

Apr 7th, 2016
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  1. Mar 28, 22:02:17Deanmon: Can I ask you something?
  2. Mar 28, 22:04:06Deanmon: Well, I'm going to anyways, but being polite. Were you a Miyuki ever dating ooc/ic?
  3. Mar 28, 22:05:18Blood and Salt: No.
  4. Mar 28, 22:05:28Deanmon: right.
  5. Mar 28, 22:05:36Blood and Salt: That sounds sarcastic.
  6. Mar 28, 22:06:02Blood and Salt: I continued to tell her relentlessly that I didn't want to rush things. They had sex and that was it.
  7. Mar 28, 22:06:14Deanmon: So did your answer, but it wasn't. Its just I was told otherwise, and then it came to me that that wasn't true, and I haven't had chance to ask you myself untilnow
  8. Mar 28, 22:06:34Deanmon: I was told you guys were like very exclusively ic
  9. Mar 28, 22:06:45Blood and Salt: Well, you can believe me or not. It's nothing more than drama and it was like three or four days we even rped/talked before all of that went down.
  10. Mar 28, 22:07:02Blood and Salt: Get told whatever you want, believe what you want. I have no reason to lie and of course you did.
  11. Mar 28, 22:07:09Blood and Salt: She told that to everyone, but it wasn't true.
  12. Mar 28, 22:07:24Deanmon: I'm not saying I don't believe you, chill the fuck out, I'm trying to find out the truth.
  13. Mar 28, 22:07:36Blood and Salt: I am not unchilled. o.o;
  14. Mar 28, 22:07:53Deanmon: It sounded like it 'get told whatever you want, believe what you want'
  15. Mar 28, 22:07:58Deanmon: all sounds snarky to me.
  16. Mar 28, 22:08:00Blood and Salt: Are you okay?
  17. Mar 28, 22:08:10Blood and Salt: You seem frustrated.
  18. Mar 28, 22:08:18Deanmon: I am frustrated, I apologise.
  19. Mar 28, 22:08:23Blood and Salt: It's okay, bro.
  20. Mar 28, 22:08:23Deanmon: But not at all, at all this bullshit.
  21. Mar 28, 22:08:26Deanmon: at you'
  22. Mar 28, 22:08:42Blood and Salt: I have yet to lie to you.
  23. Mar 28, 22:08:49Blood and Salt: Nor will i begin.
  24. Mar 28, 22:08:58Blood and Salt: Wanna know why I still come in here?
  25. Mar 28, 22:09:04Blood and Salt: Because you're straight with me.
  26. Mar 28, 22:09:06Deanmon: You haven't, which is why I wanted to ask you myself, when I was told from Gabe that it wasa lie on Miyuki's part.
  27. Mar 28, 22:09:17Deanmon: I feel people just should just be straight with one another.
  28. Mar 28, 22:09:20Deanmon: itts so much easier
  29. Mar 28, 22:09:23Blood and Salt: I totally agree.
  30. Mar 28, 22:09:42Blood and Salt: But, I am curious why it matters, even though what she said is a lie.
  31. Mar 28, 22:10:07Deanmon: Because she's lying and twisting the truth and getting people to believe horrible things about people that aren't true
  32. Mar 28, 22:10:10Deanmon: anmd thats not fair
  33. Mar 28, 22:10:58Blood and Salt: Did you honestly feel her character was going to change? Not character in a rp sense, but character as a person. She uses the internet to do as she wants, completely disreguarding others feelings.
  34. Mar 28, 22:11:37Blood and Salt: I worry for the person playing her Sam. But, I hope she actually can get herself together.
  35. Mar 28, 22:11:40Deanmon: I guess I just wanted to give people a chance.
  36. Mar 28, 22:11:44Deanmon: And I worry for him too.
  37. Mar 28, 22:11:47Deanmon: He's a good lad.
  38. Mar 28, 22:11:55Blood and Salt: Well, keep giving her chances. But, I doubt it will change her.
  39. Mar 28, 22:12:01Blood and Salt: She has to want to change.
  40. Mar 28, 22:12:05Deanmon: It won't, you're probably right.
  41. Mar 28, 22:12:18Blood and Salt: I was hoping in her days away, it would have helped, but it seems it didn't and the circus continues.
