
TSW 13: Kasra's Dream IT FOLLOWS

May 21st, 2016
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  1. [17:36] IcePickLobotomy Time: ??? Location: The Black Sand Desert.
  2. [17:39] IcePickLobotomy You stand amidst the ruins of the Angel, shards of metal and gold-green glass litter the area. There is a deep seated ache across your chest and torso, blood trickles from the cuts and abrasions you've collected. The sword is further beaten, more chips and damage to the blade, yet it still holds it's edge. The sky above you is a dark red, fading to purple, the winds gently stirring the sands...
  3. [17:39] IcePickLobotomy ...around you.
  4. [18:04] Kasra crouches in the sand, running his hand gently over the littered terrain. "Why were you afraid? How?"
  5. [18:05] IcePickLobotomy "Something that we need to find out." Lily's says from behind you.
  6. [18:06] Kasra Feeling slightly disturbed and slightly reverential, Kasra takes up a few fragments, the jumps sharply at Lily's voice.
  7. [18:06] Kasra "Lily! Where did you come from I...well...nevermind. Yeah. That seems important."
  8. [18:10] IcePickLobotomy "It is but a trouble for another time, there are two far more pressing maters." She looks up at the darkening sky, the stars starting to shine through the faint reddish haze above you.
  9. [18:11] Kasra "What? Is this a bad place to be at night?"
  10. [18:12] IcePickLobotomy "As dangerous as it is during the day, but in its own way. No, I'm worried about what's about to happen."
  11. [18:14] Kasra "Well, talk while we walk, I guess. I'm heading..." taking a moment to regain his bearings, Kasra points proclaiming his direction.
  12. [18:16] IcePickLobotomy "I'm afraid I can't join you, I have something I need to do else where." She looks to the sword "Not a weapon that fits you by blood, but one that suits you all the same. May I see it Kasra?"
  13. [18:17] Kasra "Sure, just don't break it or anything. It's had a rough day. What do you have to do?"
  14. [18:18] IcePickLobotomy "I. . " She halts "Kasra, I owe you a explanation, but there isn't time right now. I promise you that when next we meet I will explain things I should have told you when we first met, but. . " She looks up at the night sky. "Kasra, the sword, *now* . They're starting to go out."
  15. [18:19] Kasra gestures with the sword that he had offered before looking up.
  16. [18:20] IcePickLobotomy Kasra: At first you see nothing. Then a star goes out. And then another, and another. One by one they are winking out. You hear Lily take a deep breathe, before the area around you is bathed in a silvery blue light.
  17. [18:50] Kasra "That's probably not good." Kasra looks back to Lily.
  18. [18:53] IcePickLobotomy The sword is glowing silver, the metal in the blade flowing and rippling. It reforms, the blade longer, but more narrow now, better suited to your size. The metal is a pale-steel gray, and the edges shine like a mirror. "Take this," She holds it out to you "and this," she offers a coin made of silver, a symbol, of a a three-pronged star swirling into a circle is etched into both sides of...
  19. [18:53] IcePickLobotomy "This symbol is one you can trust Kasra, I do not give these to those I find unworthy of my trust."
  20. [19:07] Kasra "I'll keep it close. Thanks for the upgrade to the sword. Should we be going?"
  21. [19:08] IcePickLobotomy "Continue as you were Kasra, and keep the light close. It should protect you from the worst of this, but I really must be going." She hesitates a moment. "Mary is in grave danger and I need to be where she is."
  22. [19:09] Kasra "So should I. Good luck."
  23. [19:10] IcePickLobotomy "Continue as you were Kasra. You will find Mary in due time."
  24. [19:10] IcePickLobotomy You blink, and she's gone.
  25. [19:29] IcePickLobotomy The stars continue to wink out, and then moon fades into the darkness as well. The edges of the sword give off a pale blue-ish silver light, dimly illuminating the area around you.
  26. [19:30] Kasra "I have to talk to Robin about more subtle use of symbolism."
  27. [19:30] Kasra sighs and sets off using his sword as a lantern.
  28. [19:30] IcePickLobotomy You hear something, the sound of sand shifting. You see motions, something moving, lurking, just past the light. Circling you.
  29. [19:31] Kasra "What is it now? Lily?" Kasra swings the sword in a hemisphere to spread the light. "Mary?"
  30. [19:32] IcePickLobotomy You ears prickly as static and white noise whisper in the night.
