
jebri hospital visit

Dec 10th, 2015
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  1. [10:29 PM] Tori Marie Nygma honestly isn't sure about visiting Simon, but Jeb's talked her into it anyway. Her mind is on planning what to do if what she's asked of the Phantom goes terribly wrong. She hadn't been kidding, after all--if he betrays her trust, she'll betray /him/. It'll be painful, but...
  2. [10:29 PM] Jeb Parmalee wishes Tori would talk to him as they go to visit Simon, but he respects why she may not want to. He squeezes her hand, to at least assure that he's there for her. She's done a lot of things wrong the past few days, he knows that, but he's not angry with her. He /can't/ be.
  3. [10:31 PM] Simon-Blackquill is in his room with his respirator finally removed... still a bit doped up, still insanely tired, and still crying occasionally. His room door's wide open, and there are nurses watching from the room across the hall from his. The patient in there needs more round the clock care anyway, so they can keep watch of what happens in Simon's room from there. They're not in earshot or anything, though.
  5. After he told them what happened with him receiving an unwanted guest who Simon claimed tried to hurt him, visitors are being monitored a bit more closely -- but only a bit, with this being Hickfield Clinic and all. His call button is closer now, so it can't be taken as easily. Oh and he's still got that stupid stuffed toy staring at him.
  6. [10:37 PM] Iroquois-Pliskin: (( is simon gonna be mad at tori for her telling phantom to come visit ))
  7. [10:37 PM] Tori Marie Nygma arrives outside his room with Jeb, looking over at the room across. She doesn't like how this is set up. ...she begins to feel the dread rise within her, and for a moment she can't bring herself to move.
  8. [10:38 PM] Jeb Parmalee is still holding Tori's hand, which means he has to stop in his tracks when Tori stops in hers. "...Tori?" He takes a good look around--he's been in hospitals enough to know that this isn't too normal of a setup. Did something happen?
  9. [10:40 PM] Simon-Blackquill hears Jeb's voice and he slowly turns his head... to [b]glare[/b] at her. He says nothing, and at this moment, tears are still rolling down his cheeks, but boy if looks could kill...
  10. [10:42 PM] Tori Marie Nygma is quick to notice, and is equally as quick to avert her glance. Why does she have to be right at all the worst times? She still makes no move to actually step into the room.
  11. [10:42 PM] Jeb Parmalee looks to Simon, then to Tori. She hasn't told him anything, aside from Simon being hurt. What's going on here...?
  12. [10:44 PM] Simon-Blackquill is glad that her reaction at least communicates she knows exactly why he's angry with her. With that, he brings a hand in front of his face, and gestures for them to enter.
  13. [10:44 PM] Jeb Parmalee tugs on Tori's hand. "Tori, come on..."
  14. [10:44 PM] Tori Marie Nygma sighs, letting herself be led inside by him.
  15. [10:46 PM] Simon-Blackquill watches them intently as they step inside, but still he says nothing. He's got an inhaler on the table next to his bed, along with a stuffed toy, but nothing else. No books, television's turned off, nothing to do but sit, cry, and sulk. Sometimes want to break things or scream, but without anyone to scream at and nothing to break.
  16. [10:49 PM] Tori Marie Nygma spots the stuffed toy, but says nothing. She's someone to scream at, at least.
  17. [10:49 PM] Jeb Parmalee frowns. "Mr. Blackquill..."
  18. [10:52 PM] Simon-Blackquill glances up at Jeb, expression blank. He has no reason to be angry with him. "Yes?"
  19. [10:54 PM] Jeb Parmalee looks to Tori, then back at Simon. "...I don't really know what happened."
  20. [10:54 PM] Tori Marie Nygma visibly tenses, letting go of Jeb's hand so she can physically turn away.
  21. [10:55 PM] Simon-Blackquill isn't surprised Tori didn't tell him. Still, he deserves to know. "I had sex with Tori. My apologies."
  22. [10:57 PM] Tori Marie Nygma cringes, but still doesn't say anything or turn back to face them.
  23. [10:57 PM] Jeb Parmalee sighs, shaking his head. "No, that isn't what I mean. ...that wouldn't put you in the hospital if something else didn't happen."
  24. [11:01 PM] Simon-Blackquill points toward the clipboard at the end of his bed. "That ought to answer your questions and inform you about the extent of my injury. Both you and the troublemaker have my permission to read it."
  25. [11:02 PM] Jeb Parmalee looks at him in concern. "I'd rather hear it from you, but if this is easier..." He's going to check out that clipboard now!
