
STrong Metal Catach p

Mar 7th, 2014
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  1. 06[13:21] * Lucyne sits in the grand hall, visibly utterly exhausted, breathing shallowy and with bags beneathe her eyes. Her usual pale and gaunt form is illuminated by the occasional green flicker of light from her horn as she looks up to the ceiling, trying to stay awake until Able arrives.
  2. [13:24] <@Able_Tome> 5Time went on, seconds stretching into minutes, but the door to barracks area wasn't opening up. The unicorn and pegasus guards near it, were eyeing the entrance with suspicion, their quiet dialog remaining uninterrupted.
  3. 06[13:26] * Lucyne 's eyes become very heavy, shutting occasionally for a moment before reopening quickly, her headache ridden brain demanding the release of sleep as much as the dull feeling of pain emanating from what her tactile senses assume her body is does.
  4. [13:30] <@Able_Tome> 5The pegasus guard nodded, motioning his head at the door for the unicorn, his eyes occasionally looking back into other parts of the hall. T'was a late evening edging towards night and interior was sparsely populated, less than usual... After several minutes the door's handle clicked and it slowly swinged open, the other side illuminated with the familiar whitish aura.
  5. 06[13:30] * Lucyne blinks awake and shakes her head, steadying herself to turn her attention to the door.
  6. 06[13:31] * @Able_Tome trotted through the doorway, his usual cloak missing from his back, but immediately gets stopped by two guards.
  7. [13:31] <@Able_Tome> 5"Dawn?", the pegasus asks seriously.
  8. 06[13:32] * Lucyne stays in the back and watches silently.
  9. 06[13:32] * @Able_Tome sighs, rubbing his eyes and answers with a quiet voice, "Flame... just be quiet a bit... subject's sleeping..."
  10. 02[13:33] * GreenHoof (~GreenHoof@ Quit (Quit: KVIrc 4.2.0 Equilibrium
  11. [13:35] <@Able_Tome> 5"Step up.", the pegasus motions sternly out and the unicorn obliges. The moment he walks out and the door closes behind, the pegasus continues, "When the dawn come out?"
  12. [13:35] <Lucyne> [Dat grammar]
  13. [13:37] <@Able_Tome> [~~~]
  14. [13:37] <@Able_Tome> "When the flame sheds off the mask.", he says with the same tired voice
  15. [13:37] <@Able_Tome> 5The unicorn guard nods, "Clear. Where's the cloak and subject?"
  16. 03[13:37] * GreenHoof (~GreenHoof@ has joined #FourCannon-Catacombs
  17. [13:37] <@Able_Tome> [fun thing, t'was said like that yesterday, so... no going back, hue :D]
  18. [13:39] <@Able_Tome> "Spawning pool. Cloak's on the subject.... need to get a blanket."
  19. [13:39] <Lucyne> [This vault is 2russian4me]
  20. [13:39] <Lucyne> [Need to nazi it up a bit]
  21. [13:39] <@Able_Tome> [kek]
  22. [13:39] <@Able_Tome> 5"Reason?"
  23. 06[13:40] * @Able_Tome sighs, "Changeling's asleep. Go check for yourself."
  24. [13:42] <@Able_Tome> 5The pegasus nods and calls out for two other guards from cafeteria who moments later disappear in the room. Meanwhile the edge burrito horse tiredly rests against the wall, reclining against it on his back, deep in thoughts.
  25. 06[13:43] * Lucyne gives him a few moments of rest before clearing her thoughts and getting up to walk over slowly "Long day?"
  26. [13:44] <@Able_Tome> "Hm?", he looks in her direction with disfocused gaze, recognizing the mint pone with a slight lag, "... huh... you're here?"
  27. 06[13:45] * @Able_Tome rubs the side of his head, "You... you can say that..."
  28. 06[13:45] * Lucyne nods "Aye, but if it's a bit much for the day, we can talk tomorrow over a cup of tea."
  29. [13:47] <@Able_Tome> 5Two guards continue to wait besides the door, keeping a close eyes on the door and two
  30. [13:47] <@Able_Tome> "... hm, no... not sure if that would be wise... pressing matters. Also can't really have a good cup of tea here and it seems I'm going to stay here for three days..."
  31. 06[13:48] * @Able_Tome snorts, "Princess Lucyne...", he smirks and shakes his head
  32. 06[13:48] * Lucyne raises a brow to the heavens "Excuse me?"
