

Dec 4th, 2016
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  1. Minecraft
  2. ** Full Server Tick Time: 205407995244 Count: 3532 Avg: 58156284 Violations: 2236
  3. Player List Time: 2376572 Count: 3533 Avg: 672 Violations: 0
  4. Connection Handler Time: 2350548292 Count: 3533 Avg: 665312 Violations: 2
  5. Tickables Time: 328427 Count: 3533 Avg: 92 Violations: 0
  6. Scheduler Time: 16957433881 Count: 3533 Avg: 4799726 Violations: 30
  7. ChunkIOTick Time: 2502506569 Count: 3533 Avg: 708323 Violations: 2
  8. Time Update Time: 38660881 Count: 3533 Avg: 10942 Violations: 0
  9. Server Command Time: 1912181 Count: 3533 Avg: 541 Violations: 0
  10. ** entityMove Time: 56721581 Count: 7462 Avg: 7601 Violations: 0
  11. ** tickEntity Time: 12454130509 Count: 5480444 Avg: 2272 Violations: 1
  12. ** activatedTickEntity Time: 10603443835 Count: 3074624 Avg: 3448 Violations: 1
  13. ** tickTileEntity Time: 3304955231 Count: 40401083 Avg: 81 Violations: 0
  14. ** livingEntityBaseTick Time: 5975858686 Count: 820976 Avg: 7278 Violations: 2
  15. ** livingEntityAI Time: 1025985904 Count: 820976 Avg: 1249 Violations: 0
  16. ** livingEntityAICollision Time: 302236272 Count: 820976 Avg: 368 Violations: 0
  17. ** livingEntityAIMove Time: 3881799024 Count: 820976 Avg: 4728 Violations: 0
  18. ** livingEntityTickRest Time: 178579308 Count: 820976 Avg: 217 Violations: 0
  19. processQueue Time: 301446900 Count: 3533 Avg: 85323 Violations: 0
  20. ** Plugins Time: 101168647107 Count: 19439751 Avg: 5204 Violations: 593
  21. ** Scheduler - Sync Tasks Time: 16134174017 Count: 326920 Avg: 49352 Violations: 30
  22. ** playerCommand Time: 733119891 Count: 760 Avg: 964631 Violations: 1
  23. entityActivationCheck Time: 1302481610 Count: 10599 Avg: 122887 Violations: 0
  24. ** checkIfActive Time: 1240282788 Count: 5488170 Avg: 225 Violations: 0
  25. ** Command: timings Time: 5318590 Count: 1 Avg: 5318590 Violations: 0
  26. Plugin: ProtocolLib v4.2.0-SNAPSHOT-b329 Event: com.comphenix.protocol.injector.PacketFilterManager$4::onPlayerJoin(PlayerJoinEvent) Time: 671112 Count: 98 Avg: 6848 Violations: 0
  27. Plugin: ProtocolLib v4.2.0-SNAPSHOT-b329 Event: com.comphenix.protocol.injector.PacketFilterManager$4::onPlayerQuit(PlayerQuitEvent) Time: 3887379 Count: 99 Avg: 39266 Violations: 0
  28. Plugin: ProtocolLib v4.2.0-SNAPSHOT-b329 Event: com.comphenix.protocol.injector.PacketFilterManager$4::onPlayerLogin(PlayerLoginEvent) Time: 1046863 Count: 99 Avg: 10574 Violations: 0
  29. Plugin: ProtocolLib v4.2.0-SNAPSHOT-b329 Event: com.comphenix.protocol.injector.PacketFilterManager$4::onPrePlayerJoin(PlayerJoinEvent) Time: 3258014 Count: 98 Avg: 33245 Violations: 0
  30. Task: ProtocolLib v4.2.0-SNAPSHOT-b329 Runnable: com.comphenix.protocol.ProtocolLib$3(interval:1) Time: 8061222 Count: 3533 Avg: 2281 Violations: 0
  31. Plugin: Vault v1.5.6-b49 Event: net.milkbowl.vault.Vault$VaultListener::onPlayerJoin(PlayerJoinEvent) Time: 3821293 Count: 98 Avg: 38992 Violations: 0
  32. ** world - mobSpawn Time: 508480283 Count: 3533 Avg: 143923 Violations: 1
  33. ** world - doChunkUnload Time: 3172801338 Count: 3533 Avg: 898047 Violations: 2
  34. ** world - doTickPending Time: 80875754 Count: 3533 Avg: 22891 Violations: 0
  35. ** world - doTickTiles Time: 16397575214 Count: 3533 Avg: 4641261 Violations: 4
  36. ** world - doVillages Time: 5682092 Count: 3533 Avg: 1608 Violations: 0
  37. ** world - doChunkMap Time: 55284493 Count: 3533 Avg: 15648 Violations: 0
  38. ** world - doPortalForcer Time: 797796 Count: 3533 Avg: 225 Violations: 0
  39. ** world - entityTick Time: 13141636539 Count: 3533 Avg: 3719682 Violations: 1
  40. ** world - tileEntityTick Time: 14896637903 Count: 3533 Avg: 4216427 Violations: 9
  41. ** world - tileEntityPending Time: 880956 Count: 3533 Avg: 249 Violations: 0
  42. ** world - syncChunkLoad Time: 19640338 Count: 3 Avg: 6546779 Violations: 0
  43. ** world - syncChunkLoad - Data Time: 7943 Count: 3 Avg: 2647 Violations: 0
  44. ** world - chunkLoad - Structures Time: 1919645661 Count: 15654 Avg: 122629 Violations: 2
  45. ** world - chunkLoad - Entities Time: 85198095 Count: 15675 Avg: 5435 Violations: 0
  46. ** world - chunkLoad - TileEntities Time: 183786957 Count: 15675 Avg: 11724 Violations: 0
  47. ** world - chunkLoad - TileTicks Time: 2822928 Count: 15675 Avg: 180 Violations: 0
  48. ** world - chunkLoad - Post Time: 21460202 Count: 15657 Avg: 1370 Violations: 0
  49. world - tracker Time: 5862224830 Count: 3533 Avg: 1659276 Violations: 0
  50. world - doTick Time: 20570427550 Count: 3533 Avg: 5822368 Violations: 7
  51. world - tickEntities Time: 29442365186 Count: 3533 Avg: 8333531 Violations: 13
  52. ** world_nether - doChunkUnload Time: 5424472 Count: 3533 Avg: 1535 Violations: 0
  53. ** world_nether - doTickPending Time: 2016190 Count: 3533 Avg: 570 Violations: 0
  54. ** world_nether - doTickTiles Time: 18705010 Count: 3533 Avg: 5294 Violations: 0
  55. ** world_nether - doVillages Time: 1591647 Count: 3533 Avg: 450 Violations: 0
  56. ** world_nether - doChunkMap Time: 1825863 Count: 3533 Avg: 516 Violations: 0
  57. ** world_nether - doPortalForcer Time: 624233 Count: 3533 Avg: 176 Violations: 0
  58. ** world_nether - entityTick Time: 653095 Count: 3533 Avg: 184 Violations: 0
  59. ** world_nether - tileEntityTick Time: 830070 Count: 3533 Avg: 234 Violations: 0
  60. ** world_nether - tileEntityPending Time: 124131 Count: 3533 Avg: 35 Violations: 0
  61. world_nether - tracker Time: 1449762 Count: 3533 Avg: 410 Violations: 0
  62. world_nether - doTick Time: 42879510 Count: 3533 Avg: 12136 Violations: 0
  63. world_nether - tickEntities Time: 7216166 Count: 3533 Avg: 2042 Violations: 0
  64. ** tickTileEntity - TileEntityMobSpawner Time: 316827002 Count: 363386 Avg: 871 Violations: 0
  65. ** tickTileEntity - TileEntityChest Time: 1128227742 Count: 31283195 Avg: 36 Violations: 0
  66. ** tickTileEntity - TileEntityBrewingStand Time: 489533599 Count: 4218997 Avg: 116 Violations: 0
  67. ** tickTileEntity - TileEntityEnderChest Time: 55916909 Count: 1023099 Avg: 54 Violations: 0
  68. ** tickTileEntity - TileEntityBeacon Time: 115463258 Count: 1076830 Avg: 107 Violations: 0
  69. ** tickEntity - EntityItem Time: 247763915 Count: 51893 Avg: 4774 Violations: 0
  70. ** tickEntity - EntityBat Time: 916872738 Count: 96628 Avg: 9488 Violations: 0
  71. ** tickEntity - EntityItemFrame Time: 127240970 Count: 1623463 Avg: 78 Violations: 0
  72. ** tickTileEntity - TileEntityFurnace Time: 202076264 Count: 2180389 Avg: 92 Violations: 0
  73. ** tickTileEntity - TileEntityEnchantTable Time: 243955440 Count: 246617 Avg: 989 Violations: 0
  74. ** tickEntity - EntityArmorStand Time: 19578173 Count: 1082 Avg: 18094 Violations: 0
  75. ** tickTileEntity - TileEntityLightDetector Time: 2653131 Count: 3531 Avg: 751 Violations: 0
  76. ** tickEntity - EntitySkeleton Time: 186329039 Count: 14434 Avg: 12909 Violations: 0
  77. ** tickEntity - EntityExperienceOrb Time: 59325570 Count: 9094 Avg: 6523 Violations: 0
  78. ** tickEntity - EntityZombie Time: 267609395 Count: 18388 Avg: 14553 Violations: 0
  79. ** tickEntity - EntitySpider Time: 93193616 Count: 6529 Avg: 14273 Violations: 0
  80. ** tickTileEntity - TileEntityHopper Time: 9853926 Count: 3531 Avg: 2790 Violations: 0
  81. ** tickEntity - EntityCow Time: 53825343 Count: 6127 Avg: 8784 Violations: 0
  82. ** tickEntity - EntityRabbit Time: 312447666 Count: 19935 Avg: 15673 Violations: 0
  83. ** tickEntity - EntityPigZombie Time: 30887400 Count: 1907 Avg: 16196 Violations: 0
  84. ** tickEntity - EntityChicken Time: 96424110 Count: 8390 Avg: 11492 Violations: 0
  85. Plugin: PickupCooldown v0.2 Event: ru.twenturecraft.pickupcooldown.PickupCooldown::onGameModeChange(PlayerGameModeChangeEvent) Time: 929531 Count: 91 Avg: 10214 Violations: 0
  86. Plugin: PickupCooldown v0.2 Event: ru.twenturecraft.pickupcooldown.PickupCooldown::onPickup(PlayerPickupItemEvent) Time: 17519119 Count: 5292 Avg: 3310 Violations: 0
  87. Plugin: PickupCooldown v0.2 Event: ru.twenturecraft.pickupcooldown.PickupCooldown::onCommand(PlayerCommandPreprocessEvent) Time: 10447572 Count: 761 Avg: 13728 Violations: 0
  88. Plugin: SetWarpLimiter v0.2 Event: ru.twenturecraft.setwarplimiter.SetWarpLimiter::onSetWarpCommand(PlayerCommandPreprocessEvent) Time: 2947841 Count: 761 Avg: 3873 Violations: 0
  89. Plugin: PlaceholderAPI v2.5.1 Event: me.clip.placeholderapi.PlaceholderListener::onQuit(PlayerQuitEvent) Time: 520135 Count: 99 Avg: 5253 Violations: 0
  90. Plugin: TwenturePickupFix v0.2 Event: ru.twenturecraft.pickupfix.TwenturePickupFix::denyPickup(PlayerPickupItemEvent) Time: 31023735 Count: 5292 Avg: 5862 Violations: 0
  91. Plugin: PlugMan v2.1.1 Event: com.rylinaux.plugman.listener.PlugManListener::onJoin(PlayerJoinEvent) Time: 193168 Count: 98 Avg: 1971 Violations: 0
  92. ** Command: nexusclans Time: 7244742 Count: 22 Avg: 329306 Violations: 0
  93. Plugin: ClanSystem v1.0 Event: ru.Den_Abr.NexusClans.PlayerListener::onPlayerDamage(EntityDamageByEntityEvent) Time: 85343006 Count: 2491 Avg: 34260 Violations: 0
  94. Plugin: ClanSystem v1.0 Event: ru.Den_Abr.NexusClans.PlayerListener::onPlayerJoin(PlayerJoinEvent) Time: 2888669 Count: 98 Avg: 29476 Violations: 0
  95. Plugin: ClanSystem v1.0 Event: ru.Den_Abr.NexusClans.PlayerListener::onBlockBreak(BlockBreakEvent) Time: 1849307 Count: 1785 Avg: 1036 Violations: 0
  96. Task: ClanSystem v1.0 Runnable: ru.Den_Abr.NexusClans.NexusClansPlugin$2(interval:40) Time: 100131932 Count: 89 Avg: 1125077 Violations: 1
  97. ** Command: spartan Time: 337912252 Count: 20 Avg: 16895612 Violations: 1
  98. Plugin: Spartan vBuild 105 Event: me.vagdedes.spartan.system.a::Ξ(PlayerQuitEvent) Time: 11213381 Count: 99 Avg: 113266 Violations: 0
  99. Plugin: Spartan vBuild 105 Event: j::Ξ(EntityShootBowEvent) Time: 1248278 Count: 41 Avg: 30445 Violations: 0
  100. Plugin: Spartan vBuild 105 Event: k::Ξ(PlayerInteractEvent) Time: 821898382 Count: 202129 Avg: 4066 Violations: 0
  101. Plugin: Spartan vBuild 105 Event: m::Ξ(EntityDamageByEntityEvent) Time: 16901420 Count: 2491 Avg: 6784 Violations: 0
  102. Plugin: Spartan vBuild 105 Event: T::Ξ(PlayerQuitEvent) Time: 324569 Count: 99 Avg: 3278 Violations: 0
  103. Plugin: Spartan vBuild 105 Event: T::Ξ(PlayerMoveEvent) Time: 4197269934 Count: 262510 Avg: 15988 Violations: 0
  104. Plugin: Spartan vBuild 105 Event: E::Π(InventoryClickEvent) Time: 18727052 Count: 2746 Avg: 6819 Violations: 0
  105. Plugin: Spartan vBuild 105 Event: E::Ξ(PlayerMoveEvent) Time: 1893555425 Count: 262510 Avg: 7213 Violations: 1
  106. Plugin: Spartan vBuild 105 Event: E::Ξ(InventoryClickEvent) Time: 10892058 Count: 2746 Avg: 3966 Violations: 0
  107. Plugin: Spartan vBuild 105 Event: aA::Ξ(PlayerQuitEvent) Time: 123168 Count: 99 Avg: 1244 Violations: 0
  108. Plugin: Spartan vBuild 105 Event: aA::Ξ(PlayerJoinEvent) Time: 201497 Count: 98 Avg: 2056 Violations: 0
  109. Plugin: Spartan vBuild 105 Event: X::Ξ(PlayerQuitEvent) Time: 159371 Count: 99 Avg: 1609 Violations: 0
  110. Plugin: Spartan vBuild 105 Event: X::Ξ(EntityRegainHealthEvent) Time: 10130044 Count: 894 Avg: 11331 Violations: 0
  111. Plugin: Spartan vBuild 105 Event: M::Ξ(PlayerMoveEvent) Time: 15082839192 Count: 262510 Avg: 57456 Violations: 0
  112. Plugin: Spartan vBuild 105 Event: M::Ξ(PlayerInteractEvent) Time: 895925196 Count: 202129 Avg: 4432 Violations: 0
  113. Plugin: Spartan vBuild 105 Event: M::Ξ(PlayerQuitEvent) Time: 192129 Count: 99 Avg: 1940 Violations: 0
  114. Plugin: Spartan vBuild 105 Event: M::Ξ(PlayerTeleportEvent) Time: 4440515 Count: 4075 Avg: 1089 Violations: 0
  115. Plugin: Spartan vBuild 105 Event: aN::Ξ(PlayerQuitEvent) Time: 146880 Count: 99 Avg: 1483 Violations: 0
  116. Plugin: Spartan vBuild 105 Event: aj::Ξ(PlayerInteractEvent) Time: 38055846 Count: 202129 Avg: 188 Violations: 0
  117. Plugin: Spartan vBuild 105 Event: aM::Ξ(PlayerQuitEvent) Time: 179826 Count: 99 Avg: 1816 Violations: 0
  118. Plugin: Spartan vBuild 105 Event: ab::Ξ(BlockPlaceEvent) Time: 12801752 Count: 1499 Avg: 8540 Violations: 0
  119. Plugin: Spartan vBuild 105 Event: Q::Ξ(PlayerMoveEvent) Time: 17624625019 Count: 262510 Avg: 67138 Violations: 0
  120. Plugin: Spartan vBuild 105 Event: Q::Ξ(PlayerTeleportEvent) Time: 3433736 Count: 4075 Avg: 842 Violations: 0
  121. Plugin: Spartan vBuild 105 Event: Q::Ξ(PlayerQuitEvent) Time: 141009 Count: 99 Avg: 1424 Violations: 0
  122. Plugin: Spartan vBuild 105 Event: W::Ξ(FoodLevelChangeEvent) Time: 6029478 Count: 637 Avg: 9465 Violations: 0
  123. Plugin: Spartan vBuild 105 Event: W::Ξ(PlayerInteractEvent) Time: 544296846 Count: 202129 Avg: 2692 Violations: 0
  124. Plugin: Spartan vBuild 105 Event: N::Ξ(PlayerMoveEvent) Time: 1240175739 Count: 262510 Avg: 4724 Violations: 0
  125. Plugin: Spartan vBuild 105 Event: h::Ξ(PlayerVelocityEvent) Time: 14887156 Count: 1340 Avg: 11109 Violations: 0
  126. Plugin: Spartan vBuild 105 Event: h::Ξ(PlayerQuitEvent) Time: 128906 Count: 99 Avg: 1302 Violations: 0
  127. Plugin: Spartan vBuild 105 Event: h::Ξ(PlayerTeleportEvent) Time: 2387803 Count: 4075 Avg: 585 Violations: 0
  128. Plugin: Spartan vBuild 105 Event: h::Ξ(EntityDamageByEntityEvent) Time: 13076456 Count: 2491 Avg: 5249 Violations: 0
  129. Plugin: Spartan vBuild 105 Event: af::Ξ(BlockBreakEvent) Time: 17067051 Count: 1785 Avg: 9561 Violations: 0
  130. Plugin: Spartan vBuild 105 Event: ao::Ξ(InventoryClickEvent) Time: 6712419 Count: 2746 Avg: 2444 Violations: 0
  131. Plugin: Spartan vBuild 105 Event: ap::Ξ(InventoryClickEvent) Time: 3500055 Count: 2746 Avg: 1274 Violations: 0
  132. Plugin: Spartan vBuild 105 Event: an::Ξ(InventoryClickEvent) Time: 3154639 Count: 2746 Avg: 1148 Violations: 0
  133. Plugin: Spartan vBuild 105 Event: C::Ξ(EntityDamageByEntityEvent) Time: 39805048 Count: 2491 Avg: 15979 Violations: 0
  134. Plugin: Spartan vBuild 105 Event: H::Ξ(PlayerMoveEvent) Time: 354166937 Count: 262510 Avg: 1349 Violations: 0
  135. Plugin: Spartan vBuild 105 Event: H::Ξ(PlayerQuitEvent) Time: 134264 Count: 99 Avg: 1356 Violations: 0
  136. Plugin: Spartan vBuild 105 Event: H::Ξ(PlayerTeleportEvent) Time: 2304838 Count: 4075 Avg: 565 Violations: 0
  137. Plugin: Spartan vBuild 105 Event: J::Ξ(PlayerTeleportEvent) Time: 3955727 Count: 4075 Avg: 970 Violations: 0
  138. Plugin: Spartan vBuild 105 Event: J::Ξ(PlayerQuitEvent) Time: 240890 Count: 99 Avg: 2433 Violations: 0
  139. Plugin: Spartan vBuild 105 Event: J::Ξ(PlayerMoveEvent) Time: 46839974 Count: 262510 Avg: 178 Violations: 0
  140. Plugin: Spartan vBuild 105 Event: Z::Ξ(BlockBreakEvent) Time: 10102550 Count: 1785 Avg: 5659 Violations: 0
  141. Plugin: Spartan vBuild 105 Event: Z::Ξ(BlockPlaceEvent) Time: 8327216 Count: 1499 Avg: 5555 Violations: 0
  142. Plugin: Spartan vBuild 105 Event: ae::Ξ(BlockPlaceEvent) Time: 6625293 Count: 1499 Avg: 4419 Violations: 0
  143. Plugin: Spartan vBuild 105 Event: ae::Ξ(BlockBreakEvent) Time: 7955973 Count: 1785 Avg: 4457 Violations: 0
  144. Plugin: Spartan vBuild 105 Event: ac::Ξ(PlayerInteractEvent) Time: 556760241 Count: 202129 Avg: 2754 Violations: 0
  145. Plugin: Spartan vBuild 105 Event: P::Ξ(PlayerMoveEvent) Time: 1556730610 Count: 262510 Avg: 5930 Violations: 0
  146. Plugin: Spartan vBuild 105 Event: v::Ξ(EntityDamageByEntityEvent) Time: 16351944 Count: 2491 Avg: 6564 Violations: 0
  147. Plugin: Spartan vBuild 105 Event: ai::Ξ(EntityDamageByEntityEvent) Time: 2028027 Count: 2491 Avg: 814 Violations: 0
  148. Plugin: Spartan vBuild 105 Event: ai::Π(EntityDamageByEntityEvent) Time: 2714822 Count: 2491 Avg: 1089 Violations: 0
  149. Plugin: Spartan vBuild 105 Event: aa::Ξ(PlayerInteractEvent) Time: 684778116 Count: 202129 Avg: 3387 Violations: 0
  150. Plugin: Spartan vBuild 105 Event: aa::Ξ(BlockBreakEvent) Time: 11043769 Count: 1785 Avg: 6186 Violations: 0
  151. Plugin: Spartan vBuild 105 Event: i::Ξ(EntityDamageByEntityEvent) Time: 6049691 Count: 2491 Avg: 2428 Violations: 0
  152. Plugin: Spartan vBuild 105 Event: B::Ξ(EntityDamageByEntityEvent) Time: 8916928 Count: 2491 Avg: 3579 Violations: 0
  153. Plugin: Spartan vBuild 105 Event: R::Ξ(EntityShootBowEvent) Time: 243126 Count: 41 Avg: 5929 Violations: 0
  154. Plugin: Spartan vBuild 105 Event: R::Ξ(BlockBreakEvent) Time: 5692879 Count: 1785 Avg: 3189 Violations: 0
  155. Plugin: Spartan vBuild 105 Event: R::Ξ(PlayerMoveEvent) Time: 836051912 Count: 262510 Avg: 3184 Violations: 0
  156. Plugin: Spartan vBuild 105 Event: R::Ξ(FoodLevelChangeEvent) Time: 3841688 Count: 637 Avg: 6030 Violations: 0
  157. Plugin: Spartan vBuild 105 Event: R::Π(PlayerMoveEvent) Time: 1189592289 Count: 262510 Avg: 4531 Violations: 0
  158. Plugin: Spartan vBuild 105 Event: ak::Ξ(PlayerFishEvent) Time: 9407 Count: 8 Avg: 1175 Violations: 0
  159. Plugin: Spartan vBuild 105 Event: am::Ξ(EntityDamageEvent) Time: 1790510 Count: 3189 Avg: 561 Violations: 0
  160. Plugin: Spartan vBuild 105 Event: am::Ξ(PlayerVelocityEvent) Time: 1319736 Count: 1340 Avg: 984 Violations: 0
  161. Plugin: Spartan vBuild 105 Event: O::Ξ(PlayerMoveEvent) Time: 1307446478 Count: 262510 Avg: 4980 Violations: 0
  162. Plugin: Spartan vBuild 105 Event: al::Ξ(PlayerTeleportEvent) Time: 26109822 Count: 4075 Avg: 6407 Violations: 0
  163. Plugin: Spartan vBuild 105 Event: n::Ξ(PlayerInteractEvent) Time: 203356301 Count: 202129 Avg: 1006 Violations: 0
  164. Plugin: Spartan vBuild 105 Event: n::Ξ(EntityDamageByEntityEvent) Time: 5183986 Count: 2491 Avg: 2081 Violations: 0
  165. Plugin: Spartan vBuild 105 Event: n::Ξ(PlayerQuitEvent) Time: 337762 Count: 99 Avg: 3411 Violations: 0
  166. Plugin: Spartan vBuild 105 Event: g::Ξ(EntityDamageByEntityEvent) Time: 29083443 Count: 2491 Avg: 11675 Violations: 0
  167. Plugin: Spartan vBuild 105 Event: r::Ξ(PlayerQuitEvent) Time: 149256 Count: 99 Avg: 1507 Violations: 0
  168. Plugin: Spartan vBuild 105 Event: r::Ξ(EntityDamageByEntityEvent) Time: 2859001 Count: 2491 Avg: 1147 Violations: 0
  169. Plugin: Spartan vBuild 105 Event: U::Ξ(PlayerMoveEvent) Time: 902238519 Count: 262510 Avg: 3436 Violations: 0
  170. Plugin: Spartan vBuild 105 Event: q::Ξ(EntityDamageByEntityEvent) Time: 19313099 Count: 2491 Avg: 7753 Violations: 0
  171. Plugin: Spartan vBuild 105 Event: q::Ξ(PlayerQuitEvent) Time: 307784 Count: 99 Avg: 3108 Violations: 0
  172. Plugin: Spartan vBuild 105 Event: F::Ξ(InventoryClickEvent) Time: 15066760 Count: 2746 Avg: 5486 Violations: 0
  173. Plugin: Spartan vBuild 105 Event: ah::Ξ(PlayerJoinEvent) Time: 2244793 Count: 98 Avg: 22906 Violations: 0
  174. Plugin: Spartan vBuild 105 Event: aP::Ξ(PlayerQuitEvent) Time: 150170 Count: 99 Avg: 1516 Violations: 0
  175. Plugin: Spartan vBuild 105 Event: y::Ξ(EntityDamageByEntityEvent) Time: 14165081 Count: 2491 Avg: 5686 Violations: 0
  176. Plugin: Spartan vBuild 105 Event: V::Ξ(PlayerDeathEvent) Time: 538209 Count: 39 Avg: 13800 Violations: 0
  177. Plugin: Spartan vBuild 105 Event: V::Ξ(PlayerRespawnEvent) Time: 725294 Count: 39 Avg: 18597 Violations: 0
  178. Plugin: Spartan vBuild 105 Event: f::Ξ(PlayerJoinEvent) Time: 128194 Count: 98 Avg: 1308 Violations: 0
  179. Plugin: Spartan vBuild 105 Event: o::Ξ(EntityDamageByEntityEvent) Time: 13275456 Count: 2491 Avg: 5329 Violations: 0
  180. Plugin: Spartan vBuild 105 Event: o::Ξ(PlayerQuitEvent) Time: 252904 Count: 99 Avg: 2554 Violations: 0
  181. Plugin: Spartan vBuild 105 Event: L::Ξ(PlayerTeleportEvent) Time: 3452319 Count: 4075 Avg: 847 Violations: 0
