
Royal Throwdown

Mar 27th, 2014
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  1. >The large, crystalline doors before you open slowly, allowing light into the darkened hallway.
  2. >Almost before the light could reach you, your ears are struck by the rampant cheers of thousands of ponies.
  3. >You step out onto the grass of the immense field, and take in the splendor of this, the place where history was made.
  5. >The Equestria Games.
  6. >At long last, they had finally come.
  7. >When you first heard there was a analogue of the greatest spectacle of your own world in this new strange land you now called home, you were admittedly less than impressed.
  8. >After all, you usually just watched a few events on TV, holding a vague interest whenever you walked through a room it was playing in.
  9. >But here, now, things were different.
  10. >Astonishingly, you were a contestant.
  11. >Apparently being the only one of your kind from another universe had a few perks.
  12. >Having married the newest princess on the block probably didn't hurt either.
  13. >You married her |before| she grew wings, just to be clear.
  14. >You ain't no gold digger, you just knew as soon as you met her that you needed unsolicited access to that amazing, sensual, deep, inviting pony... library.
  15. >You fuckin' love books, nigga.
  16. >Almost as much as did your pony princess waifu, who strode alongside you towards the event grounds where all the other contestants waited.
  17. >Nearing the group, you size up the competition.
  18. >To be perfectly honest, you probably had this in the bag.
  19. >Most teams consisted of at least one pegasus, though sometimes there were two unicorns, and you even saw a few earth pony teams.
  20. >It was only thanks to the magical wing and horn prosthesis that ponies like them could even participate.
  21. >It was supposed to "give an even playing field" and all that, but you knew there was no substitute for the real thing.
  22. >You still wished them the best of luck, however.
  23. >Didn't want to seem unsportsmanlike on your first huge nationally reported sporting event in horseland, anyway.
  24. >Speaking of that...
  25. "Man, I still can hardly believe we're here."
  26. >Your partner in both the event and life expresses a different sentiment.
  27. >"I can still hardly believe this is a sport."
  28. "Yeah, you can probably blame your brother for that one. ...Come to think of it, where are him and Princess Lovebutt, anyway?"
  29. >Before Twilight could give a guess, the loudspeakers started up, silencing the murmurs of the crowds, if only briefly.
  30. >"Hello, fillies and gentlecolts, and welcome to the Equestria Games' most recently added event; the second annual Wife Throwing Competition!"
  31. >The crowd surges into riotous cheering once again, the ponies filling the stands barely able to contain their excitement for the upcoming display.
  32. >"Here now to introduce the event are its creators and reigning champions- though you may know them better as the rulers of our beautiful Crystal Empire- Prince Shining Armor and Princess Mie-Amorè Cadenza!"
  33. >Your eyes are inexorably drawn to somewhere high in the stands, where your royalty-in-law both stood, waving to the crowds.
  34. >After a moment, Shining stooped down and lifted Cadence high above, to which the crowd's cheering only intensified.
  35. >With a flap of pink and purple gradient-shifted wings, the two of them take to the skies and sail down to the center of the crystal arena, the star prince using his stoic bride as a living hang-glider.
  36. >"He was always a showoff," remarks your purple princess partner.
  37. >They touch down nearby, and trot over to greet you.
  38. >"Twily, Anon! Glad you could make it!"
  39. >Hugs and fisthoofs are exchanged succinctly.
  40. "Hey, if we didn't accept the offer to participate there'd be no one to knock you two off your high hor- uh. ...That high place you're both at. Like, y'know, above everybody else. Everypony else. Something..."
  41. >The two of them give confused looks to your stumbled metaphor, but luckily Twilight intercepts the situation.
  42. >"What my human husband means is; get ready to lose, big brother."
  43. >The two stare each other down in mock fury, before bursting into a fit of giggling.
  44. >The two of them take a moment to catch up while the event gets underway, while you take your own chance to try and connect with your sister-in-law.
  45. >"Twilight seems strangely confident in your abilities, Anon."
  46. "Ah, she's just having a bit of fun. You two always seem to bring that out in her, even in places like this."
  47. >Cadence's resulting smile is cut short as you suddenly lean down to get in close, talking lower.
  48. "But we're gonna bring home the gold on this, you can be sure of that."
  49. >Her worried expression only lingers for a second, before she recognized the grin of friendly competition plastered on your face.
  50. >"I wouldn't be too sure about that, Anon. Shining loves to practice throwing me more than anything else. ...Well, almost anything."
  51. >Her face turns a darker shade of pink, but only for a second.
  52. >Ignoring the implication, you fire back quickly.
  53. "Yeah, well I've been hurling my wives at things before I even |came| to Equestria, so I think I've got a leg up on him there. ...Probably explains why I went through so many of them..."
  54. >Again the Princess of Love's upbeat demeanor droops a bit, as she processes your own implications.
  55. >Returning from somewhere deep in the past you pick up on the fact, and divert attention.
  56. "But hey! I think the event is starting, we should get ready."
  58. >As you had expected, the other contestants showed valiant efforts, but ultimately came up short; barely coming close to even half the recorded record distance set the year prior.
  59. >Each pony was only allowed to glide, so wingspan was a bigger determining factor than wingpower, giving alicorns a natural advantage.
