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Jan 23rd, 2017
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  1. --> SparkyJJC ( has joined #hawkenscrim
  2. <SparkyJJC> Heya
  3. <incitatus> also, i learned you can buy codeine OTC in france
  4. <Ginoshy> I feel like it might be helpful to do a condensed version of the old moves like "mech jagger video" just to set the console folks in the right direction.
  5. <incitatus> waste of time
  6. <Ginoshy> not leet enough?
  7. --> crockrocket ( has joined #hawkenscrim
  8. <crockrocket> Sup y'all
  9. <crockrocket> !random
  10. <Laila> <silverfire-> she turned me into a newt = I got hacked, I got better = I changed my password
  11. <Ginoshy> I bet I could do something almost as short as hyperspeed length that would cover most of the important stuff. It's just a bit disheartening to see how weak the mech dancing is from console players.
  12. <Kindos7> hahahaahahaha
  13. <Kindos7> "Who alternates between a chance of cocks from hype thrusters fueled by applejuice shots"
  14. <SparkyJJC> [23:46:59] <Lauren> Trump prolly won't become the president anyway
  15. <SparkyJJC> [23:47:10] <hellc9943> yeah don't think so
  16. <crockrocket> lol rip
  17. <Ginoshy> *sad trombone*
  18. <Ginoshy> And now we have trump making speeches that sound like they should be read by Bane.
  19. <Kindos7> Or do with their human tragedy of the milge asspirant
  20. <incitatus> i think that thing about him ripping off bane was a stretch
  21. <silverfire-> that's such a stretch
  22. <silverfire-> you can cherry pick lines from any politician and fit them to any movie villain'
  23. <crockrocket> There was just that one line
  24. <silverfire-> it's just hyped because its trump
  25. <crockrocket> It's amusing that's all
  26. <silverfire-> media is scraping for stupid shit like that
  27. <Ginoshy> Oh he definitely didn't steal lines. He isn't in touch with reality enough to have actually seen the movie.
  28. <JesusHatesWisc> i thought he rickrolled everybody saying something along the lines of never giving up on the american people and never ever letting them down
  29. <crockrocket> I don't think it was intentional
  30. <silverfire-> when they could be doing real stuff
  31. <crockrocket> Yeah it shouldn't be a media thing silver, it's just a meme
  32. <silverfire-> yet it was posted all over the place
  33. <SparkyJJC> Lauren: OI, PERKELE
  34. <silverfire-> fucking ridiculous
  35. <Ginoshy> I wouldn't give the media credit for drawing that comparison.
  36. <silverfire-> no but it certainly perpetuated it
  37. <incitatus> media is such a shit show
  38. <Lauren> SparkyJJC ?
  39. <incitatus> nothing is reaaaallll
  40. <Ginoshy> I think its about as deep journalism wise as reposting every single fucking trump tweet like it has any meaning.
  41. <silverfire-> trump wasn't wrong when he said the media is a shitshow imo
  42. <incitatus> ^
  43. <SparkyJJC> Lauren: A frozen bird told me that you are enjoying Titanfall 2 a lot
  44. <Lauren> Correct
  45. <incitatus> but its a shit show on both sides, which trump won't admit
  46. <SparkyJJC> I share this enjoyment
  47. <SparkyJJC> want to play?
  48. <Lauren> You do ?
  49. <Lauren> Oh my god
  50. <Ginoshy> silverfire-: OK, great, but everyone says the media is a shitshow.
  51. <SparkyJJC> Yeah lmao
  52. <incitatus> get a room you two
  53. <Lauren> I've been waiting for someone to awaken with me
  54. <SparkyJJC> But first you must tell me what titan you use
  55. <incitatus> do they always leave in the middle of the night lauren?
  56. <silverfire-> Star wars 8 finally has a title
  57. <Lauren> Scorch has a big place in my heart at the moment
  58. <JesusHatesWisc> yeah trumps finally getting behind Sarah Palin and her denouncement of the "lamestream"media
  59. <Kindos7> Your mom slept with the stupid balls doing sick break dance moves towards spain.
  60. <SparkyJJC> Good choice Lauren
  61. <Lauren> What do you like ?
  62. <SparkyJJC> Ion is my favourite
  63. <Ginoshy> scorch? Like 62?
  64. <Lauren> Ahhh
  65. <Lauren> I've very little experience with it yet
  66. <SparkyJJC> It's quite hard to use in spite of the difficulty rating being 1 star lmao
  67. <rekoni> i had fun with ion setup, seemed to work
  68. <SparkyJJC> And then Tone gets given a 3 star difficulty
  69. <SparkyJJC> lmao
  70. <SparkyJJC> I hate Tone
  71. <Lauren> I don't care about difficulty ratings too much, i just play it by feel
  72. <SparkyJJC> and tone users
  73. <SparkyJJC> My Origin username is SparkyJJC if you want to add that
  74. <Lauren> Sweet !
  75. <Lauren> I was planning on playing a lot this coming weekend
  76. <Lauren> Been sort of busy and tired lately
  77. <SparkyJJC> Awesome, I play it a load weekend or not anyway lmao
  78. <Lauren> Haha
  79. <Lauren> I wish i could too tbh
  80. <Lauren> What is your favorite gamemode Sparky ?
  81. <SparkyJJC> I play a lot of Attrition but that's mainly because I can find a game almost immediately because it's the most played. I honestly don't mind tbh
  82. <SparkyJJC> I've been finding myself playing Last Titan Standing quite a bit though
  83. <Lauren> Ah i see
  84. <Lauren> Bounty hunt is my absolute favorite
  85. <SparkyJJC> Yeah that's pretty neat
  86. <Lauren> I enjoy last titan standing too because it's so quick
  87. <rekoni> im getting T2 once it costs less than 55e..
  88. <SparkyJJC> I enjoy it just because I love playing Ion so much aha
  89. <Lauren> Should have bought it at the after christmas holiday sale rekoni
  90. <rekoni> no one told me
  91. <Lauren> :(
  92. <SparkyJJC> you're not gonna get the best deals if you just sit there waiting for them to be spoon fed to you rekoni, you've got to check these things :)
  93. <rekoni> pff
  94. <Lauren> True
  95. <crockrocket> What changed from titanfall 1 to make it not be shitty?
  96. <Lauren> You need to at least deliver some well placed mouseclicks rekoni
  97. <Lauren> It is very different to titanfall 1 imo crockrocket
  98. <Lauren> It just has something more
  99. <Lauren> Something nice
  100. <JesusHatesWisc> do people actually play TF2?
  101. <JesusHatesWisc> first titanfall died really quick
  102. --> hellc9943 ( has joined #hawkenscrim
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