  26. [11:03 PM] Tori Marie Nygma still doesn't move, still doesn't look back, but mutters something that sounds suspiciously like "I'm going to murder him."
  27. [11:04 PM] Simon-Blackquill: Get in line.
  28. [11:05 PM] Tori Marie Nygma: You're not in any condition to do anything like that.
  29. [11:06 PM] Simon-Blackquill: Hmph. I have my resources.
  30. [11:07 PM] Tori Marie Nygma: Sources, but no idea where he is.
  31. [11:07 PM] Jeb Parmalee: Please don't fight, you two!
  32. [11:07 PM] Tori Marie Nygma backs down immediately.
  33. [11:08 PM] Iroquois-Pliskin: (( "i have my resources" ))
  34. [11:08 PM] Iroquois-Pliskin: (( simons resource is ))
  35. [11:08 PM] Tori Marie Nygma: ((*Resources))
  36. [11:08 PM] Iroquois-Pliskin: (( 5'11" with copper hair and a scruff and pretty blue eyes ))
  37. [11:09 PM] Simon-Blackquill: And you think I can't lure him out by now? You ignorant lass.
  38. [11:09 PM] Simon-Blackquill: Regardless, how does it feel, Tori?
  39. [11:09 PM] Simon-Blackquill: To be the one that brought him to me, once again?
  40. [11:10 PM] Simon-Blackquill: He injured me.
  41. [11:11 PM] Tori Marie Nygma can't ignore that. Sorry, Jeb! "...I just wanted you to see your son. I /warned/ him not to try anything funny."
  42. [11:11 PM] Jeb Parmalee: You two--!
  43. [11:13 PM] Simon-Blackquill: Warned him with what? He can't feel fear.
  44. [11:13 PM] Simon-Blackquill: He will do as he chooses.
  45. [11:15 PM] Tori Marie Nygma knows that Simon's wrong now. Has seen /evidence/ of it. But she's not going to share that evidence, because it won't do any good.
  46. [11:15 PM] Jeb Parmalee: mean the Phantom?
  47. [11:16 PM] Simon-Blackquill: Yes. He brought Kujaku here... and struck me when I wouldn't give the child back.
  48. [11:16 PM] Tori Marie Nygma: ...he's not even in this world, you know.
  49. [11:17 PM] Simon-Blackquill: He's clearly trying to use Kujaku against me. As if holding him would subdue my wrath... Because he knows I can expose him and ruin everything.
  50. [11:17 PM] Simon-Blackquill: So it matters not where he is at...
  51. [11:17 PM] Simon-Blackquill: For as long as I draw breath, he will find me once more.
  52. [11:18 PM] Tori Marie Nygma: It /does/ matter, because if you're wrong and he doesn't show himself again--!
  53. [11:18 PM] Simon-Blackquill: He will.
  54. [11:18 PM] Simon-Blackquill: I have exactly what will ensure that he will.
  55. [11:18 PM] Tori Marie Nygma: How can you be so sure? ...he only did /this/ time because I told him to.
  56. [11:18 PM] Jeb Parmalee: ...where has he been hiding?
  57. [11:18 PM] Tori Marie Nygma: Twinklehaven, Jeb.
  58. [11:20 PM] Simon-Blackquill: I just told you. Start listening, girl.
  59. [11:20 PM] Tori Marie Nygma: ...
  60. [11:20 PM] Simon-Blackquill: I have a document that he desires.
  61. [11:21 PM] Tori Marie Nygma: ...there's something I need to tell you. It might help.
  62. [11:21 PM] Simon-Blackquill: Then out with it, Tori.
  63. [11:24 PM] Tori Marie Nygma: I think the reason he can't feel anything... is because it /hurts/ him when he comes close. I mean /physically/ hurts him.
  64. [11:24 PM] Jeb Parmalee: Huh? Why do you think that?
  65. [11:24 PM] Simon-Blackquill: Hmph. Nonsense.
  66. [11:24 PM] Tori Marie Nygma: ...
  67. [11:24 PM] Simon-Blackquill: Psychological analysis proved he cannot experience emotions.
  68. [11:25 PM] Tori Marie Nygma: Did it say /why/?
  69. [11:25 PM] Simon-Blackquill: If you think he's being physically harmed by a sensation he cannot feel, then you are falling into his trap. He is a very skilled actor, Tori, and you cannot believe a [i]single[/i] word he says.
  70. [11:26 PM] Simon-Blackquill: You can only believe evidence.
  71. [11:26 PM] Tori Marie Nygma:'s not what he's /told/ me.
  72. [11:26 PM] Simon-Blackquill: You IDIOT.
