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May 6th, 2014
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  1. [5/5/2014 10:01:57 PM] Pon Crypto: Sup M???
  2. [5/5/2014 10:02:09 PM] Pon Crypto: This be poncrypto
  3. [5/5/2014 10:02:15 PM] Pon Crypto: Please add me as a contact
  4. [5/5/2014 10:02:19 PM] *** SuMguy has shared contact details with Pon Crypto. ***
  5. [5/5/2014 10:02:28 PM] SuMguy : hey, hows it going :)
  6. [5/5/2014 10:02:39 PM] Pon Crypto: sorry for loss for real
  7. [5/5/2014 10:02:45 PM] SuMguy : hah. shit happens
  8. [5/5/2014 10:02:48 PM] SuMguy : it sucks
  9. [5/5/2014 10:02:50 PM] SuMguy : people were raging
  10. [5/5/2014 10:02:51 PM] SuMguy : lol
  11. [5/5/2014 10:02:52 PM] SuMguy : more than i was
  12. [5/5/2014 10:02:54 PM] Pon Crypto: i sound bad on forums cause i am busy running these games like mad man
  13. [5/5/2014 10:03:03 PM] Pon Crypto: for real not trying to scam
  14. [5/5/2014 10:03:04 PM] SuMguy : yup. i know what you mean, ive been in your same position
  15. [5/5/2014 10:03:12 PM] Pon Crypto: just get daily shit from people :)
  16. [5/5/2014 10:03:19 PM] SuMguy : i used to run forums, about 60 with 1 mill users
  17. [5/5/2014 10:03:30 PM] SuMguy : sold out cause i got tired of what youre experiencing
  18. [5/5/2014 10:03:31 PM] SuMguy : lol
  19. [5/5/2014 10:03:50 PM] Pon Crypto: I just sold some of my other websites so summer fun will be good
  20. [5/5/2014 10:03:53 PM] SuMguy : but yea, i mean it is what it is. im not freaking by any means.
  21. [5/5/2014 10:04:06 PM] Pon Crypto: I really do apreaceate you guys playing
  22. [5/5/2014 10:04:11 PM] SuMguy : but others are upset and questioning why im not going berzerk.. going bezerk doesnt change anything
  23. [5/5/2014 10:04:15 PM] Pon Crypto: i can never do public refunds though cause it would mean an influx of all the guys who lost forever
  24. [5/5/2014 10:04:24 PM] SuMguy : yea. whatever is the case
  25. [5/5/2014 10:04:34 PM] SuMguy : im not asking for a refund cause i got nailed mid game
  26. [5/5/2014 10:04:45 PM] Pon Crypto: I swear its automatic though... and I can get you your money back thats not even the issue
  27. [5/5/2014 10:04:55 PM] SuMguy : Game Total
  28. 15.03 in game
  29. 13.75 returned
  30. [5/5/2014 10:04:57 PM] Pon Crypto: you guys just went so wrong about it.. y not just message me privatley
  31. [5/5/2014 10:05:17 PM] SuMguy : i thought it was 22, my spread sheet was off
  32. [5/5/2014 10:05:22 PM] SuMguy : but yea, i understand
  33. [5/5/2014 10:05:45 PM] Pon Crypto: Also if you wanna win ... u just gotta seed it in the begging... this one guy played like 40 rounds... never lost
  34. [5/5/2014 10:05:46 PM] SuMguy : i dont know how you are supposed to handle it. SSRC is the twitter guy, im not. I just like to gamble . lol
  35. [5/5/2014 10:05:49 PM] Pon Crypto: he is hard core
  36. [5/5/2014 10:06:02 PM] Pon Crypto: lol he has 250 followers... i can survive that
  37. [5/5/2014 10:06:25 PM] SuMguy : yea, there were people pointing out that one guy is in the game so fast they questioned it
  38. [5/5/2014 10:06:34 PM] SuMguy : but i dont know about that
  39. [5/5/2014 10:06:36 PM] SuMguy : just what i was reading
  40. [5/5/2014 10:06:48 PM] Pon Crypto: He uses console... he actually revealed his tips... but nobody uses it
  41. [5/5/2014 10:06:56 PM] Pon Crypto: people are lazy
  42. [5/5/2014 10:06:59 PM] SuMguy : yea, i used console today when i went in 10x
  43. [5/5/2014 10:07:15 PM] Pon Crypto: ah so you won all today?
