
Lets do anal

Oct 30th, 2017
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  1. Tsaaq: ((I have to dress Drew but for now here's Sephyy))
  2. Covet: [Jesus Sephy XD]
  3. Tsaaq: ((What?))
  4. Covet: [She's just all glamerous looking XD]
  5. Tsaaq: ((Well she's fabulous but she's a jackass LMAO))
  6. Covet: [Yeah.. That's her balance. XD]
  7. Tsaaq: Persephone was striding through the house with her arms crossed over her chest. Eyeing Bliss' decor for the impending Halloween party. She made a sour expression. Persephone didn't feel like going all the way up the stairs and across to just talk to Drew. She stepped outside onto the lawn and scoffed. "So stupid." She sighed quietly as she walked briskly as her heels clicked against the pavement. // Drew on the other hand had just got home from a 'business meeting' and was expecting Tae any moment. His shirt unbuttoned mostly because he was trying to look sexy.
  8. Covet: Tae had one of her other friends drop her off at the end of the drive way, Climbing out of the car she looked back inside, "Remember no matter what, I'm staying the night at your place, okay?" She told her as she drove off and pulled her dress back down her legs. She walked up the driveway and saw Persephone there, as well as Drew's car with him outside of it. She couldn't exactly hide or anything so she gave a wave to Sephy, "Hey, how's it going..." She traild off trying to be casual about it.
  9. Tsaaq: Her strides slowed as she looked Tae over. "Oh." She said flatly. "It goes fine." She replied cooly. She inhaled sharply and forced a smile. "Going to talk to my dearest Andrew. Hopefully you and your Zara knock-off sweat dress can hang tight for but a moment before throwing your oriential genitalia his way?" She asked venonmously before stepping past Tae and going towards the stairs that led to Drew's room. // He heard the car arrive in the driveway and he smirked, spraying himself with some colonge before going to open the door. Drew immediately frowned when he saw Persephone. "What?" He asked. "I have company."
  10. Covet: Tae raised an eyebrow at Persephone's snarky comment then looked down at her dress, "I didn't even know where I got this, but thanks for letting me know it's a knock off, still looks sexy. I'm surprised you're so brave to walk outside in lingerie." She said watching her walk off, following behind her as she got to the stairs, giving Drew a wave of her fingers.
  11. Tsaaq: The bridge of her nose crinkled as she whipped around to look at Tae. "This is Kate Spade, these shoes are Prada." She went to go back down the stairs. "Don't piss me off. I've got friends in high places. Family in even higher ones." She threatened quietly. "Drew! Bee Bee is at a bachelorette party, without me! I hate it here. I feel like I know no one. Nobody worships me..." She complained. // Drew rolled his eyes at Sephy before waving Tae to come where he was standing. "Listen I'm busy. You have Dr. Colleen's number. Gram said it's okay to text your therapist."
  12. Covet: Tae pursed her lips, trying not to laugh at Sephy's idle threat. "Oh, well then I apologize." She said as she listened, walking to stand next to Drew, leaning into him, " Why not go out and pay someone to worship you? Hell, you go to the right places I'm sure you could find someone to pay you to worship you."
  13. Tsaaq: "You know... You used to care." She fussed. She scoffed as she turned to Tae. "Shut up. Don't talk to me." Persephone scoffed as she hurriedly went down towards the driveway once more. "Or maybe I'll make a mistake and tell Bliss that you're here. And I'm sure your dorky brother would love to know what you're up to." Sephy turned again. // Drew didn't say anything because he knew what kind of asshole his sister was. "Okay. Sorry." He sighed. "But I'll talk to you later."
  14. Covet: "Don't! Please..." Tae said quickly, then apologized, "I'm sorry!" She said getting quiet. "It was a a legit answer to her problem though..." She looked at Drew, "If she needs to talk to you, I can come back another time."
  15. Tsaaq: Persephone gave Tae an icy glare and began to smirk once more. "No, it's okay. For now." She spat viciously. "For now I have a date with a glass of wine and a bubble bath. I won't be getting plugged from behind." Persephone began to shashsay away from them. // Drew put an arm around Tae. "Don't worry. If we just stay on her good side it's fine. Come on."