  33. 06[13:49] * @Able_Tome snickers tiredly
  34. [13:49] <@Able_Tome> "What...? Suitable title right there, Princess..."
  35. [13:49] <Lucyne> "Uhm...I don't fully understand I think."
  36. [13:49] <@Able_Tome> "'Least 234 thought so after some strange crap happened..."
  37. [13:50] <Lucyne> "Oh? Well, that is why I am here."
  38. 06[13:50] * @Able_Tome 's turn to raise his brow "... hmm?"
  39. [13:51] <@Able_Tome> "What about it...? Something happened on your side?"
  40. 06[13:51] * Lucyne beckons him over to the table as she sits "An hour or so ago, I was looking through my notes from the changeling guide, and with some encouragement from Rain, decided to attempt some of the simplest magic guidelines given in the book. The intention was a voice throwing spell, the result was a telepathic connection with 234 of sorts..."
  41. 06[13:54] * @Able_Tome raises his brow as she starts to tell... as his eyes followed her gesture while she walked away. That glanced at two stallions for a moment and sighed, "One sec..."
  42. 03[13:55] * Cheren-busy ( has joined #FourCannon-Catacombs
  43. [13:57] <@Able_Tome> 5Seconds later, two other guard came out of the room, carrying the cloak out and closed the door, passing it over to the unicorn, "Good to go."
  44. [13:57] <@Able_Tome> "Aye, fellas... just get that blanket for 234, won't ya?", he picked up clothes and slowly trotted in the table's direction.
  45. [13:58] <@Able_Tome> "... right... hm..."
  46. [13:58] <@Able_Tome> "... changeling guide."
  47. 06[13:59] * @Able_Tome put the green piece over the chair and rests himself on it
  48. [13:59] <@Able_Tome> "So it did happened..."
  49. [14:00] <Lucyne> "I take 234 mentioned something about it? It seemed rather annoyed with me."
  50. [14:01] <@Able_Tome> "... mentioned quite a lot, including 'Princess Lucyne' and it's seeming annoyance that we've failed to mention that 'you' possess the knowledge... At first I thought someone else was connecting to the hive link, but... hm..."
  51. [14:02] <@Able_Tome> "... I... didn't quite liked what happened during 'Test' phase..."
  52. [14:02] <Lucyne> "You're gonna have to elaborate, a lot, here for me."
  53. [14:03] <@Able_Tome> "... one of the reason why I and... Strong, if you've met him here...", he pauses and looks 'round the hall, "... should be around here somewhere, are going to stay here for three days..."
  54. [14:03] <@Able_Tome> "234 produced some sort of a powerful pulse... an electric discharge that sent everyone's hair in the room up."
  55. [14:03] <@Able_Tome> "Looked... powerful."
  56. [14:04] <Lucyne> "I think I felt that...It may have used that to expell me."
  57. [14:07] <@Able_Tome> "Hmm... maybe... considering that it was a test routine by it words and the strength of it, might have been. I have no damn idea how or what the hell you've established there, but 'telepathy' and 'static pulses that sends body's fur up' are... different."
  58. [14:07] <@Able_Tome> "Logic's telepathy was different."
  59. [14:07] <@Able_Tome> "I don't remember a need to send a pulse to break the link."
  60. [14:08] <@Able_Tome> "I have a suspicion that this might have been a general broadcast... and considering that we had problems with changelings in the past, who knows who could've 'sensed' it if it happened."
  61. [14:09] <Lucyne> "Hm, I see. I can't tell you I know exactly what happened, but after I sent a message it's way 'excuse the test', something snapped back at me and mostly broke the connection."
  62. 06[14:10] * @Able_Tome tilts his head, "Excuse the test...? Wait... it said the same thing to me... this one was an actual telepathic contact?"
  63. [14:10] <@Able_Tome> "Word-based information or... more subtle?"
  64. 03[14:10] * byte is now known as Byte_AFK
  65. 03[14:11] * Byte_AFK is now known as Byte
  66. [14:11] <Lucyne> "It said it? Interesting, because it was able to make me say words, so seemingly I got it to too...but it was far more powerful and profficient with the telepathy. It was more subtle, like thoughts tend to be. I perceived words rather clearly, but also colors, sounds, smells and concepts."