  73. [11:26 PM] Simon-Blackquill: You CANNOT BELIEVE HIM!
  74. [11:26 PM] Simon-Blackquill: His word is NOT evidence.
  75. [11:27 PM] Tori Marie Nygma: That's why I'm not using his word! Do you think I'm stupid?! I've watched him do a damn good impression of me, I know I can't believe that!
  76. [11:27 PM] Jeb Parmalee: Both of you, /please/--!
  77. [11:28 PM] Simon-Blackquill: Then why are you [i]basically[/i] saying 'oh, he can't possibly be EMOTIONLESS like the evaluation states, because he toooold me otherwise and most certainly wasn't lying or pretending in the leeeeast~'
  78. [11:28 PM] Tori Marie Nygma: I never said it was what he /told/ me, smartass!
  79. [11:29 PM] Simon-Blackquill: You literally just said he's told you.
  80. [11:29 PM] Simon-Blackquill: Fool.
  81. [11:29 PM] Tori Marie Nygma: ...that's not what I meant.
  82. [11:29 PM] Tori Marie Nygma: It's his /physical/ reactions.
  83. [11:29 PM] Simon-Blackquill: Ah, want to backpedal, now? Your blade is dull, just like your mind.
  84. [11:30 PM] Tori Marie Nygma: I'm not backpedalling!
  85. [11:30 PM] Simon-Blackquill: As I said before, he is merely [i]pretending.[/i] [i]Putting on an act.[/i]
  86. [11:30 PM] Jeb Parmalee: Both of you, /enough/!
  87. [11:30 PM] Simon-Blackquill: [url=]SILENCE![/url]
  88. [11:30 PM] Tori Marie Nygma: Don't take this out on him!
  89. [11:31 PM] Simon-Blackquill: Hmph. There is no point discussing this with you -- you don't have the mental capacity to comprehend the [i]facts.[/i]
  90. [11:31 PM] Tori Marie Nygma: And you're too stupid to believe anyone aside from yourself!
  91. [11:32 PM] Tori Marie Nygma: ...and I'm too stupid in general. Must be why Raven's /smart/--/we/ didn't raise her.
  92. [11:32 PM] Simon-Blackquill: Oh, I'll believe it, if you show me evidence.
  93. [11:33 PM] Tori Marie Nygma: ...I can't do that without asking what happened after I got hit with a tranquilizer.
  94. [11:35 PM] Simon-Blackquill: .........When did this happen?
  95. [11:35 PM] Tori Marie Nygma: When Iroquois confronted him.
  96. [11:35 PM] Simon-Blackquill: ......I--
  97. [11:35 PM] Simon-Blackquill: Right.
  98. [11:36 PM] Tori Marie Nygma: ...hmph.
  99. [11:36 PM] Simon-Blackquill's memory is the slightest bit fuzzy, thanks drugs.
  100. [11:37 PM] Tori Marie Nygma: Besides, you're one to talk about how I don't have the "mental capacity" for things, Mr. Use-the-Knife-on-Me.
  101. [11:37 PM] Jeb Parmalee: A knife?! That's how all of this happened?!
  102. [11:37 PM] Jeb Parmalee gestures to the clipboard.
  103. [11:38 PM] Simon-Blackquill: I wanted her to cut me open. I'm a masochist, Parmesan.
  104. [11:38 PM] Tori Marie Nygma: And look how /well/ that turned out.
  105. [11:39 PM] Jeb Parmalee sighs.
  106. [11:39 PM] Simon-Blackquill: I won't do it again.
  107. [11:40 PM] Iroquois-Pliskin: (( THATS WHAT YOU SAID LAST TIME ))
  108. [11:40 PM] Tori Marie Nygma: Yeah~ we probably have /other/ ways to always remember how fucked up that night was on the way!
  109. [11:41 PM] Simon-Blackquill: .........
  110. [11:41 PM] Jeb Parmalee: ...what do you mean?
  111. [11:41 PM] Simon-Blackquill: You haven't told him the purpose of our little meeting, have you.
  112. [11:41 PM] Tori Marie Nygma pales. "I-It's not like I even know for sure. There's no point yet."
  113. [11:42 PM] Simon-Blackquill: He deserves to know!
  114. [11:42 PM] Tori Marie Nygma: ...
  115. [11:42 PM] Jeb Parmalee: ...Tori...
  116. [11:43 PM] Tori Marie Nygma: Jeb, we... Simon and I, we... the reason we slept together was to try and get me pregnant.
  117. [11:43 PM] Jeb Parmalee: ...what?