  44. [5/5/2014 10:07:28 PM] SuMguy : neg, i have 3 outsanding for the current game
  45. [5/5/2014 10:07:33 PM] Pon Crypto: :(
  46. [5/5/2014 10:07:46 PM] Pon Crypto: damn.. and you are like your own worst enemy now
  47. [5/5/2014 10:07:54 PM] SuMguy : nah, tonight was my last round
  48. [5/5/2014 10:07:57 PM] Pon Crypto: bash it after round end
  49. [5/5/2014 10:08:01 PM] SuMguy : i felt burned on that .3
  50. [5/5/2014 10:08:03 PM] SuMguy : to be honest
  51. [5/5/2014 10:08:10 PM] SuMguy : the other players
  52. [5/5/2014 10:08:16 PM] SuMguy : were wanting me to go in so they could get fast return
  53. [5/5/2014 10:08:21 PM] SuMguy : cause i said i would push the game
  54. [5/5/2014 10:08:30 PM] SuMguy : but i imagine it wont make much diff anyways
  55. [5/5/2014 10:08:50 PM] SuMguy : that ssrc guy was going crazy pushing the game the one night when it went to 117
  56. [5/5/2014 10:08:57 PM] SuMguy : thats how i met him
  57. [5/5/2014 10:09:09 PM] SuMguy : just around that time, he showed it to a couple of us and we moved over
  58. [5/5/2014 10:09:23 PM] SuMguy : its a good game
  59. [5/5/2014 10:09:38 PM] Pon Crypto: Dude if you want to run it ... ill gladly sell it
  60. [5/5/2014 10:09:47 PM] SuMguy : whats it worth and how much to learn?
  61. [5/5/2014 10:10:00 PM] SuMguy : how much hardware required to run it?
  62. [5/5/2014 10:10:23 PM] Pon Crypto: I would let it go for like 10BTC... it can run on small VPS from namecheap
  63. [5/5/2014 10:10:51 PM] Pon Crypto: there is not much learning curve... just gotta set setting in the config files
  64. [5/5/2014 10:10:59 PM] Pon Crypto: its all php
  65. [5/5/2014 10:11:03 PM] Pon Crypto: and mysql
  66. [5/5/2014 10:11:13 PM] SuMguy : are you earning ok with it?
  67. [5/5/2014 10:11:19 PM] SuMguy : shit, ur in canada
  68. [5/5/2014 10:11:20 PM] SuMguy : ?
  69. [5/5/2014 10:11:23 PM] Pon Crypto: better when you guys are my friends
  70. [5/5/2014 10:11:27 PM] Pon Crypto: MTL here
  71. [5/5/2014 10:11:36 PM] SuMguy : ahh nice.
  72. [5/5/2014 10:12:27 PM] Pon Crypto: I make ok with it... obviously a lot more when you guys are playing :)
  73. [5/5/2014 10:12:30 PM] SuMguy : how many guys you in with on this project
  74. [5/5/2014 10:12:35 PM] Pon Crypto: just me
  75. [5/5/2014 10:12:41 PM] Pon Crypto: I just make it sound like a team
  76. [5/5/2014 10:12:47 PM] SuMguy : ahaha yea, thats ok
  77. [5/5/2014 10:12:58 PM] SuMguy : hows the other ones do? you run the LTC one as well?
