
Canondy One Shot

Aug 24th, 2013
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  1. >Be the delicious green apple Anon in Equestria, and living in your house made of candy. Your entire body was made of hard candy, from head, to delicious toe. So was your house, but not the same flavor.
  2. >Taking off you’re chocolate suit, gummy socks, and licorice tie, you hang it up in your closet, and go to shower.
  3. >The peppermint tiles of the bathroom make little squishes as you head over to the special nonstick shower. After a clean water bath, you dry off with a candy wrapper towel, and get dressed into some lounge clothing.
  4. >You head to the kitchen and serve yourself a big bowl of ice-cream. As you enter the living room, you can hear some commotion outside. As though something was scratching the outside of your house, with a sigh you head outside.
  5. >Slowly peaking out, you see nothing on your right and nothing to your left. Confused, you scratch your head when suddenly debris lands on your head. You look it over and realize its shavings of your hard candy house.
  6. >Looking straight up, three pegasi children are happily munching away at your paneling.
  7. “Hey! Stop it! Shoo! Go away!”
  8. >The kids keep eating it. Irritated, you retreat back inside, grab a Pocky broom, and storm outside. Swinging wildly at them, they naturally scatter, and fly off.
  9. “And stay out!”
  10. >Pissed, you look over the damage done to your wall. They ate a hole right into your house, leading to the attic.
  11. “Oh great.”
  12. >You knew what this meant, it was time to go visit HER.
  14. >As you walk through the town, mares and stallions alike look over you. Some mares lick their lips as you pass by, while some kids try and approach you. Such was life, everyone wanted a piece of you, in most cases literally.
  15. >Reaching Sugar Cube Corner, the doorbell rings as you can already spot the pink terror behind the counter. She has her back to you as she does busy work, “And how can I..WAHAHEYYY!!”
  16. *Sigh*
  17. >”Oh my gosh I promised I wouldn’t do that anymore but, I mean, you’re made of candy!”
  18. “Can I just speak to Mr. Cake?”
  19. >At this point she is lost in whatever fantasy is playing in her mind, as she simply stands there salivating and muttering odd things in an aroused tone.
  20. >Ignoring her, you walk on over to the back area, and spot Mr. Cake scooping up cup fulls of flour into smaller bags.
  21. “Mr. Cake?”
  22. >”Huh? Oh hey Anon, what brings you here so late in the evening?”
  23. “Some punk kids were eating my house again, they made a pretty big hole, do you think you could patch it up before night?”
  24. >”Gosh, I wish I could, but between the babies and our orders I don’t think I can make it over. I could send Pinkie Pie to do it, she’s real good with her hooves.”
  25. “No thanks, I’ll..just wait until you’re free.”
  26. >”Aw don’t be so considerate, she won’t mind helping you. Hey Pinkie Pie!”
  27. >Instantly she pops her head in, “Yeah, Mr. Cake?” and then she glances at you, and gives a big flirty smile, “And Anon~”
  28. >”Grab some candy bricks, gument, and some playster. You’re gonna do a little patch job for Anon’s house.”
  29. >*GASP!* Pinkie is ecstatic as she looks between you and Mr. Cake, “I’ll get my tool kit!”
  31. >Walking side by side with Pinkie skipping along, she continues to talk nonstop while you TRY to tune her out, “..and I always wanted to live in a candy house but I always kept eating the foundation, and then I would get a really bad tummy ache and Mrs. Cake always had to tuck me in and rub my belly with an egg, isn’t that the silliest thing? But it always made me feel better, especially when you rest your stomach on a pillow or something. Do you get tummy aches? Do you even have a tummy? What do you eat? If you eat candy is that like cannibalism, or candybalism?”
  32. “No.”
  33. >”To which question? I asked 5.” She continues to skip along waiting for a reply, but you hold out hoping she will stop talking. Finally your house is in sight, thankfully the kids didn’t come back, “Is that your house?! It’s even more beautiful than Mr. Cake said! And way more tasty looking!”
  34. >You can tell she wants to rush right into it, but keeps her composure and stays by you. Reaching into your pockets, you pull out a set of gummy keys that you stick into the keyhole. Opening it, Pinkie tries to go in, but you stop her.
  35. “My house is different than your house; we take our shoes off BEFORE going in.”
  36. >You reach down and pull off one of your hard chocolate shoes, placing the exposed foot in the house, you remove the other and place the dirty shoes into a giant empty food box.
  37. >Pinkie follows your lead, and removes all of her horseshoes before fully entering your house. Tossing them into the box, she instantly begins to scan your home. Taking in a deep inhale, she exhales pure ecstasy. “Ahhhh~ It even smells wonderful.”
  38. “C’mon, I gotta show ya the hole.”
  39. >”Okie dokie.”
  40. >Pinkie begins to trot behind you as she continues to observe your home, “Is everything here made out of candy?”