  182. Plugin: Spartan vBuild 105 Event: L::Ξ(PlayerQuitEvent) Time: 127348 Count: 99 Avg: 1286 Violations: 0
  183. Plugin: Spartan vBuild 105 Event: L::Ξ(PlayerMoveEvent) Time: 1129762668 Count: 262510 Avg: 4303 Violations: 0
  184. Plugin: Spartan vBuild 105 Event: G::Ξ(PlayerQuitEvent) Time: 145984 Count: 99 Avg: 1474 Violations: 0
  185. Plugin: Spartan vBuild 105 Event: G::Ξ(PlayerDropItemEvent) Time: 4437081 Count: 275 Avg: 16134 Violations: 0
  186. Plugin: Spartan vBuild 105 Event: b::Ξ(PlayerCommandPreprocessEvent) Time: 534388 Count: 761 Avg: 702 Violations: 0
  187. Plugin: Spartan vBuild 105 Event: s::Ξ(PlayerQuitEvent) Time: 219983 Count: 99 Avg: 2222 Violations: 0
  188. Plugin: Spartan vBuild 105 Event: s::Ξ(PlayerInteractEvent) Time: 79514237 Count: 202129 Avg: 393 Violations: 0
  189. Plugin: Spartan vBuild 105 Event: x::Ξ(EntityDamageByEntityEvent) Time: 13814176 Count: 2491 Avg: 5545 Violations: 0
  190. Plugin: Spartan vBuild 105 Event: u::Ξ(EntityDamageByEntityEvent) Time: 13222411 Count: 2491 Avg: 5308 Violations: 0
  191. Plugin: Spartan vBuild 105 Event: a::Ξ(PlayerCommandPreprocessEvent) Time: 84735631 Count: 761 Avg: 111347 Violations: 0
  192. Plugin: Spartan vBuild 105 Event: a::Ξ(PlayerChatEvent) Time: 28669440 Count: 223 Avg: 128562 Violations: 0
  193. Plugin: Spartan vBuild 105 Event: ad::Ξ(BlockPlaceEvent) Time: 7653249 Count: 1499 Avg: 5105 Violations: 0
  194. Plugin: Spartan vBuild 105 Event: ad::Ξ(PlayerDeathEvent) Time: 161729 Count: 39 Avg: 4146 Violations: 0
  195. Plugin: Spartan vBuild 105 Event: ad::Ξ(PlayerInteractEvent) Time: 647214848 Count: 202129 Avg: 3201 Violations: 0
  196. Plugin: Spartan vBuild 105 Event: I::Ξ(PlayerMoveEvent) Time: 823020201 Count: 262510 Avg: 3135 Violations: 0
  197. Plugin: Spartan vBuild 105 Event: S::Ξ(PlayerMoveEvent) Time: 11286370121 Count: 262510 Avg: 42994 Violations: 1
  198. Plugin: Spartan vBuild 105 Event: S::Ξ(PlayerQuitEvent) Time: 139812 Count: 99 Avg: 1412 Violations: 0
  199. Plugin: Spartan vBuild 105 Event: S::Ξ(PlayerTeleportEvent) Time: 3518552 Count: 4075 Avg: 863 Violations: 0
  200. Plugin: Spartan vBuild 105 Event: ag::Ξ(PlayerLoginEvent) Time: 280130 Count: 99 Avg: 2829 Violations: 0
  201. Plugin: Spartan vBuild 105 Event: ag::Ξ(PlayerChatEvent) Time: 398715 Count: 223 Avg: 1787 Violations: 0
  202. Plugin: Spartan vBuild 105 Event: z::Ξ(EntityDamageByEntityEvent) Time: 12385358 Count: 2491 Avg: 4972 Violations: 0
  203. Plugin: Spartan vBuild 105 Event: Y::Ξ(BlockBreakEvent) Time: 6506485 Count: 1785 Avg: 3645 Violations: 0
  204. Plugin: Spartan vBuild 105 Event: Y::Ξ(PlayerInteractEvent) Time: 689258484 Count: 202129 Avg: 3409 Violations: 1
  205. Plugin: Spartan vBuild 105 Event: Y::Ξ(PlayerAnimationEvent) Time: 237199873 Count: 40534 Avg: 5851 Violations: 0
  206. Plugin: Spartan vBuild 105 Event: Y::Ξ(PlayerQuitEvent) Time: 102917 Count: 99 Avg: 1039 Violations: 0
  207. Plugin: Spartan vBuild 105 Event: Y::Ξ(EntityDamageByEntityEvent) Time: 8881726 Count: 2491 Avg: 3565 Violations: 0
  208. Plugin: Spartan vBuild 105 Event: t::Ξ(PlayerTeleportEvent) Time: 3741842 Count: 4075 Avg: 918 Violations: 0
  209. Plugin: Spartan vBuild 105 Event: t::Ξ(PlayerQuitEvent) Time: 191472 Count: 99 Avg: 1934 Violations: 0
  210. Plugin: Spartan vBuild 105 Event: t::Ξ(PlayerMoveEvent) Time: 267473424 Count: 262510 Avg: 1018 Violations: 0
  211. Plugin: Spartan vBuild 105 Event: A::Ξ(PlayerInteractEvent) Time: 615841315 Count: 202129 Avg: 3046 Violations: 0
  212. Plugin: Spartan vBuild 105 Event: A::Ξ(PlayerQuitEvent) Time: 123801 Count: 99 Avg: 1250 Violations: 0
  213. Plugin: Spartan vBuild 105 Event: A::Ξ(EntityDamageByEntityEvent) Time: 12415901 Count: 2491 Avg: 4984 Violations: 0
  214. Plugin: Spartan vBuild 105 Event: D::Ξ(EntityDamageByEntityEvent) Time: 11980012 Count: 2491 Avg: 4809 Violations: 0
  215. Plugin: Spartan vBuild 105 Event: w::Ξ(PlayerMoveEvent) Time: 327080454 Count: 262510 Avg: 1245 Violations: 0
  216. Plugin: Spartan vBuild 105 Event: w::Ξ(EntityDamageByEntityEvent) Time: 12508377 Count: 2491 Avg: 5021 Violations: 0
  217. Plugin: Spartan vBuild 105 Event: w::Ξ(PlayerQuitEvent) Time: 98879 Count: 99 Avg: 998 Violations: 0
  218. Plugin: Spartan vBuild 105 Event: w::Ξ(PlayerTeleportEvent) Time: 3011131 Count: 4075 Avg: 738 Violations: 0
  219. Plugin: Spartan vBuild 105 Event: K::Ξ(PlayerMoveEvent) Time: 134220164 Count: 262510 Avg: 511 Violations: 0
  220. Plugin: Spartan vBuild 105 Event: K::Ξ(PlayerQuitEvent) Time: 163373 Count: 99 Avg: 1650 Violations: 0
  221. Task: Spartan vBuild 105 Runnable: me.vagdedes.spartan.Register$2(interval:1) Time: 5981693755 Count: 3533 Avg: 1693091 Violations: 0
  222. Task: Spartan vBuild 105 Runnable: me.vagdedes.spartan.Register$3(interval:1200) Time: 339868 Count: 3 Avg: 113289 Violations: 0
  223. Plugin: FunnyCr v3.0 Event: me.xdip.fc.PlayerListener::onRightEntityInteract(PlayerInteractEntityEvent) Time: 885923 Count: 384 Avg: 2307 Violations: 0
  224. Plugin: FunnyCr v3.0 Event: me.xdip.fc.PlayerListener::onGameModeChange(PlayerGameModeChangeEvent) Time: 145834 Count: 91 Avg: 1602 Violations: 0
  225. Plugin: FunnyCr v3.0 Event: me.xdip.fc.PlayerListener::onInventoryInteract(InventoryClickEvent) Time: 6646750 Count: 2746 Avg: 2420 Violations: 0
  226. Plugin: FunnyCr v3.0 Event: me.xdip.fc.PlayerListener::onBlockBreak(BlockBreakEvent) Time: 10681831 Count: 1785 Avg: 5984 Violations: 0
  227. Plugin: FunnyCr v3.0 Event: me.xdip.fc.PlayerListener::onDropItem(PlayerDropItemEvent) Time: 727596 Count: 275 Avg: 2645 Violations: 0
  228. Plugin: FunnyCr v3.0 Event: me.xdip.fc.PlayerListener::onRightInteract(PlayerInteractEvent) Time: 76832395 Count: 202129 Avg: 380 Violations: 0
  229. Plugin: SFMCGUI v0.8 Event: Time: 1118928 Count: 1432 Avg: 781 Violations: 0
  230. Plugin: SFMCGUI v0.8 Event: Time: 704561 Count: 796 Avg: 885 Violations: 0
  231. Plugin: SFMCGUI v0.8 Event: Time: 1980914 Count: 2746 Avg: 721 Violations: 0
  232. Plugin: MaxBans v2.3 Event: org.maxgamer.maxbans.listeners.JoinListener::onJoinLockdown(PlayerLoginEvent) Time: 150027 Count: 99 Avg: 1515 Violations: 0
  233. Plugin: MaxBans v2.3 Event: org.maxgamer.maxbans.listeners.JoinListener::onJoinHandler(PlayerLoginEvent) Time: 252381880 Count: 99 Avg: 2549311 Violations: 2
  234. Plugin: MaxBans v2.3 Event: org.maxgamer.maxbans.listeners.JoinListener::onEnter(PlayerJoinEvent) Time: 381894 Count: 98 Avg: 3896 Violations: 0
  235. Plugin: MaxBans v2.3 Event: org.maxgamer.maxbans.listeners.JoinListener::onJoinDupeip(PlayerLoginEvent) Time: 342851 Count: 99 Avg: 3463 Violations: 0
  236. Plugin: MaxBans v2.3 Event: org.maxgamer.maxbans.listeners.ChatCommandListener::onCommand(PlayerCommandPreprocessEvent) Time: 2247960 Count: 761 Avg: 2953 Violations: 0
  237. ** Command: rule Time: 100008 Count: 2 Avg: 50004 Violations: 0
  238. Plugin: HideStream v3.1 Event: com.mrmag518.HideStream.EventManager::handleQuit(PlayerQuitEvent) Time: 2314387 Count: 99 Avg: 23377 Violations: 0
  239. Plugin: HideStream v3.1 Event: com.mrmag518.HideStream.EventManager::handleJoin(PlayerJoinEvent) Time: 1853872 Count: 98 Avg: 18917 Violations: 0
  240. Plugin: HideStream v3.1 Event: com.mrmag518.HideStream.EventManager::handleDeath(PlayerDeathEvent) Time: 1386542 Count: 39 Avg: 35552 Violations: 0
  241. Plugin: HideStream v3.1 Event: com.mrmag518.HideStream.EventManager::handleKick(PlayerKickEvent) Time: 1159223 Count: 57 Avg: 20337 Violations: 0
  242. Plugin: HideStream v3.1 Event: com.mrmag518.HideStream.SendUpdate::sendUpdate(PlayerJoinEvent) Time: 3193737 Count: 98 Avg: 32589 Violations: 0
  243. Plugin: PlayerHeads v3.10-SNAPSHOT-jenkins-PlayerHeads-1-61-g39b94b4 Event: org.shininet.bukkit.playerheads.PlayerHeadsListener::onPlayerInteract(PlayerInteractEvent) Time: 46933534 Count: 188276 Avg: 249 Violations: 0
  244. Plugin: PlayerHeads v3.10-SNAPSHOT-jenkins-PlayerHeads-1-61-g39b94b4 Event: org.shininet.bukkit.playerheads.PlayerHeadsListener::onEntityDeath(EntityDeathEvent) Time: 5799069 Count: 232 Avg: 24995 Violations: 0
  245. Plugin: PlayerHeads v3.10-SNAPSHOT-jenkins-PlayerHeads-1-61-g39b94b4 Event: org.shininet.bukkit.playerheads.PlayerHeadsListener::onBlockBreak(BlockBreakEvent) Time: 1959580 Count: 1785 Avg: 1097 Violations: 0
  246. Plugin: PlayerHeads v3.10-SNAPSHOT-jenkins-PlayerHeads-1-61-g39b94b4 Event: org.shininet.bukkit.playerheads.PlayerHeadsListener::onPlayerJoin(PlayerJoinEvent) Time: 7957000 Count: 98 Avg: 81193 Violations: 0
  247. Plugin: WorldEdit v6.1.2;b3fbe8b Event: com.sk89q.worldedit.bukkit.WorldEditListener::onPlayerCommandPreprocess(PlayerCommandPreprocessEvent) Time: 4150898 Count: 758 Avg: 5476 Violations: 0
  248. Plugin: WorldEdit v6.1.2;b3fbe8b Event: com.sk89q.worldedit.bukkit.WorldEditListener::onPlayerInteract(PlayerInteractEvent) Time: 4776079168 Count: 202129 Avg: 23628 Violations: 3
  249. Plugin: WorldEdit v6.1.2;b3fbe8b Event: com.sk89q.worldedit.bukkit.WorldEditListener::onGamemode(PlayerGameModeChangeEvent) Time: 876985 Count: 88 Avg: 9965 Violations: 0
  250. ** Command: /undo Time: 807575 Count: 1 Avg: 807575 Violations: 0
  251. ** Command: /expand Time: 1542662 Count: 2 Avg: 771331 Violations: 0
  252. ** Command: /set Time: 13650746 Count: 11 Avg: 1240976 Violations: 0
  253. ** Command: /wand Time: 6484273 Count: 4 Avg: 1621068 Violations: 0
  254. Plugin: HealthBar v1.8.2 Event: Time: 5920585 Count: 2536 Avg: 2334 Violations: 0
  255. Plugin: HealthBar v1.8.2 Event: Time: 1085834 Count: 2585 Avg: 420 Violations: 0
  256. Plugin: HealthBar v1.8.2 Event: Time: 1773302 Count: 232 Avg: 7643 Violations: 0
  257. Plugin: HealthBar v1.8.2 Event: Time: 2517070 Count: 879 Avg: 2863 Violations: 0
  258. Plugin: HealthBar v1.8.2 Event: Time: 89262 Count: 39 Avg: 2288 Violations: 0
  259. Plugin: HealthBar v1.8.2 Event: Time: 901132 Count: 98 Avg: 9195 Violations: 0
  260. Plugin: HealthBar v1.8.2 Event: Time: 683512 Count: 111 Avg: 6157 Violations: 0
  261. Plugin: HealthBar v1.8.2 Event: Time: 19399 Count: 6 Avg: 3233 Violations: 0
  262. Plugin: HealthBar v1.8.2 Event: Time: 345211 Count: 7 Avg: 49315 Violations: 0
  263. Plugin: HealthBar v1.8.2 Event: Time: 9050420 Count: 4075 Avg: 2220 Violations: 0
  264. Plugin: HealthBar v1.8.2 Event: Time: 21972898 Count: 98 Avg: 224213 Violations: 0
  265. Plugin: HealthBar v1.8.2 Event: Time: 2721473 Count: 15177 Avg: 179 Violations: 0
  266. Plugin: HealthBar v1.8.2 Event: Time: 445708 Count: 39 Avg: 11428 Violations: 0
  267. Plugin: HealthBar v1.8.2 Event: Time: 3597833 Count: 16070 Avg: 223 Violations: 0
  268. Plugin: KitLimiter v0.1 Event: ru.twenturecraft.kitlimiter.KitLimiter::onKit(PlayerCommandPreprocessEvent) Time: 608689 Count: 761 Avg: 799 Violations: 0
  269. Plugin: GappleCooldown v1.0 Event: net.TerrocidePvP.GappleCooldown.listeners.PlayerItemConsumeListener::onPlayerConsumeItem(PlayerItemConsumeEvent) Time: 11363588 Count: 221 Avg: 51418 Violations: 0
  270. Plugin: TwentureUC v0.4 Event: ru.twenturecraft.twentureuc.TwentureUC::onUse(PlayerInteractEvent) Time: 352288943 Count: 202129 Avg: 1742 Violations: 0
  271. Plugin: ClearLag v2.6.2 Event: me.minebuilders.clearlag.listeners.FireSpreadListener::fireSpread(BlockIgniteEvent) Time: 421717 Count: 692 Avg: 609 Violations: 0
  272. Plugin: ClearLag v2.6.2 Event: me.minebuilders.clearlag.listeners.MobSpawerListener::onCreatureSpawn(CreatureSpawnEvent) Time: 5254023 Count: 2597 Avg: 2023 Violations: 0
  273. Task: AutoMessage v2.5.5 Runnable: com.TeamNovus.AutoMessage.Tasks.BroadcastTask(interval:900) Time: 5188420 Count: 8 Avg: 648552 Violations: 0
  274. Task: WorldBorder v1.8.6 Runnable: com.wimbli.WorldBorder.BorderCheckTask(interval:5) Time: 50695975 Count: 707 Avg: 71705 Violations: 0
  275. Plugin: WorldBorder v1.8.6 Event: com.wimbli.WorldBorder.WBListener::onChunkLoad(ChunkLoadEvent) Time: 10283101 Count: 16070 Avg: 639 Violations: 0
  276. Plugin: WorldBorder v1.8.6 Event: com.wimbli.WorldBorder.WBListener::onPlayerTeleport(PlayerTeleportEvent) Time: 19768846 Count: 4075 Avg: 4851 Violations: 0
  277. Plugin: WorldBorder v1.8.6 Event: com.wimbli.WorldBorder.BlockPlaceListener::onBlockPlace(BlockPlaceEvent) Time: 2738489 Count: 1499 Avg: 1826 Violations: 0
  278. Plugin: WorldBorder v1.8.6 Event: com.wimbli.WorldBorder.MobSpawnListener::onCreatureSpawn(CreatureSpawnEvent) Time: 2957038 Count: 2597 Avg: 1138 Violations: 0
  279. Plugin: CustomizableHealth v1.1 Event: plugin.CH.LListener::onPlayerJoin(PlayerJoinEvent) Time: 44651762 Count: 98 Avg: 455630 Violations: 0
  280. Plugin: Multiverse-Core v2.5.0-SNAPSHOT-b725 Event: com.onarandombox.MultiverseCore.listeners.MVPlayerListener::playerChangedWorld(PlayerChangedWorldEvent) Time: 206619 Count: 24 Avg: 8609 Violations: 0
  281. Plugin: Multiverse-Core v2.5.0-SNAPSHOT-b725 Event: com.onarandombox.MultiverseCore.listeners.MVPlayerListener::playerQuit(PlayerQuitEvent) Time: 572234 Count: 99 Avg: 5780 Violations: 0
  282. Plugin: Multiverse-Core v2.5.0-SNAPSHOT-b725 Event: com.onarandombox.MultiverseCore.listeners.MVPlayerListener::playerRespawn(PlayerRespawnEvent) Time: 315410 Count: 39 Avg: 8087 Violations: 0
  283. Plugin: Multiverse-Core v2.5.0-SNAPSHOT-b725 Event: com.onarandombox.MultiverseCore.listeners.MVPlayerListener::playerJoin(PlayerJoinEvent) Time: 801600 Count: 98 Avg: 8179 Violations: 0
  284. Plugin: Multiverse-Core v2.5.0-SNAPSHOT-b725 Event: com.onarandombox.MultiverseCore.listeners.MVPlayerListener::playerTeleport(PlayerTeleportEvent) Time: 17752143 Count: 4075 Avg: 4356 Violations: 0
  285. Plugin: Multiverse-Core v2.5.0-SNAPSHOT-b725 Event: com.onarandombox.MultiverseCore.listeners.MVEntityListener::entityRegainHealth(EntityRegainHealthEvent) Time: 1258423 Count: 894 Avg: 1407 Violations: 0
  286. Plugin: Multiverse-Core v2.5.0-SNAPSHOT-b725 Event: com.onarandombox.MultiverseCore.listeners.MVEntityListener::foodLevelChange(FoodLevelChangeEvent) Time: 870013 Count: 637 Avg: 1365 Violations: 0
  287. Plugin: Multiverse-Core v2.5.0-SNAPSHOT-b725 Event: com.onarandombox.MultiverseCore.listeners.MVEntityListener::creatureSpawn(CreatureSpawnEvent) Time: 2324381 Count: 2597 Avg: 895 Violations: 0
  288. Plugin: Multiverse-Core v2.5.0-SNAPSHOT-b725 Event: com.onarandombox.MultiverseCore.listeners.MVPortalListener::portalForm(PlayerInteractEvent) Time: 40373198 Count: 191053 Avg: 211 Violations: 0
  289. ** arena - doChunkUnload Time: 35735572 Count: 3533 Avg: 10114 Violations: 0
  290. ** arena - doTickPending Time: 62769411 Count: 3533 Avg: 17766 Violations: 0
  291. ** arena - doTickTiles Time: 806928770 Count: 3533 Avg: 228397 Violations: 0
  292. ** arena - doVillages Time: 941097 Count: 3533 Avg: 266 Violations: 0
  293. ** arena - doChunkMap Time: 1276835 Count: 3533 Avg: 361 Violations: 0
  294. ** arena - doPortalForcer Time: 338317 Count: 3533 Avg: 95 Violations: 0
  295. ** arena - entityTick Time: 93630076 Count: 3533 Avg: 26501 Violations: 0
  296. ** arena - tileEntityTick Time: 517858 Count: 3533 Avg: 146 Violations: 0
  297. ** arena - tileEntityPending Time: 111134 Count: 3533 Avg: 31 Violations: 0
  298. ** arena - chunkLoad - Structures Time: 116011 Count: 413 Avg: 280 Violations: 0
  299. ** arena - chunkLoad - Entities Time: 275121 Count: 413 Avg: 666 Violations: 0
  300. ** arena - chunkLoad - TileEntities Time: 149814 Count: 413 Avg: 362 Violations: 0
  301. ** arena - chunkLoad - TileTicks Time: 68981 Count: 413 Avg: 167 Violations: 0
  302. ** arena - chunkLoad - Post Time: 161331 Count: 413 Avg: 390 Violations: 0
  303. arena - tracker Time: 27566172 Count: 3533 Avg: 7802 Violations: 0
  304. arena - doTick Time: 917330192 Count: 3533 Avg: 259646 Violations: 0
  305. arena - tickEntities Time: 120138205 Count: 3533 Avg: 34004 Violations: 0
  306. ** tickEntity - EntityArrow Time: 14947948 Count: 1035 Avg: 14442 Violations: 0
  307. ** tickEntity - EntityHorse Time: 94982798 Count: 4911 Avg: 19340 Violations: 0
  308. Task: Multiverse-Core v2.5.0-SNAPSHOT-b725 Runnable: buscript.multiverse.ScriptTask(interval:20) Time: 344617 Count: 177 Avg: 1946 Violations: 0
  309. Task: Reflex v9.4 Runnable: rip.reflex.util.maths.TPSMeter$1(interval:1) Time: 7892873 Count: 3533 Avg: 2234 Violations: 0
  310. Plugin: Reflex v9.4 Event: rip.reflex.event.PlayerLog::onPlayerQuit(PlayerQuitEvent) Time: 1567073 Count: 99 Avg: 15829 Violations: 0
  311. Plugin: Reflex v9.4 Event: rip.reflex.event.PlayerLog::onKick(PlayerKickEvent) Time: 1076627 Count: 57 Avg: 18888 Violations: 0
  312. Plugin: Reflex v9.4 Event: rip.reflex.event.PlayerLog::onPlayerJoin(PlayerJoinEvent) Time: 272733 Count: 98 Avg: 2782 Violations: 0
  313. Plugin: Reflex v9.4 Event: rip.reflex.event.PlayerMove::onMove(PlayerMoveEvent) Time: 340894537 Count: 262510 Avg: 1298 Violations: 0
  314. Plugin: Reflex v9.4 Event: rip.reflex.check.combat.killaura.heuristics.maths.Direction::onAttack(EntityDamageByEntityEvent) Time: 76843461 Count: 2491 Avg: 30848 Violations: 0
  315. Plugin: Reflex v9.4 Event: rip.reflex.check.combat.killaura.npc.frontentity.FrontEntity::onMove(PlayerMoveEvent) Time: 303151823 Count: 262510 Avg: 1154 Violations: 0
  316. Plugin: Reflex v9.4 Event: rip.reflex.check.combat.killaura.npc.frontentity.FrontEntity::onFight(EntityDamageByEntityEvent) Time: 3072749420 Count: 2491 Avg: 1233540 Violations: 0
  317. Plugin: Reflex v9.4 Event: rip.reflex.check.combat.killaura.npc.frontentity.FrontEntity::onRip(PlayerDeathEvent) Time: 478786 Count: 39 Avg: 12276 Violations: 0
  318. Plugin: Reflex v9.4 Event: rip.reflex.check.combat.reach.Reach::onAttack(EntityDamageByEntityEvent) Time: 64223066 Count: 1785 Avg: 35979 Violations: 0
  319. Plugin: Reflex v9.4 Event: rip.reflex.check.combat.criticals.Criticals::onJoin(PlayerJoinEvent) Time: 353988 Count: 98 Avg: 3612 Violations: 0
  320. Plugin: Reflex v9.4 Event: rip.reflex.check.combat.criticals.Criticals::onRespawn(PlayerRespawnEvent) Time: 273063 Count: 39 Avg: 7001 Violations: 0
  321. Plugin: Reflex v9.4 Event: rip.reflex.check.combat.criticals.Criticals::onDamageByEntity(EntityDamageByEntityEvent) Time: 4559102 Count: 2491 Avg: 1830 Violations: 0
  322. Plugin: Reflex v9.4 Event: rip.reflex.check.combat.criticals.Criticals::onDeath(PlayerDeathEvent) Time: 222927 Count: 39 Avg: 5716 Violations: 0
  323. Plugin: Reflex v9.4 Event: rip.reflex.check.combat.criticals.Criticals::onDamageByBlock(EntityDamageByBlockEvent) Time: 153834 Count: 16 Avg: 9614 Violations: 0
  324. Plugin: Reflex v9.4 Event: rip.reflex.check.combat.criticals.Criticals::onDamage(EntityDamageEvent) Time: 4184165 Count: 3189 Avg: 1312 Violations: 0
  325. Plugin: Reflex v9.4 Event: rip.reflex.check.combat.criticals.Criticals::onTeleport(PlayerTeleportEvent) Time: 9152816 Count: 4075 Avg: 2246 Violations: 0
  326. Plugin: Reflex v9.4 Event: rip.reflex.check.combat.criticals.Criticals::onMove(PlayerMoveEvent) Time: 6239936828 Count: 262510 Avg: 23770 Violations: 1
  327. Plugin: Reflex v9.4 Event: rip.reflex.check.combat.killaura.heuristics.maths.FastSwitch::onFight(EntityDamageByEntityEvent) Time: 11665060 Count: 2491 Avg: 4682 Violations: 0
  328. Plugin: Reflex v9.4 Event: rip.reflex.check.combat.killaura.heuristics.killauracombined.KACombinedQuickRotate::onTeleport(PlayerTeleportEvent) Time: 3301086 Count: 4075 Avg: 810 Violations: 0
  329. Plugin: Reflex v9.4 Event: rip.reflex.check.combat.killaura.heuristics.killauracombined.KACombinedQuickRotate::onMove(PlayerMoveEvent) Time: 804838405 Count: 262510 Avg: 3065 Violations: 0