  78. [5/5/2014 10:13:00 PM] Pon Crypto: i just launched the btc one like 6 days ago
  79. [5/5/2014 10:13:04 PM] Pon Crypto: yea i run all of them
  80. [5/5/2014 10:13:06 PM] SuMguy : market is toast man, sucks.. atleast for mining
  81. [5/5/2014 10:13:09 PM] Pon Crypto: LTC is deadish
  82. [5/5/2014 10:13:11 PM] SuMguy : yea
  83. [5/5/2014 10:13:20 PM] Pon Crypto: doge and BTC are solid
  84. [5/5/2014 10:13:21 PM] SuMguy : sucks, i took 70k and bought machines
  85. [5/5/2014 10:13:27 PM] SuMguy : all gpu
  86. [5/5/2014 10:13:35 PM] Pon Crypto: I have 25K in that ponzi
  87. [5/5/2014 10:13:52 PM] SuMguy : its a legit game. but u need players, thats the toughest thing
  88. [5/5/2014 10:13:55 PM] Pon Crypto: in my basement... now needs lots of cooling
  89. [5/5/2014 10:14:02 PM] Pon Crypto: I meant 25K in the GPU ponzi
  90. [5/5/2014 10:14:29 PM] Pon Crypto: I was doing good aroun jan... but profits are weak
  91. [5/5/2014 10:14:37 PM] Pon Crypto: I have a small farm
  92. [5/5/2014 10:15:47 PM] Pon Crypto: Yea its a liability at this point until prices jump back up
  93. [5/5/2014 10:15:56 PM] Pon Crypto: Pain to manage and maintain
  94. [5/5/2014 10:16:07 PM] Pon Crypto: Margins are so slim now
  95. [5/5/2014 10:16:20 PM] SuMguy : yea. we ended up automating most of the machines. windows. hydro is 2500 a month here
  96. [5/5/2014 10:16:34 PM] SuMguy : to run whats here. sucks man. tired of worrying about shit catching on fire
  97. [5/5/2014 10:16:40 PM] SuMguy : and sick of RMAing the odd thing here and there
  98. [5/5/2014 10:16:41 PM] Pon Crypto: I use PIMP on USB for miners
  99. [5/5/2014 10:16:55 PM] Pon Crypto: its super stable and good overview of the whole farm
  100. [5/5/2014 10:17:10 PM] SuMguy : yea. windows here :P
  101. [5/5/2014 10:17:11 PM] Pon Crypto: and i see u got some 290s... those are hot as fuck and loud
  102. [5/5/2014 10:17:16 PM] SuMguy : loud
  103. [5/5/2014 10:17:18 PM] SuMguy : so stupid loud
  104. [5/5/2014 10:18:36 PM] Pon Crypto: I have a shelving setup with FANs from canadatire
  105. [5/5/2014 10:18:44 PM] SuMguy : yea, the box fans?
  106. [5/5/2014 10:18:45 PM] Pon Crypto: box fans
  107. [5/5/2014 10:18:50 PM] Pon Crypto: $30/piece
  108. [5/5/2014 10:18:59 PM] SuMguy : yea, if you build the box and seperate the air, you will drop a few degrees using 1 fan
  109. [5/5/2014 10:19:01 PM] SuMguy : for gpus
  110. [5/5/2014 10:19:48 PM] Pon Crypto: I have somewhat of a box... with 2x 1200BTU air conditioners
  111. [5/5/2014 10:19:53 PM] Pon Crypto: its a walking box
  112. [5/5/2014 10:20:08 PM] SuMguy : haha. nice, i bought 1 ac unit at Rona. havent used it more than 1 day initially
  113. [5/5/2014 10:20:19 PM] SuMguy : but come summer will prolly have to
  114. [5/5/2014 10:20:33 PM] SuMguy : you can see i tried with box fans.. didnt work out too well. lol
