
2019-02-23 Saturday: 1 Colors

Feb 23rd, 2019
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  1. Greg Malivuk
  2. (I only check this from school.)
  4. 2019-02-23 Saturday: 1 Color
  5. ---
  6. With your partner, think of a company’s logo or color scheme, and then try to redesign it badly. The catch is that when you explain your idea, you have to promote it. (Imagine that I’m an executive from that company, and your job is to convince me to use your design for our new logo.)
  7. ---
  8. Colors can be bright or strong, or they can be muted.
  9. - (highly) saturated
  10. - unsaturated/desaturated (= more gray)
  11. ---
  12. Tom said, “We were studying last weekend.”
  13. -> Tom said that they had been studying the previous weekend.
  14. ---
  15. If the speaking is (more or less) in the present (compared to the information), or in the future, and I believe the information, I don’t need to change the verb tenses.
  16. ---
  17. Yesterday, Tom said, “It will rain tomorrow.”
  18. -> Tom said (that) it would rain today.
  19. ---
  20. Vocabulary: feelings and personal states
  21. ---
  22. p. 12 part 2 - Choose the correct word for each definition, then talk about whether you or your culture associate any particular colors with these things.
  23. 1 prosperity / prosperous
  24. 2 luck / lucky
  25. 3 courage / courageous
  26. 4 wisdom / wise
  27. 5 knowledge / knowing/knowledgeable
  28. 6 sadness / sad
  29. 7 mourning / mournful
  30. 8 envy / envious
  31. These are nouns.
  32. What are the corresponding adjectives?
  33. How about the other words you didn’t choose?
  34. passion / passionate
  35. love / loving
  36. anger / angry
  37. happiness / happy
  38. sorrow / sorrowful
  39. power / powerful
  40. joy / joyful
  41. pride / prideful/proud
  42. ---
  43. p. 10 - Read “Life in color”
  44. What ways do people use colors? What are some other things people do to use colors in these ways?
  45. Identity: black for rock, uniforms at work and school, flag colors, team colors
  46. Decoration: many holidays, special occasions
  47. Messages: red/yellow/green, color-coding, feelings and emotions, brands and logos
  48. ---
  49. - Article and image showing what colors different cultures associate with different emotions.
  50. ---
  51. Grammar: simple and continuous
  52. ---
  53. What tense is in the paragraph about identity? - simple present
  54. Why? - It’s about states or repeated actions.
  55. What tense is mostly in the paragraph about decoration? - present continuous
  56. Why? - It’s about actions in progress “now” (in the picture) or “these days”.
  57. ---
  58. action/dynamic verbs: describe things that take some time to do
  59. non-action/stative verbs: describes conditions that are just true (without taking any time)
  60. ---
  61. Many verbs can have both action and non-action meanings:
  62. I’m having coffee right now. - action
  63. She’s having a baby - action
  64. I have two pets right now. - non-action
  65. I’m thinking about coffee. - action
  66. I think coffee is delicious. - non-action
  67. I’m seeing somebody. - action (I’m dating someone.)
  68. I see somebody. non-action (I visually perceive someone.)
  70. p. 11 part 6 lists some non-action verbs. Which ones can also be actions?
  71. “love” can be an action informally, as a superlative form of “enjoy”
  72. ---
  73. see - visual perception (no attention or focus)
  74. look - focus on the appearance (which doesn’t change)
  75. watch - focus on (possible) actions
  76. ---
  77. I’m coming from the United States. = I’m moving or travelling.
  78. I come from the United States. = The US is my origin. (For people, it’s more common to just use “be”.)
  79. ---
  80. Grammar: Question Forms
  81. How do we make questions in simple and continuous present?
  82. Simple:
  83. y/n Do I have a pet? Does he have a pet?
  84. Yes, I do. / No, I don’t. Yes, he does. / No, he doesn’t.
  85. Info- What do you do? What does he do?
  86. (subject question: Who lives here? What happens in this class?)
  87. Continuous:
  88. y/n Are you eating? Am I being clear? Is she studying?
  89. Info- What are you eating? Where am I teaching? Why is she studying English?
  90. (subject questions: What is happening? Who is calling? How many people are coming?)
  91. ---
  92. p. 13 “Quiz” in the top right. - Complete the questions with the correct words. One of them is “can”.
  93. 1 do (The verb is “come”, the subject is “the Tuareg -- or “blue people””
  94. 2 Who
  95. 3 is
  96. 4 is
  97. 1 does (The verb is “celebrate”, the subject is “the...festival”.)
  98. 2 What/Which
  99. 3 do
  100. 4 can (“do” is wrong because “Where do you [verb]” means you definitely [verb]. But most people probably haven’t seen this house.)
  101. ---
  102. In your group of 3 or 4, split into teams A and B.
  103. A go to p. 153, B go to p. 154
  104. Get 5 points for a correct answer the first time, or 1 point for the correct answer after hearing the choices.
  105. ---
  106. Homework: Invent a company and write a website profile like the one on p. 17. Include sections for “About us”, “Current Projects”, and “Testimonials”
  107. Also: read p. 27 and do parts 3, 4, 5 on p. 26
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