  330. Plugin: Reflex v9.4 Event: rip.reflex.check.combat.killaura.heuristics.killauracombined.accuracyheuristic.KACombinedAccuracy::onAttack(EntityDamageByEntityEvent) Time: 5097728 Count: 2491 Avg: 2046 Violations: 0
  331. Plugin: Reflex v9.4 Event: rip.reflex.check.combat.killaura.heuristics.killauracombined.impossible.ImpossibleHit::onDamage(EntityDamageByEntityEvent) Time: 15193585 Count: 2491 Avg: 6099 Violations: 0
  332. Plugin: Reflex v9.4 Event: rip.reflex.check.combat.killaura.heuristics.killauracombined.impossible.ImpossibleHit::onClose(InventoryCloseEvent) Time: 2326549 Count: 1432 Avg: 1624 Violations: 0
  333. Plugin: Reflex v9.4 Event: rip.reflex.check.combat.killaura.heuristics.killauracombined.impossible.ImpossibleHit::onOpen(InventoryOpenEvent) Time: 2294824 Count: 796 Avg: 2882 Violations: 0
  334. Plugin: Reflex v9.4 Event: rip.reflex.check.combat.killaura.heuristics.killauracombined.KACombinedHeuristics::onAttack(EntityDamageByEntityEvent) Time: 25495397 Count: 2491 Avg: 10235 Violations: 0
  335. Plugin: Reflex v9.4 Event: rip.reflex.check.combat.killaura.heuristics.killauracombined.KACombinedHeuristics::onPlayerMove(PlayerMoveEvent) Time: 1592904673 Count: 262510 Avg: 6067 Violations: 0
  336. Plugin: Reflex v9.4 Event: rip.reflex.check.movement.velocity.VerticalVelocity::opj(PlayerJoinEvent) Time: 186028 Count: 98 Avg: 1898 Violations: 0
  337. Plugin: TWCChatFilter v0.7 Event: ru.twenturecraft.chatfilter.ChatFilter::onMeCommand(PlayerCommandPreprocessEvent) Time: 535006 Count: 761 Avg: 703 Violations: 0
  338. Plugin: AdvancedPortals v0.0.20 Event: com.sekwah.advancedportals.Listeners::onItemInteract(PlayerInteractEvent) Time: 351566004 Count: 202129 Avg: 1739 Violations: 0
  339. Plugin: AdvancedPortals v0.0.20 Event: com.sekwah.advancedportals.Listeners::onMoveEvent(PlayerMoveEvent) Time: 231889782 Count: 262510 Avg: 883 Violations: 0
  340. Plugin: AdvancedPortals v0.0.20 Event: com.sekwah.advancedportals.Listeners::onDamEvent(EntityDamageEvent) Time: 2593907 Count: 3189 Avg: 813 Violations: 0
  341. Plugin: AdvancedPortals v0.0.20 Event: com.sekwah.advancedportals.Listeners::onCombustEntityEvent(EntityCombustEvent) Time: 1386658 Count: 1350 Avg: 1027 Violations: 0
  342. Plugin: AdvancedPortals v0.0.20 Event: com.sekwah.advancedportals.listeners.FlowStopper::onBlockFromTo(BlockFromToEvent) Time: 589879 Count: 1760 Avg: 335 Violations: 0
  343. Plugin: AdvancedPortals v0.0.20 Event: com.sekwah.advancedportals.listeners.PortalProtect::onBlockBreak(BlockBreakEvent) Time: 6672536 Count: 1785 Avg: 3738 Violations: 0
  344. Plugin: AdvancedPortals v0.0.20 Event: com.sekwah.advancedportals.listeners.PortalProtect::onBlockPlace(BlockPlaceEvent) Time: 6453032 Count: 1499 Avg: 4304 Violations: 0
  345. Plugin: AdvancedPortals v0.0.20 Event: com.sekwah.advancedportals.listeners.PortalPlacer::onBlockPhysics(BlockPhysicsEvent) Time: 15806416 Count: 159470 Avg: 99 Violations: 0
  346. Plugin: Joiner v1.0 Event: ru.maxmine.Plugin::onJoin(PlayerJoinEvent) Time: 87365294 Count: 98 Avg: 891482 Violations: 0
  347. Task: AsyncWorldEdit v2.3.2 Runnable: org.primesoft.asyncworldedit.blockPlacer.BlockPlacerTask$1(interval:40) Time: 422244826 Count: 88 Avg: 4798236 Violations: 0
  348. Task: AsyncWorldEdit v2.3.2 Runnable: org.primesoft.asyncworldedit.taskdispatcher.TaskDispatcher(interval:1) Time: 4372460422 Count: 2448 Avg: 1786135 Violations: 23
  349. Plugin: AsyncWorldEdit v2.3.2 Event: org.primesoft.asyncworldedit.EventListener::onPlayerJoin(PlayerJoinEvent) Time: 3362331 Count: 98 Avg: 34309 Violations: 0
  350. Plugin: AsyncWorldEdit v2.3.2 Event: org.primesoft.asyncworldedit.EventListener::onPlayerQuit(PlayerQuitEvent) Time: 859137 Count: 99 Avg: 8678 Violations: 0
  351. Plugin: AsyncWorldEdit v2.3.2 Event: org.primesoft.asyncworldedit.PhysicsWatch::onBlockIgniteEvent(BlockIgniteEvent) Time: 903000 Count: 692 Avg: 1304 Violations: 0
  352. Plugin: AsyncWorldEdit v2.3.2 Event: org.primesoft.asyncworldedit.PhysicsWatch::onLeavesDecayEvent(LeavesDecayEvent) Time: 5945134 Count: 3958 Avg: 1502 Violations: 0
  353. Plugin: AsyncWorldEdit v2.3.2 Event: org.primesoft.asyncworldedit.PhysicsWatch::onBlockFadeEvent(BlockFadeEvent) Time: 1664334 Count: 936 Avg: 1778 Violations: 0
  354. Plugin: AsyncWorldEdit v2.3.2 Event: org.primesoft.asyncworldedit.PhysicsWatch::onBlockPistonRetractEvent(BlockPistonRetractEvent) Time: 61764 Count: 120 Avg: 514 Violations: 0
  355. Plugin: AsyncWorldEdit v2.3.2 Event: org.primesoft.asyncworldedit.PhysicsWatch::onBlockPistonExtendEvent(BlockPistonExtendEvent) Time: 86948 Count: 131 Avg: 663 Violations: 0
  356. Plugin: AsyncWorldEdit v2.3.2 Event: org.primesoft.asyncworldedit.PhysicsWatch::onBlockPhysicsEvent(BlockPhysicsEvent) Time: 28361909 Count: 159470 Avg: 177 Violations: 0
  357. Plugin: AsyncWorldEdit v2.3.2 Event: org.primesoft.asyncworldedit.PhysicsWatch::onBlockGrowEvent(BlockGrowEvent) Time: 1043026 Count: 507 Avg: 2057 Violations: 0
  358. Plugin: AsyncWorldEdit v2.3.2 Event: org.primesoft.asyncworldedit.PhysicsWatch::onBlockFromTo(BlockFromToEvent) Time: 859580 Count: 1760 Avg: 488 Violations: 0
  359. Plugin: AsyncWorldEdit v2.3.2 Event: org.primesoft.asyncworldedit.PhysicsWatch::onBlockFormEvent(BlockFormEvent) Time: 85780 Count: 16 Avg: 5361 Violations: 0
  360. Plugin: AsyncWorldEdit v2.3.2 Event: org.primesoft.asyncworldedit.PhysicsWatch::onBlockSpreadEvent(BlockSpreadEvent) Time: 439787 Count: 201 Avg: 2187 Violations: 0
  361. Plugin: AsyncWorldEdit v2.3.2 Event: org.primesoft.asyncworldedit.ChunkWatch::onChunkLoadEvent(ChunkLoadEvent) Time: 11544677 Count: 16070 Avg: 718 Violations: 0
  362. Plugin: AsyncWorldEdit v2.3.2 Event: org.primesoft.asyncworldedit.ChunkWatch::onChunkUnloadEvent(ChunkUnloadEvent) Time: 12825254 Count: 15177 Avg: 845 Violations: 0
  363. Plugin: Shopkeepers v1.77 Event: com.nisovin.shopkeepers.ui.UIListener::onInventoryClose(InventoryCloseEvent) Time: 1569331 Count: 1432 Avg: 1095 Violations: 0
  364. Plugin: Shopkeepers v1.77 Event: com.nisovin.shopkeepers.ui.UIListener::onInventoryClick(InventoryClickEvent) Time: 3639548 Count: 2746 Avg: 1325 Violations: 0
  365. Plugin: Shopkeepers v1.77 Event: com.nisovin.shopkeepers.WorldListener::onChunkUnload(ChunkUnloadEvent) Time: 4560628 Count: 15177 Avg: 300 Violations: 0
  366. Plugin: Shopkeepers v1.77 Event: com.nisovin.shopkeepers.WorldListener::onChunkLoad(ChunkLoadEvent) Time: 13369252 Count: 16070 Avg: 831 Violations: 0
  367. Plugin: Shopkeepers v1.77 Event: com.nisovin.shopkeepers.PlayerJoinQuitListener::onPlayerQuit(PlayerQuitEvent) Time: 750025 Count: 99 Avg: 7576 Violations: 0
  368. Plugin: Shopkeepers v1.77 Event: com.nisovin.shopkeepers.PlayerJoinQuitListener::onPlayerJoin(PlayerJoinEvent) Time: 505191 Count: 98 Avg: 5155 Violations: 0
  369. Plugin: Shopkeepers v1.77 Event: com.nisovin.shopkeepers.ChestListener::onBlockPlace(BlockPlaceEvent) Time: 1366879 Count: 1394 Avg: 980 Violations: 0
  370. Plugin: Shopkeepers v1.77 Event: com.nisovin.shopkeepers.ChestListener::onPlayerInteract(PlayerInteractEvent) Time: 56916464 Count: 202129 Avg: 281 Violations: 0
  371. Plugin: Shopkeepers v1.77 Event: com.nisovin.shopkeepers.CreateListener::onItemHeld(PlayerItemHeldEvent) Time: 2445280 Count: 2425 Avg: 1008 Violations: 0
  372. Plugin: Shopkeepers v1.77 Event: com.nisovin.shopkeepers.CreateListener::onPlayerInteract(PlayerInteractEvent) Time: 41617349 Count: 202129 Avg: 205 Violations: 0
  373. Plugin: Shopkeepers v1.77 Event: com.nisovin.shopkeepers.VillagerInteractionListener::onEntityInteract(PlayerInteractEntityEvent) Time: 163453 Count: 111 Avg: 1472 Violations: 0
  374. Plugin: Shopkeepers v1.77 Event: com.nisovin.shopkeepers.LivingEntityShopListener::onEntityLaunchProjectile(ProjectileLaunchEvent) Time: 543270 Count: 114 Avg: 4765 Violations: 0
  375. Plugin: Shopkeepers v1.77 Event: com.nisovin.shopkeepers.LivingEntityShopListener::onEntityInteract(PlayerInteractEntityEvent) Time: 4698001 Count: 384 Avg: 12234 Violations: 0
  376. Plugin: Shopkeepers v1.77 Event: com.nisovin.shopkeepers.LivingEntityShopListener::onEntityEnterVehicle(VehicleEnterEvent) Time: 53186 Count: 7 Avg: 7598 Violations: 0
  377. Plugin: Shopkeepers v1.77 Event: com.nisovin.shopkeepers.LivingEntityShopListener::onShopkeeperBeingTargeted(EntityTargetEvent) Time: 734163 Count: 245 Avg: 2996 Violations: 0
  378. Plugin: Shopkeepers v1.77 Event: com.nisovin.shopkeepers.LivingEntityShopListener::onEntityDamage(EntityDamageEvent) Time: 5927045 Count: 2796 Avg: 2119 Violations: 0
  379. Plugin: Shopkeepers v1.77 Event: com.nisovin.shopkeepers.LivingEntityShopListener::onPotionSplash(PotionSplashEvent) Time: 12871 Count: 3 Avg: 4290 Violations: 0
  380. Plugin: Shopkeepers v1.77 Event: com.nisovin.shopkeepers.LivingEntityShopListener::onEntityChangeBlock(EntityChangeBlockEvent) Time: 77102 Count: 27 Avg: 2855 Violations: 0
  381. Plugin: Shopkeepers v1.77 Event: com.nisovin.shopkeepers.SignShopListener::onBlockPhysics(BlockPhysicsEvent) Time: 15920958 Count: 143384 Avg: 111 Violations: 0
  382. Plugin: Shopkeepers v1.77 Event: com.nisovin.shopkeepers.SignShopListener::onBlockBreak(BlockBreakEvent) Time: 1785783 Count: 1754 Avg: 1018 Violations: 0
  383. Plugin: Shopkeepers v1.77 Event: com.nisovin.shopkeepers.SignShopListener::onPlayerInteract(PlayerInteractEvent) Time: 37067107 Count: 202129 Avg: 183 Violations: 0
  384. Plugin: Shopkeepers v1.77 Event: com.nisovin.shopkeepers.ChestProtectListener::onBlockPlace(BlockPlaceEvent) Time: 1231725 Count: 1499 Avg: 821 Violations: 0
  385. Plugin: Shopkeepers v1.77 Event: com.nisovin.shopkeepers.ChestProtectListener::onBlockBreak(BlockBreakEvent) Time: 1398213 Count: 1754 Avg: 797 Violations: 0
  386. Plugin: Shopkeepers v1.77 Event: com.nisovin.shopkeepers.CreatureForceSpawnListener::onCreatureSpawn(CreatureSpawnEvent) Time: 894232 Count: 2597 Avg: 344 Violations: 0
  387. ** tickEntity - EntityVillager Time: 30293858 Count: 1252 Avg: 24196 Violations: 0
  388. Task: Shopkeepers v1.77 Runnable: com.nisovin.shopkeepers.ShopkeepersPlugin$4(interval:200) Time: 339654 Count: 17 Avg: 19979 Violations: 0
  389. ** Command: react Time: 5249683 Count: 1 Avg: 5249683 Violations: 0
  390. Plugin: React v3.1p Event: org.cyberpwn.react.controller.MonitorController::onPickup(InventoryClickEvent) Time: 2949798 Count: 2746 Avg: 1074 Violations: 0
  391. Plugin: React v3.1p Event: org.cyberpwn.react.controller.MonitorController::onJoin(PlayerJoinEvent) Time: 2828251 Count: 98 Avg: 28859 Violations: 0
  392. Plugin: React v3.1p Event: org.cyberpwn.react.controller.MonitorController::onQuit(PlayerQuitEvent) Time: 7221798 Count: 99 Avg: 72947 Violations: 0
  393. Plugin: React v3.1p Event: org.cyberpwn.react.controller.MonitorController::onCloseInventory(InventoryCloseEvent) Time: 898167 Count: 1432 Avg: 627 Violations: 0
  394. Plugin: React v3.1p Event: org.cyberpwn.react.controller.MonitorController::onDrop(PlayerDropItemEvent) Time: 442226 Count: 275 Avg: 1608 Violations: 0
  395. Plugin: React v3.1p Event: org.cyberpwn.react.controller.MonitorController::onOpenInventory(InventoryOpenEvent) Time: 804635 Count: 796 Avg: 1010 Violations: 0
  396. Plugin: React v3.1p Event: org.cyberpwn.react.controller.MonitorController::onWorldChange(PlayerTeleportEvent) Time: 2177167 Count: 4075 Avg: 534 Violations: 0
  397. Plugin: React v3.1p Event: org.cyberpwn.react.controller.MonitorController::onGC(PostGCEvent) Time: 904795 Count: 26 Avg: 34799 Violations: 0
  398. Plugin: React v3.1p Event: org.cyberpwn.react.controller.CommandController::onDrop(PlayerInteractEvent) Time: 34533343 Count: 202129 Avg: 170 Violations: 0
  399. Plugin: React v3.1p Event: org.cyberpwn.react.controller.CommandController::onDrop(PlayerDropItemEvent) Time: 588051 Count: 275 Avg: 2138 Violations: 0
  400. Plugin: React v3.1p Event: org.cyberpwn.react.controller.CommandController::onCommandPre(PlayerCommandPreprocessEvent) Time: 1956306 Count: 761 Avg: 2570 Violations: 0
  401. Plugin: React v3.1p Event: org.cyberpwn.react.controller.WorldController::gc(PostGCEvent) Time: 271655 Count: 26 Avg: 10448 Violations: 0
  402. Plugin: React v3.1p Event: org.cyberpwn.react.controller.PhotonController::onChunk(ChunkUnloadEvent) Time: 2480442 Count: 15177 Avg: 163 Violations: 0
  403. Plugin: React v3.1p Event: org.cyberpwn.react.controller.EntityStackController::on(EntityDeathEvent) Time: 451242 Count: 232 Avg: 1945 Violations: 0
  404. Plugin: React v3.1p Event: org.cyberpwn.react.controller.EntityStackController::on(SpawnerSpawnEvent) Time: 237282 Count: 188 Avg: 1262 Violations: 0
  405. Plugin: React v3.1p Event: org.cyberpwn.react.controller.EntityStackController::on(EntitySpawnEvent) Time: 5337335 Count: 5211 Avg: 1024 Violations: 0
  406. Plugin: React v3.1p Event: org.cyberpwn.react.controller.EntityStackController::on(ChunkUnloadEvent) Time: 3569515 Count: 15177 Avg: 235 Violations: 0
  407. Plugin: React v3.1p Event: org.cyberpwn.react.controller.EntityStackController::on(ChunkLoadEvent) Time: 5376278 Count: 16070 Avg: 334 Violations: 0
  408. Plugin: React v3.1p Event: org.cyberpwn.react.controller.EntityStackController::on(EntityDamageEvent) Time: 5523793 Count: 3189 Avg: 1732 Violations: 0
  409. Plugin: React v3.1p Event: org.cyberpwn.react.controller.LimitingController::on(PlayerDeathEvent) Time: 295315 Count: 39 Avg: 7572 Violations: 0
  410. Plugin: React v3.1p Event: org.cyberpwn.react.controller.LimitingController::on(PlayerCommandPreprocessEvent) Time: 1054265 Count: 758 Avg: 1390 Violations: 0
  411. Plugin: React v3.1p Event: org.cyberpwn.react.controller.LimitingController::on(BlockBreakEvent) Time: 2270061 Count: 1785 Avg: 1271 Violations: 0
  412. Plugin: React v3.1p Event: org.cyberpwn.react.controller.LimitingController::on(BlockPlaceEvent) Time: 2265266 Count: 1499 Avg: 1511 Violations: 0
  413. Plugin: React v3.1p Event: org.cyberpwn.react.controller.LimitingController::on(PlayerMoveEvent) Time: 206839453 Count: 262510 Avg: 787 Violations: 0
  414. Plugin: React v3.1p Event: org.cyberpwn.react.controller.LimitingController::on(PlayerChatEvent) Time: 932262 Count: 212 Avg: 4397 Violations: 0
  415. Plugin: React v3.1p Event: org.cyberpwn.react.controller.LimitingController::on(PlayerJoinEvent) Time: 332205 Count: 98 Avg: 3389 Violations: 0
  416. Plugin: React v3.1p Event: org.cyberpwn.react.controller.LimitingController::on(PlayerQuitEvent) Time: 331034 Count: 99 Avg: 3343 Violations: 0
  417. Plugin: React v3.1p Event: org.cyberpwn.react.controller.EventListenerController::onEvented(PlayerPreLoginEvent) Time: 173558 Count: 99 Avg: 1753 Violations: 0
  418. Plugin: React v3.1p Event: org.cyberpwn.react.controller.EventListenerController::onEvented(PlayerPickupItemEvent) Time: 23539608 Count: 5292 Avg: 4448 Violations: 0
  419. Plugin: React v3.1p Event: org.cyberpwn.react.controller.EventListenerController::onEvented(PlayerMoveEvent) Time: 1689395396 Count: 262510 Avg: 6435 Violations: 0
  420. Plugin: React v3.1p Event: org.cyberpwn.react.controller.EventListenerController::onEvented(BlockCanBuildEvent) Time: 1362464 Count: 1454 Avg: 937 Violations: 0
  421. Plugin: React v3.1p Event: org.cyberpwn.react.controller.EventListenerController::onEvented(VehicleUpdateEvent) Time: 10676991 Count: 34380 Avg: 310 Violations: 0
  422. Plugin: React v3.1p Event: org.cyberpwn.react.controller.EventListenerController::onEvented(PlayerCommandPreprocessEvent) Time: 7354053 Count: 761 Avg: 9663 Violations: 0
  423. Plugin: React v3.1p Event: org.cyberpwn.react.controller.EventListenerController::onEvented(InventoryOpenEvent) Time: 2827871 Count: 796 Avg: 3552 Violations: 0
  424. Plugin: React v3.1p Event: org.cyberpwn.react.controller.EventListenerController::onEvented(LeavesDecayEvent) Time: 12038183 Count: 3958 Avg: 3041 Violations: 0
  425. Plugin: React v3.1p Event: org.cyberpwn.react.controller.EventListenerController::onEvented(BlockSpreadEvent) Time: 776567 Count: 201 Avg: 3863 Violations: 0
  426. Plugin: React v3.1p Event: org.cyberpwn.react.controller.EventListenerController::onEvented(ChunkLoadEvent) Time: 42082381 Count: 16070 Avg: 2618 Violations: 0
  427. Plugin: React v3.1p Event: org.cyberpwn.react.controller.EventListenerController::onEvented(PlayerRespawnEvent) Time: 347722 Count: 39 Avg: 8915 Violations: 0
  428. Plugin: React v3.1p Event: org.cyberpwn.react.controller.EventListenerController::onEvented(PlayerChatTabCompleteEvent) Time: 56359 Count: 44 Avg: 1280 Violations: 0
  429. Plugin: React v3.1p Event: org.cyberpwn.react.controller.EventListenerController::onEvented(BlockPlaceEvent) Time: 10636922 Count: 1499 Avg: 7096 Violations: 0
  430. Plugin: React v3.1p Event: org.cyberpwn.react.controller.EventListenerController::onEvented(FurnaceSmeltEvent) Time: 85904 Count: 46 Avg: 1867 Violations: 0
  431. Plugin: React v3.1p Event: org.cyberpwn.react.controller.EventListenerController::onEvented(VehicleBlockCollisionEvent) Time: 4566383 Count: 3603 Avg: 1267 Violations: 0
  432. Plugin: React v3.1p Event: org.cyberpwn.react.controller.EventListenerController::onEvented(PlayerExpChangeEvent) Time: 312644 Count: 216 Avg: 1447 Violations: 0
  433. Plugin: React v3.1p Event: org.cyberpwn.react.controller.EventListenerController::onEvented(InventoryClickEvent) Time: 33491250 Count: 2746 Avg: 12196 Violations: 0
  434. Plugin: React v3.1p Event: org.cyberpwn.react.controller.EventListenerController::onEvented(PlayerDropItemEvent) Time: 1329537 Count: 275 Avg: 4834 Violations: 0
  435. Plugin: React v3.1p Event: org.cyberpwn.react.controller.EventListenerController::onEvented(PlayerItemHeldEvent) Time: 7079267 Count: 2425 Avg: 2919 Violations: 0
  436. Plugin: React v3.1p Event: org.cyberpwn.react.controller.EventListenerController::onEvented(PlayerJoinEvent) Time: 2958238 Count: 98 Avg: 30186 Violations: 0
  437. Plugin: React v3.1p Event: org.cyberpwn.react.controller.EventListenerController::onEvented(BlockRedstoneEvent) Time: 890368 Count: 2242 Avg: 397 Violations: 0
  438. Plugin: React v3.1p Event: org.cyberpwn.react.controller.EventListenerController::onEvented(EntityTargetEvent) Time: 1694072 Count: 318 Avg: 5327 Violations: 0
  439. Plugin: React v3.1p Event: org.cyberpwn.react.controller.EventListenerController::onEvented(FoodLevelChangeEvent) Time: 2396303 Count: 637 Avg: 3761 Violations: 0
  440. Plugin: React v3.1p Event: org.cyberpwn.react.controller.EventListenerController::onEvented(BlockPistonRetractEvent) Time: 214236 Count: 120 Avg: 1785 Violations: 0
  441. Plugin: React v3.1p Event: org.cyberpwn.react.controller.EventListenerController::onEvented(EntityDeathEvent) Time: 2777799 Count: 232 Avg: 11973 Violations: 0
  442. Plugin: React v3.1p Event: org.cyberpwn.react.controller.EventListenerController::onEvented(BlockPistonExtendEvent) Time: 322653 Count: 131 Avg: 2463 Violations: 0
  443. Plugin: React v3.1p Event: org.cyberpwn.react.controller.EventListenerController::onEvented(PlayerItemBreakEvent) Time: 261825 Count: 1 Avg: 261825 Violations: 0
  444. Plugin: React v3.1p Event: org.cyberpwn.react.controller.EventListenerController::onEvented(EntityShootBowEvent) Time: 210267 Count: 41 Avg: 5128 Violations: 0
  445. Plugin: React v3.1p Event: org.cyberpwn.react.controller.EventListenerController::onEvented(EnchantItemEvent) Time: 46652 Count: 14 Avg: 3332 Violations: 0
  446. Plugin: React v3.1p Event: org.cyberpwn.react.controller.EventListenerController::onEvented(EntityTargetLivingEntityEvent) Time: 452569 Count: 318 Avg: 1423 Violations: 0
