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Dec 29th, 2012
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  1. [12:50:47] Running Rootkit Hunter version 1.4.0 on Nates-MacBook-Pro
  2. [12:50:47]
  3. [12:50:47] Info: Start date is Sat Dec 29 12:50:47 CET 2012
  4. [12:50:47]
  5. [12:50:47] Checking configuration file and command-line options...
  6. [12:50:47] Info: Detected operating system is 'Darwin'
  7. [12:50:47] Info: Uname output is 'Darwin Nates-MacBook-Pro.local 12.2.0 Darwin Kernel Version 12.2.0: Sat Aug 25 00:48:52 PDT 2012; root:xnu-2050.18.24~1/RELEASE_X86_64 x86_64'
  8. [12:50:47] Info: Command line is /usr/local/bin/rkhunter -c
  9. [12:50:47] Info: Environment shell is /bin/bash; rkhunter is using sh
  10. [12:50:47] Info: Using configuration file '/etc/rkhunter.conf'
  11. [12:50:47] Info: Installation directory is '/usr/local'
  12. [12:50:47] Info: Using language 'en'
  13. [12:50:47] Info: Using '/var/lib/rkhunter/db' as the database directory
  14. [12:50:47] Info: Using '/usr/local/lib/rkhunter/scripts' as the support script directory
  15. [12:50:47] Info: Using '/usr/bin /bin /usr/sbin /sbin /usr/local/bin /usr/libexec' as the command directories
  16. [12:50:48] Info: Using '/var/lib/rkhunter/tmp' as the temporary directory
  17. [12:50:48] Info: No mail-on-warning address configured
  18. [12:50:48] Info: X will be automatically detected
  19. [12:50:48] Info: Found the 'basename' command: /usr/bin/basename
  20. [12:50:48] Info: Found the 'diff' command: /usr/bin/diff
  21. [12:50:48] Info: Found the 'dirname' command: /usr/bin/dirname
  22. [12:50:48] Info: Found the 'file' command: /usr/bin/file
  23. [12:50:48] Info: Found the 'find' command: /usr/bin/find
  24. [12:50:48] Info: Found the 'ifconfig' command: /sbin/ifconfig
  25. [12:50:48] Info: Unable to find the 'ip' command
  26. [12:50:48] Info: Unable to find the 'ldd' command
  27. [12:50:48] Info: Unable to find the 'lsattr' command
  28. [12:50:48] Info: Unable to find the 'lsmod' command
  29. [12:50:48] Info: Found the 'lsof' command: /usr/sbin/lsof
  30. [12:50:48] Info: Found the 'mktemp' command: /usr/bin/mktemp
  31. [12:50:48] Info: Found the 'netstat' command: /usr/sbin/netstat
  32. [12:50:48] Info: Found the 'perl' command: /usr/bin/perl
  33. [12:50:48] Info: Found the 'pgrep' command: /usr/bin/pgrep
  34. [12:50:48] Info: Found the 'ps' command: /bin/ps
  35. [12:50:48] Info: Found the 'pwd' command: /bin/pwd
  36. [12:50:48] Info: Found the 'readlink' command: /usr/local/lib/rkhunter/scripts/
  37. [12:50:48] Info: Found the 'stat' command: /usr/bin/stat
  38. [12:50:48] Info: Found the 'strings' command: /usr/bin/strings
  39. [12:50:48] Info: System is not using prelinking
  40. [12:50:48] Info: Using the '/usr/bin/shasum -a 1' command for the file hash checks
  41. [12:50:48] Info: The hash function field index is set to 1
  42. [12:50:48] Info: No package manager specified: using hash function '/usr/bin/shasum -a 1'
  43. [12:50:48] Info: Previous file attributes were stored
  44. [12:50:48] Info: Enabled tests are: all
  45. [12:50:48] Info: Disabled tests are: suspscan hidden_ports hidden_procs deleted_files packet_cap_apps
  46. [12:50:49] Info: Including user files for file properties check:
  47. [12:50:49] /etc/rkhunter.conf
  48. [12:50:49] Info: All ksyms and kallsyms checks will be skipped - neither file is present on the system.
  49. [12:50:49] Info: Using '/usr/bin/perl' to process epoch second times.
  50. [12:50:49] Info: Locking is not being used
  51. [12:50:49]
  52. [12:50:49] Starting system checks...
  53. [12:50:49]
  54. [12:50:49] Info: Starting test name 'system_commands'
  55. [12:50:49] Checking system commands...
  56. [12:50:49]
  57. [12:50:49] Info: Starting test name 'strings'
  58. [12:50:49] Performing 'strings' command checks
  59. [12:50:49] Scanning for string /usr/sbin/ntpsx [ OK ]
  60. [12:50:49] Scanning for string /usr/sbin/.../bkit-ava [ OK ]
  61. [12:50:49] Scanning for string /usr/sbin/.../bkit-d [ OK ]
  62. [12:50:49] Scanning for string /usr/sbin/.../bkit-shd [ OK ]
  63. [12:50:49] Scanning for string /usr/sbin/.../bkit-f [ OK ]
  64. [12:50:49] Scanning for string /usr/include/.../proc.h [ OK ]
  65. [12:50:49] Scanning for string /usr/include/.../.bash_history [ OK ]
  66. [12:50:49] Scanning for string /usr/include/.../bkit-get [ OK ]
  67. [12:50:49] Scanning for string /usr/include/.../bkit-dl [ OK ]
  68. [12:50:50] Scanning for string /usr/include/.../bkit-screen [ OK ]
  69. [12:50:50] Scanning for string /usr/include/.../bkit-sleep [ OK ]
  70. [12:50:50] Scanning for string /usr/lib/.../bkit-adore.o [ OK ]
  71. [12:50:50] Scanning for string /usr/lib/.../ls [ OK ]
  72. [12:50:50] Scanning for string /usr/lib/.../netstat [ OK ]
  73. [12:50:50] Scanning for string /usr/lib/.../lsof [ OK ]
  74. [12:50:50] Scanning for string /usr/lib/.../bkit-ssh/bkit-shdcfg [ OK ]
  75. [12:50:50] Scanning for string /usr/lib/.../bkit-ssh/bkit-shhk [ OK ]
  76. [12:50:50] Scanning for string /usr/lib/.../bkit-ssh/bkit-pw [ OK ]
  77. [12:50:50] Scanning for string /usr/lib/.../bkit-ssh/bkit-shrs [ OK ]
  78. [12:50:50] Scanning for string /usr/lib/.../bkit-ssh/bkit-mots [ OK ]
  79. [12:50:50] Scanning for string /usr/lib/.../uconf.inv [ OK ]
  80. [12:50:50] Scanning for string /usr/lib/.../psr [ OK ]
  81. [12:50:50] Scanning for string /usr/lib/.../find [ OK ]
  82. [12:50:50] Scanning for string /usr/lib/.../pstree [ OK ]
  83. [12:50:51] Scanning for string /usr/lib/.../slocate [ OK ]
  84. [12:50:51] Scanning for string /usr/lib/.../du [ OK ]
  85. [12:50:51] Scanning for string /usr/lib/.../top [ OK ]
  86. [12:50:51] Scanning for string /usr/sbin/... [ OK ]
  87. [12:50:51] Scanning for string /usr/include/... [ OK ]
  88. [12:50:51] Scanning for string /usr/include/.../.tmp [ OK ]
  89. [12:50:51] Scanning for string /usr/lib/... [ OK ]
  90. [12:50:51] Scanning for string /usr/lib/.../.ssh [ OK ]
  91. [12:50:51] Scanning for string /usr/lib/.../bkit-ssh [ OK ]
  92. [12:50:51] Scanning for string /usr/lib/.bkit- [ OK ]
  93. [12:50:51] Scanning for string /tmp/.bkp [ OK ]
  94. [12:50:51] Scanning for string /tmp/.cinik [ OK ]
  95. [12:50:51] Scanning for string /tmp/.font-unix/.cinik [ OK ]
  96. [12:50:51] Scanning for string /lib/.sso [ OK ]
  97. [12:50:51] Scanning for string /lib/.so [ OK ]
  98. [12:50:52] Scanning for string /var/run/...dica/clean [ OK ]
  99. [12:50:52] Scanning for string /var/run/...dica/dxr [ OK ]
  100. [12:50:52] Scanning for string /var/run/...dica/read [ OK ]
  101. [12:50:52] Scanning for string /var/run/...dica/write [ OK ]
  102. [12:50:52] Scanning for string /var/run/...dica/lf [ OK ]
  103. [12:50:52] Scanning for string /var/run/...dica/xl [ OK ]
  104. [12:50:52] Scanning for string /var/run/...dica/xdr [ OK ]
  105. [12:50:52] Scanning for string /var/run/...dica/psg [ OK ]
  106. [12:50:52] Scanning for string /var/run/...dica/secure [ OK ]
  107. [12:50:52] Scanning for string /var/run/...dica/rdx [ OK ]
  108. [12:50:52] Scanning for string /var/run/...dica/va [ OK ]
  109. [12:50:52] Scanning for string /var/run/...dica/ [ OK ]
  110. [12:50:52] Scanning for string /var/run/...dica/last.log [ OK ]
  111. [12:50:52] Scanning for string /usr/bin/.etc [ OK ]
  112. [12:50:52] Scanning for string /etc/sshd_config [ OK ]
  113. [12:50:53] Scanning for string /etc/ssh_host_key [ OK ]
  114. [12:50:53] Scanning for string /etc/ssh_random_seed [ OK ]
  115. [12:50:53] Scanning for string /dev/ptyp [ OK ]
  116. [12:50:53] Scanning for string /dev/ptyq [ OK ]
  117. [12:50:53] Scanning for string /dev/ptyr [ OK ]
  118. [12:50:53] Scanning for string /dev/ptys [ OK ]
  119. [12:50:53] Scanning for string /dev/ptyt [ OK ]
  120. [12:50:53] Scanning for string /dev/fd/.88/freshb-bsd [ OK ]
  121. [12:50:53] Scanning for string /dev/fd/.88/fresht [ OK ]
  122. [12:50:53] Scanning for string /dev/fd/.88/zxsniff [ OK ]
  123. [12:50:53] Scanning for string /dev/fd/.88/zxsniff.log [ OK ]
  124. [12:50:53] Scanning for string /dev/fd/.99/.ttyf00 [ OK ]
  125. [12:50:53] Scanning for string /dev/fd/.99/.ttyp00 [ OK ]
  126. [12:50:53] Scanning for string /dev/fd/.99/.ttyq00 [ OK ]
  127. [12:50:54] Scanning for string /dev/fd/.99/.ttys00 [ OK ]
  128. [12:50:54] Scanning for string /dev/fd/.99/.pwsx00 [ OK ]
  129. [12:50:54] Scanning for string /etc/.acid [ OK ]
  130. [12:50:54] Scanning for string /usr/lib/.fx/sched_host.2 [ OK ]
  131. [12:50:54] Scanning for string /usr/lib/.fx/random_d.2 [ OK ]
  132. [12:50:54] Scanning for string /usr/lib/.fx/set_pid.2 [ OK ]
  133. [12:50:54] Scanning for string /usr/lib/.fx/setrgrp.2 [ OK ]
  134. [12:50:54] Scanning for string /usr/lib/.fx/TOHIDE [ OK ]
  135. [12:50:54] Scanning for string /usr/lib/.fx/cons.saver [ OK ]
  136. [12:50:54] Scanning for string /usr/lib/.fx/adore/ava/ava [ OK ]
  137. [12:50:54] Scanning for string /usr/lib/.fx/adore/adore/adore.ko [ OK ]
  138. [12:50:54] Scanning for string /bin/sysback [ OK ]
  139. [12:50:54] Scanning for string /usr/local/bin/sysback [ OK ]
  140. [12:50:54] Scanning for string /usr/lib/.tbd [ OK ]
  141. [12:50:55] Scanning for string /dev/.lib/lib/lib/t0rns [ OK ]
  142. [12:50:55] Scanning for string /dev/.lib/lib/lib/du [ OK ]
  143. [12:50:55] Scanning for string /dev/.lib/lib/lib/ls [ OK ]
  144. [12:50:55] Scanning for string /dev/.lib/lib/lib/t0rnsb [ OK ]
  145. [12:50:55] Scanning for string /dev/.lib/lib/lib/ps [ OK ]
  146. [12:50:55] Scanning for string /dev/.lib/lib/lib/t0rnp [ OK ]
  147. [12:50:55] Scanning for string /dev/.lib/lib/lib/find [ OK ]
  148. [12:50:55] Scanning for string /dev/.lib/lib/lib/ifconfig [ OK ]
  149. [12:50:55] Scanning for string /dev/.lib/lib/lib/pg [ OK ]
  150. [12:50:55] Scanning for string /dev/.lib/lib/lib/ssh.tgz [ OK ]
  151. [12:50:55] Scanning for string /dev/.lib/lib/lib/top [ OK ]
  152. [12:50:55] Scanning for string /dev/.lib/lib/lib/sz [ OK ]
  153. [12:50:55] Scanning for string /dev/.lib/lib/lib/login [ OK ]
  154. [12:50:55] Scanning for string /dev/.lib/lib/lib/in.fingerd [ OK ]
  155. [12:50:56] Scanning for string /dev/.lib/lib/lib/ [ OK ]
  156. [12:50:56] Scanning for string /dev/.lib/lib/lib/pstree [ OK ]
  157. [12:50:56] Scanning for string /dev/.lib/lib/lib/in.telnetd [ OK ]
  158. [12:50:56] Scanning for string /dev/.lib/lib/lib/mjy [ OK ]
  159. [12:50:56] Scanning for string /dev/.lib/lib/lib/sush [ OK ]
  160. [12:50:56] Scanning for string /dev/.lib/lib/lib/tfn [ OK ]
  161. [12:50:56] Scanning for string /dev/.lib/lib/lib/name [ OK ]
  162. [12:50:56] Scanning for string /dev/.lib/lib/lib/ [ OK ]
  163. [12:50:56] Scanning for string /usr/info/.torn/sh* [ OK ]
  164. [12:50:56] Scanning for string /usr/src/.puta/.1addr [ OK ]
  165. [12:50:56] Scanning for string /usr/src/.puta/.1file [ OK ]
  166. [12:50:56] Scanning for string /usr/src/.puta/.1proc [ OK ]
  167. [12:50:56] Scanning for string /usr/src/.puta/.1logz [ OK ]
  168. [12:50:56] Scanning for string /usr/info/.t0rn [ OK ]
  169. [12:50:57] Scanning for string /dev/.lib [ OK ]
  170. [12:50:57] Scanning for string /dev/.lib/lib [ OK ]
  171. [12:50:57] Scanning for string /dev/.lib/lib/lib [ OK ]
  172. [12:50:57] Scanning for string /dev/.lib/lib/lib/dev [ OK ]
  173. [12:50:57] Scanning for string /dev/.lib/lib/scan [ OK ]
  174. [12:50:57] Scanning for string /usr/src/.puta [ OK ]
  175. [12:50:57] Scanning for string /usr/man/man1/man1 [ OK ]
  176. [12:50:57] Scanning for string /usr/man/man1/man1/lib [ OK ]
  177. [12:50:57] Scanning for string /usr/man/man1/man1/lib/.lib [ OK ]
  178. [12:50:57] Scanning for string /usr/man/man1/man1/lib/.lib/.backup [ OK ]
  179. [12:50:57]
  180. [12:50:57] Info: Starting test name 'shared_libs'
  181. [12:50:57] Performing 'shared libraries' checks
  182. [12:50:57] Checking for preloading variables [ None found ]
  183. [12:50:58] Checking for preloaded libraries [ None found ]
  184. [12:50:58]
  185. [12:50:58] Info: Starting test name 'shared_libs_path'
  186. [12:50:58] Checking LD_LIBRARY_PATH variable [ Skipped ]
  187. [12:50:58] Info: Unable to find the 'ldd' command
  188. [12:50:58]
  189. [12:50:58] Info: Starting test name 'properties'
  190. [12:50:58] Performing file properties checks
  191. [12:50:58] Info: Skipping all immutable-bit checks. This check is only available for Linux systems.
  192. [12:50:58] Warning: Checking for prerequisites [ Warning ]
  193. [12:50:58] The file of stored file properties (rkhunter.dat) does not exist, and should be created. To do this type in 'rkhunter --propupd'.
  194. [12:50:58] Info: The file properties check will still run as there are checks that can be performed without the rkhunter.dat file.
  195. [12:50:58]
  196. [12:50:58] Warning: WARNING! It is the users responsibility to ensure that when the '--propupd' option
  197. is used, all the files on their system are known to be genuine, and installed from a
  198. reliable source. The rkhunter '--check' option will compare the current file properties
  199. against previously stored values, and report if any values differ. However, rkhunter
  200. cannot determine what has caused the change, that is for the user to do.