  118. [11:43 PM] Iroquois-Pliskin: (( POOR JEB ))
  119. [11:45 PM] Simon-Blackquill: It's the truth.
  120. [11:46 PM] Tori Marie Nygma: So, are you going to act like it's all Simon's fault too, like the /Phantom/ did? Because let me tell you, he sure acted like it wasn't my fault at all. It was so pathetic! If he wanted to manipulate me, he sure as hell wasn't using the right angle for it. He's at least right about one thing--both of us were stupid to think that it was a smart idea to try and knock me up.
  121. [11:46 PM] Jeb Parmalee: Neither of you are stupid! I just... I don't understand /why/. Normally I'd be happy, but... b-but it's not a good idea right now!
  122. [11:46 PM] Simon-Blackquill: ......Bobby. The real one.
  123. [11:46 PM] Simon-Blackquill: He took care of Raven in his future...
  124. [11:46 PM] Simon-Blackquill: And he was grateful to have that chance.
  125. [11:46 PM] Tori Marie Nygma: ...
  126. [11:47 PM] Tori Marie Nygma: Haha... hahahahaha!
  127. [11:48 PM] Jeb Parmalee: Tori...
  128. [11:48 PM] Tori Marie Nygma: You realize... that for something like that to happen /here/, that /both/ of us have to die. Right?!
  129. [11:48 PM] Simon-Blackquill: ......In case it does...
  130. [11:49 PM] Simon-Blackquill: But if it doesn't...
  131. [11:49 PM] Simon-Blackquill: Well, you've got what you always wanted, did you not?
  132. [11:49 PM] Tori Marie Nygma: What's /that/ supposed to mean?
  133. [11:49 PM] Tori Marie Nygma: Just because I've wanted to be a mother my entire life doesn't mean I--!
  134. [11:49 PM] Simon-Blackquill: If it turns out you are pregnant, you're free to do with the child as you like.
  135. [11:50 PM] Simon-Blackquill: You aren't obligated to keep it.
  136. [11:50 PM] Tori Marie Nygma: ...I could never get rid of it.
  137. [11:51 PM] Simon-Blackquill: Then I was the fool to impregnate you to begin with, because you should be smart enough to be able to make a choice like that. You need to be prepared, in case it becomes necessary. Good to know you'll never resort to that.
  138. [11:52 PM] Tori Marie Nygma: You know, if you want to hit me where it hurts, the least you could do is use the shit I know I'm in the wrong for.
  139. [11:52 PM] Jeb Parmalee sighs.
  140. [11:53 PM] Simon-Blackquill: I'm not trying to hit you where it hurts at all, you knob.
  141. [11:53 PM] Simon-Blackquill: I'm telling you that you have the right to choose to not keep the child.
  142. [11:53 PM] Simon-Blackquill: And if it becomes necessary to do such a thing, [i]you need to be able to go through with it.[/i]
  143. [11:53 PM] Tori Marie Nygma: ...
  144. [11:55 PM] Tori Marie Nygma: I don't want to think about what would make it necessary.
  145. [11:56 PM] Simon-Blackquill: Then don't.
  146. [11:56 PM] Tori Marie Nygma: ...I'm sorry.
  147. [11:57 PM] Simon-Blackquill: Hmph. You ought to be.
  148. [11:57 PM] Simon-Blackquill: I care not that you've brought me here, for the record.
  149. [11:57 PM] Tori Marie Nygma: should.
  150. [11:57 PM] Simon-Blackquill: I only care that you brought [i]the Phantom.[/i] What possessed you to do such a thing?
  151. [11:58 PM] Tori Marie Nygma: Because I wanted you to see Kujaku, and he was never going to let me leave with him!
  152. [11:59 PM] Simon-Blackquill: ...And you enabled him to track me back down again.
  153. [11:59 PM] Simon-Blackquill: As soon as I am discharged from this place, I'm sure he'll send the bobbies after me.
  154. [12:00 AM] Tori Marie Nygma: ...then he doesn't leave me with a choice, and neither do you.
  155. [12:00 AM] Simon-Blackquill: I believe Pliskin-dono's assistance might be necessary.
  156. [12:00 AM] Tori Marie Nygma: Well, you're going to have to deal with that part yourself.
  157. [12:00 AM] Simon-Blackquill: I take it you're angry with him about his confrontation with the Phantom.
  158. [12:01 AM] Tori Marie Nygma: No. He's angry at /me/ for lying. He's not going to believe a word /I/ say.
  159. [12:01 AM] Jeb Parmalee: ...I could talk to him.
  160. [12:03 AM] Tori Marie Nygma: Jeb...