  67. [14:13] <@Able_Tome> "Thoughts... hm, peculiar. The 'link' that I was studying for a week was more... rudimentary. Emotion and state of mind. Concepts like fun, smugness, excitement, sadness, loneliness, depression."
  68. [14:14] <Lucyne> "Yes yes I felt things like that too. It was mostly smug and annoyed from what I could tell."
  69. 06[14:19] * @Able_Tome rests his head on the table, "... I see. Charming... and odd... quite odd. And new developments are conflicting."
  70. 02[14:19] * GreenHoof (~GreenHoof@ Quit (Quit: KVIrc 4.2.0 Equilibrium
  71. [14:20] <Lucyne> "You're really gonna have to elaborate for me. As you may I have noticed I have been a...bit out of commission lately."
  72. [14:22] <@Able_Tome> "... 234 is smarter than it tries to present itself. I've had a lengthy talk with it after Strong left... quite a revealing talk. Nothing that we haven't suspected, but we went for a more or less 'sincerity' route and it obliged in good will..."
  73. 06[14:22] * Lucyne leans forward listening as intently as her almost unconscious form allows her to
  74. [14:23] <@Able_Tome> "It constructed a spawning pool in the room and was asking when it will be able to leave facility's premises to pursue its, hm... what was it... own initiative to 'survive' and 'thrive'."
  75. [14:24] <@Able_Tome> "That was prior the talk... and it seemed more frightened after incident days ago..."
  76. [14:25] <Lucyne> "Spawning pool? What does it want to do when leaving? Incident?"
  77. 03[14:26] * Rain[PMwhenneeded[ is now known as Rain-Drop
  78. [14:32] <@Able_Tome> "Incident wie, in short, it snapped. We were measuring its transformation capabilities, to which it, hm, kindly obliged, even though it said that it wasn't as skillful with it as 'infiltrator' caste. Take notice of that small bit in notes where it wrote that it unlocked 'Maguat' and 'infiltration' something for language extraction. It was drained, but wanted to proceed with
  79. [14:32] <@Able_Tome> experiment, but subject Golden Touch couldn't stay in the facility in quarantine due to his kids... I went for a food option, but certain someone snapped and tried to forcefully take the energy out, to which we reacted and pacified it... roughly to some degree. During entire ordeal it was mimicking personalities and voices of... something akin to Starlight's voice, Hidden's voice
  80. [14:32] <@Able_Tome> and mannerism and in the end, when it snapped back after draining one of the guards a bit for which it got its snout hit... ugh... right, switched to my own voice and compared us 'waving a steak in front of its face while feeding it stale crackers', even though it was helpful...", he cracked his neck a little and spread out his forelegs across the table, "Right... though after a
  81. [14:32] <@Able_Tome> talk today and an appology it became apperent... 234's motives for says that 'food was enough' for it were dictated by self-preservation."
  82. [14:33] <@Able_Tome> "It thought that if it would've said otherwise, we'd dispose of it... food seems to keep its body at a bare minimum functional level."
  83. [14:34] <@Able_Tome> "Upon further questioning it also revealed that it was convinced that our kindness and food and everything were aimed to lower its guard to... increase penetration of interrogation tactics."
  84. [14:36] <@Able_Tome> "Also... it's consiousness evolved. Considerably with our help. It's not the same subject that we've dealt with in the very beginning. It's thoughts were less organized, more chaotic and... naive."
  85. 03[14:37] * Cheren-busy is now known as Cheren
  86. 06[14:39] * Lucyne listens carefully, mouth twitching a bit in thought "I...see...So it doesn't trust us anymore? I can't blame it...if it's a danger..." Lucyne sighs
  87. 06[14:40] * Cheren makes his way to the vault area, careful of what might be a changeling nest by now, paranoia running slightly through his mind. it has been a while since Able's last contact that he knows of with the council, and fears things might have turned out for the worst. He apporoaches the entrance, making some mental notes of the area.
