

Dec 18th, 2016
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  1. Reidak had been utterly defeated.
  2. In fact, he had been utterly defeated so often, Tahu Nuva had lost count. But each time, the Piraka got back up again, stronger than before. Worse he never seemed to grow tired. If anything he appeared to be more and more amused.
  3. All six Toa, individually, had brought him down, only to find their powers ineffective during his next attack. There was still the option of using their powers in combination, but it Reidak were to rise again after that be immune to it...the thought wasn't a pleasant one.
  4. Tahu's thoughts suddenly went back to another battle on a volcano, when the opponent had been the mountain itself. It would be a tough trick to pull off, but it might work. Hurriedly, he whispered his plan to Pohatu, Onua, and Lewa.
  5. At the Toa of Fire's signal, Pohatu grabbed Onua and called on the power of the Mask of Speed. Even as he did so, Onua triggered the power of his own Mask of Strength. Pohatu began running rapidly in circles around Reidak as Onua used his hand to slide through the rocky slope. Once the section of the ground on which the Piraka stood was cut loose, Lewa used his elemental power of air to catapult both it and Reidak high in the air. At the apex of the flight, the Toa of Air abruptly cut off the flow of his power, sending Piraka and rock plunging to earth.
  6. The impact was so great it shook the mountainside. Rock dust filled the air, making it difficult for even Onua to see. And then the Toa Nuva ehard it -- a sound coming from the crater more chilling than a Rahkshi's hiss or the chittering of a Bohrok.
  7. Reidak was laughing.
  10. ~Greg Farshtey Bionicle Legends #4, Island of Doom, pg 91 - 92
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