  41. “Mostly everything.”
  42. >”How does it not go bad?”
  43. “Mr. Cake orders a special type of candy that is enchanted with a spell.”
  44. >”Oh, and how about you?”
  45. “I’m just…different. Let’s leave it at that.”
  46. >Reaching a hallway, you jump up for the latch that will lead to the attic. In doing so, Pinkie looks around to kill time, opening a door, she goes into one of your rooms.
  47. >You notice.
  48. “Pinkie! Don’t go into my rooms!”
  49. >Going in after her, she stumbled onto your juice cellar. Going down the steps, you spot Pinkie with the biggest grin on her face, “Oh my gosh Anon! I never knew you were a juiceoholic like me!”
  50. “Huh?”
  51. >She runs up to a display case, and presses herself against the glass, ”Is that a limited edition grape Belchers? I thought they only made 100 of those, and is that a Fru-Fruity mock whine-wine?”
  52. “Yeah, for the winter collection, how do you know all this stuff?”
  53. >”Tsk, Why would I NOT know this stuff? Candy is awesome!” She gets back on all fours before taking one last look at all the juices, “Oh and ughh, sorry about coming in without permission, I just really find your house fascinating. So, I’m ready to fix that wall now!”
  54. >With the ladder extended down, Pinkie goes first up the steps into the attic. A noticeable draft can be felt in here, and its source can be found rather quickly. Pinkie trots over and sets her tools down, picking up some of the bricks, she begins to layer them.
  55. >In a few minutes the patch job was done, Pinkie wipes what little sweat accumulated, and sighs, “Welp, that should hold her.”
  56. “Thanks Pinkie.”
  57. >Going back down, you show Pinkie the door, and wave her goodbye. Going back upstairs, you repeat the same process over from a few hours ago. Time flew by, and it is now night.
  58. >Tucking yourself into bed, you wrap the taffy sheets around you, and rest.
  60. >In the middle of the night, you awake to the smacking, wet sounds of chewing, and moaning. The noise is coming from the kitchen. You slowly reach over, and grab the candy cane bat you keep by your bedside.
  61. >Getting off the bed, you slip into your chocolate bunny slippers, and slowly go to face this intruder.
  62. >Flicking on the flambé lights, you catch Princess Celestia eating the special cakes you had stored.
  63. “Those were one of-a-kind masterpieces from the Macintosh Monks!!”
  64. >Suddenly Luna picks herself up; her face is covered in red cherry sauce. She places an empty pie dish on the table, next to several other empty ones.
  65. “My pies!”
  66. >Now Princess Cadence comes into view from another room, her mouth is stuffed, and she is levitating a cookie jar.
  67. “Grandma’s cookie ashes!! You monsters!!!”
  68. >Now you feel another draft, and you look to see the wall has a huge hole in it.
  69. “Oh c’mon!! You ATE through the wall!?!?”
  70. >The three bolt, and fly off into the night as you chase them with the candy bat, throwing it at them; you fall to the ground and scream curses at them.
  72. >Sometime later, Pinkie is sitting in your living room, plastering the wall. For the past 4 days you have been living at her place, it was the only logical solution since your house had a huge hole in it.
  73. >Naturally the place was ransacked by both kids, and animals. The kids were swiftly punished, and identified since they were the only ones with distended bellies. Surprisingly, Pinkie was NOT one of the culprits.
  74. >All of your candy furniture was gone, and so was your giant juice collection, save for one bottle. Grabbing it, you walk over to Pinkie Pie as she finishes up. Dapping herself clean with a cloth, she looks up at you as you shake the bottle.
  75. “Wanna drink?”
  76. >In what is now the newly patched living room, you and Pinkie sit on some makeshift beanbags made of candy. Pinkie Pie smiles as she straddles it from left to right, “I never thought I’d just sit on candy, instead of eating it.”
  77. “You know, I had you all wrong.”
  78. >Pinkie continues to look around the beanbag in awe of its elasticness ”Why do you say that?
  79. “Most mares I’ve met are always so mellow until I bring them over. They always get so over excited about my stuff, and want to eat everything. You’ve been a complete opposite.”
  80. >Pinkie grins at the compliment, “That’s cause I’ve been surrounded by candy for years, I eat it so much I don’t feel a need to overindulge.”
  81. “Guess that makes sense.”
  82. >She sheeply looks away, and begins to twiddle her hooves, “But…if I can be honest..” You playfully roll your eyes and smile.
  83. “Sure, you can try it.”
  84. >Pinkie Pie dawns the biggest smile, before rolling over and taking a bit wet bite of the taffy bag. You can hear moans of satisfaction as her big cheeks chew swish, and gnaw on the candy.