  201. [12:50:59] /usr/bin/awk [ OK ]
  202. [12:50:59] /usr/bin/basename [ OK ]
  203. [12:50:59] /usr/bin/curl [ OK ]
  204. [12:50:59] /usr/bin/cut [ OK ]
  205. [12:50:59] /usr/bin/diff [ OK ]
  206. [12:50:59] /usr/bin/dirname [ OK ]
  207. [12:50:59] /usr/bin/du [ OK ]
  208. [12:50:59] /usr/bin/egrep [ OK ]
  209. [12:51:00] /usr/bin/env [ OK ]
  210. [12:51:00] /usr/bin/fgrep [ OK ]
  211. [12:51:00] /usr/bin/file [ OK ]
  212. [12:51:00] /usr/bin/find [ OK ]
  213. [12:51:00] /usr/bin/fuser [ Warning ]
  214. [12:51:00] Warning: The command '/usr/bin/fuser' has been replaced by a script: /usr/bin/fuser: a /usr/bin/perl -w script text executable
  215. [12:51:00] /usr/bin/grep [ OK ]
  216. [12:51:00] /usr/bin/groups [ OK ]
  217. [12:51:00] /usr/bin/head [ OK ]
  218. [12:51:00] /usr/bin/id [ OK ]
  219. [12:51:00] /usr/bin/killall [ OK ]
  220. [12:51:01] /usr/bin/last [ OK ]
  221. [12:51:01] /usr/bin/less [ OK ]
  222. [12:51:01] /usr/bin/locate [ OK ]
  223. [12:51:01] /usr/bin/logger [ OK ]
  224. [12:51:01] /usr/bin/login [ OK ]
  225. [12:51:01] /usr/bin/mail [ OK ]
  226. [12:51:01] /usr/bin/mktemp [ OK ]
  227. [12:51:01] /usr/bin/more [ OK ]
  228. [12:51:01] /usr/bin/newgrp [ OK ]
  229. [12:51:02] /usr/bin/passwd [ OK ]
  230. [12:51:02] /usr/bin/perl [ OK ]
  231. [12:51:02] /usr/bin/pgrep [ OK ]
  232. [12:51:02] /usr/bin/pkill [ OK ]
  233. [12:51:02] /usr/bin/readlink [ OK ]
  234. [12:51:02] /usr/bin/sed [ OK ]
  235. [12:51:02] /usr/bin/sort [ OK ]
  236. [12:51:02] /usr/bin/stat [ OK ]
  237. [12:51:02] /usr/bin/strings [ OK ]
  238. [12:51:02] /usr/bin/su [ OK ]
  239. [12:51:03] /usr/bin/sudo [ OK ]
  240. [12:51:03] /usr/bin/tail [ OK ]
  241. [12:51:03] /usr/bin/top [ OK ]
  242. [12:51:03] /usr/bin/touch [ OK ]
  243. [12:51:03] /usr/bin/tr [ OK ]
  244. [12:51:03] /usr/bin/uname [ OK ]
  245. [12:51:03] /usr/bin/uniq [ OK ]
  246. [12:51:03] /usr/bin/users [ OK ]
  247. [12:51:04] /usr/bin/w [ OK ]
  248. [12:51:04] /usr/bin/wc [ OK ]
  249. [12:51:04] /usr/bin/whatis [ Warning ]
  250. [12:51:04] Warning: The command '/usr/bin/whatis' has been replaced by a script: /usr/bin/whatis: POSIX shell script text executable
  251. [12:51:04] /usr/bin/whereis [ OK ]
  252. [12:51:04] /usr/bin/which [ OK ]
  253. [12:51:04] /usr/bin/who [ OK ]
  254. [12:51:04] /usr/bin/whoami [ OK ]
  255. [12:51:04] /usr/bin/shasum [ Warning ]
  256. [12:51:04] Warning: The command '/usr/bin/shasum' has been replaced by a script: /usr/bin/shasum: a /usr/bin/perl script text executable
  257. [12:51:04] /usr/bin/dscl [ OK ]
  258. [12:51:05] /bin/bash [ OK ]
  259. [12:51:05] /bin/cat [ OK ]
  260. [12:51:05] /bin/chmod [ OK ]
  261. [12:51:05] /bin/cp [ OK ]
  262. [12:51:05] /bin/csh [ OK ]
  263. [12:51:05] /bin/date [ OK ]
  264. [12:51:05] /bin/df [ OK ]
  265. [12:51:05] /bin/echo [ OK ]
  266. [12:51:05] /bin/ed [ OK ]
  267. [12:51:06] /bin/kill [ OK ]
  268. [12:51:06] /bin/ls [ OK ]
  269. [12:51:06] /bin/mv [ OK ]
  270. [12:51:06] /bin/ps [ OK ]
  271. [12:51:06] /bin/pwd [ OK ]
  272. [12:51:06] /bin/sh [ OK ]
  273. [12:51:06] /bin/test [ OK ]
  274. [12:51:06] /bin/launchctl [ OK ]
  275. [12:51:06] /usr/sbin/chown [ OK ]
  276. [12:51:07] /usr/sbin/chroot [ OK ]
  277. [12:51:07] /usr/sbin/cron [ OK ]
  278. [12:51:07] /usr/sbin/lsof [ OK ]
  279. [12:51:07] /usr/sbin/netstat [ OK ]
  280. [12:51:07] /usr/sbin/newsyslog [ OK ]
  281. [12:51:07] /usr/sbin/sysctl [ OK ]
  282. [12:51:07] /usr/sbin/syslogd [ OK ]
  283. [12:51:07] /usr/sbin/vipw [ OK ]
  284. [12:51:08] /sbin/dmesg [ OK ]
  285. [12:51:08] /sbin/fsck [ OK ]
  286. [12:51:08] /sbin/ifconfig [ OK ]
  287. [12:51:08] /sbin/md5 [ OK ]
  288. [12:51:08] /sbin/mount [ OK ]
  289. [12:51:08] /sbin/nologin [ OK ]
  290. [12:51:08] /sbin/ping [ OK ]
  291. [12:51:08] /sbin/route [ OK ]
  292. [12:51:08] /usr/local/bin/rkhunter [ OK ]
  293. [12:51:09] /etc/rkhunter.conf [ OK ]
  294. [12:57:59]
  295. [12:57:59] Info: Starting test name 'rootkits'
  296. [12:57:59] Checking for rootkits...
  297. [12:57:59]
  298. [12:57:59] Info: Starting test name 'known_rkts'
  299. [12:57:59] Performing check of known rootkit files and directories
  300. [12:57:59]
  301. [12:57:59] Checking for 55808 Trojan - Variant A...
  302. [12:57:59] Checking for file '/tmp/.../r' [ Not found ]
  303. [12:57:59] Checking for file '/tmp/.../a' [ Not found ]
  304. [12:57:59] 55808 Trojan - Variant A [ Not found ]
  305. [12:57:59]
  306. [12:57:59] Checking for ADM Worm...
  307. [12:57:59] Checking for string 'w0rm' [ Not found ]
  308. [12:57:59] ADM Worm [ Not found ]
  309. [12:57:59]
  310. [12:57:59] Checking for AjaKit Rootkit...
  311. [12:57:59] Checking for file '/dev/tux/.addr' [ Not found ]
  312. [12:57:59] Checking for file '/dev/tux/.proc' [ Not found ]
  313. [12:57:59] Checking for file '/dev/tux/.file' [ Not found ]
  314. [12:58:00] Checking for file '/lib/.libgh-gh/cleaner' [ Not found ]
  315. [12:58:00] Checking for file '/lib/.libgh-gh/Patch/patch' [ Not found ]
  316. [12:58:00] Checking for file '/lib/.libgh-gh/sb0k' [ Not found ]
  317. [12:58:00] Checking for directory '/dev/tux' [ Not found ]
  318. [12:58:00] Checking for directory '/lib/.libgh-gh' [ Not found ]
  319. [12:58:00] AjaKit Rootkit [ Not found ]
  320. [12:58:00]
  321. [12:58:00] Checking for Adore Rootkit...
  322. [12:58:00] Checking for file '/usr/secure' [ Not found ]
  323. [12:58:00] Checking for file '/usr/doc/sys/qrt' [ Not found ]
  324. [12:58:00] Checking for file '/usr/doc/sys/run' [ Not found ]
  325. [12:58:00] Checking for file '/usr/doc/sys/crond' [ Not found ]
  326. [12:58:00] Checking for file '/usr/sbin/kfd' [ Not found ]
  327. [12:58:00] Checking for file '/usr/doc/kern/var' [ Not found ]
  328. [12:58:00] Checking for file '/usr/doc/kern/string.o' [ Not found ]
  329. [12:58:00] Checking for file '/usr/doc/kern/ava' [ Not found ]
  330. [12:58:00] Checking for file '/usr/doc/kern/adore.o' [ Not found ]
  331. [12:58:01] Checking for file '/var/log/ssh/old' [ Not found ]
  332. [12:58:01] Checking for directory '/lib/security/.config/ssh' [ Not found ]
  333. [12:58:01] Checking for directory '/usr/doc/kern' [ Not found ]
  334. [12:58:01] Checking for directory '/usr/doc/backup' [ Not found ]
  335. [12:58:01] Checking for directory '/usr/doc/backup/txt' [ Not found ]
  336. [12:58:01] Checking for directory '/lib/backup' [ Not found ]
  337. [12:58:01] Checking for directory '/lib/backup/txt' [ Not found ]
  338. [12:58:01] Checking for directory '/usr/doc/work' [ Not found ]
  339. [12:58:01] Checking for directory '/usr/doc/sys' [ Not found ]
  340. [12:58:01] Checking for directory '/var/log/ssh' [ Not found ]
  341. [12:58:01] Checking for directory '/usr/doc/.spool' [ Not found ]
  342. [12:58:01] Checking for directory '/usr/lib/kterm' [ Not found ]
  343. [12:58:01] Adore Rootkit [ Not found ]
  344. [12:58:01]
  345. [12:58:01] Checking for aPa Kit...
  346. [12:58:01] Checking for file '/usr/share/.aPa' [ Not found ]
  347. [12:58:01] aPa Kit [ Not found ]
  348. [12:58:01]
  349. [12:58:01] Checking for Apache Worm...
  350. [12:58:02] Checking for file '/bin/.log' [ Not found ]
  351. [12:58:02] Apache Worm [ Not found ]
  352. [12:58:02]
  353. [12:58:02] Checking for Ambient (ark) Rootkit...
  354. [12:58:02] Checking for file '/usr/lib/.ark?' [ Not found ]
  355. [12:58:02] Checking for file '/dev/ptyxx/.log' [ Not found ]
  356. [12:58:02] Checking for file '/dev/ptyxx/.file' [ Not found ]
  357. [12:58:02] Checking for file '/dev/ptyxx/.proc' [ Not found ]
  358. [12:58:02] Checking for file '/dev/ptyxx/.addr' [ Not found ]
  359. [12:58:02] Checking for directory '/dev/ptyxx' [ Not found ]
  360. [12:58:02] Ambient (ark) Rootkit [ Not found ]
  361. [12:58:02]
  362. [12:58:02] Checking for Balaur Rootkit...
  363. [12:58:02] Checking for file '/usr/lib/liblog.o' [ Not found ]
  364. [12:58:02] Checking for directory '/usr/lib/.kinetic' [ Not found ]
  365. [12:58:02] Checking for directory '/usr/lib/.egcs' [ Not found ]
  366. [12:58:02] Checking for directory '/usr/lib/.wormie' [ Not found ]
  367. [12:58:02] Balaur Rootkit [ Not found ]
  368. [12:58:03]
  369. [12:58:03] Checking for BeastKit Rootkit...
  370. [12:58:03] Checking for file '/usr/sbin/arobia' [ Not found ]
  371. [12:58:03] Checking for file '/usr/sbin/idrun' [ Not found ]
  372. [12:58:03] Checking for file '/usr/lib/elm/arobia/elm' [ Not found ]
  373. [12:58:03] Checking for file '/usr/lib/elm/arobia/elm/hk' [ Not found ]
  374. [12:58:03] Checking for file '/usr/lib/elm/arobia/elm/' [ Not found ]
  375. [12:58:03] Checking for file '/usr/lib/elm/arobia/elm/sc' [ Not found ]
  376. [12:58:03] Checking for file '/usr/lib/elm/arobia/elm/sd.pp' [ Not found ]
  377. [12:58:03] Checking for file '/usr/lib/elm/arobia/elm/sdco' [ Not found ]
  378. [12:58:03] Checking for file '/usr/lib/elm/arobia/elm/srsd' [ Not found ]
  379. [12:58:03] Checking for directory '/lib/' [ Not found ]
  380. [12:58:03] BeastKit Rootkit [ Not found ]
  381. [12:58:03]
  382. [12:58:03] Checking for beX2 Rootkit...
  383. [12:58:03] Checking for file '/usr/info/' [ Not found ]
  384. [12:58:03] Checking for file '/usr/bin/sshd2' [ Not found ]
  385. [12:58:03] Checking for directory '/usr/include/bex' [ Not found ]
  386. [12:58:03] beX2 Rootkit [ Not found ]
  387. [12:58:04]
  388. [12:58:04] Checking for BOBKit Rootkit...
  389. [12:58:04] Checking for file '/usr/sbin/ntpsx' [ Not found ]
  390. [12:58:04] Checking for file '/usr/sbin/.../bkit-ava' [ Not found ]
  391. [12:58:04] Checking for file '/usr/sbin/.../bkit-d' [ Not found ]
  392. [12:58:04] Checking for file '/usr/sbin/.../bkit-shd' [ Not found ]
  393. [12:58:04] Checking for file '/usr/sbin/.../bkit-f' [ Not found ]
  394. [12:58:04] Checking for file '/usr/include/.../proc.h' [ Not found ]
  395. [12:58:04] Checking for file '/usr/include/.../.bash_history' [ Not found ]
  396. [12:58:04] Checking for file '/usr/include/.../bkit-get' [ Not found ]
  397. [12:58:04] Checking for file '/usr/include/.../bkit-dl' [ Not found ]
  398. [12:58:04] Checking for file '/usr/include/.../bkit-screen' [ Not found ]
  399. [12:58:04] Checking for file '/usr/include/.../bkit-sleep' [ Not found ]
  400. [12:58:04] Checking for file '/usr/lib/.../bkit-adore.o' [ Not found ]
  401. [12:58:04] Checking for file '/usr/lib/.../ls' [ Not found ]
  402. [12:58:04] Checking for file '/usr/lib/.../netstat' [ Not found ]
  403. [12:58:04] Checking for file '/usr/lib/.../lsof' [ Not found ]
  404. [12:58:04] Checking for file '/usr/lib/.../bkit-ssh/bkit-shdcfg' [ Not found ]
  405. [12:58:05] Checking for file '/usr/lib/.../bkit-ssh/bkit-shhk' [ Not found ]
  406. [12:58:05] Checking for file '/usr/lib/.../bkit-ssh/bkit-pw' [ Not found ]
  407. [12:58:05] Checking for file '/usr/lib/.../bkit-ssh/bkit-shrs' [ Not found ]
  408. [12:58:05] Checking for file '/usr/lib/.../bkit-ssh/bkit-mots' [ Not found ]
  409. [12:58:05] Checking for file '/usr/lib/.../uconf.inv' [ Not found ]
  410. [12:58:05] Checking for file '/usr/lib/.../psr' [ Not found ]
  411. [12:58:05] Checking for file '/usr/lib/.../find' [ Not found ]
  412. [12:58:05] Checking for file '/usr/lib/.../pstree' [ Not found ]
  413. [12:58:05] Checking for file '/usr/lib/.../slocate' [ Not found ]
  414. [12:58:05] Checking for file '/usr/lib/.../du' [ Not found ]
  415. [12:58:05] Checking for file '/usr/lib/.../top' [ Not found ]
  416. [12:58:05] Checking for directory '/usr/sbin/...' [ Not found ]
  417. [12:58:05] Checking for directory '/usr/include/...' [ Not found ]
  418. [12:58:05] Checking for directory '/usr/include/.../.tmp' [ Not found ]
  419. [12:58:05] Checking for directory '/usr/lib/...' [ Not found ]
  420. [12:58:05] Checking for directory '/usr/lib/.../.ssh' [ Not found ]
  421. [12:58:06] Checking for directory '/usr/lib/.../bkit-ssh' [ Not found ]
  422. [12:58:06] Checking for directory '/usr/lib/.bkit-' [ Not found ]
  423. [12:58:06] Checking for directory '/tmp/.bkp' [ Not found ]
  424. [12:58:06] BOBKit Rootkit [ Not found ]
  425. [12:58:06]
  426. [12:58:06] Checking for Boonana Trojan...
  427. [12:58:06] Checking for file '/Library/StartupItems/OSXDriverUpdates/OSXDriverUpdates' [ Not found ]
  428. [12:58:06] Checking for file '/Library/StartupItems/OSXDriverUpdates/StartupParameters.plist' [ Not found ]
  429. [12:58:06] Checking for directory '/var/root/.jnana' [ Not found ]
  430. [12:58:06] Boonana Trojan [ Not found ]
  431. [12:58:06]
  432. [12:58:06] Checking for cb Rootkit...