  88. [14:41] <Lucyne> [We're actually in a timelock, Chere]
  89. [14:41] <Cheren> [shit. whoops]
  90. [14:41] <Lucyne> [Sorry]
  91. [14:41] <@Able_Tome> [cn technically be done, if applies for yesterday]
  92. [14:41] <Cheren> [oh well, I haven't IC'd in the past week or so anyway]
  93. [14:41] <Lucyne> [Hm, yes, could be done]
  94. [14:42] <@Able_Tome> [but yeah... no 'visits' in a timelock]
  95. [14:42] <@Able_Tome> [visits for subject that is, cause it's sleeping in a timelock]
  96. [14:44] <@Able_Tome> "Not quite... it trust others on individual basis. I've stayed as truthful as I could in this regard. It's compelled to reveal things to us and we've spoken clearly about our stances... and my stance on 'slavery', 'manipulation' and that I strongly detest these things to a point of nearly setting... assistant on fire.", his ears flop down as he sighs, "It said that it wishes to
  97. [14:44] <@Able_Tome> rebuild its hive. The it wishes to aid us and... bring our 'Hive' into 'the fold within'. Grant comfort and contentment to our hive."
  98. [14:45] <@Able_Tome> "I've confronted it straight away on how the hell can a simple drone can... you know... 'spawning pool'... It repeated once again that 234's Prime did something to it which... well... ended in a breakdown with tears, pain and everything. Had to comfort into sleep."
  99. [14:46] <@Able_Tome> [Cher - timelock visit y/n?]
  100. 06[14:46] * Lucyne stares intoently to the table, thinking " it may be a queen, or a very, very sad drone. And either way, I don't think our 'hive' would appreciate it's 'help' all too much...maybe there is some kind of middle way...ugh..."
  101. [14:47] <@Able_Tome> 5At the entrance, the same ol' same ol' group of four tired guards stand their ground, most of them resting their backs against the wall. The guardsmare that met Lucyne half an hour ago was still chewing the hay strand of infinite pleasure.
  102. [14:48] <Cheren> [y if fine]
  103. [14:49] <@Able_Tome> "... aye, I know... I have several thoughts, but... when it broke down asking me to stay with it, it was seemingly burning... or recalling burning pain right when Maguat was doing something with it."
  104. [14:49] <@Able_Tome> "... so... something actually happened there between those two, hm. And I've had thoughts on what you've said..."
  105. 06[14:50] * Lucyne looks down to the ground, feeling miserable "The poor thing, if we could just, hrm, figure out what it's capable of and find a way to balance it..."
  106. [14:51] <@Able_Tome> "... town's too paranoid to have drones working with it... And.. I'm not sure I've loved that part with 'bringing your Hive into the fold within'... considering that it, um, build something akin to pony sized capsules in the area..."
  107. [14:52] <Lucyne> "Nevermind paranoia, I'm more worried as you said about capsules, draining and mind control."
  108. [14:52] <@Able_Tome> 5The earth stallion at the entrance casts a lazy glance at Cherenkov, "Well ah'll be. You lot pick just the right hours."
  109. [14:52] <@Able_Tome> "Mmhm..."
  110. [14:52] <Lucyne> "Ugh I should have been here with you, talking to it every day..."
  111. 06[14:52] * Cheren is careful about the situation, not knowing who the replicant might be. "Really? Is Able Tome in? I haven't seen him in a while."
  112. [14:53] <@Able_Tome> "... days ago prior incident happened it confirmed that long time 'draining' leaves subjects physically crippled."
  113. 06[14:53] * Lucyne shakes her head "Lovely, just lovely. So it needs to kill to live."
  114. [14:54] <@Able_Tome> 5The bored pegasus stretches his back, groaning from pain, "Grey horse was cooped up in there for a day. Mint horse arrived not that long ago."
  115. [14:55] <@Able_Tome> 5The earth stallion rolls his eyes and casts a disapproving look at the guard "Ms. Lucyne."
  116. [14:56] <Cheren> "You sound a bit hurt. What happened? Did the...Oh, hi Able, Lucyne."
  117. [14:56] <Lucyne> [We're in the great hall]
  118. [14:56] <@Able_Tome> "... well... I've asked it what happened is the subject gets -constantly' and -fully- drained for an extended period of time. That was the answer. Permanent crippled state... hm... I think more on a mental side than physical, but I was more interested in physical aspects..."
  119. [14:57] <@Able_Tome> "Core words would be -constantly-."
  120. [14:57] <@Able_Tome> "And -full-."
  121. [14:57] <@Able_Tome> [yeah... we're in the grand hall, hue]
  122. 06[14:57] * Lucyne rubs her temple "So we're back at whether to do live experiments or not."
  123. [14:57] <Lucyne> "Guh, isn't there some other way we can provide it with energy to live..."
