
Memebin Monday

Oct 13th, 2015
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  1. Here are some things I want to achieve at some point in my future:
  3. Get a run into a GDQ. I don't have the kind of money to just go because I want to go hang out and meet friends, if I'm gonna go I want to be there to do a run. Having a run in would help provide a reason to go.
  5. Get Mega Man Star Force up on SDA. So far every good run of Star Force I have, has some form of issue. Most of the issues being audio because capturing DS audio is insanely annoying. My audio cable is dumb and all of my laptops love to drop the connection to my DS so audio would either drop completely or change to single channel. All of my good runs have one of these issues and if they were done without said issues, I would have submitted the run to SDA. I plan to look into a new setup that will make capturing my DS more reliable.
  7. Get Mega Man Star Force 2 on SDA. This one is going to be painful. The run is so boring that I often find myself yawning after an hour. The run is just so easy since Tribe King hands every fight to you that it doesn't have the challenge that 1 and 3 has. I'll still try my best to get it up on SDA since I'm one of the only runners that is on console, everyone else is on emu.
  9. Get Mega Man Star Force 3 on SDA. Finishing out the trilogy, I want to get Any% and Any% With Cards on SDA. Any% With Cards is a Japanese exclusive category that uses some features that were taken out of the English version. Well not exactly taken out, just made inaccessible. Unlike 2, the 3rd game has challenge since it doesn't have Tribe King and you actually need to know things and have some form of skill to win fights. The Japanese run is pretty easy but it's very unique since it uses things called Noise Cards which have some cool effects on Mega Man and mixing and matching them results in different effects. You have to play Noise Cards like a hand in Poker since each card is a part of a suit. Playing a good hand results in a good boost in Mega Man's skills.
  11. Get Star Fox Command up on SDA. I promised Pottoww that I would push Command to low times then submit it to SDA and I plan to keep my word on this. Command is one of my favorite Star Fox games and it's one of the only Star Fox game where there isn't someone who could easily submit it instead of me. Sure Pottoww could since he's pretty damn good at Command but it's still something I'd like to do myself.
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