  433. [12:58:06] Checking for file '/dev/srd0' [ Not found ]
  434. [12:58:06] Checking for file '/lib/' [ Not found ]
  435. [12:58:06] Checking for file '/dev/mounnt' [ Not found ]
  436. [12:58:06] Checking for file '/etc/rc.d/init.d/init' [ Not found ]
  437. [12:58:06] Checking for file '/usr/bin/.zeen/.. /cl' [ Not found ]
  438. [12:58:06] Checking for file '/usr/bin/.zeen/.. /.x.tgz' [ Not found ]
  439. [12:58:07] Checking for file '/usr/bin/.zeen/.. /statdx' [ Not found ]
  440. [12:58:07] Checking for file '/usr/bin/.zeen/.. /wted' [ Not found ]
  441. [12:58:07] Checking for file '/usr/bin/.zeen/.. /write' [ Not found ]
  442. [12:58:07] Checking for file '/usr/bin/.zeen/.. /scan' [ Not found ]
  443. [12:58:07] Checking for file '/usr/bin/.zeen/.. /sc' [ Not found ]
  444. [12:58:07] Checking for file '/usr/bin/.zeen/.. /sl2' [ Not found ]
  445. [12:58:07] Checking for file '/usr/bin/.zeen/.. /wroot' [ Not found ]
  446. [12:58:07] Checking for file '/usr/bin/.zeen/.. /wscan' [ Not found ]
  447. [12:58:07] Checking for file '/usr/bin/.zeen/.. /wu' [ Not found ]
  448. [12:58:07] Checking for file '/usr/bin/.zeen/.. /v' [ Not found ]
  449. [12:58:07] Checking for file '/usr/bin/.zeen/.. /read' [ Not found ]
  450. [12:58:07] Checking for file '/usr/lib/sshrc' [ Not found ]
  451. [12:58:07] Checking for file '/usr/lib/ssh_host_key' [ Not found ]
  452. [12:58:07] Checking for file '/usr/lib/' [ Not found ]
  453. [12:58:07] Checking for file '/usr/lib/ssh_random_seed' [ Not found ]
  454. [12:58:07] Checking for file '/usr/lib/sshd_config' [ Not found ]
  455. [12:58:07] Checking for file '/usr/lib/shosts.equiv' [ Not found ]
  456. [12:58:08] Checking for file '/usr/lib/ssh_known_hosts' [ Not found ]
  457. [12:58:08] Checking for file '/u/zappa/.ssh/pid' [ Not found ]
  458. [12:58:08] Checking for file '/usr/bin/.system/.. /tcp.log' [ Not found ]
  459. [12:58:08] Checking for file '/usr/bin/.zeen/.. /curatare/attrib' [ Not found ]
  460. [12:58:08] Checking for file '/usr/bin/.zeen/.. /curatare/chattr' [ Not found ]
  461. [12:58:08] Checking for file '/usr/bin/.zeen/.. /curatare/ps' [ Not found ]
  462. [12:58:08] Checking for file '/usr/bin/.zeen/.. /curatare/pstree' [ Not found ]
  463. [12:58:08] Checking for file '/usr/bin/.system/.. /.x/xC.o' [ Not found ]
  464. [12:58:08] Checking for directory '/usr/bin/.zeen' [ Not found ]
  465. [12:58:08] Checking for directory '/usr/bin/.zeen/.. /curatare' [ Not found ]
  466. [12:58:08] Checking for directory '/usr/bin/.zeen/.. /scan' [ Not found ]
  467. [12:58:08] Checking for directory '/usr/bin/.system/.. ' [ Not found ]
  468. [12:58:08] cb Rootkit [ Not found ]
  469. [12:58:08]
  470. [12:58:08] Checking for CiNIK Worm (Slapper.B variant)...
  471. [12:58:08] Checking for file '/tmp/.cinik' [ Not found ]
  472. [12:58:08] Checking for directory '/tmp/.font-unix/.cinik' [ Not found ]
  473. [12:58:09] CiNIK Worm (Slapper.B variant) [ Not found ]
  474. [12:58:09]
  475. [12:58:09] Checking for Danny-Boy's Abuse Kit...
  476. [12:58:09] Checking for file '/dev/mdev' [ Not found ]
  477. [12:58:09] Checking for file '/usr/lib/libX.a' [ Not found ]
  478. [12:58:09] Danny-Boy's Abuse Kit [ Not found ]
  479. [12:58:09]
  480. [12:58:09] Checking for Devil RootKit...
  481. [12:58:09] Checking for file '/var/lib/games/.src' [ Not found ]
  482. [12:58:09] Checking for file '/dev/dsx' [ Not found ]
  483. [12:58:09] Checking for file '/dev/caca' [ Not found ]
  484. [12:58:09] Checking for file '/dev/pro' [ Not found ]
  485. [12:58:09] Checking for file '/bin/bye' [ Not found ]
  486. [12:58:09] Checking for file '/bin/homedir' [ Not found ]
  487. [12:58:09] Checking for file '/usr/bin/xfss' [ Not found ]
  488. [12:58:09] Checking for file '/usr/sbin/tzava' [ Not found ]
  489. [12:58:09] Checking for file '/usr/doc/tar/.../.dracusor/stuff/holber' [ Not found ]
  490. [12:58:09] Checking for file '/usr/doc/tar/.../.dracusor/stuff/sense' [ Not found ]
  491. [12:58:09] Checking for file '/usr/doc/tar/.../.dracusor/stuff/clear' [ Not found ]
  492. [12:58:10] Checking for file '/usr/doc/tar/.../.dracusor/stuff/tzava' [ Not found ]
  493. [12:58:10] Checking for file '/usr/doc/tar/.../.dracusor/stuff/citeste' [ Not found ]
  494. [12:58:10] Checking for file '/usr/doc/tar/.../.dracusor/stuff/killrk' [ Not found ]
  495. [12:58:10] Checking for file '/usr/doc/tar/.../.dracusor/stuff/searchlog' [ Not found ]
  496. [12:58:10] Checking for file '/usr/doc/tar/.../.dracusor/stuff/gaoaza' [ Not found ]
  497. [12:58:10] Checking for file '/usr/doc/tar/.../.dracusor/stuff/cleaner' [ Not found ]
  498. [12:58:10] Checking for file '/usr/doc/tar/.../.dracusor/stuff/shk' [ Not found ]
  499. [12:58:10] Checking for file '/usr/doc/tar/.../.dracusor/stuff/srs' [ Not found ]
  500. [12:58:10] Checking for file '/usr/doc/tar/.../.dracusor/utile.tgz' [ Not found ]
  501. [12:58:10] Checking for file '/usr/doc/tar/.../.dracusor/webpage' [ Not found ]
  502. [12:58:10] Checking for file '/usr/doc/tar/.../.dracusor/getpsy' [ Not found ]
  503. [12:58:10] Checking for file '/usr/doc/tar/.../.dracusor/getbnc' [ Not found ]
  504. [12:58:10] Checking for file '/usr/doc/tar/.../.dracusor/getemech' [ Not found ]
  505. [12:58:10] Checking for file '/usr/doc/tar/.../.dracusor/' [ Not found ]
  506. [12:58:10] Checking for file '/usr/doc/tar/.../.dracusor/stuff/old/sense' [ Not found ]
  507. [12:58:10] Checking for directory '/usr/doc/tar/.../.dracusor' [ Not found ]
  508. [12:58:11] Devil RootKit [ Not found ]
  509. [12:58:11]
  510. [12:58:11] Checking for Dica-Kit Rootkit...
  511. [12:58:11] Checking for file '/lib/.sso' [ Not found ]
  512. [12:58:11] Checking for file '/lib/.so' [ Not found ]
  513. [12:58:11] Checking for file '/var/run/...dica/clean' [ Not found ]
  514. [12:58:11] Checking for file '/var/run/...dica/dxr' [ Not found ]
  515. [12:58:11] Checking for file '/var/run/...dica/read' [ Not found ]
  516. [12:58:11] Checking for file '/var/run/...dica/write' [ Not found ]
  517. [12:58:11] Checking for file '/var/run/...dica/lf' [ Not found ]
  518. [12:58:11] Checking for file '/var/run/...dica/xl' [ Not found ]
  519. [12:58:11] Checking for file '/var/run/...dica/xdr' [ Not found ]
  520. [12:58:11] Checking for file '/var/run/...dica/psg' [ Not found ]
  521. [12:58:11] Checking for file '/var/run/...dica/secure' [ Not found ]
  522. [12:58:11] Checking for file '/var/run/...dica/rdx' [ Not found ]
  523. [12:58:11] Checking for file '/var/run/...dica/va' [ Not found ]
  524. [12:58:11] Checking for file '/var/run/...dica/' [ Not found ]
  525. [12:58:11] Checking for file '/var/run/...dica/last.log' [ Not found ]
  526. [12:58:12] Checking for file '/usr/bin/.etc' [ Not found ]
  527. [12:58:12] Checking for file '/etc/sshd_config' [ Found ]
  528. [12:58:12] Checking for file '/etc/ssh_host_key' [ Not found ]
  529. [12:58:12] Checking for file '/etc/ssh_random_seed' [ Not found ]
  530. [12:58:12] Checking for directory '/var/run/...dica' [ Not found ]
  531. [12:58:12] Checking for directory '/var/run/...dica/mh' [ Not found ]
  532. [12:58:12] Checking for directory '/var/run/...dica/scan' [ Not found ]
  533. [12:58:12] Warning: Dica-Kit Rootkit [ Warning ]
  534. [12:58:12] File '/etc/sshd_config' found
  535. [12:58:12]
  536. [12:58:12] Checking for Dreams Rootkit...
  537. [12:58:12] Checking for file '/dev/ttyoa' [ Not found ]
  538. [12:58:12] Checking for file '/dev/ttyof' [ Not found ]
  539. [12:58:12] Checking for file '/dev/ttyop' [ Not found ]
  540. [12:58:12] Checking for file '/usr/bin/sense' [ Not found ]
  541. [12:58:12] Checking for file '/usr/bin/sl2' [ Not found ]
  542. [12:58:13] Checking for file '/usr/bin/logclear' [ Not found ]
  543. [12:58:13] Checking for file '/usr/bin/(swapd)' [ Not found ]
  544. [12:58:13] Checking for file '/usr/bin/initrd' [ Not found ]
  545. [12:58:13] Checking for file '/usr/bin/crontabs' [ Not found ]
  546. [12:58:13] Checking for file '/usr/bin/snfs' [ Not found ]
  547. [12:58:13] Checking for file '/usr/lib/libsss' [ Not found ]
  548. [12:58:13] Checking for file '/usr/lib/libsnf.log' [ Not found ]
  549. [12:58:13] Checking for file '/usr/lib/libshtift/top' [ Not found ]
  550. [12:58:13] Checking for file '/usr/lib/libshtift/ps' [ Not found ]
  551. [12:58:13] Checking for file '/usr/lib/libshtift/netstat' [ Not found ]
  552. [12:58:13] Checking for file '/usr/lib/libshtift/ls' [ Not found ]
  553. [12:58:13] Checking for file '/usr/lib/libshtift/ifconfig' [ Not found ]
  554. [12:58:13] Checking for file '/usr/include/linseed.h' [ Not found ]
  555. [12:58:13] Checking for file '/usr/include/linpid.h' [ Not found ]
  556. [12:58:13] Checking for file '/usr/include/linkey.h' [ Not found ]
  557. [12:58:13] Checking for file '/usr/include/linconf.h' [ Not found ]
  558. [12:58:14] Checking for file '/usr/include/iceseed.h' [ Not found ]
  559. [12:58:14] Checking for file '/usr/include/icepid.h' [ Not found ]
  560. [12:58:14] Checking for file '/usr/include/icekey.h' [ Not found ]
  561. [12:58:14] Checking for file '/usr/include/iceconf.h' [ Not found ]
  562. [12:58:14] Checking for directory '/dev/ida/.hpd' [ Not found ]
  563. [12:58:14] Checking for directory '/usr/lib/libshtift' [ Not found ]
  564. [12:58:14] Dreams Rootkit [ Not found ]
  565. [12:58:14]
  566. [12:58:14] Checking for Duarawkz Rootkit...
  567. [12:58:14] Checking for file '/usr/bin/duarawkz/loginpass' [ Not found ]
  568. [12:58:14] Checking for directory '/usr/bin/duarawkz' [ Not found ]
  569. [12:58:14] Duarawkz Rootkit [ Not found ]
  570. [12:58:14]
  571. [12:58:14] Checking for Enye LKM...
  572. [12:58:14] Checking for file '/etc/.enyelkmHIDE^IT.ko' [ Not found ]
  573. [12:58:14] Checking for file '/etc/.enyelkmOCULTAR.ko' [ Not found ]
  574. [12:58:14] Enye LKM [ Not found ]
  575. [12:58:14]
  576. [12:58:14] Checking for Flea Linux Rootkit...
  577. [12:58:15] Checking for file '/etc/' [ Not found ]
  578. [12:58:15] Checking for file '/lib/security/.config/ssh/sshd_config' [ Not found ]
  579. [12:58:15] Checking for file '/lib/security/.config/ssh/ssh_host_key' [ Not found ]
  580. [12:58:15] Checking for file '/lib/security/.config/ssh/' [ Not found ]
  581. [12:58:15] Checking for file '/lib/security/.config/ssh/ssh_random_seed' [ Not found ]
  582. [12:58:15] Checking for file '/usr/bin/ssh2d' [ Not found ]
  583. [12:58:15] Checking for file '/usr/lib/' [ Not found ]
  584. [12:58:15] Checking for file '/usr/lib/' [ Not found ]
  585. [12:58:15] Checking for file '/usr/lib/' [ Not found ]
  586. [12:58:15] Checking for file '/usr/lib/' [ Not found ]
  587. [12:58:15] Checking for file '/usr/lib/' [ Not found ]
  588. [12:58:15] Checking for directory '/lib/security/.config/ssh' [ Not found ]
  589. [12:58:15] Checking for directory '/dev/..0' [ Not found ]
  590. [12:58:15] Checking for directory '/dev/..0/backup' [ Not found ]
  591. [12:58:15] Flea Linux Rootkit [ Not found ]
  592. [12:58:15]
  593. [12:58:15] Checking for Fu Rootkit...
  594. [12:58:16] Checking for file '/sbin/xc' [ Not found ]
  595. [12:58:16] Checking for file '/usr/include/ivtype.h' [ Not found ]
  596. [12:58:16] Checking for file '/bin/.lib' [ Not found ]
  597. [12:58:16] Fu Rootkit [ Not found ]
  598. [12:58:16]
  599. [12:58:16] Checking for Fuck`it Rootkit...
  600. [12:58:16] Checking for file '/lib/' [ Not found ]
  601. [12:58:16] Checking for file '/dev/proc/.bash_profile' [ Not found ]
  602. [12:58:16] Checking for file '/dev/proc/.bashrc' [ Not found ]
  603. [12:58:16] Checking for file '/dev/proc/.cshrc' [ Not found ]
  604. [12:58:16] Checking for file '/dev/proc/fuckit/hax0r' [ Not found ]
  605. [12:58:16] Checking for file '/dev/proc/fuckit/hax0rshell' [ Not found ]
  606. [12:58:16] Checking for file '/dev/proc/fuckit/config/lports' [ Not found ]
  607. [12:58:16] Checking for file '/dev/proc/fuckit/config/rports' [ Not found ]
  608. [12:58:16] Checking for file '/dev/proc/fuckit/config/rkconf' [ Not found ]
  609. [12:58:16] Checking for file '/dev/proc/fuckit/config/password' [ Not found ]
  610. [12:58:16] Checking for file '/dev/proc/fuckit/config/progs' [ Not found ]
  611. [12:58:16] Checking for file '/dev/proc/fuckit/system-bins/init' [ Not found ]
  612. [12:58:17] Checking for file '/usr/lib/libcps.a' [ Not found ]
  613. [12:58:17] Checking for file '/usr/lib/libtty.a' [ Not found ]
  614. [12:58:17] Checking for directory '/dev/proc' [ Not found ]
  615. [12:58:17] Checking for directory '/dev/proc/fuckit' [ Not found ]
  616. [12:58:17] Checking for directory '/dev/proc/fuckit/system-bins' [ Not found ]
  617. [12:58:17] Checking for directory '/dev/proc/toolz' [ Not found ]
  618. [12:58:17] Fuck`it Rootkit [ Not found ]
  619. [12:58:17]
  620. [12:58:17] Checking for GasKit Rootkit...
  621. [12:58:17] Checking for file '/dev/dev/gaskit/sshd/sshdd' [ Not found ]
  622. [12:58:17] Checking for directory '/dev/dev' [ Not found ]
  623. [12:58:17] Checking for directory '/dev/dev/gaskit' [ Not found ]
  624. [12:58:17] Checking for directory '/dev/dev/gaskit/sshd' [ Not found ]
  625. [12:58:17] GasKit Rootkit [ Not found ]
  626. [12:58:17]
  627. [12:58:17] Checking for Heroin LKM...
