
Celestia and DealerAnon Pt. 4

Nov 19th, 2014
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  1. >Despite you still being in a bit of a bad mood, you've been blasting through the shopping list
  2. >You're at the last few items now
  3. >Bread, beer, cooking oil, cigarettes, coffee
  4. >As if sensing your bread-related thoughts, Celestia breaks the silence as so many times before
  5. >''Hey, do you know where the bread is?''
  6. ''Yeah, it's in the back. Be right there, I'll go grab some beer.''
  7. >''This time of day? Really?''
  8. >She looks at you with an amused expression
  9. ''Well, since we're buying half the place I don't see why not. Besides, I like having some in the fridge just in case.''
  10. >''Just in case, or just because?''
  11. ''Both.''
  12. >She chuckles and walks off, shaking her head, clearly in a much better mood than she was outside
  13. >Whether it's her being away from the November chill or finally having something to do you don't know
  14. >But you're not complaining
  15. >You feel a lot better too, especially with the promise of drank mere feet from you
  16. >Taking a wide stance in front of the beer, you start poring over your options
  17. >PBR or Miller?
  18. >There honestly isn't that much to think about
  19. >Both of them are cheap, and serve you well
  20. >Although, you have made more money than usual this week
  21. >Maybe something more expensive would be in order, what with a classy guest and all
  22. >Your gaze wanders across the labels, until a bottle on the top shelf catches your attention
  23. >It's gaudy, it's colorful, and the name takes an eternity to pronounce
  24. >You're not exactly sure what the language on the label even is, but it ends with 'pumpkin', so you assume it's English
  25. >Reaching towards the top shelf, your eyes briefly flit over the bright yellow price tag
  26. ''F-four… Ninety… Nine…''
  27. >You recoil in horror and disgust, briskly grab a 30-pack of PBR, and march off towards the bread section
  28. >Guest or no guest, you won't stand for the mockery inflicted upon your wallet
  29. >Up ahead, you see a familiar length of multicolored hair
  30. ''Hey Celestia, I forgot to ask you if you want anything to drink. Do you?''
  31. >She turns around and grins
  32. >''No Anon, it's fine. I'll have whatever you're having.''
  33. ''You sure? I could-''
  34. >Your protests are cut off by her warm voice
  35. >''It's fine. Come on, let's go.''
  36. >She walks past you with that same warm smile still on her face
  37. >''So, Anon, I'm still willing to pay for this. It's the least I can do.''
  38. >You scratch your neck, slightly embarrassed that she'd bring this up again
  39. ''Well, I can't really have a guest pay for my food, you know? Doesn't seem proper.''
  40. >''Well, I'm not a guest. Think of me as a temporary roommate.''
  41. ''I don't know…''
  42. >She smiles at your attempts to dissuade her
  43. >''Come on Anon. You took me in. It's no problem.''
  44. >You sigh
  45. ''Fine. But just this once, okay?''
  46. >''Cross my heart.''
  47. >You give a nod to the cashier as you approach
  48. >To his credit, he doesn't even blink at the case of beer in your hand
  49. >On the other hand, you've been in here completely fucked up at 3 AM paying for beer with quarters, and he cared even less then
  50. ''Hey man, two packs of Camel Gold.''
  51. >He gives a noncommittal grunt and hands you your smokes as Celestia starts unloading the basket
  53. >''What do you mean, my account's frozen?''
  54. >The cashier is backed up against the wall, grunting something unintelligible in a panicked tone
  55. >Meanwhile, your gues- roommate is rapidly turning a shade of red formerly seen only on various cousins of nightshade
  56. >Oh boy
  58. >You are Anon
  59. >Celestia looks like she's nearing a nervous breakdown
  60. >So does the cashier, to be honest
  61. >He looks like he's going to call the cops any second now
  62. >You decide to step in
  63. ''Hey Celestia, I got it.''
  64. >You brandish the almighty Ben Franklin
  65. >She turn towards you and opens her mouth
  66. >You decide to continue before she has the chance to vent
  67. ''Two shopping bags, please.''
  68. >The cashier seems to sober up from the promise of money under his nose
  69. >You walk up to the stubbled mumbler
  70. >Behind you, Celestia has slumped against one of the huge mirrors adorning the store, clearly doing her best to not start breaking anything
  71. >Or anyone
  72. >The total price is 99.81
  73. >You hand him the crumpled 100 dollar bill
  74. ''Keep the change.''
  75. >You mumble, not managing to look him in the eyes
  76. >He mutters something in return and hands you the receipt
  77. ''Yo Celestia, help me out, eh?''
  78. >She walks up to you, not unlike a robot, and starts methodically bagging the groceries with a glassy look in her eyes
  79. >Both of you are completely silent
  80. >The walk from the store is no different
  82. >After opening the door, she practically storms into your house
  83. ''Yo C, you okay?''
  84. >No answer
  85. >On the other hand, she's already in the living room while you're still taking your shoes off so she might not have heard you
  86. ''Hey C?''
  87. >You walk into the living room and see her on the sofa, hugging herself
  88. >You stop, feeling almost like an intruder in your on home before the woman on your couch
  89. >In what feels like the worst possible moment, you open your mouth
  90. ''Hey Celestia, you good?''
  91. >''Yeah Anon, I'm okay.''
  92. >She replies with a sigh, clearly distressed
  93. ''You sure? If you need-''
  94. >''I'm okay, Anon! I just need some time by myself, okay?''
  95. ''Alright, well if you-''
  96. >''I said I'm fine. Just- just let me think, alright?''
  97. >She cradles her head in her hands again, seemingly shutting herself away from the world
  98. ''Aight, whatever, I'll be in the shower.''
  99. >You say to seemingly no-one in particular, feeling the anger mount again
  100. >She probably didn't intend for that to come out the way it did
  101. >But it still hurt
  102. >You briskly walk off towards the staircase, and the shower beyond
  103. >Truth be told, she looks anything but OK to you, but you aren't one to press the issue
  104. >Reaching the shower, you strip off your jeans and t-shirt
  105. >The hot water is as welcoming as ever, finally offering a place to think
  106. >There's just too much happening
  107. >With a sigh, you sit down on the floor and cradle your head in your hands, steaming water cascading on your back
  108. >So, mental list, in order of importance
  109. >One, you have a new roommate
  110. >Two, she's flat broke
  111. >Three, she doesn't know what you do for a living, and shouldn't
  112. >Four, she's probably breaking down mentally right about now
  113. >Five, you should probably go listen to her
  114. >You sigh and reach for the shower gel
  115. >Today is going to be even longer than you thought
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