and then Altair is like 'now the next question is from us. Should we kill you three or not? You know about us, about my boys, and you're a liability.'
  338. [1/10/14 11:59:07 PM] Sarah Zaccardi: adjfkd yeah, good question. well, 2 out of 3 of them are relatively trustworthy. Sorry, lucy...
  339. [1/11/14 12:00:01 AM] bb: lols yeah
  340. [1/11/14 12:00:11 AM] bb: and they bring that up
  341. [1/11/14 12:00:34 AM] bb: cause they're all like 'no we want to help them, please this is srs the world is gonna end D:'
  342. [1/11/14 12:01:09 AM] bb: and they know they're all telling the truth, but he's like 'Got any sins to confess girl? I don't trust liers with my boys'
  343. [1/11/14 12:02:09 AM] bb: and Lucy is like '*pained face*' and then 'I'm a mole and a traitor. The Assassins sent me to spy on Abstergo, learn their secrets. But frankly, the Assassins fucked me over. So I decided to fuck them over instead. I'm a Templar. Going to kill me for that?'
  344. [1/11/14 12:02:13 AM] bb: '... no.'
  345. [1/11/14 12:02:31 AM] bb: 'Really?'
  346. [1/11/14 12:03:40 AM] bb: 'Things work better when they're in the open. Though your friends might not like you anymore'
  347. '*looks at Shaun and Rebecca* I am sorry. But you don't know what it was like in that place. I did what I had to to survive, since you weren't going to help me.'
  348. [1/11/14 12:03:56 AM] bb: Shaun and Rebecca are /furious/
  349. [1/11/14 12:04:06 AM] Sarah Zaccardi: wellll yeah, I can kind of get why.
  350. [1/11/14 12:04:13 AM] bb: but Lucy is fucking owning up to the fact that she /is/ a traitor
  351. [1/11/14 12:04:20 AM] bb: and she;s doing what she's always doing
  352. [1/11/14 12:04:23 AM] bb: /surviving/
  353. [1/11/14 12:05:02 AM] bb: 'I can appreciate your survival instinct Ms. Stillman. And as for you two, what do you have to say hmm?'
  354. 'Cunt.'
  355. [1/11/14 12:05:44 AM] Sarah Zaccardi: ...well, ouch. justified, but ouch.
  356. [1/11/14 12:05:48 AM] bb: yeah
  357. [1/11/14 12:05:55 AM] bb: but now Lucy isn't hiding it
  358. [1/11/14 12:06:08 AM] bb: and since Ezio is literally /RIGHT THERE/ Desmond doesn't have to go into the Animus
  359. [1/11/14 12:06:09 AM] Sarah Zaccardi: good for her ! :D
  360. [1/11/14 12:06:21 AM] bb: also Lucy and Des have totally chemistry
  361. [1/11/14 12:06:26 AM] Sarah Zaccardi: well, yes.
  362. [1/11/14 12:06:35 AM] bb: and Duncan is kinda jelly cause he's never really had chemistry with anyone
  363. [1/11/14 12:06:48 AM] Sarah Zaccardi: D: oh, Duncan baby.
  364. [1/11/14 12:08:03 AM] bb: goes back to the whole 'he shouldn't be alive' thing
  365. [1/11/14 12:08:08 AM] bb: like he has had girlfriends
  366. [1/11/14 12:08:11 AM] bb: and they've been into him
  367. [1/11/14 12:08:19 AM] bb: but he just... can't focus on them
  368. [1/11/14 12:08:25 AM] bb: like he can't seem to find his focus in life
  369. [1/11/14 12:08:36 AM] Sarah Zaccardi: D:
  370. [1/11/14 12:08:56 AM] bb: yeah sadness D:
  371. [1/11/14 12:09:07 AM] bb: but he's happy his baby brother has a girl he's into
  372. [1/11/14 12:09:13 AM] bb: even if its a VERY weird situation
  373. [1/11/14 12:09:28 AM] bb: and since she's out about being a traitor and a mole
  374. [1/11/14 12:09:33 AM] bb: she has no reason to hide
  375. [1/11/14 12:09:37 AM] bb: or be secretive
  376. [1/11/14 12:09:45 AM] bb: and she basically tells the immortals /everything/
  377. [1/11/14 12:10:01 AM] bb: because she's of the mind 'i'd rather be on the winning side'
  378. [1/11/14 12:10:11 AM] bb: and Rebecca and Shaun are a bit slower on the uptake
  379. [1/11/14 12:11:16 AM] Sarah Zaccardi: well, yeah...but they could come around eventually, maybe. right?