  628. [12:58:17] Checking for kernel symbol 'heroin' [ Skipped ]
  629. [12:58:17] Heroin LKM [ Not found ]
  630. [12:58:17]
  631. [12:58:17] Checking for HjC Kit...
  632. [12:58:18] Checking for directory '/dev/.hijackerz' [ Not found ]
  633. [12:58:18] HjC Kit [ Not found ]
  634. [12:58:18]
  635. [12:58:18] Checking for ignoKit Rootkit...
  636. [12:58:18] Checking for file '/lib/defs/p' [ Not found ]
  637. [12:58:18] Checking for file '/lib/defs/q' [ Not found ]
  638. [12:58:18] Checking for file '/lib/defs/r' [ Not found ]
  639. [12:58:18] Checking for file '/lib/defs/s' [ Not found ]
  640. [12:58:18] Checking for file '/lib/defs/t' [ Not found ]
  641. [12:58:18] Checking for file '/usr/lib/defs/p' [ Not found ]
  642. [12:58:18] Checking for file '/usr/lib/defs/q' [ Not found ]
  643. [12:58:18] Checking for file '/usr/lib/defs/r' [ Not found ]
  644. [12:58:18] Checking for file '/usr/lib/defs/s' [ Not found ]
  645. [12:58:18] Checking for file '/usr/lib/defs/t' [ Not found ]
  646. [12:58:18] Checking for file '/usr/lib/.libigno/pkunsec' [ Not found ]
  647. [12:58:18] Checking for file '/usr/lib/.libigno/.igno/psybnc/psybnc' [ Not found ]
  648. [12:58:18] Checking for directory '/usr/lib/.libigno' [ Not found ]
  649. [12:58:19] Checking for directory '/usr/lib/.libigno/.igno' [ Not found ]
  650. [12:58:19] ignoKit Rootkit [ Not found ]
  651. [12:58:19]
  652. [12:58:19] Checking for Inqtana Worm (Variant A)...
  653. [12:58:19] Checking for file '/Users/w0rm-support.tgz' [ Not found ]
  654. [12:58:19] Checking for file '/Users/InqTest.class' [ Not found ]
  655. [12:58:19] Checking for file '/Users/com.openbundle.plist' [ Not found ]
  656. [12:58:19] Checking for file '/Users/com.pwned.plist' [ Not found ]
  657. [12:58:19] Checking for file '/Users/libavetanaBT.jnilib' [ Not found ]
  658. [12:58:19] Checking for directory '/Users/de' [ Not found ]
  659. [12:58:19] Checking for directory '/Users/javax' [ Not found ]
  660. [12:58:19] Inqtana Worm (Variant A) [ Not found ]
  661. [12:58:19]
  662. [12:58:19] Checking for Inqtana Worm (Variant B)...
  663. [12:58:19] Checking for file '/Users/' [ Not found ]
  664. [12:58:19] Checking for file '/Users/InqTest.class' [ Not found ]
  665. [12:58:19] Checking for file '/Users/' [ Not found ]
  666. [12:58:19] Checking for file '/Users/libavetanaBT.jnilib' [ Not found ]
  667. [12:58:20] Checking for file '/Users/InqTanaHandler' [ Not found ]
  668. [12:58:20] Checking for file '/Users/InqTanaHandler.bundle' [ Not found ]
  669. [12:58:20] Checking for directory '/Users/de' [ Not found ]
  670. [12:58:20] Checking for directory '/Users/javax' [ Not found ]
  671. [12:58:20] Inqtana Worm (Variant B) [ Not found ]
  672. [12:58:20]
  673. [12:58:20] Checking for Inqtana Worm (Variant C)...
  674. [12:58:20] Checking for file '/Users/applec0re.tgz' [ Not found ]
  675. [12:58:20] Checking for file '/Users/InqTest.class' [ Not found ]
  676. [12:58:20] Checking for file '/Users/' [ Not found ]
  677. [12:58:20] Checking for file '/Users/libavetanaBT.jnilib' [ Not found ]
  678. [12:58:20] Checking for file '/Users/environment.plist' [ Not found ]
  679. [12:58:20] Checking for file '/Users/pwned.c' [ Not found ]
  680. [12:58:20] Checking for file '/Users/pwned.dylib' [ Not found ]
  681. [12:58:20] Checking for directory '/Users/de' [ Not found ]
  682. [12:58:20] Checking for directory '/Users/javax' [ Not found ]
  683. [12:58:20] Inqtana Worm (Variant C) [ Not found ]
  684. [12:58:21]
  685. [12:58:21] Checking for IntoXonia-NG Rootkit...
  686. [12:58:21] Checking for kernel symbol 'funces' [ Skipped ]
  687. [12:58:21] Checking for kernel symbol 'ixinit' [ Skipped ]
  688. [12:58:21] Checking for kernel symbol 'tricks' [ Skipped ]
  689. [12:58:21] Checking for kernel symbol 'kernel_unlink' [ Skipped ]
  690. [12:58:21] Checking for kernel symbol 'rootme' [ Skipped ]
  691. [12:58:21] Checking for kernel symbol 'hide_module' [ Skipped ]
  692. [12:58:21] Checking for kernel symbol 'find_sys_call_tbl' [ Skipped ]
  693. [12:58:21] IntoXonia-NG Rootkit [ Not found ]
  694. [12:58:21]
  695. [12:58:21] Checking for Irix Rootkit...
  696. [12:58:21] Checking for directory '/dev/pts/01' [ Not found ]
  697. [12:58:21] Checking for directory '/dev/pts/01/backup' [ Not found ]
  698. [12:58:21] Checking for directory '/dev/pts/01/etc' [ Not found ]
  699. [12:58:21] Checking for directory '/dev/pts/01/tmp' [ Not found ]
  700. [12:58:21] Irix Rootkit [ Not found ]
  701. [12:58:21]
  702. [12:58:21] Checking for Jynx Rootkit...
  703. [12:58:21] Checking for file '/xochikit/bc' [ Not found ]
  704. [12:58:22] Checking for file '/xochikit/' [ Not found ]
  705. [12:58:22] Checking for file '/omgxochi/bc' [ Not found ]
  706. [12:58:22] Checking for file '/omgxochi/' [ Not found ]
  707. [12:58:22] Checking for directory '/xochikit' [ Not found ]
  708. [12:58:22] Checking for directory '/omgxochi' [ Not found ]
  709. [12:58:22] Jynx Rootkit [ Not found ]
  710. [12:58:22]
  711. [12:58:22] Checking for KBeast Rootkit...
  712. [12:58:22] Checking for file '/usr/_h4x_/ipsecs-kbeast-v1.ko' [ Not found ]
  713. [12:58:22] Checking for file '/usr/_h4x_/_h4x_bd' [ Not found ]
  714. [12:58:22] Checking for file '/usr/_h4x_/acctlog' [ Not found ]
  715. [12:58:22] Checking for directory '/usr/_h4x_' [ Not found ]
  716. [12:58:22] Checking for kernel symbol 'h4x_delete_module' [ Skipped ]
  717. [12:58:22] Checking for kernel symbol 'h4x_getdents64' [ Skipped ]
  718. [12:58:22] Checking for kernel symbol 'h4x_kill' [ Skipped ]
  719. [12:58:22] Checking for kernel symbol 'h4x_open' [ Skipped ]
  720. [12:58:22] Checking for kernel symbol 'h4x_read' [ Skipped ]
  721. [12:58:22] Checking for kernel symbol 'h4x_rename' [ Skipped ]
  722. [12:58:23] Checking for kernel symbol 'h4x_rmdir' [ Skipped ]
  723. [12:58:23] Checking for kernel symbol 'h4x_tcp4_seq_show' [ Skipped ]
  724. [12:58:23] Checking for kernel symbol 'h4x_write' [ Skipped ]
  725. [12:58:23] KBeast Rootkit [ Not found ]
  726. [12:58:23]
  727. [12:58:23] Checking for Kitko Rootkit...
  728. [12:58:23] Checking for directory '/usr/src/redhat/SRPMS/...' [ Not found ]
  729. [12:58:23] Kitko Rootkit [ Not found ]
  730. [12:58:23]
  731. [12:58:23] Checking for Knark Rootkit...
  732. [12:58:23] Checking for file '/proc/knark/pids' [ Not found ]
  733. [12:58:23] Checking for directory '/proc/knark' [ Not found ]
  734. [12:58:23] Knark Rootkit [ Not found ]
  735. [12:58:23]
  736. [12:58:23] Checking for Rootkit...
  737. [12:58:23] Checking for file '/lib/' [ Not found ]
  738. [12:58:23] Checking for directory '/var/opt/_so_cache' [ Not found ]
  739. [12:58:23] Checking for directory '/var/opt/_so_cache/ld' [ Not found ]
  740. [12:58:23] Checking for directory '/var/opt/_so_cache/lc' [ Not found ]
  741. [12:58:23] Rootkit [ Not found ]
  742. [12:58:23]
  743. [12:58:23] Checking for Li0n Worm...
  744. [12:58:24] Checking for file '/bin/in.telnetd' [ Not found ]
  745. [12:58:24] Checking for file '/bin/mjy' [ Not found ]
  746. [12:58:24] Checking for file '/usr/man/man1/man1/lib/.lib/mjy' [ Not found ]
  747. [12:58:24] Checking for file '/usr/man/man1/man1/lib/.lib/in.telnetd' [ Not found ]
  748. [12:58:24] Checking for file '/usr/man/man1/man1/lib/.lib/.x' [ Not found ]
  749. [12:58:24] Checking for file '/dev/.lib/lib/scan/' [ Not found ]
  750. [12:58:24] Checking for file '/dev/.lib/lib/scan/' [ Not found ]
  751. [12:58:24] Checking for file '/dev/.lib/lib/scan/bind' [ Not found ]
  752. [12:58:24] Checking for file '/dev/.lib/lib/scan/randb' [ Not found ]
  753. [12:58:24] Checking for file '/dev/.lib/lib/scan/' [ Not found ]
  754. [12:58:24] Checking for file '/dev/.lib/lib/scan/pscan' [ Not found ]
  755. [12:58:24] Checking for file '/dev/.lib/lib/scan/' [ Not found ]
  756. [12:58:24] Checking for file '/dev/.lib/lib/scan/' [ Not found ]
  757. [12:58:24] Checking for file '/dev/.lib/lib/scan/bindname.log' [ Not found ]
  758. [12:58:24] Checking for file '/dev/.lib/lib/' [ Not found ]
  759. [12:58:24] Checking for file '/dev/.lib/lib/lib/netstat' [ Not found ]
  760. [12:58:25] Checking for file '/dev/.lib/lib/lib/dev/.1addr' [ Not found ]
  761. [12:58:25] Checking for file '/dev/.lib/lib/lib/dev/.1logz' [ Not found ]
  762. [12:58:25] Checking for file '/dev/.lib/lib/lib/dev/.1proc' [ Not found ]
  763. [12:58:25] Checking for file '/dev/.lib/lib/lib/dev/.1file' [ Not found ]
  764. [12:58:25] Li0n Worm [ Not found ]
  765. [12:58:25]
  766. [12:58:25] Checking for Lockit / LJK2 Rootkit...
  767. [12:58:25] Checking for file '/usr/lib/libmen.oo/.LJK2/ssh_config' [ Not found ]
  768. [12:58:25] Checking for file '/usr/lib/libmen.oo/.LJK2/ssh_host_key' [ Not found ]
  769. [12:58:25] Checking for file '/usr/lib/libmen.oo/.LJK2/' [ Not found ]
  770. [12:58:25] Checking for file '/usr/lib/libmen.oo/.LJK2/ssh_random_seed*' [ Not found ]
  771. [12:58:25] Checking for file '/usr/lib/libmen.oo/.LJK2/sshd_config' [ Not found ]
  772. [12:58:25] Checking for file '/usr/lib/libmen.oo/.LJK2/backdoor/RK1bd' [ Not found ]
  773. [12:58:25] Checking for file '/usr/lib/libmen.oo/.LJK2/backup/du' [ Not found ]
  774. [12:58:25] Checking for file '/usr/lib/libmen.oo/.LJK2/backup/ifconfig' [ Not found ]
  775. [12:58:25] Checking for file '/usr/lib/libmen.oo/.LJK2/backup/inetd.conf' [ Not found ]
  776. [12:58:25] Checking for file '/usr/lib/libmen.oo/.LJK2/backup/locate' [ Not found ]
  777. [12:58:25] Checking for file '/usr/lib/libmen.oo/.LJK2/backup/login' [ Not found ]
  778. [12:58:26] Checking for file '/usr/lib/libmen.oo/.LJK2/backup/ls' [ Not found ]
  779. [12:58:26] Checking for file '/usr/lib/libmen.oo/.LJK2/backup/netstat' [ Not found ]
  780. [12:58:26] Checking for file '/usr/lib/libmen.oo/.LJK2/backup/ps' [ Not found ]
  781. [12:58:26] Checking for file '/usr/lib/libmen.oo/.LJK2/backup/pstree' [ Not found ]
  782. [12:58:26] Checking for file '/usr/lib/libmen.oo/.LJK2/backup/rc.sysinit' [ Not found ]
  783. [12:58:26] Checking for file '/usr/lib/libmen.oo/.LJK2/backup/syslogd' [ Not found ]
  784. [12:58:26] Checking for file '/usr/lib/libmen.oo/.LJK2/backup/tcpd' [ Not found ]
  785. [12:58:26] Checking for file '/usr/lib/libmen.oo/.LJK2/backup/top' [ Not found ]
  786. [12:58:26] Checking for file '/usr/lib/libmen.oo/.LJK2/clean/RK1sauber' [ Not found ]
  787. [12:58:26] Checking for file '/usr/lib/libmen.oo/.LJK2/clean/RK1wted' [ Not found ]
  788. [12:58:26] Checking for file '/usr/lib/libmen.oo/.LJK2/hack/RK1parse' [ Not found ]
  789. [12:58:26] Checking for file '/usr/lib/libmen.oo/.LJK2/hack/RK1sniff' [ Not found ]
  790. [12:58:26] Checking for file '/usr/lib/libmen.oo/.LJK2/hide/.RK1addr' [ Not found ]
  791. [12:58:26] Checking for file '/usr/lib/libmen.oo/.LJK2/hide/.RK1dir' [ Not found ]
  792. [12:58:26] Checking for file '/usr/lib/libmen.oo/.LJK2/hide/.RK1log' [ Not found ]
  793. [12:58:26] Checking for file '/usr/lib/libmen.oo/.LJK2/hide/.RK1proc' [ Not found ]
  794. [12:58:27] Checking for file '/usr/lib/libmen.oo/.LJK2/hide/RK1phidemod.c' [ Not found ]
  795. [12:58:27] Checking for file '/usr/lib/libmen.oo/.LJK2/modules/README.modules' [ Not found ]
  796. [12:58:27] Checking for file '/usr/lib/libmen.oo/.LJK2/modules/RK1hidem.c' [ Not found ]
  797. [12:58:27] Checking for file '/usr/lib/libmen.oo/.LJK2/modules/RK1phide' [ Not found ]
  798. [12:58:27] Checking for file '/usr/lib/libmen.oo/.LJK2/sshconfig/RK1ssh' [ Not found ]
  799. [12:58:27] Checking for directory '/usr/lib/libmen.oo/.LJK2' [ Not found ]
  800. [12:58:27] Lockit / LJK2 Rootkit [ Not found ]
  801. [12:58:27]
  802. [12:58:27] Checking for Mood-NT Rootkit...
  803. [12:58:27] Checking for file '/sbin/init__mood-nt-_-_cthulhu' [ Not found ]
  804. [12:58:27] Checking for file '/_cthulhu/mood-nt.init' [ Not found ]
  805. [12:58:27] Checking for file '/_cthulhu/mood-nt.conf' [ Not found ]
  806. [12:58:27] Checking for file '/_cthulhu/mood-nt.sniff' [ Not found ]
  807. [12:58:27] Checking for directory '/_cthulhu' [ Not found ]
  808. [12:58:27] Mood-NT Rootkit [ Not found ]
  809. [12:58:27]
  810. [12:58:27] Checking for MRK Rootkit...
  811. [12:58:27] Checking for file '/dev/ida/.inet/pid' [ Not found ]
  812. [12:58:27] Checking for file '/dev/ida/.inet/ssh_host_key' [ Not found ]
  813. [12:58:28] Checking for file '/dev/ida/.inet/ssh_random_seed' [ Not found ]
  814. [12:58:28] Checking for file '/dev/ida/.inet/tcp.log' [ Not found ]
  815. [12:58:28] Checking for directory '/dev/ida/.inet' [ Not found ]
  816. [12:58:28] Checking for directory '/var/spool/cron/.sh' [ Not found ]
  817. [12:58:28] MRK Rootkit [ Not found ]
  818. [12:58:28]
  819. [12:58:28] Checking for Ni0 Rootkit...