  16. Covet: She looked up at him and followed along with him, "Any way I could possibly bribe her to keep on her goodside? She doesn't exactly seemed thrilled with us hooking up." She said with an amused look on her face.
  17. Tsaaq: "I don't know... Pretend to be her friend and let her boss you around?" Drew suggested. He closed the door behind them and immediately went to take off her scarf and sweater dress, wasting no time. "She's never thrilled about anybody hooking up."
  18. Covet: Tae scrunched up her nose as she listened to him, "I might be able to do that, but I don't know how long I could be okay with her bossing me around. I guess if it keeps us out of trouble though, what's the harm in it." She asked biting her lip as he started to strip her down.
  19. Tsaaq: Drew put his hand on the back of her head and dragged it down to the back of her neck. "If you do it. She'll be too happy to be bitchy... To us anyways." He explained. "She's just being a brat." He asked playfully. Drew led Tae to the bed and pushed her on her back then took off her shoes and tossed them aside. He then went to grab her by her tights and began to rip them off.
  20. Covet: "Fine..fine. I'll playcate her brattiness if that means she'll leave us alone." She told him and gave a squeal as she was pushed to the bed. She gasped when he ripped her tights off, looking up at him, "Someone's excited." Tae smirked as she leaned up to wrap her arm around his had and gave him a kiss with more bite than actual kiss.
  21. Tsaaq: "I've been dealing with business shit all night. I needed this." Drew told her, following suit with ripping off her panties as well. "Help me." He muttered as he pulled open his shirt and let the buttons go everywhere. It's not like he can't buy more shirts.
  22. Covet: She watched him and nodded her head as she reached for his belt and undid his pants, pulling them off as she heard the clatter of buttons going everywhere, "Gladly. Anything you need in particular to help relieve your stress?" She asked him as she raked her nails down his torso, glancing at her torn clothes, not realy thinking about how inconvenient that was going to be to explain if she was asked in the morning.
  23. Tsaaq: ((LMAO.))
  24. Tsaaq: Drew stared down at her and smirked as he stepped out of his shoes. "You ever done anal?" He asked between pants. He went to play with her bewbs, Drew liked being rough with the bewbs.
  25. Covet: "No" She said with a moan, while he played with the boobs, "I take it your sister gave you a good idea?" She told him, "I could try it, who knows I might enjoy it."
  26. Tsaaq: He stopped touching her BEWBS and stared at her like one of his dirty secrets was exposed. "That was only once and we were both on MDMA." Drew whispered, cause he's a dumbass. "Anal feels great. Let's do it." He hurriedly went to crawl on top of her.
  27. Covet: "Wait, what?" She said confused as she looked up at him, not getting his comment or how it related to Persephone, but before she could question it further, he was on top of her, "Okay, Does it hurt?" She asked, but really that wasn't going to matter either way.
  28. Tsaaq: He went to put his hands on her hips. "Yeah... But I can do it raw dog and you won't get pregnant or anything. I just have to warm you up first." Drew explained, poking this bitch with his boner.
  29. Covet: "Oh, well yeah, that's definitely a perk to all of this then. Course I came prepared for that either way." She told him, enjoying the prodding and poking getting her even more hot and bothered.
  30. Tsaaq: "Yeah?" He asked flirtaciously. He combed his hair out of his face and continued to tease her lady parts before leaning over and kissing her with ferocity. "How you doin? Ready?" Drew asked hurriedly. He wanted to stick it in her pooper already.
  31. Covet: [XD I can't XD]
  32. Covet: "Mhhm." She nodded getting into the moment. Preparing herself for what was probably going to be a painful experience either way. Tae grinned at him and grinned, "Make me scream?" She asked playfully. Knowing mostly that it'd annoy Persephone if she heard it.
  33. Tsaaq: Drew began to grin because he was very excited about making this bitch scream. "You're always so good at saying stuff that makes me hard." He said ineloquently. Drew went to ease the peen into her butt and began to thrust also yet it would annoy Persephone lmao.
  34. Covet: Tae probably screamed plenty loud enough for the both of them, both in pain and pleasure and shit, getting all weirdly kinky and what not all night, since she'd be there for at least that long.
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