  124. [14:58] <@Able_Tome> 5"Bored. Nothing ever happens out here. Gettin' tired of all the darkness.", the pegasus mutters. The earthmare actively ignores entire conversation, resting and looking impassionately.
  125. [14:59] <@Able_Tome> 5"You should find those somewhere deeper. Another git passed by wounderin' about the bug."
  126. [14:59] <@Able_Tome> 5"They might be workin' on it or somethin'."
  127. [14:59] <@Able_Tome> 5The pegasus shrugs as he tries to straighten his joins.
  128. [14:59] <Cheren> "Ah, know where they might be then? It's been a while since I've been inside the vault area."
  129. [15:01] <@Able_Tome> 5The earth stallion interjects, "Mates in tha grand hall should know. Probably sittin' around in Artifact, Barracks or 'General'." and slowly lifts up from the floor, "Lets go an' ask around."
  130. [15:02] <@Able_Tome> "Hrm... live experiments it is... what I've also uncovered is that in its drained state, it won't stop the draining until it's filled..."
  131. 06[15:02] * Cheren nods cautiously. "Alright. Thanks."
  132. [15:03] <@Able_Tome> "So... we should prevent any possibilities for it to exert itself like that..."
  133. [15:03] <@Able_Tome> "... otherwise it can snap again."
  134. 06[15:03] * @Able_Tome frowns, "The guard wasn't too happy getting added into registry, you know..."
  135. 06[15:03] * Lucyne continues to massage her head "So we would have to sacrifice the health of people to keep it sated, great."
  136. [15:05] <@Able_Tome> 5The earth stallion nods and leads Cheren through the gate, following the path through the drowning chamber, "Ah wonder. When do you folks ever sleep? Middle of ta night last ah've checked and you're tootin' 'round tunnels of all places."
  137. 06[15:05] * Lucyne sighs a tired sigh, trying to lighten the mood a bit "I wonder what it'd think of my life energy, maybe I taste special."
  138. [15:06] <@Able_Tome> "Hm... the food is 'bare enough'... but I guess not enough for it to follow its agenda."
  139. [15:06] <Cheren> "Well, I've been kind of busy myself with other things. I should have checked in sooner, but I have time now."
  140. 06[15:06] * @Able_Tome starts tapping his hoof on the table
  141. 06[15:07] * Cheren follows the stallion, still on guard. No signs of changling goo everywhere that he can tell of so far...
  142. [15:07] <Lucyne> "...we probably shouldn't feed it, should we?"
  143. [15:08] <Lucyne> "Who knows what it'd do in the name of 'objective'..."
  144. [15:08] <@Able_Tome> 5The stallion shakes his head in amusement, "As long as ya don't git'cha in trouble.", he retorts bringing the unicorn to double doors in the end. With a creak, he opens it up revealing the grand hall and ushers Cherenkov to go through it.
  145. [15:08] <@Able_Tome> "Clearly - survive, adapt, expand, rebuild, add voices."
  146. [15:09] <Lucyne> [Hey I'll lend it some of mine!]
  147. [15:09] <@Able_Tome> "It already used deception on the basis of... self preservation so to say and had its own suspicion."
  148. 06[15:09] * Cheren nods. "I won't, unlike some in town that continually poke things they shouldn't."
  149. [15:09] <@Able_Tome> [>making the schizo bug even more schizo]
  150. [15:09] <Lucyne> [I am the perfect changeling queen, I've got all the voices in built]
  151. [15:10] <@Able_Tome> 5"Nah, ya council lot are 'lright in mah book. Most of th' time."
  152. [15:10] <Lucyne> "I wonder if we could..." Lucy looks a bit uncomfortable before continuing "Reprogram it, so to speak."
  153. [15:11] <@Able_Tome> "... I've... sort of started it already... trying to show the more brighter side, intents and all that, but... you know how it can be taken."
  154. [15:11] <Cheren> "Alright thanks for your support then." He goes on through into the chamber, taking a look about, searching for grey pone and minty prime.
  155. [15:12] <@Able_Tome> "... good will for one are holes for exploitaition for others.s"
  156. [15:13] <Lucyne> "Good will may need a bit of Cognitive Behavior Therapy, I's a long shot..." Lucy speks as her head is held in her front hooves, not noticing Chere
  157. [15:13] <@Able_Tome> 5The guard yawns widely and ungracefully, "Poke around others ther' if ya need anythin'.", he says and closes the door behind, leaving Cherenkov in a large and scarcely illuminated grand hall.