  380. [1/11/14 12:11:24 AM] bb: yeah
  381. [1/11/14 12:11:27 AM] bb: Shaun comes around first
  382. [1/11/14 12:11:55 AM] bb: cause he's like 'I need to ask you like 927298 questions about this very specific thing that happened in history but there are no first person accounts of said thing'
  383. [1/11/14 12:12:08 AM] bb: Altair has /no/ fucking patience for it
  384. [1/11/14 12:12:12 AM] bb: Ezio has some
  385. [1/11/14 12:12:25 AM] bb: and Hawk will go into EXCRUCIATING DETAIL
  386. [1/11/14 12:12:33 AM] bb: Rebecca is so miffed that Lucy is a traitor
  387. [1/11/14 12:12:39 AM] bb: and cause they were friends
  388. [1/11/14 12:12:42 AM] bb: she feels betrayed
  389. [1/11/14 12:12:46 AM] bb: and takes her a while to come around
  390. [1/11/14 12:12:56 AM] Sarah Zaccardi: they can still be friends eventually again though...
  391. [1/11/14 12:13:01 AM] bb: probably
  392. [1/11/14 12:13:08 AM] bb: and then jump to Juno bit cause I don't know what goes there and don't care
  393. [1/11/14 12:13:34 AM] bb: Desmond and Duncan both go in and she's just like ' is this? Who are you? You shouldn't be here. You shouldn't be /alive/' to Duncan
  394. [1/11/14 12:14:32 AM] Sarah Zaccardi: ugh. juno, you cant just say that to people GAH
  395. [1/11/14 12:14:37 AM] bb: lols
  396. [1/11/14 12:14:48 AM] bb: 'omg juno you can't just ask why people are alive'
  397. [1/11/14 12:14:54 AM] bb: yes I just mean girls
  398. [1/11/14 12:15:35 AM] bb: I'm not /entirely/ sure what happens in Juno
  399. [1/11/14 12:15:41 AM] bb: like they DO get the Apple I know that
  400. [1/11/14 12:15:51 AM] bb: but Brotherhood doesn't happen
  401. [1/11/14 12:16:05 AM] bb: cause Ezio is literally there and is like 'yeah the Apple is under the colisium'
  402. [1/11/14 12:16:22 AM] bb: So Desmond doesn't really Bleed
  403. [1/11/14 12:16:29 AM] bb: cause he only went through AC1 and 2
  404. [1/11/14 12:17:26 AM] bb: and idk how cause idc I just am worried about the fun bits
  405. [1/11/14 12:17:30 AM] bb: but the end of FM happens
  406. [1/11/14 12:17:43 AM] bb: like Desmond is waaaay more ready to face his destiny in this AU
  407. [1/11/14 12:17:59 AM] bb: cause he's like... actually been prepped his entire life to /deal/ with this
  408. [1/11/14 12:18:01 AM] Sarah Zaccardi: :D you have some good stuff here. I think that, if you have the tiem and the interest, you could work with this, there's lots of potential goodness and story funtimes here
  409. [1/11/14 12:18:18 AM] bb: yeah I'm gonna do a few chaps of it in Legacy
  410. [1/11/14 12:18:42 AM] bb: but I'm just gonna hit the points I find interesting and not worry about the stuff between that I'm not sure about cause its an AU of an AU
  411. [1/11/14 12:18:54 AM] bb: I only want to hit the interesting parts
  412. [1/11/14 12:18:55 AM] bb: XD
  413. [1/11/14 12:19:07 AM] bb: but at the end of FM normally Desmond gets sucked into Pluto
  414. [1/11/14 12:19:09 AM] bb: but