  60. >And seeing as how the Celestial Sisters had declined competing, even under a special exception sisters class, it was really down to you and team Shinylove.
  61. >Of course, there was that one |other| alicorn with the weird red and black coloration from some country you'd never heard of that looked like he might be an issue, but he was ultimately disqualified for pulling a zanbatō on another contestant.
  62. >Before long, only two teams remained.
  63. >For whatever reason, be it luck of the draw or divine intervention, Shining and Cadence were second to last, leaving you and Twilight to close the game.
  64. >Probably some cosmic drama thing.
  65. >Your nerves started to get to you a bit at the realization, as you watched your competition's form closely.
  66. >Cadence assumed the position of 'Hurlee'- basically just being as stock still as possible- as Shining did a few stretches to limber up.
  67. >Slowly and dramatically, Shining picks up the javelin he married, readying her on his shoulder with one foreleg.
  68. >Accelerating to a gallop on his three remaining legs, he approaches the tossing mark.
  69. >Suddenly, he makes a huge leap, and using both forelegs, heaves his wife with all his might.
  70. >She sails majestically through the air like a winged missile, effortlessly flying over the marks of every prior contestant.
  71. >Finally, she not-so-majestically crashes into the dirt, much harder and faster than you were really expecting, grinding to a halt at the end of a streak of upturned grass.
  72. >There is a tense moment as she remains motionless; after all, an unconscious hurlee meant instant disqualification.
  73. >But the air is soon enamored with cheers once more as a pink, somewhat dirtied hoof thrusts itself skyward from the small pit now dug into the field.
  74. >The measurements came in, revealing the previous record had been broken by more than 5 meters.
  75. >Shining gave you a smug smile.
  76. >You tried to suppress your nerves in order to not make him any smugger.
  77. >As the announcer calls your team name, you look down to Twilight, who watched the dazed pink princess get carted off on a stretcher with a look of nervousness even greater than your own.
  78. >"Uh, Anon, I'm starting to have second thoughts about thi–"
  79. >You cut her off by yanking her off the ground and holding her under one arm.
  80. "Too late for that. Just try to think aerodynamic thoughts."
  81. >You take your position some 30 meters behind the hurling mark, worried waifu in hand.
  82. >Being a bipedal creature by nature, your stance is somewhat different; mostly allowing you to run normally while holding your spousal projectile.
  83. >You lift Twilight up next to your head, as she straightens herself out as much as she can.
  84. >You begin your run.
  85. >Over your quickening breath, you can hear twilight nervously chanting "I can do this" to herself.
  86. >The line draws near.
  87. >You suppose now is as good a time as any to impart one last bit of supportive knowledge in your alicorn arrow.
  88. "I hope you're ready for this Twilight."
  89. >"Yeah, me too– "
  90. "Because even though I'm a big nerd like you, I played varsity quarterback in college."
  91. >"What does that meeEEAAAAAAAHHH!!!"
  92. >With a force you didn't even know your mortal body contained, you launched the purple bullet into the sky faster than ponykind had even theorized possible for a creature of so few colors.
  93. >It didn't look like she was gliding like she was supposed to, but with the velocity at which she was spinning it probably wouldn't have made a difference.
  94. >You beheld with awe as she flew straight over every mark, even that of Shining and Cadence, without even hitting the apex of her trajectory.
  95. >Even the roaring audience stopped their wild shouting, stunned to silence by the heretofore unseen display.
  96. >All that could be heard was the terrified screams of one spiraling projectile princess as she careened over the entire rest of the field.
  97. >After nearly 15 seconds of continuous airtime, her flight finally found it's end, amazingly not in the dirt, but in the wall of the far edge of the stadium.
  98. >She struck it with such a force that her horn embedded itself deep into the hard crystal that pretty much everything was built out of up here, preventing her from meeting the ground when the rest of her body went limp shortly thereafter.
  99. >Watching the magical stadium screen, you could see a small trickle of blood run down the wall.
  100. >You and every living thing for miles sat on edge; waiting, hoping.
  101. >After 25 agonizing seconds, only 5 before the disqualification mark, a purple hoof slowly and shakily rises up.
  102. >You thrust both fists to the sky.
  103. >The crowd explodes like it had never before, ponies going absolutely crazy at this unprecedented showing.
  104. >You shoot a smug look of your own back at Shining, who is incredulously looking back and forth between you and his sister, impaled into the wall a phenomenal distance away.
  106. >You stand proud and tall, now more than ever, at the top of the winners podium.
  107. >You wave to the crowd as the large gold medal is draped around your neck, and help to keep Twilight sitting upright next to you as another is put on hers.
  108. >She looks up at you, a half-lidded look of morphine-addled confusion peeking through the medical gauze wrapped around her head.
  109. >"Did we win?"
  110. "We sure as hell did, Princess Purplest."
  111. >"That's good."
  112. >She goes back to staring blankly into the distance as you look past at Shining and Cadence, with their smaller, silver medals.
  113. >He looks at you with a strange expression, showing some combination of anger and jealousy, but also a deep respect.
  114. >You shrug.
  115. "What can I say? I throw me a mean horse."
  116. >He shows initial confusion, before the two of you burst into laughter.
  118. >"I'm gonna go to sleep now."
  119. >You pause your collective laughter as Twilight falls off the podium.
  120. >But only for a second.
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