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Sep 3rd, 2012
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  1. ::,',dkdd:,'',,'''...............................''',;:::lkKK0OO0KK
  2. cc;,;xOkdl;,,,,''.............................''',,;;::::cdKXKOOO0X
  3. oo;,;dOKkkl;,,,''.........................'';coooddolclccclkXXK0KKK
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  6. Okkc;:cdxxc,;:::;;,,',:coddddodddl:'...;xkddoc,coooclxxoc:;;l0OOKKX
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  11. KK00K0lcllcc:,.................',;,'.....,;;'........',;:lodccoxxON
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  19. KKKKKKXXXXXKKXXX0dc:;;,,,,:lddddxkOOOkxk0000Okdoodo:;cox0XXNNNNNNNW
  20. XXKKKXXNNNNWWWWMMXxlc:;;;cooc:clcc:::::::clooc;,,,;:ldxxKMWNNNNNNNW
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  22. NNNWWMMMMMMMMMMMMMMXddddoc:;;:c:::cccc:;;,'''',,;;cox00l'oWMMMMWWWW
  23. WWWMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMWOodxdoc:;;,,'........'''',,;:oxxxKKo''0MMMMMMWW
  24. WWWWMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMWkoldxkdlc:;,,,,',;;;;::::cokxddxKKx,.:NMMMMMMM
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  29. @opretaliation1 started
  30. #opretaliation1
  32. sweden is under attack. hands off from Assange.
  36. Where did Assange make a mistake?
  39. During the locating of the wikileaks there was a choise between Sweden, Switzerland and
  40. Island Assange chose the Sweden, because the project's data was stored on the swedish hosting
  41. Assange submitted an aplication to get the residence permit what would give the opportunity
  42. to register as the publisher and legalize the activities of wikileaks.
  44. It would be a great strike for the White house.
  45. And would not let bring Assange to criminal responsibility the personality of Wikileaks
  46. as spies and not let make a death penalty to Assange. The law which let do all this is strongly
  47. lobbied by the senatir Liberman in the US Congress.
  49. After all this Anna Ardin and Sofia Wilen have joined the game. They have accused Assange
  50. of rape. Assange has not deny the relationship with them but have approved that all had occured by
  51. consent. Evidently the Ladies stay unsatisfied after shared pastime and desided to revenge by the
  52. colling the police.
  54. When the information come to the newspapers, the case was closed by the design of the Royal
  55. prosecutor, who considered the it is an unsubstantiated allegation.
  57. Since sometime swedish investigating officers have reopened the case and made an arrest warrant
  58. with the entry Assange in the Interpol List. The founder of wikileaks went to the Great Britan, hopping
  59. that London ussualy does not extradite. But not this time. The last Assange hope is the english court.
  61. During the court battle the newspapers get the information that for a long time one of
  62. "unsatisfied" ladies is in a friendly relationship with the head of the investigating group, who
  63. ventilate the negative attitude to the Assange on the own page in facebook. It is seems to be a
  64. serious statement for a democratic civilized country.
  66. But the swedish procurator is deaf and dumb.
  68. Then the revelation of the "unsatisfied" has came to media. They submitted an application to
  69. the police to find out if Assange have the AID (because of unprotected sex).
  71. But the swedish procurator is still deaf and dumb.
  73. English court desided to extradite Assange even if it is a first step on the path to Washington.
  74. Assange have no choise but ask a political asylum which he found in tne Ecvador Ambassy. After all this
  75. the abmassy is blackmailled with the assault -- the unprecedented case in the world diplomacy.
  77. So why the Sweden keeps silent?
  79. Because the Swedish top managment afraid to be unmasked by the Wikileaks.
  81. After analyze of distinct articles we get the understanding of the meaning "swedish terrorism
  82. for export" (in the report made on the seminar in a name of 19th anniversary of the 9-11 in New York,
  83. they say that only during last 5 years more than 40 swedish citizens took a part in the studing of the
  84. basics of the terror abroad; terrost acts in Burgase), Mohammed caricature's meaning, the Swedish actions
  85. in Libya, and other swedish provocations....We can never stop this list.
  87. All Swedish actions in the foreign policy is made by USA agreement.
  89. We want to note that if the Sweden approves and exports terrorism naking different provocations,
  90. it defenatly will be involved in the same actions. The harsh swedish actions with the complications of the
  91. immigrations, growth the pressure inside the Sweden, intervention with the internal affairs of the other
  92. countries sooner or later bring the blood and suffering of the Sweden.
  94. Wikileaks promise to public the document that confirm that Carl Bildt is an US spy.
  98. ###---###---###---###---###---###---###---###---###---###---###---###---###---###---###---###---###---###---###
  99. Now we are takinig down some government's resources.
  100. When operation will be finished we will initiate new more powerful operations.
  102. Follow us at twitter for interesting links and hot news, we need you.
  103. We want our voice to be heard.
  104. Please help us - tell friends.
  105. We have the right to the freedom of speech and we should use this right.
  108. We are Anonymous.
  109. We are Legion.
  110. We do not forgive.
  111. We do not forget.
  112. Expect us.
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