  415. [1/11/14 12:19:17 AM] bb: Duncan and Desmond have the same genes
  416. [1/11/14 12:19:20 AM] bb: and the same abilities
  417. [1/11/14 12:19:35 AM] bb: so Duncan sees it happen to Desmond and is like 'omg no!' and does the same thing
  418. [1/11/14 12:19:41 AM] bb: and they both meet Pluto
  419. [1/11/14 12:19:58 AM] bb: and Pluto has the same reaction as Juno 'you shouldn't be here. How are you alive? This wasn't what was foreseen'
  420. [1/11/14 12:20:21 AM] bb: and Pluto gives Desmond the same choice
  421. [1/11/14 12:20:46 AM] bb: save the world and everyone can live
  422. [1/11/14 12:21:00 AM] bb: or chose to not and the world is fried
  423. [1/11/14 12:21:10 AM] bb: and of course he doesn't say that the proeathans will show up
  424. [1/11/14 12:21:21 AM] Sarah Zaccardi: because of course not
  425. [1/11/14 12:21:23 AM] bb: yeah
  426. [1/11/14 12:21:48 AM] bb: and Duncan is like 'no. That's fucking bullshit and that isn't how solar storms work you're fucking lying'
  427. [1/11/14 12:22:15 AM] bb: and Des is just an engineer but doesn't know fucking shit about science, which Duncan is really into
  428. [1/11/14 12:22:37 AM] bb: and Duncan is just 'we're not going to do it. The world will be fine'
  429. [1/11/14 12:22:42 AM] bb: and they want to leave
  430. [1/11/14 12:22:49 AM] bb: and Pluto is like 'i'm sorry. I can't allow that'
  431. [1/11/14 12:23:12 AM] bb: he goes all 2001 space oddessy
  432. [1/11/14 12:23:53 AM] Sarah Zaccardi: gdi pluto.
  433. [1/11/14 12:24:01 AM] bb: D
  434. [1/11/14 12:24:02 AM] bb: XD
  435. [1/11/14 12:27:12 AM] bb: 'fuck you let us out of here'
  436. 'I can't do that. Not until you do what is needed. The wold will end if you do nothing'
  437. 'Yeah? From what? Nothing.'
  438. 'The solar storm might not destroy the world. But it will knock out every electrical device on the planet. What will your world be without its electricity? Humans are already so violent. You don't think the world will destroy itself without modern convenience? Tens of thousands will die from from simply being sick of curable diseases. Then the wars will start, everyone pointing fingers, everyone wanting food, water, supplies to rebuild. Hundreds of thousands will die in these wars. Humans will rip themselves apart. Is that what you want for this world?'
  439. [1/11/14 12:27:17 AM] bb: and idk
  440. [1/11/14 12:27:21 AM] bb: if they do it or not
  441. [1/11/14 12:28:15 AM] Sarah Zaccardi: its a tough call. BUT! I do like where you're going here. I do. :D If you ever want to write it for the hell of it, you should.
  442. [1/11/14 12:28:20 AM] Sarah Zaccardi: HOWEVER I need to go to bed now.
  443. [1/11/14 12:28:39 AM] bb: what noooo
  444. [1/11/14 12:28:47 AM] bb: Sarah don't leave me like this :O
  445. [1/11/14 12:28:50 AM] bb: I need to know
  446. [1/11/14 12:28:55 AM] bb: do you think I should make them do it?
  447. [1/11/14 12:29:26 AM] bb: should they save humaity from itself?