  115. [5/5/2014 10:20:37 PM] Pon Crypto: omg i can't believe u run windows
  116. [5/5/2014 10:20:44 PM] SuMguy : haha. works mint. LMAO
  117. [5/5/2014 10:20:53 PM] Pon Crypto: yea box fans and crates ... :(
  118. [5/5/2014 10:21:04 PM] Pon Crypto: but box fans and hanged cards its pretty decent
  119. [5/5/2014 10:21:46 PM] SuMguy : haha. yea. so much bs for minimal gains
  120. [5/5/2014 10:21:52 PM] SuMguy : we started building a rental rig application
  121. [5/5/2014 10:21:58 PM] SuMguy : dev dicked us around so we bailed on it
  122. [5/5/2014 10:22:02 PM] SuMguy : market started to suck
  123. [5/5/2014 10:22:08 PM] Pon Crypto: U guys gotta move to DRK
  124. [5/5/2014 10:22:23 PM] Pon Crypto: and to move between ASIC resistant coins [URL REMOVED] is best
  125. [5/5/2014 10:22:52 PM] Pon Crypto: DRK is nice because it uses less power and produces less heat
  126. [5/5/2014 10:23:12 PM] Pon Crypto: best part about pimp is you can set it up from the web console
  127. [5/5/2014 10:23:22 PM] Pon Crypto: no need to do unix config
  128. [5/5/2014 10:23:37 PM] Pon Crypto: lets u switch between all coins... etc
  129. [5/5/2014 10:23:41 PM] SuMguy : to be honest, noob. my lack of understanding of BTC will frustrate you. LOL
  130. [5/5/2014 10:23:52 PM] SuMguy : lol
  131. [5/5/2014 10:23:57 PM] Pon Crypto: it already has :)
  132. [5/5/2014 10:24:06 PM] Pon Crypto: hahahha u guys were driving me nuts
  133. [5/5/2014 10:24:14 PM] Pon Crypto: and i know it looks bad
  134. [5/5/2014 10:24:21 PM] Pon Crypto: but only a dev can understand
  135. [5/5/2014 10:24:38 PM] SuMguy : yea. ig et it. i wasnt trying to rip on u
  136. [5/5/2014 10:24:42 PM] Pon Crypto: cause the time.. on is not universal time
  137. [5/5/2014 10:24:54 PM] SuMguy : just from where i was, it seemed i was in. clock and bc confirmed and people cheered
  138. [5/5/2014 10:24:59 PM] SuMguy : then u paid out to my other addy for less
  139. [5/5/2014 10:25:00 PM] SuMguy : lmao
  140. [5/5/2014 10:25:02 PM] SuMguy : peopel cried
  141. [5/5/2014 10:25:07 PM] Pon Crypto: hahahahaha
  142. [5/5/2014 10:25:08 PM] SuMguy : and i was kinda like SHITTY
  143. [5/5/2014 10:25:27 PM] Pon Crypto: btw it was all done by the script
  144. [5/5/2014 10:25:40 PM] SuMguy : yea. so if i buy it i have to deal with people freaking out
  145. [5/5/2014 10:25:41 PM] SuMguy : lol
  146. [5/5/2014 10:25:41 PM] Pon Crypto: i only programmed it... I don't actually pick and choose what goes out
  147. [5/5/2014 10:25:55 PM] SuMguy : there has to be a way to game it
  148. [5/5/2014 10:26:04 PM] Pon Crypto: sure
  149. [5/5/2014 10:26:10 PM] SuMguy : like how is that 1 guy paying so fast on the addy
  150. [5/5/2014 10:26:14 PM] SuMguy : must be scipting
  151. [5/5/2014 10:26:25 PM] Pon Crypto: he claims not...