  447. Plugin: React v3.1p Event: org.cyberpwn.react.controller.EventListenerController::onEvented(BlockGrowEvent) Time: 1623155 Count: 507 Avg: 3201 Violations: 0
  448. Plugin: React v3.1p Event: org.cyberpwn.react.controller.EventListenerController::onEvented(ExpBottleEvent) Time: 377196 Count: 53 Avg: 7116 Violations: 0
  449. Plugin: React v3.1p Event: org.cyberpwn.react.controller.EventListenerController::onEvented(BlockFadeEvent) Time: 2883862 Count: 936 Avg: 3081 Violations: 0
  450. Plugin: React v3.1p Event: org.cyberpwn.react.controller.EventListenerController::onEvented(BlockFormEvent) Time: 106626 Count: 16 Avg: 6664 Violations: 0
  451. Plugin: React v3.1p Event: org.cyberpwn.react.controller.EventListenerController::onEvented(ChunkUnloadEvent) Time: 24818004 Count: 15177 Avg: 1635 Violations: 0
  452. Plugin: React v3.1p Event: org.cyberpwn.react.controller.EventListenerController::onEvented(StructureGrowEvent) Time: 250828 Count: 49 Avg: 5118 Violations: 0
  453. Plugin: React v3.1p Event: org.cyberpwn.react.controller.EventListenerController::onEvented(ChunkPopulateEvent) Time: 16745 Count: 1 Avg: 16745 Violations: 0
  454. Plugin: React v3.1p Event: org.cyberpwn.react.controller.EventListenerController::onEvented(BrewEvent) Time: 52623 Count: 32 Avg: 1644 Violations: 0
  455. Plugin: React v3.1p Event: org.cyberpwn.react.controller.EventListenerController::onEvented(ItemDespawnEvent) Time: 526420 Count: 147 Avg: 3581 Violations: 0
  456. Plugin: React v3.1p Event: org.cyberpwn.react.controller.EventListenerController::onEvented(BlockDamageEvent) Time: 69458829 Count: 184554 Avg: 376 Violations: 0
  457. Plugin: React v3.1p Event: org.cyberpwn.react.controller.EventListenerController::onEvented(VehicleExitEvent) Time: 61528 Count: 6 Avg: 10254 Violations: 0
  458. Plugin: React v3.1p Event: org.cyberpwn.react.controller.EventListenerController::onEvented(PlayerInteractEvent) Time: 1951572244 Count: 202129 Avg: 9655 Violations: 1
  459. Plugin: React v3.1p Event: org.cyberpwn.react.controller.EventListenerController::onEvented(PlayerToggleFlightEvent) Time: 925417 Count: 404 Avg: 2290 Violations: 0
  460. Plugin: React v3.1p Event: org.cyberpwn.react.controller.EventListenerController::onEvented(PlayerKickEvent) Time: 525242 Count: 57 Avg: 9214 Violations: 0
  461. Plugin: React v3.1p Event: org.cyberpwn.react.controller.EventListenerController::onEvented(PlayerFishEvent) Time: 33892 Count: 8 Avg: 4236 Violations: 0
  462. Plugin: React v3.1p Event: org.cyberpwn.react.controller.EventListenerController::onEvented(BlockFromToEvent) Time: 2902221 Count: 1760 Avg: 1648 Violations: 0
  463. Plugin: React v3.1p Event: org.cyberpwn.react.controller.EventListenerController::onEvented(FurnaceBurnEvent) Time: 202421 Count: 32 Avg: 6325 Violations: 0
  464. Plugin: React v3.1p Event: org.cyberpwn.react.controller.EventListenerController::onEvented(PlayerQuitEvent) Time: 2779445 Count: 99 Avg: 28075 Violations: 0
  465. Plugin: React v3.1p Event: org.cyberpwn.react.controller.EventListenerController::onEvented(PlayerLevelChangeEvent) Time: 148364 Count: 102 Avg: 1454 Violations: 0
  466. Plugin: React v3.1p Event: org.cyberpwn.react.controller.EventListenerController::onEvented(PlayerChannelEvent) Time: 140093 Count: 393 Avg: 356 Violations: 0
  467. Plugin: React v3.1p Event: org.cyberpwn.react.controller.EventListenerController::onEvented(PlayerDeathEvent) Time: 218582 Count: 39 Avg: 5604 Violations: 0
  468. Plugin: React v3.1p Event: org.cyberpwn.react.controller.EventListenerController::onEvented(EntityChangeBlockEvent) Time: 153234 Count: 27 Avg: 5675 Violations: 0
  469. Plugin: React v3.1p Event: org.cyberpwn.react.controller.EventListenerController::onEvented(BlockPhysicsEvent) Time: 148369399 Count: 159470 Avg: 930 Violations: 0
  470. Plugin: React v3.1p Event: org.cyberpwn.react.controller.EventListenerController::onEvented(EntityCombustByEntityEvent) Time: 4532977 Count: 1325 Avg: 3421 Violations: 0
  471. Plugin: React v3.1p Event: org.cyberpwn.react.controller.EventListenerController::onEvented(NotePlayEvent) Time: 32830 Count: 4 Avg: 8207 Violations: 0
  472. Plugin: React v3.1p Event: org.cyberpwn.react.controller.EventListenerController::onEvented(PlayerToggleSneakEvent) Time: 1372100 Count: 1424 Avg: 963 Violations: 0
  473. Plugin: React v3.1p Event: org.cyberpwn.react.controller.EventListenerController::onEvented(PlayerTeleportEvent) Time: 30502894 Count: 4075 Avg: 7485 Violations: 0
  474. Plugin: React v3.1p Event: org.cyberpwn.react.controller.EventListenerController::onEvented(CraftItemEvent) Time: 537069 Count: 36 Avg: 14918 Violations: 0
  475. Plugin: React v3.1p Event: org.cyberpwn.react.controller.EventListenerController::onEvented(SheepRegrowWoolEvent) Time: 3113 Count: 1 Avg: 3113 Violations: 0
  476. Plugin: React v3.1p Event: org.cyberpwn.react.controller.EventListenerController::onEvented(PlayerToggleSprintEvent) Time: 7284018 Count: 9961 Avg: 731 Violations: 0
  477. Plugin: React v3.1p Event: org.cyberpwn.react.controller.EventListenerController::onEvented(PlayerRegisterChannelEvent) Time: 80167 Count: 393 Avg: 203 Violations: 0
  478. Plugin: React v3.1p Event: org.cyberpwn.react.controller.EventListenerController::onEvented(InventoryCloseEvent) Time: 9364494 Count: 1432 Avg: 6539 Violations: 0
  479. Plugin: React v3.1p Event: org.cyberpwn.react.controller.EventListenerController::onEvented(EntityDamageByEntityEvent) Time: 230622392 Count: 2491 Avg: 92582 Violations: 2
  480. Plugin: React v3.1p Event: org.cyberpwn.react.controller.EventListenerController::onEvented(CreatureSpawnEvent) Time: 15030314 Count: 2597 Avg: 5787 Violations: 0
  481. Plugin: React v3.1p Event: org.cyberpwn.react.controller.EventListenerController::onEvented(PlayerChatEvent) Time: 1056286 Count: 223 Avg: 4736 Violations: 0
  482. Plugin: React v3.1p Event: org.cyberpwn.react.controller.EventListenerController::onEvented(PlayerGameModeChangeEvent) Time: 336757 Count: 91 Avg: 3700 Violations: 0
  483. Plugin: React v3.1p Event: org.cyberpwn.react.controller.EventListenerController::onEvented(VehicleEnterEvent) Time: 56633 Count: 7 Avg: 8090 Violations: 0
  484. Plugin: React v3.1p Event: org.cyberpwn.react.controller.EventListenerController::onEvented(EntityTameEvent) Time: 7955 Count: 1 Avg: 7955 Violations: 0
  485. Plugin: React v3.1p Event: org.cyberpwn.react.controller.EventListenerController::onEvented(EntityRegainHealthEvent) Time: 3889713 Count: 894 Avg: 4350 Violations: 0
  486. Plugin: React v3.1p Event: org.cyberpwn.react.controller.EventListenerController::onEvented(PotionSplashEvent) Time: 27517 Count: 3 Avg: 9172 Violations: 0
  487. Plugin: React v3.1p Event: org.cyberpwn.react.controller.EventListenerController::onEvented(BlockBreakEvent) Time: 18815653 Count: 1785 Avg: 10540 Violations: 0
  488. Plugin: React v3.1p Event: org.cyberpwn.react.controller.EventListenerController::onEvented(PlayerVelocityEvent) Time: 5828438 Count: 1340 Avg: 4349 Violations: 0
  489. Plugin: React v3.1p Event: org.cyberpwn.react.controller.EventListenerController::onEvented(BlockIgniteEvent) Time: 3708025 Count: 692 Avg: 5358 Violations: 0
  490. Plugin: React v3.1p Event: org.cyberpwn.react.controller.EventListenerController::onEvented(PrepareItemEnchantEvent) Time: 98151 Count: 119 Avg: 824 Violations: 0
  491. Plugin: React v3.1p Event: org.cyberpwn.react.controller.EventListenerController::onEvented(EntityDamageByBlockEvent) Time: 442302 Count: 16 Avg: 27643 Violations: 0
  492. Task: React v3.1p Runnable: org.cyberpwn.react.controller.ConfigurationController$1(interval:300) Time: 3127132 Count: 12 Avg: 260594 Violations: 0
  493. Plugin: React v3.1p Event: org.cyberpwn.react.sampler.SampleRedstoneUpdatesPerSecond::onBlockFromTo(BlockRedstoneEvent) Time: 523396 Count: 2242 Avg: 233 Violations: 0
  494. Task: React v3.1p Runnable: org.cyberpwn.react.sampler.SamplePHTimings$1(interval:8) Time: 467234 Count: 442 Avg: 1057 Violations: 0
  495. Plugin: React v3.1p Event: org.cyberpwn.react.sampler.SampleLiquidFlowPerSecond::onBlockPhysics(BlockPhysicsEvent) Time: 18840103 Count: 159470 Avg: 118 Violations: 0
  496. Plugin: React v3.1p Event: org.cyberpwn.react.sampler.SampleChunkLoadPerSecond::onChunkLoad(ChunkLoadEvent) Time: 2063932 Count: 16070 Avg: 128 Violations: 0
  497. Plugin: React v3.1p Event: org.cyberpwn.react.sampler.SampleChunkGenPerSecond::onChunkLoad(ChunkLoadEvent) Time: 1792609 Count: 16070 Avg: 111 Violations: 0
  498. Plugin: React v3.1p Event: org.cyberpwn.react.action.ActionSuppressRedstone::onRedstone(BlockPhysicsEvent) Time: 11548507 Count: 159470 Avg: 72 Violations: 0
  499. Plugin: React v3.1p Event: org.cyberpwn.react.action.ActionSuppressLiquid::onLiquid(BlockFromToEvent) Time: 250368 Count: 1760 Avg: 142 Violations: 0
  500. Plugin: React v3.1p Event: org.cyberpwn.react.action.ActionSuppressLiquid::onRedstone(BlockPhysicsEvent) Time: 8823943 Count: 159470 Avg: 55 Violations: 0
  501. Plugin: React v3.1p Event: org.cyberpwn.react.action.ActionCullEntities::onSpawn(EntitySpawnEvent) Time: 70860934 Count: 5211 Avg: 13598 Violations: 0
  502. Plugin: React v3.1p Event: org.cyberpwn.react.action.ActionTeleportDrops::onBreak(BlockBreakEvent) Time: 751212 Count: 1532 Avg: 490 Violations: 0
  503. Plugin: React v3.1p Event: org.cyberpwn.react.action.ActionSuppressGrowth::onGrowth(BlockGrowEvent) Time: 1164477 Count: 507 Avg: 2296 Violations: 0
  504. Task: React v3.1p Runnable: org.cyberpwn.react.controller.TimingsController$2(interval:10) Time: 137275848 Count: 353 Avg: 388883 Violations: 0
  505. Plugin: React v3.1p Event: org.cyberpwn.react.util.ReactWorld::onBlockFall(EntityChangeBlockEvent) Time: 49712 Count: 27 Avg: 1841 Violations: 0
  506. Plugin: React v3.1p Event: org.cyberpwn.react.util.ReactWorld::onChunk(ChunkLoadEvent) Time: 2267971 Count: 16070 Avg: 141 Violations: 0
  507. Plugin: React v3.1p Event: org.cyberpwn.react.util.ReactWorld::blockBreak(LeavesDecayEvent) Time: 4366373 Count: 3958 Avg: 1103 Violations: 0
  508. Plugin: React v3.1p Event: org.cyberpwn.react.util.ReactWorld::onBlockFall(EntityChangeBlockEvent) Time: 10043 Count: 27 Avg: 371 Violations: 0
  509. Plugin: React v3.1p Event: org.cyberpwn.react.util.ReactWorld::onChunk(ChunkLoadEvent) Time: 966983 Count: 16070 Avg: 60 Violations: 0
  510. Plugin: React v3.1p Event: org.cyberpwn.react.util.ReactWorld::blockBreak(LeavesDecayEvent) Time: 1517704 Count: 3958 Avg: 383 Violations: 0
  511. Plugin: React v3.1p Event: org.cyberpwn.react.util.ReactWorld::onBlockFall(EntityChangeBlockEvent) Time: 7552 Count: 27 Avg: 279 Violations: 0
  512. Plugin: React v3.1p Event: org.cyberpwn.react.util.ReactWorld::onChunk(ChunkLoadEvent) Time: 790377 Count: 16070 Avg: 49 Violations: 0
  513. Plugin: React v3.1p Event: org.cyberpwn.react.util.ReactWorld::blockBreak(LeavesDecayEvent) Time: 1327120 Count: 3958 Avg: 335 Violations: 0
  514. Task: React v3.1p Runnable: org.cyberpwn.react.controller.WorldController$1(interval:10) Time: 2078226 Count: 353 Avg: 5887 Violations: 0
  515. Task: React v3.1p Runnable: org.cyberpwn.react.React$3(interval:1) Time: 1420822970 Count: 3533 Avg: 402157 Violations: 3
  516. Plugin: PermissionsEx v1.23.4 Event: ru.tehkode.permissions.bukkit.PermissionsEx$PlayerEventsListener::onPlayerQuit(PlayerQuitEvent) Time: 10541390 Count: 99 Avg: 106478 Violations: 0
  517. Plugin: PermissionsEx v1.23.4 Event: ru.tehkode.permissions.bukkit.PermissionsEx$PlayerEventsListener::onPlayerLogin(PlayerJoinEvent) Time: 568995 Count: 98 Avg: 5806 Violations: 0
  518. Plugin: PermissionsEx v1.23.4 Event: ru.tehkode.permissions.bukkit.regexperms.RegexPermissions$EventListener::onPlayerLogin(PlayerLoginEvent) Time: 71081459 Count: 99 Avg: 717994 Violations: 0
  519. Plugin: PermissionsEx v1.23.4 Event: ru.tehkode.permissions.bukkit.regexperms.RegexPermissions$EventListener::onPlayerQuit(PlayerQuitEvent) Time: 89778288 Count: 99 Avg: 906851 Violations: 0
  520. Plugin: PermissionsEx v1.23.4 Event: ru.tehkode.permissions.bukkit.SuperpermsListener::onPlayerLoginLate(PlayerLoginEvent) Time: 232787 Count: 99 Avg: 2351 Violations: 0
  521. Plugin: PermissionsEx v1.23.4 Event: ru.tehkode.permissions.bukkit.SuperpermsListener::onEntityEvent(PermissionEntityEvent) Time: 465969192 Count: 187 Avg: 2491813 Violations: 0
  522. Plugin: PermissionsEx v1.23.4 Event: ru.tehkode.permissions.bukkit.SuperpermsListener::onPlayerLogin(PlayerLoginEvent) Time: 294679684 Count: 99 Avg: 2976562 Violations: 0
  523. Plugin: PermissionsEx v1.23.4 Event: ru.tehkode.permissions.bukkit.SuperpermsListener::onWorldChanged(PlayerChangedWorldEvent) Time: 68673867 Count: 24 Avg: 2861411 Violations: 0
  524. Plugin: PermissionsEx v1.23.4 Event: ru.tehkode.permissions.bukkit.SuperpermsListener::onPlayerQuit(PlayerQuitEvent) Time: 241015886 Count: 99 Avg: 2434503 Violations: 0
  525. Plugin: PermissionsEx v1.23.4 Event: ru.tehkode.permissions.bukkit.SuperpermsListener::playerLoginDeny(PlayerLoginEvent) Time: 2510533 Count: 99 Avg: 25358 Violations: 0
  526. Plugin: PermissionsEx v1.23.4 Event: ru.tehkode.permissions.bukkit.SuperpermsListener::onPlayerJoin(PlayerJoinEvent) Time: 260329627 Count: 98 Avg: 2656424 Violations: 0
  527. Plugin: TwentureCreative v0.2 Event: ru.twenturecraft.twenturecreative.TwentureCreative::onInteract(PlayerInteractEvent) Time: 258903401 Count: 202129 Avg: 1280 Violations: 0
  528. Plugin: EffectLib v5.0 Event: de.slikey.effectlib.listener.ItemListener::onItemDespawn(ItemDespawnEvent) Time: 525335 Count: 147 Avg: 3573 Violations: 0
  529. Plugin: EffectLib v5.0 Event: de.slikey.effectlib.listener.ItemListener::onItemPickup(PlayerPickupItemEvent) Time: 7910126 Count: 5292 Avg: 1494 Violations: 0
  530. Plugin: CustomJoinItems v1.5.1 Event: Time: 132763 Count: 39 Avg: 3404 Violations: 0
  531. Plugin: CustomJoinItems v1.5.1 Event: Time: 323069 Count: 39 Avg: 8283 Violations: 0
  532. Plugin: CustomJoinItems v1.5.1 Event: Time: 51576663 Count: 202129 Avg: 255 Violations: 0
  533. Plugin: CustomJoinItems v1.5.1 Event: Time: 98839 Count: 24 Avg: 4118 Violations: 0
  534. Plugin: CustomJoinItems v1.5.1 Event: Time: 2974483 Count: 2746 Avg: 1083 Violations: 0
  535. Plugin: CustomJoinItems v1.5.1 Event: Time: 475960 Count: 269 Avg: 1769 Violations: 0
  536. Plugin: CustomJoinItems v1.5.1 Event: Time: 2540457 Count: 98 Avg: 25923 Violations: 0
  537. ** Command: tempmute Time: 5865819 Count: 1 Avg: 5865819 Violations: 0
  538. Plugin: Trading v3.2 Event: Time: 918187 Count: 1432 Avg: 641 Violations: 0
  539. Plugin: Trading v3.2 Event: Time: 5130604 Count: 3189 Avg: 1608 Violations: 0
  540. Plugin: Trading v3.2 Event: Time: 163840 Count: 91 Avg: 1800 Violations: 0
  541. Plugin: Trading v3.2 Event: Time: 1585634 Count: 384 Avg: 4129 Violations: 0
  542. Plugin: Trading v3.2 Event: Time: 352385 Count: 158 Avg: 2230 Violations: 0
  543. Plugin: Trading v3.2 Event: Time: 2468521 Count: 2746 Avg: 898 Violations: 0
  544. Plugin: KillerMoney v3.16 Event: net.diecode.KillerMoney.Update::onPlayerJoin(PlayerJoinEvent) Time: 116265 Count: 98 Avg: 1186 Violations: 0
  545. Plugin: KillerMoney v3.16 Event: net.diecode.KillerMoney.Functions.MoneyReward::onMoneyReward(KillerMoneyMoneyRewardEvent) Time: 48444256 Count: 215 Avg: 225322 Violations: 0
  546. Plugin: KillerMoney v3.16 Event: net.diecode.KillerMoney.Functions.MoneyLoss::onMoneyReward(KillerMoneyMoneyLossEvent) Time: 5987063 Count: 33 Avg: 181426 Violations: 0
  547. Plugin: KillerMoney v3.16 Event: net.diecode.KillerMoney.Functions.SendMessage::onSendRewardMessage(KillerMoneySendMessageEvent) Time: 6128628 Count: 248 Avg: 24712 Violations: 0
  548. Plugin: KillerMoney v3.16 Event: net.diecode.KillerMoney.Functions.CashTransfer::onCashTransfer(KillerMoneyCashTransferEvent) Time: 13943188 Count: 33 Avg: 422520 Violations: 0
  549. Plugin: KillerMoney v3.16 Event: net.diecode.KillerMoney.Functions.Farming::onCreatureSpawn(CreatureSpawnEvent) Time: 940902 Count: 2597 Avg: 362 Violations: 0
  550. Plugin: KillerMoney v3.16 Event: net.diecode.KillerMoney.Functions.Farming::onChunkUnload(ChunkUnloadEvent) Time: 25493337 Count: 15177 Avg: 1679 Violations: 0
  551. Plugin: KillerMoney v3.16 Event: net.diecode.KillerMoney.EntityDeath::onPlayerDamage(EntityDamageByEntityEvent) Time: 3008664 Count: 2491 Avg: 1207 Violations: 0
  552. Plugin: KillerMoney v3.16 Event: net.diecode.KillerMoney.EntityDeath::onEntityDeath(EntityDeathEvent) Time: 67137610 Count: 232 Avg: 289386 Violations: 0
  553. Task: HolographicDisplays v2.1.12 Runnable:$1(interval:2) Time: 338996882 Count: 1767 Avg: 191848 Violations: 0
  554. Task: HolographicDisplays v2.1.12 Runnable:$1(interval:200) Time: 111385 Count: 17 Avg: 6552 Violations: 0
  555. Task: HolographicDisplays v2.1.12 Runnable: Time: 4825729 Count: 59 Avg: 81792 Violations: 0
  556. Plugin: HolographicDisplays v2.1.12 Event: Time: 202019 Count: 114 Avg: 1772 Violations: 0
  557. Plugin: HolographicDisplays v2.1.12 Event: Time: 171217 Count: 99 Avg: 1729 Violations: 0
  558. Plugin: HolographicDisplays v2.1.12 Event: Time: 106876 Count: 98 Avg: 1090 Violations: 0
  559. Plugin: HolographicDisplays v2.1.12 Event: Time: 97636 Count: 111 Avg: 879 Violations: 0
  560. Plugin: HolographicDisplays v2.1.12 Event: Time: 1351551 Count: 2426 Avg: 557 Violations: 0
  561. Plugin: HolographicDisplays v2.1.12 Event: Time: 11296064 Count: 15177 Avg: 744 Violations: 0
  562. Plugin: HolographicDisplays v2.1.12 Event: Time: 2245518 Count: 2597 Avg: 864 Violations: 0
  563. Plugin: HolographicDisplays v2.1.12 Event: Time: 6974661 Count: 16070 Avg: 434 Violations: 0
  564. ** Command: region Time: 6709780 Count: 17 Avg: 394692 Violations: 0
  565. Plugin: WorldGuard v6.1.1-SNAPSHOT Event: com.sk89q.worldguard.bukkit.RegionContainer$1::onChunkLoad(ChunkLoadEvent) Time: 33491670 Count: 16070 Avg: 2084 Violations: 0
  566. Plugin: WorldGuard v6.1.1-SNAPSHOT Event: com.sk89q.worldguard.bukkit.RegionContainer$1::onChunkUnload(ChunkUnloadEvent) Time: 9028243 Count: 15177 Avg: 594 Violations: 0
  567. Task: WorldGuard v6.1.1-SNAPSHOT Runnable: com.sk89q.worldguard.bukkit.RegionContainer$2(interval:2) Time: 24406281 Count: 1767 Avg: 13812 Violations: 0
  568. Task: WorldGuard v6.1.1-SNAPSHOT Runnable: com.sk89q.worldguard.session.SessionManager(interval:20) Time: 111040635 Count: 177 Avg: 627348 Violations: 0
  569. Plugin: WorldGuard v6.1.1-SNAPSHOT Event: com.sk89q.worldguard.session.SessionManager::onPlayerJoin(PlayerJoinEvent) Time: 3212266 Count: 98 Avg: 32778 Violations: 0
  570. Plugin: WorldGuard v6.1.1-SNAPSHOT Event: com.sk89q.worldguard.bukkit.listener.WorldGuardPlayerListener::onItemHeldChange(PlayerItemHeldEvent) Time: 16141721 Count: 2425 Avg: 6656 Violations: 0
  571. Plugin: WorldGuard v6.1.1-SNAPSHOT Event: com.sk89q.worldguard.bukkit.listener.WorldGuardPlayerListener::onPlayerLogin(PlayerLoginEvent) Time: 194771 Count: 99 Avg: 1967 Violations: 0
  572. Plugin: WorldGuard v6.1.1-SNAPSHOT Event: com.sk89q.worldguard.bukkit.listener.WorldGuardPlayerListener::onPlayerRespawn(PlayerRespawnEvent) Time: 424779 Count: 39 Avg: 10891 Violations: 0
  573. Plugin: WorldGuard v6.1.1-SNAPSHOT Event: com.sk89q.worldguard.bukkit.listener.WorldGuardPlayerListener::onPlayerTeleport(PlayerTeleportEvent) Time: 49497325 Count: 4075 Avg: 12146 Violations: 0
  574. Plugin: WorldGuard v6.1.1-SNAPSHOT Event: com.sk89q.worldguard.bukkit.listener.WorldGuardPlayerListener::onPlayerGameModeChange(PlayerGameModeChangeEvent) Time: 313236 Count: 91 Avg: 3442 Violations: 0
