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Apr 26th, 2012
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text 2.21 KB | None | 0 0
  2. archivers/unrar
  3. archivers/unzip
  4. converters/p5-JSON-XS
  5. databases/mysql50-client
  6. databases/mysql50-server
  7. databases/mysqltcl
  8. databases/p5-DBD-mysql50
  9. databases/p5-DBD-SQLite
  10. databases/p5-DBI
  11. databases/pear-DB
  12. databases/phpmyadmin
  13. databases/py-MySQLdb
  14. databases/py-sqlite3
  15. databases/sqlite3
  16. devel/apr1
  17. devel/autoconf
  18. devel/automake
  19. devel/bison
  20. devel/boost-python-libs
  21. devel/ccache
  22. devel/cmake
  23. devel/gettext
  24. devel/git
  25. devel/gmake
  26. devel/libltdl
  27. devel/libtool
  28. devel/makedepend
  29. devel/mercurial
  30. devel/p5-DateTime
  31. devel/p5-POE
  32. devel/p5-Term-ReadKey
  33. devel/p5-Time-Duration
  34. devel/pecl-htscanner
  35. devel/py-twisted
  36. devel/qmake4
  37. devel/qt4-corelib
  38. devel/rubygem-file-tail
  39. devel/ruby-gems
  40. devel/strace
  41. devel/subversion
  42. devel/tcltls
  43. devel/valgrind
  44. dns/djbdns
  45. editors/emacs-nox11
  46. editors/nano
  47. editors/vim
  48. emulators/linux_base-fc4
  49. ftp/curl
  50. ftp/wget
  51. irc/bitchx
  52. irc/bitlbee
  53. irc/bnc
  54. irc/eggdrop
  55. irc/epic4
  56. irc/epic5
  57. irc/ezbounce
  58. irc/gseen.mod
  59. irc/ircII
  60. irc/irssi
  61. irc/irssi-fish
  62. irc/irssi-scripts
  63. irc/p5-Bot-BasicBot
  64. irc/p5-POE-Filter-IRCD
  65. irc/znc
  66. lang/gawk
  67. lang/gcc44
  68. lang/php5
  69. lang/php5-extensions
  70. lang/python27
  71. lang/ruby18
  72. lang/ruby19
  73. lang/tcl83
  74. lang/tcl84
  75. lang/tcl85
  76. lang/tcl-modules
  77. misc/compat4x
  78. misc/compat5x
  79. misc/compat6x
  80. misc/compat7x
  81. misc/cpuid
  82. misc/figlet
  83. misc/gnuls
  84. misc/patchutils
  85. misc/shc
  86. net/6tunnel
  87. net/GeoIP
  88. net-mgmt/iftop
  89. net-mgmt/nrpe2
  90. net/mtr
  91. net/nload
  92. net/p5-Net-Twitter
  93. net/rsync
  94. net/sniffit
  95. net/tcludp
  96. news/p5-NNTPClient
  97. ports-mgmt/pkg_cutleaves
  98. ports-mgmt/pkg-orphan
  99. ports-mgmt/portaudit
  100. ports-mgmt/portupgrade
  101. security/bsmtrace
  102. security/ca_root_nss
  103. security/clamav
  104. security/gnupg
  105. security/gnutls
  106. security/john
  107. security/oidentd
  108. security/openssh-portable
  109. security/openssl
  110. security/pgp
  111. security/rkhunter
  112. security/stunnel
  113. security/sudo
  114. shells/bash
  115. shells/bash-static
  116. sysutils/bsdadminscripts
  117. sysutils/coreutils
  118. sysutils/daemontools
  119. sysutils/ezjail
  120. sysutils/fastest_cvsup
  121. sysutils/lsof
  122. sysutils/muse
  123. sysutils/screen
  124. sysutils/skill
  125. sysutils/sleuthkit
  126. sysutils/smartmontools
  127. sysutils/ucspi-tcp
  128. textproc/gsed
  129. www/apache22
  130. www/eaccelerator
  131. www/lynx
  132. www/mod_evasive
  133. www/p5-libwww
  134. www/p5-LWP-UserAgent-WithCache
  135. www/p5-WWW-Shorten
  136. www/suphp
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