  161. [12:03 AM] Jeb Parmalee: ...I... I don't... I don't want anyone to hurt the way they are now. I don't want any of this to get worse. If there's something I can do to help, then I want to do it. Please don't tell me I can't.
  162. [12:09 AM] Simon-Blackquill: Heh. I think the only one in severe pain is probably myself...
  163. [12:09 AM] Simon-Blackquill: I wonder how walking will be for me from now on.
  164. [12:09 AM] Jeb Parmalee: ...I meant emotional pain too, b-but...
  165. [12:09 AM] Tori Marie Nygma: Wonderful. I've probably fucked you up for life.
  166. [12:10 AM] Simon-Blackquill: As if the Phantom didn't do worse.
  167. [12:11 AM] Tori Marie Nygma: would be so easy to go to Twinklehaven and kill him, or at least make it so /he/ can't walk.
  168. [12:11 AM] Jeb Parmalee: Tori!
  169. [12:11 AM] Simon-Blackquill: Without harming Kujaku?
  170. [12:12 AM] Tori Marie Nygma: How much harm can he do without his legs?
  171. [12:12 AM] Jeb Parmalee: You're not dismembering him!
  172. [12:13 AM] Iroquois-Pliskin could dismember him instead :)
  174. [12:13 AM] Simon-Blackquill: Hnnn... we should not be conspiring such a thing.
  175. [12:13 AM] Tori Marie Nygma:, I guess not.
  176. [12:14 AM] Tori Marie Nygma decides to conspire on her own time, then.
  177. [12:14 AM] Simon-Blackquill won't stop her even if he could.
  178. [12:14 AM] Jeb Parmalee: T-The point is, if neither of you can contact Iroquois, then /I/ can! I don't think he's mad at me, just at Tori.
  179. [12:15 AM] Iroquois-Pliskin'S BUTT CANNOT BE CALMED IT'S TOO PERFECT
  180. [12:16 AM] Simon-Blackquill: I can contact him myself. It might be best if I do.
  181. [12:16 AM] Simon-Blackquill: I've been needing to inform him.
  182. [12:16 AM] Tori Marie Nygma: Then /do it/.
  183. [12:16 AM] Simon-Blackquill: Shut the hell up and get out of my room.
  184. [12:17 AM] Tori Marie Nygma: Fine. I have a hunt to go on~
  185. [12:17 AM] Jeb Parmalee SIGHS.
  186. [12:17 AM] Simon-Blackquill: You might want to attempt to stop her, Parmesan. I'll be fine.
  187. [12:17 AM] Simon-Blackquill: If I need anything I will let you know.
  188. [12:18 AM] Simon-Blackquill: Oh, and on your way out:
  189. [12:18 AM] Jeb Parmalee: I don't think she'll listen to me, b-but... okay.
  190. [12:18 AM] Simon-Blackquill: Will you tell those blasted nurses next door to stop trying to get me to shave and cut my hair?
  191. [12:18 AM] Tori Marie Nygma definitely won't. She can at least help them stall for time by making herself a distraction.
  192. [12:18 AM] Jeb Parmalee: Oh, yes! I can do that!
  193. [12:19 AM] Simon-Blackquill: Good. Now, I'm going to nap.
  194. [12:19 AM] Jeb Parmalee: Rest well, Mr. Blackquill! ...or as well as you can.
  195. [12:19 AM] Tori Marie Nygma: ...
  196. [12:19 AM] Simon-Blackquill nods.
  197. [12:19 AM] Tori Marie Nygma: ...yeah. What he said.
  198. [12:19 AM] Simon-Blackquill also isn't going to nap, he just wants to be alone now.
  199. [12:20 AM] Jeb Parmalee stands, walking over to Tori.
  200. [12:20 AM] Tori Marie Nygma isn't looking at him.
  201. [12:21 AM] Jeb Parmalee takes her hand and leads her out of the room. " really aren't going to listen to me, are you?" he asks quietly before calling for the nurses. "Um, excuse me? Please stop telling Mr. Blackquill to shave and cut his hair. He has the right to keep it the way he wants, s-so...!"
  202. [12:21 AM] Tori Marie Nygma smiles weakly. " You really can't. I can at least distract him, you know?"
  203. [12:23 AM] Simon-Blackquill turns his head away from them and closes his eyes as if about to sleep.
  204. [12:24 AM] Jeb Parmalee leads Tori out of the hospital, feeling sick to his stomach when Tori asks him not to tell anyone what she has planned.
  205. [03:13 AM] Simon-Blackquill has buttfuck all to do here and he can't get any sleep, hahaha the idea of getting SLEEP is a joke
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