  575. Plugin: WorldGuard v6.1.1-SNAPSHOT Event: com.sk89q.worldguard.bukkit.listener.WorldGuardPlayerListener::onPlayerCommandPreprocess(PlayerCommandPreprocessEvent) Time: 24812351 Count: 761 Avg: 32604 Violations: 0
  576. Plugin: WorldGuard v6.1.1-SNAPSHOT Event: com.sk89q.worldguard.bukkit.listener.WorldGuardPlayerListener::onPlayerJoin(PlayerJoinEvent) Time: 761353 Count: 98 Avg: 7768 Violations: 0
  577. Plugin: WorldGuard v6.1.1-SNAPSHOT Event: com.sk89q.worldguard.bukkit.listener.WorldGuardPlayerListener::onPlayerInteract(PlayerInteractEvent) Time: 233630951 Count: 202129 Avg: 1155 Violations: 0
  578. Plugin: WorldGuard v6.1.1-SNAPSHOT Event: com.sk89q.worldguard.bukkit.listener.WorldGuardBlockListener::onBlockSpread(BlockSpreadEvent) Time: 2454137 Count: 201 Avg: 12209 Violations: 0
  579. Plugin: WorldGuard v6.1.1-SNAPSHOT Event: com.sk89q.worldguard.bukkit.listener.WorldGuardBlockListener::onBlockIgnite(BlockIgniteEvent) Time: 551770 Count: 686 Avg: 804 Violations: 0
  580. Plugin: WorldGuard v6.1.1-SNAPSHOT Event: com.sk89q.worldguard.bukkit.listener.WorldGuardBlockListener::onBlockBreak(BlockBreakEvent) Time: 1268073 Count: 1539 Avg: 823 Violations: 0
  581. Plugin: WorldGuard v6.1.1-SNAPSHOT Event: com.sk89q.worldguard.bukkit.listener.WorldGuardBlockListener::onBlockPlace(BlockPlaceEvent) Time: 1322213 Count: 1394 Avg: 948 Violations: 0
  582. Plugin: WorldGuard v6.1.1-SNAPSHOT Event: com.sk89q.worldguard.bukkit.listener.WorldGuardBlockListener::onBlockPhysics(BlockPhysicsEvent) Time: 16644757 Count: 143384 Avg: 116 Violations: 0
  583. Plugin: WorldGuard v6.1.1-SNAPSHOT Event: com.sk89q.worldguard.bukkit.listener.WorldGuardBlockListener::onBlockForm(BlockFormEvent) Time: 239251 Count: 16 Avg: 14953 Violations: 0
  584. Plugin: WorldGuard v6.1.1-SNAPSHOT Event: com.sk89q.worldguard.bukkit.listener.WorldGuardBlockListener::onLeavesDecay(LeavesDecayEvent) Time: 43828666 Count: 3958 Avg: 11073 Violations: 0
  585. Plugin: WorldGuard v6.1.1-SNAPSHOT Event: com.sk89q.worldguard.bukkit.listener.WorldGuardBlockListener::onBlockRedstoneChange(BlockRedstoneEvent) Time: 320466 Count: 2242 Avg: 142 Violations: 0
  586. Plugin: WorldGuard v6.1.1-SNAPSHOT Event: com.sk89q.worldguard.bukkit.listener.WorldGuardBlockListener::onBlockFade(BlockFadeEvent) Time: 9499685 Count: 936 Avg: 10149 Violations: 0
  587. Plugin: WorldGuard v6.1.1-SNAPSHOT Event: com.sk89q.worldguard.bukkit.listener.WorldGuardBlockListener::onBlockFromTo(BlockFromToEvent) Time: 4861899 Count: 1760 Avg: 2762 Violations: 0
  588. Plugin: WorldGuard v6.1.1-SNAPSHOT Event: com.sk89q.worldguard.bukkit.listener.WorldGuardEntityListener::onCreatureSpawn(CreatureSpawnEvent) Time: 18379746 Count: 2595 Avg: 7082 Violations: 0
  589. Plugin: WorldGuard v6.1.1-SNAPSHOT Event: com.sk89q.worldguard.bukkit.listener.WorldGuardEntityListener::onEntityRegainHealth(EntityRegainHealthEvent) Time: 726942 Count: 894 Avg: 813 Violations: 0
  590. Plugin: WorldGuard v6.1.1-SNAPSHOT Event: com.sk89q.worldguard.bukkit.listener.WorldGuardEntityListener::onEntityDeath(EntityDeathEvent) Time: 437343 Count: 232 Avg: 1885 Violations: 0
  591. Plugin: WorldGuard v6.1.1-SNAPSHOT Event: com.sk89q.worldguard.bukkit.listener.WorldGuardEntityListener::onEntityDamage(EntityDamageEvent) Time: 3386249 Count: 2536 Avg: 1335 Violations: 0
  592. Plugin: WorldGuard v6.1.1-SNAPSHOT Event: com.sk89q.worldguard.bukkit.listener.WorldGuardEntityListener::onEntityChangeBlock(EntityChangeBlockEvent) Time: 61824 Count: 27 Avg: 2289 Violations: 0
  593. Plugin: WorldGuard v6.1.1-SNAPSHOT Event: com.sk89q.worldguard.bukkit.listener.PlayerMoveListener::onPlayerMove(PlayerMoveEvent) Time: 1553261225 Count: 262510 Avg: 5916 Violations: 1
  594. Plugin: WorldGuard v6.1.1-SNAPSHOT Event: com.sk89q.worldguard.bukkit.listener.PlayerMoveListener::onPlayerRespawn(PlayerRespawnEvent) Time: 1983698 Count: 39 Avg: 50864 Violations: 0
  595. Plugin: WorldGuard v6.1.1-SNAPSHOT Event: com.sk89q.worldguard.bukkit.listener.PlayerMoveListener::onVehicleEnter(VehicleEnterEvent) Time: 108793 Count: 7 Avg: 15541 Violations: 0
  596. Plugin: WorldGuard v6.1.1-SNAPSHOT Event: com.sk89q.worldguard.bukkit.listener.BlacklistListener::onPlayerDropItem(PlayerDropItemEvent) Time: 1106479 Count: 269 Avg: 4113 Violations: 0
  597. Plugin: WorldGuard v6.1.1-SNAPSHOT Event: com.sk89q.worldguard.bukkit.listener.BlacklistListener::onPlaceBlock(PlaceBlockEvent) Time: 4476041 Count: 2812 Avg: 1591 Violations: 0
  598. Plugin: WorldGuard v6.1.1-SNAPSHOT Event: com.sk89q.worldguard.bukkit.listener.BlacklistListener::onInventoryCreative(InventoryCreativeEvent) Time: 190926 Count: 47 Avg: 4062 Violations: 0
  599. Plugin: WorldGuard v6.1.1-SNAPSHOT Event: com.sk89q.worldguard.bukkit.listener.BlacklistListener::onSpawnEntity(SpawnEntityEvent) Time: 765997 Count: 552 Avg: 1387 Violations: 0
  600. Plugin: WorldGuard v6.1.1-SNAPSHOT Event: com.sk89q.worldguard.bukkit.listener.BlacklistListener::onBreakBlock(BreakBlockEvent) Time: 7549608 Count: 1937 Avg: 3897 Violations: 0
  601. Plugin: WorldGuard v6.1.1-SNAPSHOT Event: com.sk89q.worldguard.bukkit.listener.BlacklistListener::onInventoryClick(InventoryClickEvent) Time: 6972564 Count: 2713 Avg: 2570 Violations: 0
  602. Plugin: WorldGuard v6.1.1-SNAPSHOT Event: com.sk89q.worldguard.bukkit.listener.BlacklistListener::onUseItem(UseItemEvent) Time: 80349275 Count: 190184 Avg: 422 Violations: 0
  603. Plugin: WorldGuard v6.1.1-SNAPSHOT Event: com.sk89q.worldguard.bukkit.listener.BlacklistListener::onPlayerItemHeld(PlayerItemHeldEvent) Time: 5697497 Count: 2425 Avg: 2349 Violations: 0
  604. Plugin: WorldGuard v6.1.1-SNAPSHOT Event: com.sk89q.worldguard.bukkit.listener.BlacklistListener::onUseBlock(UseBlockEvent) Time: 234509285 Count: 189345 Avg: 1238 Violations: 0
  605. Plugin: WorldGuard v6.1.1-SNAPSHOT Event: com.sk89q.worldguard.bukkit.listener.BlacklistListener::onDestroyEntity(DestroyEntityEvent) Time: 8297297 Count: 1313 Avg: 6319 Violations: 0
  606. Plugin: WorldGuard v6.1.1-SNAPSHOT Event: com.sk89q.worldguard.bukkit.listener.ChestProtectionListener::onPlaceBlock(PlaceBlockEvent) Time: 2655440 Count: 2812 Avg: 944 Violations: 0
  607. Plugin: WorldGuard v6.1.1-SNAPSHOT Event: com.sk89q.worldguard.bukkit.listener.ChestProtectionListener::onBreakBlock(BreakBlockEvent) Time: 2415376 Count: 1937 Avg: 1246 Violations: 0
  608. Plugin: WorldGuard v6.1.1-SNAPSHOT Event: com.sk89q.worldguard.bukkit.listener.ChestProtectionListener::onUseBlock(UseBlockEvent) Time: 37174192 Count: 189345 Avg: 196 Violations: 0
  609. Plugin: WorldGuard v6.1.1-SNAPSHOT Event: com.sk89q.worldguard.bukkit.listener.RegionProtectionListener::onBreakBlock(BreakBlockEvent) Time: 37333090 Count: 1937 Avg: 19273 Violations: 0
  610. Plugin: WorldGuard v6.1.1-SNAPSHOT Event: com.sk89q.worldguard.bukkit.listener.RegionProtectionListener::onPlaceBlock(PlaceBlockEvent) Time: 32771075 Count: 2812 Avg: 11654 Violations: 0
  611. Plugin: WorldGuard v6.1.1-SNAPSHOT Event: com.sk89q.worldguard.bukkit.listener.RegionProtectionListener::onSpawnEntity(SpawnEntityEvent) Time: 14873790 Count: 552 Avg: 26945 Violations: 0
  612. Plugin: WorldGuard v6.1.1-SNAPSHOT Event: com.sk89q.worldguard.bukkit.listener.RegionProtectionListener::onVehicleExit(VehicleExitEvent) Time: 312181 Count: 6 Avg: 52030 Violations: 0
  613. Plugin: WorldGuard v6.1.1-SNAPSHOT Event: com.sk89q.worldguard.bukkit.listener.RegionProtectionListener::onDestroyEntity(DestroyEntityEvent) Time: 14922330 Count: 1313 Avg: 11365 Violations: 0
  614. Plugin: WorldGuard v6.1.1-SNAPSHOT Event: com.sk89q.worldguard.bukkit.listener.RegionProtectionListener::onUseBlock(UseBlockEvent) Time: 46618709 Count: 189345 Avg: 246 Violations: 0
  615. Plugin: WorldGuard v6.1.1-SNAPSHOT Event: com.sk89q.worldguard.bukkit.listener.RegionProtectionListener::onUseEntity(UseEntityEvent) Time: 12803004 Count: 775 Avg: 16520 Violations: 0
  616. Plugin: WorldGuard v6.1.1-SNAPSHOT Event: com.sk89q.worldguard.bukkit.listener.RegionProtectionListener::onDamageEntity(DamageEntityEvent) Time: 46013335 Count: 3468 Avg: 13267 Violations: 0
  617. Plugin: WorldGuard v6.1.1-SNAPSHOT Event: com.sk89q.worldguard.bukkit.listener.RegionFlagsListener::onEntityDamage(EntityDamageEvent) Time: 5599750 Count: 3133 Avg: 1787 Violations: 0
  618. Plugin: WorldGuard v6.1.1-SNAPSHOT Event: com.sk89q.worldguard.bukkit.listener.RegionFlagsListener::onBreakBlock(BreakBlockEvent) Time: 3895801 Count: 1937 Avg: 2011 Violations: 0
  619. Plugin: WorldGuard v6.1.1-SNAPSHOT Event: com.sk89q.worldguard.bukkit.listener.RegionFlagsListener::onPlaceBlock(PlaceBlockEvent) Time: 4204382 Count: 2812 Avg: 1495 Violations: 0
  620. Plugin: WorldGuard v6.1.1-SNAPSHOT Event: com.sk89q.worldguard.bukkit.listener.WorldRulesListener::onSpawnEntity(SpawnEntityEvent) Time: 680058 Count: 552 Avg: 1231 Violations: 0
  621. Plugin: WorldGuard v6.1.1-SNAPSHOT Event: com.sk89q.worldguard.bukkit.listener.BlockedPotionsListener::onItemInteract(UseItemEvent) Time: 38441042 Count: 190184 Avg: 202 Violations: 0
  622. Plugin: WorldGuard v6.1.1-SNAPSHOT Event: com.sk89q.worldguard.bukkit.listener.EventAbstractionListener::onPlayerItemConsume(PlayerItemConsumeEvent) Time: 2981486 Count: 211 Avg: 14130 Violations: 0
  623. Plugin: WorldGuard v6.1.1-SNAPSHOT Event: com.sk89q.worldguard.bukkit.listener.EventAbstractionListener::onStructureGrowEvent(StructureGrowEvent) Time: 2140509 Count: 49 Avg: 43683 Violations: 0
  624. Plugin: WorldGuard v6.1.1-SNAPSHOT Event: com.sk89q.worldguard.bukkit.listener.EventAbstractionListener::onPlayerDropItem(PlayerDropItemEvent) Time: 6736641 Count: 269 Avg: 25043 Violations: 0
  625. Plugin: WorldGuard v6.1.1-SNAPSHOT Event: com.sk89q.worldguard.bukkit.listener.EventAbstractionListener::onPlayerPickupItem(PlayerPickupItemEvent) Time: 46212891 Count: 1869 Avg: 24725 Violations: 0
  626. Plugin: WorldGuard v6.1.1-SNAPSHOT Event: com.sk89q.worldguard.bukkit.listener.EventAbstractionListener::onBlockPlace(BlockPlaceEvent) Time: 49170176 Count: 1499 Avg: 32801 Violations: 0
  627. Plugin: WorldGuard v6.1.1-SNAPSHOT Event: com.sk89q.worldguard.bukkit.listener.EventAbstractionListener::onExpBottle(ExpBottleEvent) Time: 2668668 Count: 53 Avg: 50352 Violations: 0
  628. Plugin: WorldGuard v6.1.1-SNAPSHOT Event: com.sk89q.worldguard.bukkit.listener.EventAbstractionListener::onBlockDamage(BlockDamageEvent) Time: 45296353 Count: 184554 Avg: 245 Violations: 0
  629. Plugin: WorldGuard v6.1.1-SNAPSHOT Event: com.sk89q.worldguard.bukkit.listener.EventAbstractionListener::onEntityCombust(EntityCombustEvent) Time: 21746559 Count: 1247 Avg: 17439 Violations: 0
  630. Plugin: WorldGuard v6.1.1-SNAPSHOT Event: com.sk89q.worldguard.bukkit.listener.EventAbstractionListener::onEntityDamage(EntityDamageEvent) Time: 57913690 Count: 2796 Avg: 20713 Violations: 0
  631. Plugin: WorldGuard v6.1.1-SNAPSHOT Event: com.sk89q.worldguard.bukkit.listener.EventAbstractionListener::onPotionSplash(PotionSplashEvent) Time: 225630 Count: 3 Avg: 75210 Violations: 0
  632. Plugin: WorldGuard v6.1.1-SNAPSHOT Event: com.sk89q.worldguard.bukkit.listener.EventAbstractionListener::onEntityChangeBlock(EntityChangeBlockEvent) Time: 910745 Count: 27 Avg: 33731 Violations: 0
  633. Plugin: WorldGuard v6.1.1-SNAPSHOT Event: com.sk89q.worldguard.bukkit.listener.EventAbstractionListener::onCreatureSpawn(CreatureSpawnEvent) Time: 1586729 Count: 2595 Avg: 611 Violations: 0
  634. Plugin: WorldGuard v6.1.1-SNAPSHOT Event: com.sk89q.worldguard.bukkit.listener.EventAbstractionListener::onBlockFromTo(BlockFromToEvent) Time: 3639437 Count: 1760 Avg: 2067 Violations: 0
  635. Plugin: WorldGuard v6.1.1-SNAPSHOT Event: com.sk89q.worldguard.bukkit.listener.EventAbstractionListener::onPlayerInteract(PlayerInteractEvent) Time: 1417745021 Count: 191047 Avg: 7420 Violations: 0
  636. Plugin: WorldGuard v6.1.1-SNAPSHOT Event: com.sk89q.worldguard.bukkit.listener.EventAbstractionListener::onEntityTame(EntityTameEvent) Time: 65519 Count: 1 Avg: 65519 Violations: 0
  637. Plugin: WorldGuard v6.1.1-SNAPSHOT Event: com.sk89q.worldguard.bukkit.listener.EventAbstractionListener::onHangingBreak(HangingBreakEvent) Time: 244584 Count: 4 Avg: 61146 Violations: 0
  638. Plugin: WorldGuard v6.1.1-SNAPSHOT Event: com.sk89q.worldguard.bukkit.listener.EventAbstractionListener::onBlockExp(BlockExpEvent) Time: 1687343 Count: 1579 Avg: 1068 Violations: 0
  639. Plugin: WorldGuard v6.1.1-SNAPSHOT Event: com.sk89q.worldguard.bukkit.listener.EventAbstractionListener::onPlayerInteractEntity(PlayerInteractEntityEvent) Time: 4694787 Count: 384 Avg: 12226 Violations: 0
  640. Plugin: WorldGuard v6.1.1-SNAPSHOT Event: com.sk89q.worldguard.bukkit.listener.EventAbstractionListener::onBlockBreak(BlockBreakEvent) Time: 60585859 Count: 1754 Avg: 34541 Violations: 0
  641. Plugin: WorldGuard v6.1.1-SNAPSHOT Event: com.sk89q.worldguard.bukkit.listener.EventAbstractionListener::onEntityDeath(EntityDeathEvent) Time: 11886821 Count: 232 Avg: 51236 Violations: 0
  642. Plugin: WorldGuard v6.1.1-SNAPSHOT Event: com.sk89q.worldguard.bukkit.listener.EventAbstractionListener::onBlockPistonExtend(BlockPistonExtendEvent) Time: 2924453 Count: 131 Avg: 22324 Violations: 0
  643. Plugin: WorldGuard v6.1.1-SNAPSHOT Event: com.sk89q.worldguard.bukkit.listener.EventAbstractionListener::onInventoryOpen(InventoryOpenEvent) Time: 3281173 Count: 796 Avg: 4122 Violations: 0
  644. Plugin: WorldGuard v6.1.1-SNAPSHOT Event: com.sk89q.worldguard.bukkit.listener.EventAbstractionListener::onPlayerFish(PlayerFishEvent) Time: 267483 Count: 8 Avg: 33435 Violations: 0
  645. Plugin: WorldGuard v6.1.1-SNAPSHOT Event: com.sk89q.worldguard.bukkit.listener.EventAbstractionListener::onBlockIgnite(BlockIgniteEvent) Time: 15722927 Count: 692 Avg: 22720 Violations: 0
  646. Plugin: WorldGuard v6.1.1-SNAPSHOT Event: com.sk89q.worldguard.bukkit.listener.EventAbstractionListener::onBlockPistonRetract(BlockPistonRetractEvent) Time: 2284009 Count: 120 Avg: 19033 Violations: 0
  647. Plugin: WorldGuard v6.1.1-SNAPSHOT Event: com.sk89q.worldguard.bukkit.listener.EventAbstractionListener$SpigotCompatListener::onPlayerInteractAtEntity(PlayerInteractAtEntityEvent) Time: 14734871 Count: 385 Avg: 38272 Violations: 0
  648. Plugin: WorldGuard v6.1.1-SNAPSHOT Event: com.sk89q.worldguard.bukkit.listener.PlayerModesListener::onProcessPlayer(ProcessPlayerEvent) Time: 319368 Count: 98 Avg: 3258 Violations: 0
  649. Plugin: WorldGuard v6.1.1-SNAPSHOT Event: com.sk89q.worldguard.bukkit.listener.BuildPermissionListener::onSpawnEntity(SpawnEntityEvent) Time: 419536 Count: 552 Avg: 760 Violations: 0
  650. Plugin: WorldGuard v6.1.1-SNAPSHOT Event: com.sk89q.worldguard.bukkit.listener.BuildPermissionListener::onPlaceBlock(PlaceBlockEvent) Time: 2105571 Count: 2702 Avg: 779 Violations: 0
  651. Plugin: WorldGuard v6.1.1-SNAPSHOT Event: com.sk89q.worldguard.bukkit.listener.BuildPermissionListener::onDamageEntity(DamageEntityEvent) Time: 2210809 Count: 3237 Avg: 682 Violations: 0
  652. Plugin: WorldGuard v6.1.1-SNAPSHOT Event: com.sk89q.worldguard.bukkit.listener.BuildPermissionListener::onBreakBlock(BreakBlockEvent) Time: 1275436 Count: 1721 Avg: 741 Violations: 0
  653. Plugin: WorldGuard v6.1.1-SNAPSHOT Event: com.sk89q.worldguard.bukkit.listener.BuildPermissionListener::onUseBlock(UseBlockEvent) Time: 23872557 Count: 189146 Avg: 126 Violations: 0
  654. Plugin: WorldGuard v6.1.1-SNAPSHOT Event: com.sk89q.worldguard.bukkit.listener.BuildPermissionListener::onUseEntity(UseEntityEvent) Time: 268488 Count: 228 Avg: 1177 Violations: 0
  655. Plugin: WorldGuard v6.1.1-SNAPSHOT Event: com.sk89q.worldguard.bukkit.listener.BuildPermissionListener::onDestroyEntity(DestroyEntityEvent) Time: 732254 Count: 1309 Avg: 559 Violations: 0
  656. Plugin: WorldGuard v6.1.1-SNAPSHOT Event: com.sk89q.worldguard.bukkit.listener.BuildPermissionListener::onUseItem(UseItemEvent) Time: 28491650 Count: 190184 Avg: 149 Violations: 0
  657. Plugin: WorldGuard v6.1.1-SNAPSHOT Event: com.sk89q.worldguard.bukkit.listener.InvincibilityListener::onFoodLevelChange(FoodLevelChangeEvent) Time: 2533200 Count: 631 Avg: 4014 Violations: 0
  658. Plugin: WorldGuard v6.1.1-SNAPSHOT Event: com.sk89q.worldguard.bukkit.listener.InvincibilityListener::onEntityCombust(EntityCombustEvent) Time: 3988579 Count: 1238 Avg: 3221 Violations: 0
  659. Plugin: WorldGuard v6.1.1-SNAPSHOT Event: com.sk89q.worldguard.bukkit.listener.InvincibilityListener::onEntityDamage(EntityDamageEvent) Time: 8176207 Count: 2574 Avg: 3176 Violations: 0
  660. Plugin: WorldGuard v6.1.1-SNAPSHOT Event: com.sk89q.worldguard.bukkit.listener.WorldGuardWorldListener::onChunkLoad(ChunkLoadEvent) Time: 2334798 Count: 16070 Avg: 145 Violations: 0
  661. ** Command: ah Time: 26532712 Count: 20 Avg: 1326635 Violations: 0
  662. Plugin: AuctionHouse v3.2 Event: Time: 2603026 Count: 1432 Avg: 1817 Violations: 0
  663. Plugin: AuctionHouse v3.2 Event: Time: 440436 Count: 158 Avg: 2787 Violations: 0
  664. Plugin: AuctionHouse v3.2 Event: Time: 13288382 Count: 2746 Avg: 4839 Violations: 0
  665. Plugin: AuctionHouse v3.2 Event: net.cfilatov.auctionhouse.controller.Events::onLeave(PlayerQuitEvent) Time: 304887 Count: 99 Avg: 3079 Violations: 0
  666. Plugin: AuctionHouse v3.2 Event: net.cfilatov.auctionhouse.controller.Events::onJoin(PlayerJoinEvent) Time: 8575580 Count: 98 Avg: 87505 Violations: 0
  667. Task: AuctionHouse v3.2 Runnable: net.cfilatov.auctionhouse.controller.Controller$1(interval:100) Time: 66780 Count: 35 Avg: 1908 Violations: 0
  668. Task: AuctionHouse v3.2 Runnable: net.cfilatov.auctionhouse.controller.Controller$3(interval:3600) Time: 53391 Count: 1 Avg: 53391 Violations: 0
  669. Task: AuctionHouse v3.2 Runnable: net.cfilatov.auctionhouse.controller.Controller$2(interval:2400) Time: 37583 Count: 2 Avg: 18791 Violations: 0
  670. Plugin: ChestCommands v3.1.2 Event: Time: 4558681 Count: 732 Avg: 6227 Violations: 0
  671. Plugin: ChestCommands v3.1.2 Event: Time: 53165144 Count: 202129 Avg: 263 Violations: 0
  672. Plugin: ChestCommands v3.1.2 Event: Time: 2760288 Count: 2746 Avg: 1005 Violations: 0
  673. Plugin: ChestCommands v3.1.2 Event: Time: 186891 Count: 99 Avg: 1887 Violations: 0
  674. Plugin: ChestCommands v3.1.2 Event: Time: 178523 Count: 98 Avg: 1821 Violations: 0
  675. Plugin: ChestCommands v3.1.2 Event: Time: 44820864 Count: 188279 Avg: 238 Violations: 0
  676. Task: ChestCommands v3.1.2 Runnable: Time: 209758539 Count: 1767 Avg: 118708 Violations: 1
  677. ** Command: randomteleport Time: 952808 Count: 17 Avg: 56047 Violations: 0
  678. Plugin: RandomTeleport v3.4.3 Event: com.vk2gpz.randomteleport.RandomTeleportEventListener::onClick(PlayerInteractEvent) Time: 35652450 Count: 188481 Avg: 189 Violations: 0
  679. ** Command: pv Time: 12800089 Count: 20 Avg: 640004 Violations: 0
  680. Plugin: PlayerVaults v3.5.7-b${BUILD_NUMBER} Event: com.drtshock.playervaults.listeners.Listeners::onJoin(PlayerJoinEvent) Time: 251678 Count: 98 Avg: 2568 Violations: 0
  681. Plugin: PlayerVaults v3.5.7-b${BUILD_NUMBER} Event: com.drtshock.playervaults.listeners.Listeners::onClose(InventoryCloseEvent) Time: 9453098 Count: 1432 Avg: 6601 Violations: 0
  682. Plugin: PlayerVaults v3.5.7-b${BUILD_NUMBER} Event: com.drtshock.playervaults.listeners.Listeners::onQuit(PlayerQuitEvent) Time: 281829 Count: 99 Avg: 2846 Violations: 0
  683. Plugin: PlayerVaults v3.5.7-b${BUILD_NUMBER} Event: com.drtshock.playervaults.listeners.Listeners::onTeleport(PlayerTeleportEvent) Time: 6141367 Count: 4075 Avg: 1507 Violations: 0