  85. >Some spittle runs down the side of her mouth as she shudders in delight, before swalloing it all, “Oh Celestia~ That was AWEsome~”
  86. “Hahaha, yeah, my candy works differently than normal candy. Its flavor gets more robust, and juicy as time passes. Assuming no debris gets into it, its basically good forever.”
  87. >You could tell Pinkie Pie was not the least bit interested in what you had to say, she was to busy lusting over the candy that now sits beneath her.
  88. “Well, I can only think of one way to thank you, the beanbag is yours.”
  89. >*GASP* “Really?!” You smile at her, and give a nod. She explodes from her seat, and goes over to hug you tight, “Thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou MUWA~” She presses her lips over your cheek, and kisses you.
  90. >In her eyes you can tell something clicked, she brings a hoof over her lips and runs it along them, before she licks at them.
  91. >Holding you again, she leans in, and kisses you on the cheek again, but this time a little longer. Unknown to you, she grinds her back legs together in an effort to stimulate herself. Meanwhile she goes in for another kiss.
  92. “Pinkie..”
  93. >Not listening, she slowly caresses your lips with her own, biting down on them playfully before pulling back. Any doubts of a misinterpretation are clearly out the window now, as you slowly place your hands by her flanks.
  94. >Pinkie grinds herself on you as the two of you explore the other’s body. Pinkie begins to unbutton your suit, moving carefully so as not to damage the chocolate material.
  95. >With it opened up, you remove it as Pinkie nudges your taffy undershirt up. With your emerald candy chest exposed.
  96. >Pinkie places her hooves over you and take a moment to admire you’re perfectly chiseled abs, being made of candy did have its advantages.
  97. >Lowering her head to your chest, she gives you one long slow lick. Starting from above the belly button, to right before the neck, curling back in her tongue, she playfully bits down on your neck.
  98. >Grinding your candy flesh in-between her teeth, she occasionally sucks on you as she breathes in deep your scent.
  99. >As she enjoys herself, you think back to all the marefriends you had before, each one would always take a bite out of you, killing the mood. Now as Pinkie unknowingly goes about her test, you hope to whatever candy god in the sky will give you a break.
  100. >Pinkie can almost sense your uncertainty, and stops a moment to look at you. She smiles and licks her lips before smacking loudly “Whats wrong Anon? Am I going to fast? Or not fast enough?”
  101. “Sorry, just kinda out of it.”
  102. >”Well you just sit back, and let Pinkie do the riding.” Pushing you against the beanbag, she goes down on you and begins to remove your pants.” You grab hold of her head to stop her.
  103. “Pinkie, there’s something I need to tell you before we take this any further.”
  104. >”Ohmygosh, is there nothing down there? Cause I mean, there’s nothing wrong with that, we’ll find another way and..”
  105. “No, I have genitals, candy ones but you get the idea. It’s just…I have candy everything.”
  106. >Pinkie nods her head pretending to understand what that means, “Right, you’re made of candy.”
  107. “No, will yea, but everything is candy.”
  108. >”Okaaaaay.”
  109. *sigh* “I have candy semen.”
  110. >You can see her eyes shift between looking at you, and looking at your junk.
  111. “I don’t know what flavor, but its candy. The last mare I came in got a really bad infection cause of it. So we’re gonna have to use protection and..”
  112. >Pinkie is already fidgeting off your pants and boxers, not even bothering to care.
  113. “Pinkie!”
  114. >With your clothing gone, and candong exposed, Pinkie balances it up, and begins to go to town on it with her mouth. Sucking, and slurping, she takes long strokes form the base, to the tip.
  115. >In a matter of minutes you ejaculate into her mouth, your legs spasm as they wobble cum into her. Pinkie laps up every drop, before wincing and smacking her lips, “Sour! It’s sour!”
  116. “Oh candy god.”
  117. >Calming down, she continues to smack her lips, “You know, *smack* it’s also kinda sweet. First it’s sour, then it’s sweet. Hmmm, kinda like that candy.” You just listen to her as she laments her thoughts out loud “So, EVERYTHING about you is candy?”
  118. “H..haven’t seen a thing that wasn’t.”
  119. >”Even your, you know.”
  120. “My what?”
  121. >”Well you know, the stuff that you do after you ate like a really big meal and..”
  122. “Oh, oh yeah, that. Yeah, that’s candy too.”
  123. >Pinkie Pie grins, and bats her eyes at you ”Really now~ Well, in that case, things are gonna get a little more interesting.”
  125. >Something about what Pinkie said didn’t sit well with you. Sitting alone in the bathroom naked, you look around and take drinks of that smoothie Pinkie Pie made for you.
  126. >Suddenly she comes in with her mane in a ponytail, and goes over to the shower.
  127. >Walk in showers was something of a must for ponies, she slides open the door, and gets an idea of the size. “So Anon, how are you feeling?”
  128. “Pretty good, why?”