  448. [1/11/14 12:29:34 AM] bb: but doing so awaken the proeathans
  449. [1/11/14 12:30:11 AM] Sarah Zaccardi: D: WELL its a tough question. They don't have the time to really weigh it over, do they. I feel like Pluto is exaggerating, too. We'd struggle without technologiy, but there are plenty of parts of the world that get on without it.
  450. [1/11/14 12:30:24 AM] Sarah Zaccardi: and how long will the device be knocked out?
  451. [1/11/14 12:30:29 AM] Sarah Zaccardi: solar storms have happened before.
  452. [1/11/14 12:30:36 AM] bb: it'd be like an EMP
  453. [1/11/14 12:30:44 AM] bb: they'd be knocked out perminantly
  454. [1/11/14 12:31:00 AM] Sarah Zaccardi: The chance of all electricity EVER being knocked out FOREVER? Seems really over the top, and I don't think even a massive solar storm works like that.
  455. [1/11/14 12:31:15 AM] bb: well I mean
  456. [1/11/14 12:31:20 AM] bb: you can always rebuild shit
  457. [1/11/14 12:31:33 AM] Sarah Zaccardi: yes, exactly.
  458. [1/11/14 12:31:38 AM] bb: but yeah Pluto is totally laying iton really thick
  459. [1/11/14 12:31:53 AM] bb: to make them chose the path he needs
  460. [1/11/14 12:31:57 AM] bb: which is 'save the world'
  461. [1/11/14 12:31:58 AM] Sarah Zaccardi: we KNOW how to work things, and if thigns break down we know how to build them aND FIX THEM. pluto is being a drama queen.
  462. [1/11/14 12:32:12 AM] Sarah Zaccardi: Cooler heads need to prevail here and realize he's overdoing it to lead them his way.
  463. [1/11/14 12:32:23 AM] bb: yeah but they're both kinda freaking out
  464. [1/11/14 12:32:30 AM] bb: because wtf is this where is our dad omg
  465. [1/11/14 12:32:37 AM] bb: like two grown ass men
  466. [1/11/14 12:32:43 AM] bb: freaking out over this shit
  467. [1/11/14 12:32:46 AM] bb: and Desmond wants to do it
  468. [1/11/14 12:32:48 AM] bb: and Duncan doesn't
  469. [1/11/14 12:32:53 AM] bb: and so they're also arguing
  470. [1/11/14 12:32:56 AM] Sarah Zaccardi: ....whaaat if, while they're freaking out, they're freaking out t ogether and they just...sort of...take too long to make a decision
  471. [1/11/14 12:33:03 AM] Sarah Zaccardi: and they don't do it
  472. [1/11/14 12:33:16 AM] Sarah Zaccardi: because they're too busy trying to figure out if they should do it or not in a panicked mindset
  473. [1/11/14 12:33:18 AM] bb: well unlike in AC3
  474. [1/11/14 12:33:26 AM] bb: they aren't on such a time table
  475. [1/11/14 12:33:36 AM] Sarah Zaccardi: but they are on one, right?
  476. [1/11/14 12:33:38 AM] bb: like it isn't 'do it this second'
  477. [1/11/14 12:33:40 AM] bb: sorta
  478. [1/11/14 12:33:50 AM] bb: more like 'you need to decide or you aren't leaving'
  479. [1/11/14 12:33:52 AM] Sarah Zaccardi: I say don't do it. We'll be fiiine. Desmond, listen to duncan.
  480. [1/11/14 12:34:02 AM] bb: mmmm
  481. [1/11/14 12:34:07 AM] bb: but then 17th doesn't happen
  482. [1/11/14 12:34:13 AM] bb: actually
  483. [1/11/14 12:34:16 AM] bb: Pluto would just
  484. [1/11/14 12:34:17 AM] Sarah Zaccardi: True, but this is a world where duncan lives, so.
  485. [1/11/14 12:34:19 AM] bb: force them to do it
  486. [1/11/14 12:34:24 AM] Sarah Zaccardi: Or that.