  684. Plugin: PlayerVaults v3.5.7-b${BUILD_NUMBER} Event: com.drtshock.playervaults.listeners.Listeners::onDeath(PlayerDeathEvent) Time: 143668 Count: 39 Avg: 3683 Violations: 0
  685. Plugin: PlayerVaults v3.5.7-b${BUILD_NUMBER} Event: com.drtshock.playervaults.listeners.Listeners::onClick(InventoryClickEvent) Time: 15347358 Count: 2712 Avg: 5659 Violations: 0
  686. Plugin: PlayerVaults v3.5.7-b${BUILD_NUMBER} Event: com.drtshock.playervaults.listeners.Listeners::onInteractEntity(PlayerInteractEntityEvent) Time: 163163 Count: 111 Avg: 1469 Violations: 0
  687. Plugin: PlayerVaults v3.5.7-b${BUILD_NUMBER} Event: com.drtshock.playervaults.listeners.VaultPreloadListener::onPlayerQuit(PlayerQuitEvent) Time: 233519 Count: 99 Avg: 2358 Violations: 0
  688. Plugin: PlayerVaults v3.5.7-b${BUILD_NUMBER} Event: com.drtshock.playervaults.listeners.VaultPreloadListener::onPlayerJoin(PlayerJoinEvent) Time: 464198 Count: 98 Avg: 4736 Violations: 0
  689. Task: PlayerVaults v3.5.7-b${BUILD_NUMBER} Runnable: com.drtshock.playervaults.PlayerVaults$1(interval:20) Time: 148893 Count: 177 Avg: 841 Violations: 0
  690. Plugin: InfiniteArmor v0.5 Event: ru.twenturecraft.infinitearmor.Main::onPVP(EntityDamageByEntityEvent) Time: 13027310 Count: 2491 Avg: 5229 Violations: 0
  691. Plugin: TwentureBlocker v1.5 Event: ru.twenturecraft.twentureblocker.Blocker::onPlayerIssueCommand(PlayerCommandPreprocessEvent) Time: 1549806 Count: 761 Avg: 2036 Violations: 0
  692. ** Command: back Time: 4386340 Count: 6 Avg: 731056 Violations: 0
  693. ** Command: balance Time: 3771674 Count: 29 Avg: 130057 Violations: 0
  694. ** Command: enderchest Time: 2152480 Count: 11 Avg: 195680 Violations: 0
  695. ** Command: feed Time: 272238 Count: 1 Avg: 272238 Violations: 0
  696. ** Command: fly Time: 10070234 Count: 21 Avg: 479534 Violations: 0
  697. ** Command: gamemode Time: 38538684 Count: 55 Avg: 700703 Violations: 0
  698. ** Command: god Time: 9567122 Count: 35 Avg: 273346 Violations: 0
  699. ** Command: heal Time: 477939 Count: 1 Avg: 477939 Violations: 0
  700. ** Command: home Time: 92272516 Count: 49 Avg: 1883112 Violations: 1
  701. ** Command: invsee Time: 692998 Count: 2 Avg: 346499 Violations: 0
  702. ** Command: kill Time: 240408 Count: 2 Avg: 120204 Violations: 0
  703. ** Command: kit Time: 13396448 Count: 14 Avg: 956889 Violations: 0
  704. ** Command: msg Time: 19217619 Count: 23 Avg: 835548 Violations: 0
  705. ** Command: pay Time: 2835545 Count: 5 Avg: 567109 Violations: 0
  706. ** Command: r Time: 4161738 Count: 8 Avg: 520217 Violations: 0
  707. ** Command: repair Time: 1512102 Count: 6 Avg: 252017 Violations: 0
  708. ** Command: rules Time: 651113 Count: 1 Avg: 651113 Violations: 0
  709. ** Command: sethome Time: 3048163 Count: 7 Avg: 435451 Violations: 0
  710. ** Command: socialspy Time: 257104 Count: 1 Avg: 257104 Violations: 0
  711. ** Command: tp Time: 172105 Count: 1 Avg: 172105 Violations: 0
  712. ** Command: tpa Time: 5238950 Count: 26 Avg: 201498 Violations: 0
  713. ** Command: tpaccept Time: 6163509 Count: 12 Avg: 513625 Violations: 0
  714. ** Command: vanish Time: 27074098 Count: 19 Avg: 1424952 Violations: 0
  715. ** Command: warp Time: 55524316 Count: 97 Avg: 572415 Violations: 0
  716. Plugin: Essentials v2.0.1-b437 Event: com.earth2me.essentials.EssentialsPlayerListener::onPlayerPickupItem(PlayerPickupItemEvent) Time: 2513975 Count: 5292 Avg: 475 Violations: 0
  717. Plugin: Essentials v2.0.1-b437 Event: com.earth2me.essentials.EssentialsPlayerListener::onPlayerRespawn(PlayerRespawnEvent) Time: 892154 Count: 39 Avg: 22875 Violations: 0
  718. Plugin: Essentials v2.0.1-b437 Event: com.earth2me.essentials.EssentialsPlayerListener::onPlayerJoin(PlayerJoinEvent) Time: 436492 Count: 98 Avg: 4454 Violations: 0
  719. Plugin: Essentials v2.0.1-b437 Event: com.earth2me.essentials.EssentialsPlayerListener::onPlayerInteract(PlayerInteractEvent) Time: 250228689 Count: 202129 Avg: 1237 Violations: 0
  720. Plugin: Essentials v2.0.1-b437 Event: com.earth2me.essentials.EssentialsPlayerListener::onPlayerChangedWorldFlyReset(PlayerChangedWorldEvent) Time: 29230260 Count: 24 Avg: 1217927 Violations: 0
  721. Plugin: Essentials v2.0.1-b437 Event: com.earth2me.essentials.EssentialsPlayerListener::onPlayerFishEvent(PlayerFishEvent) Time: 30558 Count: 8 Avg: 3819 Violations: 0
  722. Plugin: Essentials v2.0.1-b437 Event: com.earth2me.essentials.EssentialsPlayerListener::onPlayerLogin(PlayerLoginEvent) Time: 137696 Count: 99 Avg: 1390 Violations: 0
  723. Plugin: Essentials v2.0.1-b437 Event: com.earth2me.essentials.EssentialsPlayerListener::onPlayerChangedWorld(PlayerChangedWorldEvent) Time: 625107 Count: 24 Avg: 26046 Violations: 0
  724. Plugin: Essentials v2.0.1-b437 Event: com.earth2me.essentials.EssentialsPlayerListener::onInventoryCloseEvent(InventoryCloseEvent) Time: 2150837 Count: 1432 Avg: 1501 Violations: 0
  725. Plugin: Essentials v2.0.1-b437 Event: com.earth2me.essentials.EssentialsPlayerListener::onInventoryClickEvent(InventoryClickEvent) Time: 4940314 Count: 2713 Avg: 1820 Violations: 0
  726. Plugin: Essentials v2.0.1-b437 Event: com.earth2me.essentials.EssentialsPlayerListener::onPlayerTeleport(PlayerTeleportEvent) Time: 143011884 Count: 4075 Avg: 35094 Violations: 0
  727. Plugin: Essentials v2.0.1-b437 Event: com.earth2me.essentials.EssentialsPlayerListener::onPlayerCommandPreprocess(PlayerCommandPreprocessEvent) Time: 101639187 Count: 707 Avg: 143761 Violations: 0
  728. Plugin: Essentials v2.0.1-b437 Event: com.earth2me.essentials.EssentialsPlayerListener::onPlayerQuit(PlayerQuitEvent) Time: 20642621 Count: 99 Avg: 208511 Violations: 0
  729. Plugin: Essentials v2.0.1-b437 Event: com.earth2me.essentials.EssentialsBlockListener::onBlockPlace(BlockPlaceEvent) Time: 6999316 Count: 1499 Avg: 4669 Violations: 0
  730. Plugin: Essentials v2.0.1-b437 Event: com.earth2me.essentials.signs.SignBlockListener::onSignBlockPistonRetract(BlockPistonRetractEvent) Time: 268261 Count: 120 Avg: 2235 Violations: 0
  731. Plugin: Essentials v2.0.1-b437 Event: com.earth2me.essentials.signs.SignBlockListener::onSignBlockBreak(BlockBreakEvent) Time: 5098009 Count: 1532 Avg: 3327 Violations: 0
  732. Plugin: Essentials v2.0.1-b437 Event: com.earth2me.essentials.signs.SignBlockListener::onSignBlockPistonExtend(BlockPistonExtendEvent) Time: 429892 Count: 131 Avg: 3281 Violations: 0
  733. Plugin: Essentials v2.0.1-b437 Event: com.earth2me.essentials.signs.SignBlockListener::onSignBlockPlace(BlockPlaceEvent) Time: 3168230 Count: 1499 Avg: 2113 Violations: 0
  734. Plugin: Essentials v2.0.1-b437 Event: com.earth2me.essentials.signs.SignBlockListener::onSignBlockIgnite(BlockIgniteEvent) Time: 7467823 Count: 692 Avg: 10791 Violations: 0
  735. Plugin: Essentials v2.0.1-b437 Event: com.earth2me.essentials.signs.SignPlayerListener::onSignPlayerInteract(PlayerInteractEvent) Time: 91944360 Count: 202129 Avg: 454 Violations: 0
  736. Plugin: Essentials v2.0.1-b437 Event: com.earth2me.essentials.signs.SignEntityListener::onSignEntityChangeBlock(EntityChangeBlockEvent) Time: 132471 Count: 27 Avg: 4906 Violations: 0
  737. Plugin: Essentials v2.0.1-b437 Event: com.earth2me.essentials.EssentialsEntityListener::onEntityShootBow(EntityShootBowEvent) Time: 228187 Count: 41 Avg: 5565 Violations: 0
  738. Plugin: Essentials v2.0.1-b437 Event: com.earth2me.essentials.EssentialsEntityListener::onFoodLevelChange(FoodLevelChangeEvent) Time: 2592213 Count: 637 Avg: 4069 Violations: 0
  739. Plugin: Essentials v2.0.1-b437 Event: com.earth2me.essentials.EssentialsEntityListener::onEntityRegainHealth(EntityRegainHealthEvent) Time: 2405733 Count: 894 Avg: 2690 Violations: 0
  740. Plugin: Essentials v2.0.1-b437 Event: com.earth2me.essentials.EssentialsEntityListener::onPlayerDeathEvent(PlayerDeathEvent) Time: 6342700 Count: 39 Avg: 162633 Violations: 0
  741. Plugin: Essentials v2.0.1-b437 Event: com.earth2me.essentials.EssentialsEntityListener::onPotionSplashEvent(PotionSplashEvent) Time: 37287 Count: 3 Avg: 12429 Violations: 0
  742. Plugin: Essentials v2.0.1-b437 Event: com.earth2me.essentials.EssentialsEntityListener::onEntityCombust(EntityCombustEvent) Time: 65417367 Count: 1350 Avg: 48457 Violations: 1
  743. Plugin: Essentials v2.0.1-b437 Event: com.earth2me.essentials.EssentialsEntityListener::onEntityDamage(EntityDamageEvent) Time: 4721872 Count: 2999 Avg: 1574 Violations: 0
  744. Plugin: Essentials v2.0.1-b437 Event: com.earth2me.essentials.EssentialsEntityListener::onEntityDamage(EntityDamageByEntityEvent) Time: 13367305 Count: 2491 Avg: 5366 Violations: 0
  745. Plugin: Essentials v2.0.1-b437 Event: com.earth2me.essentials.EssentialsEntityListener::onPlayerDeathExpEvent(PlayerDeathEvent) Time: 577393 Count: 39 Avg: 14804 Violations: 0
  746. Task: Essentials v2.0.1-b437 Runnable: com.earth2me.essentials.EssentialsTimer(interval:50) Time: 34401560 Count: 71 Avg: 484529 Violations: 0
  747. Plugin: LimitedWorldEdit v1.0.7 Event: com.james137137.LimitedWorldEdit.LimitedWorldEditListener::onPlayerCommand(PlayerCommandPreprocessEvent) Time: 11114912 Count: 761 Avg: 14605 Violations: 0
  748. Plugin: LimitedWorldEdit v1.0.7 Event: com.james137137.LimitedWorldEdit.LimitedWorldEditListener::onPlayerJoin(PlayerJoinEvent) Time: 1282883 Count: 98 Avg: 13090 Violations: 0
  749. ** Command: abilities Time: 735324 Count: 3 Avg: 245108 Violations: 0
  750. Plugin: WGFlyStop v1.0 Event: Time: 152822 Count: 98 Avg: 1559 Violations: 0
  751. Plugin: WGFlyStop v1.0 Event: Time: 417873338 Count: 262510 Avg: 1591 Violations: 0
  752. Plugin: ItemFixer v2.6.6 Event: ru.xtime.nbtfix.NBTListener::onInvClick(InventoryClickEvent) Time: 38266910 Count: 2746 Avg: 13935 Violations: 0
  753. Plugin: ItemFixer v2.6.6 Event: ru.xtime.nbtfix.NBTListener::onDrop(PlayerDropItemEvent) Time: 2640109 Count: 275 Avg: 9600 Violations: 0
  754. Plugin: ItemFixer v2.6.6 Event: ru.xtime.nbtfix.NBTListener::onPickup(PlayerPickupItemEvent) Time: 44025731 Count: 5292 Avg: 8319 Violations: 0
  755. Plugin: ItemFixer v2.6.6 Event: ru.xtime.nbtfix.NBTListener::onInteract(PlayerInteractEvent) Time: 1683086307 Count: 202129 Avg: 8326 Violations: 0
  756. Plugin: ColoredTags v2.1.1 Event: Time: 10711653 Count: 98 Avg: 109302 Violations: 0
  757. Plugin: ColoredTags v2.1.1 Event: Time: 29086263 Count: 98 Avg: 296798 Violations: 0
  758. Plugin: ColoredTags v2.1.1 Event: Time: 17027515 Count: 99 Avg: 171995 Violations: 0
  759. Plugin: ColoredTags v2.1.1 Event: Time: 103186 Count: 39 Avg: 2645 Violations: 0
  760. Plugin: JLib v4.13.0 Event: com.j0ach1mmall3.jlib.minigameapi.listeners.BlockListener::onBlockBreak(BlockBreakEvent) Time: 1553019 Count: 1785 Avg: 870 Violations: 0
  761. Plugin: JLib v4.13.0 Event: com.j0ach1mmall3.jlib.minigameapi.listeners.BlockListener::onBlockPlace(BlockPlaceEvent) Time: 1491092 Count: 1499 Avg: 994 Violations: 0
  762. Plugin: JLib v4.13.0 Event: com.j0ach1mmall3.jlib.minigameapi.listeners.PlayerListener::onDrop(PlayerDropItemEvent) Time: 588710 Count: 275 Avg: 2140 Violations: 0
  763. Plugin: JLib v4.13.0 Event: com.j0ach1mmall3.jlib.minigameapi.listeners.PlayerListener::onQuit(PlayerQuitEvent) Time: 188420 Count: 99 Avg: 1903 Violations: 0
  764. Plugin: JLib v4.13.0 Event: com.j0ach1mmall3.jlib.minigameapi.listeners.PlayerListener::onPickup(PlayerPickupItemEvent) Time: 2030973 Count: 5292 Avg: 383 Violations: 0
  765. Plugin: JLib v4.13.0 Event: com.j0ach1mmall3.jlib.minigameapi.listeners.PlayerListener::onJoin(PlayerJoinEvent) Time: 191206 Count: 98 Avg: 1951 Violations: 0
  766. Plugin: JLib v4.13.0 Event: com.j0ach1mmall3.jlib.minigameapi.listeners.PlayerListener::onKick(PlayerKickEvent) Time: 187150 Count: 57 Avg: 3283 Violations: 0
  767. Plugin: JLib v4.13.0 Event: com.j0ach1mmall3.jlib.minigameapi.listeners.PlayerListener::onFoodLevelChange(FoodLevelChangeEvent) Time: 807613 Count: 637 Avg: 1267 Violations: 0
  768. Plugin: JLib v4.13.0 Event: com.j0ach1mmall3.jlib.minigameapi.listeners.PlayerListener::onPlayerCommandPreprocess(PlayerCommandPreprocessEvent) Time: 729100 Count: 761 Avg: 958 Violations: 0
  769. Plugin: JLib v4.13.0 Event: com.j0ach1mmall3.jlib.minigameapi.listeners.PlayerListener::onInteract(PlayerInteractEvent) Time: 45365270 Count: 202129 Avg: 224 Violations: 0
  770. Plugin: JLib v4.13.0 Event: com.j0ach1mmall3.jlib.minigameapi.listeners.EntityListener::onEntityDamageByEntity(EntityDamageByEntityEvent) Time: 3641597 Count: 2491 Avg: 1461 Violations: 0
  771. Plugin: JLib v4.13.0 Event: com.j0ach1mmall3.jlib.minigameapi.listeners.EntityListener::onHangingBreakEvent(HangingBreakEvent) Time: 76799 Count: 4 Avg: 19199 Violations: 0
  772. Plugin: JLib v4.13.0 Event: com.j0ach1mmall3.jlib.minigameapi.listeners.InventoryListener::onInventoryClick(InventoryClickEvent) Time: 2004815 Count: 2746 Avg: 730 Violations: 0
  773. Plugin: JLib v4.13.0 Event: com.j0ach1mmall3.jlib.PlayerListener::onPlayerQuit(PlayerQuitEvent) Time: 28192041 Count: 99 Avg: 284768 Violations: 0
  774. Plugin: JLib v4.13.0 Event: com.j0ach1mmall3.jlib.PlayerListener::onPlayerKick(PlayerKickEvent) Time: 18845746 Count: 57 Avg: 330627 Violations: 0
  775. Plugin: JLib v4.13.0 Event: com.j0ach1mmall3.jlib.PlayerListener::onMove(PlayerMoveEvent) Time: 177805377 Count: 262510 Avg: 677 Violations: 0
  776. Plugin: JLib v4.13.0 Event: com.j0ach1mmall3.jlib.PlayerListener::onPlayerJoin(PlayerJoinEvent) Time: 101277 Count: 98 Avg: 1033 Violations: 0
  777. Plugin: JLib v4.13.0 Event: com.j0ach1mmall3.jlib.gui.GuiListener::onInventoryClose(InventoryCloseEvent) Time: 1458746 Count: 1432 Avg: 1018 Violations: 0
  778. Plugin: JLib v4.13.0 Event: com.j0ach1mmall3.jlib.gui.GuiListener::onInventoryClick(InventoryClickEvent) Time: 2738434 Count: 2746 Avg: 997 Violations: 0
  779. Plugin: JLib v4.13.0 Event: com.j0ach1mmall3.jlib.gui.GuiListener::onPlayerQuit(PlayerQuitEvent) Time: 221463 Count: 99 Avg: 2237 Violations: 0
  780. Plugin: JLib v4.13.0 Event: com.j0ach1mmall3.jlib.gui.GuiListener::onPlayerKick(PlayerKickEvent) Time: 123491 Count: 57 Avg: 2166 Violations: 0
  781. Plugin: CombatTagPlus v1.3.0-SNAPSHOT Event: net.minelink.ctplus.listener.ForceFieldListener::updateViewedBlocks(PlayerMoveEvent) Time: 159169338 Count: 262509 Avg: 606 Violations: 0
  782. Plugin: CombatTagPlus v1.3.0-SNAPSHOT Event: net.minelink.ctplus.listener.InstakillListener::onCombatLog(CombatLogEvent) Time: 89230103 Count: 8 Avg: 11153762 Violations: 1
  783. Plugin: CombatTagPlus v1.3.0-SNAPSHOT Event: net.minelink.ctplus.listener.NpcListener::syncOffline(PlayerDeathEvent) Time: 132771 Count: 39 Avg: 3404 Violations: 0
  784. Plugin: CombatTagPlus v1.3.0-SNAPSHOT Event: net.minelink.ctplus.listener.NpcListener::despawnNpc(PlayerDeathEvent) Time: 91681 Count: 39 Avg: 2350 Violations: 0
  785. Plugin: CombatTagPlus v1.3.0-SNAPSHOT Event: net.minelink.ctplus.listener.NpcListener::despawnNpc(PlayerJoinEvent) Time: 177894 Count: 98 Avg: 1815 Violations: 0
  786. Plugin: CombatTagPlus v1.3.0-SNAPSHOT Event: net.minelink.ctplus.listener.NpcListener::onNPCDamage(EntityDamageByEntityEvent) Time: 2120234 Count: 2024 Avg: 1047 Violations: 0
  787. Plugin: CombatTagPlus v1.3.0-SNAPSHOT Event: net.minelink.ctplus.listener.NpcListener::updateDespawnTime(EntityDamageByEntityEvent) Time: 3131776 Count: 1582 Avg: 1979 Violations: 0
  788. Plugin: CombatTagPlus v1.3.0-SNAPSHOT Event: net.minelink.ctplus.listener.NpcListener::onCombatLog(CombatLogEvent) Time: 52778 Count: 8 Avg: 6597 Violations: 0
  789. Plugin: CombatTagPlus v1.3.0-SNAPSHOT Event: net.minelink.ctplus.listener.PlayerListener::onLogout(PlayerQuitEvent) Time: 89974117 Count: 99 Avg: 908829 Violations: 1
  790. Plugin: CombatTagPlus v1.3.0-SNAPSHOT Event: net.minelink.ctplus.listener.PlayerListener::disableCommand(PlayerCommandPreprocessEvent) Time: 6486867 Count: 753 Avg: 8614 Violations: 0
  791. Plugin: CombatTagPlus v1.3.0-SNAPSHOT Event: net.minelink.ctplus.listener.PlayerListener::updateTag(PlayerJoinEvent) Time: 242326 Count: 98 Avg: 2472 Violations: 0
  792. Plugin: CombatTagPlus v1.3.0-SNAPSHOT Event: net.minelink.ctplus.listener.PlayerListener::disableBlockEdit(BlockPlaceEvent) Time: 3281840 Count: 1394 Avg: 2354 Violations: 0
  793. Plugin: CombatTagPlus v1.3.0-SNAPSHOT Event: net.minelink.ctplus.listener.PlayerListener::disableBlockEdit(BlockBreakEvent) Time: 3479366 Count: 1539 Avg: 2260 Violations: 0
  794. Plugin: CombatTagPlus v1.3.0-SNAPSHOT Event: net.minelink.ctplus.listener.PlayerListener::removePlayer(PlayerQuitEvent) Time: 1078342 Count: 99 Avg: 10892 Violations: 0
  795. Plugin: CombatTagPlus v1.3.0-SNAPSHOT Event: net.minelink.ctplus.listener.PlayerListener::addPlayer(PlayerJoinEvent) Time: 1019041 Count: 98 Avg: 10398 Violations: 0
  796. Plugin: CombatTagPlus v1.3.0-SNAPSHOT Event: net.minelink.ctplus.listener.PlayerListener::disableFlying(PlayerToggleFlightEvent) Time: 1575601 Count: 404 Avg: 3900 Violations: 0
  797. Plugin: CombatTagPlus v1.3.0-SNAPSHOT Event: net.minelink.ctplus.listener.PlayerListener::disableFlying(PlayerCombatTagEvent) Time: 2123244 Count: 1081 Avg: 1964 Violations: 0
  798. Plugin: CombatTagPlus v1.3.0-SNAPSHOT Event: net.minelink.ctplus.listener.PlayerListener::disableEnderpearls(PlayerInteractEvent) Time: 166361221 Count: 202129 Avg: 823 Violations: 0
  799. Plugin: CombatTagPlus v1.3.0-SNAPSHOT Event: net.minelink.ctplus.listener.PlayerListener::disableCrafting(CraftItemEvent) Time: 107162 Count: 36 Avg: 2976 Violations: 0
  800. Plugin: CombatTagPlus v1.3.0-SNAPSHOT Event: net.minelink.ctplus.listener.PlayerListener::broadcastKill(PlayerDeathEvent) Time: 171353 Count: 39 Avg: 4393 Violations: 0
  801. Plugin: CombatTagPlus v1.3.0-SNAPSHOT Event: net.minelink.ctplus.listener.PlayerListener::disableTeleportation(PlayerTeleportEvent) Time: 11494014 Count: 4075 Avg: 2820 Violations: 0
  802. Plugin: CombatTagPlus v1.3.0-SNAPSHOT Event: net.minelink.ctplus.listener.PlayerListener::denySafeZoneEntry(PlayerTeleportEvent) Time: 3234296 Count: 4075 Avg: 793 Violations: 0
  803. Plugin: CombatTagPlus v1.3.0-SNAPSHOT Event: net.minelink.ctplus.listener.TagListener::cancelLogout(PlayerCombatTagEvent) Time: 610248 Count: 933 Avg: 654 Violations: 0
  804. Plugin: CombatTagPlus v1.3.0-SNAPSHOT Event: net.minelink.ctplus.listener.TagListener::disableInSafeRegion(PlayerCombatTagEvent) Time: 7600511 Count: 1081 Avg: 7031 Violations: 0
  805. Plugin: CombatTagPlus v1.3.0-SNAPSHOT Event: net.minelink.ctplus.listener.TagListener::sendTagMessage(PlayerCombatTagEvent) Time: 4821306 Count: 933 Avg: 5167 Violations: 0
  806. Plugin: CombatTagPlus v1.3.0-SNAPSHOT Event: net.minelink.ctplus.listener.TagListener::untagPlayer(PlayerDeathEvent) Time: 228358 Count: 39 Avg: 5855 Violations: 0
  807. Plugin: CombatTagPlus v1.3.0-SNAPSHOT Event: net.minelink.ctplus.listener.TagListener::untagPlayer(PlayerKickEvent) Time: 295837 Count: 57 Avg: 5190 Violations: 0
  808. Plugin: CombatTagPlus v1.3.0-SNAPSHOT Event: net.minelink.ctplus.listener.TagListener::updateTag(PlayerCombatTagEvent) Time: 1686810 Count: 933 Avg: 1807 Violations: 0
  809. Plugin: CombatTagPlus v1.3.0-SNAPSHOT Event: net.minelink.ctplus.listener.TagListener::tagPlayer(ProjectileLaunchEvent) Time: 410386 Count: 114 Avg: 3599 Violations: 0
  810. Plugin: CombatTagPlus v1.3.0-SNAPSHOT Event: net.minelink.ctplus.listener.TagListener::tagPlayer(PotionSplashEvent) Time: 16994 Count: 3 Avg: 5664 Violations: 0