  42. Mar 28, 22:12:35Deanmon: Do you know why she away?
  43. Mar 28, 22:12:48Deanmon: The real reason? Because its apparently all your fault.
  44. Mar 28, 22:13:19Blood and Salt: Bro, listen.
  45. Mar 28, 22:13:33Blood and Salt: I spoke to her of a total of maybe four days. Within that duration, we rped a little.
  46. Mar 28, 22:13:44Blood and Salt: I mean, what could possibly happen in that time?
  47. Mar 28, 22:13:45Blood and Salt: Nothing.
  48. Mar 28, 22:14:05Deanmon: Well during that, she because so obsessed with you, that when you 'broke up with her' she slit her wristts and carved 'I love you' in her leg.
  49. Mar 28, 22:14:07Deanmon: about you...
  50. Mar 28, 22:14:19Deanmon: This is some Jodi Arias shit
  51. Mar 28, 22:14:25Blood and Salt: Oh, the dramatics.
  52. Mar 28, 22:14:30Deanmon: I saw the images
  53. Mar 28, 22:14:38Blood and Salt: Dude, she's crazy.
  54. Mar 28, 22:14:41Blood and Salt: Period.
  55. Mar 28, 22:14:42Deanmon: Yeaaaah
  56. Mar 28, 22:14:54Blood and Salt: That isn't me trying to be an asshole.
  57. Mar 28, 22:15:00Blood and Salt: I am just stating the truth.
  58. Mar 28, 22:15:01Deanmon: Oh I know.
  59. Mar 28, 22:15:08Deanmon: Believe me. I'm seeing it.
  60. Mar 28, 22:15:18Deanmon: She's already gushing about how much she 'loves' this SAm.
  61. Mar 28, 22:15:23Blood and Salt: Mhm.
  62. Mar 28, 22:15:26Blood and Salt: As I said, I worry for the boy.
  63. Mar 28, 22:15:43Deanmon: Same. Last night there was an issue, and the threatened to 'take him away'
  64. Mar 28, 22:15:44Blood and Salt: Poor guy.
  65. Mar 28, 22:15:49Deanmon: she'
  66. Mar 28, 22:15:54Blood and Salt: .. Take him away?
  67. Mar 28, 22:15:59Blood and Salt: What does that even mean?
  68. Mar 28, 22:16:09Deanmon: As in take him from our room to her little shitty one
  69. Mar 28, 22:16:20Deanmon: He did no such thing. He stayed with us
  70. Mar 28, 22:16:35Blood and Salt: You have to stop that and quick like.
  71. Mar 28, 22:16:39Blood and Salt: I know you feel sorry for her.
  72. Mar 28, 22:16:48Blood and Salt: But, you cannot let her continue to fuck with people.
  73. Mar 28, 22:17:11Blood and Salt: I don't care what anyone says, but fucking someones reputation here is really bad and can carry for a long time.