  820. [12:58:28] Checking for file '/var/lock/subsys/...datafile.../' [ Not found ]
  821. [12:58:28] Checking for file '/var/lock/subsys/...datafile.../...port...' [ Not found ]
  822. [12:58:28] Checking for file '/var/lock/subsys/...datafile.../' [ Not found ]
  823. [12:58:28] Checking for file '/var/lock/subsys/...datafile.../...file...' [ Not found ]
  824. [12:58:28] Checking for directory '/tmp/waza' [ Not found ]
  825. [12:58:28] Checking for directory '/var/lock/subsys/...datafile...' [ Not found ]
  826. [12:58:28] Checking for directory '/usr/sbin/es' [ Not found ]
  827. [12:58:28] Ni0 Rootkit [ Not found ]
  828. [12:58:28]
  829. [12:58:28] Checking for Ohhara Rootkit...
  830. [12:58:28] Checking for file '/var/lock/subsys/...datafile.../...datafile.../in.smbd.log' [ Not found ]
  831. [12:58:29] Checking for directory '/var/lock/subsys/...datafile...' [ Not found ]
  832. [12:58:29] Checking for directory '/var/lock/subsys/...datafile.../...datafile...' [ Not found ]
  833. [12:58:29] Checking for directory '/var/lock/subsys/...datafile.../...datafile.../bin' [ Not found ]
  834. [12:58:29] Checking for directory '/var/lock/subsys/...datafile.../...datafile.../usr/bin' [ Not found ]
  835. [12:58:29] Checking for directory '/var/lock/subsys/...datafile.../...datafile.../usr/sbin' [ Not found ]
  836. [12:58:29] Checking for directory '/var/lock/subsys/...datafile.../...datafile.../lib/security' [ Not found ]
  837. [12:58:29] Ohhara Rootkit [ Not found ]
  838. [12:58:29]
  839. [12:58:29] Checking for Optic Kit (Tux) Worm...
  840. [12:58:29] Checking for directory '/dev/tux' [ Not found ]
  841. [12:58:29] Checking for directory '/usr/bin/xchk' [ Not found ]
  842. [12:58:29] Checking for directory '/usr/bin/xsf' [ Not found ]
  843. [12:58:29] Checking for directory '/usr/bin/ssh2d' [ Not found ]
  844. [12:58:29] Optic Kit (Tux) Worm [ Not found ]
  845. [12:58:29]
  846. [12:58:29] Checking for OS X Rootkit...
  847. [12:58:29] Checking for file '/dev/.rk/nc' [ Not found ]
  848. [12:58:29] Checking for file '/dev/.rk/diepu' [ Not found ]
  849. [12:58:29] Checking for file '/dev/.rk/backd' [ Not found ]
  850. [12:58:30] Checking for file '/Library/StartupItems/opener' [ Not found ]
  851. [12:58:30] Checking for file '/Library/StartupItems/' [ Not found ]
  852. [12:58:30] Checking for file '/System/Library/StartupItems/opener' [ Not found ]
  853. [12:58:30] Checking for file '/System/Library/StartupItems/' [ Not found ]
  854. [12:58:30] Checking for directory '/dev/.rk' [ Not found ]
  855. [12:58:30] Checking for directory '/Users/LDAP-daemon' [ Not found ]
  856. [12:58:30] Checking for directory '/tmp/.work' [ Not found ]
  857. [12:58:30] OS X Rootkit [ Not found ]
  858. [12:58:30]
  859. [12:58:30] Checking for Oz Rootkit...
  860. [12:58:30] Checking for file '/dev/.oz/.nap/rkit/terror' [ Not found ]
  861. [12:58:30] Checking for directory '/dev/.oz' [ Not found ]
  862. [12:58:30] Oz Rootkit [ Not found ]
  863. [12:58:30]
  864. [12:58:30] Checking for Phalanx Rootkit...
  865. [12:58:30] Checking for file '/uNFuNF' [ Not found ]
  866. [12:58:30] Checking for file '/etc/host.ph1' [ Not found ]
  867. [12:58:30] Checking for file '/bin/host.ph1' [ Not found ]
  868. [12:58:30] Checking for file '/usr/share/.home.ph1/phalanx' [ Not found ]
  869. [12:58:31] Checking for file '/usr/share/.home.ph1/cb' [ Not found ]
  870. [12:58:31] Checking for file '/usr/share/.home.ph1/kebab' [ Not found ]
  871. [12:58:31] Checking for directory '/usr/share/.home.ph1' [ Not found ]
  872. [12:58:31] Checking for directory '/usr/share/.home.ph1/tty' [ Not found ]
  873. [12:58:31] Phalanx Rootkit [ Not found ]
  874. [12:58:31]
  875. [12:58:31] Checking for Phalanx2 Rootkit...
  876. [12:58:31] Checking for file '/etc/khubd.p2/.p2rc' [ Not found ]
  877. [12:58:31] Checking for file '/etc/khubd.p2/.phalanx2' [ Not found ]
  878. [12:58:31] Checking for file '/etc/khubd.p2/.sniff' [ Not found ]
  879. [12:58:31] Checking for file '/etc/khubd.p2/' [ Not found ]
  880. [12:58:31] Checking for file '/etc/lolzz.p2/.p2rc' [ Not found ]
  881. [12:58:31] Checking for file '/etc/lolzz.p2/.phalanx2' [ Not found ]
  882. [12:58:31] Checking for file '/etc/lolzz.p2/.sniff' [ Not found ]
  883. [12:58:31] Checking for file '/etc/lolzz.p2/' [ Not found ]
  884. [12:58:31] Checking for file '/etc/cron.d/zupzzplaceholder' [ Not found ]
  885. [12:58:31] Checking for file '/usr/lib/zupzz.p2/.p-2.3d' [ Not found ]
  886. [12:58:32] Checking for file '/usr/lib/zupzz.p2/.p2rc' [ Not found ]
  887. [12:58:32] Checking for directory '/etc/khubd.p2' [ Not found ]
  888. [12:58:32] Checking for directory '/etc/lolzz.p2' [ Not found ]
  889. [12:58:32] Checking for directory '/usr/lib/zupzz.p2' [ Not found ]
  890. [12:58:32] Phalanx2 Rootkit [ Not found ]
  891. [12:58:32]
  892. [12:58:32] Checking for Portacelo Rootkit...
  893. [12:58:32] Checking for file '/var/lib/.../.ak' [ Not found ]
  894. [12:58:32] Checking for file '/var/lib/.../.hk' [ Not found ]
  895. [12:58:32] Checking for file '/var/lib/.../.rs' [ Not found ]
  896. [12:58:32] Checking for file '/var/lib/.../.p' [ Not found ]
  897. [12:58:32] Checking for file '/var/lib/.../getty' [ Not found ]
  898. [12:58:32] Checking for file '/var/lib/.../lkt.o' [ Not found ]
  899. [12:58:32] Checking for file '/var/lib/.../show' [ Not found ]
  900. [12:58:32] Checking for file '/var/lib/.../nlkt.o' [ Not found ]
  901. [12:58:32] Checking for file '/var/lib/.../ssshrc' [ Not found ]
  902. [12:58:32] Checking for file '/var/lib/.../sssh_equiv' [ Not found ]
  903. [12:58:32] Checking for file '/var/lib/.../sssh_known_hosts' [ Not found ]
  904. [12:58:33] Checking for file '/var/lib/.../sssh_pid' [ Not found ]
  905. [12:58:33] Checking for file '~/.sssh/known_hosts' [ Not found ]
  906. [12:58:33] Portacelo Rootkit [ Not found ]
  907. [12:58:33]
  908. [12:58:33] Checking for R3dstorm Toolkit...
  909. [12:58:33] Checking for file '/var/log/tk02/see_all' [ Not found ]
  910. [12:58:33] Checking for file '/var/log/tk02/.scris' [ Not found ]
  911. [12:58:33] Checking for file '/bin/.../sshd/sbin/sshd1' [ Not found ]
  912. [12:58:33] Checking for file '/bin/.../hate/sk' [ Not found ]
  913. [12:58:33] Checking for file '/bin/.../see_all' [ Not found ]
  914. [12:58:33] Checking for directory '/var/log/tk02' [ Not found ]
  915. [12:58:33] Checking for directory '/var/log/tk02/old' [ Not found ]
  916. [12:58:33] Checking for directory '/bin/...' [ Not found ]
  917. [12:58:33] R3dstorm Toolkit [ Not found ]
  918. [12:58:33]
  919. [12:58:33] Checking for RH-Sharpe's Rootkit...
  920. [12:58:33] Checking for file '/bin/lps' [ Not found ]
  921. [12:58:33] Checking for file '/usr/bin/lpstree' [ Not found ]
  922. [12:58:33] Checking for file '/usr/bin/ltop' [ Not found ]
  923. [12:58:34] Checking for file '/usr/bin/lkillall' [ Not found ]
  924. [12:58:34] Checking for file '/usr/bin/ldu' [ Not found ]
  925. [12:58:34] Checking for file '/usr/bin/lnetstat' [ Not found ]
  926. [12:58:34] Checking for file '/usr/bin/wp' [ Not found ]
  927. [12:58:34] Checking for file '/usr/bin/shad' [ Not found ]
  928. [12:58:34] Checking for file '/usr/bin/vadim' [ Not found ]
  929. [12:58:34] Checking for file '/usr/bin/slice' [ Not found ]
  930. [12:58:34] Checking for file '/usr/bin/cleaner' [ Not found ]
  931. [12:58:34] Checking for file '/usr/include/rpcsvc/du' [ Not found ]
  932. [12:58:34] RH-Sharpe's Rootkit [ Not found ]
  933. [12:58:34]
  934. [12:58:34] Checking for RSHA's Rootkit...
  935. [12:58:34] Checking for file '/bin/kr4p' [ Not found ]
  936. [12:58:34] Checking for file '/usr/bin/n3tstat' [ Not found ]
  937. [12:58:34] Checking for file '/usr/bin/chsh2' [ Not found ]
  938. [12:58:34] Checking for file '/usr/bin/slice2' [ Not found ]
  939. [12:58:34] Checking for file '/usr/src/linux/arch/alpha/lib/.lib/.1proc' [ Not found ]
  940. [12:58:35] Checking for file '/etc/rc.d/arch/alpha/lib/.lib/.1addr' [ Not found ]
  941. [12:58:35] Checking for directory '/etc/rc.d/rsha' [ Not found ]
  942. [12:58:35] Checking for directory '/etc/rc.d/arch/alpha/lib/.lib' [ Not found ]
  943. [12:58:35] RSHA's Rootkit [ Not found ]
  944. [12:58:35]
  945. [12:58:35] Checking for Scalper Worm...
  946. [12:58:35] Checking for file '/tmp/.a' [ Not found ]
  947. [12:58:35] Checking for file '/tmp/.uua' [ Not found ]
  948. [12:58:35] Scalper Worm [ Not found ]
  949. [12:58:35]
  950. [12:58:35] Checking for Sebek LKM...
  951. [12:58:35] Checking for kernel symbol 'adore or sebek' [ Skipped ]
  952. [12:58:35] Sebek LKM [ Not found ]
  953. [12:58:35]
  954. [12:58:35] Checking for Shutdown Rootkit...
  955. [12:58:35] Checking for file '/usr/man/man5/.. /.dir/scannah/asus' [ Not found ]
  956. [12:58:35] Checking for file '/usr/man/man5/.. /.dir/see' [ Not found ]
  957. [12:58:35] Checking for file '/usr/man/man5/.. /.dir/nscd' [ Not found ]
  958. [12:58:35] Checking for file '/usr/man/man5/.. /.dir/alpd' [ Not found ]
  959. [12:58:36] Checking for file '/etc/rc.d/rc.local ' [ Not found ]
  960. [12:58:36] Checking for directory '/usr/man/man5/.. /.dir' [ Not found ]
  961. [12:58:36] Checking for directory '/usr/man/man5/.. /.dir/scannah' [ Not found ]
  962. [12:58:36] Checking for directory '/etc/rc.d/rc0.d/.. /.dir' [ Not found ]
  963. [12:58:36] Shutdown Rootkit [ Not found ]
  964. [12:58:36]
  965. [12:58:36] Checking for SHV4 Rootkit...
  966. [12:58:36] Checking for file '/etc/' [ Not found ]
  967. [12:58:36] Checking for file '/lib/' [ Not found ]
  968. [12:58:36] Checking for file '/lib/' [ Not found ]
  969. [12:58:36] Checking for file '/lib/libproc.a' [ Not found ]
  970. [12:58:36] Checking for file '/lib/' [ Not found ]
  971. [12:58:36] Checking for file '/lib/' [ Not found ]
  972. [12:58:36] Checking for file '/lib/' [ Not found ]
  973. [12:58:36] Checking for file '/lib/' [ Not found ]
  974. [12:58:36] Checking for file '/lib/security/.config/sshd' [ Not found ]
  975. [12:58:36] Checking for file '/lib/security/.config/ssh/ssh_host_key' [ Not found ]
  976. [12:58:37] Checking for file '/lib/security/.config/ssh/' [ Not found ]
  977. [12:58:37] Checking for file '/lib/security/.config/ssh/ssh_random_seed' [ Not found ]
  978. [12:58:37] Checking for file '/usr/include/file.h' [ Not found ]
  979. [12:58:37] Checking for file '/usr/include/hosts.h' [ Not found ]
  980. [12:58:37] Checking for file '/usr/include/' [ Not found ]
  981. [12:58:37] Checking for file '/usr/include/log.h' [ Not found ]
  982. [12:58:37] Checking for file '/usr/include/proc.h' [ Not found ]
  983. [12:58:37] Checking for file '/usr/sbin/xntps' [ Not found ]
  984. [12:58:37] Checking for file '/dev/srd0' [ Not found ]
  985. [12:58:37] Checking for directory '/lib/' [ Not found ]
  986. [12:58:37] Checking for directory '/lib/security/.config' [ Not found ]
  987. [12:58:37] Checking for directory '/lib/security/.config/ssh' [ Not found ]
  988. [12:58:37] SHV4 Rootkit [ Not found ]
  989. [12:58:37]
  990. [12:58:37] Checking for SHV5 Rootkit...
  991. [12:58:37] Checking for file '/etc/sh.conf' [ Not found ]
  992. [12:58:37] Checking for file '/lib/libproc.a' [ Not found ]
  993. [12:58:38] Checking for file '/lib/' [ Not found ]
  994. [12:58:38] Checking for file '/lib/' [ Not found ]
  995. [12:58:38] Checking for file '/lib/' [ Not found ]
  996. [12:58:38] Checking for file '/usr/include/file.h' [ Not found ]
  997. [12:58:38] Checking for file '/usr/include/hosts.h' [ Not found ]
  998. [12:58:38] Checking for file '/usr/include/log.h' [ Not found ]
  999. [12:58:38] Checking for file '/usr/include/proc.h' [ Not found ]
  1000. [12:58:38] Checking for file '/lib/' [ Not found ]
  1001. [12:58:38] Checking for file '/lib/' [ Not found ]
  1002. [12:58:38] Checking for file '/lib/' [ Not found ]
  1003. [12:58:38] Checking for file '/lib/' [ Not found ]
  1004. [12:58:38] Checking for file '/usr/lib/libsh/.bashrc' [ Not found ]
  1005. [12:58:38] Checking for file '/usr/lib/libsh/shsb' [ Not found ]
  1006. [12:58:38] Checking for file '/usr/lib/libsh/hide' [ Not found ]
  1007. [12:58:38] Checking for file '/usr/lib/libsh/.sniff/shsniff' [ Not found ]
  1008. [12:58:38] Checking for file '/usr/lib/libsh/.sniff/shp' [ Not found ]
  1009. [12:58:38] Checking for file '/dev/srd0' [ Not found ]
  1010. [12:58:39] Checking for directory '/lib/' [ Not found ]
  1011. [12:58:39] Checking for directory '/usr/lib/libsh' [ Not found ]
  1012. [12:58:39] Checking for directory '/usr/lib/libsh/utilz' [ Not found ]
  1013. [12:58:39] Checking for directory '/usr/lib/libsh/.backup' [ Not found ]
  1014. [12:58:39] SHV5 Rootkit [ Not found ]
  1015. [12:58:39]
  1016. [12:58:39] Checking for Sin Rootkit...