  811. Plugin: CombatTagPlus v1.3.0-SNAPSHOT Event: net.minelink.ctplus.listener.TagListener::tagPlayer(EntityDamageByEntityEvent) Time: 28961891 Count: 1582 Avg: 18307 Violations: 0
  812. Plugin: CombatTagPlus v1.3.0-SNAPSHOT Event: net.minelink.ctplus.listener.TagListener::disableInWorld(PlayerCombatTagEvent) Time: 1891294 Count: 1081 Avg: 1749 Violations: 0
  813. Plugin: CombatTagPlus v1.3.0-SNAPSHOT Event: net.minelink.ctplus.listener.PlayerHeadsListener::setOwner(PlayerDropHeadEvent) Time: 55199 Count: 33 Avg: 1672 Violations: 0
  814. Task: CombatTagPlus v1.3.0-SNAPSHOT Runnable: net.minelink.ctplus.task.ForceFieldTask(interval:1) Time: 8846250 Count: 3533 Avg: 2503 Violations: 0
  815. Task: CombatTagPlus v1.3.0-SNAPSHOT Runnable: net.minelink.ctplus.CombatTagPlus$1(interval:3600) Time: 63710 Count: 1 Avg: 63710 Violations: 0
  816. Plugin: DontTouch v1.4 Event: ru.twenturecraft.donttouch.Main::onInventoryClick(InventoryClickEvent) Time: 3763955 Count: 2746 Avg: 1370 Violations: 0
  817. Plugin: DontTouch v1.4 Event: ru.twenturecraft.donttouch.Main::onChest(PlayerInteractEvent) Time: 39527735 Count: 202129 Avg: 195 Violations: 0
  818. Task: TwentureKoth v0.9.0 Runnable: ru.twenturecraft.twenturekoth.ContestManager$1(interval:400) Time: 14244 Count: 8 Avg: 1780 Violations: 0
  819. Plugin: LeaderHeads v2.7.1 Event: me.robin.leaderheads.f.d::onEntitySpawn(CreatureSpawnEvent) Time: 1202948 Count: 2597 Avg: 463 Violations: 0
  820. Plugin: PVPLimiter v1.7 Event: ru.twenturecraft.pvplimiter.PVPLimiter::onInteract(PlayerInteractEvent) Time: 334175291 Count: 188481 Avg: 1772 Violations: 0
  821. Plugin: PVPLimiter v1.7 Event: ru.twenturecraft.pvplimiter.PVPLimiter::onBlockBreak(BlockBreakEvent) Time: 9485277 Count: 1539 Avg: 6163 Violations: 0
  822. Plugin: PVPLimiter v1.7 Event: ru.twenturecraft.pvplimiter.PVPLimiter::onBlockPlace(BlockPlaceEvent) Time: 5139552 Count: 1394 Avg: 3686 Violations: 0
  823. Plugin: PVPLimiter v1.7 Event: ru.twenturecraft.pvplimiter.PVPLimiter::onDamage(EntityDamageByEntityEvent) Time: 32472973 Count: 2024 Avg: 16043 Violations: 0
  824. ** Command: spawn Time: 7039382 Count: 13 Avg: 541490 Violations: 0
  825. Plugin: LeaderHeads v2.7.1 Event: me.robin.leaderheads.l.a::onPreCommand(PlayerCommandPreprocessEvent) Time: 6309766 Count: 761 Avg: 8291 Violations: 0
  826. Plugin: LeaderHeads v2.7.1 Event: me.robin.leaderheads.l.a::onBreak(BlockBreakEvent) Time: 1937603 Count: 1539 Avg: 1259 Violations: 0
  827. Plugin: LeaderHeads v2.7.1 Event: me.robin.leaderheads.l.a::onClick(InventoryClickEvent) Time: 37727024 Count: 2746 Avg: 13738 Violations: 0
  828. Plugin: LeaderHeads v2.7.1 Event: me.robin.leaderheads.l.a::onQuit(PlayerQuitEvent) Time: 381241 Count: 99 Avg: 3850 Violations: 0
  829. Plugin: LeaderHeads v2.7.1 Event: me.robin.leaderheads.l.a::onPlayerInteract(PlayerInteractEvent) Time: 37766219 Count: 202129 Avg: 186 Violations: 0
  830. Plugin: LeaderHeads v2.7.1 Event: me.robin.leaderheads.l.a::signDetachCheck(BlockPhysicsEvent) Time: 19198891 Count: 159470 Avg: 120 Violations: 0
  831. Plugin: LeaderHeads v2.7.1 Event: me.robin.leaderheads.l.a::onJoin(PlayerJoinEvent) Time: 5531674 Count: 98 Avg: 56445 Violations: 0
  832. ** Command: 1vs1 Time: 7424707 Count: 15 Avg: 494980 Violations: 0
  833. ** Command: duel Time: 4946598 Count: 10 Avg: 494659 Violations: 0
  834. Task: TwentureFight v2.1.7 Runnable: ru.twenturecraft.twenturefight.fight.FightTimer(interval:20) Time: 3094623 Count: 177 Avg: 17483 Violations: 0
  835. Plugin: TwentureFight v2.1.7 Event: Time: 4682580 Count: 1432 Avg: 3269 Violations: 0
  836. Plugin: TwentureFight v2.1.7 Event: Time: 1755109 Count: 796 Avg: 2204 Violations: 0
  837. Plugin: TwentureFight v2.1.7 Event: Time: 26399193 Count: 2746 Avg: 9613 Violations: 0
  838. Plugin: TwentureFight v2.1.7 Event: ru.twenturecraft.twenturefight.EventListener::onItemSpawn(ItemSpawnEvent) Time: 13191578 Count: 2426 Avg: 5437 Violations: 0
  839. Plugin: TwentureFight v2.1.7 Event: ru.twenturecraft.twenturefight.EventListener::onPlayerMove(PlayerMoveEvent) Time: 257928432 Count: 262510 Avg: 982 Violations: 0
  840. Plugin: TwentureFight v2.1.7 Event: ru.twenturecraft.twenturefight.EventListener::onQuit(PlayerQuitEvent) Time: 30571934 Count: 99 Avg: 308807 Violations: 0
  841. Plugin: TwentureFight v2.1.7 Event: ru.twenturecraft.twenturefight.EventListener::onKick(PlayerKickEvent) Time: 80657269 Count: 57 Avg: 1415039 Violations: 0
  842. Plugin: TwentureFight v2.1.7 Event: ru.twenturecraft.twenturefight.EventListener::onPlayerShoot(EntityShootBowEvent) Time: 107073 Count: 41 Avg: 2611 Violations: 0
  843. Plugin: TwentureFight v2.1.7 Event: ru.twenturecraft.twenturefight.EventListener::onPlayerDamage(EntityDamageEvent) Time: 3918733 Count: 3189 Avg: 1228 Violations: 0
  844. Plugin: TwentureFight v2.1.7 Event: ru.twenturecraft.twenturefight.EventListener::onPlayerLeftClick(PlayerInteractEvent) Time: 61254294 Count: 202129 Avg: 303 Violations: 0
  845. Plugin: TwentureFight v2.1.7 Event: ru.twenturecraft.twenturefight.EventListener::onItemPickup(PlayerPickupItemEvent) Time: 4733048 Count: 5292 Avg: 894 Violations: 0
  846. Plugin: TwentureFight v2.1.7 Event: ru.twenturecraft.twenturefight.EventListener::onHealthRegen(EntityRegainHealthEvent) Time: 965099 Count: 894 Avg: 1079 Violations: 0
  847. Plugin: TwentureFight v2.1.7 Event: ru.twenturecraft.twenturefight.EventListener::onCommand(PlayerCommandPreprocessEvent) Time: 1200316 Count: 761 Avg: 1577 Violations: 0
  848. Plugin: TwentureFight v2.1.7 Event: ru.twenturecraft.twenturefight.EventListener::onDeath(PlayerDeathEvent) Time: 133024 Count: 39 Avg: 3410 Violations: 0
  849. Plugin: TwentureFight v2.1.7 Event: ru.twenturecraft.twenturefight.EventListener::onPlayerBowUse(PlayerInteractEvent) Time: 176844531 Count: 202129 Avg: 874 Violations: 0
  850. Plugin: TwentureFight v2.1.7 Event: ru.twenturecraft.twenturefight.EventListener::onPlayerDamageByEntity(EntityDamageByEntityEvent) Time: 50741970 Count: 2491 Avg: 20370 Violations: 0
  851. Plugin: TwentureFight v2.1.7 Event: ru.twenturecraft.twenturefight.EventListener::onTeleport(PlayerTeleportEvent) Time: 6550127 Count: 4075 Avg: 1607 Violations: 0
  852. Task: TwentureFight v2.1.7 Runnable: ru.twenturecraft.twenturefight.TwentureFight$1(interval:200) Time: 368420 Count: 17 Avg: 21671 Violations: 0
  853. Plugin: TitleManager v1.5.13 Event: Time: 287338 Count: 57 Avg: 5041 Violations: 0
  854. Plugin: TitleManager v1.5.13 Event: Time: 448885 Count: 98 Avg: 4580 Violations: 0
  855. Plugin: TitleManager v1.5.13 Event: Time: 266772 Count: 99 Avg: 2694 Violations: 0
  856. Plugin: TitleManager v1.5.13 Event: Time: 2414379 Count: 2425 Avg: 995 Violations: 0
  857. Task: TitleManager v1.5.13 Runnable:$1(interval:200) Time: 65271 Count: 17 Avg: 3839 Violations: 0
  858. ** Command: register Time: 174961 Count: 5 Avg: 34992 Violations: 0
  859. ** Command: login Time: 1925148 Count: 63 Avg: 30557 Violations: 0
  860. Plugin: AuthMe v5.1-SNAPSHOT Event: fr.xephi.authme.listener.AuthMePlayerListener::onPlayerInteract(PlayerInteractEvent) Time: 68393933 Count: 188277 Avg: 363 Violations: 0
  861. Plugin: AuthMe v5.1-SNAPSHOT Event: fr.xephi.authme.listener.AuthMePlayerListener::playerHitPlayerEvent(EntityDamageByEntityEvent) Time: 3018954 Count: 2491 Avg: 1211 Violations: 0
  862. Plugin: AuthMe v5.1-SNAPSHOT Event: fr.xephi.authme.listener.AuthMePlayerListener::onPlayerInteractEntity(PlayerInteractEntityEvent) Time: 528128 Count: 384 Avg: 1375 Violations: 0
  863. Plugin: AuthMe v5.1-SNAPSHOT Event: fr.xephi.authme.listener.AuthMePlayerListener::onPlayerQuit(PlayerQuitEvent) Time: 327017 Count: 99 Avg: 3303 Violations: 0
  864. Plugin: AuthMe v5.1-SNAPSHOT Event: fr.xephi.authme.listener.AuthMePlayerListener::onPlayerKick(PlayerKickEvent) Time: 215258 Count: 57 Avg: 3776 Violations: 0
  865. Plugin: AuthMe v5.1-SNAPSHOT Event: fr.xephi.authme.listener.AuthMePlayerListener::onPlayerCommandPreprocess(PlayerCommandPreprocessEvent) Time: 1784599 Count: 758 Avg: 2354 Violations: 0
  866. Plugin: AuthMe v5.1-SNAPSHOT Event: fr.xephi.authme.listener.AuthMePlayerListener::onPlayerMove(PlayerMoveEvent) Time: 207719171 Count: 262509 Avg: 791 Violations: 0
  867. Plugin: AuthMe v5.1-SNAPSHOT Event: fr.xephi.authme.listener.AuthMePlayerListener::onPlayerLogin(PlayerLoginEvent) Time: 2788555 Count: 99 Avg: 28167 Violations: 0
  868. Plugin: AuthMe v5.1-SNAPSHOT Event: fr.xephi.authme.listener.AuthMePlayerListener::onPlayerFish(PlayerFishEvent) Time: 15882 Count: 8 Avg: 1985 Violations: 0
  869. Plugin: AuthMe v5.1-SNAPSHOT Event: fr.xephi.authme.listener.AuthMePlayerListener::onPlayerDropItem(PlayerDropItemEvent) Time: 344487 Count: 269 Avg: 1280 Violations: 0
  870. Plugin: AuthMe v5.1-SNAPSHOT Event: fr.xephi.authme.listener.AuthMePlayerListener::onPlayerJoin(PlayerJoinEvent) Time: 239906 Count: 98 Avg: 2448 Violations: 0
  871. Plugin: AuthMe v5.1-SNAPSHOT Event: fr.xephi.authme.listener.AuthMePlayerListener::onPlayerInventoryClick(InventoryClickEvent) Time: 3007540 Count: 2713 Avg: 1108 Violations: 0
  872. Plugin: AuthMe v5.1-SNAPSHOT Event: fr.xephi.authme.listener.AuthMePlayerListener::onPlayerRespawn(PlayerRespawnEvent) Time: 321596 Count: 39 Avg: 8246 Violations: 0
  873. Plugin: AuthMe v5.1-SNAPSHOT Event: fr.xephi.authme.listener.AuthMePlayerListener::onPlayerInventoryOpen(InventoryOpenEvent) Time: 801192 Count: 796 Avg: 1006 Violations: 0
  874. Plugin: AuthMe v5.1-SNAPSHOT Event: fr.xephi.authme.listener.AuthMePlayerListener::onPlayerPickupItem(PlayerPickupItemEvent) Time: 1832557 Count: 1869 Avg: 980 Violations: 0
  875. Plugin: AuthMe v5.1-SNAPSHOT Event: fr.xephi.authme.listener.AuthMePlayerListener::onPlayerConsumeItem(PlayerItemConsumeEvent) Time: 406712 Count: 211 Avg: 1927 Violations: 0
  876. Plugin: AuthMe v5.1-SNAPSHOT Event: fr.xephi.authme.listener.AuthMePlayerListener::onPlayerGameModeChange(PlayerGameModeChangeEvent) Time: 2000482 Count: 91 Avg: 21983 Violations: 0
  877. Plugin: AuthMe v5.1-SNAPSHOT Event: fr.xephi.authme.listener.AuthMePlayerListener18::onPlayerInteractAtEntity(PlayerInteractAtEntityEvent) Time: 892875 Count: 385 Avg: 2319 Violations: 0
  878. Plugin: AuthMe v5.1-SNAPSHOT Event: fr.xephi.authme.listener.AuthMeBlockListener::onBlockPlace(BlockPlaceEvent) Time: 1605599 Count: 1394 Avg: 1151 Violations: 0
  879. Plugin: AuthMe v5.1-SNAPSHOT Event: fr.xephi.authme.listener.AuthMeBlockListener::onBlockBreak(BlockBreakEvent) Time: 1733741 Count: 1539 Avg: 1126 Violations: 0
  880. Plugin: AuthMe v5.1-SNAPSHOT Event: fr.xephi.authme.listener.AuthMeEntityListener::onEntityDamage(EntityDamageEvent) Time: 4601137 Count: 3186 Avg: 1444 Violations: 0
  881. Plugin: AuthMe v5.1-SNAPSHOT Event: fr.xephi.authme.listener.AuthMeEntityListener::onDmg(EntityDamageByEntityEvent) Time: 2731231 Count: 2488 Avg: 1097 Violations: 0
  882. Plugin: AuthMe v5.1-SNAPSHOT Event: fr.xephi.authme.listener.AuthMeEntityListener::onProjectileLaunch(ProjectileLaunchEvent) Time: 2630916 Count: 114 Avg: 23078 Violations: 0
  883. Plugin: AuthMe v5.1-SNAPSHOT Event: fr.xephi.authme.listener.AuthMeEntityListener::onEntityTarget(EntityTargetEvent) Time: 1152386 Count: 318 Avg: 3623 Violations: 0
  884. Plugin: AuthMe v5.1-SNAPSHOT Event: fr.xephi.authme.listener.AuthMeEntityListener::onFoodLevelChange(FoodLevelChangeEvent) Time: 1271225 Count: 637 Avg: 1995 Violations: 0
  885. Plugin: AuthMe v5.1-SNAPSHOT Event: fr.xephi.authme.listener.AuthMeEntityListener::entityRegainHealthEvent(EntityRegainHealthEvent) Time: 1363579 Count: 894 Avg: 1525 Violations: 0
  886. Plugin: AuthMe v5.1-SNAPSHOT Event: fr.xephi.authme.listener.AuthMeEntityListener::onShoot(EntityShootBowEvent) Time: 94875 Count: 41 Avg: 2314 Violations: 0
  887. Task: TwenturePrivilege v1.1 Runnable: ru.twenturecraft.twentureprivilege.TwenturePrivilege$$Lambda$46/1854811357(interval:600) Time: 106953 Count: 6 Avg: 17825 Violations: 0
  888. Task: TwenturePrivilege v1.1 Runnable: ru.twenturecraft.twentureprivilege.PlayerKicker(interval:20) Time: 231557 Count: 177 Avg: 1308 Violations: 0
  889. Task: TwenturePrivilege v1.1 Runnable: ru.twenturecraft.twentureprivilege.TwenturePrivilege$$Lambda$47/210719032(interval:4000) Time: 15452 Count: 1 Avg: 15452 Violations: 0
  890. Plugin: TwenturePrivilege v1.1 Event: ru.twenturecraft.twentureprivilege.TwenturePrivilege::onPlayerJoin(PlayerJoinEvent) Time: 603749 Count: 98 Avg: 6160 Violations: 0
  891. Plugin: TwenturePrivilege v1.1 Event: ru.twenturecraft.twentureprivilege.TwenturePrivilege::onLogin(PlayerLoginEvent) Time: 19005010 Count: 99 Avg: 191969 Violations: 0
  892. Plugin: TWCCases v2.0 Event: ru.twenturecraft.cases.EventListener::breakCase(BlockBreakEvent) Time: 1918238 Count: 1785 Avg: 1074 Violations: 0
  893. Plugin: TWCCases v2.0 Event: ru.twenturecraft.cases.EventListener::onInteract(PlayerInteractEvent) Time: 58292581 Count: 202129 Avg: 288 Violations: 0
  894. Plugin: TWCCases v2.0 Event: Time: 744876 Count: 1432 Avg: 520 Violations: 0
  895. Plugin: TWCCases v2.0 Event: Time: 312488 Count: 796 Avg: 392 Violations: 0
  896. Plugin: TWCCases v2.0 Event: Time: 1525554 Count: 2746 Avg: 555 Violations: 0
  897. Task: TWCCases v2.0 Runnable: ru.twenturecraft.cases.TWCCases$2(interval:10) Time: 2198978 Count: 354 Avg: 6211 Violations: 0
  898. ** Command: guard Time: 191640 Count: 3 Avg: 63880 Violations: 0
  899. Plugin: AuthMeSQ v1.9 Event: ru.twenturecraft.authmesq.main.Main::onPlayerJoin(PlayerJoinEvent) Time: 876460 Count: 98 Avg: 8943 Violations: 0
  900. Plugin: AuthMeSQ v1.9 Event: ru.twenturecraft.authmesq.main.Main::onPlayerDie(PlayerDeathEvent) Time: 122860 Count: 39 Avg: 3150 Violations: 0
  901. Plugin: AuthMeSQ v1.9 Event: ru.twenturecraft.authmesq.main.Main::onPlayerDamaged(EntityDamageByEntityEvent) Time: 2189874 Count: 2491 Avg: 879 Violations: 0
  902. Plugin: AuthMeSQ v1.9 Event: ru.twenturecraft.authmesq.main.Main::denyCommands(PlayerCommandPreprocessEvent) Time: 1529404 Count: 761 Avg: 2009 Violations: 0
  903. Plugin: AuthMeSQ v1.9 Event: ru.twenturecraft.authmesq.main.Main::onPlayerDamage(EntityDamageByEntityEvent) Time: 2554998 Count: 2491 Avg: 1025 Violations: 0
  904. Plugin: AuthMeSQ v1.9 Event: ru.twenturecraft.authmesq.main.Main::onPlayerInteractEntity(PlayerInteractEntityEvent) Time: 493433 Count: 384 Avg: 1284 Violations: 0
  905. Plugin: AuthMeSQ v1.9 Event: ru.twenturecraft.authmesq.main.Main::onPlayerInteract(PlayerInteractEvent) Time: 50418763 Count: 202129 Avg: 249 Violations: 0
  906. Plugin: AuthMeSQ v1.9 Event: ru.twenturecraft.authmesq.main.Main::onPlayerDamagedByBlock(EntityDamageByBlockEvent) Time: 44401 Count: 16 Avg: 2775 Violations: 0
  907. Plugin: AuthMeSQ v1.9 Event: ru.twenturecraft.authmesq.main.Main::onPlayerMove(PlayerMoveEvent) Time: 83167953 Count: 262509 Avg: 316 Violations: 0
  908. Plugin: AuthMeSQ v1.9 Event: ru.twenturecraft.authmesq.main.Main::onPlayerInteractAtEntity(PlayerInteractAtEntityEvent) Time: 597430 Count: 385 Avg: 1551 Violations: 0
  909. Plugin: AuthMeSQ v1.9 Event: ru.twenturecraft.authmesq.main.Main::onPlayerQuit(PlayerQuitEvent) Time: 224048 Count: 99 Avg: 2263 Violations: 0
  910. Plugin: AuthMeSQ v1.9 Event: ru.twenturecraft.authmesq.main.Main::onPlayerKick(PlayerKickEvent) Time: 124448 Count: 57 Avg: 2183 Violations: 0
  911. Task: AuthMeSQ v1.9 Runnable: ru.twenturecraft.authmesq.main.Main$$Lambda$51/2050015086(interval:20) Time: 7738210 Count: 177 Avg: 43718 Violations: 0
  912. Task: AuthMeSQ v1.9 Runnable: ru.twenturecraft.authmesq.main.Main$$Lambda$52/354402998(interval:1200) Time: 5536512 Count: 3 Avg: 1845504 Violations: 0
  913. Plugin: AdvancedAbilities v3.1.1 Event: be.multicodeproxy.advancedabilities.d.a.a.a::c(PlayerChangedWorldEvent) Time: 1404193 Count: 24 Avg: 58508 Violations: 0
  914. Plugin: AdvancedAbilities v3.1.1 Event: be.multicodeproxy.advancedabilities.d.a.a.a::b(PlayerJoinEvent) Time: 5006417 Count: 98 Avg: 51085 Violations: 0
  915. Plugin: AdvancedAbilities v3.1.1 Event: be.multicodeproxy.advancedabilities.d.a.a.a::d(PlayerQuitEvent) Time: 278224 Count: 99 Avg: 2810 Violations: 0
  916. Plugin: AdvancedAbilities v3.1.1 Event: be.multicodeproxy.advancedabilities.b.$g::b(PlayerLoginEvent) Time: 286159 Count: 99 Avg: 2890 Violations: 0
  917. Plugin: AdvancedAbilities v3.1.1 Event: be.multicodeproxy.advancedabilities.b.$g::b(PlayerLoginEvent) Time: 21646 Count: 99 Avg: 218 Violations: 0
  918. Plugin: AdvancedAbilities v3.1.1 Event: be.multicodeproxy.advancedabilities.b.$h::z(PlayerQuitEvent) Time: 154206 Count: 99 Avg: 1557 Violations: 0
  919. Plugin: AdvancedAbilities v3.1.1 Event: be.multicodeproxy.advancedabilities.d.a.a.$o::d(InventoryClickEvent) Time: 2254009 Count: 2746 Avg: 820 Violations: 0
  920. Plugin: AdvancedAbilities v3.1.1 Event: be.multicodeproxy.advancedabilities.d.a.a.$o::c(InventoryClickEvent) Time: 32385907 Count: 2746 Avg: 11793 Violations: 0
  921. Plugin: AdvancedAbilities v3.1.1 Event: be.multicodeproxy.advancedabilities.e.o::p(PlayerJoinEvent) Time: 104075 Count: 98 Avg: 1061 Violations: 0
  922. Plugin: AdvancedAbilities v3.1.1 Event: be.multicodeproxy.advancedabilities.e.o::p(PlayerPickupItemEvent) Time: 2798441 Count: 5292 Avg: 528 Violations: 0
  923. Plugin: AdvancedAbilities v3.1.1 Event: be.multicodeproxy.advancedabilities.e.a.a::za(ProjectileHitEvent) Time: 2054099 Count: 113 Avg: 18177 Violations: 0
  924. Plugin: AdvancedAbilities v3.1.1 Event: be.multicodeproxy.advancedabilities.e.a.a::b(EntityShootBowEvent) Time: 2028876 Count: 41 Avg: 49484 Violations: 0
  925. Plugin: AdvancedAbilities v3.1.1 Event: be.multicodeproxy.advancedabilities.e.a.a::z(PlayerPickupItemEvent) Time: 129787306 Count: 5292 Avg: 24525 Violations: 0
  926. Plugin: AdvancedAbilities v3.1.1 Event: be.multicodeproxy.advancedabilities.e.a.b::x(EntityDamageByEntityEvent) Time: 2188281 Count: 2491 Avg: 878 Violations: 0
  927. Plugin: AdvancedAbilities v3.1.1 Event: be.multicodeproxy.advancedabilities.e.a.c::a(EntityDamageEvent) Time: 6354128 Count: 3189 Avg: 1992 Violations: 0
  928. Plugin: AdvancedAbilities v3.1.1 Event: be.multicodeproxy.advancedabilities.e.a.d::a(EntityDamageByEntityEvent) Time: 64221684 Count: 2491 Avg: 25781 Violations: 0
  929. Task: React v3.1p Runnable: org.cyberpwn.react.sampler.SampleEntities$1(interval:1) Time: 346126043 Count: 3602 Avg: 96092 Violations: 0
  930. Plugin: AdvancedAbilities v3.1.1 Event: be.multicodeproxy.advancedabilities.e.a.e::z(EntityDamageByEntityEvent) Time: 1889104 Count: 2491 Avg: 758 Violations: 0
  931. Task: React v3.1p Runnable: org.cyberpwn.react.sampler.SampleDrops$1(interval:1) Time: 330268276 Count: 921 Avg: 358597 Violations: 0
  932. Plugin: AdvancedAbilities v3.1.1 Event: be.multicodeproxy.advancedabilities.e.a.i::z(EntityDamageEvent) Time: 37571611 Count: 3189 Avg: 11781 Violations: 0
  933. Plugin: AdvancedAbilities v3.1.1 Event: be.multicodeproxy.advancedabilities.e.a.k::z(EntityDamageByEntityEvent) Time: 15888876 Count: 2491 Avg: 6378 Violations: 0
  934. Plugin: AdvancedAbilities v3.1.1 Event: be.multicodeproxy.advancedabilities.e.a.l::a(PlayerDeathEvent) Time: 70378597 Count: 39 Avg: 1804579 Violations: 1
  935. Plugin: PlaceholderAPI v2.5.1 Event: me.clip.placeholderapi.updatechecker.UpdateChecker::onJoin(PlayerJoinEvent) Time: 249669 Count: 98 Avg: 2547 Violations: 0
  936. ** tickEntity - EntityPlayer Time: 7324548275 Count: 510684 Avg: 14342 Violations: 1