  487. [1/11/14 12:34:30 AM] bb: cause neither of them can resist the Apple
  488. [1/11/14 12:34:34 AM] bb: Desmond only did that one time
  489. [1/11/14 12:34:37 AM] bb: because Lucy was dead
  490. [1/11/14 12:34:40 AM] bb: she isn't dead now
  491. [1/11/14 12:34:44 AM] bb: she's alive
  492. [1/11/14 12:35:07 AM] bb: eventually Pluto is like 'I see you made your choice' when they both agree, no they won't do it
  493. [1/11/14 12:35:23 AM] bb: and then 'but it doesn't really matter.' and then Apples them
  494. [1/11/14 12:35:33 AM] bb: and makes Desmond touch the thing
  495. [1/11/14 12:35:43 AM] bb: and idk if he takes them both
  496. [1/11/14 12:35:55 AM] bb: or maybe is like 'you never should have been here in the first place Duncan'
  497. [1/11/14 12:35:58 AM] bb: and idk kills him?
  498. [1/11/14 12:36:06 AM] bb: BUT I DON'T WANT DUNCAN TO DIIIIE QAQ
  499. [1/11/14 12:36:26 AM] Sarah Zaccardi: idk. Mull it over. Write out all the possible options and see which is the most satisfying? I dont want him to die either D: But storytelling is haaaaaaaard
  500. [1/11/14 12:36:33 AM] Sarah Zaccardi: and I do have to go to bed, I have to get up early tomorrow D:
  501. [1/11/14 12:36:36 AM] bb: uhg
  502. [1/11/14 12:36:37 AM] bb: okay
  503. [1/11/14 12:36:40 AM] bb: goodnight
  504. [1/11/14 12:36:47 AM] bb: thanks to letting me flail at you qoq
  505. [1/11/14 12:36:51 AM] bb: as usual
  506. [1/11/14 12:36:51 AM] Sarah Zaccardi: I'm sorry. I'm going back to boston tomorrow is all :2
  507. [1/11/14 12:36:56 AM] Sarah Zaccardi: :D its okay, I like being flailed at.
  508. [1/11/14 12:37:06 AM] bb: you gonna be on tomorrow qoq
  509. [1/11/14 12:37:20 AM] Sarah Zaccardi: If I can be!
  510. [1/11/14 12:37:27 AM] bb: if you could that'd be good
  511. [1/11/14 12:37:30 AM] bb: cause I
  512. [1/11/14 12:37:40 AM] bb: still wanna have you help me work this out >?
  513. [1/11/14 12:37:50 AM] Sarah Zaccardi: sure! :D I'll do my best to be on tomorrow night.
  514. [1/11/14 12:37:51 AM] bb: cause I think better when I can talk it out with someone
  515. [1/11/14 12:36:37 PM] bb: princess?
  516. [1/11/14 12:37:46 PM] princess Ramona: yeah?
  517. [1/11/14 12:37:51 PM] bb: ah yes you're awake
  518. [1/11/14 12:37:56 PM] bb: I need
  519. [1/11/14 12:37:57 PM] bb: someone
  520. [1/11/14 12:37:59 PM] bb: to flail at
  521. [1/11/14 12:38:02 PM] bb: are you available?