  158. 06[15:15] * Cheren smirks, thankful that the guard isn't psychotic at this time. He makes his way slowly to the sound of the voices as his own horn lights up to get a better view of the place.
  159. [15:15] <@Able_Tome> "Hm... true true... thing is that it seems to desire to do entire 'spawning' thing as fast as possible... directly reconsidering might be counted as a basis for leaving us for good due to 'obstruction'... but where would it g-", he stops and shifts his gaze at the stallion
  160. 06[15:17] * Cheren makes his way closer, wishing he had the new map of the place so he could judge distances.
  161. [15:18] <@Able_Tome> 5The grand hall looks quite large with the middle area populated by tables and crates of the cafeteria. Around walls, doors upon doors lead into their respective rooms with small number of torches brightening them up. The hall is however still covered in a thin layer of darkness. Several guards sit idly at tables while two others guard the barracks room. To brighten up the space
  162. [15:18] <@Able_Tome> 5even more, most of unicorns have their horns set a lit.
  163. 06[15:18] * Lucyne perks her head and looks to where Able is looking, spotting the familiar unicorn "Cher?"
  164. [15:19] <Cheren> "Hey Lucyne. Able. I apologize for not coming sooner. Any progress with the changeling?"
  165. [15:19] <@Able_Tome> 5Some guards banter quietly with each other, some sleep on makeshift cots.
  166. 06[15:19] * @Able_Tome blinks slowly and tilts his head on the table, effectively pressing his cheek against the surface, "... heh... any progress..."
  167. [15:20] <@Able_Tome> "... a major conflict of interests that one."
  168. 06[15:20] * Lucyne looks absolutely drained and exhausted, her horn occasionally flickering precariously, seemingly haven taken some kind of serious blastback lately, her body looks gaunt and pale, with large sacks under her eyes as if she hadn't slept in days "Yea...progress...That was what me and Able were just discussing."
  169. [15:21] <Cheren> "Did you ask it the questions I sent? From what little note you sent to the council, it doesn't seem like the same one at all. Last one was just looking to evade its colony and the Guard if my info is correct."
  170. 06[15:22] * @Able_Tome sighs, "'s not affiliated with those changelings, no..."
  171. [15:23] <@Able_Tome> "One of the reasons why I'm feeling iffy about that pulse..."
  172. 06[15:23] * @Able_Tome glances at Lucyne at those words
  173. 06[15:23] * Cheren raises in eyebrow as he gathers himself and sits down at the table
  174. 06[15:24] * Lucyne seems to have nodded off for an instant before snapping back "Uhm, pulse, why does that relate to the other changeling?"
  175. [15:24] <@Able_Tome> "If it was a general 'test' broadcast... and you were located at your farm, I gather, who knows what it could've attracted."
  176. [15:25] <@Able_Tome> "Speculations, yes, but I'm saying - that static discharge for a mere 'simple test' was powerful enough to sent all our fur jolting up..."
  177. 06[15:25] * Lucyne blinks "Oh yes, right, of course. Well, it's hive is dead from what it and we know, and I was directly linked to it after all, book may have had encoded same "frequency" so to speak."
  178. [15:25] <@Able_Tome> "And two guards were staying in the other side of the room."
  179. [15:26] <Cheren> "You think the book attracted it then.... and not the horn?"
  180. [15:26] <@Able_Tome> "Hm... did it said anything to you in your... 'telepathic' contact?"
  181. [15:28] <Lucyne> "It said that it didn't quite know what was happening itself, and referred to itself as a drone with low access...something about the hivemind should be dead...The rest was mostly vague emotions."
  182. 06[15:28] * Cheren 's own thoughts flash back briefly to the night of the sane(r) changeling shouting out about being the last Sasakatchawan pirate. He must really ask Tide about that at some point.
  183. [15:28] <Lucyne> "Well Cher I sort of, uhm, miscast a spell of sorts from that book and seem to have accidentially contacted 234 telepathically."
  184. [15:29] <Cheren> "Fascinating. So it was brought here from the miscast spell?"
  185. [15:29] <Lucyne> "No, this was afterwards. We recovered this changeling on a scouting run to the hive."
  186. [15:29] <@Able_Tome> "Aye... from that hive."