  152. [5/5/2014 10:26:28 PM] SuMguy : by the time i cut and paste console he was HELLA in
  153. [5/5/2014 10:26:31 PM] Pon Crypto: but I don't know he never lost
  154. [5/5/2014 10:26:40 PM] SuMguy : i did console 10x repeat and came in at 11
  155. [5/5/2014 10:26:43 PM] SuMguy : rogers internet
  156. [5/5/2014 10:26:48 PM] SuMguy : but not sure if thats the issue
  157. [5/5/2014 10:27:03 PM] Pon Crypto: you can probably do multisend
  158. [5/5/2014 10:27:09 PM] Pon Crypto: thats what he does to send all at once
  159. [5/5/2014 10:27:19 PM] SuMguy : but to be #1 is key
  160. [5/5/2014 10:27:22 PM] SuMguy : i mean its that simple
  161. [5/5/2014 10:27:26 PM] SuMguy : 1-5
  162. [5/5/2014 10:27:29 PM] SuMguy : and 10 others in ontop
  163. [5/5/2014 10:27:35 PM] SuMguy : from what i see, not a pro by any means
  164. [5/5/2014 10:27:36 PM] Pon Crypto: yea him and chinese guy always in top 5
  165. [5/5/2014 10:27:54 PM] SuMguy : unreal
  166. [5/5/2014 10:27:57 PM] Pon Crypto: I am so honest i don't even play
  167. [5/5/2014 10:28:05 PM] SuMguy : another guy in the chan came in 6th he was saying adn was liek WTF??
  168. [5/5/2014 10:28:39 PM] Pon Crypto: Thats y people keep playing because they know ... that i don't play since they get into #1
  169. [5/5/2014 10:28:54 PM] Pon Crypto: because I can easily just load up first 10 deposits myself
  170. [5/5/2014 10:29:01 PM] Pon Crypto: but its a circlejerk
  171. [5/5/2014 10:29:07 PM] Pon Crypto: so I don't do it
  172. [5/5/2014 10:29:28 PM] SuMguy : yea
  173. [5/5/2014 10:29:31 PM] SuMguy : people would be tempted
  174. [5/5/2014 10:29:36 PM] SuMguy : i think most devs would cheat
  175. [5/5/2014 10:29:38 PM] Pon Crypto: You know how many times my friends asked for ADDRESS before start
  176. [5/5/2014 10:29:41 PM] SuMguy : i might even be tempted
  177. [5/5/2014 10:29:42 PM] SuMguy : lol
  178. [5/5/2014 10:29:55 PM] SuMguy : but i dont know. not my style
  179. [5/5/2014 10:30:03 PM] Pon Crypto: people will feel it
  180. [5/5/2014 10:30:20 PM] Pon Crypto: and less people will play ... 5% keeps me happy
  181. [5/5/2014 10:30:27 PM] SuMguy : yea. true that
  182. [5/5/2014 10:30:42 PM] SuMguy : you a dev by trade?
  183. [5/5/2014 10:30:56 PM] Pon Crypto: Yea dev / business ... I like to make sites that make money
  184. [5/5/2014 10:31:03 PM] Pon Crypto: I did a lot of adult before that died
  185. [5/5/2014 10:31:04 PM] SuMguy : amen to that
  186. [5/5/2014 10:31:30 PM] Pon Crypto: to promote next round i can just lower the fee to 2% and get many more players :)
  187. [5/5/2014 10:31:54 PM] SuMguy : yea. makes sense. you into cars or rc at all?
  188. [5/5/2014 10:32:06 PM] Pon Crypto: Nope
  189. [5/5/2014 10:34:02 PM] Pon Crypto: like we say in adult if you don't have haters you have not made it :)
  190. [5/5/2014 10:34:13 PM] Pon Crypto: who is 911 ?
  191. [5/5/2014 10:34:21 PM] SuMguy : haha, want to kill him
  192. [5/5/2014 10:34:23 PM] SuMguy : :P
  193. [5/5/2014 10:34:24 PM] SuMguy : ?
  194. [5/5/2014 10:34:37 PM] SuMguy : tell me what to remove, ill just take it down man. dont want to f antoher canadian
  195. [5/5/2014 10:34:51 PM] Pon Crypto: There is def a scam to it now. The game clock continues to run and take in people yet they have 0 chance of winning as his server has declared the game over.
  196. [5/5/2014 10:34:57 PM] Pon Crypto: There is def a scam to it now. The game clock continues to run and take in people yet they have 0 chance of winning as his server has declared the game over.