  1017. [12:58:39] Checking for file '/dev/.haos/haos1/.f/Denyed' [ Not found ]
  1018. [12:58:39] Checking for file '/dev/ttyoa' [ Not found ]
  1019. [12:58:39] Checking for file '/dev/ttyof' [ Not found ]
  1020. [12:58:39] Checking for file '/dev/ttyop' [ Not found ]
  1021. [12:58:39] Checking for file '/dev/ttyos' [ Not found ]
  1022. [12:58:39] Checking for file '/usr/lib/.lib' [ Not found ]
  1023. [12:58:39] Checking for file '/usr/lib/sn/.X' [ Not found ]
  1024. [12:58:39] Checking for file '/usr/lib/sn/.sys' [ Not found ]
  1025. [12:58:39] Checking for file '/usr/lib/ld/.X' [ Not found ]
  1026. [12:58:39] Checking for file '/usr/man/man1/...' [ Not found ]
  1027. [12:58:40] Checking for file '/usr/man/man1/.../.m' [ Not found ]
  1028. [12:58:40] Checking for file '/usr/man/man1/.../.w' [ Not found ]
  1029. [12:58:40] Checking for directory '/usr/lib/sn' [ Not found ]
  1030. [12:58:40] Checking for directory '/usr/lib/man1/...' [ Not found ]
  1031. [12:58:40] Checking for directory '/dev/.haos' [ Not found ]
  1032. [12:58:40] Sin Rootkit [ Not found ]
  1033. [12:58:40]
  1034. [12:58:40] Checking for Slapper Worm...
  1035. [12:58:40] Checking for file '/tmp/.bugtraq' [ Not found ]
  1036. [12:58:40] Checking for file '/tmp/.uubugtraq' [ Not found ]
  1037. [12:58:40] Checking for file '/tmp/.bugtraq.c' [ Not found ]
  1038. [12:58:40] Checking for file '/tmp/httpd' [ Not found ]
  1039. [12:58:40] Checking for file '/tmp/.unlock' [ Not found ]
  1040. [12:58:40] Checking for file '/tmp/update' [ Not found ]
  1041. [12:58:40] Checking for file '/tmp/.cinik' [ Not found ]
  1042. [12:58:40] Checking for file '/tmp/.b' [ Not found ]
  1043. [12:58:40] Slapper Worm [ Not found ]
  1044. [12:58:40]
  1045. [12:58:40] Checking for Sneakin Rootkit...
  1046. [12:58:41] Checking for directory '/tmp/.X11-unix/.../rk' [ Not found ]
  1047. [12:58:41] Sneakin Rootkit [ Not found ]
  1048. [12:58:41]
  1049. [12:58:41] Checking for 'Spanish' Rootkit...
  1050. [12:58:41] Checking for file '/dev/ptyq' [ Not found ]
  1051. [12:58:41] Checking for file '/bin/ad' [ Not found ]
  1052. [12:58:41] Checking for file '/bin/ava' [ Not found ]
  1053. [12:58:41] Checking for file '/bin/server' [ Not found ]
  1054. [12:58:41] Checking for file '/usr/sbin/rescue' [ Not found ]
  1055. [12:58:41] Checking for file '/usr/share/.../chrps' [ Not found ]
  1056. [12:58:41] Checking for file '/usr/share/.../chrifconfig' [ Not found ]
  1057. [12:58:41] Checking for file '/usr/share/.../netstat' [ Not found ]
  1058. [12:58:41] Checking for file '/usr/share/.../linsniffer' [ Not found ]
  1059. [12:58:41] Checking for file '/usr/share/.../charbd' [ Not found ]
  1060. [12:58:41] Checking for file '/usr/share/.../charbd2' [ Not found ]
  1061. [12:58:41] Checking for file '/usr/share/.../charbd3' [ Not found ]
  1062. [12:58:41] Checking for file '/usr/share/.../charbd4' [ Not found ]
  1063. [12:58:42] Checking for file '/usr/man/tmp/update.tgz' [ Not found ]
  1064. [12:58:42] Checking for file '/var/lib/rpm/db.rpm' [ Not found ]
  1065. [12:58:42] Checking for file '/var/cache/man/.cat' [ Not found ]
  1066. [12:58:42] Checking for file '/var/spool/lpd/remote/.lpq' [ Not found ]
  1067. [12:58:42] Checking for directory '/usr/share/...' [ Not found ]
  1068. [12:58:42] 'Spanish' Rootkit [ Not found ]
  1069. [12:58:42]
  1070. [12:58:42] Checking for Suckit Rootkit...
  1071. [12:58:42] Checking for file '/sbin/initsk12' [ Not found ]
  1072. [12:58:42] Checking for file '/sbin/initxrk' [ Not found ]
  1073. [12:58:42] Checking for file '/usr/bin/null' [ Not found ]
  1074. [12:58:42] Checking for file '/usr/share/locale/sk/.sk12/sk' [ Not found ]
  1075. [12:58:42] Checking for file '/etc/rc.d/rc0.d/S23kmdac' [ Not found ]
  1076. [12:58:42] Checking for file '/etc/rc.d/rc1.d/S23kmdac' [ Not found ]
  1077. [12:58:42] Checking for file '/etc/rc.d/rc2.d/S23kmdac' [ Not found ]
  1078. [12:58:42] Checking for file '/etc/rc.d/rc3.d/S23kmdac' [ Not found ]
  1079. [12:58:43] Checking for file '/etc/rc.d/rc4.d/S23kmdac' [ Not found ]
  1080. [12:58:43] Checking for file '/etc/rc.d/rc5.d/S23kmdac' [ Not found ]
  1081. [12:58:43] Checking for file '/etc/rc.d/rc6.d/S23kmdac' [ Not found ]
  1082. [12:58:43] Checking for directory '/dev/sdhu0/tehdrakg' [ Not found ]
  1083. [12:58:43] Checking for directory '/etc/.MG' [ Not found ]
  1084. [12:58:43] Checking for directory '/usr/share/locale/sk/.sk12' [ Not found ]
  1085. [12:58:43] Checking for directory '/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/i386-linux/auto/TimeDate/.packlist' [ Not found ]
  1086. [12:58:43] Suckit Rootkit [ Not found ]
  1087. [12:58:43]
  1088. [12:58:43] Checking for Superkit Rootkit...
  1089. [12:58:43] Checking for file '/usr/man/.sman/sk/backsh' [ Not found ]
  1090. [12:58:43] Checking for file '/usr/man/.sman/sk/izbtrag' [ Not found ]
  1091. [12:58:43] Checking for file '/usr/man/.sman/sk/sksniff' [ Not found ]
  1092. [12:58:43] Checking for file '/var/www/cgi-bin/cgiback.cgi' [ Not found ]
  1093. [12:58:43] Checking for directory '/usr/man/.sman/sk' [ Not found ]
  1094. [12:58:43] Superkit Rootkit [ Not found ]
  1095. [12:58:43]
  1096. [12:58:43] Checking for TBD (Telnet BackDoor)...
  1097. [12:58:44] Checking for file '/usr/lib/.tbd' [ Not found ]
  1098. [12:58:44] TBD (Telnet BackDoor) [ Not found ]
  1099. [12:58:44]
  1100. [12:58:44] Checking for TeLeKiT Rootkit...
  1101. [12:58:44] Checking for file '/usr/man/man3/.../TeLeKiT/bin/sniff' [ Not found ]
  1102. [12:58:44] Checking for file '/usr/man/man3/.../TeLeKiT/bin/telnetd' [ Not found ]
  1103. [12:58:44] Checking for file '/usr/man/man3/.../TeLeKiT/bin/teleulo' [ Not found ]
  1104. [12:58:44] Checking for file '/usr/man/man3/.../cl' [ Not found ]
  1105. [12:58:44] Checking for file '/dev/ptyr' [ Not found ]
  1106. [12:58:44] Checking for file '/dev/ptyp' [ Not found ]
  1107. [12:58:44] Checking for file '/dev/ptyq' [ Not found ]
  1108. [12:58:44] Checking for file '/dev/hda06' [ Not found ]
  1109. [12:58:44] Checking for file '/usr/info/' [ Not found ]
  1110. [12:58:44] Checking for directory '/usr/man/man3/...' [ Not found ]
  1111. [12:58:44] Checking for directory '/usr/man/man3/.../lsniff' [ Not found ]
  1112. [12:58:44] Checking for directory '/usr/man/man3/.../TeLeKiT' [ Not found ]
  1113. [12:58:44] TeLeKiT Rootkit [ Not found ]
  1114. [12:58:44]
  1115. [12:58:44] Checking for Togroot Rootkit...
  1116. [12:58:45] Checking for file '/System/Library/Extensions/Togroot.kext/Contents/Info.plist' [ Not found ]
  1117. [12:58:45] Checking for file '/System/Library/Extensions/Togroot.kext/Contents/pbdevelopment.plist' [ Not found ]
  1118. [12:58:45] Checking for file '/System/Library/Extensions/Togroot.kext/Contents/MacOS/togrootkext' [ Not found ]
  1119. [12:58:45] Checking for directory '/System/Library/Extensions/Togroot.kext' [ Not found ]
  1120. [12:58:45] Checking for directory '/System/Library/Extensions/Togroot.kext/Contents' [ Not found ]
  1121. [12:58:45] Checking for directory '/System/Library/Extensions/Togroot.kext/Contents/MacOS' [ Not found ]
  1122. [12:58:45] Togroot Rootkit [ Not found ]
  1123. [12:58:45]
  1124. [12:58:45] Checking for T0rn Rootkit...
  1125. [12:58:45] Checking for file '/dev/.lib/lib/lib/t0rns' [ Not found ]
  1126. [12:58:45] Checking for file '/dev/.lib/lib/lib/du' [ Not found ]
  1127. [12:58:45] Checking for file '/dev/.lib/lib/lib/ls' [ Not found ]
  1128. [12:58:45] Checking for file '/dev/.lib/lib/lib/t0rnsb' [ Not found ]
  1129. [12:58:45] Checking for file '/dev/.lib/lib/lib/ps' [ Not found ]
  1130. [12:58:45] Checking for file '/dev/.lib/lib/lib/t0rnp' [ Not found ]
  1131. [12:58:45] Checking for file '/dev/.lib/lib/lib/find' [ Not found ]
  1132. [12:58:45] Checking for file '/dev/.lib/lib/lib/ifconfig' [ Not found ]
  1133. [12:58:46] Checking for file '/dev/.lib/lib/lib/pg' [ Not found ]
  1134. [12:58:46] Checking for file '/dev/.lib/lib/lib/ssh.tgz' [ Not found ]
  1135. [12:58:46] Checking for file '/dev/.lib/lib/lib/top' [ Not found ]
  1136. [12:58:46] Checking for file '/dev/.lib/lib/lib/sz' [ Not found ]
  1137. [12:58:46] Checking for file '/dev/.lib/lib/lib/login' [ Not found ]
  1138. [12:58:46] Checking for file '/dev/.lib/lib/lib/in.fingerd' [ Not found ]
  1139. [12:58:46] Checking for file '/dev/.lib/lib/lib/' [ Not found ]
  1140. [12:58:46] Checking for file '/dev/.lib/lib/lib/pstree' [ Not found ]
  1141. [12:58:46] Checking for file '/dev/.lib/lib/lib/in.telnetd' [ Not found ]
  1142. [12:58:46] Checking for file '/dev/.lib/lib/lib/mjy' [ Not found ]
  1143. [12:58:46] Checking for file '/dev/.lib/lib/lib/sush' [ Not found ]
  1144. [12:58:46] Checking for file '/dev/.lib/lib/lib/tfn' [ Not found ]
  1145. [12:58:46] Checking for file '/dev/.lib/lib/lib/name' [ Not found ]
  1146. [12:58:46] Checking for file '/dev/.lib/lib/lib/' [ Not found ]
  1147. [12:58:46] Checking for file '/usr/info/.torn/sh*' [ Not found ]
  1148. [12:58:46] Checking for file '/usr/src/.puta/.1addr' [ Not found ]
  1149. [12:58:46] Checking for file '/usr/src/.puta/.1file' [ Not found ]
  1150. [12:58:47] Checking for file '/usr/src/.puta/.1proc' [ Not found ]
  1151. [12:58:47] Checking for file '/usr/src/.puta/.1logz' [ Not found ]
  1152. [12:58:47] Checking for file '/usr/info/.t0rn' [ Not found ]
  1153. [12:58:47] Checking for directory '/dev/.lib' [ Not found ]
  1154. [12:58:47] Checking for directory '/dev/.lib/lib' [ Not found ]
  1155. [12:58:47] Checking for directory '/dev/.lib/lib/lib' [ Not found ]
  1156. [12:58:47] Checking for directory '/dev/.lib/lib/lib/dev' [ Not found ]
  1157. [12:58:47] Checking for directory '/dev/.lib/lib/scan' [ Not found ]
  1158. [12:58:47] Checking for directory '/usr/src/.puta' [ Not found ]
  1159. [12:58:47] Checking for directory '/usr/man/man1/man1' [ Not found ]
  1160. [12:58:47] Checking for directory '/usr/man/man1/man1/lib' [ Not found ]
  1161. [12:58:47] Checking for directory '/usr/man/man1/man1/lib/.lib' [ Not found ]
  1162. [12:58:47] Checking for directory '/usr/man/man1/man1/lib/.lib/.backup' [ Not found ]
  1163. [12:58:47] T0rn Rootkit [ Not found ]
  1164. [12:58:47]
  1165. [12:58:47] Checking for trNkit Rootkit...
  1166. [12:58:47] Checking for file '/usr/lib/' [ Not found ]
  1167. [12:58:48] Checking for file '/usr/lib/' [ Not found ]
  1168. [12:58:48] Checking for file '/dev/.ttpy/' [ Not found ]
  1169. [12:58:48] Checking for file '/dev/.ttpy/' [ Not found ]
  1170. [12:58:48] Checking for file '/dev/.ttpy/bupdu' [ Not found ]
  1171. [12:58:48] Checking for file '/dev/.ttpy/buloc' [ Not found ]
  1172. [12:58:48] Checking for file '/dev/.ttpy/buloc1' [ Not found ]
  1173. [12:58:48] Checking for file '/dev/.ttpy/buloc2' [ Not found ]
  1174. [12:58:48] Checking for file '/dev/.ttpy/stat' [ Not found ]
  1175. [12:58:48] Checking for file '/dev/.ttpy/backps' [ Not found ]
  1176. [12:58:48] Checking for file '/dev/.ttpy/tree' [ Not found ]
  1177. [12:58:48] Checking for file '/dev/.ttpy/topk' [ Not found ]
  1178. [12:58:48] Checking for file '/dev/.ttpy/wold' [ Not found ]
  1179. [12:58:48] Checking for file '/dev/.ttpy/whoold' [ Not found ]
  1180. [12:58:48] Checking for file '/dev/.ttpy/backdoors' [ Not found ]
  1181. [12:58:48] trNkit Rootkit [ Not found ]
  1182. [12:58:48]
  1183. [12:58:48] Checking for Trojanit Kit...
  1184. [12:58:48] Checking for file '/bin/.ls' [ Not found ]
  1185. [12:58:49] Checking for file '/bin/.ps' [ Not found ]
  1186. [12:58:49] Checking for file '/bin/.netstat' [ Not found ]
  1187. [12:58:49] Checking for file '/usr/bin/.nop' [ Not found ]
  1188. [12:58:49] Checking for file '/usr/bin/.who' [ Not found ]
  1189. [12:58:49] Trojanit Kit [ Not found ]
  1190. [12:58:49]
  1191. [12:58:49] Checking for Tuxtendo Rootkit...
  1192. [12:58:49] Checking for file '/lib/' [ Not found ]
  1193. [12:58:49] Checking for file '/usr/bin/xchk' [ Not found ]
  1194. [12:58:49] Checking for file '/usr/bin/xsf' [ Not found ]
  1195. [12:58:49] Checking for file '/dev/tux/suidsh' [ Not found ]
  1196. [12:58:49] Checking for file '/dev/tux/.addr' [ Not found ]
  1197. [12:58:49] Checking for file '/dev/tux/.cron' [ Not found ]
  1198. [12:58:49] Checking for file '/dev/tux/.file' [ Not found ]
  1199. [12:58:49] Checking for file '/dev/tux/.log' [ Not found ]
  1200. [12:58:49] Checking for file '/dev/tux/.proc' [ Not found ]
  1201. [12:58:49] Checking for file '/dev/tux/.iface' [ Not found ]
  1202. [12:58:50] Checking for file '/dev/tux/.pw' [ Not found ]
  1203. [12:58:50] Checking for file '/dev/tux/.df' [ Not found ]
  1204. [12:58:50] Checking for file '/dev/tux/.ssh' [ Not found ]
  1205. [12:58:50] Checking for file '/dev/tux/.tux' [ Not found ]
  1206. [12:58:50] Checking for file '/dev/tux/ssh2/sshd2_config' [ Not found ]
  1207. [12:58:50] Checking for file '/dev/tux/ssh2/hostkey' [ Not found ]
  1208. [12:58:50] Checking for file '/dev/tux/ssh2/' [ Not found ]
  1209. [12:58:50] Checking for file '/dev/tux/ssh2/logo' [ Not found ]
  1210. [12:58:50] Checking for file '/dev/tux/ssh2/random_seed' [ Not found ]
  1211. [12:58:50] Checking for file '/dev/tux/backup/crontab' [ Not found ]
  1212. [12:58:50] Checking for file '/dev/tux/backup/df' [ Not found ]
  1213. [12:58:50] Checking for file '/dev/tux/backup/dir' [ Not found ]
  1214. [12:58:50] Checking for file '/dev/tux/backup/find' [ Not found ]
  1215. [12:58:50] Checking for file '/dev/tux/backup/ifconfig' [ Not found ]
  1216. [12:58:50] Checking for file '/dev/tux/backup/locate' [ Not found ]
  1217. [12:58:50] Checking for file '/dev/tux/backup/netstat' [ Not found ]
  1218. [12:58:51] Checking for file '/dev/tux/backup/ps' [ Not found ]
  1219. [12:58:51] Checking for file '/dev/tux/backup/pstree' [ Not found ]
  1220. [12:58:51] Checking for file '/dev/tux/backup/syslogd' [ Not found ]
  1221. [12:58:51] Checking for file '/dev/tux/backup/tcpd' [ Not found ]
  1222. [12:58:51] Checking for file '/dev/tux/backup/top' [ Not found ]
  1223. [12:58:51] Checking for file '/dev/tux/backup/updatedb' [ Not found ]
  1224. [12:58:51] Checking for file '/dev/tux/backup/vdir' [ Not found ]
  1225. [12:58:51] Checking for directory '/dev/tux' [ Not found ]
  1226. [12:58:51] Checking for directory '/dev/tux/ssh2' [ Not found ]
  1227. [12:58:51] Checking for directory '/dev/tux/backup' [ Not found ]
  1228. [12:58:51] Tuxtendo Rootkit [ Not found ]
  1229. [12:58:51]
  1230. [12:58:51] Checking for URK Rootkit...