  74. Mar 28, 22:17:13Blood and Salt: It's just fucked up.
  75. Mar 28, 22:17:18Deanmon: Am gonna call a meeting with the other owners I think, decide what to do with her.
  76. Mar 28, 22:17:20Deanmon: Oh also.
  77. Mar 28, 22:17:25Deanmon: Did she get you banned from rooms?
  78. Mar 28, 22:17:32Blood and Salt: I fixed it.
  79. Mar 28, 22:17:39Blood and Salt: Thanks for asking. ♥
  80. Mar 28, 22:17:48Deanmon: Well she denies even doing that, but is okay.
  81. Mar 28, 22:17:53Deanmon: You're not banned from ours anyways.
  82. Mar 28, 22:17:54Blood and Salt: Lol. k
  83. Mar 28, 22:18:01Blood and Salt: Let me give you an example.
  84. Mar 28, 22:18:04Deanmon: Alrighty.
  85. Mar 28, 22:18:04Blood and Salt: The day I met her..
  86. Mar 28, 22:18:09Blood and Salt: She put me in her profile.
  87. Mar 28, 22:18:14Deanmon: ....what?
  88. Mar 28, 22:18:17Blood and Salt: ... Like, they were together.
  89. Mar 28, 22:18:19Blood and Salt: Mhm.
  90. Mar 28, 22:18:21Deanmon: o.o
  91. Mar 28, 22:18:42Blood and Salt: I told her it was nice, and I have no issue being on someones profiles as friends.
  92. Mar 28, 22:18:58Blood and Salt: But, she was all bout like.. love and stuff. It was gross.
  93. Mar 28, 22:19:15Deanmon: =/ Oh boy. And was she like really forceful with the sexy stuff?
  94. Mar 28, 22:19:25Blood and Salt: Seriously, though. You protect that boy. Your allegiances should not lie with her.
  95. Mar 28, 22:19:41Blood and Salt: Um. She was pushy about the romantics.
  96. Mar 28, 22:20:05Deanmon: I will do what I can for him for sure. But he's her friend, so I cant say where he's gonna go, but he did say last night that at least we talked sense, even when we were annoyed.
  97. Mar 28, 22:20:28Blood and Salt: She is going to so fuck him over.
  98. Mar 28, 22:20:37Blood and Salt: You know how she is when she doesn't get her way.
  99. Mar 28, 22:20:50Blood and Salt: She is not a princess and needs to be treated accordingly.
  100. Mar 28, 22:20:53Deanmon: She is, and when she does, I'll let him know he has is.
  101. Mar 28, 22:20:54Deanmon: us'
  102. Mar 28, 22:21:09Blood and Salt: * Just shakes head. *
  103. Mar 28, 22:21:10Blood and Salt: Ugh.
  104. Mar 28, 22:21:36Deanmon: Its fucked up man, there shouldn't be all this extra crap, we're only here to rp and have fun with folks.
  105. Mar 28, 22:21:39Deanmon: Its not serious
  106. Mar 28, 22:21:48Blood and Salt: Not serious? She thinks it's real life.
  107. Mar 28, 22:21:50Deanmon: okay sometimes it is.
  108. Mar 28, 22:22:07Deanmon: Yeaaaaah, she doesn't seem to have a good grasp on th difference between the two.
  109. Mar 28, 22:22:37Blood and Salt: Because when your home life sucks, you use it to aid you in functioning.
  110. Mar 28, 22:22:51Deanmon: This is true.
  111. Mar 28, 22:24:19Blood and Salt: brb
  112. Mar 28, 22:24:30Deanmon: Alrighty.
  113. Mar 28, 22:25:35Blood and Salt: Do me a favor, though. The next time I am mentioned by anyone, tell them you don't want to hear it and to come to me if they need something answered or if they have a problem with me.