  937. Task: Multiverse-Core v2.5.0-SNAPSHOT-b725 Runnable: com.onarandombox.MultiverseCore.listeners.MVPlayerListener$2(Single) Time: 15494469 Count: 116 Avg: 133573 Violations: 0
  938. Task: React v3.1p Runnable: org.cyberpwn.react.controller.MonitorController$1(Single) Time: 1062911 Count: 98 Avg: 10846 Violations: 0
  939. Task: CombatTagPlus v1.3.0-SNAPSHOT Runnable: net.minelink.ctplus.task.TagUpdateTask$1(Single) Time: 6006297 Count: 1966 Avg: 3055 Violations: 0
  940. Task: TitleManager v1.5.13 Runnable:$2(Single) Time: 7800398 Count: 99 Avg: 78791 Violations: 0
  941. Task: HealthBar v1.8.2 Runnable:$4(Single) Time: 7924944 Count: 98 Avg: 80866 Violations: 0
  942. Task: AuthMe v5.1-SNAPSHOT Runnable: fr.xephi.authme.listener.AuthMePlayerListener$3(Single) Time: 339928 Count: 98 Avg: 3468 Violations: 0
  943. Task: HealthBar v1.8.2 Runnable:$5(Single) Time: 8131517 Count: 4056 Avg: 2004 Violations: 0
  944. Task: Shopkeepers v1.77 Runnable: com.nisovin.shopkeepers.WorldListener$1(Single) Time: 11212340 Count: 16081 Avg: 697 Violations: 0
  945. Task: Essentials v2.0.1-b437 Runnable: com.earth2me.essentials.EssentialsPlayerListener$1DelayJoinTask(Single) Time: 233697158 Count: 98 Avg: 2384664 Violations: 1
  946. Task: AutoSaveWorld v4.14.2 Runnable: autosaveworld.threads.restart.CrashRestartThread$1(interval:20) Time: 157284 Count: 177 Avg: 888 Violations: 0
  947. Task: AuthMe v5.1-SNAPSHOT Runnable: fr.xephi.authme.process.join.AsyncronousJoin$7(Single) Time: 80692956 Count: 99 Avg: 815080 Violations: 0
  948. ** tickEntity - EntitySheep Time: 100815193 Count: 9694 Avg: 10399 Violations: 0
  949. ** tickEntity - EntityPig Time: 51349473 Count: 5503 Avg: 9331 Violations: 0
  950. ** tickEntity - EntityCreeper Time: 101565673 Count: 10054 Avg: 10102 Violations: 0
  951. Task: React v3.1p Runnable: org.cyberpwn.react.controller.MonitorController$4(Single) Time: 753127 Count: 28 Avg: 26897 Violations: 0
  952. ** tickEntity - EntityMinecartChest Time: 226853202 Count: 33800 Avg: 6711 Violations: 0
  953. ** tickEntity - EntityEnderman Time: 18684816 Count: 605 Avg: 30883 Violations: 0
  954. Task: ClanSystem v1.0 Runnable: ru.Den_Abr.NexusClans.PlayerListener$1(Single) Time: 44219 Count: 2 Avg: 22109 Violations: 0
  955. Task: CustomJoinItems v1.5.1 Runnable:$1(Single) Time: 1256827 Count: 39 Avg: 32226 Violations: 0
  956. Task: HealthBar v1.8.2 Runnable:$8(Single) Time: 7437122 Count: 39 Avg: 190695 Violations: 0
  957. ** tickEntity - EntitySlime Time: 1463671 Count: 25 Avg: 58546 Violations: 0
  958. ** tickEntity - EntityNMSArmorStand Time: 47362506 Count: 423764 Avg: 111 Violations: 0
  959. ** tickEntity - EntityNMSItem Time: 4036750 Count: 7013 Avg: 575 Violations: 0
  960. Task: AuthMe v5.1-SNAPSHOT Runnable: fr.xephi.authme.process.login.ProcessSyncronousPlayerLogin(Single) Time: 78923882 Count: 51 Avg: 1547527 Violations: 0
  961. ** tickEntity - EntityPainting Time: 18693985 Count: 197843 Avg: 94 Violations: 0
  962. Plugin: Spartan vBuild 105 Event: aw::Ξ(EntityDamageByEntityEvent) Time: 2583772 Count: 2491 Avg: 1037 Violations: 0
  963. Plugin: Spartan vBuild 105 Event: aw::Ξ(PlayerRespawnEvent) Time: 271138 Count: 39 Avg: 6952 Violations: 0
  964. Plugin: Spartan vBuild 105 Event: aw::Ξ(PlayerQuitEvent) Time: 233575 Count: 99 Avg: 2359 Violations: 0
  965. Plugin: Spartan vBuild 105 Event: aw::Ξ(PlayerMoveEvent) Time: 685408867 Count: 262510 Avg: 2610 Violations: 0
  966. Task: HealthBar v1.8.2 Runnable:$2(Single) Time: 257137312 Count: 2533 Avg: 101514 Violations: 0
  967. ** tickEntity - EntityWitch Time: 6800190 Count: 770 Avg: 8831 Violations: 0
  968. Task: Reflex v9.4 Runnable: rip.reflex.check.combat.killaura.heuristics.killauracombined.KACombinedQuickRotate$2(Single) Time: 180945261 Count: 247545 Avg: 730 Violations: 0
  969. Task: Trading v3.2 Runnable:$2(Single) Time: 1705429 Count: 2175 Avg: 784 Violations: 0
  970. Task: AuthMe v5.1-SNAPSHOT Runnable: fr.xephi.authme.process.login.AsyncronousLogin$1(Single) Time: 265895966 Count: 36 Avg: 7385999 Violations: 0
  971. Task: AuthMe v5.1-SNAPSHOT Runnable: fr.xephi.authme.process.quit.ProcessSyncronousPlayerQuit(Single) Time: 27671540 Count: 156 Avg: 177381 Violations: 0
  972. Task: React v3.1p Runnable: org.cyberpwn.react.util.ExecutiveIterator$1(interval:1) Time: 33884435 Count: 41 Avg: 826449 Violations: 0
  973. Task: LeaderHeads v2.7.1 Runnable: me.robin.leaderheads.m.b(Single) Time: 6524207 Count: 18 Avg: 362455 Violations: 0
  974. Task: LeaderHeads v2.7.1 Runnable: me.robin.leaderheads.m.c(Single) Time: 4618552 Count: 648 Avg: 7127 Violations: 0
  975. Task: LeaderHeads v2.7.1 Runnable: me.robin.leaderheads.b.h(Single) Time: 7099504 Count: 648 Avg: 10956 Violations: 0
  976. Task: LeaderHeads v2.7.1 Runnable: me.robin.leaderheads.b.b(Single) Time: 311466 Count: 18 Avg: 17303 Violations: 0
  977. Task: CombatTagPlus v1.3.0-SNAPSHOT Runnable: net.minelink.ctplus.task.TagUpdateTask(interval:5) Time: 302603898 Count: 10908 Avg: 27741 Violations: 0
  978. Task: Essentials v2.0.1-b437 Runnable: com.earth2me.essentials.TimedTeleport$1DelayedTeleportTask(Single) Time: 79449620 Count: 354 Avg: 224433 Violations: 0
  979. Task: WorldEdit v6.1.2;b3fbe8b Runnable: com.sk89q.worldedit.bukkit.WorldEditListener$1(Single) Time: 1136750 Count: 1405 Avg: 809 Violations: 0
  980. ** tickEntity - EntityCaveSpider Time: 54465332 Count: 3645 Avg: 14942 Violations: 0
  981. Task: Reflex v9.4 Runnable: rip.reflex.util.check.ViolationUtils$1(Single) Time: 70460714 Count: 96 Avg: 733965 Violations: 0
  982. Task: React v3.1p Runnable: org.cyberpwn.react.controller.UpdateController$1$1(interval:600) Time: 1150757 Count: 6 Avg: 191792 Violations: 0
  983. Task: ChestCommands v3.1.2 Runnable: Time: 9074854 Count: 30 Avg: 302495 Violations: 0
  984. Task: Reflex v9.4 Runnable: rip.reflex.check.combat.killaura.heuristics.killauracombined.KACombined$1(Single) Time: 255708547 Count: 24 Avg: 10654522 Violations: 1
  985. Task: Essentials v2.0.1-b437 Runnable: com.earth2me.essentials.EssentialsPlayerListener$4(Single) Time: 1990689 Count: 61 Avg: 32634 Violations: 0
  986. ** tickEntity - EntityEnderPearl Time: 6918040 Count: 196 Avg: 35296 Violations: 0
  987. ** tickTileEntity - TileEntityPiston Time: 22363828 Count: 1508 Avg: 14830 Violations: 0
  988. ** tickEntity - EntityPotion Time: 666882 Count: 10 Avg: 66688 Violations: 0
  989. Task: AuthMe v5.1-SNAPSHOT Runnable: fr.xephi.authme.task.TimeoutTask$1(Single) Time: 8472094 Count: 1 Avg: 8472094 Violations: 0
  990. ** tickEntity - EntityWolf Time: 9590676 Count: 569 Avg: 16855 Violations: 0
  991. Task: Multiverse-Core v2.5.0-SNAPSHOT-b725 Runnable: com.onarandombox.MultiverseCore.listeners.MVPlayerListener$1(Single) Time: 1423878 Count: 6 Avg: 237313 Violations: 0
  992. Task: Essentials v2.0.1-b437 Runnable: com.earth2me.essentials.spawn.EssentialsSpawnPlayerListener$NewPlayerTeleport(Single) Time: 1731087 Count: 6 Avg: 288514 Violations: 0
  993. Task: Essentials v2.0.1-b437 Runnable: com.earth2me.essentials.spawn.EssentialsSpawnPlayerListener$3(Single) Time: 3740423 Count: 6 Avg: 623403 Violations: 0
  994. Task: AuthMe v5.1-SNAPSHOT Runnable: fr.xephi.authme.process.join.AsyncronousJoin$8(Single) Time: 1087089 Count: 6 Avg: 181181 Violations: 0
  995. Task: HealthBar v1.8.2 Runnable:$6(Single) Time: 3376930 Count: 24 Avg: 140705 Violations: 0
  996. Task: CustomJoinItems v1.5.1 Runnable:$3(Single) Time: 63785 Count: 24 Avg: 2657 Violations: 0
  997. Task: React v3.1p Runnable: org.cyberpwn.react.action.ActionCullDrops$1(interval:1) Time: 42497851 Count: 3237 Avg: 13128 Violations: 0
  998. Task: AuthMe v5.1-SNAPSHOT Runnable: fr.xephi.authme.process.register.ProcessSyncronousPasswordRegister(Single) Time: 3778518 Count: 3 Avg: 1259506 Violations: 0
  999. Task: TwentureFight v2.1.7 Runnable: ru.twenturecraft.twenturefight.fight.Fight$1(Single) Time: 84249973 Count: 9 Avg: 9361108 Violations: 0
  1000. Task: ChestCommands v3.1.2 Runnable:$1(Single) Time: 1369587 Count: 8 Avg: 171198 Violations: 0
  1001. Task: Reflex v9.4 Runnable: rip.reflex.check.combat.killaura.npc.frontentity.FrontEntity$6(Single) Time: 7746329 Count: 7 Avg: 1106618 Violations: 0
  1002. Task: AdvancedAbilities v3.1.1 Runnable: be.multicodeproxy.advancedabilities.b.$g$2(Single) Time: 3874 Count: 2 Avg: 1937 Violations: 0
  1003. ** tickEntity - EntityEndermite Time: 11732393 Count: 218 Avg: 53818 Violations: 0
  1004. ** tickEntity - EntityFishingHook Time: 610902 Count: 21 Avg: 29090 Violations: 0
  1005. ** tickEntity - EntityFallingBlock Time: 2678132 Count: 87 Avg: 30783 Violations: 0
  1006. Task: TwentureFight v2.1.7 Runnable: ru.twenturecraft.twenturefight.utils.RegionUtils$1(Single) Time: 481622 Count: 6 Avg: 80270 Violations: 0
  1007. ** tickEntity - EntityFireworks Time: 3694391 Count: 11649 Avg: 317 Violations: 0
  1008. Task: AuctionHouse v3.2 Runnable: net.cfilatov.auctionhouse.util.AuctionUtil$1(interval:6000) Time: 3880 Count: 1 Avg: 3880 Violations: 0
  1009. Task: AuctionHouse v3.2 Runnable:$1(Single) Time: 167205 Count: 30 Avg: 5573 Violations: 0
  1010. Task: RandomTeleport v3.4.3 Runnable: com.vk2gpz.randomteleport.c$b(interval:5) Time: 43585389 Count: 12 Avg: 3632115 Violations: 0
  1011. Task: RandomTeleport v3.4.3 Runnable: com.vk2gpz.randomteleport.c$b$a(Single) Time: 12328083 Count: 9 Avg: 1369787 Violations: 0
  1012. ** tickEntity - EntityMinecartRideable Time: 1783389 Count: 580 Avg: 3074 Violations: 0
  1013. ** tickEntity - EntityThrownExpBottle Time: 10202581 Count: 161 Avg: 63370 Violations: 0
  1014. Task: AuctionHouse v3.2 Runnable:$1(Single) Time: 148660 Count: 13 Avg: 11435 Violations: 0
  1015. Plugin: React v3.1p Event: org.cyberpwn.react.util.Gui::onInventoryClose(InventoryCloseEvent) Time: 1572162 Count: 1432 Avg: 1097 Violations: 0
  1016. Plugin: React v3.1p Event: org.cyberpwn.react.util.Gui::onGuiClick(InventoryClickEvent) Time: 3010485 Count: 2649 Avg: 1136 Violations: 0
  1017. Plugin: React v3.1p Event: org.cyberpwn.react.util.Gui::onPlayerDrop(PlayerDropItemEvent) Time: 393001 Count: 275 Avg: 1429 Violations: 0
  1018. Plugin: React v3.1p Event: org.cyberpwn.react.util.Gui::onInventoryDrag(InventoryDragEvent) Time: 289307 Count: 158 Avg: 1831 Violations: 0
  1019. Plugin: React v3.1p Event: org.cyberpwn.react.util.Gui::onPlayerPickup(PlayerPickupItemEvent) Time: 2636692 Count: 5292 Avg: 498 Violations: 0
  1020. Plugin: React v3.1p Event: org.cyberpwn.react.util.Gui::onInventoryClose(InventoryCloseEvent) Time: 208733 Count: 1432 Avg: 145 Violations: 0
  1021. Plugin: React v3.1p Event: org.cyberpwn.react.util.Gui::onGuiClick(InventoryClickEvent) Time: 354614 Count: 2649 Avg: 133 Violations: 0
  1022. Plugin: React v3.1p Event: org.cyberpwn.react.util.Gui::onPlayerDrop(PlayerDropItemEvent) Time: 33719 Count: 275 Avg: 122 Violations: 0
  1023. Plugin: React v3.1p Event: org.cyberpwn.react.util.Gui::onInventoryDrag(InventoryDragEvent) Time: 22078 Count: 158 Avg: 139 Violations: 0
  1024. Plugin: React v3.1p Event: org.cyberpwn.react.util.Gui::onPlayerPickup(PlayerPickupItemEvent) Time: 360627 Count: 5292 Avg: 68 Violations: 0
  1025. Plugin: React v3.1p Event: org.cyberpwn.react.util.Gui::onInventoryClose(InventoryCloseEvent) Time: 253914 Count: 1432 Avg: 177 Violations: 0
  1026. Plugin: React v3.1p Event: org.cyberpwn.react.util.Gui::onGuiClick(InventoryClickEvent) Time: 359425 Count: 2649 Avg: 135 Violations: 0
  1027. Plugin: React v3.1p Event: org.cyberpwn.react.util.Gui::onPlayerDrop(PlayerDropItemEvent) Time: 33009 Count: 275 Avg: 120 Violations: 0
  1028. Plugin: React v3.1p Event: org.cyberpwn.react.util.Gui::onInventoryDrag(InventoryDragEvent) Time: 19170 Count: 158 Avg: 121 Violations: 0
  1029. Plugin: React v3.1p Event: org.cyberpwn.react.util.Gui::onPlayerPickup(PlayerPickupItemEvent) Time: 577497 Count: 5292 Avg: 109 Violations: 0
  1030. Plugin: React v3.1p Event: org.cyberpwn.react.util.Gui::onInventoryClose(InventoryCloseEvent) Time: 269494 Count: 1432 Avg: 188 Violations: 0
  1031. Plugin: React v3.1p Event: org.cyberpwn.react.util.Gui::onGuiClick(InventoryClickEvent) Time: 402970 Count: 2649 Avg: 152 Violations: 0
  1032. Plugin: React v3.1p Event: org.cyberpwn.react.util.Gui::onPlayerDrop(PlayerDropItemEvent) Time: 42574 Count: 275 Avg: 154 Violations: 0
  1033. Plugin: React v3.1p Event: org.cyberpwn.react.util.Gui::onInventoryDrag(InventoryDragEvent) Time: 18613 Count: 158 Avg: 117 Violations: 0
  1034. Plugin: React v3.1p Event: org.cyberpwn.react.util.Gui::onPlayerPickup(PlayerPickupItemEvent) Time: 463584 Count: 5292 Avg: 87 Violations: 0
  1035. Plugin: React v3.1p Event: org.cyberpwn.react.util.Gui::onInventoryClose(InventoryCloseEvent) Time: 216155 Count: 1432 Avg: 150 Violations: 0
  1036. Plugin: React v3.1p Event: org.cyberpwn.react.util.Gui::onGuiClick(InventoryClickEvent) Time: 284033 Count: 2649 Avg: 107 Violations: 0
  1037. Plugin: React v3.1p Event: org.cyberpwn.react.util.Gui::onPlayerDrop(PlayerDropItemEvent) Time: 27592 Count: 275 Avg: 100 Violations: 0
  1038. Plugin: React v3.1p Event: org.cyberpwn.react.util.Gui::onInventoryDrag(InventoryDragEvent) Time: 17023 Count: 158 Avg: 107 Violations: 0
  1039. Plugin: React v3.1p Event: org.cyberpwn.react.util.Gui::onPlayerPickup(PlayerPickupItemEvent) Time: 364478 Count: 5292 Avg: 68 Violations: 0
  1040. Plugin: React v3.1p Event: org.cyberpwn.react.util.Gui::onInventoryClose(InventoryCloseEvent) Time: 238994 Count: 1432 Avg: 166 Violations: 0
  1041. Plugin: React v3.1p Event: org.cyberpwn.react.util.Gui::onGuiClick(InventoryClickEvent) Time: 475645 Count: 2649 Avg: 179 Violations: 0
  1042. Plugin: React v3.1p Event: org.cyberpwn.react.util.Gui::onPlayerDrop(PlayerDropItemEvent) Time: 58122 Count: 275 Avg: 211 Violations: 0
  1043. Plugin: React v3.1p Event: org.cyberpwn.react.util.Gui::onInventoryDrag(InventoryDragEvent) Time: 16310 Count: 158 Avg: 103 Violations: 0
  1044. Plugin: React v3.1p Event: org.cyberpwn.react.util.Gui::onPlayerPickup(PlayerPickupItemEvent) Time: 505372 Count: 5292 Avg: 95 Violations: 0
  1045. Plugin: React v3.1p Event: org.cyberpwn.react.util.Gui::onInventoryClose(InventoryCloseEvent) Time: 265193 Count: 1432 Avg: 185 Violations: 0
  1046. Plugin: React v3.1p Event: org.cyberpwn.react.util.Gui::onGuiClick(InventoryClickEvent) Time: 285875 Count: 2649 Avg: 107 Violations: 0
  1047. Plugin: React v3.1p Event: org.cyberpwn.react.util.Gui::onPlayerDrop(PlayerDropItemEvent) Time: 54676 Count: 275 Avg: 198 Violations: 0
  1048. Plugin: React v3.1p Event: org.cyberpwn.react.util.Gui::onInventoryDrag(InventoryDragEvent) Time: 36783 Count: 158 Avg: 232 Violations: 0
  1049. Plugin: React v3.1p Event: org.cyberpwn.react.util.Gui::onPlayerPickup(PlayerPickupItemEvent) Time: 573598 Count: 5292 Avg: 108 Violations: 0
  1050. Plugin: React v3.1p Event: org.cyberpwn.react.util.Gui::onInventoryClose(InventoryCloseEvent) Time: 278054 Count: 1432 Avg: 194 Violations: 0
  1051. Plugin: React v3.1p Event: org.cyberpwn.react.util.Gui::onGuiClick(InventoryClickEvent) Time: 491676 Count: 2649 Avg: 185 Violations: 0
  1052. Plugin: React v3.1p Event: org.cyberpwn.react.util.Gui::onPlayerDrop(PlayerDropItemEvent) Time: 45041 Count: 275 Avg: 163 Violations: 0
  1053. Plugin: React v3.1p Event: org.cyberpwn.react.util.Gui::onInventoryDrag(InventoryDragEvent) Time: 32089 Count: 158 Avg: 203 Violations: 0
  1054. Plugin: React v3.1p Event: org.cyberpwn.react.util.Gui::onPlayerPickup(PlayerPickupItemEvent) Time: 635815 Count: 5292 Avg: 120 Violations: 0
  1055. # Version git-Spigot-db6de12-18fbb24 (MC: 1.8.8)
  1056. # Entities 1613
  1057. # LivingEntities 917
  1058. Sample time 212016646813 (212.016646813s)
  1059. <spigotConfig>
  1060. # This is the main configuration file for Spigot.
  1061. # As you can see, there's tons to configure. Some options may impact gameplay, so use
  1062. # with caution, and make sure you know what each option does before configuring.
  1063. # For a reference for any variable inside this file, check out the Spigot wiki at
  1064. #
  1065. #
  1066. # If you need help with the configuration or have any questions related to Spigot,
  1067. # join us at the IRC or drop by our forums and leave a post.
  1068. #
  1069. # IRC: #spigot @ ( )
  1070. # Forums:
  1072. config-version: 8
  1073. settings:
  1074. save-user-cache-on-stop-only: true
  1075. bungeecord: true
  1076. late-bind: true
  1077. sample-count: 12
  1078. player-shuffle: 0
  1079. filter-creative-items: true
  1080. user-cache-size: 99999999
  1081. int-cache-limit: 1024
  1082. moved-wrongly-threshold: 0.0625
  1083. moved-too-quickly-threshold: 100.0
  1084. timeout-time: 60
  1085. restart-on-crash: true
  1086. restart-script: /
  1087. netty-threads: 4
  1088. attribute:
  1089. maxHealth:
  1090. max: 2048.0
  1091. movementSpeed:
  1092. max: 2048.0
  1093. attackDamage:
  1094. max: 2048.0
  1095. debug: false
  1096. commands:
  1097. tab-complete: 1
  1098. spam-exclusions:
  1099. - /skill
  1100. silent-commandblock-console: false
  1101. replace-commands:
  1102. - setblock
  1103. - summon
  1104. - testforblock
  1105. - tellraw
  1106. log: true
  1107. messages:
  1108. whitelist: §eТех. Работы.
  1109. unknown-command: §7[§5TWC§7] §cНеизвестная комманда, возможно вы ошиблись.
  1110. server-full: §aСервер переполнен, вы моежет купить привилегию §6VIP §aи выше \n §eЧто бы заходить на полный сервер!
  1111. outdated-client: §aМы используем версию §e1.8+
  1112. outdated-server: §aМы используем версию §e1.8+
  1113. restart: §cРестарт сервера... §6(Перезайдите)
  1114. stats:
  1115. disable-saving: false
  1116. forced-stats: {}
  1117. world-settings:
  1118. default:
  1119. verbose: false
  1120. mob-spawn-range: 3
  1121. growth:
  1122. cactus-modifier: 100
  1123. cane-modifier: 100
  1124. melon-modifier: 100
  1125. mushroom-modifier: 100
  1126. pumpkin-modifier: 100
  1127. sapling-modifier: 100
  1128. wheat-modifier: 100
  1129. netherwart-modifier: 100
  1130. entity-activation-range:
  1131. animals: 2
  1132. monsters: 3
  1133. misc: 1
  1134. entity-tracking-range:
  1135. players: 36
  1136. animals: 18
  1137. monsters: 25
  1138. misc: 16
  1139. other: 20
  1140. ticks-per:
  1141. hopper-transfer: 24
  1142. hopper-check: 24
  1143. hopper-amount: 3
  1144. anti-xray:
  1145. enabled: false
  1146. engine-mode: 1
  1147. hide-blocks:
  1148. - 14
  1149. - 15
  1150. - 16
  1151. - 21
  1152. - 48
  1153. - 49
  1154. - 54
  1155. - 56
  1156. - 73
  1157. - 74
  1158. - 82
  1159. - 129
  1160. - 130
  1161. replace-blocks:
  1162. - 1
  1163. - 5
  1164. nerf-spawner-mobs: true
  1165. random-light-updates: false
  1166. save-structure-info: false
  1167. max-bulk-chunks: 10
  1168. max-entity-collisions: 1
  1169. dragon-death-sound-radius: 100
  1170. seed-village: 10387312
  1171. seed-feature: 14357617
  1172. hunger:
  1173. walk-exhaustion: 0.2
  1174. sprint-exhaustion: 0.8
  1175. combat-exhaustion: 0.3
  1176. regen-exhaustion: 3.0
  1177. max-tnt-per-tick: 10
  1178. max-tick-time:
  1179. tile: 8
  1180. entity: 16
  1181. item-despawn-rate: 800
  1182. merge-radius:
  1183. item: 4
  1184. exp: 6.0
  1185. arrow-despawn-rate: 400
  1186. enable-zombie-pigmen-portal-spawns: false
  1187. view-distance: 4
  1188. wither-spawn-sound-radius: 0
  1189. hanging-tick-frequency: 100
  1190. zombie-aggressive-towards-villager: false
  1191. chunks-per-tick: 650
  1192. clear-tick-list: false
  1194. </spigotConfig>
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