  1231. [12:58:51] Checking for file '/dev/prom/sn.l' [ Not found ]
  1232. [12:58:51] Checking for file '/usr/lib/' [ Not found ]
  1233. [12:58:51] Checking for file '/usr/lib/' [ Not found ]
  1234. [12:58:51] Checking for file '/dev/pts/01/uconf.inv' [ Not found ]
  1235. [12:58:51] Checking for file '/dev/pts/01/cleaner' [ Not found ]
  1236. [12:58:52] Checking for file '/dev/pts/01/bin/psniff' [ Not found ]
  1237. [12:58:52] Checking for file '/dev/pts/01/bin/du' [ Not found ]
  1238. [12:58:52] Checking for file '/dev/pts/01/bin/ls' [ Not found ]
  1239. [12:58:52] Checking for file '/dev/pts/01/bin/passwd' [ Not found ]
  1240. [12:58:52] Checking for file '/dev/pts/01/bin/ps' [ Not found ]
  1241. [12:58:52] Checking for file '/dev/pts/01/bin/psr' [ Not found ]
  1242. [12:58:52] Checking for file '/dev/pts/01/bin/su' [ Not found ]
  1243. [12:58:52] Checking for file '/dev/pts/01/bin/find' [ Not found ]
  1244. [12:58:52] Checking for file '/dev/pts/01/bin/netstat' [ Not found ]
  1245. [12:58:52] Checking for file '/dev/pts/01/bin/ping' [ Not found ]
  1246. [12:58:52] Checking for file '/dev/pts/01/bin/strings' [ Not found ]
  1247. [12:58:52] Checking for file '/dev/pts/01/bin/bash' [ Not found ]
  1248. [12:58:52] Checking for file '/usr/man/man1/xxxxxxbin/du' [ Not found ]
  1249. [12:58:52] Checking for file '/usr/man/man1/xxxxxxbin/ls' [ Not found ]
  1250. [12:58:52] Checking for file '/usr/man/man1/xxxxxxbin/passwd' [ Not found ]
  1251. [12:58:52] Checking for file '/usr/man/man1/xxxxxxbin/ps' [ Not found ]
  1252. [12:58:53] Checking for file '/usr/man/man1/xxxxxxbin/psr' [ Not found ]
  1253. [12:58:53] Checking for file '/usr/man/man1/xxxxxxbin/su' [ Not found ]
  1254. [12:58:53] Checking for file '/usr/man/man1/xxxxxxbin/find' [ Not found ]
  1255. [12:58:53] Checking for file '/usr/man/man1/xxxxxxbin/netstat' [ Not found ]
  1256. [12:58:53] Checking for file '/usr/man/man1/xxxxxxbin/ping' [ Not found ]
  1257. [12:58:53] Checking for file '/usr/man/man1/xxxxxxbin/strings' [ Not found ]
  1258. [12:58:53] Checking for file '/usr/man/man1/xxxxxxbin/bash' [ Not found ]
  1259. [12:58:53] Checking for file '/tmp/conf.inv' [ Not found ]
  1260. [12:58:53] Checking for directory '/dev/prom' [ Not found ]
  1261. [12:58:53] Checking for directory '/dev/pts/01' [ Not found ]
  1262. [12:58:53] Checking for directory '/dev/pts/01/bin' [ Not found ]
  1263. [12:58:53] Checking for directory '/usr/man/man1/xxxxxxbin' [ Not found ]
  1264. [12:58:53] URK Rootkit [ Not found ]
  1265. [12:58:53]
  1266. [12:58:53] Checking for Vampire Rootkit...
  1267. [12:58:53] Checking for kernel symbol 'new_getdents' [ Skipped ]
  1268. [12:58:53] Checking for kernel symbol 'old_getdents' [ Skipped ]
  1269. [12:58:53] Checking for kernel symbol 'should_hide_file_name' [ Skipped ]
  1270. [12:58:54] Checking for kernel symbol 'should_hide_task_name' [ Skipped ]
  1271. [12:58:54] Vampire Rootkit [ Not found ]
  1272. [12:58:54]
  1273. [12:58:54] Checking for VcKit Rootkit...
  1274. [12:58:54] Checking for directory '/usr/include/linux/modules/' [ Not found ]
  1275. [12:58:54] Checking for directory '/usr/include/linux/modules/' [ Not found ]
  1276. [12:58:54] VcKit Rootkit [ Not found ]
  1277. [12:58:54]
  1278. [12:58:54] Checking for Volc Rootkit...
  1279. [12:58:54] Checking for file '/usr/bin/volc' [ Not found ]
  1280. [12:58:54] Checking for file '/usr/lib/volc/backdoor/divine' [ Not found ]
  1281. [12:58:54] Checking for file '/usr/lib/volc/linsniff' [ Not found ]
  1282. [12:58:54] Checking for file '/etc/rc.d/rc1.d/S25sysconf' [ Not found ]
  1283. [12:58:54] Checking for file '/etc/rc.d/rc2.d/S25sysconf' [ Not found ]
  1284. [12:58:54] Checking for file '/etc/rc.d/rc3.d/S25sysconf' [ Not found ]
  1285. [12:58:54] Checking for file '/etc/rc.d/rc4.d/S25sysconf' [ Not found ]
  1286. [12:58:54] Checking for file '/etc/rc.d/rc5.d/S25sysconf' [ Not found ]
  1287. [12:58:54] Checking for directory '/var/spool/.recent' [ Not found ]
  1288. [12:58:54] Checking for directory '/var/spool/.recent/.files' [ Not found ]
  1289. [12:58:55] Checking for directory '/usr/lib/volc' [ Not found ]
  1290. [12:58:55] Checking for directory '/usr/lib/volc/backup' [ Not found ]
  1291. [12:58:55] Volc Rootkit [ Not found ]
  1292. [12:58:55]
  1293. [12:58:55] Checking for weaponX Rootkit...
  1294. [12:58:55] Checking for file '/System/Library/Extensions/WeaponX.kext' [ Not found ]
  1295. [12:58:55] Checking for directory '/tmp/...' [ Not found ]
  1296. [12:58:55] weaponX Rootkit [ Not found ]
  1297. [12:58:55]
  1298. [12:58:55] Checking for Xzibit Rootkit...
  1299. [12:58:55] Checking for file '/dev/dsx' [ Not found ]
  1300. [12:58:55] Checking for file '/dev/caca' [ Not found ]
  1301. [12:58:55] Checking for file '/dev/ida/.inet/linsniffer' [ Not found ]
  1302. [12:58:55] Checking for file '/dev/ida/.inet/logclear' [ Not found ]
  1303. [12:58:55] Checking for file '/dev/ida/.inet/sense' [ Not found ]
  1304. [12:58:55] Checking for file '/dev/ida/.inet/sl2' [ Not found ]
  1305. [12:58:55] Checking for file '/dev/ida/.inet/sshdu' [ Not found ]
  1306. [12:58:55] Checking for file '/dev/ida/.inet/s' [ Not found ]
  1307. [12:58:55] Checking for file '/dev/ida/.inet/ssh_host_key' [ Not found ]
  1308. [12:58:56] Checking for file '/dev/ida/.inet/ssh_random_seed' [ Not found ]
  1309. [12:58:56] Checking for file '/dev/ida/.inet/sl2new.c' [ Not found ]
  1310. [12:58:56] Checking for file '/dev/ida/.inet/tcp.log' [ Not found ]
  1311. [12:58:56] Checking for file '/home/httpd/cgi-bin/becys.cgi' [ Not found ]
  1312. [12:58:56] Checking for file '/usr/local/httpd/cgi-bin/becys.cgi' [ Not found ]
  1313. [12:58:56] Checking for file '/usr/local/apache/cgi-bin/becys.cgi' [ Not found ]
  1314. [12:58:56] Checking for file '/www/httpd/cgi-bin/becys.cgi' [ Not found ]
  1315. [12:58:56] Checking for file '/www/cgi-bin/becys.cgi' [ Not found ]
  1316. [12:58:56] Checking for directory '/dev/ida/.inet' [ Not found ]
  1317. [12:58:56] Xzibit Rootkit [ Not found ]
  1318. [12:58:56]
  1319. [12:58:56] Checking for zaRwT.KiT Rootkit...
  1320. [12:58:56] Checking for file '/dev/rd/s/sendmeil' [ Not found ]
  1321. [12:58:56] Checking for file '/dev/ttyf' [ Not found ]
  1322. [12:58:56] Checking for file '/dev/ttyp' [ Not found ]
  1323. [12:58:56] Checking for file '/dev/ttyn' [ Not found ]
  1324. [12:58:57] Checking for file '/rk/tulz' [ Not found ]
  1325. [12:58:57] Checking for directory '/rk' [ Not found ]
  1326. [12:58:57] Checking for directory '/dev/rd/s' [ Not found ]
  1327. [12:58:57] zaRwT.KiT Rootkit [ Not found ]
  1328. [12:58:57]
  1329. [12:58:57] Checking for ZK Rootkit...
  1330. [12:58:57] Checking for file '/usr/share/.zk/zk' [ Not found ]
  1331. [12:58:57] Checking for file '/usr/X11R6/.zk/xfs' [ Not found ]
  1332. [12:58:57] Checking for file '/usr/X11R6/.zk/echo' [ Not found ]
  1333. [12:58:57] Checking for file '/etc/' [ Not found ]
  1334. [12:58:57] Checking for file '/etc/sysconfig/console/load.zk' [ Not found ]
  1335. [12:58:57] Checking for directory '/usr/share/.zk' [ Not found ]
  1336. [12:58:57] Checking for directory '/usr/X11R6/.zk' [ Not found ]
  1337. [12:58:57] ZK Rootkit [ Not found ]
  1338. [12:58:59]
  1339. [12:58:59] Info: Starting test name 'additional_rkts'
  1340. [12:59:00] Performing additional rootkit checks
  1341. [12:59:00]
  1342. [12:59:00] Info: Starting test name 'possible_rkt_files'
  1343. [12:59:00] Performing check of possible rootkit files and directories
  1344. [12:59:00] Checking for file '/dev/sdr0' [ Not found ]
  1345. [12:59:00] Checking for file '/dev/pisu' [ Not found ]
  1346. [12:59:00] Checking for file '/dev/xdta' [ Not found ]
  1347. [12:59:00] Checking for file '/dev/saux' [ Not found ]
  1348. [12:59:00] Checking for file '/dev/hdx' [ Not found ]
  1349. [12:59:00] Checking for file '/dev/hdx1' [ Not found ]
  1350. [12:59:00] Checking for file '/dev/hdx2' [ Not found ]
  1351. [12:59:00] Checking for file '/dev/ptyy' [ Not found ]
  1352. [12:59:00] Checking for file '/dev/ptyu' [ Not found ]
  1353. [12:59:00] Checking for file '/dev/ptyv' [ Not found ]
  1354. [12:59:01] Checking for file '/dev/hdbb' [ Not found ]
  1355. [12:59:01] Checking for file '/tmp/.syshackfile' [ Not found ]
  1356. [12:59:01] Checking for file '/tmp/.bash_history' [ Not found ]
  1357. [12:59:01] Checking for file '/usr/info/.clib' [ Not found ]
  1358. [12:59:01] Checking for file '/usr/sbin/tcp.log' [ Not found ]
  1359. [12:59:01] Checking for file '/usr/bin/take/pid' [ Not found ]
  1360. [12:59:01] Checking for file '/sbin/create' [ Not found ]
  1361. [12:59:01] Checking for file '/dev/ttypz' [ Not found ]
  1362. [12:59:01] Checking for file '/var/log/tcp.log' [ Not found ]
  1363. [12:59:01] Checking for file '/usr/include/audit.h' [ Not found ]
  1364. [12:59:01] Checking for file '/usr/bin/sourcemask' [ Not found ]
  1365. [12:59:02] Checking for file '/usr/bin/ras2xm' [ Not found ]
  1366. [12:59:02] Checking for file '/dev/xmx' [ Not found ]
  1367. [12:59:02] Checking for file '/usr/sbin/gpm.root' [ Not found ]
  1368. [12:59:02] Checking for file '/bin/vobiscum' [ Not found ]
  1369. [12:59:02] Checking for file '/bin/psr' [ Not found ]
  1370. [12:59:02] Checking for file '/dev/kdx' [ Not found ]
  1371. [12:59:02] Checking for file '/dev/dkx' [ Not found ]
  1372. [12:59:02] Checking for file '/usr/sbin/sshd3' [ Not found ]
  1373. [12:59:02] Checking for file '/usr/sbin/jcd' [ Not found ]
  1374. [12:59:02] Checking for file '/etc/rc.d/init.d/jcd' [ Not found ]
  1375. [12:59:02] Checking for file '/usr/sbin/atd2' [ Not found ]
  1376. [12:59:03] Checking for file '/home/httpd/cgi-bin/linux.cgi' [ Not found ]
  1377. [12:59:03] Checking for file '/home/httpd/cgi-bin/psid' [ Not found ]
  1378. [12:59:03] Checking for file '/home/httpd/cgi-bin/void.cgi' [ Not found ]
  1379. [12:59:03] Checking for file '/etc/rc.d/init.d/system' [ Not found ]
  1380. [12:59:03] Checking for file '/etc/rc.d/rc3.d/S93users' [ Not found ]
  1381. [12:59:03] Checking for file '/tmp/.ush' [ Not found ]
  1382. [12:59:03] Checking for file '/usr/lib/' [ Not found ]
  1383. [12:59:03] Checking for file '/etc/cron.d/kmod' [ Not found ]
  1384. [12:59:03] Checking for file '/usr/lib/dmis/dmisd' [ Not found ]
  1385. [12:59:03] Checking for file '/lib/secure/' [ Not found ]
  1386. [12:59:03] Checking for file '/usr/sbin/sshd3' [ Not found ]
  1387. [12:59:03] Checking for file '/etc/rc.d/init.d/crontab' [ Not found ]
  1388. [12:59:04] Checking for file '/etc/rc.d/init.d/jcd' [ Not found ]
  1389. [12:59:04] Checking for file '/usr/sbin/atd2' [ Not found ]
  1390. [12:59:04] Checking for file '/etc/rc.d/rc5.d/S93users' [ Not found ]
  1391. [12:59:04] Checking for file '/usr/include/mysql/mysql.hh1' [ Not found ]
  1392. [12:59:04] Checking for file '/etc/init.d/xfs3' [ Not found ]
  1393. [12:59:04] Checking for file '/usr/sbin/t.txt' [ Not found ]
  1394. [12:59:04] Checking for file '/usr/sbin/change' [ Not found ]
  1395. [12:59:04] Checking for file '/usr/sbin/s' [ Not found ]
  1396. [12:59:04] Checking for file '/bin/f' [ Not found ]
  1397. [12:59:04] Checking for file '/bin/i' [ Not found ]
  1398. [12:59:04] Checking for file '/lib/' [ Not found ]
  1399. [12:59:05] Checking for file '/sbin/zinit' [ Not found ]
  1400. [12:59:05] Checking for file '/tmp/pass_ssh.log' [ Not found ]
  1401. [12:59:05] Checking for file '/usr/include/gpm2.h' [ Not found ]
  1402. [12:59:05] Checking for file '/etc/ssh/.sshd_auth' [ Not found ]
  1403. [12:59:05] Checking for file '/usr/lib/.sshd.h' [ Not found ]
  1404. [12:59:05] Checking for file '/var/run/.defunct' [ Not found ]
  1405. [12:59:05] Checking for file '/etc/httpd/run/.defunct' [ Not found ]
  1406. [12:59:05] Checking for file '/usr/share/pci.r' [ Not found ]
  1407. [12:59:05] Checking for file '/etc/cron.daily/dnsquery' [ Not found ]
  1408. [12:59:05] Checking for file '/usr/lib/' [ Not found ]
  1409. [12:59:05] Checking for file '/bin/ceva' [ Not found ]
  1410. [12:59:05] Checking for file '/sbin/syslogd ' [ Not found ]
  1411. [12:59:06] Checking for file '/usr/include/shup.h' [ Not found ]
  1412. [12:59:06] Checking for file '/etc/rpm/sshdOLD' [ Not found ]
  1413. [12:59:06] Checking for file '/etc/rpm/sshOLD' [ Not found ]
  1414. [12:59:06] Checking for file '/usr/share/passwd.h' [ Not found ]
  1415. [12:59:06] Checking for file '/lib/.xsyslog' [ Not found ]
  1416. [12:59:06] Checking for file '/etc/.xsyslog' [ Not found ]
  1417. [12:59:06] Checking for file '/lib/.ssyslog' [ Not found ]
  1418. [12:59:06] Checking for file '/tmp/.sendmail' [ Not found ]
  1419. [12:59:06] Checking for file '/usr/share/sshd.sync' [ Not found ]
  1420. [12:59:06] Checking for file '/bin/zcut' [ Not found ]
  1421. [12:59:06] Checking for file '/usr/bin/zmuie' [ Not found ]
  1422. [12:59:06] Checking for directory '/dev/ptyas' [ Not found ]