  522. [1/11/14 12:40:58 PM] princess Ramona: suuuure
  523. [1/11/14 12:41:03 PM] princess Ramona: always for you my dear
  524. [1/11/14 12:42:14 PM] princess Ramona: i'm ready, start flailing xD
  525. [1/11/14 12:42:18 PM] bb: okay first though
  526. [1/11/14 12:42:38 PM] bb: you need to read a thing cause I don't feel like reexplaining from scratch /lazy
  527. [1/11/14 12:43:22 PM] princess Ramona: give it to me
  528. [1/11/14 12:43:34 PM] bb: I'm putting it up
  529. [1/11/14 12:44:36 PM] bb: I couldn't remember what pastebin was XD
  530. [1/11/14 12:44:54 PM] princess Ramona: xDD
  531. [1/11/14 12:46:02 PM] bb: I was flailing at Sarah last night cause she was the only one on XD
  532. [1/11/14 12:46:23 PM] bb: and its almost better with you cause you've literally just read FM XD
  533. [1/11/14 12:49:10 PM] princess Ramona: 'omg altair field chaperone'
  534. 'altair hates other people's kids'
  535. 'yeah well i meant omg altair as a field chaperone is bad'
  537. omg she's ... strange xD
  538. [1/11/14 12:49:18 PM] bb: lols
  539. [1/11/14 1:02:26 PM] princess Ramona: it's really good, i like it better then the actual FM tbh
  540. [1/11/14 1:02:31 PM] princess Ramona: but i love 17th
  541. [1/11/14 1:02:33 PM] princess Ramona: xD
  542. [1/11/14 1:02:37 PM] bb: ramona no OTL
  543. [1/11/14 1:02:37 PM] princess Ramona: an au of an au
  544. [1/11/14 1:02:47 PM] princess Ramona: no really
  545. [1/11/14 1:02:51 PM] princess Ramona: i like it
  546. [1/11/14 1:02:56 PM] bb: I like it cause of Duncan
  547. [1/11/14 1:02:57 PM] princess Ramona: i really really like it
  548. [1/11/14 1:03:00 PM] bb: uhg Duncan qoq
  549. [1/11/14 1:03:12 PM] princess Ramona: well yeah. you know i always loved duncan baby ouo
  550. [1/11/14 1:03:13 PM] bb: but mainly
  551. [1/11/14 1:03:18 PM] bb: you did :D
  552. [1/11/14 1:03:19 PM] bb: yaaaa
  553. [1/11/14 1:03:23 PM] bb: I love Duncan so much
  554. [1/11/14 1:03:28 PM] princess Ramona: but
  555. [1/11/14 1:03:29 PM] bb: he takes many forms in my AUs
  556. [1/11/14 1:03:37 PM] princess Ramona: altair would never meet malik
  557. [1/11/14 1:03:44 PM] bb: yeah...
  558. [1/11/14 1:03:45 PM] princess Ramona: again i mean xD
  559. [1/11/14 1:03:48 PM] bb: Jake isn't around in this AU
  560. [1/11/14 1:04:00 PM] bb: Duncan sort of fills the Jake hole
  561. [1/11/14 1:04:05 PM] bb: of level headed smart ass
  562. [1/11/14 1:04:35 PM] bb: but the main thing is
  563. [1/11/14 1:04:40 PM] bb: how should the end play out?
  564. [1/11/14 1:04:55 PM] bb: like should Duncan bet with Des in Pluto?
  565. [1/11/14 1:04:56 PM] bb: or
  566. [1/11/14 1:04:57 PM] bb: not?
  567. [1/11/14 1:04:58 PM] bb: and if so
  568. [1/11/14 1:05:01 PM] bb: does he die?
  569. [1/11/14 1:05:08 PM] bb: or does he get taken with Desmond?
  570. [1/11/14 1:05:30 PM] bb: and idk I kinda like the idea of the proeathans doing what they planned to do with Desmond
  571. [1/11/14 1:05:43 PM] bb: and the immortals only being able to rescue Duncan
  572. [1/11/14 1:05:49 PM] princess Ramona: i'd let him bet cause duncan seems like the guy to do this for his baby brother
  573. [1/11/14 1:05:58 PM] bb: yeah
  574. [1/11/14 1:06:06 PM] bb: he'd follow Desmond
  575. [1/11/14 1:06:20 PM] princess Ramona: and i would say duncan should be rescued by the immortals, but he'll die first
  576. [1/11/14 1:06:25 PM] bb: like one thing that never changes with Duncan; he loves Desmond so much
  577. [1/11/14 1:06:32 PM] bb: well I was thinking more
  578. [1/11/14 1:06:38 PM] bb: they rescue Duncan
  579. [1/11/14 1:06:43 PM] bb: and then its kinda like... a race
  580. [1/11/14 1:06:53 PM] bb: because the proeathans get their plan to work
  581. [1/11/14 1:06:54 PM] princess Ramona: like bc he's an anomaly he won't be immortal when altair reanimates him with the apple
  582. [1/11/14 1:07:01 PM] princess Ramona: he'll just live again
  583. [1/11/14 1:07:19 PM] bb: what?
