

May 5th, 2015
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  1. [GOALS]
  2. The primary goal of Harem Bro Quest is to resolve Tatsuya’s Harem. The most obvious and recommended way is to convince all five girls—Hatoko, Kurumi, Laura, Sachiko and Ayase—to share.
  4. Of course, you could kick one of the girls out of the harem, but can you do that without losing Tatsuya’s trust? This is a backdoor option, and it is difficult to achieve...
  6. [FAILURE]
  7. This is how to fail in Harem Bro Quest:
  8. -Kazuya dies.
  9. -Tatsuya dies.
  10. -Kazuya loses Tatsuya’s trust.
  11. -Any of the five girls die.
  13. Upon failure, the quest will be rewound back to a number of past options. The option that caused the game over will be permanently locked out.
  16. As of Thread 14, Cooperation and Social Links have been added to the game.
  18. Cooperation Links are a way of giving the players a goal to work towards. The higher Kazuya’s bonds are with the five girls, the easier it will be to convince them about sharing the harem. Level up the Cooperation Links to increase your chances. You don’t have to max them out—a Cooperation Link will automatically max out once the girl in question has been fully resolved. You cannot max out a Cooperation Link before the resolution.
  20. Each girl does have a minimum number needed in order to begin their arc, though. You don’t have to start immediately once this happens. Increasing the link further will make the respective girl’s arc easier.
  22. For example Hatoko's hypothetical Cooperation link would start at 6/10 and have a minimum requirement of 7/10. Since she has already been convinced, it has automatically maxed out to 10/10.
  24. It is up to you if you want to go after one girl at a time, or spread your effort evenly between them all.
  26. Syoko and two others have standard Social Links. The more Kazuya spends time with these people, the closer their bonds will be. A Social Link can be Broken, Reversed or DEAD.
  28. Normal: As the name implies. This is the default state.
  29. Broken: You can no longer level up the bond. You and Syoko are still friends, but your relationship won’t progress any further. It can be mended up, however.
  30. Reversed: Syoko hates you, or vice versa. This is fully negative, and very difficult to recover from. You cannot level up the bond, and it will actually decrease over time down to a negative number.
  31. DEAD: As the name implies, this state will occur if Syoko dies. You don’t want that to happen, do you?
  33. Levelling up all the Social Links is highly recommended.
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