  129. >On cue, your stomach begins to gurgle. Clutching your tummy, you groan sickly as your ass begins to quiver.
  130. “Oh god.”
  131. >”Yipee! You’re ready!”
  132. “Hah I’m ready all right. Clear out Pinkie, this is gonna be big.”
  133. >”Oh Anon, you’re so silly~” She trots into the shower and gives a come hither type gesture, “Now get in here and show me just what ya got.”
  134. “Are you fucking crazy!? That’s gross!”
  135. >”What, why?”
  136. “Pinkie, seriously, I’m about to shit myself, get out of here.”
  137. >”But Anon, I was supposed to taste it.”
  138. “Why the fuck do you wanna taste it?! Its shit!”
  139. >”To you.”
  140. “Eh, I..oh god, I would’ve preferred a mare that wanted to eat me.”
  141. >Clenching your butt cheeks shut, you wobble to the toilet, but get grabbed by Pinkie Pie. She pulls you towards the shower, and you try your best not to shit yourself.
  142. “Pinkie! Let go!”
  143. >”Nuh uh, you didn’t say the magic word~”
  144. “PLEASE!!”
  145. >”Nope, not that one.”
  146. “Oh god, oh GOD!”
  147. >Pinkie presses her face into your ass and motorboats you, the sensation causes you to tense up even more. Your sphincter clenches up hard, but the torrent of tightly packed shit presses harder.
  148. >You try to break free, but cant risk letting yourself go in the process. Just as your feeling the sweet release of freedom, Pinkie inserts her tongue into your anus.
  149. >The firm, wet flesh nudges its way in, for a moment, time comes to a stop. Every detail on the wall, every speck of water in the sink, you can see it clearly, and vividly.
  150. >Before you know it, your bowels let loose all over her face. With a consistency of firm mud, brown “shit” smears over her face, and onto the ground.
  151. >The rancid sweet smell makes its way to your nostrils, and you cringe in disgust as you hear Pinkie tasting it.
  152. >”Chocolate~”
  153. “Oh god, I’m gonna be sick.”
  154. >”But Anon, this is CHOCOLATE frosting! This is the best thing ever! Do you KNOW how many cakes I could frost without spending a bit!?”
  155. “Who would frost a cake with their butt!?”
  156. >You turn around and see Pinkie cleaning her face of the literal chocolate shit, and you look away. Licking herself clean, she grabs you and turns you around, “Now for a little drink.”
  157. “I don’t think I can ever cum again after that.”
  158. >”Good thing I wasn’t talking about that.”
  159. “….No, no god dang way!”
  160. >”C’mon Anon! Don’t be greedy, I’m sure its just lemonade or something.”
  161. “No, just…no.”
  162. >”Please Anon?” She looks up at you with those big blue eyes, and on the verge of crying, you shake your head disgusted with what you are gonna do next.
  163. >You shamefully grab your dick, and slightly pick it up, Pinkie smiles widely as she waits for you to push it out.
  164. >With little nudges a steady stream of yellow piss comes streaming out, Pinkie tries to catch it in her mouth, but it hits her cheeks instead. Laughing happily, she closes her eyes and blindly tries to get it into her mouth.
  165. >Getting a decent fill, she tastes it, and wretches again, “Ugh! It taste like hot lemon extract!”
  166. >You aim away, and at the corner of the bath. All around you is mounds of shit, and piss. For Pinkie this was some exotic food play, for you, you scatted all over a mare you liked.
  167. >You turn the water on, and blast the piss, and shit away. Reluctanly using your feet, you scrape the floor of any foreign substances, and push it to the drain.
  168. >Pinkie helps you too, and goes under the water “This was fun; we gotta do it again some time.” You look forward at the wall as Pinkie cleans herself, deep in thought over how far from grace you have fallen.
  169. “…..”
  170. >”Anon?”
  171. “What Pinkie?”
  172. >”Thanks.”
  173. “…thanks for what?”
  174. >”For being the coolest coltfriend I ever had.” Getting one of your cleaning rags, she begins to wash your back as you ponder her words.
  176. >Much later, Pinkie Pie and her friends all chat up at Sugar Cube Corner. The door opens as you peek in.
  177. “Uhh, Pinkie?”
  178. >”Over here Anon!”
  179. >You enter holding a box of cupcakes, Pinkie hops off the chair and over to you, “You brought em, thanks!”
  180. “Yeah, so, uhhh, I’m gonna go.”
  181. >You close the door and Pinkie skips over to a cabinet. Applejack looks over as she opens the box, and takes out a cupcake, “Pass one of those bad boys my way Pinkie, ahm starvin.”
  182. >”Nope~”
  183. >”Ah, spoil sport, why ya always gotta hog them all tah yerself?”
  184. >Pinkie takes a bite of the chocolate cupcake, and gives her a shit eating grin, “Because Anon made these himself, just for me~”
  185. End
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