  584. [1/11/14 1:07:31 PM] bb: if you come back from an Apple, its cause you Wake
  585. [1/11/14 1:07:41 PM] princess Ramona: omg urgh how should i explain
  586. [1/11/14 1:07:43 PM] bb: and more than likely; you're immortal
  587. [1/11/14 1:07:53 PM] bb: Clay's a special case
  588. [1/11/14 1:08:13 PM] princess Ramona: well yeah but he doesn't really live anymore bc he should have died in the first place
  589. [1/11/14 1:08:32 PM] bb: but he's alive
  590. [1/11/14 1:08:38 PM] bb: like he's anomoly yes
  591. [1/11/14 1:08:49 PM] bb: but he is still alive and he doesn't have any special properties
  592. [1/11/14 1:08:52 PM] bb: he's human
  593. [1/11/14 1:09:05 PM] princess Ramona: well okay :)
  594. [1/11/14 1:09:38 PM] bb: yeah he's just /not/ supposed to be there
  595. [1/11/14 1:09:46 PM] bb: but he still acts like an other human
  596. [1/11/14 1:10:16 PM] bb: and like I was thinking of doing the warrior vs the pacifist kinda thing here
  597. [1/11/14 1:10:31 PM] bb: like the proeathans get Desmond and like, they brain wash him and he's /perfect/
  598. [1/11/14 1:10:37 PM] bb: and they don't care too much about Duncan
  599. [1/11/14 1:10:39 PM] princess Ramona: you mean the contrastial humanative behavior?
  600. [1/11/14 1:10:48 PM] bb: mhm
  601. [1/11/14 1:11:07 PM] bb: like I said I always like making Desmond and Duncan opposites
  602. [1/11/14 1:11:17 PM] princess Ramona: that's good, there are a lot of scientific lectures about warriors vs. pacifists
  603. [1/11/14 1:11:17 PM] bb: Desmond is the warrior, Duncan is the saint
  604. [1/11/14 1:11:28 PM] bb: mhm
  605. [1/11/14 1:11:30 PM] bb: and its kinda
  606. [1/11/14 1:11:34 PM] princess Ramona: sounds like kain and abel
  607. [1/11/14 1:11:40 PM] bb: lols
  608. [1/11/14 1:11:40 PM] bb: what happens when the saint goes to war
  609. [1/11/14 1:11:46 PM] bb: and I'M GLAD YOU SAID THAT
  610. [1/11/14 1:11:48 PM] bb: cause fucking
  611. [1/11/14 1:11:51 PM] bb: Cain would still be around
  612. [1/11/14 1:12:06 PM] bb: guess who found himself a prodegy
  613. [1/11/14 1:12:21 PM] bb: and the proeathans have kinda... brain washed Desmond
  614. [1/11/14 1:12:59 PM] bb: changed certain things about his memories so that he thinks not only is his brother dead
  615. [1/11/14 1:13:07 PM] bb: but that Altair, Ezio, and Hawk /murdered/ him
  616. [1/11/14 1:13:16 PM] bb: and Lucy's still around, and the proeathans have her too
  617. [1/11/14 1:13:24 PM] bb: and she's nothing if not a survivor
  618. [1/11/14 1:13:30 PM] princess Ramona: just write everything down i'm eating atm xD
  619. [1/11/14 1:13:36 PM] bb: k
  620. [1/11/14 1:13:36 PM] bb: Lucy in 17th and Triad is a copy
  621. [1/11/14 1:14:05 PM] bb: she's not like Lucy Prime in every way. Lucy Prime had a /fierce/ desire to live
  622. [1/11/14 1:14:14 PM] bb: and to survive in a cruel world
  623. [1/11/14 1:14:27 PM] bb: 17th Lucy is less than that