  31. [22:21] === #TSWshenanigans You're not on that channel
  32. [22:23] Kasra begins to back up cautiously checking behind him furtively every few steps
  33. [22:30] IcePickLobotomy it stops. A pair of eyes appear before you, narrow slits like a cat, with a burning gold iris. [] They stare at you a long moment, unblinking. The static crackles and rushes in your ears, the hairs on your back standing on end. A faint, painful throbbing pressure bubbles forth in your chest. Your brain wars without itself, caught between the urges...
  34. [22:30] IcePickLobotomy run, fight, and curl into ball and weep.
  35. [22:33] Kasra Breathing deeply and striking a steadier pose, Kasra prepares to attack.
  36. [22:34] IcePickLobotomy It seems to cock its head, if the shift in the eye's level is any indication.
  37. [22:37] Kasra "Well, come on." Despite his bravado, Kasra is still standing his ground and checking over his shoulders, expecting an attack.
  38. [22:40] IcePickLobotomy It slowly shifts forward. You catch a glimpse of bleached bone as it comes to a halt at the edge of the light. You can make out it's rough shape, bipedal, and a head taller than you. "What are you doing here?" it ask, a dry voice, one uttered by something that was never human. Static crackles as it speaks, your visual distortions further obscuring your sight.
  39. [22:42] Kasra "Oh you know, ha, killing baddies, going on a grand quest to stop the stars from dying. You?" As he says this, Kasra shifts forward a few inches and carefully watches for a response.
  40. [22:43] IcePickLobotomy it inches back. "This one waits. This one watches." It doesn't blink.
  41. [22:44] Kasra "Yeah, you're very right, I do. What are you looking for?"
  42. [22:47] IcePickLobotomy The static cuts out. You feel it, something truly alien to you, but a familiarity. You know that feeling, malice and cruelty roll off of the thing in waves strong enough to make you ill.
  43. [22:48] Kasra "'re foul."
  44. [22:49] Kasra "What could you have to watch for?" Kasra continues to scan around, scarcely taking his eyes off of the entity for more than a second
  45. [22:49] IcePickLobotomy It laughs, a dry, empty sound. "You."
  46. [22:50] Kasra abruptly lunges forward a short distance, raising the blade as though to strike before stopping well short of the creature.
  47. [22:52] IcePickLobotomy it skitters back, to the edge of the light again.
  48. [22:53] IcePickLobotomy it glances to the blade. "Is she your friend?"
  49. [22:54] Kasra "A soldier's weapon is his best friend. You have one?"
  50. [22:56] IcePickLobotomy "No, the cripple who spent herself for your sake. Do you consider her a friend?"
  51. [22:56] Kasra "Don't know what you're talking about."
  52. [22:59] IcePickLobotomy "You are going to be their doom."
  53. [23:04] IcePickLobotomy You feel it's presence slowly working it's way over you, like a thine film of filth. Tendrils of it's presence roaming over you, seeking something. . .
  54. [23:04] Kasra "This has been fun, but I get the feeling that you don't like my night light," he waves said night light menacingly, "and I have places to be."
  55. [23:05] Kasra begins to walk backwards. "Do you plan on escorting me out?"
  56. [23:05] IcePickLobotomy [ ]You get the sense that it's smiling
  57. [23:06] Kasra "Know something I don't?"
  58. [23:06] IcePickLobotomy "I will be watching you 'Kasra Nariman' ." it cocks it's head "I wonder who I will kill first. John? Or perhaps Arina. . . . "
  59. [23:07] IcePickLobotomy "No, youngest goes /first/ isn't that the rule?"
  60. [23:07] Kasra "I'll bet. Or maybe you'll get blown to pieces by a soul bomb and die scared and alone like the last thing that tried."
  61. [23:10] IcePickLobotomy It flows forward, too fast to react. The eyes sit in a long bare skull, something between a cow and wolf's. A arm, thin and leathery, tipped with razor sharp talons grasps your wrist. Blood wells up from the wounds. "We will see if your bravado holds true." And then, it's gone.
  62. [23:11] Kasra laughs nervously and speaks to his sword. "Don't think it liked that."
  63. [23:11] IcePickLobotomy a few drops of blood drip onto the sand.
  64. [23:15] IcePickLobotomy Kasra: You dream. You dream of Strange Vistas and Starless Skies.
  65. [23:16] IcePickLobotomy And when you awaken, there is blood on your sheets. And your wrist has scabbed over.
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