  1423. [12:59:07] Checking for directory '/usr/bin/take' [ Not found ]
  1424. [12:59:07] Checking for directory '/usr/src/.lib' [ Not found ]
  1425. [12:59:07] Checking for directory '/usr/share/man/man1/.1c' [ Not found ]
  1426. [12:59:07] Checking for directory '/lib/' [ Not found ]
  1427. [12:59:07] Checking for directory '/usr/sbin/...' [ Not found ]
  1428. [12:59:07] Checking for directory '/usr/share/.gun' [ Not found ]
  1429. [12:59:07] Checking for directory '/unde/vrei/tu/sa/te/ascunzi/in/server' [ Not found ]
  1430. [12:59:07] Checking for directory '/usr/man/man1/.. /.dir' [ Not found ]
  1431. [12:59:07] Checking for directory '/usr/X11R6/include/X11/...' [ Not found ]
  1432. [12:59:07] Checking for directory '/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/.fonts/misc/...' [ Not found ]
  1433. [12:59:07] Checking for directory '/tmp/.sys' [ Not found ]
  1434. [12:59:08] Checking for directory '/tmp/'' [ Not found ]
  1435. [12:59:08] Checking for directory '/tmp/.,' [ Not found ]
  1436. [12:59:08] Checking for directory '/tmp/,.,' [ Not found ]
  1437. [12:59:08] Checking for directory '/dev/shm/emilien' [ Not found ]
  1438. [12:59:08] Checking for directory '/var/tmp/.log' [ Not found ]
  1439. [12:59:08] Checking for directory '/tmp/zmeu/... ' [ Not found ]
  1440. [12:59:08] Checking for directory '/var/log/ssh' [ Not found ]
  1441. [12:59:08] Checking for directory '/dev/ida' [ Not found ]
  1442. [12:59:08] Checking for directory '/var/lib/games/.src/ssk/shit' [ Not found ]
  1443. [12:59:08] Checking for directory '/usr/lib/libshtift' [ Not found ]
  1444. [12:59:08] Checking for directory '/usr/src/.poop' [ Not found ]
  1445. [12:59:08] Checking for directory '/dev/wd4' [ Not found ]
  1446. [12:59:09] Checking for directory '/var/run/.tmp' [ Not found ]
  1447. [12:59:09] Checking for directory '/usr/man/man1/lib/.lib' [ Not found ]
  1448. [12:59:09] Checking for directory '/dev/portd' [ Not found ]
  1449. [12:59:09] Checking for directory '/dev/...' [ Not found ]
  1450. [12:59:09] Checking for directory '/usr/share/man/mansps' [ Not found ]
  1451. [12:59:09] Checking for directory '/lib/.so' [ Not found ]
  1452. [12:59:09] Checking for directory '/lib/.sso' [ Not found ]
  1453. [12:59:09] Checking for directory '/usr/include/sslv3' [ Not found ]
  1454. [12:59:09] Checking for directory '/dev/shm/sshd' [ Not found ]
  1455. [12:59:09] Checking for directory '/usr/share/locale/mk/.dev/sk' [ Not found ]
  1456. [12:59:09] Checking for directory '/usr/share/locale/mk/.dev' [ Not found ]
  1457. [12:59:09] Checking for directory '/usr/include/netda.h' [ Not found ]
  1458. [12:59:10] Checking for directory '/usr/include/.ssh' [ Not found ]
  1459. [12:59:10] Checking for directory '/usr/share/locale/jp/. ' [ Not found ]
  1460. [12:59:10] Checking for directory '/usr/share/.sqe' [ Not found ]
  1461. [12:59:10] Checking for possible rootkit files and directories [ None found ]
  1462. [12:59:10]
  1463. [12:59:10] Info: Starting test name 'possible_rkt_strings'
  1464. [12:59:10] Performing check for possible rootkit strings
  1465. [12:59:10] Info: Using system startup paths: /etc/rc.d /etc/rc.local /usr/local/etc/rc.d /usr/local/etc/rc.local /etc/conf.d/local.start /etc/init.d /etc/inittab
  1466. [12:59:10] Warning: Checking for possible rootkit strings [ Warning ]
  1467. [12:59:10] No system startup files found.
  1468. [12:59:10]
  1469. [12:59:10] Info: Starting test name 'malware'
  1470. [12:59:10] Performing malware checks
  1471. [12:59:10]
  1472. [12:59:10] Info: Test 'deleted_files' disabled at users request.
  1473. [12:59:10]
  1474. [12:59:10] Info: Starting test name 'running_procs'
  1475. [12:59:13] Checking running processes for suspicious files [ None found ]
  1476. [12:59:13]
  1477. [12:59:13] Info: Test 'hidden_procs' disabled at users request.
  1478. [12:59:13]
  1479. [12:59:13] Info: Test 'suspscan' disabled at users request.
  1480. [12:59:13]
  1481. [12:59:13] Info: Starting test name 'other_malware'
  1482. [12:59:13] Performing check for login backdoors
  1483. [12:59:13] Checking for '/bin/.login' [ Not found ]
  1484. [12:59:13] Checking for '/sbin/.login' [ Not found ]
  1485. [12:59:13] Checking for login backdoors [ None found ]
  1486. [12:59:13]
  1487. [12:59:13] Performing check for suspicious directories
  1488. [12:59:13] Checking for directory '/usr/X11R6/bin/.,/copy' [ Not found ]
  1489. [12:59:13] Checking for directory '/dev/rd/cdb' [ Not found ]
  1490. [12:59:13] Checking for suspicious directories [ None found ]
  1491. [12:59:14]
  1492. [12:59:14] Checking for software intrusions [ Skipped ]
  1493. [12:59:14] Info: Check skipped - tripwire not installed
  1494. [12:59:14]
  1495. [12:59:14] Performing check for sniffer log files
  1496. [12:59:14] Checking for file '/usr/lib/libice.log' [ Not found ]
  1497. [12:59:14] Checking for file '/dev/prom/sn.l' [ Not found ]
  1498. [12:59:14] Checking for file '/dev/fd/.88/zxsniff.log' [ Not found ]
  1499. [12:59:14] Checking for sniffer log files [ None found ]
  1500. [12:59:14]
  1501. [12:59:14] Info: Starting test name 'trojans'
  1502. [12:59:14] Performing trojan specific checks
  1503. [12:59:14] Checking for enabled inetd services [ Skipped ]
  1504. [12:59:14] Info: Check skipped - file '/etc/inetd.conf' does not exist.
  1505. [12:59:14]
  1506. [12:59:14] Performing check for enabled xinetd services
  1507. [12:59:14] Checking for enabled xinetd services [ Skipped ]
  1508. [12:59:14] Info: Check skipped - file '/etc/xinetd.conf' does not exist.
  1509. [12:59:14] Info: Apache backdoor check skipped: Apache modules and configuration directories not found.
  1510. [12:59:14]
  1511. [12:59:14] Info: Starting test name 'os_specific'
  1512. [12:59:14] Performing Darwin specific checks [ Skipped ]
  1513. [12:59:14] Info: No specific tests available
  1514. [13:00:07]
  1515. [13:00:07] Info: Starting test name 'network'
  1516. [13:00:07] Checking the network...
  1517. [13:00:07]
  1518. [13:00:07] Performing checks on the network ports
  1519. [13:00:07] Info: Starting test name 'ports'
  1520. [13:00:07] Performing check for backdoor ports
  1521. [13:00:07] Checking for TCP port 1524 [ Not found ]
  1522. [13:00:07] Checking for TCP port 1984 [ Not found ]
  1523. [13:00:07] Checking for UDP port 2001 [ Not found ]
  1524. [13:00:07] Checking for TCP port 2006 [ Not found ]
  1525. [13:00:08] Checking for TCP port 2128 [ Not found ]
  1526. [13:00:08] Checking for TCP port 6666 [ Not found ]
  1527. [13:00:08] Checking for TCP port 6667 [ Not found ]
  1528. [13:00:08] Checking for TCP port 6668 [ Not found ]
  1529. [13:00:08] Checking for TCP port 6669 [ Not found ]
  1530. [13:00:08] Checking for TCP port 7000 [ Not found ]
  1531. [13:00:08] Checking for TCP port 13000 [ Not found ]
  1532. [13:00:08] Checking for TCP port 14856 [ Not found ]
  1533. [13:00:08] Checking for TCP port 25000 [ Not found ]
  1534. [13:00:08] Checking for TCP port 29812 [ Not found ]
  1535. [13:00:08] Checking for TCP port 31337 [ Not found ]
  1536. [13:00:09] Checking for TCP port 32982 [ Not found ]
  1537. [13:00:09] Checking for TCP port 33369 [ Not found ]
  1538. [13:00:09] Checking for TCP port 47107 [ Not found ]
  1539. [13:00:09] Checking for TCP port 47018 [ Not found ]
  1540. [13:00:09] Checking for TCP port 60922 [ Not found ]
  1541. [13:00:09] Checking for TCP port 62883 [ Not found ]
  1542. [13:00:09] Checking for TCP port 65535 [ Not found ]
  1543. [13:00:09] Checking for backdoor ports [ None found ]
  1544. [13:00:09]
  1545. [13:00:09] Info: Test 'hidden_ports' disabled at users request.
  1546. [13:00:09]
  1547. [13:00:09] Performing checks on the network interfaces
  1548. [13:00:09] Info: Starting test name 'promisc'
  1549. [13:00:10] Checking for promiscuous interfaces [ None found ]
  1550. [13:00:10]
  1551. [13:00:10] Info: Test 'packet_cap_apps' disabled at users request.
  1552. [13:00:10]
  1553. [13:00:10] Info: Starting test name 'local_host'
  1554. [13:00:10] Checking the local host...
  1555. [13:00:10]
  1556. [13:00:10] Info: Starting test name 'startup_files'
  1557. [13:00:10] Performing system boot checks
  1558. [13:00:10] Checking for local host name [ Found ]
  1559. [13:00:10]
  1560. [13:00:10] Info: Starting test name 'startup_malware'
  1561. [13:00:10] Checking for system startup files [ Warning ]
  1562. [13:00:10] Warning: No system startup files found.
  1563. [13:00:10]
  1564. [13:00:10] Info: Starting test name 'group_accounts'
  1565. [13:00:10] Performing group and account checks
  1566. [13:00:10] Checking for passwd file [ Found ]
  1567. [13:00:10] Info: Found password file: /etc/passwd
  1568. [13:00:10] Info: Found the 'dscl' command: /usr/bin/dscl
  1569. [13:00:11] Checking for root equivalent (UID 0) accounts [ None found ]
  1570. [13:00:11] Info: Found shadow file: /etc/master.passwd
  1571. [13:00:11] Checking for passwordless accounts [ None found ]
  1572. [13:00:11]
  1573. [13:00:11] Info: Starting test name 'passwd_changes'
  1574. [13:00:11] Checking for passwd file changes [ None found ]
  1575. [13:00:11]
  1576. [13:00:11] Info: Starting test name 'group_changes'
  1577. [13:00:11] Checking for group file changes [ None found ]
  1578. [13:00:11] Checking root account shell history files [ None found ]
  1579. [13:00:11]
  1580. [13:00:11] Info: Starting test name 'system_configs'
  1581. [13:00:11] Performing system configuration file checks
  1582. [13:00:11] Checking for SSH configuration file [ Found ]
  1583. [13:00:11] Info: Found SSH configuration file: /etc/sshd_config
  1584. [13:00:11] Info: Rkhunter option ALLOW_SSH_ROOT_USER set to 'no'.
  1585. [13:00:11] Info: Rkhunter option ALLOW_SSH_PROT_V1 set to '0'.
  1586. [13:00:11] Checking if SSH root access is allowed [ Warning ]
  1587. [13:00:11] Warning: The SSH configuration option 'PermitRootLogin' has not been set.
  1588. The default value may be 'yes', to allow root access.
  1589. [13:00:12] Checking if SSH protocol v1 is allowed [ Warning ]
  1590. [13:00:12] Warning: The SSH configuration option 'Protocol' has not been set.
  1591. The default value may be '2,1', to allow the use of protocol version 1.
  1592. [13:00:12] Checking for running syslog daemon [ Found ]
  1593. [13:00:12] Info: Found syslog configuration file: /etc/syslog.conf
  1594. [13:00:12] Checking for syslog configuration file [ Found ]
  1595. [13:00:12] Checking if syslog remote logging is allowed [ Not allowed ]
  1596. [13:00:12]
  1597. [13:00:12] Info: Starting test name 'filesystem'
  1598. [13:00:12] Performing filesystem checks
  1599. [13:00:12] Info: SCAN_MODE_DEV set to 'THOROUGH'
  1600. [13:00:12] Checking /dev for suspicious file types [ None found ]
  1601. [13:00:13] Checking for hidden files and directories [ Warning ]
  1602. [13:00:13] Warning: Hidden file found: /usr/share/man/man5/.rhosts.5: troff or preprocessor input text
  1603. [13:01:01]
  1604. [13:01:01] Info: Starting test name 'apps'
  1605. [13:01:01] Checking application versions...
  1606. [13:01:03] Info: Application 'exim' not found.
  1607. [13:01:03] Info: Application 'gpg' not found.
  1608. [13:01:03] Checking version of Apache [ OK ]
  1609. [13:01:03] Info: Application 'httpd' version '2.2.22' found.
  1610. [13:01:03] Checking version of Bind DNS [ OK ]
  1611. [13:01:04] Info: Application 'named' version '9.8.3-P1' found.
  1612. [13:01:04] Checking version of OpenSSL [ OK ]
  1613. [13:01:04] Info: Application 'openssl' version '0.9.8r' found.
  1614. [13:01:04] Checking version of PHP [ OK ]
  1615. [13:01:04] Info: Application 'php' version '5.3.15' found.
  1616. [13:01:04] Checking version of Procmail MTA [ OK ]
  1617. [13:01:04] Info: Application 'procmail' version '3.22' found.
  1618. [13:01:04] Info: Application 'proftpd' not found.
  1619. [13:01:04] Checking version of OpenSSH [ OK ]
  1620. [13:01:04] Info: Application 'sshd' version '5.9p1' found.
  1621. [13:01:04] Info: Applications checked: 6 out of 9
  1622. [13:01:04]
  1623. [13:01:04] System checks summary
  1624. [13:01:04] =====================
  1625. [13:01:04]
  1626. [13:01:04] File properties checks...
  1627. [13:01:04] Required commands check failed
  1628. [13:01:04] Files checked: 90
  1629. [13:01:04] Suspect files: 3
  1630. [13:01:04]
  1631. [13:01:04] Rootkit checks...
  1632. [13:01:05] Rootkits checked : 195
  1633. [13:01:05] Possible rootkits: 1
  1634. [13:01:05] Rootkit names : Dica-Kit Rootkit
  1635. [13:01:05]
  1636. [13:01:05] Applications checks...
  1637. [13:01:05] Applications checked: 6
  1638. [13:01:05] Suspect applications: 0
  1639. [13:01:05]
  1640. [13:01:05] The system checks took: 10 minutes and 15 seconds
  1641. [13:01:05]
  1642. [13:01:05] Info: End date is Sat Dec 29 13:01:05 CET 2012
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