  114. Mar 28, 22:26:44Deanmon: I will do, I didn't know about this side of things until Gabe told me.
  115. Mar 28, 22:31:26Blood and Salt: HOLD ME BACK
  116. Mar 28, 22:31:31Blood and Salt: I WANNA BE A BITCH SO BAD
  117. Mar 28, 22:31:32Blood and Salt: xD
  118. Mar 28, 22:31:36Deanmon: What's she sayin?
  119. Mar 28, 22:31:42Blood and Salt: In the room
  120. Mar 28, 22:31:42Blood and Salt: xD
  121. Mar 28, 22:31:52Blood and Salt: I was be a sarcastic cunt monster.
  122. Mar 28, 22:32:12Deanmon: Ohh well, so long as its not directly directed at her? Maybee? I dunno.
  123. Mar 28, 22:32:23Blood and Salt: >_>
  124. Mar 28, 22:32:28Blood and Salt: Is that a go ahead, Sir?
  125. Mar 28, 22:32:41Deanmon: I would never do such a thing..
  126. Mar 28, 22:32:41Deanmon: >>
  127. Mar 28, 22:32:55Blood and Salt: <_<
  128. Mar 28, 22:33:01Blood and Salt: I did it.
  129. Mar 28, 22:33:02Blood and Salt: xD
  130. Mar 28, 22:33:22Deanmon: Huh? Is she talking in the room?
  131. Mar 28, 22:33:24Deanmon: I can't see it.
  132. Mar 28, 22:33:32Blood and Salt: DID SHE BLOCK YOU?
  133. Mar 28, 22:33:34Blood and Salt: LOLLOL
  134. Mar 28, 22:33:37Deanmon: She must have done.
  135. Mar 28, 22:40:47Blood and Salt: Blood and Salt:
  136. Did you block Deanmon, Miyuki?
  137. [16:34:27]
  138. Harper Jones:
  139. I have returned!!
  140. [16:34:30]
  141. Blood and Salt:
  142. wb
  143. [16:34:31]
  144. Deanmon:
  145. Blocking me in my own room?
  146. [16:34:33]
  147. Deanmon:
  148. Wb
  149. [16:34:35]
  150. Miyuki Rusalka:
  151. No, I didn't.
  152. [16:34:38]
  153. Miyuki Rusalka:
  154. I can see his damn messages.
  155. [16:34:43]
  156. Miyuki Rusalka:
  157. Not his PMs.
  158. [16:34:46]
  159. Blood and Salt:
  160. You are glitched.
  161. [16:34:51]
  162. Blood and Salt:
  163. You might want to relog.
  164. [16:35:02]
  165. Miyuki Rusalka:
  166. He's just gonna tell me to get along with you, witch I refuse to do.
  167. [16:35:07]
  168. Deanmon:
  169. Nah, you can only not see what someone is saying, if they've blocked you.
  170. Samsaid has joined Sᴜᴘᴇʀɴᴀᴛᴜʀᴀʟ
  171. [16:35:12]
  172. Blood and Salt:
  173. Bro.
  174. [16:35:13]
  175. Deanmon:
  176. Evne when it glitches you can still see.
  177. [16:35:18]
  178. Blood and Salt:
  179. * Grabs in a hug. *
  180. [16:35:24]
  181. Miyuki Rusalka:
  182. You know what?
  183. [16:35:34]
  184. Samsaid:
  185. Eyyy.
  186. [16:35:42] Samsaid gives a few pats on the back.
  187. [16:35:46]
  188. Miyuki Rusalka:
  189. Remove me from this group. Because you drama whores are not worth it. Deanmon, I'm sorry. But you knew it was coming.
  190. Miyuki Rusalka has left Sᴜᴘᴇʀɴᴀᴛᴜʀᴀʟ
  191. [16:35:57]
  192. Blood and Salt:
  193. * Yawn. *
  194. [16:35:58]
  195. Blood and Salt:
  196. rip
  197. [16:36:03]
  198. Samsaid:
  199. What in the hell was that about?
  200. [16:36:11]
  201. Blood and Salt:
  202. I don't even think she knows at this point.
  203. [16:36:28]
  204. Samsaid:
  205. That was...weird.]
  206. Mar 28, 22:43:54Deanmon: The wincest thing
  207. Mar 28, 22:44:54Blood and Salt: I know.
  208. Mar 28, 22:44:58Blood and Salt: I don't care.
  209. Mar 28, 22:46:23Deanmon: Ohh, I wasn't sure whether you knew what I meant.
  210. Mar 28, 23:20:48Blood and Salt: LOL
  211. Mar 28, 23:20:57Blood and Salt: did you see what she put in her profile now?
  212. Mar 28, 23:20:57Blood and Salt: xD
  213. Mar 28, 23:21:12Deanmon: Nuh uh, I don't even see her online.
  214. Mar 28, 23:21:24Blood and Salt: As you can probably tell by now, Miyuki takes shit from no one. You turn your back on her once, she will turn away and never truly let you back in. Most people once they betray you are not worth it, and Miyuki just doesn't have time for repetitive arguing and betrayal. She doesn't deal with it.