  187. [15:30] <Cheren> "Huh. You would have thought that other one would have known about a hive in the area. Guess all changelings don't have the same structure then."
  188. 06[15:31] * @Able_Tome uffs and buries his face in his forelegs, "..... this is a huuuuuuuge mess... something that needs to be reported, but... I already predict that town will object current plans, unless we'll regulate those."
  189. 02[15:31] * Glimmer[pingifneeded] ( Quit
  190. [15:31] <@Able_Tome> "Err, that is, 'regulate' 'n tweak its plans as you've suggested..."
  191. [15:32] <Cheren> "Are we going to need hazmat suits for the plan? I can look into ordering them."
  192. 03[15:32] * Strong_Metal_Mobile (~Strong_Me@2600:1017:b016:73b:3859:4ee1:283a:fc7e) has joined #FourCannon-Catacombs
  193. [15:33] <Lucyne> "Regulate and tweak, yea...we full MKULTRA now...Hazmat suits? Heh, you think they'd sell those to us?"
  194. 06[15:33] * @Able_Tome shakes his head a little, bringing his head back, "No... suits won't help."
  195. [15:34] <@Able_Tome> "I -don't- want to go MKULTRA on it... I'm personally against hard behavioral manipulation, but... 234's words are might be 'cooperative', but they are still ominous."
  196. [15:35] <@Able_Tome> "Heh... I've talked with it about entire miscommunication part... now it's the fear of unknown."
  197. [15:35] <Cheren> "MKULTRA? Great.... I don't want more of Projects BlueBook and Monarch spreading its tendrils here.. oh, you mean on the bug."
  198. [15:36] <Lucyne> "I was just joking, of course we should never attempt such stupid methods."
  199. 06[15:36] * @Able_Tome signs and nods, looking at Cheren, "... long story short, we have a subject that wants to rebuild the hive and live among us. It already converted the barracks room into something akin to Alien movies... it has pony sized capsules, glowing jelly and a 'spawning pool' there."
  200. [15:37] <@Able_Tome> "Today...? Today it asked me when it can leave to 'pursuit its own initiative'..."
  201. [15:37] <Lucyne> "But well intentioned psycho therapy..."
  202. 01[15:38] <Rain-Drop> [JESUS CHRIST! I finally caught up with you all dayum you like to rp well kinda was enteraining to read actually top notch folks!]
  203. 06[15:38] * Cheren puts his hooves to his head as hea leans on the table. "It moves fast. Spawning pool sounds a bit like zerg. You would think they would be more like hornets then something from 40k."
  204. [15:41] <@Able_Tome> "All I know is that, a. It's a simple drone that was meddled with by its superior in the wake of hive's destruction. b. The drone said that drones can't reproduce. c. The drone was in pain from what was performed on it and it is still in pain from memories. d. 234 thinks that it can recreate the hive and preparing to do it. e. It needs energy and food only sustains it on the barely
  205. [15:41] <@Able_Tome> survivable level - it needs ponies."
  206. [15:42] <@Able_Tome> "Adding to that, even on this 'barely sustainable' level, it was able to transform once, butcher a more advanced transformation on second try, was still able to fight four of us during incident, and even in that state was mimicking voices."
  207. [15:43] <Cheren> "Considering it needs to drain love to live... and wow..., so it still has a bit of energy left in it."
  208. [15:43] <@Able_Tome> "Voices -and- personalities, from what I've gathered..."
  209. [15:44] <@Able_Tome> "Well, food restored it into a working condition when we brought 234 back, yes... but it constantly works on that room. You haven't seen all ooze, slime and heck knows what organic material there..."
  210. 06[15:44] * Lucyne 's head bobs forward before shaking her head to stay awake "It's...dangerous...we can't let it continue like this..."
  211. [15:44] <@Able_Tome> "So... food seems to do a bit more, but as 234 claims, it's constantly in hunger..."
  212. [15:45] <@Able_Tome> "... yet it does all that... either it is true or it is deceiving us and simply wants to accelerate process... or something else, ech.", he sighs and rubs his cheek
  213. [15:45] <Cheren> "Wonder what it's magic to caloric output is then. And of course it's going to complain it's hungry. It wants more to do more."
  214. [15:47] <Cheren> "Are you recommending a controlled burn then to eliminate the problem?"