  624. [1/11/14 1:14:48 PM] bb: like she's so focused on Desmond she'd never put herself first really
  625. [1/11/14 1:15:13 PM] bb: this Lucy would be like 'yeah... I want to be on the winning side' and gladly take the proeathan's offer to be the carrot
  626. [1/11/14 1:15:45 PM] bb: like she doesn't care /what/ side it is
  627. [1/11/14 1:15:50 PM] bb: she just wants to be on the winning one
  628. [1/11/14 1:15:58 PM] bb: and she'll back stab and betray anyone
  629. [1/11/14 1:16:25 PM] bb: and she willingly lets the proeathans put her in stasis while they 'work' on Desmond to make him into what they want
  630. [1/11/14 1:16:36 PM] bb: and she's there to be his rock in a way
  631. [1/11/14 1:17:09 PM] bb: and Cain's there to fill the void the proeathans took when they changed Altair's
  632. [1/11/14 1:17:15 PM] bb: role in Desmond's life
  633. [1/11/14 1:18:00 PM] bb: and meanwhile Duncan is just kinda.... there, in stasis and Desmond is going and doing what he was /supposed/ to be doing in the proeathan plan
  634. [1/11/14 1:18:17 PM] bb: and the others are like 'oh fuck... what do we do?' 'we should go find Duncan'
  635. [1/11/14 1:18:22 PM] bb: and they track Duncan down instead
  636. [1/11/14 1:18:29 PM] bb: I think
  637. [1/11/14 1:18:57 PM] bb: it might take the proeathans I while to get Desmond to be the way they want, cause he's got a very strong mind, Duncan's is even worse or they would have used Duncan
  638. [1/11/14 1:19:12 PM] bb: so I think the others are looking for both of them
  639. [1/11/14 1:19:15 PM] bb: find Duncan first
  640. [1/11/14 1:19:26 PM] bb: and get him away but the proeathans... don't really care
  641. [1/11/14 1:19:39 PM] bb: cause Duncan is an extra to them honestly
  642. [1/11/14 1:19:54 PM] bb: but they get Duncan
  643. [1/11/14 1:20:02 PM] bb: and get him back up to full strength
  644. [1/11/14 1:20:05 PM] bb: and in that time
  645. [1/11/14 1:20:10 PM] bb: the proeathans let Desmond out
  646. [1/11/14 1:20:19 PM] bb: and he's full on antichrist
  647. [1/11/14 1:20:20 PM] bb: XD
  648. [1/11/14 1:21:01 PM] bb: and he's actually very important to the proeathans and has status and rank and shit
  649. [1/11/14 1:21:27 PM] bb: and totally fucking like
  650. [1/11/14 1:21:36 PM] bb: is what he was born to be
  651. [1/11/14 1:21:57 PM] bb: and that's when the glyphs start appearing on /both/ of them
  652. [1/11/14 1:22:09 PM] bb: cause they both were in the pods, they both had something rattling in their heads
  653. [1/11/14 1:22:18 PM] bb: and its a race
  654. [1/11/14 1:22:26 PM] bb: who can figure out 1. what the glyphs are
  655. [1/11/14 1:22:32 PM] bb: and then 2. who can raise Atlantis first
  656. [1/11/14 1:22:42 PM] bb: because they both wear the mark of the Unnamed
  657. [1/11/14 1:22:53 PM] bb: though Duncan's is on his chest, while Desmond's is on his back
  658. [1/11/14 1:23:07 PM] bb: /excited breathing
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