  197. [5/5/2014 10:34:59 PM] SuMguy : lol
  198. [5/5/2014 10:35:05 PM] SuMguy : link
  199. [5/5/2014 10:35:32 PM] Pon Crypto: I am serious about splitting commission though
  200. [5/5/2014 10:35:35 PM] Pon Crypto: if you can pump it
  201. [5/5/2014 10:35:48 PM] Pon Crypto: can split next round commision
  202. [5/5/2014 10:35:49 PM] SuMguy : im not a great advertiser to be honest
  203. [5/5/2014 10:36:27 PM] Pon Crypto: I am thinking about hiring a PR person... I had one in the adult company... she would just answer all the hate mail
  204. [5/5/2014 10:37:05 PM] SuMguy : haha. yea. quesiton, in the first 6 days, what did u end up earning if u dont mind me know. 10 btc is SOOO MUCH BRO
  205. [5/5/2014 10:37:05 PM] SuMguy : lol
  206. [5/5/2014 10:37:09 PM] SuMguy : wife might kill me
  207. [5/5/2014 10:37:29 PM] Pon Crypto: I think about 2BTC total
  208. [5/5/2014 10:37:53 PM] Pon Crypto: I got so many other sites to build
  209. [5/5/2014 10:38:01 PM] SuMguy : question, my sys admin buddy who assists me with my former co is interesting in hearing it out since we would likely do it together
  210. [5/5/2014 10:38:08 PM] Pon Crypto: BTW commission split requires no investment
  211. [5/5/2014 10:38:21 PM] Pon Crypto: we just agree on a round we pimp and you get 50%
  212. [5/5/2014 10:38:29 PM] Pon Crypto: how you split it its up to you
  213. [5/5/2014 10:38:42 PM] Pon Crypto: so it would be 2.5% of all deposits
  214. [5/5/2014 10:40:15 PM] SuMguy : what new sites are you getting into?
  215. [5/5/2014 10:40:18 PM] SuMguy : same vertical?
  216. [5/5/2014 10:40:49 PM] Pon Crypto: More financial stuff like data of the coins
  217. [5/5/2014 10:41:03 PM] Pon Crypto: trades... arb opperunities etc
  218. [5/5/2014 10:41:07 PM] SuMguy : ahhh
  219. [5/5/2014 10:41:26 PM] Pon Crypto: I keep trying to finish 1 last site in this vertical
  220. [5/5/2014 10:41:34 PM] Pon Crypto: it will either be a great success or great flop
  221. [5/5/2014 10:41:39 PM] Pon Crypto: will probably reveal it next week
  222. [5/5/2014 10:41:59 PM] SuMguy : what happens if only 1 person enters your game?
  223. [5/5/2014 10:42:10 PM] Pon Crypto: i refund them :) ... but thats not automaticc
  224. [5/5/2014 10:42:14 PM] SuMguy : haha
  225. [5/5/2014 10:42:17 PM] SuMguy : REFUND!!!!!!!!!!!
  226. [5/5/2014 10:42:20 PM] Pon Crypto: hahha
  227. [5/5/2014 10:42:26 PM] Pon Crypto: i see what u did there
  228. [5/5/2014 10:43:11 PM] SuMguy : so yea. my buddy wants to chat with u if youre serious about selling. him and i would buy it. can i invite him in?
  229. [5/5/2014 10:43:18 PM] SuMguy : he'll ask the hard hitting questions
  230. [5/5/2014 10:43:19 PM] SuMguy : lol
  231. [5/5/2014 10:43:22 PM] Pon Crypto: yea
  233. [5/5/2014 10:43:49 PM] *** SuMguy created a group conversation with Ray125424.
  234. Show group conversation ***
  236. [5/5/2014 10:46:54 PM] SuMguy : Pon, just reading myself about cam studio. made some new application for my one site, need to explain it to users
  237. [5/5/2014 10:46:55 PM] SuMguy : lol
  238. [5/5/2014 10:47:04 PM] SuMguy : sql and php
  239. [5/5/2014 10:47:06 PM] SuMguy : but i didnt code it
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