  215. 06[15:47] * @Able_Tome looks away, "..."
  216. 06[15:48] * Lucyne sighs
  217. [15:49] <Cheren> "Maybe the Equestrians might know how to handle it. Been a while since we went to them for advice."
  218. [15:49] <@Able_Tome> "... I don't want it to end with that... it's quickest solution, but... it's not a solution, no. And... that's a variant, but... hm.."
  219. 06[15:49] * @Able_Tome sighs
  220. [15:49] <@Able_Tome> "Here's the thing..."
  221. [15:50] <@Able_Tome> "... 'Lurea' or their Queen was something akin to a... sister or, um... Prime even to the -other- queen we know..."
  222. [15:50] <@Able_Tome> "The hive out there? Those were 'after-invasion' survivals."
  223. [15:50] <@Able_Tome> "Remnants."
  224. [15:51] <Lucyne> "It is a solution sadly, here's how I see it: First, try cognitive behavior therapy, integration into a different life style, combined with vigorous scientific observation. If that fails, contact embassy. Failing of the many..."
  225. [15:51] <Cheren> "Even more interesting. The other changeling claimed to be related to. Don't remember if it was part of Chrysalis's or part of one that sent aide to her, but was looking to get away because he realized it was a bad idea to invade Canterlot."
  226. 03[15:52] * GreenHoof (~GreenHoof@ has joined #FourCannon-Catacombs
  227. 06[15:53] * @Able_Tome glances at Lucyne, "... relocation, perhaps? Though... 234 probably won't survive relocation on its own without energy... you remember what it wrote and said."
  228. [15:53] <@Able_Tome> "And even if it would do... well... they might return back later."
  229. [15:54] <Lucyne> "First of all that, second of all...could we really morally release something as dangerous as that into the wild? It WILL hurt ponies, one way or another."
  230. [15:56] <Cheren> "But yes. I don't want this getting out of hand, though. The last thing we need is this place overrun with changelings and it would give some of the more anti-cannon Equestrians reason to purge us, because 'they couldn't tell us apart' from the changelings. I hope Equestria doesn't have Exterminatus on their list of possible outcomes. Maybe it's just my old navy paranoia kicking,
  231. [15:56] <Cheren> assuming the worst."
  232. 06[15:56] * @Able_Tome starts rubbing his eyes, "But do we have a right to keep someone whom we saved like that... a remnant... remember about those 'fairy tales' that it said and that 'Prime was wrong'... couldn've been related to entire wipe out of Cryssalis's forces or indoctrination that was showcased in the script."
  233. [15:57] <Lucyne> "I don't like any of this either Able, and I'm for trying every possible other thing first, but if it's a danger it's a danger. You don't let a tiger live in your home because it's a majestic creature either, you have to get rid of it..."
  234. 02[15:57] * Strong_Metal_Mobile (~Strong_Me@2600:1017:b016:73b:3859:4ee1:283a:fc7e) Quit (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
  235. 03[15:58] * Strong_Metal ( has joined #FourCannon-Catacombs
  236. 06[15:59] * @Able_Tome 's eyes drop down, looking on the surface of the table his forelegs and head rests, "... numbers... that's the main concern..."
  237. [15:59] <@Able_Tome> "One? Good... but having a queen with her hive? That's uncontrollable..."
  238. [15:59] <Lucyne> "Exactly..."
  239. [15:59] <@Able_Tome> "Telepathic link would only spread chaos."
  240. [15:59] <@Able_Tome> "We can't compete against that."
  241. 03[16:00] * High_Tide ( has joined #FourCannon-Catacombs
  242. [16:00] <Cheren> "Is it becoming a queen? That's a major concern."
  243. [16:01] <Lucyne> "We don't know Chere, but it might be."
  244. 06[16:01] * Cheren now has his turn to sigh
  245. [16:01] <Lucyne> [Welcome to Unicorn Problems9
  246. [16:01] <@Able_Tome> "... I have no idea how... it doesn't knows itself and when I've tried to ask it for more it... went into this painful breakdown."
  247. [16:01] <Lucyne> [With your hosts, PTSD Chere, Lucy and Able]
  248. [16:02] <@Able_Tome> "It's the last survivor that follows orders... 234 might or might not have a possibility to reproduce. It said that ordinary drones can't do that. It operates on 'survival' mentality - instictual and rationale basis and it feels lonely in silence."
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