  215. Mar 28, 23:21:28Blood and Salt: She is in the seeking rp room.
  216. Mar 28, 23:21:47Blood and Salt: And she made two gifs with her and sam in it
  217. Mar 28, 23:21:48Deanmon: -rolls eys-
  218. Mar 28, 23:21:48Blood and Salt: LOL
  219. Mar 28, 23:22:00Deanmon: Oh yeah she made those for 'her' Sam.
  220. Mar 28, 23:22:09Blood and Salt: It makes me giggle
  221. Mar 31, 2:59:11Blood and Salt: Anymore action since last time?
  222. Mar 31, 2:59:19Deanmon: Nope, not even seen it.
  223. Mar 31, 2:59:36Blood and Salt: There's something building up, i am sure.
  224. Mar 31, 3:24:04Deanmon: Most likely.
  225. Mar 31, 3:24:12Deanmon: Sorry, I only just got that
  226. Apr 3, 18:37:50Blood and Salt: You talked to Miyuki after all that drama?
  227. Apr 3, 18:38:08Deanmon: Hah, nope. But I did find out something hilarious.
  228. Apr 3, 18:38:13Blood and Salt: ?
  229. Apr 3, 18:38:16Deanmon: That she has me down as a mod for her room.....
  230. Apr 3, 18:38:22Blood and Salt: rofl
  231. Apr 3, 18:38:28Deanmon: S'what I thought
  232. Apr 3, 18:38:36Blood and Salt: I find it amusing how she is all taken by Sam and yet, she is in a looking for smut room.
  233. Apr 3, 18:39:01Deanmon: I've not heard from that Sam since all this went down.
  234. Apr 3, 18:39:19Blood and Salt: Well, maybe he saw her demonic hell beast side.
  235. Apr 3, 18:39:41Deanmon: Kinda hope he does, sad as it sounds.
  236. Apr 3, 18:40:12Blood and Salt: I just wished she'd get her life together and stop all this nonsense so we can all get a long and have no worries of who she is spreading shit about next.
  237. Apr 3, 18:40:47Deanmon: Even if she did come crawling back now, don't think I could trust her again.
  238. Apr 3, 18:41:00Blood and Salt: Did she get banned from the room yet?
  239. Apr 3, 18:41:03Deanmon: Thing is, I never got to trusting her after the first time.
  240. Apr 3, 18:41:09Deanmon: No, she's not banned.
  241. Apr 3, 18:41:14Blood and Salt: why not
  242. Apr 3, 18:41:15Deanmon: I want her to come in and start some shit.
  243. Apr 3, 18:41:19Blood and Salt: LOL
  244. Apr 3, 18:41:21Deanmon: So I can ban her ass myself.
  245. Apr 3, 18:41:26Deanmon: Petty, but true
  246. Apr 3, 18:41:44Blood and Salt: I wished it would get to the point people would run her off of this site.
  247. Apr 3, 18:41:58Blood and Salt: Just to get her more attached to reality instead of sitting here all day
  248. Apr 3, 18:42:03Deanmon: I saw her in her DMC room last night
  249. Apr 3, 18:42:26Deanmon: But she didn't have the SPN room open
  250. Apr 3, 18:42:47Blood and Salt: I am hoping it all fails for her. As I said, sitting on this site all day long isn't good for her.
  251. Apr 3, 18:43:15Deanmon: No its not, but hjonestly, who are we to say what's good for someone else, and what's not?
  252. Apr 3, 18:43:40Blood and Salt: I can state that with sincerity after seeing her not too sure what's real and what isn't.
  253. Apr 3, 18:43:51Deanmon: Whatchu mean?
  254. Apr 3, 18:44:36Blood and Salt: So I can say, it would be good for her. Saying her and I were together when we spoke for only four days? Going to such dramatics when all of that stuff she said wasn't true? Even as for cutting herself? C'mon. That's proof enough she needs to separate herself from here for awhile.
  255. Apr 3, 18:45:19Deanmon: I see some signs of obsessive dissorder in her.
  256. Apr 3, 18:45:38Blood and Salt: And this much space for insanity isn't what she needs.
  257. Apr 3, 18:46:32Deanmon: She told me she was falling for this new Sammy, which worries me a little.
  258. Apr 3, 18:46:37Blood and Salt: rofl
  259. Apr 3, 18:46:45Deanmon: Worries me for him.
  260. Apr 3, 18:47:09Blood and Salt: Bro, she falls for whatever the fuck gives her attention and when the attention stops, she throws a fit.
  261. Apr 3, 18:47:18Blood and Salt: brb
  262. Apr 3, 18:48:09Deanmon: You know, I think that's why she originally got mad at me. Because when we first met, she was flirty in pm with me and stuff, and then as soon as she realised I was gay, shitt hit the fan.
  263. Apr 3, 18:56:08Blood and Salt: Yup.
  264. Apr 3, 18:56:29Deanmon: Yeaaah was weird
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